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[Let's Play] Blood Sword II - The Kingdom of Wyrd

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:55 pm
by SGamerz

Welcome to the second book in the Blood Sword LP series. I hope you are still interested to continue this journey!

Some of the later books in the series begin with a section called "The Story So Far" to recap what has happened previously in our heroes' quest. But you already know, Book 1 had little to do with the overall plot of the series other than giving us a brief introduction to the world (and also introduction to a certain NPC that will eventually show his face again), so there's no recap necessary in this book.

Still, let's have a look at the back cover synopsis:
From the Palace of Eternal Dusk, the Warlock-King holds his realm in thrall. His tyrannized subjects live in perpetual fear, for they know their evil monarch can see into the minds of others and slay them in their dreams.

Only outsiders from beyond the boundaries of Wyrd may slay the tyrant - and they will need all the courage and skill that mortals ever can possess.
Now let's have a look at our Heroes.

At the need of the previous book, our heroes gained enough Experience to be elevated to 3rd Rank Adventurers. How does that change them? In reality, now by very much:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 11 (+1 from Enchanted Sword)
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 17/17
Damage: 1 Die+2

1 Sword
2 Chainmail armour (Armour Rating three)
3 Money pouch (75 gold pieces)
4 Opal Medallion
5-7 Food (eat one for +1 EN after combat)
8 Enchanted Sword (+1 FP)
9-10 Empty slot.
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 19/19
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Battleaxe
2 Breastplate (Armour Rating one)
3 Food (eat one for +1 EN after combat)
4 Bottle of Chimera Spittle
5 Magic Bow (Damage 1 Die+1)
6 Money pouch (60 gold pieces)
7-10 Empty slot
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 16/16
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Ringmail armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Sharp Knife
4 Shielding Charm (+1 AR)
5 Money pouch (60 gold pieces)
6-10 Empty slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 0
Psychic Ability: 15 (+1 from Ring of Sorcery)
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 16/16
Damage: 1 Die

1 Sword
2 Silver armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Opal Medallion
4 Golden Snuffbox
5-6 Food (eat one for +1 EN after combat)
7 Ring of Sorcery (+1 PA)
8 Money pouch (60 gold pieces)
9-10 Empty slot
So....yeah, the main changes are that our heroes can take a few more punches and cuts with their fatter END. And they can all do an extra point of damage.

As you can see, I've left the equipment from last book mostly unaltered. You can always choose to drop/trade whatever items you think you don't need.

In addition to that, I've given everyone back their money pouches. According to the book:
If you completed the first book in the series, The Battlepits of Krarth, you will carry over the same adventuring team for this book. Your character(s) will have the abilities, rank and equipment with which they ended their first adventure. You can restore the characters' Endurance back up to its normal level if they left the battlepits wounded - assume you have had a week or two of restful recuperation.


If you are playing with a character from Book One, you already know what equipment you have. You can also add sixty gold pieces to the money you already have.

Sounds like every character will get some gold out of the reward they won from the competition, so it makes sense to buy new pouches to keep them. I'm pretty sure they can afford get new ones.

More ambiguous is the availability of new bows/quivers/arrows:
The quiver contains six arrows at the start of the adventure. Cross these off as you use them. (If you used up your arrows in Book One, you may assume you have replaced them in the interval before this adventure begins.)
Sounds like lost arrows can be would it make sense for the players to be able to gain new bows and quivers as well? What of the Trickster, who decided to focus on being a melee character in the last book (the Magic Bow is in his possession because it was given to him at the end of the last book, he can give it to the Sage if he so chooses)? you guys think?

You guys may want to properly adjust your equipment lists, drop/trade items between yourselves before I begin the book proper.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 2:07 pm
by SGamerz
A bit more information on the background....

