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HEX meddling - compatability with AS

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:28 pm
by erik
Hollow Earth Expedition is a dice pool game that functionally is pretty similar to After Sundown. HEX uses d2 instead of d6 TN 5.

With a few tweaks I think HEX can be made significantly improved and also more compatible with After Sundown such that I can scuttle the magic system of HEX and replace it with AS, thus resolving much of my complaints about the HEX magic system.

Some things are direct copy-pasta ports from AS (Monsters, Powers and Obstacles especially). I reckon I'll rebrand some later, but figure for now they will serve.

Hex has 6 primary attributes, 2 of which are straight up defense stats: Body and Willpower. Body can be completely removed and have all references point to Strength. Willpower can remain unchanged since it will be getting more play with magic.

Starting pt buy for attributes: 2,2,2,1,1 + Distribute 6 (maximum 5)

Starting attribute spread 2,2,2,1,1 - then distribute 6 points, capped at a maximum of 5. That gives you from 5,5,2,1,1 to 3,3,3,3,2 for your pointy to flat spread, which works okay starting out.

Style points need a cap to prevent abuse from players who just sit on points and to encourage their normal use. Starting with 3 for an adventure and capping at 6 seems reasonable since it isn't too hard to refresh them. I was tempted to offer turning them in for XP but then they'd never get used.
Size bonuses have been a problem for HEX. Being bigger makes you easier to harm and makes it harder for you to deal damage. They tried to fix the Giant Size talent by bundling +1 Str with it, but that's just a bandaid.

My size fix:
Size gives no bonus/penalty to hit.
Size gives bonus to passive defense (soaking) and penalty to active defense (dodging) such that small sizes soak worse but dodge better, large sizes soak better but dodge worse. It mostly only comes up against touch attacks or when surprised.

This buffs already statted ginormous monsters like dinosaurs, but that is fine, better than fine, it's a huge improvement.

Compare, a T-Rex (size 4) before and after fixing the size modifier to defense and attack:
before- Defense 8, Attack 14
after- Defense 12, Attack 18

For comparison, a starting sample character that has room to be min-maxed further has Defense 6 and a rifle with Attack 14, not terribly different except the T-Rex is melee only and has more health/resistance to stunning. I prefer the tougher T-Rex.
Character Advancement:
They fell into the trap of having starting point-buy costs be different than advancement point-buy costs. Shame for rewarding people who game the system by min-maxing attributes and buying up their weak points.

Fixed advancement:
Skill Levels= 4 pts. Not X new level
Skill Mastery (formerly called Specialization)= 3 pts
Ability Level= 15 pts. Not X new level
Resource Level = 15 pts
Minor Talent = 5 pts
Major Talent = 15 pts

Skill Mastery gives +1 Die to a specific focus with a skill and a reroll per scene with that skill.

Minor Talents are 90% of Talents. Most of them are bad for the cost, often nearly on par with simply getting +1 skill rank.
Major Talents are the ones that remain that are about on par with getting +1 Ability or Resource, +4 to a skill, or ones that give +2 to important rolls like Guardian which gives +2 to everyone's defense within range.

Atlantean Talents should just be junked. I'm replacing the powers with a unified magic structure (instead of one for Atlanteans, Sorcery, Psionics, etc.), and the Atlantean blood talents are straight up unbalanced (spend 2 talents to get +1 to all rolls, or 3 talents to get +2 to all rolls)
Major Talents:
• Captivate [special attack that can enthrall opponents (can only take once)]
• Guardian [+2 Defense to all allies within 10']
• Skilled Assistant [+2 teamwork bonus without 4 ranks in assisted skill, +4 teamwork with 4 ranks in assisted skill (may only buy once)]
• Inspire [+2 skill bonus to action specified to all allies within 10']
• Magical Aptitude/Psychic Ability[can use limited supernatural powers; may buy again to gain additional powers.]
• Paralyzing Blow [Damage dealt by grappling paralyzes opponent]
• Transmutation/Weird Science [can make limited artifacts; may buy again to make additional and more powerful artifacts]

