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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

This is the OOC thread for GILDED THRONE.

Character Sheets:
Crazy Cloud, Samsaran Theosophist
Reve Thaw, elf wizard (plus Felf, elf fighter)
Valdym, Tiefling Witch (plus Nesha, Human Witch)
Sola Tahrir
Yellow, Human Gunslinger

Original Post:
Recruiting for a play-by-post Pathfinder game, level 4

Whatever, flare22, and I have all just completed a LotFP module I adapted for Pathfinder (you can read all about it here (OOC) and here (IC)), and we are thinking about following it up with another game. The party size is pretty small right now, and we could use a couple new PCs. Anybody interested in joining in?

The game runs pretty fast, I usually check for updates at least 2 or 3 times a day. Dice-rolls are handled on the DM's end to keep things moving fast, but I welcome reminders of how stuff works in case I'm likely to miss on a detail. I tend to go for detailed visual aids, but handwavy combat without keeping track of what specific square people are in.

If you'd like to play in a Pathfinder game with this setup, what kind of adventure are you looking for? The adventure is going to happen in or en route to Varisia, but the details are still undetermined so far.

In particular:
- Are you more interested in definite goals and victory conditions, or open-ended exploration?
- Should the game lean heavier on puzzles, combat, or a balance?
- Any particular kinds of themes/encounters/phat lewts you'd like to see integrated into the game?
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:24 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by JigokuBosatsu »

I think I might give it a try. I'll go over the PF stuff to see if something leaps out at me. What party roles are you guys needing?
Omegonthesane wrote:a glass armonica which causes a target city to have horrific nightmares that prevent sleep
JigokuBosatsu wrote:so a regular glass armonica?
You can buy my books, yes you can. Out of print and retired, sorry.
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Post by Whatever »

Edit: replacing my old post with character sheets, for convenience.

Reve Thaw
Elven Magic-User/Thief (Elf Wizard 5)

(minus the horns)
Reve and Felf hail from a distant land, although they won’t tell you which one (spoiler alert: it's Nidal). They left home more than a hundred years ago, when Reve was just reaching adulthood. Felf was still a child. It’s been so long that Felf now remembers Reve’s stories of their homeland more clearly than the place itself.

They did not flee their home voluntarily, and they have been hunted, on and off, since their departure. In the intervening century or so, they have wandered through many lands, always keeping their distance from their former home. However, Reve's interest in ancient Thassilon draws her back to nearby Varisia and its attendant dangers with some frequency.

Reve was always weak, but brilliant, and though she took care of Felf in the early days, the younger elf soon began to do a greater share of the mundane tasks, and to carry a greater portion of their mutual supplies. This left Reve free to pursue her studies of magic, particularly the ancient magic traditions of the Thassilonians. Reve soon came to depend on her magic, and on Felf, more and more.

She did, however, lead the two on numerous expeditions to caves and ruins, rumored to hold more secrets of that ancient empire. It seems her purpose in doing so goes beyond the mere study of their methods, though she has spoken only to Felf about what connection their search bears to their original escape.
Basic Stats:
Str 6
Dex 16
Con 10
Int 22
Wis 12
Cha 8

AC 13 (13 Touch, 10 Flat Footed)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +5

BAB +2
CMB/CMD: +0/+3

Initiative +3

Hit Points: 24/24

Speed: 30
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (Elf)
Racial Abilities, Feats and Traits:
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Arcane Focus: Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards (and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magic-user, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively.

Darkvision: Though uncommon, some groups of elves are born with darkvision, rather than low-light vision. In many cases this is taken as a sign of a drow in the elf's ancestry, and can lead to persecution within the elf's home community. Elves with this racial trait gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet, but also gain sensitivity to light and are dazzled in areas of bright light or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus feat)
Leadership (level 3 selected feat)

Breadth of Experience (level 5 selected feat)
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge and Profession skill checks, and can make checks with those skills untrained.

Fast Study (level 5 wizard discovery)
Benefit: Normally, a Wizard spends 1 hour preparing all of her spells for the day, or proportionately less if she only prepares some spells, with a minimum of 15 minutes of preparation. Thanks to mental discipline and clever mnemonics, you can prepare all of your spells in only 15 minutes, and your minimum preparation time is only 1 minute.

Additional Traits (level 1 selected feat)
Benefit: You gain two character traits of your choice (for a total of four).

Trait 1: Exiles
Reve and Felf did not leave their homeland on good terms, and as a result, they’ve learned to watch their backs at all times. They each gain a +1 trait bonus to Perception, and it is always a class skill for them.

Trait 2: Hunted/Hunters
Reve and Felf have more experience being hunted than they’d like, but they’ve learned how to get away safely, and how to ambush those who come after them. They each gain a +1 trait bonus to Stealth, and it is always a class skill for them.

Trait 3: Ruin Delver
Reve’s obsession with the Ancient Thassilonians has led her into all manner of decrepit and dangerous ruins. As a result, she is quite familiar with many sorts of traps, locks, and other mechanical obstacles that endure to this day. She gains a +1 trait bonus to Disable Device, and it is always a class skill for her.