A map is provided on some of the territories we might cross:


And here's a "glossary", somewhat different from the one in the previous book. More information on the True Magi is given, as well as some stuff that we will only encounter in this book (Wyrd):

Blue Moon -- One of the spirits of the magi, the others being White Light, Red Death, Gift Star and Plague Star. In astrology, Blue Moon stands for mystery, paradox and illusion; also the boundary between life and death, and hence it can represent mystical wisdom.

the Blasting -- The demon-spawned disaster in which Spyte was laid to ruin and the True Magi were killed. After this holocaust, which lasted for three days and nights, Spyte was left isolated by a deep chasm which many believe goes right down to the fires of Hell.

Coradian Sea -- The sea around whose shores are located the richest ports and cities of the world. Also used as a collective adjective for the countries of the True Faith - Algandy, Chaubrette, Kurland, the New Selentine Empire, Asmuly and Emphidor - surrounding this sea.

Ferromaine -- The richest port of the Coradian coast.

Gift Star -- One of the spirits of the magi, the others being White Light, Red Death, Plague Star and Blue Moon. The significance of Gift Star in astrology is as a symbol of luck (both good and bad) and the oracle.

Krarth -- A large country in the far north of Legend, divided into several dozen separate states each of which is ruled over by a magus. It is divided from the civilised lands around the Coradian Sea by a deep rift valley which cuts through the Coradian continent from eastern to western shore. A cold and inhospitable country, full of ancient and xenophobic traditions, Krarth is avoided by most merchants from the southern lands.

Legend -- The mortal world; Midgard, or Middle-Earth.

the Magi -- The lords of Krarth. There are some thirty magi, each essentially a local despot with absolute dominion over his territories. Since the country cannot support a standing army of any size, disputes are settled by means of the Battlepits contest - and sometimes by assassination.

Plague Star -- One of the spirits of the magi, the others being White Light, Red Death, Gift Star and Blue Moon. Seen in astrology as indicative of illness, Plague Star is interpreted in another sense as the decay and corruption that must inevitably follow any act of creation.

Red Death -- One of the spirits of the magi, the others being White Light, Gift Star, Plague Star and Blue Moon. In astrology, Red Death is generally taken as the symbol of wanton carnage and terror. Others see it as conflict in a general sense - perhaps within an individual's psyche - which, if resolved, leads to enlightenment.

Selentium -- The capital of the Old Selentine Empire which once took in most of the western world. After the fall of the Old Empire seven hundred years ago, Selentium has risen to a new importance as the centre of the True Faith.

the Spirits of the Magi -- Five small luminous objects which are sometimes visible in the northern skies at night. Each appears about a fifth the size of the moon's face. According to the popular superstition of Krarth, these objects are the apotheosised spirits of the five greatest wizards among the True Magi. They appear frequently in folk tales (usually as malevolent entities constantly plotting and dreaming of their return to the land of men). Less sinisterly, they are potent symbols in astrology.

Spyte -- The 'holy city' of the True Magi, who convened there every seven years in order to commune with the gods of Krarth. Today it stands in ruin, atop a pinnacle of rock in the middle of a vast rift in the earth ('the Cauldron').

the True Faith -- The principal religion of modern Legend.

the True Magi -- The original rulers of Krarth, wizards of unimaginable power, who were all slain in the Blasting of Spyte centuries ago. The present magi are for the most part the descendants of seneschals or apprentices who seized power in the ensuing confusion.

the Warlock-King -- The centuries-old ruler of Wyrd. He has the power to shape reality within the boundaries of his kingdom, and can enter the dreams of his subjects to question or to punish them.

White Light -- One of the spirits of the magi, the others being Red Death, Gift Star, Plague Star and Blue Moon. The meaning of White Light in astrological terms is as knowledge and consciousness - absolute and positive action which brings about permanent change.

Wyrd -- An island kingdom situated in the Mistral Sea, east of Krarth. It is ruled by the Warlock-King, who was a vassal of the True Magi until the Blasting.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 2:50 pm
by Shiritai
I'd prefer to hang on to my ring; rolling at or below a 9 is a nice spot to be in. I'd suggest that Kiki gets the shielding amulet. Hopefully weaker enemies will hardly be able to scratch her then.