Many racial talents from Mysteries of Hollow Earth qualify as Major Talents
• Animal Affinity [animal follower]
• Berserker Fury [+2 to stats temporarily for damage (may only buy once)]
• Chameleon [+4 Stealth]
• Echolocation ["see" in the dark at short range]
• Giant [Size 1, +1 Strength]
• - Gargantuan [Size 2,+2 Strength]
• - Titanic [Size 4, +4 Strength]
• Hardening [Resistance to Fire and Electricity (poison removed from options); may be taken twice for immunity]
• Immunity [Immune to choice of Poison or Disease; may be taken twice]
• Claws [You have natural weapons that deal lethal damage]
• - Sharp Claws [+2 Damage with natural weapons]
• Sticky Feet [can climb almost any surface]
• Venom [poisonous bite/saliva]
• - Venom Spitting [can spit poison saliva with athletics roll as touch attack at 10']
• Wings [can glide]
• - Swift Flight [can fly]
Athletics replaces Acrobatics
Melee replaces Brawl
Firearms replaces Archery
Rigging replaces (Alchemy+Science, scientists use their know-how to invent and concoct things, Biology, Chemistry, Drugs, Physics)
Research replaces (Academics + Linguistics + Warfare, academics use their know-how to learn things, linguist gets bonus languages instead of specialization bonus)
Operations replaces (Gunnery + Pilot large/cumbersome vehicles- Tanks, Airships, Ships, etc.)
Drive replaces (Ride + Pilot small/nimble vehicles- Fighter planes, Motorboats, Parachute, Jet Pack, etc.)
Con replaces Gambling
Craft is used for building and repairs (Mechanical/Engineering, Electronic, Carpentry, Masonry, etc.) that is not artistic in nature

Specialized Skills (Craft, Research, Rigging) require you to pick an area of focus where you automatically get Skill Mastery (and bonus languages for Research-Linguist); however, you have a penalty of -2 dice to non-specialized areas of expertise for that skill.

Skill Mastery (formerly called Skill Specialization):
You get +1 die in that specific focus for your skill and can choose to reroll that skill once per scene. If you choose to reroll you must use the results of the second roll instead of the first.

Stacking mods:
Skill bonuses can get out of hand fast if bonuses stack. There is no stacking of Talent or Equipment bonuses to skills in an effort to keep skills within proper ranges. Just use the highest skill bonus from Talents or Equipment. Ex: If you get Chameleon Major Talent for +4 Stealth, then you would not also benefit from having a +2 Stealth bonus from a Minor Talent or from wearing sneaky ninja shoes.
It strikes me as a bit over-involved to feather through a hundred or so weapons to pick out the most appealing one, especially when the optimizer in me sees that there are objectively superior and inferior choices. I certainly don't want to be penalizing a player because they liked one gun that is essentially the same as another, except that it has a smaller damage rating. So in that spirit, I have standardized weapons and encourage players to use whatever they want.

Ranges: Very Short (5 meters), Short (10 meters), Long (30 meters)
-2 penalty to the attack for each increment of additional Range
• Thrown weapons are typically Very Short (5m)
• Pistols are Short Range (10m)
• Rifles are Long Range (30m)

• 1L concealable tiny handguns (derringers) or cheap n' crappy handguns
• 2L older revolvers and small auto pistols
• 3L revolvers with larger bullets but limited ammo and no auto-fire, light rifles
• 4L tommy gun, rifles and hand-cannons needing 2 hands to hold steady (.357 caliber on upwards)
• 5L shotgun slug, single shot high caliber rifles, heavy weapons

* Antique or black powder versions of firearms deal 1L less than their modern counterparts.

Melee Weapons:
• 0L brass knuckles and whips
• 1L one handed small concealable melee weapons
• 2L one handed weapons (sword, axe, hammer)
• 3L two-handed weapons which can be carried but usually not swung in one hand (claymore, great axe, maul, short spear)
• 4L big honkin pole arms or weapons which essentially have to be carried with two hands (polearms)

Ranged Weapons:
• 0L blowguns and tiny darts, sling stone
• 1L thrown dagger, handaxe shuriken, hand crossbow
• 2L bow, thrown spear, thrown tomahawk
• 3L crossbow, longbow, atlatl boosted spear
Some minor changes mostly due to pt buy distributions being affected by other changes.