Trait 4: Sacred Touch
Reve was exposed to a potent source of positive energy as a child. She doesn’t like to talk about it. As a standard action, she can automatically stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it.
Skills and Languages:
+16 Knowledge: Arcana (5 ranks)
+12 Knowledge: all others (1 rank each, 9 ranks total)
+10 Linguistics* (1 rank)
+14 Spellcraft (5 ranks)
+12 Perception (5 ranks)
+14 Disable Device (5 ranks) (Masterwork Thieves' Tools)
+12 Stealth (5 ranks)
+6 Sense Motive (5 ranks)
+6 Heal (3 ranks) (Healer's Kit)
+10 Craft (Alchemy) (1 rank)
+10 Appraise (1 rank)
+0 Perform: Flute (1 rank)
+4 Ride (1 ranks)
+3 Profession: All (0 ranks, can make untrained checks)

*Also grants one extra known language, for a total of 6 extra

Languages spoken:
Common, Elven, Sylvan, Varisian, Osiriani, and Kelish, plus Shadowtongue, and some proficiency with Ancient Thassilonian.
Thassilonian Specialist: Sloth (Conjuration)
(Traveling Spellbook)
Acid Splash
Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Disrupt Undead
Mage Hand
Read Magic
Touch of Fatigue
Bonus: Penumbra
(Compact Spellbook)
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic
First level spells:
(Traveling Spellbook)
Ant Haul
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Endure Elements
Enlarge Person
Infernal Healing
Keep Watch
Mage Armor
Magic Weapon
Protection from Alignment (or is this 4 separate spells?)
Unseen Servant
Bonus: Crafter's Fortune
(Compact Spellbook)
Enlarge Person
Infernal Healing
Second level spells:
(Traveling Spellbook)
Detect Thoughts
Make Whole
Resist Energy
See Invisibility
(Compact Spellbook)
Create Pit
Fog Cloud
Resist Energy
Third level spells:
(Traveling Spellbook)
(Compact Spellbook)
Stinking Cloud
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Mage Hand

First level spells: (DC 17)
Enlarge Person (0/2 cast)
Feather Fall (0/1 cast)
Grease (0/2 cast, specialist slot)
two open slots (1 minute to fill) (0/2 cast)

Second level spells: (DC 18)
Web (0/1 cast)
Resist Energy (0/1 cast)
Glitterdust (0/2 cast, specialist slot)
two open slots (1 minute to fill) (0/2 cast)

Third level spells: (DC 19)
Haste (0/1 cast)
Stinking Cloud (0/2 cast)
one open slot (1 minute to fill) (0/1 cast)
one explorer’s outfit:
sturdy boots, breeches, leather overtunic, a belt, a shirt, gloves, a cloak, a scarf, and a hat
sanctified ring (one of a matched pair)
one dagger with wrist sheath
one dagger worn at the waist
Masterwork thieves' tools
Spell Component pouch
several belt pouches
one small steel mirror
compass, signal whistle
10' pole (used as a walking stick)

Handy Haversack, containing:
4 waterskins
trail rations (24 days' worth)
oil (5 flasks)
silk rope (four 50' coils; one knotted)
bedroll, blanket, canvas tarp
Assorted clothing (total of 2 cold weather outfits, 2 hot weather outfits, various individual shirts, trousers, dresses, etc)
map case, paper, parchment, chalk, charcoal, vial for holding ink, ink pen, spare pen nibs, small container of pigment for making ink, tiny knife for cutting quills into pens, blotter, small ruler, several journals
sack, waterproof bag, flask
bag of caltrops, bag of marbles, bag of flour (3)
merchant’s scale and weights, abacus
flint and steel, measuring cord (10'), magnet, sewing needles, thread
soap, washcloth, sponge, comb, hairbrush, scissors, nail file, toothbrushes
scented candles (insectbane)
night tea (~2 months’ supply)
mess kit
healer’s kit (10 uses)
extra spell component pouch
alchemical glue (2), acid (2), tindertwigs (10), smokesticks (2), tanglefoot bags (4)
one traveling spellbook (39/50 pages filled)
one compact spellbook (28/70 pages filled)
Wand of Infernal Healing (12 Charges, 6 used)
Wand of Infernal Healing (50 Charges, 0 used)
Pearl of Power (Level 2)
2 Scrolls of Lesser Planar Binding
Scrolls of Acid Arrow
Scrolls of Protection from Evil (x2), Obscuring Mist (x2), Mount (x2)
The disassembled remnants of a Bronze Thassilonian Sentinel
Varisian map of Artume and environs (and a river chart)
Collapsible crossbow and bolts (possibly poisoned)
Feather Token, Boat

~100 gp in coins/rubies
Character notes:
Substitutions made:
Arcane Bond for Trapfinding and 4 skills/level
Elven Low Light Vision for Darkvision
Elven Weapon Familiarity for Arcane Focus

