Reputable Sources?

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Reputable Sources?

Post by fbmf »

FrankTrollman wrote:Could you at least pretend to get reputable news from somewhere instead of collecting everything from crank blogs?
This quote, from the inflation thread, is a sentiment I've seen many times on these boards over the years. It leads me to ask:

(A) In political discussion, what source are the left and the right going to agree is reputable?

(B) I have heard it said that the right-wingers on this board are to be pitied, because they are merely parroting what THEIR news sources have told them, and right wing news sources are all (or largely) lies. On the flip side, I'm sure the Right feels the Left-wing news sources are all (or largely) lying liars. How does each side know that they aren't being victimized by lies?

(C1) Who are the right wing commentators that are so far out in crazy land that the Right-wingers on this board are ashamed of them?

(C2) Who are the left wing commentators that are so far out in crazy land that the Left-wingers on this board are ashamed of them?

Game On,

PS (I am genuinely interested in answers to these questions, but I doubt the thread will last more than a page or so before I have to shut it down.)
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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by CatharzGodfoot »

fbmf wrote:(A) In political discussion, what source are the left and the right going to agree is reputable?
Probably nobody who expresses a strong opinion...
fbmf wrote:(B) I have heard it said that the right-wingers on this board are to be pitied, because they are merely parroting what THEIR news sources have told them, and right wing news sources are all (or largely) lies. On the flip side, I'm sure the Right feels the Left-wing news sources are all (or largely) lying liars. How does each side know that they aren't being victimized by lies?
Read as many news sources as possible and try to figure out which are full of shit. Don't bother with the bullshit and take everything else with salt. Try to find original sources as much as possible. The main problem is this requires some judgement and will have a confirmation bias.
fbmf wrote:(C2) Who are the left wing commentators that are so far out in crazy land that the Left-wingers on this board are ashamed of them?
Keith Olbermann comes to mind. He's crazy and opinionated enough to be fun to watch, and often vent[ed] legitimate public anger, but he's a guilty pleasure and sometimes just too much. I imagine that Republicans feel much the same about Rush Limbaugh.
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Post by RobbyPants »

fbmf wrote:(A) In political discussion, what source are the left and the right going to agree is reputable?
I personally like NPR, but I tend to hear it accused of liberal bias. So, this might not be a good source for this thread.

fbmf wrote:(B) I have heard it said that the right-wingers on this board are to be pitied, because they are merely parroting what THEIR news sources have told them, and right wing news sources are all (or largely) lies. On the flip side, I'm sure the Right feels the Left-wing news sources are all (or largely) lying liars. How does each side know that they aren't being victimized by lies?
Confirmation bias? I honestly don't know. I like to think I'm intellectually honest, but I could be easily kidding myself to make myself feel better.

fbmf wrote:(C2) Who are the left wing commentators that are so far out in crazy land that the Left-wingers on this board are ashamed of them?
I don't watch MSNBC to get any info. I can see why Catharz would mention Keith Olbermann. I tend to avoid any pundits, left or right leaning, because I like to think that I'm getting something closer to the truth.
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Post by fbmf »

I imagine that Republicans feel much the same about Rush Limbaugh.
For me, it's not so much Limbaugh as Levin. His frequent ad hominem attacks make it so I can't take him seriously.

Game On,
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Post by Gnosticism Is A Hoot »

Seeing Keith Olbermann put in the 'crazy left wing' category does not make sense. To me, 'crazy left wing' means Marxist-Leninist or SWP, not 'kind of centre-leftist and also sometimes overzealous'.

As for news sources that both sides consider reputable, well, the BBC has a generally ok reputation for fairness here in the UK. It gets occasional accusations of bias from the extreme wings of both sides, which I guess makes it pretty centrist.

EDIT: If you mean 'accepted by both sides in the United States', then the BBC obviously doesn't count.
Last edited by Gnosticism Is A Hoot on Tue May 10, 2011 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by Count Arioch the 28th »

fbmf wrote:
(B) I have heard it said that the right-wingers on this board are to be pitied, because they are merely parroting what THEIR news sources have told them, and right wing news sources are all (or largely) lies. On the flip side, I'm sure the Right feels the Left-wing news sources are all (or largely) lying liars. How does each side know that they aren't being victimized by lies?
That's a very hard question to answer. i see left-wingers on this very forum who are obviously parroting things they heard on TV or read on the intertubes and don't really know what they are saying. I trust myself least of all because I know that all the things that people do that anger me I am just as guilty of.

