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RPG Book Giveaway II: Electric Boogaloo

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:41 pm
by talozin
See here for the original thread.

Spring is here! Technically, spring is almost over, and summer is going to be here in another week, but fuck it. Spring is here and that means I have more stuff to give away so no one has to throw it out when I die.

Copypasta'd from the old thread, here are the terms and conditions:

* These items are given away as-is. I'm a pretty careful guy and a lot of this stuff is in unread condition or very close to it, but I can't absolutely guarantee that any individual piece is minty.

* First come, first served. PM me what you want, I'll weigh it and give you a postage estimate. If you PayPal me postage within 48 hours of receiving the estimate, it'll be on its way as soon as I can find packing materials. If, after 48 hours, you have not sent postage, it goes back on the available pile.

* Please don't ask for stuff just to resell it (in the event that anything in here is worth reselling -- which I doubt). I obviously have no way to verify whether you're doing this or not, so I can't stop you if you decide to do so -- I'm just asking you not to. Whatever else you want to do is up to you -- read it, set it on fire, cut it up and PDF it for the world to enjoy, whatever.

* Requests from accounts registered after the date of this post will be regretfully declined, at least until everyone else has had a go.

Things marked with strikethrough are spoken for; things that have been mailed will be deleted. Do not bother asking for stuff on the old thread; it's long since been recycled or donated or sold in bulk, I forget exactly what happened to which parts.

Mage - Original Recipe World of Darkness
Laws of Ascension WW5022
Book of Worlds WW4007
Digital Web 2.0 WW4016

Werewolf - Original Recipe World of Darkness
Umbra: The Velvet Shadow WW3204
Caerns: Places of Power WW3201
Werewolf The Apocalypse Second Edition WW3600
Project Twilight WW3064
Ways of the Wolf WW3050

Ars Magica - various editions
Covenants LR1010
Twelfth Night WW0503

Pax Dei WW1021
The Maleficium WW2019
The Mythic Seas AG259

Sword & Sorcery Studios -- third-party 3E
Hornsaw: Forest of Blood WW8323
Blood Sea: The Crimson Abyss WW8329

Vampire - Original Recipe World of Darkness
Clanbook: Assamite WW2059
Sins of the Blood WW2421
The Hunters Hunted WW2205
Bloody Hearts: Diablerie Britain WW2010
Clanbook: Giovanni WW2063
Nights of Prophecy WW2265
Chicago By Night WW2201
Milwaukee By Night WW2105
War of Ages WW2022

Changeling - Original Recipe World of Darkness
The Autumn People WW7004
Nobles: The Shining Host WW7006

D&D 3/3.5

Top Secret/SI
TS2 The Doomsday Drop

AD&D 1st Edition
(these are all pretty well-used, but what do you want for free?)
Deities and Demigods (no Cthulhu)
The Rogues Gallery (no cover)

Car Wars
(also kind of battered, but intact)
AADA Vehicle Guide
AADA Vehicle Guide Volume 2

America Offline WW9003
Shattered Europe WW9004
Aurora Australis WW90006
Field Report: Psi Laws WW9203

Vampire the Dark Ages
WW2811 Transylvania Chronicles I: Dark Tides Rising

Random Shit That Doesn't Fit Anywhere
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters 40073

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:07 pm
by talozin
Bunch of stuff sent out. Still a bunch of stuff left!

I will let this run until, let's say the 10th of July, so there's a good three weeks or so to get requests in. If you get a request in by the 10th of July, I will still send you the stuff even if you don't get me postage by then.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:07 pm
by Ancient History
For anyone that hasn't seen it, World of Warhammer is a beautiful book.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:14 pm
by Ancient History
Books got here! Muchos gracias.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:16 am
by talozin
If there is stuff here for which you have sent me postage and an address, but is not yet crossed off, then you should message me to get off my lazy ass and mail it.

If there is stuff for which you have sent me one or the other but not both, you should send whichever you haven't. Or don't, whatever works.

If there's stuff for which you have sent me neither, make up your damn mind, already. :)

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:20 am
by Prak
Sorry that I have yet to have sent postage. My usual source of a bit of spending money didn't happen last week. I will send it as soon as I can, roughly tomorrow afternoon or so.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:54 pm
by talozin
Last call. I mean, not literally last call; I will keep accepting requests at least until the 10th and for as long after that as it takes for me to get off my lazy ass and recycle the leftovers. But relatively last call.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:28 pm
by Prak
Did my payment go through? I sent it the other day when I said I would.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:30 pm
by DragonChild
Got my books in today, thank you!

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:04 am
by talozin
Prak_Anima wrote:Did my payment go through? I sent it the other day when I said I would.
Yup. Thanks to Massachusetts being deluged by rain over the weekend, the package didn't go out until this morning, but it is safely on its way.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:11 am
by Meikle641
Oh right, my package arrived a week or so ago. Thanks, dude.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:46 pm
by Prak
Books arrived, thank you muchly!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:19 pm
by Schleiermacher
This stuff is all long gone now, right?