Initial Stats:
Str 7
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 18
Wis 11
Cha 7

Modified with +2 Int, +2 Dex, -2 Con for Elf,
+1 Int/Wis/Cha, -1 Str/Dex/Con for middle age
Level 4 ability point to Int

hit points rolled for levels: 2, 3, 5, 3
Favored Class: Wizard (+1 hp chosen each level)
Felf (hench-elf)
Elf Fighter 3

(minus the horns)
Description: see Description, Reve Thaw

Basic Stats:
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 8

AC 25 (13 Touch, 23 Flat Footed) (10 base, 8 armor, 4 shield, 2 dex, 1 ring)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1 (+1 vs fear)

BAB +3
CMB/CMD: +5/+7

Initiative +3

Hit Points: 30/30

Speed: 30
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (Elf)

Hit points rolled: 9, 8
Favored Class: fighter (+1 hp/level)
Combat Quick Reference
Normal Size:
AC 25 (13 Touch, 23 Flat Footed)

Longsword: +5 to hit, d8+2 damage, 19-20x2
+1 Shortsword: +6 to hit, d6+3 damage, 19-20x2
Dagger (special materials): +5 to hit, 1d4+2 damage, 19-20x2
Spiked Gauntlet: +5 to hit, 1d4+2 damage, 20x2
Sling: +5 to hit, 1d4+2 damage (1d4+1 with rocks) 20x2
CMB/CMD: +5/+7

Attacks of Opportunity: 3/round
Uses: normal attack, Stand Still (CMB check to stop enemy movement, used any time monsters try to move past her), Bodyguard (Aid Another for +2 AC to adjacent ally, provoked by enemy attacking that ally)

AC 23 (11 Touch, 22 Flat Footed)

10' reach

Longsword: +5 to hit, 2d6+3 damage, 19-20x2
+1 Shortsword: +6 to hit, d8+4 damage, 19-20x2
Dagger (special materials): +5 to hit, 1d6+3 damage, 19-20x2
Spiked Gauntlet: +6 to hit, 1d6+3 damage, 20x2
Sling: +3 to hit, 1d4+3 damage (1d4+2 with rocks), 20x2
CMB/CMD: +7/+8

Attacks of Opportunity: as above, but now with 10' reach.
Racial Abilities, Feats and Traits:
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Silent Hunter: Elves are renowned for their subtlety and skill. Elves with this racial trait reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty (this number includes the penalty reduction from this racial trait). This racial trait replaces elven magic.

Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Darkvision: Though uncommon, some groups of elves are born with darkvision, rather than low-light vision. In many cases this is taken as a sign of a drow in the elf's ancestry, and can lead to persecution within the elf's home community. Elves with this racial trait gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet, but also gain sensitivity to light and are dazzled in areas of bright light or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Combat Reflexes (level 1 fighter bonus feat)
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus (2, for 3 total). With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Stand Still (level 1 selected feat)
Benefit: When a foe provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, you can make a combat maneuver check as your attack of opportunity. If successful, the enemy cannot move for the rest of his turn. An enemy can still take the rest of his action, but cannot move. This feat also applies to any creature that attempts to move from a square that is adjacent to you if such movement provokes an attack of opportunity.

Bodyguard (level 2 fighter bonus feat)
Benefit: When an adjacent ally is attacked, you may use an attack of opportunity to attempt the aid another action to improve your ally’s AC. You may not use the aid another action to improve your ally’s attack roll with this attack.

In Harm’s Way (level 3 selected feat)
Benefit: While using the aid another action to improve an adjacent ally’s AC, you can intercept a successful attack against that ally as an immediate action, taking full damage from that attack and any associated effects (bleed, poison, etc.). A creature cannot benefit from this feat more than once per attack.

Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.

Armor Training
Starting at 3rd level, a fighter learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. In addition, a fighter can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor.

Trait 1: Exiles
Reve and Felf did not leave their homeland on good terms, and as a result, they’ve learned to watch their backs at all times. They each gain a +1 trait bonus to Perception, and it is always a class skill for them.

Trait 2: Hunted/Hunters
Reve and Felf have more experience being hunted than they’d like, but they’ve learned how to get away safely, and how to ambush those who come after them. They each gain a +1 trait bonus to Stealth, and it is always a class skill for them.
Skills and Languages:
+5 Survival (2 ranks)
+9 Perception (3 ranks)
+5 Stealth (1 rank) (+4 with shield, +7 with no armor)
+4 Climb (1 rank) (+3 with shield, +6 with no armor)
+4 Swim (1 rank) (+3 with shield, +6 with no armor)
+4 Ride (1 rank) (+3 with shield, +6 with no armor)

Languages: Common, Elven, and Sylvan, plus Shadowtongue
+2 Breastplate (note: Masterwork, Armor Training: ACP -2, MDB +4, Speed 30)
+2 Heavy Steel Shield
+1 Short Sword
Ring of Protection +1
Spiked Gauntlet
Dagger, Alchemical Silver
Dagger, Cold Iron
Sling (w/10 bullets)
Heavy Crossbow, with bolts

Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Potion of Enlarge Person

one explorer’s outfit:
sturdy boots, breeches, a belt, a shirt, gloves, a cloak, a scarf, and a hat
sanctified ring (one of a matched pair)
Backpack (masterwork), belt pouch, 2 sacks, flask
1 bedroll, 1 blanket, 1 waterskin
cooking kit, mess kit, 2 clay mugs, teakettle
flint and steel, compass, measuring cord (10'), magnet, signal whistle
hammer, saw, drill, crowbar, shovel, chisel, file, knife, awl, block and tackle
silk rope (50'), twine (2x50'), string (2x50')
pitons (10), grappling hook
sewing needles, thread
a small box that contains fishing tackle (hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, and lures)
whetstone, oil (1 flask, for equipment), small cloth, extra bits of leather, other necessaries for equipment repairs in the field
night tea (~1 month’s supply)
trail rations (4 day’s worth)
none at the moment
Notes of future purchases to make:
Oils of: Bless Weapon, Shillelagh, Prot Evil, CLW, etc. More Enlarges. Silversheen weapon (elven blade?). More alchemicals. +int headband, at some point (also, 2nd haversack or muleback cords. Probably the Cords, armor is heavy too. Eventually, cloaks of resistance and a blessed book). Nets? Create Water/other divine stuff? 1st lvl Scrolls to craft: prot evil, mount, comp lang, endure elements, identify, keep watch, obscuring mist, etc. Level 2 scrolls: see invis, levitate, resist energy. Also, craft more alchemical stuff: antitoxin, antiplague, smelling salts, various damage effects, etc.
Last edited by Whatever on Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:30 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by JigokuBosatsu »

Cyborg halfling rogue? :rofl:
Omegonthesane wrote:a glass armonica which causes a target city to have horrific nightmares that prevent sleep
JigokuBosatsu wrote:so a regular glass armonica?
You can buy my books, yes you can. Out of print and retired, sorry.
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Post by Whatever »

Well, things won't get as crazy as they do in the crypts, but there's probably a way to make it work. :P
Last edited by Whatever on Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Believe it or not, there is actually a nation whose whole schtick comes from looting advanced alien spaceships that crashed a long, long time ago. We are talking so advanced that the ships still disgorge murderous kidnapper-robots to abduct people for experiments. They might be self-repairing.

And a whole fiendish faction based on augmenting themselves with enchanted machinery and stolen body parts.

Tell me a bit about what you want having one hand replaced with a circular saw to mean for your character, and maybe we can work something out.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

So it's being run on here, right? Because I can post here from work (where I happen to be on most week days). I wouldn't mind joining in, perhaps as a Human Sorcerer who makes use of all the "I HAVE ALL THE BLOODLINES" options?

To answer the dot points:
-I think I'd prefer the game to start with some kind of "you guys are going on an adventure to do X!" thing, then we can take it from there once we have a feel for our characters. Not too worried either way though.
-A reasonable balance, I'll make a combat-capable character (of course) but I wouldn't want the game to focus on it. If everyone else wants combat, I won't get all passive-aggressive, I'll just bow out like an adult.
-Defeating the nobility and stealing their rank as we go along would be nice. As a personal thing, for themes, discovering who we are, our place in the world, where we come from (for aforementioned Sorceress, untangling family lines and discovering what we're turning into, somewhere between transhumanist joy and personal horror).
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by flare22 »

id be fine with everything but id say what we need most is a traps expert and a healer we got fighting and arcane covered although i guess we could use someone to pick up the slack in melee we cant leave every thing to the cohort after all but rogue and healer
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Post by Koumei »

For healing, I can take Abuse Magic Device and a Wand of Cure Light Wounds and call it a day. For traps, I vote we just get hirelings/chickens to go ahead and trigger them for us. Unless Jingoku wants to cover traps.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »


Yeah, the game's In The Trenches, just like the last one. A sorcerer could be pretty cool.

If we want nobles that are simultaneously jerks and possible to get away with deposing at low levels, Varisia or Ustalav might be viable. Varisia has colonial ministates, Ustalav has Draculas. I could probably set up something pretty cool in Ustalav, even if I restrain myself from shamelessly ripping off Castlevania.

EDIT: Reve traded a class feature for trapfinding, so that's covered.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Actually, I have an Ustalav adventure for level 4 PCs just sitting on my shelf right now.

"The rampaging abomination known as the Beast of Lepidstadt has been captured! Yet rather than destroy the monster for its countless murders and untold crimes, the city council demands the creature receive a fair trial. Upon traveling to Lepidstadt, the adventurers find themselves caught up in the anger and investigations surrounding the Beast’s judgment. Soon it’s up to them to discover whether the legendary monster is truly a killer or merely the instrument of some greater evil—and either way, whether it’s too dangerous to be allowed to survive."

Never ran it before, but NotFrankenstein's Monster getting put on trial sounds like a cool image in theory. Lemme open it up and see how it looks.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Damn, I skimmed the module and it didn't look super-great at first. BUT, full vampires are viable at 5 HD and up. I could totally do a module about taking down a vampire count at PC level 4.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by flare22 »

or may be we level up half way through and again at the end like before?
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Post by Whatever »

Avoraciopoctules wrote:EDIT: Reve traded a class feature for trapfinding, so that's covered.
Oh yeah, heh. Forgot to mention that. Reve has all the basics covered, just not in any depth. For healing, she can use that one wizard spell that gives fast healing 1 for a minute (and already has a wand), so out of combat hp recovery is all set.

In terms of discovering her place in the world, Reve is already over 200 years old (Elf), so she's done a bit of that already. But there's always the possibility of her past coming back to haunt her.

Edit: also, I should mention that she's a Thassilonian Specialist in Conjuration. So, unlike normal PF wizards, her banned schools are actually banned, not just "slightly harder to use". So if anyone wants to bring some useful Illusion or Evocation spells along, you'd have a monopoly on those.
Last edited by Whatever on Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

I've done a bit more digging, and there's a few different varieties of 2spooky4u dungeon aimed at level 4 starting PCs. Seems like some kind of Paizo staple. But I could also adapt something else, or come up with an original scenario involving vampires being jerks. If nobody has particular preferences beyond what's been articulated so far, I'll probably put together 3 game blurbs, in Numeria, Ustalav, and the River Kingdoms respectively.
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Post by flare22 »

great i cant wait to see your ideas
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Post by Whatever »

Looking over those 3 areas, I'd probably be against Numeria (crashed spaceships in D&D is too 80s for me). Ustalav is a bit further away from where we ended the first adventure, but could work. It's got more of the gothic/undead motif going. River Kingdoms might have my vote, though, especially if we're going in for overthrowing the local lords. That's simple enough when it's just pirates and bandits running their own little forts all over the place, rather than having to deal with marrying into nobility to get a claim.
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Post by Koumei »

So I already wrote a character up, because that's how Team Gurren rolls.

Name: Sola Tarihr
Race: Human
Class: Sorceress (Dual-Bloodline: Oni/Fey)
Level: 4
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 24
Sex: Female

Sola was abandoned from an early age, her parents unable to afford to raise a child - besides, even then, she had that eerie gleam of something otherworldy, something from their ancestries that they themselves were unaware of.

And so, the kindly family that took her in were used to children of strange origins - they were planetouched themselves, and assumed she was of Celestial dalliance like they were. As such, she was raised to be a paragon of virtue, and was doted on. She doesn't know she's adopted, and assumes her gifts are Celestial in origin. Still, despite all this good influence, she has a thirst for power, and has no qualms with seizing the minds of those around her, or lying to get what she wants.

Already, she's grown to adulthood and left "home" to make a name for herself. The name she particularly wants is "Her Majesty", but one thing at a time.
Stats and Stuff:

HP: 20/20
Init: +2
Speed: 30'

BAB: +2
-CMB: +0
-CMD: 14
-Touch Attacks +4

AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 Mage Armour)
-flat 14
-touch 12

Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3

Weapon Finesse
Skill Focus: Perception
Eldritch Heritage (Ice Linnorm)

Use Magic Device4+13
X Perception4+10

Adopted: Innocent (+5 to Bluff to tell believable/unlikely lies)
Princess (Diplomacy is a class skill, +1 to Intimidate and Diplomacy)

Class Features:
Oni Bloodline Arcana: boost social skills by casting Charm/Compulsions
Fey Bloodline Arcana: +2 to the DC of Compulsion spells
Eschew Materials
Fey Bloodline Power 1: Laughing Touch (Sp) 9/day for 1 round
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Linnorm Bloodline Power 1: Perception Bonus, Darkvision 60' and Scent
Oni Bloodline Power 3: Alter Self (Sp) 4 minutes per day [ ][ ][ ][ ]
Bloodline Spell 3: Ray of Enfeeblement

Spells: * = [Compulsion]
-Cantrips: at will, DC 16
Acid Splash, Drench, Trip Line, Dancing Lights,
Guardian Mote, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Message

-1st Level: 8/day, DC 17 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Mage Armour, Silent Image, Colour Spray, +Ray of Enfeeblement
-2nd Level: 5/day, DC 18 [X][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Oppressive Boredom*

Headband of Charisma +2
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 50/50
1,250 GP
Last edited by Koumei on Thu May 16, 2013 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Looking pretty good, Koumei. I never looked at a dual-bloodline variant before, but it sounds cool. Are you using this archetype, or something else?

Concept 1: Numeria

The griffon riders of Castle Urion have a problem. A monstrous machine shaped like a minotaur stalks the roads and river, assaulting travelers and blasting knights from the sky. Some it kills, some it simply knocks unconscious or allows to flee, and some it drags off to an unknown fate.

Normally, the knights' own strength of arms and the immense stream of crusaders heading north to fight the demons of the Worldwound would be more than sufficient to wipe the strange construct out. However, every time the thing is seemingly disabled or trapped, it vanishes in an explosion of radiant energy, only to reappear mere days later.

Though their debased arcanists might have insight into the situation, the Technic League refuses to aid Castle Urion unless the knights of Iomedae make significant concessions. This is the Black Sovereign's opportunity to tap into the wealth of Worldwound-bound pilgrims even earlier in their journey through Numeria, and the seemingly immortal machine causing chaos is a hair's breadth away from giving Numeria's ruler pretext to march in the Gearsmen and take firm control of the town.

Unrest is building, and the griffon knights are beginning to lose control of their territory. If some valiant heroes were to find a way to permanently shut down what superstitious travelers are beginning to call "The Fury of Baphomet", Castle Urion would be deeply indebted to them. The Technic League might also be seeking agents capable of "encouraging" the destabilization of the area, so they won't face widespread resistance when they solve the problem of one construct by marching in an army of new ones.

Concept 2: River Kingdoms

In the River Kingdoms, the Six Freedoms are one of the few things almost everyone agrees on. To adventurers, perhaps the most interesting is You Have What You Hold. Taking something openly by force is perfectly acceptable. Though “Stealing” is frowned on, those who cannot protect their property don’t deserve to keep it. The weak property law is a large part of why it is easy to found or take over states, though most of these don’t sustain populations greater than a few thousand.

Artume has troubles, and much of the population might welcome an attempt at takeover now. The antipaladin Sir Bransen Waike launched a crude attempt at a coup when his position as regent was threatened by the birth of the son of the former king. He failed to kill the son or the mother, instead driving both into hiding. Waike’s shortsighted greed and blunders weakened the state, and attacks by nagas and bandits along the river grow increasingly bold.

When describing the current government, “thuggish cleptocracy” are the words that come most readily to mind. Bransen Waike does the minimum necessary to hold the state together as his soldiers extract as much treasure from the locals as possible, but even this is starting to become difficult as the mercenaries drift away toward more promising work in Gralton.

As Waike’s control over Artume crumbles, the continued existence of the state looks increasingly unlikely. He has turned to adventurers to keep the nagas in check, though he still keeps the lion’s share of the exorbitant taxes he levies for himself. But the combination of a relatively weak state and full treasury mean the more ambitious bands might turn on him any week now. At this point, the only questions are who will end up wiping out Bransen’s regime, what they will try doing afterwards, and whether they’ll have the public support and military strength to get away with it.

Concept 3: Ustalav

Count Conwrest Muralt has finally stepped over the line. The ruler of the county of Odranto has long been known for his bizarre mood swings and contradictory proclamations, but now he has openly allied himself with a clan of vampires, promising to sate their hunger for blood with the lives of condemned criminals. The county is alarmed and appalled, though the simmering unrest has not led to any riots as of yet.

A Muralt only by adoption, Conwrest had limited support among the nobles of other counties before. Now, by openly siding with remnants of the dark days under the lich tyrant Tar-Baphon, his alliances threaten to unravel outright. It is a mystery what could drive the count to such a politically suicidal move, though he claims that Odranto will use their strength to defeat other more terrible evils that still blight the land.

There are many powerful individuals and organizations that would pay well for information about what is really going on in Odranto. And the instability brought about by his alliance with the blood-drinkers means that the time is ripe for any ambitious individuals that want to fan the flames of public sentiment and bring about some kind of revolution. It is even possible that the other counties may accept a regime change, if it seems to improve their situations. The Palatinates have set a precedent for transition to rule by a citizen’s council, and savvy adventurers might be able to secure an even better deal for themselves if they play their cards right.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Wed May 01, 2013 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, I meant Cross-Blooded
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Post by Whipstitch »

I'm interested in getting in on this. I know we're very nearly at arcane overload here, but I was thinking a mostly benevolent tiefling gravewalker witch. You know, the sort who mostly uses his Command Undead to tell things to knock it off and only occasionally for forcibly getting people off his lawn.

I see we have someone with Leadership and am wondering what the restrictions on that would be. I ask this because I think it'd be fun to have my own apprentice "good" witch for extra utility spells and runs fortune and cackle to get people a once-a-day re-roll. That'd also give us two more people with Cure Wound and Remove Disease/Blindness/Deafness spells on their lists, fwiw.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

If you think you can keep up with the game's pace, feel free to submit a character. In Grinding Gear, like half a dozen people expressed interest but only 2 actually put a PC together.

Grabbing leadership for a cohort is okay, but try to avoid anything that would slow the game down. And no followers for now.

Any thoughts on the 3 scenario options?
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Post by Whatever »

Basically the same thoughts as before. My vote would be for the River Kingdoms, it sounds awesome. But I'd certainly be willing to run the Ustalav one, vampires are iconic. I'd prefer not to do the Numeria adventure; golems and clockwork monsters are cool in moderation, but the space technology vibe just doesn't work for me.

Also, no such thing as arcane overload.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Since some interest has been expressed towards the River Kingdoms, I'm gonna quote some info so people have a better idea what they're getting into.

Passing crusaders headed to Mendev complain of the chaos in the River Kingdoms, but this is hyperbole. Far removed from the horror of the Worldwound, the River Kingdoms are as predictable as a cauldron—you never know what will come bubbling up, but you can be sure the whole thing is hot. This heat makes the River Kingdoms a singular place to live.

The River Kingdoms are split into more than two dozen sovereign realms, ruled by despots of varying temperament. Tyrants who raise a keep in the River Kingdoms often hail from surrounding lands, but are almost always castoffs, criminals, or wayward offspring of more important folk. Most rule by force, though some are gentler than others.

Life in the River Kingdoms is harsh. Bandits can attack at any time, local governments shift like riverbanks, invading armies pillage the land, and unexpected monstrous and magical threats occur with alarming frequency. Every family has lost someone to sudden violence. The perilous uncertainty keeps everyone tense, suspicious, and often angry. Trust is paramount. Anyone unrecognizable is not just a potential threat, but also a potential vanguard for an army of threats. “Trust costs more than money” is a common Riverfolk aphorism.

For all this danger, though, the land is still beautiful and bountiful. Even the marshes and forests are fertile. Raiders, not the land or weather, make farming hard. Wheat, corn, oats, and rice are quick and plentiful crops grown throughout the kingdoms. Livestock grow fat on the rich grasses fed by the hydra-headed tributaries of the Sellen River.

Riverfolk love politics, and talk about it in the same manner as farmers talk weather: maybe they can’t do anything about it, but they discuss it endlessly. Any given Riverfolk has an opinion about which form of government is best, how the local leader is doing, and how all the neighboring kingdoms’ leaders are doing.

Living in the River Kingdoms requires protection. Farms and livestock pens are small and well defended, as though each were a small fortress. Moats and earthworks surround the better-established ones, and most farms also have a defendable cellar into which farmers and their families can retreat. Even hamlets and thorps have their own stockade walls, and most commoners wear weapons openly, “to keep everyone honest.”

Trades that require complex support, such as alchemy, are rare and short-lived. Functional, relatively mobile livelihoods thrive here, including tanning, herding, brewing, and other forms of craftsmanship.

Far more bandits roam the Kingdoms than one would think the population could absorb. Criminals and castoffs from nearby nations, as well as natives, frequently take a turn at banditry here. The law is flexible, and the Sixth River Freedom subtly encourages it.

Despite the fierce reputation of River Kingdoms bandits, many young men and women only try banditry as a side job, or as a found opportunity when they happen upon treasure left in weak hands. For a few, it’s the only way to retrieve what was stolen from them first. Other bandits are mercenary soldiers turned out of their previous jobs. They would rather fight than steal, but they’d rather live than starve. Commoners are a hardscrabble lot, so for profit, bandits target wealthy outsiders. Most cities contain lookouts for bandit crews, gathering information on likely visiting targets, or offering guide services to lure visitors into traps. The locals are always wise to these tricks, and for a handful of coppers, a local can usually identify the lookouts... assuming he isn’t one of them himself.

For a charismatic few, banditry is a path to legitimacy. Bandit gangs past a certain size gain their own gravity; highway robbery becomes usurpation at a surprisingly low threshold in the River Kingdoms. More than once, a bandit leader has ended up taking over a keep that he only meant to plunder at the outset.

Yet the River Kingdoms are far from lawless; it’s just that the laws they adhere to appear lawless in practice. The Six River Freedoms receive a lot of lip service, but the primary law of the River Kingdoms is that power rules. The members of the Outlaw Council would be quick to inform would-be philosophers that all nations follow this rule; the River Kingdoms just aren’t shy about admitting it.

Frequently invoked—and occasionally trampled—the River Freedoms are the ideological backbone for common Riverfolk. Outsiders who expect to lead Riverfolk must quickly make themselves aware of the subtleties of the River Freedoms, as those who repeatedly flout a beloved freedom find themselves deposed by a mob.

Indeed, the River Freedoms find their most curious interpretations in the folkways of common Riverfolk. A quick-witted wag who quotes a freedom to justify her actions can sway hearts to accept the most egregious behavior, and a misinterpretation of words can get an honest paladin driven out with malice.

Philosophers and scholars who study the political landscapes of the River Kingdoms rank the River Freedoms in order from least to most grave—after all, no one seriously believes in unfettered freedom to speak at all times. However, slavery is as serious an offense here as in Andoran, and nothing is so sacred to Riverfolk as the freedom to keep what one holds.

Say What You Will, I Live Free: The freedom to speak is not the same as freedom from consequences of speech. Outsiders, drunkards, and fools are the only ones who vocally invoke this freedom. All others respect it, and live with it accordingly.