Basically, I keep in mind that less than 1% of Americans are worth more than 10 million dollars while 18% of our elected officials are worth more than that, and a wealthy person can't possibly understand what it's like to not be rich and have the world bowing and scraping to cater to their every whim.

EDIT: And both rich liberals and rich conservatives have both been well-documented to openly demand other people suffer and die for their whims.
Last edited by Count Arioch the 28th on Tue May 10, 2011 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by Username17 »

This is a good set of questions.
fbmf wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:Could you at least pretend to get reputable news from somewhere instead of collecting everything from crank blogs?
This quote, from the inflation thread, is a sentiment I've seen many times on these boards over the years. It leads me to ask:

(A) In political discussion, what source are the left and the right going to agree is reputable?
Depends on how far to the Right you go. ;)

In all seriousness, the Right Wing of US politics has basically entered the no-facts zone and has been that way for some time. Very recently Doom was parroting the gold bug conspiracy theory that the Bureau of Fucking Labor Statistics could not be trusted to provide cost and employment data. A while before that, Tzor was regurgitating the bizarre premise that the New York Times was a propaganda mill. Once your opponent has taken official internationally recognized records out of consideration, then there really isn't a lot to talk about.

On the flip side, it's well established that News Corp is full of crazy, and that consumers of its infotainment are misinformed about basically everything. And News Corp owns a lot of stuff now. The Wall Street Journal has always been a pro-capitalism rag, but it used to bother getting facts right. And it's not just News Corp. The Washington Post used to be a major journal that famously broke the Watergate scandal. But these days it runs "fact check" articles that find that Democrats aren't nice enough to Republicans (yes, really).

The news is so partisan these days that a lot of classic broadsheets are basically running "opinion differs on the shape of the Earth" articles of fake controversy between party hacks and crazy party hacks. And when I say "partisan" I don't mean "divided between left and right", because communists don't actually run any major newspapers. I mean "blatantly a mouthpiece for the increasingly small circle of extremely rich people who actually own news outlets".

And yet even in this environment, where mainstream newspapers argue whether conservative healthcare pipedream Romneycare is "too far" to the left compared to living in a libertarian test tube that has already been shown to have failed, even then the right wingers of the US think that the news is too slanted to the left. And so they seek out genuine madness like BigMedia to affirm their opinions that the world is being infiltrated by communist conspirators.

But to get back to your question, looking up government statistics, scientific studies, or the BBC is pretty damn impartial. The BBC actually has a strong UK-bias and was thus incredibly partisan on the issue of Zimbabwe's financial problems with the United Kingdom. But if you're talking about events that take place in like the United States or something, they are fairly, well, fair.
(B) I have heard it said that the right-wingers on this board are to be pitied, because they are merely parroting what THEIR news sources have told them, and right wing news sources are all (or largely) lies. On the flip side, I'm sure the Right feels the Left-wing news sources are all (or largely) lying liars. How does each side know that they aren't being victimized by lies?
You don't of course. The rabbit hole could go all the way down. The Bureau of Labor Statistics could be falsifying their data in some long running scheme to do... something. The different news outlets could have been in cahoots the whole time to plant any data they wanted. I mean fuck, as long as we're getting into radical skepticism, how do we know that there is even a Montenegro? I mean, I've been to Croatia, so I'm pretty sure it's there, but I don't think I've ever met someone from Montenegro.

Really what you have to look at is consistency of models. Does the thing that someone is saying make sense based on what they claim they believe? So let's look at some Pauls. Paul Ryan claims to be super worried about the deficit, but he wasn't worried about the deficit before there were social programs he wanted to cut, and he insists on piggy backing his spending cuts to giant tax cuts so there's no overall deficit reduction. Paul Krugman is a neo-Keynesian who believes in the modern equivalent of the biblical fat and lean calves deal. During good times, he should be suggesting running a surplus and paying down debt, and during economic crises he should be advocating more spending regardless of deficits. And that is what he does.

