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On the extermination of pests. Zinegata, stay out.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:50 am
by Kaelik
I would like to remind everyone of the following obligatory rule:

"If you are asked by the Original Poster to stay out of a thread in the Title of the thread, then stay out of the thread. If you do not want a particular poster in your thread, include "(Name), please stay out." in the thread title."

So if it becomes especially egregious, like say, Pathfinder. The original poster can edit the restriction into the title, and poof, pest be gone. Or pest be banned. Just saying, this also solves the "Zinegata posts twice as often as everyone else combined, and every single one is just him trying his hardest to shit on the gaming den because he's a big baby" problem.

I don't like the idea of leaving Zinegata's footprints in thread titles any more than anyone else, And I just discovered how character limits change titles, as I can't even add "unwanted" on this post. It's just that some times drastic measures may be called for, and I thought I'd remind everyone of this unfortunate method of pest control.

Mostly, I'm tired of seeing dumb ass post ratings that don't add anything, and serve only the purpose of Zine thinking he is somehow damaging the Den, like we haven't dealt with stupid trolls before.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:56 am
by fbmf
[The Great Fence Builder Speaks]
Please see the Obligatory Rules Thread for a discussion of how to deal with the multiple posts per page issue.