Still, criticism of government is more common here than in other lands. Cruel despots occasionally get an earful from their subjects, and the wise ones do not harshly punish such vocal rabble. In the River Kingdoms, subjects are earned by withstanding criticism rather than suppressing it. Pride sometimes intervenes, but a long-lasting lord is one who lets tongues wag.

This freedom is especially tantalizing for bards and anyone using charm magic. No one attempts to limit a spellcaster’s speech, and a silence spell is a suspicious abrogation of rights.

Oathbreakers Die: The f lip side of free speech in the River Kingdoms is the gravity of oath-breaking. Petty liars are common, but in a land where tomorrow can bring a gang of mercenaries, the people in charge must know whom they can trust. Common oaths include “I swear by the Sellen,” “May Hanspur take my sons,” and “My freedom is my bond.” Riverfolk who undertake oaths of this nature keep them, or die trying. This attitude trickles down to business transactions, but can ironically make things more difficult— it’s hard to get a Riverfolk trader to fully commit to anything.

Standard contracts contain a “Gyronna clause” which voids a contract in case of unforeseen calamity. This would seem a perfect dodge for scoundrels, but associating with Gyronna is the worst omen a Riverfolk trader can invoke. No one deals with a trader who admits aff liction by Gyronna, lest the association rub off.

Walk Any Road, Float Any River: This freedom implies no safety while traveling, especially from the local lord. It merely prevents lords from blocking land and water travel, or charging tolls for passing (except for non-Riverfolk). Of course, any ruler who doesn’t want people on his roads can bar them without erecting a single block—threats, bribes, political pressure, or hiring “bandits” are just as effective. However, in practice, it means no lord can take his or her people for granted.

Most Riverfolk do not leave their homes for anything but essential travel, no matter who is in charge (and poor Riverfolk usually have nowhere else to go), but they might still move to a new kingdom if their lord is abusive. This escape is rarely necessary. A lord who wants a functioning kingdom knows not to treat subjects too harshly, or the best ones will disappear, leaving a half-empty kingdom behind.

Courts Are for Kings: Buried midway down the list is one that undergirds them all: law within the River Kingdoms is malleable, and the rulers of a kingdom do as they wish. In their lands, one must obey. Whether a visitor is a commoner or a neighboring king, all are subject to a lord’s law within his own territory, and anyone who disobeys must be prepared for punishment or a declaration of war.

As a result, rulers seldom visit each other directly. Intermediaries do the talking, even when lords are scant miles away. When face-to-face negotiations occur, the monarchs often take great pains to protect their own sovereignty, even going so far as to set up camp tents on shared borders, talking across a rope line hung with pennants from both kingdoms. The major exception is the yearly Outlaw Council, where the meeting hall is considered politically neutral.

Slavery is an Abomination: Nothing is so secure in the River Kingdoms as freedom for escaped slaves. Unlike Andorens, Riverfolk won’t leave their homes to free slaves, but a runaway in the River Kingdoms is a slave no more. Some estimates say that one-third of the Riverfolk alive today are escaped slaves or descendants of slaves. Riverfolk welcome thousands of escaped slaves to all kingdoms each year, to fill ranks in armies and agriculture. Escaped slaves are usually the fiercest proponents of the River Freedoms, as these conventions are the first taste of freedom in their new lives. Because of this freedom, Hellknights of the Order of the Chain and other slave-takers cannot operate openly here, and any Andoren Eagle Knight can dispel most Riverfolk’s natural distrust of strangers by showing her insignia—and get a free drink and a barn to sleep in.

Depending on the local custom, this abolition can extend to indentured servitude. Spellcasters are warned to be circumspect when summoning monsters in the River Kingdoms, lest their magic be misinterpreted.

You Have What You Hold: In contrast to many other civilizations on Golarion, this freedom draws a moral distinction between robbery and mere stealing. Taking something by force is considered acceptable, even begrudgingly praiseworthy. Burglary, on the other hand, is punishable under common law. The difference is in allowing a victim the ability to resist, the opportunity to face his or her robber, and to plan for repossession if so desired. This allows for a rough honesty, letting Riverfolk know and face their enemies.

In addition to having temples and shrines to Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Norgorber, Desna, and even Lamashtu, the River Kingdoms are home to many strange cults, some of which actually have a source of magic behind them. The elves say the magic of the land responds to belief, and many local tales tell of mysterious creatures of the woods who can grant boons in exchange for a sworn oath or devotion, with a few even having true clerics (though strangely limited by distance to their patron). The best known are Gyronna and Hanspur, who are actual (if minor) divinities and whose priests retain their magic throughout Golarion.
Last edited by Avoraciopoctules on Wed May 01, 2013 7:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by flare22 »

OK ill toss my vote in for the river kingdoms two my characters been there before after all probably worked with the pirate pact for a bit.

so its to Kyonin via the Sellan river through the river kingdoms and onto Nirmathas via Lake Encarthan and then over the Mindspin mountains to Varisia.
"Those who fail to learn history
are doomed to repeat it;
those who fail to learn history correctly--
why they are simply doomed."
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