Now unfortunately, asking everyone to evaluate their pundits by asking to look at the math behind their predictions, claims, and demands is wholly unreasonable. But that genuinely is the only way you could be "sure". Paul Ryan is a flim-flam artist and every right wing pundit gibbering about how "serious" the damn thing is can only be illiterate, foolish, or a liar. But to really know that, you'd have to go to the primary documentation. There are people who will do that for you, but you'd have to trust them, which means going back to their numbers and so on. And so we are as a nation so fundamentally ill-informed that people want to keep the government hands off their medicare.
(C1) Who are the right wing commentators that are so far out in crazy land that the Right-wingers on this board are ashamed of them?
See, there's the problem. The Right Wing basically has no shame. Glenn Beck writes gibberish on a chalkboard connecting healthcare reforms created in conservative think tanks to communist infiltrators fighting for the anti-christ against mormon jesus and the right fucking loves the guy. Sarah Palin is a fucking embarrassment, but she has a large following and Tzor needs to clutch pearls and reach for smelling salts when people say insensitive things about her.

The only thing a rightwing commentator can do to get disavowed by the right wing is to go off message. If you admit that water boarding is torture or that global warming is probably real, right wingers will cast you out. But it doesn't actually matter how many times Rush Limbaugh shoots his mouth off, eventually the RNC chairman will apologize to him.
(C2) Who are the left wing commentators that are so far out in crazy land that the Left-wingers on this board are ashamed of them?
Well that's a problem. Truly Left views don't really get into American discourse. Like, at all. Keynesianism is moderately conservative and is by its nature a technocratic solution to keeping the free market reasonably free. And that's about as far "left" as things go. Krugman isn't a communist. To put this in perspective, let's imagine the kinds of left wing proposals there are to reform healthcare. We have single payer health insurance, we have national healthcare service (with or without adjunct private healthcare options), and we have dozens of examples of real working systems that do these things. Now let's consider the most conservative possible system for universal healthcare:
  • Everyone has to buy health insurance from the free market. Healthy people are not allowed to exclude themselves from the risk pool.
  • The free market providers of health insurance are not allowed to kick people out of the risk pool.
  • People who can't afford to buy healthcare from the free market still have to do so, so they get a voucher from the government that they use to buy something from the free market.
Right? That's the most right wing universal healthcare plan that it is possible to have. And that's Obamacare. That's the left wing option presented to Americans.

Now that being said, the Lague of Revolutionaries for a New America does put out a lunatic rantings paper from time to time. And the Huffington Post is often full of wooly-headed anti-scientific bullshit. But even those guys aren't as consistently wrong as Breitbart or even Sean Hannity.

But the bottom line is that left wingers in the United States are such because the facts themselves have a liberal bias, and these opinions persist in spite of the media being a multi-billion dollar distributor of conservative propaganda. What genuine left wing sources there are have been relegated to blogs and shit, and we have to double check that shit too.

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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by fbmf »

FrankTrollman wrote:Now let's consider the most conservative possible system for universal healthcare:
  • Everyone has to buy health insurance from the free market. Healthy people are not allowed to exclude themselves from the risk pool.
  • The free market providers of health insurance are not allowed to kick people out of the risk pool.
  • People who can't afford to buy healthcare from the free market still have to do so, so they get a voucher from the government that they use to buy something from the free market.
Right? That's the most right wing universal healthcare plan that it is possible to have. And that's Obamacare. That's the left wing option presented to Americans.
That example blows. The most conservative universal health care idea is NOT TO HAVE universal health care.

Any take on UHC is ipso facto leftist.

Game On,
Last edited by fbmf on Tue May 10, 2011 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by violence in the media »

fbmf wrote:(A) In political discussion, what source are the left and the right going to agree is reputable?
I don't know if there actually is one. Even still, it would require both sides to be willing to cede a position to the opposition in light of evidence, and I'm not optimistic enough to believe in that. I'm also just honest enough to recognise my own hypocrisy in that there are some social issues I won't back down on, even if the evidence showed that the earth would spin into the sun as a result.
(B) I have heard it said that the right-wingers on this board are to be pitied, because they are merely parroting what THEIR news sources have told them, and right wing news sources are all (or largely) lies. On the flip side, I'm sure the Right feels the Left-wing news sources are all (or largely) lying liars. How does each side know that they aren't being victimized by lies?
For me, my political affiliations are more a product of an inherent revulsion towards, and distrust of, many things the Right presents as good, just, and noble. I am very liberal in many respects, but I think of myself more as an anti-conservative. It is not in my personality to support what I agree with, so much as to oppose what I don't. In that respect, I know I can be a tool of the Powers That Be, as I make selections based more upon avoiding the (IMO) worst possible outcome than on any active preference on my part. I often wish for the capacity to cast a "nega-vote" for a particular candidate, essentially expressing my preference for literally anyone else on the ballot.

