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RPG Book Giveaway

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:18 pm
by talozin
I have too much RPG stuff. Way, way too much RPG stuff. And, after a year of attempting to deal with the staggering quantity of stuff my parents managed to accumulate during their lives, I am now highly motivated to simplify. So I am getting rid of a bunch of things I don't see any reasonable likelihood of using in the future. It would be nice to see it go to someone who might find a use for it, so: if you want something, or multiple somethings, from the following lists, you can have it for the cost of postage to wherever you are. Whatever you want, as much as you want, wherever you want, under the following conditions:

* These items are given away as-is. I'm a pretty careful guy and a lot of this stuff is in unread condition or very close to it, but I can't absolutely guarantee that any individual piece is minty.

* First come, first served. PM me what you want, I'll weigh it and give you a postage estimate. If you PayPal me postage within 48 hours of receiving the estimate, it'll be on its way as soon as I can find packing materials. If, after 48 hours, you have not sent postage, it goes back on the available pile.

* Please don't ask for stuff just to resell it (in the event that anything in here is worth reselling -- which I doubt). I obviously have no way to verify whether you're doing this or not, so I can't stop you if you decide to do so -- I'm just asking you not to. Whatever else you want to do is up to you -- read it, set it on fire, cut it up and PDF it for the world to enjoy, whatever.

* Requests from accounts registered after the date of this post will be regretfully declined, at least until everyone else has had a go.

There might be more stuff available this spring/summer, since I still have an ass tonne of boxes up in the attic that I haven't gone through yet.

Things marked with strikethrough are spoken for; things that have been mailed will be deleted.

Tribe 8
Horrors of the Z'bri DP9-806

Original Recipe WoD: Vampire
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction WW2021
Clanbook: Gangrel WW2052
Clanbook: Malkavian WW2053
Clanbook: Nosferatu WW2054
Clanbook: Ravnos WW2064
Giovanni Chronicles I: The Last Supper WW2090
Alien Hunger WW2100
Ashes to Ashes WW2102
Elysium WW2233

Original Recipe WoD: Vampire Dark Ages
Clanbook: Cappadocian WW2805
Liege, Lord and Lackey WW2806
Libellus Sanguinis 1: Masters of the State WW2807 (back corner bent)
Transylvania Chronicles I: Dark Tides Rising WW2811
Libellus Sanguinis 2: Keepers of the Word WW2815
Clanbook: Baali WW2817
Wolves of the Sea WW2820
Libellus Sanguinis 4: Thieves in the Night WW2830

Original Recipe WoD: Werewolf
Tribe Book: Red Talons WW3057
Project Twilight WW3064
Under a Blood Red Moon WW3102
Dark Alliance: Vancouver WW3103
Rage Across Australia WW3106
Rage Across the Amazon WW3200

Original Recipe WoD: Changeling
Isle of the Mighty WW7007
Book of Lost Dreams WW7302

Extra Crispy WoD: Changeling
Winter Masques WW70200

Year One WW8502
Elites WW8506
Worldwide: Phase 2 WW8510
Worldwide: Phase 1 WW8530

Exalted: 1st Edition
Scavenger Sons WW8820
Savage Seas WW8822
Blood and Salt WW8827

Legend of the Five Rings First Edition
The Way of the Dragon AEG3003
The Way of the Unicorn AEG3005
The Way of the Crane AEG3009

In Nomine
Angelic Player's Guide
Revelations I: Night Music
Revelations II: The Marches
Revelations III: Heaven and Hell

D&D 3rd Edition
Book of Vile Darkness

HWR2 Hollow World - Kingdom of Nithia

Dragonlance: Fifth Age
Heroes of Steel
Heroes of Sorcery
Heroes of Defiance
Heroes of Hope
Wings of Fury

Palladium Stuff
Palladium Compendium of Weapons, Armour & Castles

Classic Enemies
Underworld Enemies
Enemies Assemble!
Enemies For Hire
Murderer's Row
Creatures of the Night: Horror Enemies
European Enemies

Elric & Related
Dragon Lords of Melnibone
Melnibone 2901

Ars Magica 3rd Edition
Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia
Tribunals of Hermes: Rome