Ally/Follower (instead of upgrading your ally, you can get more of them as followers)
0. 8 pts, 5 skills, 0 talents
1. 11 pts, 10 skills, 1 minor talent (or double followers of last rank)
2. 13 pts, 15 skills, 2 minor talents (or double followers of last rank)
3. 15 pts, 20 skills, 3 minor talents, 1 major talent (or double followers of last rank)
4. 16 pts, 20 skills, 4 minor talents, 2 major talents (or double followers of last rank)
5. 17 pts, 20 skills, 4 minor talents, 3 major talents (or double followers of last rank)

Artifact (net Enhancement bonus)
0. +2 Enh
1. +4 Enh
2. +6 Enh
3. +8 Enh
4. +10 Enh
5. +12 Enh

Contacts / Fame / Rank / Refuge / Status / Wealth
• no changes.

• no mentors - too redundant and no good reason to create uber NPCs that PCs rely upon.
Obligations, Debts, Enemies, all things that get in the way. These are counterbalances to Resources. By taking an Obstacle a PC can gain an equivalent level Resource. Starting out level 2 is as high as an Obstacle/Resource that I think I would go for.

There are some things you will not do and make every effort to refrain from doing.
You will not...
• 0. eat pork; drink alcohol
• 1. speak the name of your superiors; use guns or particular
• 2. deliberately lie; use most modern technology
• 3. go back on your word; love again
• 4. freely provide anything of value; turn down a challenge
• 5. sleep; eat

Everyone has things they want to do. However, some people have things they have to do, even at a cost to themselves.
You just gotta. . .
• 0. have one more cigarette; finish the bottle
• 1. tweak again tonight; get others to join in debauchery
• 2. expose yourself to strangers; spend all your money at the casino
• 3. lie down and have opium dreams; see the next dog fight
• 4. start a fight; count all those rice grains
• 5. burn historically significant artifacts; strangle another woman

Debts as an obligation are not valued based on their monetary value, and indeed it is entirely possible that at no time during the chronicle will the character actually pay off these debts or even necessarily make a good faith effort to start doing that. A Debt is valued based on how intrusive the collection attempts are to the character’s life and actions.
You owe. . .
• 0. money to credit card companies; a new car to your uncle.
• 1. gambling debts to mobsters; a huge favor to the chairman.
• 2. a new liver to the syndicate; a magical artifact to the Daziban.
• 3. some missions to Russian Intelligence; a replacement Van Gogh to the Pinceps.
• 4. atonement for the city you destroyed; the head of the Gorgon to the Anti-Pope
• 5. information about your friends to the Empire; one child a month to the Oaken Abyss

You have an ongoing obligation to an organization or individual. The more restrictive and demanding, the worse the Duty.
You have made a commitment to. . .
• 0. your job at Taco Temple; your gang. Brothers forever. Westside!
• 1. make sure your father can keep the house; be on call for the local fire department
• 2. keep your little sister fed and safe; perform the duties required of you by the FBI
• 3. your badge at AMP; protect the Revolutionary Committee
• 4. find souls for the King with Three Shadows; return the Shadow Blade to the Oaken Abyss.
• 5. fight for Prelate Lanston’s Martyr Force; guard the tapestry.

Enemies actively wish ill upon the character. An enemy doesn’t deserve a higher rating just because they want to do something more awful to the character – they deserve a higher rating because through dedication or reach they impose a greater limit on the character’s choices. The rating of the Enemy Obligation is a function entirely of how intrusive they are to the character’s story.
Your enemies…
• 0. will send ruffians to break your stuff; will shoot at you if you enter their territory
• 1. are hunting you; want to expose your plans
• 2. have taken over most of the town; know where you live
• 3. control the news; know what you are
• 4. have sent a powerful assassin to end you; know who you care about
• 5. whisper in your dreams; are vampires who want to eat your heart

An NPC of considerable power or influence has made it their life’s mission to oppose your goals and generally make your life miserable if not end it entirely.
• 0. 11 pts, 10 skills, 1 minor talent, 1 resource
• 1. 14 pts, 15 skills, 2 minor talents, 2 resources
• 2. 17 pts, 20 skills, 3 minor talents, 1 major talent, 3 resources
• 3. 20 pts, 25 skills, 4 minor talents, 2 major talents, 4 resources
• 4. 23 pts, 30 skills, 5 minor talents, 3, major talents, 5 resources
• 5. 26 pts, 35 skills, 6 minor talents. 4 major talents, 6 resources
After Sundown Monster Character Options:
Monsters start with 1 Potency. Power Points are calculated as 10 Power Points +3 per point of Potency. Monsters have the same Weaknesses, Vulnerabilities, Power Schedules and Power Sources as from AS.

