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How's the Weather out there?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:25 am
by erik
Rather than clutter the Orcus thread with moar off-topicry as I was about to do, I figured I'd just migrate over here. It could fit into "It's Personal" but hell, the weather is a kind of a compelling topic these days.
Maxus wrote:
erik wrote:
Korwin wrote: Ha, at this point I wouldnt belive him if he told me the grass is green without checking first.
Hah, I wouldn't believe anyone saying that after this summer.
[off-topic] Really? The grass is green right here.

I'm on the Gulf Coast. The reason the rest of the country is in a drought is because we're hogging all the rain. 46 inches so far this year. And we're having near-daily thunderstorms right now.

I'm in Indianapolis, but the whole midwest has been a clusterfuck of heatwave and drought this summer. I've only mowed my lawn once in the last two months, and honestly the grass still didn't need it in most places, it was the stupid weeds that had gotten out of control. My lawn would likely be in a bad way except we have several large trees which keep the grass from cooking.

Just got back home from a 12 day voyage (6 days spend on roads) where we drove out to Montana for a family reunion and my grandparent's 70th anniversary. Drove past so many stunted corn fields in Indiana, Illinois and Iowa it was sad. Not as sad as the many pine forests in Montana annihilated by beetles, but still sad.

Corn fields up in the -otas seemed to be faring much better. For an added joy with the heat, on the way back there wasn't even any wind so the windmills weren't generating power either. I should have taken a screenshot of that day. It was nearly 0 mph for most of Illinois and Indiana.

Hell, last few years have been pretty irritating with water restrictions and what-not. When I was selling my house last year I had to totally reseed my lawn in the spring because the previous season's drought had killed much of it. The grass at my new house is much hardier and protected by shade during portions of the day so it can handle it thankfully.

Just had a couple nights of storm with more rain to come. So we're finally getting some lovely weather in Indy. The next week or so looks like it is going to be really pleasant. If I'd taken pictures of the lawn before we headed out onto the road a couple weeks ago though, it would have been a pretty sad sight.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:43 am
by Stahlseele
The Grass is green here.
But the Summer has a nice and low average temperature of about 20° celsius right now i think . . more clouds, rain and storms than sunshine.
And i like it like that!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:14 pm
by sabs
The east coast has had pretty much weekly major thunderstorms all summer long. It's the wettest, hottest summer on record!

Nothing says it's stupidly hot, when it's 98 before the thunderstorm, and 96 afterwards.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:31 pm
by Taishan
I live and farm in a part of Ohio that is constantly being teased by the weather channel by having large storms coming over the horizon, disappear while above us, and reappear once the front has moved past us. We're at less than half our average rainfall for the last few months, but the crazy weather means that a corn field on one side of a road could be stunted and not produce and the field on the other side could be 6 feet tall and ready to combine.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:39 pm
by Maxus
It's raining here.

Right now.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:14 pm
by name_here
Home got its ass kicked by a derecho a while back. We're not exactly in a drought, but we have been experiencing highs in the upper 90s Fahrenheit and have repeatedly broken 100. :flames: