Let's Play Fighting Fantasy #6: Deathtrap Dungeon

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Darth Rabbitt
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Let's Play Fighting Fantasy #6: Deathtrap Dungeon

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Down in the dark twisting labyrinth of Fang, unknown horrors await you. Devised by the devilish mind of Baron Sukumvit, the labyrinth is riddled with fiendish traps and bloodthirsty monsters, which will test your skills almost beyond the limit of endurance. Countless adventurers before you have taken up the challenge of the Trial of Champions and walked through the carved mouth of the labyrinth, never to be seen again. Should you come out of the labyrinth alive, you will be wealthy beyond your dreams. Do YOU dare enter?
Tempted by the promise of a fabulous prize - and the lure of the unbeaten challenge - YOU are one of six seasoned fighters prepared to take on the labyrinth. Only one of you may win through, the rest will perish. But which of you will it be?


Before embarking on your adventure, you must first determine your own strengths and weaknesses. You have in your possession a sword and a backpack containing provisions (food and drink) for the trip. You have been preparing for your quest by training yourself in swordplay and exercising vigorously to build up your stamina. To see how effective your preparations have been you must first use the dice to determine your initial SKILL and STAMINA scores. [references to the book's character sheet cut]
Skill, Stamina, and Luck

Roll one die. Add 6 to the result. This is your SKILL score.

Roll two dice. Add 12 points to the result. This is your STAMINA score.

Roll one die. Add 6 to the result. This is your LUCK score.

(I rolled a SKILL 10, STAMINA 19, LUCK 12 character for us. Actually quite nice.)

For reasions that will be explained below, SKILL, STAMINA, and LUCK scores change constantly during an adventure. You must keep an accurate record of these scores. [advice on writing them down in provided space cut] Although you may be awarded additional SKILL, STAMINA, and LUCK points, these totals may never exceed your Initial values, except on very rare occasions, when you will be instructed on a particular page.

Your SKILL score reflects your swordsmanship and general fighting expertise; the higher the better. Your STAMINA score reflects your general constitution, your will to survive, your determination and overall fitness; the higher your STAMINA score the longer you will be able to survive. Your LUCK score indicates how naturally lucky you are. Luck - and magic - are facts of life in the fantasy kingdom you are about to explore.
(for Battles, I'm writing down my own synopsis of how they're supposed to work because in the early titles the explanation is awkwardly worded.)

1. Roll two dice. Add your opponent's SKILL score to the roll. The total is your opponent's Attack Strength.
2. Roll two dice again. Add your SKILL score to the toll. The total is your Attack Strength.
3. If your opponent's Attack Strength is higher than yours, the opponent has inflicted damage on you - deduct 2 points from your STAMINA.
4. If your attack strength is higher than your opponent's, you have inflicted damage upon your opponent. Deduct 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA.
5. If both Attack Strengths are equal, both attacks have missed. Start the next Attack Round from step 2, above.
6. Continue this combat until either your opponent's or your STAMINA is reduced to zero.

(I will roll battles whenever we enter one, and show turn-by-turn rolls if that is desirable.)
On some pages you may be given the option of running away from a battle should things be going badly for you. However, if you do run away, the creature automatically gets in one wound on you (subtract 2 STAMINA points) as you flee. Such is the price of cowardice. Note that you may use LUCK on this wound in the normal way (see below.) You may only Escape if that option is specifically given to you on the page.
Fighting More Than One Creature
If you come across more than one creature in a particular encounter, the instructions on that page will tell you how to handle the battle. Sometimes you will treat them as a single monster, sometimes you will fight each one in turn.
On occasion, you will be called upon to Test Your Luck. When this occurs, roll two dice. If the result is equal to or less than your current LUCK score, then you have been Lucky. If the result exceeds your current LUCK score, then you have been Unlucky and you will be penalized. Each time you Test your Luck, you must subtract one point from your current LUCK score. Thus, you will soon realize that the more you rely on your LUCK, the more risky this will become.
Using Luck in Battles
You can use your LUCK in combat to inflict a particularly serious wound, or to minimize a wound that has been inflicted on you.

Whenever you wound an opponent, you may Test your Luck. Roll two dice; if the total score is equal to or less than your LUCK score, you have been Lucky. If the total is higher than your LUCK score, you are Unlucky. Whatever your result, you must deduct 1 point from your current LUCK score. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound: deduct an extra 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA. If you are Unlucky, you have merely grazed him, and you deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than normal.

If you have been wounded, you can Test your Luck in exactly the same way. Remember to deduct 1 point from your LUCK whatever the result. If you are Lucky, the wound was only a glancing blow and you can deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than usual. If you are Unlucky, the wound is more serious: deduct 1 extra STAMINA point.

(Won't use this unless instructed to by y'all; LUCK is freakishly important out of combat in this, that much I do remember.)
Restoring Skill, Stamina, and Luck
Your SKILL score will not change much during your adventure. Occasionally, a page may give instructions to increase or decrease your SKILL score. A Magic Weapon may increase your SKILL, but remember that only one weapon can be used at a time! You cannot claim 2 SKILL bonuses for carrying two Magic Swords. Your SKILL score can never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed. Drinking the Potion of Skill (see later) will restore your SKILL to its Initial level at any time.

Stamina and Provisions
Your STAMINA score will change a lot during your adventure as you fight monsters and undertake arduous tasks. As you near your goal, your STAMINA level may be dangerously low and battles may be particularly risky, so be careful!
Your backpack contains enough Provisions for ten meals. You may rest and eat at any time except when engaged in a Battle. Eating a meal restores 4 STAMINA points. [another bit on writing things down cut] Remember that you have a long way to go, so use your Provisions wisely!

Remember also that your STAMINA score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Strength (see later) will restore your STAMINA to its Initial level at any time.


Additions to your LUCK score are awarded through the adventure when you have been particularly lucky. Details are given on the pages of the book. Remember that, as with SKILL and STAMINA, your LUCK score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed on a page. Drinking the Potion of Fortune (see later) will restore your LUCK to its Initial level at any time, and increase your Initial LUCK by 1 point.
You will start your adventure with a bare minimum of equipment, but you may find or buy other items during your travels. You are armed with a sword and are dressed in leather armor. You have a backpack to hold your Provisions and any treasures you may come across.

In addition, you may take one bottle of a magic potion which will aid you on your quest. You may choose to take a bottle of any one of the following:

A Potion of Skill - restores SKILL points
A Potion of Strength - restores STAMINA points
A Potion of Fortune - restores LUCK points and adds 1 to Initial LUCK

These potions may be taken at any time during your adventure (except when engaged in a Battle.) Taking a measure of potion will restore SKILL, STAMINA, and LUCK to their Initial level (and the Potion of Fortune will add 1 point to your Initial LUCK score before LUCK is restored).

Each bottle of potion contains enough for one measure, i.e. the characteristic may be restored once during an adventure. Make a note when you have used up a potion.

Remember also that you may only choose one of the three potions to take on your trip, so choose wisely!
Adventure Sheet
YOU [unnamed adventurer, feel free to make suggestions]
Possessions: Leather Armor, Sword
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA each)
1 Potion of either Skill, Strength, or Fortune (fully restore either SKILL, STAMINA, or LUCK once, respectively, and in the case of LUCK add 1 to your Initial LUCK, in case this was all TL;DR.)

So what potion do we choose? Once that's picked (by you, the readers at home) we start our adventure.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

I suggest Luck Potion.
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Post by Whatever »

Definitely the Luck Potion.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Potion of Fortune it is!


Despite its name, Fang was an ordinary small town in the northern province of Chiang Mai. Situated on the banks of the River Kok it made a convenient stopover for river traders and passengers throughout most of the year. A few barges, rafts and sometimes even a large sailboat could usually be found moored at Fang. But all of that was long ago, before the creation of the Trial of Champions. Now once a year the river is crammed with boats as people arrive from hundreds of miles around, hoping to witness the breaking of an ancient tradition in Fang and see a victor in the Trial of Champions.

