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Shadowrun 4th edition rocks boldly into the past...?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:06 pm
by Otakusensei ... pre-order/

Ok, I know that no one really wants to see Hardy's idea of SR 5. A part of me is really happy that they aren't going there because he'll just fuck it up. But instead releasing a book about the past? What about the timeline they can't even manage already? Are they trying to capture a little love from the folks who are backing Shadowrun Returns?

Add to that the comment on the page about starting characters not being able to outfit themselves and I suspect this book may be an extensive copy/paste job. Street prices were adjusted down about 75% during the edition jump from 3 to 4. Did someone in editing (HA!) forget to make the appropriate changes? Did someone, stop my heart, forget to check to see if the rules were balanced before release?

Also after more than a year of thinking I didn't give a shit about CGL, I come to find that I still hate those fuckers. Lovely.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:03 am
by Ancient History
Back in '08, I was working on Runner's Companion, which was a piece of shit and I will never live it down, and it included KarmaGen. Unlike a lot of things in RC, KarmaGen mostly worked - the main problem was that it was written between SR4 (cost to improve attributes is x 3) and SR4A (attributes x 5), and I calculated the prices as (x5) but RC was published with (x3). Mea culpa, so I made some quick errata for it for the German crew. The English-language versions of RC didn't get errata until 2012.

So, fastforward to 2012 where HeroLabs has just added RC to their character generation software - except that now, instead of 750 Karma (what I wrote), it gives players 1000 Karma. Turns out that Jason, in applying the errata but not understanding it, just increased the points given to KarmaGen accordingly.

Which, y'know, is par for the course. Jason shits on everything bcause he doesn't understand it.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:17 am
by phlapjackage
The best part is JH's reply to the gear comment:

"It’s a different environment, and it calls for different balancing of your skills, attributes, and gear. Remember that the NPCs you face will be functioning with the same limits."

Yeah, you didn't screw up JH, it's just the other person is playing the game wrong...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:12 am
by Taishan
phlapjackage wrote:The best part is JH's reply to the gear comment:

"It’s a different environment, and it calls for different balancing of your skills, attributes, and gear. Remember that the NPCs you face will be functioning with the same limits."

Yeah, you didn't screw up JH, it's just the other person is playing the game wrong...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't adapting SR4 rules for an earlier part of the timeline supposed to be the act of making a 'different environment' the same as the 'SR4' environment? Isn't that what we're paying for? If I have to do it myself, why the fuck do I need to buy this game?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:50 pm
by Username17
Honestly, the clowns have screwed up the timeline moving forward so badly that maybe they think they can do better simply not writing any metaplot at all. Just go back to the metaplot that people already liked or at least accepted and just write shit for that. No more having to worry about how production schedules are hopelessly behind (they are now, what, 4 years behind the supposed timeline?), no more having to worry about how whatever bottom feeders they scavenged up have stupid plot ideas, no more having to worry about how absolutely no one likes Jason Hardy's plot ideas.

All you have to do is have people do half assed conversions of 1st edition material and call it a day. Sell it for real money.


Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:09 pm
by Neurosis

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:55 pm
by Stahlseele
should i mention the de-errataing of the SR4 Karma-System done by JH?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:13 pm
by sabs
JH took my 2nd favorite RPG of all time and shat all over it to the point where I don't even want to play it anymore.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:58 pm
by Korgan0
I sometimes dream that a wealthy multi-millionare with an appreciation for good design will buy the Shadowrun IP and somehow rescue it from the shithole it's currently in. And then I realize that some things can only exist in our dreams.