Ars Magica 4th Edition
A Medieval Tapestry AG254
Kabbalah: Mythic Judaism AG255

Sword & Sorcery Studios (third party D&D3 stuff)
Relics & Rituals WW8310
Relics & Rituals II: Lost Lore WW8314
Scarred Lands Gazetteer: Ghelspad WW8320

Warhammer FRP
Doomstones: Fire and Blood
Doomstones: Wars and Death
Something Rotten in Kislev (original GW hardcover printing, still shrinkwrapped)

Gods of Glorantha (box)
Elder Secrets of Glorantha (box)
River of Cradles
Lords of Terror - The Cults of Dorastor

Invading Clans 1645

Renegade Legion
Centurion (shrinkwrapped, but it's peeling off)

T4: Marc Miller's Traveller
Milieu 0

Random Stuff I Don't Care Enough To Classify
Hong Kong Action Theatre!
Maps Book 1: Cities
Legions of Hell: Book of Fiends, Volume One
Armies of the Abyss: Book of Fiends, Volume Two
2300AD: Aurore Sourcebook
Skyrealms of Jorune
MegaTraveller (box, somewhat battered)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:48 am
by Meikle641
I'd like to ask for the Treasures of Middle Earth book, and the core book for Ars Magica.

Question: Elric... is that d100 stuff from Chaosium?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:18 pm
by talozin
Meikle641 wrote:I'd like to ask for the Treasures of Middle Earth book, and the core book for Ars Magica.

Question: Elric... is that d100 stuff from Chaosium?
Correct. It's the update of the old boxed "Stormbringer" RPG they put out in the mid-80s (notable mainly for the illustration of a topless Myshella they used for the back of the GM Book). Melnibone is a supplement for the d100 game, Dragon Lords of Melnibone is a d20 conversion.

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:36 pm
by Meikle641
Mm.... Guess I'll add Elric! to my list. Is the other d100 supplement any good?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:18 pm
by talozin
It depends on your perspective, I guess? I mined some interesting campaign location ideas from it. It has a distinctive take on the Moorcock mythos that people tend to kind of either like or hate -- a little bit over the top (imagine that, in a mythos featuring flamingo cavalry and naked chicks riding around on giant mechanical birds). If you have visions of running a game on the actual Dragon Isle, then you probably want it. If you just want a Young Kingdoms game where Melnibone is a distant and sinister background presence, then you can live without it.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:38 am
by Meikle641
RuneQuest Deluxe Edition (AH/Chaosium book) 8570 sounds like a good, and final choice.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:15 am
by Koumei
I know shipping will be too much to Ausfailia, but are the Tokyo and Hong Kong books any good, with useful information to running a campaign in either place, plot hooks, ties-in with Kindred of the Ag? Or is it "hahaha White Wolf shit"?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:55 am
by talozin
I don't really remember off the top of my head, but I can look through them when I get home tonight.

FWIW, the USPS will ship a 3 3/8-inch high stack of books weighing up to 20 pounds to Oz for US$60, or a 5 1/2-inch high version for US$78, and a 2-pound package is still like $55. So if you want anything you may as well take a bunch of stuff, because the cost of shipping a 3-inch stack of books is only marginally more than the cost of shipping anything at all. This goes for other international people who may be considering a selection, too.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:27 am
by Koumei
In that case, I'd like to claim those two, and the Kindred of the Ag collection. Despite common sense telling me how bad an idea that is.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 4:58 pm
by fectin
I am still in the hoarder phase of RPGs, so would happily take most of that list.

In the interests of restraint though, after everyone else has had a chance, could I have the WEG star wars stuff, the Psionics handbook, Space 1889, the Lankhmar book, and In Nomine's Revelations 4 and Infernal player's guide (those specifically, because I have the others already)?

I'd also love to get my hands on all the other AD&D stuff, but again, let everyone else have a chance first.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:45 pm
by talozin
Oh, there's no need to feel weird about asking for stuff. The items you listed would still only put you in second place among people who've put requests in so far, and that guy's stack is still a couple of inches taller than yours. How about I just go ahead and mark those off the list and you can add to it in a day or two if you want?