(note: I didn't change any of those names; this apparently takes place in northern Thailand.)

On 1 May each year, warriors and heroes come to Fang to face the test of their lives. Survival is unlikely, yet many take the risk, for the prize is great - a purse of 10,000 Gold Pieces and the freedom of Chiang Mai forever. However, to become Champion is no easy task. Some years ago, a powerful baron of Fang named Sukumvit decided to bring attention to his town by creating the ultimate contest. With the help of the townspeople, he constructed a labyrinth deep in the hillside behind Fang, from which there was only one exit. The labyrinth was filled with all kinds of deadly tricks and traps and loathsome monsters. Sukumvit had designed it in meticulous detail so that anybody hoping to face its challenge would have to use their wits as well as weaponskill. When he was finally satisfied that all was complete, he put his labyrinth to the test. He picked ten of his finest guards and, fully armed, they marched into the labyrinth. They were never seen again. The tale of the ill-fated guards soon spread throughout the land, and it was then that Sukumvit announced the first Trial of Champions. Messengers and news-sheets carried his challenge - 10,000 Gold Pieces and the freedom of Chiang Mai forever to any person surviving the perils of the labyrinth of Fang. The first year, seventeen brave warriors attempted 'The Walk' as it later came to be known. Not one reappeared. As the years passed and the Trial of Champions continued, it attracted more challengers and spectators. Fang prospered and would prepare itself months in advance for the spectacle it hosted each May. The town would be decorated, tents erected, dining-halls built, musicians, dancers, fire-eaters, illusionists, and every sort of entertainer hired, and entries registered from hopeful individuals intent on making "The Walk." The last week of April found the people of Fang and its visitors in wild celebration. Everybody sang, drank, danced and laughed until day broke on 1 May, when the town thronged to the gates of the labyrinth to watch the first challenger of the year step forward to face the Trial of Champions.

(See, kinda more interesting than your average dungeon crawl. And keep in mind that this is 1984 Fantasy Thailand, so 10,000 GP is fucking amazing back there and then.)

Having seen one of Sukumvit's challenges nailed to a tree, you decide that this year you will attempt "The Walk." For the last 5 years you have been attracted to it, for the rewards, but for the simple fact that nobody has ever yet emerged victorious from the labyrinth. You intend to make this the year in which a Champion is crowned! Gathering up a few belongings, you set off immediately. Two days' walk takes you west to the coast, where you enter the cursed Port Blacksand. Wasting no time in that city of thieves, you buy your passage on a small boat sailing north to where the River Kok meets the sea and from there you take a raft up-river for four days until finally you arrive in Fang.

(Damn this book has a lot of back-story. It's also the first to make a reference to an earlier title. And now we don't have to worry about how small the gold prize is to our modern sensibilities, because we're doing this for the fame!)

The Trial begins in three days' time, and the town is in an almost hysterical mood of excitement. You register your entry with the officials and are given a violet scarf to tie around your arm, informing everyone of your status. For three days you enjoy Fang's greatest hospitality and are treated like a demigod. During the long merriment, you almost forget your purpose in Fang; but the evening before the Trial the magnitude of the task ahead begins to dominate your thoughts. Later, you are taken to a special guest-house and shown to your room. There is a splendid four-poster bed with satin sheets to help you rest. But there is little time left for sleep.

(Because this is Thailand, so we need to see if its reputation for prostitution is true. Also, since we're a Fighting-type our violet Silk Scarf does nothing for us other than be a status symbol.)

Just before dawn a trumpet call awakens you from vivid dreams of flaming pits and giant black spiders. Minutes later, there is a knock on your door, and a man's voice rings out saying, "Your challenge begins soon. Please be ready to leave in ten minutes." You climb out of bed, walk over to the window and open the shutters. Already people are thronging the streets, moving quietly through the morning mist - spectators on their way to the labyrinth no doubt, hoping to find good vantage points from which to watch the competitors. You turn away and walk over to a wooden table on which your trusty sword lies. You pick it up and cut the air with a mighty sweep, wondering what beasts its sharp edge may soon have to meet. Then you open the door into the corridor. A small man with slanted eyes greets you with a low bow as you emerge from your bedroom. "Please follow me," he says. He turns to his left and walks quickly towards the stairs at the end of the corridor.

(We're in Thailand and one of the locals has "slanted eyes." Oh 1980s British racism, you so crazy!)

Leaving your guest-house, he darts down narrow alleyways between houses, and you have to walk quickly to keep up with him. Soon you come into a wide dirt road lined with cheering crowds. When they see your violet scarf, they cheer even louder and start showering you with flowers. The long shadows cast by the people in front of you shrink as the bright yellow sun rises higher in the morning sky. Standing there in front of the noisy and vibrant crowd, you feel strangely alone, aware of your coming ordeal. Suddenly you feel a tug on your shirt and see your small guide eagerly beckoning you to follow him. Ahead you see the looming hillside and the dark mouth of a tunnel disappearing into its inner depths. As you get closer, you notice two great stone pillars on either side of the tunnel entrance. The pillars are covered with ornate carvings: writhing serpents, demons, deities, each seeming to scream a silent warning to those who would pass beyond them.
You see Baron Sukumvit himself standing by the entrance, waiting to greet the contenders in the Trial of Champions. You count five others standing proudly in line, their violet scarves displayed for all to see. There are two bare-chested Barbarians dressed in furs. They stand completely motionless, legs straight and slightly apart, arms thrust forward to rest on the hilts of their long, double-headed battleaxes. A sleek, elven woman with golden hair and feline green eyes is adjusting the cross-belt of daggers wrapped around her leather tunic. Of the two remaining men, one is covered from head to foot in iron-plate armor with a plumed helmet and a crested shield; the other is cloaked in black robes, only his dark eyes showing between the swathes of his black face-scarves. Long knives, a wire garrotte and other silent death-weapons hang from his belt. The five contenders acknowledge your arrival with almost imperceptible nods of the head, and you turn to face the exultant crowd for the last time. Suddenly a hush falls over the crowd as Baron Sukumvit steps forward holding six bamboo sticks. You draw one from his outstretched hand and read the word "Fifth." Then the Trial begins.

(Illustration spoilered for bigness.)
The Knight is first. He salutes the crowd before disappearing into the tunnel, and is followed half an hour later by the elf. Next goes a Barbarian and then the dark assassin. Now it is your turn to salute the crowd. Holding your violet scarf aloft, you take one final deep breath of cool fresh air before turning to pass between the stone-pillared gateway into Sukumvit's corridors of power, to face unknown perils on "The Walk" through the mighty Baron's Deathtrap Dungeon.

(We have a title.)


The clamor of the excited spectators gradually fades behind you as you venture deep into the gloom of the cavern tunnel.

Large crystals hang from the tunnel roof at twenty-meter intervals, radiating a soft light, just enough for you to see your way. As your eyes gradually become accustomed to the near darkness, you begin to see movement all around. Spiders and beetles crawling up and down the chiseled walls disappear quickly into cracks and crevices as they sense your approach; rats and mice scurry along the floor ahead of you. Droplets of water drip into small pools with an eerie plopping sound which echoes down the tunnel. The air is cold, moist and dank. After walking slowly along the tunnel for about five minutes, you arrive at a stone table standing against the wall to your left. On it there are six boxes, one of which has your name painted on its lid.

Do we want to open the box or continue walking north?

SKILL 10/10
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Leather Armor, Sword
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full and increases Initial value by 1)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Red_Rob »

Cool, Deathtrap Dungeon! Always the most iconic of the Fighting Fantasy books for me, this and HeroQuest fueled my interest in dungeon crawls way before I ever tried D&D.

One of the things I remember was the dungeon could be mapped out over successive plays and it actually linked up to make a cohesive whole, which meant you got further each time you played if you took notes. It was bastard-hard though, with Death-No-Save a common result of making the wrong choice. A good primer for Gygax-era D&D all round really.