That's the only way I don't feel particularly lied to--I am in opposition to the actual things coming out of the actual mouths of actual conservatives.
(C2) Who are the left wing commentators that are so far out in crazy land that the Left-wingers on this board are ashamed of them?
I can't think of any off the top of my head. Then again, the right-wingers seem to have the lion's share of national-name blowhards. I mean, I can't think of someone that I would categorize as the liberal version of Limbaugh, Hannity, or Beck. I know NPR is "classified" as a liberal source, but can you really envision Diane Rehm or Terry Gross disparaging conservatives in a manner mirroring one of the 3 conservative commentators I mentioned? I don't watch Keith Olbermann at all, so I can't speak to him.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Gnosticism Is A Hoot wrote:Seeing Keith Olbermann put in the 'crazy left wing' category does not make sense. To me, 'crazy left wing' means Marxist-Leninist or SWP, not 'kind of centre-leftist and also sometimes overzealous'.
He isn't "crazy left wing". He's crazy and [as] Left Wing [as you'll find on US TV]. Extremely Left Wing doesn't necessarily equate with crazy at all.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Tue May 10, 2011 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by Username17 »

fbmf wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:Now let's consider the most conservative possible system for universal healthcare:
  • Everyone has to buy health insurance from the free market. Healthy people are not allowed to exclude themselves from the risk pool.
  • The free market providers of health insurance are not allowed to kick people out of the risk pool.
  • People who can't afford to buy healthcare from the free market still have to do so, so they get a voucher from the government that they use to buy something from the free market.
Right? That's the most right wing universal healthcare plan that it is possible to have. And that's Obamacare. That's the left wing option presented to Americans.
That example blows. The most conservative universal health care idea is NOT TO HAVE universal health care.

Any take on UHC is ipso facto leftist.

Game On,
You just Godwinned this discussion. Hard.

Or at least rendered it pointless. If you're going to classify Otto von Bismarck as an ipso facto leftist, you are no longer talking about words with real or consistent definitions.

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Post by tzor »

RobbyPants wrote:
fbmf wrote:(A) In political discussion, what source are the left and the right going to agree is reputable?
I personally like NPR, but I tend to hear it accused of liberal bias. So, this might not be a good source for this thread.
Yes, NPR has a definite liberal bias. It's one that has only gotten worse in recent years which is why I no longer am a paying supporter. But a bias is not a problem in and of itself; when you start to get a filter on news so that some items are not covered because of that liberal bias, you cross the line of journalism (especially when their flagship program claims to conisder "all things").

I may have my personal bias here, but I think Reuters is still a good source to trust.

For financial news, Bloomberg is a bit one the conservative side, but then again, I don't think you can have a business show and not be pro-business. Take with PRI's Marketplace if you want a full balance financial coverage. (Warning they tend to be Califorina light and fluffy heads.)

If you have SiriusXM, POTUS tends to go on both sides of the spectrum. Heck, I think they still have a few of those guys on the Endangered Species list, the Liberal talk show host.
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Post by sabs »

Just because NPR does not cover the liarliarpantsonfire lies that Faux News puts out and claims to be 'Fair and Balanced' does not mean it has a liberal bias.

For fucks sake, we've gotten to the point where saying the world is round is liberal bias.
The right keeps moving more and more to the right, and then saying, "look at those leftycommypinkos."

Reagan would lose the primary in 2011 for being a liberal california lamebrain socialist peacenik.
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Post by tzor »

sabs wrote:Just because NPR does not cover the liarliarpantsonfire lies that Faux News puts out and claims to be 'Fair and Balanced' does not mean it has a liberal bias.
My annoyance with NPR is not in its lack of coverage of items in FOX News. In fact a lot of things NPR doesn't consider is not considered by FOX as well (but who cares, I don't support them either).

NPR has extreeme bias in the choice of reporter for the Supreme Court coverage; to the point where NPR is just a shill for Planned Parenthood. They continue to push the false science of embryonic stem cell research and totally ignore all the major diseases that adult stem cell research is curing right here and right now.

NPR is basically run by a bunch of white, anti-semetic, femi-nazis, with major funding by the George (I'll short your ass and invest in Petrogras) Soros and the entire rich liberal Hollywood elite.