For Origin Stories Monsters start out with much reduced power arrays compared to In Media Res from AS.

• Werewolf
◦ Beast Form(Wolf), Vigor, Revive the Flesh
• Nezumi
◦ Beast Form(Rat), Tongue of Beasts, Abyss of the Body
• Bagheera
◦ Nimble Feet, Clinging, Eyes of Night

• Nosferatu
◦ Revive the Flesh, Hide from Notice, Clinging
• Strigoi
◦ Revive the Flesh, Bite of the Serpent(Euphoric), Vigor
• Daeva
◦ Revive the Flesh, Fire Walking, Nimble Feet

• Baali
◦ Aura Perception, Hand of Flame, Command
• Dryad
◦ Aura Perception, Bitter Fruit, Grass Rope
• Khaibit
◦ Aura Perception, Summon Spirit, Thaumaturgical Forensics
• Mage
◦ Aura Perception, Learn the Heart’s Pain, Dream Vision

• Frankenstein
◦ Persistence of Body, Quickness, Vigor
• Golem
◦ Persistence of Body, Mask of a Thousand Faces, Vigor
• Android
◦ Persistence of Body, Attract, Vigor

• Deep One
◦ Curse of Failure, Aura Perception, Dream Vision
• Troglodyte
◦ Revive the Flesh, Clinging, Touch of Darkness
• Mi-Go
◦ Body Colony, Small Witness, Supernatural Senses

• Reborn
◦ Quickness, Supernatural Senses, Summon Spirit
• Fallen
◦ Revive the Flesh, Attract, Mask of a Thousand Faces
• Icarid
◦ Hide from Notice, Vigor, Clinging
Alchemy and Weird Science

Alchemy and Weird Science are different names for the same thing- using pseudoscientific principles to create artifacts. This is similar to the Artifact Resource, with different advantages and drawbacks.

• Create artifacts that need maintaining
◦ Maintenance is done offscreen. Minor tweaking by the Alchemist or Scientist that doesn't necessarily take up resources, just their time and attention, but will have a -2 penalty unless the creator has the Tinker Advantage or an appropriate workspace. Artifacts that are not maintained tend to fall into disrepair. 25% (1/4) cumulative chance of failure each week or per scene used.
◦ For artifacts that do not need maintenance, you would need to pay the Resource cost.
• Can maintain 1 artifact at each rank up to highest rank known.
• Artifact Ranks by Enhancement Bonuses. The creator cannot create an artifact with more enhancements than their highest rank known.
◦ 1. +6
◦ 2. +8
◦ 3. +10
◦ 4. +12
◦ 5. +14

Alchemy/Weird Science Major Talents:
• Breath of Life:
You can create sentient artifacts. Treat artifact as level 0 Ally at cost of 1 Enhancement. Artifact can have stats increased by Ally Rank at Enhancement cost of 2 per Rank. Artifact still requires tinkering. If Artifact becomes self-sufficient then need to pay the Resource Cost for the Ally or Artifact level, whichever is higher.
• Extra Gadgets:
You can create and maintain one extra artifact at your highest rank or two extra artifacts at a lower rank.
• Fast Hack:
You can slap together a quick modification that only lasts a brief while. When modifying a device to give it enhancements the creator can start with a base time of 1 hour instead of 1 week (and extra hits divide the amount of time spent). The downside is that the enhancements are very finicky and temporary. Each time the device is used there is a cumulative 12.5% (1/8) chance of malfunction. The fast hacks only last for 24 hours or until the device malfunctions.