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:08 pm
by Starmaker
I'd love Mage and Wraith because the scans are unreadable if no one else wants them; I don't want to get in the way of an OSSR.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:11 pm
by fectin
Awsome, thanks!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:43 am
by Prak
How are the two Books of Fiends?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:38 am
by Koumei
If you want to know about the quality of those specific books, I can't answer, I'm not a wizard, but if you mean "what kind of stuff can be found in them?" I have them and can answer:

The Abyss one includes a bunch of new Demons. You don't care about them, for the most part, although it introduces things that are sort of Cthulhu-horrors (as a Sub-type just like Tanar'ri). One of them is Large or Huge, and the artwork shows it as being Colossal or bigger. Looks pretty rad for a giant fleshblimp.

It also has crap about the Abyss itself that can make for decent "today you're going to this area to fight monsters" material, and it has the Demon Lords which you will never use.

It also has Feats, including Abyssal Heritor: how to make your human more demonic. Honestly, you could sort of smoosh them together as a single Tome Feat (although it would largely be on the "numbers not options" side). But I've taken some of them in games that only allowed published material (because Slow-Fall is better than nothing). There are some decent spells too.

Overall, it's mostly a book for Mister Cavern.

The Nine Hells one has more stuff for players. Firstly, a lot of info on the layers themselves - you could happily run a campaign that starts with "go to Hell" and stays there. You don't care about the Archdevil statlines but you could use them in plots and stuff without being too much of "MC penis extension", especially if you use your own, tough-but-killable, statline.

There are new devils and they're a little more interesting than the new demons, but nothing to write home about. All Erinyes-related art is really good. Not "smoking hot", just really well drawn.

Information on pacts and selling your soul. Feats that aren't really for PCs to just pick up as they go along - they're more like "you pledged servitude to X, here is your reward".

It also has a few prestige classes. Of these, you only care about one: the (infamous) Hellfire Warlock.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:45 am
by Prak
I think you're thinking of the WotC ones. I'm pretty sure the ones Talozin has are the Green Ronin Legions of Hell and Armies of the Abyss.

Admittedly, when I first saw them on the list I got excited because I thought they might be the WotC ones too, because I need the demon one. But alas, I did not jump on this early enough to clear out most of the WotC books.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:38 pm
by JonSetanta
Damn! All the wants I wanted are gone.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:23 pm
by talozin
First shipments away, wave 2 goes out tomorrow.

And yes, those are the Green Ronin Books of Fiends, not the Wizbro versions.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:02 pm
by Prak
How are they, talozin, anything particularly usable? Are they basically just monster manuals?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:14 pm
by talozin
The Nine Hells one (by Chris Pramas, if it matters) is pretty much just a monster manual. It has some pretty decent art for a third-party monster manual, but there it is. Out of 64 pages, probably 50 are either monster entries or templates, with the obligatory 5-6 pages of PrCs.

The Abyss one (by Erik Mona) has a little bit more on the Abyss itself, the nature of demons, a bunch of outlines for demon lords and demon princes, some new domains, etc., but is primarily also a monster manual. Out of 64 pages, about half are monster entries or templates.

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:46 pm
by talozin
Wave 2 is out the door. I'm shocked, shocked that no one gives a shit about Werewolf!

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:21 am
by talozin
Thanks to the combination of the New Year's Day and a giant fucking snowstorm, there're a couple of packages that have been delayed. I will probably still be digging out tomorrow, but hopefully they'll all go off on Saturday.

I'll let this run until the end of January, and if there's stuff that nobody wanted at that point, it'll either get recycled or ... something else.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:26 am
by Meikle641
Tried selling on Or something?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:05 am
by Meikle641
Arrived safe yesterday. Thanks, dude.

"...Who the hell sent me a packa- Oh. Awesome"

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:33 pm
by talozin
As of today (that's January 9th for people too lazy to look at the post date), if you have sent me postage, your package has been mailed. I don't have any queued requests at present.

Where's my stuff?

I don't know, man, I'm not the fuckin' post office.

It's been a long-ass time, where's my stuff?

Message me and I'll see if I can find out. If you sent stuff via media mail, don't be too optimistic.

Can I still ask for stuff?

Knock yourself out. Really, please do -- all this Vampire shit is starting to get to me.

Got any more stuff?

You don't even want to know.

I asked, dumbass, of course I want to know.

Okay, fine. Yes, I have an ass tonne more stuff that I will eventually get rid of, but it's stored in boxes in the attic, and Massachusetts is currently doing its best impersonation of Finland, so there won't be any more up here any time soon. Maybe sometime in May. Or after, I don't know.