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War Thunder

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:57 am
by Hicks
So I play War Thunder, a free to play multiplayer online WW1 to Korean War battle arena for airplanes and tanks. And I'm gonna bitch about a free game on the internet on the internet .

So the 1.43 patch just went live and after the manditory six mother-fucking hour download I sat down to do what I love most just less than my wife: driving a goddamn tank. I loved me the hell out of some tank driving; but no more, sloped armor plate has been replaced with soggy tissues. What is now especially damning is the brand new "kill cam" that instantly replays the incoming shell piercing your armor and fragmenting inside the tank and fucking all your shit up. I have a few tier 2 tanks, the Soviet T-34 and T-34 1941, that were revolutionary for their time for implementing sloped armor, and in the previous patch would fucking bounce shells from anything less than a tank destroyer when in a chevron position (where you are diagonal to incoming fire); you would need to hit the side dead on or the rear to penetrate. NO MORE! Thanks to the new kill cam, I can see EXACTLY how little resistance the patched warm cheese puts up against everething, which is no resistance at all. I saw a shot go through my front left track wheel, diagonally into my front armor, into the ammunition on the opposite side of my tank, and into the fuel tank. Long story short, everybody died in a fireball of shrapnel and ass on the first fucking shot "tanked" in the match, hitting the most protected part of the tank. Every match is the same story: first hit penetrates and kills the tank, and thee hits later you just sit out the rest of the match.

It used to be that a tank, handled with care and properly positioned, would last the whole match, or at least you never ran out of respawns before the map's zone timers were depleted, or at least you never RAN OUT OF FUCKING TANKS BEFORE THE MATCH ENDED! Now you only get one tank for each crew (in the previous patch you got 2 tanks per crew slot) and after 3 tanks/hits you are done. FUCKING FUCK EVEN THE FUCKING PLANES GET TO USE EVERY CREW BEFORE THEY'RE FORCED TO SIT OUT THE MATCH! FUCK!

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:57 am
by Stahlseele
What was shooting at you?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:37 am
by Hicks
I found the problem! It was Auto-Squad, Automatically placing my highest tier 2 tanks in tier 3 matches, where every enemy gun is wider than my heaviest armor! Turned that shit off and now my armor finally fucking works! Exclamations!!!!!

My handle in War Thunder is MisterExplosion on the US server; I suck at fighters (just killed my 100th player after 2 years), Excellent at bombers, and a solid tanker (just killed my 70th player after 2 weeks). If you play, lets squad together and blow some shit up.

If you don't play the game but want to try it out, click here.

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 11:27 am
by Stahlseele
Yeah, going up against tanks with guns that could penetrate your armor even if the shell was fired sideways is always a bad idea.