Now bias on non news commentary (with a purpose) I think is a great thing. I will defend David Sedaris as much as I will defend Glen Beck any day of the week, and probably lean a little more towards David.
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Post by Username17 »

tzor wrote: NPR has extreeme bias in the choice of reporter for the Supreme Court coverage; to the point where NPR is just a shill for Planned Parenthood. They continue to push the false science of embryonic stem cell research and totally ignore all the major diseases that adult stem cell research is curing right here and right now.
Uh... look dude, I have passed Embryology and Histology. I have a degree in Biology. I have participated in actual medical research. I am a primary fucking source on this shit. That thing you just said? It doesn't make any fucking sense. At all.

Adult stem cell research is based on embryonic stem cell research. No one is saying that we're going to make fetus farms to make stem cells. We're studying the chemical signals of embryonic stem cells so that we can make normal adult cells revert and do things that normally only stem cells do.

Embryonic stem cell research is not a "false science". And if you are excited about any of the advances in adult stem cell technology (as I am), then it's pretty fucking retarded to complain about the embryonic stem cell research that was in reality required to get the information to get those advances.

I think we can paste in pretty much any generalities about the scientific illiteracy of the right wing information outlets, because Tzor just made the point for us in a textbook perfect example.

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Post by PoliteNewb »

Frank wrote:In all seriousness, the Right Wing of US politics has basically entered the no-facts zone and has been that way for some time. Very recently Doom was parroting the gold bug conspiracy theory that the Bureau of Fucking Labor Statistics could not be trusted to provide cost and employment data. A while before that, Tzor was regurgitating the bizarre premise that the New York Times was a propaganda mill. Once your opponent has taken official internationally recognized records out of consideration, then there really isn't a lot to talk about.
I thought we were talking about serious political discussion, not a couple of dudes on an internet forum. How the fuck are Doom and Tzor representative of right-wing political thought?
Frank wrote:But to get back to your question, looking up government statistics, scientific studies, or the BBC is pretty damn impartial.
I can actually agree with this, with the possible exception of the first...I'll usually accept government sources, but will also usually look at the data and methodology.
Frank wrote:You just Godwinned this discussion. Hard.

Or at least rendered it pointless. If you're going to classify Otto von Bismarck as an ipso facto leftist, you are no longer talking about words with real or consistent definitions.
Bismarck favored progressivism, strong central government, and generous social reforms and welfare legislation. Hell, he was very similar to FDR in those respects. That doesn't sound right-wing to me, as most Americans define it.

I think people are using radically different definitions of "left wing" and "right wing". Iron those out, and maybe we can talk.

What is the "real or consistent definition" of left-wing and right wing? The definition of those terms has changed radically throughout history.
Tzor wrote:NPR is basically run by a bunch of white, anti-semetic, femi-nazis, with major funding by the George (I'll short your ass and invest in Petrogras) Soros and the entire rich liberal Hollywood elite.
Tzor, how can you say this shit with a straight face?
NPR even stands for National Public Radio. It is primarily paid for by public money (hell, plenty of conservatives like to bitch about that very fact). How much of NPR's 180 million dollar budget (2010 figures) did Soros contribute?
Anti-semitism? Feminazis? Can you hear what a crazy asshole you sound like?

NPR is probably the least biased thing you can listen to on radio. I think they tend to have more left-slanted pieces than the other way around, but they are honest and relatively fair. It's a lot better than the hatchet job that is right-wing talk radio.
I am judging the philosophies and decisions you have presented in this thread. The ones I have seen look bad, and also appear to be the fruit of a poisonous tree that has produced only madness and will continue to produce only madness.


believe in one hand and shit in the other and see which ones fills up quicker. it will be the one you are full of, shit.

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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by fbmf »

FrankTrollman wrote:
fbmf wrote:
That example blows. The most conservative universal health care idea is NOT TO HAVE universal health care.

Any take on UHC is ipso facto leftist.

Game On,
You just Godwinned this discussion. Hard.

Or at least rendered it pointless. If you're going to classify Otto von Bismarck as an ipso facto leftist, you are no longer talking about words with real or consistent definitions.

Actually, you (sort of)just Godwinned this discussion. I said nothing about Hitler or Nazis. Then you went and brought up von Bismarck. You do know he died way before the Nazis/Hitler was/were in power, right?

I said UHC becoming a reality is not part of the American conservative agenda. At all. As far as I know, it is not. I further said that UHC is part of the American liberal agenda. As far as I know, it is.