Artifact Design
1. Pick item that you are using as a starting point
2. Select Enhancements and calculate Creation Difficulty
3. Select Limitations to get Artifact Level
4. Roll Rigging (Science or Alchemy) to devise a design plan (blueprint, recipe, theorem, etc.)

Artifact Creation
1a. To Modify existing artifact roll Craft vs. Creation Difficulty. Crafting is complete when number of successes meets Creation Difficulty. Each roll takes 1 week, divided by extra successes.
1b. To Create new device, roll Craft vs. Creation Difficulty. Crafting is complete when number of successes meets Creation Difficulty. Each roll takes 1 week, +1 week per size of item if larger than Size 0.
2. MC applies a quirk/drawback to item. Try to make it thematic and not ruinous.
2a. All Weird Science and Alchemy items also have the Needs Tinkering drawback. The Artifact requires constant adjustment by the creator otherwise they tend to break down. 25% cumulative breakdown chance per scene used since previous tinkering (or cumulative 25% per week of non-use). Tinkering requires user make Rigging check at Creation DC -2. If Tinkering fails then device is inoperable for the next 24 hours.
Magic and Psychic

Magic and Psychic powers are the same thing. Call your supernatural powers whatever you want in character. In game terms there are Universal Power Paths and Sorcery Power Paths.

• If a character has no Potency then Channeling Sorcery or Psionics of any kind uses sorcery modifiers (SoSW p 49, repeated in MoHE p 51). A roll is made to complete the supernatural act, if successful, caster takes 1 Nonlethal Damage.
◦ First aid cannot negate this Nonlethal Damage, however it can reduce Nonlethal damage incurred by channeling sorcery to a minimum of 1.
• Ability to use Rituals
• (With additional purchases) Learn 1 Sorcery or Universal Power. Must know 1 Basic Power before able to learn Advanced in same Path. Elder powers can only be learned after Advanced in same Path and through special circumstances. Cannot learn Advanced without any Potency.
• Knowledge of any Advanced Sorcery Power also grants the ability to create a temporary portal to its associated Other World for the cost of 3 PP.

Major Talents:
• Magical/Psychic Aptitude:
Can use Basic Powers. Learn 1 Basic Power.

• Supernatural Mastery:
Requires 4 Basic Powers.
Can use Advanced Powers. Learn 1 Advanced Power from a Path where a Basic Power is already known.
If an Advanced Sorcery Power is known then can use that Sorcery Path to open a temporary portal to its associated Other World

• Elder Knowledge:
Requires 4 Advanced Powers, 8 Basic Powers, and special circumstances determined by MC.
Can use Elder Powers. Learn 1 Elder Power from a Path where an Advanced Power is already known.

• Cultist:
You are inducted into a secret society as a full member.
Requires 2 Advanced Powers, Rank 2 in Secret Society
You gain 1 advanced and 1 basic power associated with Society. And 1 resource associated with society.
You gain Duty 2 Obstacle for your Society and an additional Obstacle associated with the society as well
Sometimes Sorcery can be done without actually knowing the spell. To do so requires instruction usually in the form of a tome or other manual. The spell is verbally invoked by reading from the instructions and often a procedure or set of components are specified in the instructions as well.

Using a Ritual spell is done as though casting a spell without Potency, with Sorcery modifiers (SoSW p 49, repeated in MoHE p 51) and a 4 Die Penalty to complete the ritual. Intelligence+Research(Sorcery) is always used to complete the power rather than the skills specified by the power when using a ritual. A caster can draw on their own life force to fuel a spell in lieu of components, however.

A ritual caster may spread out the burden of the spell by joining hands with a number of participants equal to their Research(Sorcery) Rank. Nonlethal damage taken due to channeling the ritual is divided evenly (rounded up) amongst participants with a minimum of one apiece.

Rituals tend to take longer than a typical use of a power. As compared to normal usage of the power increase casting time by two steps on the Time Frame chart (After Sundown p 64).

Additional Ritual Sorcery Modifiers:
Ritual [-4]
No components [-4]
Incomplete components [-2]
I have another googledocs spreadsheet with the converted AS powers such that they use HEX attributes and skills. I'll link it later.

[edit: 12/14, updated Rituals]