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D&D Icons Tome-ified (Statblocks for Tome Games)

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:05 pm
by radthemad4
I really liked the ones on Libertad's thread: D&D Icons, Tome-ified but I can't find the ones I need in the middle of a game fast enough. Since Libertad doesn't seem to post here anymore, I figured I might as well start a new thread. I've indexed everything he (and Catharz Godfoot) made and I'll add more to the index here if you guys post any.


Level 2
Level 3 to 6
Level 7 to 9
Level 10 to 14
Level 16 to 35
Level ?
New Weapon: Colt .45 Revolver
New Weapon: Energy Bow
New Weapon: Pump-action Shotgun

New Wondrous Item: Chick Tract
New Wondrous Item: Dungeons & Dragons Roller Coaster Ride
New Wondrous Item: Finn's Cigar Box

New Background: Dungeonborn
Given the huge amount of ancient ruins, monster encampments, and an entire world beneath the surface, it's perfectly plausible to assume that a significant portion of the world's population grew up in dungeons. You were one of these people.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and Search checks, and they are always class skills for you. In addition, you get the ability to automatically roll a Search check when passing by a secret door as though you were an elf. Additionally, you do not need to roll escape artist checks for squeezing through tight passageways when in your dungeon home; you've been through them so many times it's now second nature.