I will happily be corrected if you can cite an unbiased reputable source. :wink:

If we take it as a working hypothesis that UHC is not part of the (American) conservative agenda and is part of the (American) liberal agenda, then no matter how conservative your idea of UHC is, the American right sees it as leftist because in America UHC is something the left wants and the right doesn't.

How does that concept catch anyone off guard?

Game On,
Last edited by fbmf on Tue May 10, 2011 9:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by tzor »

FrankTrollman wrote:
tzor wrote: NPR has extreeme bias in the choice of reporter for the Supreme Court coverage; to the point where NPR is just a shill for Planned Parenthood. They continue to push the false science of embryonic stem cell research and totally ignore all the major diseases that adult stem cell research is curing right here and right now.
Uh... look dude, I have passed Embryology and Histology. I have a degree in Biology. I have participated in actual medical research. I am a primary fucking source on this shit. That thing you just said? It doesn't make any fucking sense. At all.

Adult stem cell research is based on embryonic stem cell research. No one is saying that we're going to make fetus farms to make stem cells. We're studying the chemical signals of embryonic stem cells so that we can make normal adult cells revert and do things that normally only stem cells do.

Embryonic stem cell research is not a "false science". And if you are excited about any of the advances in adult stem cell technology (as I am), then it's pretty fucking retarded to complain about the embryonic stem cell research that was in reality required to get the information to get those advances.

I think we can paste in pretty much any generalities about the scientific illiteracy of the right wing information outlets, because Tzor just made the point for us in a textbook perfect example.

You are also stubborn as a mule. Embryonic stem cell research is a "false sciecne" (or better yet a Frankenstein science) for the simple reason that it is based on the notion that we can create this bank of cells and implant them in everyone.

Hey Frank, you want my kidney? Probably not; a minor problem with proteens and immunity reactions. Embryonic stem cell therepy will never go anywhere because if you want really random cell transfers you literally have to turn the patient into a bubble boy and kill all of his autoimmune system. No matter how much -progress you make, you are dead in the water before you reach the ability to even begin human trials.

No, the best way to grow organs is to grow your own organs. That means you don't need a "bank" of stem cells, you need an easy way to take the stem cells already in people and have them turn into everything you need. That is the differene between embryonic and adult. The former is a product (one that can be pattentable just as they pattented all the gene variations for crops) and the later is a process, which doesn't have that nice (I pwn the monopoly on immortality for the next century) pattent love as you get with things like drugs. (It has some pattent love but not the same level.)

But aside from that point; adult stem cells do not involve the destruction of a human being. Embryonic stem cells involve the deliberate creation of a human being for the sole purpose of canabalizing his body. It's a Friday the 13th (the series) scenario ... yes you can have a little longer life but you are going to have to kill more and more and more innocents!

(You wouldn't understand that, being an immoral godless progressive, but fortunately, you are still in the minority and the BORG has not won the war yet. You don't have any problems with killing people in the name of science, even when the science is clearly a dead end. I do.)
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

tzor wrote:But aside from that point; adult stem cells do not involve the destruction of a human being. Embryonic stem cells involve the deliberate creation of a human being for the sole purpose of canabalizing his body.
I'm not going to go into all of tzor's crazy, but this part... what the fuck, man? Even if I grant that a blastocyst is a human (which I don't):

• More than a third of zygotes do not implant after conception. Thus, far more embryos are lost due to chance than are proposed to be used for embryonic stem cell research or treatments.
• It is known that none of the cells of the inner cell mass are exclusively destined to become part of the embryo itself — all of the cells contribute some or all of their cell offspring to the placenta, which has not been accorded any special legal status.
• In vitro fertilization generates large numbers of unused embryos. Many of these thousands of embryos will just be thrown out under standard procedures. Using them for scientific research does not destroy anything that would not have been destroyed anyway.

edit: grammar.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Tue May 10, 2011 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tzor »

PoliteNewb wrote:Tzor, how can you say this shit with a straight face?
NPR even stands for National Public Radio. It is primarily paid for by public money (hell, plenty of conservatives like to bitch about that very fact). How much of NPR's 180 million dollar budget (2010 figures) did Soros contribute?
Anti-semitism? Feminazis? Can you hear what a crazy asshole you sound like?
Directly? $1.8 Million Dollars. You would be surprized at what they do to people who drop $1.8 million in their laps. I think they start having on air orgasms at around $10,000. But that doesn't count indirect donations through his many organizations.