Count me another vote for the Luck potion, I seem to remember Skill decreases were pretty rare and you had rations for Stamina, whereas Luck decreased each time you used it.
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Post by Dr_Noface »

I heart chest.
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Post by Whatever »

Open it. Otherwise we'll always wonder what was inside.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(OK, then we take the mystery prize.)

The lid of the box lifts off easily. Inside you find two Gold Pieces and a note written on a small piece of parchment addressed to you. After placing the gold in your pocket, you read the message, which says: "Well done. At least you have the sense to stop and take advantage of the token aid given to you. Now I can advise you that you need to find and use several items if you hope to pass triumphantly through my Deathtrap Dungeon. Signed, Sukumvit." Memorizing the advice on the note, you tear it into tiny pieces and continue north along the tunnel.

(I'm sure no one expected to have to find and use special items in a puzzle-based dungeon crawl in a series known for McGuffins. But hey, now we only need 9,998 Gold Pieces before we have the prize money! If my commentary grows tedious just tell me and I'll stop.)

After walking down the tunnel for a few minutes, you come to a junction. A white arrow painted on one wall points west. On the floor you can see wet footprints made by those who entered before you. It is hard to be sure, but it looks as though three of them followed the direction of the arrow, while one decided to go east.

Do you wish to head west or east?

SKILL 10/10
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Leather Armor, Sword
Gold Pieces: 2
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full and increases Initial value by 1)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Red_Rob »

Follow the crowd. Safety in numbers...
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(OK, it's been an hour and I'm bored so we go west, young man!)

Following the three sets of wet footprints along the west passage of the tunnel, you soon arrive at a junction. Do you wish to: continue west, following two sets of footprints, or head north, following the third set of footprints?

(No, really, there's one sentence and then two choices again. I'm not making this up.)

(EDIT: For the future, would you prefer that I continue on after at least one person's made a choice and a while's passed, or that I continue on after at least some number of people have suggested choices, or some combination thereof?)
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Koumei »

Was Thailand one of ours* back then?

We must assume you're already going North, because all maps for dungeons ever have the entrance at the South. Therefore, you will turn left, as the DM typically maps something out, then goes through left-to-right, and starts off by placing the important stuff, so by the time they get to the right hand side there's just junk and deadly encounters.

So clearly you are going to go West, and hope the designer was indeed British and not secretly a man of the Orient with their cunning right-to-left writing (as all of them obviously did in Asia, just to screw with Britain, which was a good idea on the whole).

My Dungeon Theory will see us through this! (Or get us killed)

*By "ours" I mean British, not "belonging to the Den, which probably didn't exist in 1984".
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(Thailand is the only Southeast Asian nation that was never colonized by European powers, I've always assumed that the Den is older than time itself, and is that a vote to continue "west?")
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Mask_De_H »

I'm going with West because fuck the road less traveled.
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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Post by Red_Rob »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:(EDIT: For the future, would you prefer that I continue on after at least one person's made a choice and a while's passed, or that I continue on after at least some number of people have suggested choices, or some combination thereof?)
Whatever works for you. I don't know how often you can update this, so just look at the suggested responses and pick one you like :cool:

I vote North based on Koume's comment the dungeon entrance was from the south - let's get deeper into the dungeon, that's where the good treasure is. Right?
Simplified Tome Armor.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(How much I can update this is obscenely variable; for the next few days I'll probably update several times a day, as I have a fair amount of spare time on my hands tomorrow and the weekend.)

(The score is West 2, North 1: Sorry Red_Rob, but democracy is non-negotiable.)

Walking along the tunnel, you are surprised to see a large iron bell hanging down from the ceiling. Do you wish to ring the bell or walk round it and continue west?

(I haven't been bothering with the character sheet as of the last couple of posts because we haven't picked anything up, dropped anything, or had to adjust our Skill, Stamina, or Luck.)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Endovior »

Right, a giant bell. Either saves or kills us, for an entirely arbitrary reason quite possibly having to do with a trap or puzzle we haven't had a chance too encounter yet.