It's hard to determine the contribution from CPB because it doesn't directly go into NPR, but through local stations whcih in turn purchase NPR feeds. Direct money to NPR in 2010 was $6.79 million. How much of the $65 million in grants to local stations gets back to NPR? Hard to say.
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Post by fbmf »

Guys, I really want this thread to go for a while. Keep the FAR RIGHT and FAR LEFT hate out of it. Take your commentary on specific news sources to another thread.

Stay out of mine.

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Re: Reputable Sources?

Post by Username17 »

fbmf wrote: Actually, you (sort of)just Godwinned this discussion. I said nothing about Hitler or Nazis. Then you went and brought up von Bismarck. You do know he died way before the Nazis/Hitler was/were in power, right?
Otto von Bismarck, champion anti-socialist and Chancellor of the German Empire, created the world's first UHC system. To this day, many countries, including Germany, use a "Bismarckian" healthcare system. It is fueled primarily by private enterprise. Of the three healthcare system models worthy of the name, it is the farthest to the right.
I said UHC becoming a reality is not part of the American conservative agenda. At all. As far as I know, it is not.
Obamacare was drafted in a very recognizable form by right wing think tanks in the 90s and was put into practice in Massachusetts by Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. Bismarckian healthcare is a conservative wet dream, and the only reason they are opposing it now is because Obama has a "D" after his name.
I will happily be corrected if you can cite an unbiased reputable source. :wink:
Fair enough.

Here is the ultra-right wing Heritage Foundation flacking the Obamacare system in congressional testimony in 2003. The transcript is stored on the Heritage Foundation's own servers.

And while in general I think linking to the Heritage Foundation is a questionable source of facts, I think that their own words count as a pretty good primary source for when the question is what their words actually are.

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Post by Ancient History »

First-hand accounts are primary sources, and while the individual may or may not be reputable, having the words from the horse's mouth tends to increase reputability. So, this would be the words of people that actually attended or participated in an event, voted on a bill, etc.

Summaries and analyses are reputable if they fulfill all of the following criteria:

a) The individual giving the summary or analysis is credible in their field

b) The individual giving the summary or analysis is qualified in their field.

c) The summary or analysis relies on hard data (which can be looked up) and primary sources, like first hand accounts above.

c.a) - The individual cites and quotes their sources.

d) The summary or analysis is rational and follows a valid chain of reasoning. Sarcasm and hypotheticals are acceptable as long as they don't go into ad hominem attacks or pure hyperbole bullshit. You may not agree with the person's logic or politics, but it is essential that they have a rational mode of thought and can use it. Veering into fantasy-land is a major no-no.
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Post by Draco_Argentum »

A) The Australian ABC is pretty decent. A Uni, Monash I think, did a study and found it was slightly right leaning. Of course people on both sides complain that it is blatantly partisan whenever it says something they don't like so its not like there is any agreement.

B) I don't care for the news media much. Primary source or piss off. Wikileaks shows the primaries so thats good, I can't think of any other major source of political news that does that. Pundits are worthless, they make their money by being interesting and telling people what the want to hear in a way that makes them happy. They have a negative interest in providing facts.

C2) As an Australian Olberman is the only lefty pundit I've heard of. Hes not even that bad as pundits go, he did have the nuts to cop it when Stewart called him on going too far.

This should be telling, outside of the US we only hear of your insane right wing nuts. They're the loudest, most popular and most pervasive. They also make your entire country look like nuts.

Lets take healthcare for a second as an example. My conservative parents think Obama's plan is right wing and think the people opposing it are horrible people. Seriously, Australians who vote right wing think your entire right wing are far right extremists. I know thats just an anecdote but it demonstrates just how far right skewed the US looks from the outside.
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Post by Vebyast »

Draco_Argentum wrote:Of course people on both sides complain that it is blatantly partisan whenever it says something they don't like so its not like there is any agreement.
Just going to leave a link here: the Hostile Media Effect.

As for my own opinion, basically what Ancient History said: if you make a rational argument, can convince me that you and your arguments are rational, and can demonstrate that your priors are valid, then that argument (and that argument alone!) is valid.

Unfortunately, the only people that do this are scientists (and we don't venture into politics much), so I usually just consult a sufficiently wide variety of sources that I can derive the priors and determine rationality myself.
Last edited by Vebyast on Wed May 11, 2011 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:There are two things you can learn from the Gaming Den:
1) Good design practices.
2) How to be a zookeeper for hyper-intelligent shit-flinging apes.
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