I say ring the bell.
FrankTrollman wrote:We had a history and maps and fucking civilization, and there were countries and cities and kingdoms. But then the spell plague came and fucked up the landscape and now there are mountains where there didn't used to be and dragons with boobs and no one has the slightest idea of what's going on. And now there are like monsters everywhere and shit.
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Post by Koumei »

Ringing it seems really stupid (I mean, you've already benefited from opening the box, so surely this interactable item should be skipped), but it also sounds like it might do something good if you're lucky, and you are certainly lucky.

Sure, ring the bell. Let's see if it's a DNS.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

OK, ring the bell it is!

A dull "bong" sounds from the bell like a death toll. Everything around you starts to vibrate, and you grit your teeth as your head too starts to shudder. Your whole body is trembling, and you fall to the floor. You quiver and shake, writhing convulsively on the floor as the vibrations intensify. Lose 2 SKILL points and 2 STAMINA points. You search desperately for a way of stopping the bell. Will you: Scream as loud as you can or try to deaden the bell with your boot?

SKILL 8/10
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Leather Armor, Sword
Gold Pieces: 2
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full and increases Initial value by 1)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Endovior »

Ah, trap. Happens, I guess. Screaming probably won't help, so use the boot.
FrankTrollman wrote:We had a history and maps and fucking civilization, and there were countries and cities and kingdoms. But then the spell plague came and fucked up the landscape and now there are mountains where there didn't used to be and dragons with boobs and no one has the slightest idea of what's going on. And now there are like monsters everywhere and shit.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, I should have guessed it wasn't a Luck thing, it was a "Screw you" thing. Oh well, try using your boot and hope that it doesn't smash your foot to pieces.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You pull your boot off your foot and force yourself to reach up and hold it against the bell. Slowly the bell stops vibrating and the pain in your body gradually eases. You manage to stand up, but you do not release your boot from the bell until it becomes completely still. You put your boot back on your foot and then continue your journey west.

The tunnel veers sharply to the right and continues north for as far as you can see. You hear a tremendous commotion in the distance, growling and snarling and howling. You draw your sword and head off in the direction of the noise.
Ahead in the dim light you see two HOBGOBLINS fighting, punching, and kicking each other furiously. There is a leather bag lying on the floor, and it seems to be this that they are fighting over. Will you try and talk to them, attack them with your sword, or try to slip by them unnoticed?

(Man, three sections before choices, three choices at the end, AND an illustration? Shit's getting real.)

SKILL 8/10
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Leather Armor, Sword
Gold Pieces: 2
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full and increases Initial value by 1)
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Dr_Noface »

You should probably not wait for a group consensus. You're the one going to all the trouble after all.

But I vote to sneak past. No in the mood for a threeway.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(OK, then, I'll just play it by ear, with no fixed criteria before I reply, other than at least one suggestion by someone)

You creep up behind the fighting Hobgoblins and, leaping out of the shadows, push them into the wall as you run by. You look back to see them sprawled on the floor and chuckle to yourself as you hurry on north.

(Solid Snake, eat your heart out! We totally punked those fuckers.)

The tunnel takes another sharp right turn. Following it east, you arrive at a strange obstruction: a line of twelve wooden poles across the tunnel. They are fixed to the walls about half a meter off the floor and spaced a meter apart.

Do you wish to step between the poles or walk across the top of the poles?

SKILL 8/10
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Leather Armor, Sword
Gold Pieces: 2
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full and increases Initial value by 1)

(I'm listing our character sheet each post now to remind everyone that we're not at full, in case that influences any decisions.)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Red_Rob »

Shouldn't Luck be 13/13 if the Potion gave +1 initial and the OP states 12?
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I believe that the adding 1 to Initial Luck comes after using the potion:
Equipment and Potions wrote:the Potion of Fortune will add 1 point to your Initial LUCK score before LUCK is restored.
Although I'd be totally cool with making our luck start at 13 (what a lucky number!) if people think that's how it works.

We still have the wooden poles to deal with, any suggestions?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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