I vote for quivers being available too; bows don't matter so much as I'd think we'd only stick with our Pepito as an archer? Now, could we give Pepito multiple quivers though?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 3:30 pm
by SGamerz
Everyone's equipment stays as it is for now, since no one else has spoken. Items will not change hands unless the person holding the item requests to.

Now, let's begin...
'This is an irresistible fate,' says the old woman, peering at the cards in the firelight. 'A Weird. You will undertake some great task, a quest of tremendous importance.'

She glances up to see how you receive her prophecy. Then, touching a card with her brown old hand, she continues: 'From the first card, which is the focus of the reading, the quest will involve a restoration - the setting to right of some ill, or the repair of a thing that has been broken. The card here suggests that a long journey lies ahead of you, and the surrounding influence suggests great hardships along the way. This next card indicates the obstacles, and as it is the Hosts of Yeth these would seem to be both many and dangerous. Powerful agencies will oppose you. Turning to the next card, we see your immediate goal ... The Archon, icy of gaze and stern of countenance. This man is harsh and implacable. A ruler, or one who expects to be obeyed. If your quest is not in his interests, he can be counted on to oppose you. Note that beside him is the feminine principle - the dreams of firelight, the comforting word. A stark contrast indeed to the Archon, and her face on the card is turned away from him. If a man opposes you, the cards seem to say, you may find a woman who is your friend ...'

She shuffles the cards and stares at you for a moment, then gives a deep sigh. The reading is at an end. You start to rise, but she extends a withered hand. 'Two pieces of gold was the price we agreed,' she says.

You did say you'd give her two gold pieces. But her prophecy seems somewhat vague ...

If you pay her two gold pieces, cross them off and turn to 355. If you pay her only one gold piece, turn to 343. If you refuse to pay her at all, turn to 259.
Everyone has more than enough gold. Whomever volunteers to pay first (specify amount) will do so.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 3:57 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Kiki will pay two. A deal's a deal.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:12 pm
by SGamerz
She smiles. You notice that she is not the ordinary toothless crone one might expect to find reading fortunes. Under her wrinkled, nut-brown skin you see the lineaments of a proud and handsome woman.

She takes a small jar from the travelling pouch around her neck. 'This is a herbal salve,' she says. 'An old preparation known to the woodfolk.' Does she mean foresters, or elves? You start to say that you cannot accept it, but she presses it into your hands. 'You will find it soothes the pain of wounds,' she adds, as she gathers up her belongings and walks towards the trees. 'May good fortune go with you on your quest.'

'Wait ...!' you call out after her. You glance down at the pot of salve you are holding, then up at the trees lining the clearing's edge. She has gone.

Someone in the party should note the pot of salve on his or her Character Sheet. It holds enough for five applications, and each application will restore one Die's worth of lost Endurance points. You can use one or more applications at any time during the adventure except when you are in combat, and the player who uses it rolls one Die to see how many Endurance points he or she gets back. Remember to cross off the applications as they are used up.
Since Kiki is the one who paid and she also happens to be the first in the Battle Order and the meatshield anyway, she takes the salve for now. Let me know if you guys prefer to let someone else hold it.
Pondering the meaning of the old woman's prophecy, you make you way across the forest clearing where you will camp tonight. The last rays of the afternoon sun slant down across the treetops. You and a number of other wayfarers are travelling together for reason of safety through the great forests of south-eastern Krarth. The clearing is now a bustle of activity as merchants, pilgrims and hunters prepare camp for the night.

Since you joined the old woman, some foresters have appeared with their families and are now roasting venison. You sniff the appetising aroma of the meat, mingling pleasantly with the scent of pine-smoke, and one of the foresters carves you some. Thanking him, you wander towards where you have built your own camp fire.

As you do, the plangent notes of a melancholy tune drift across the clearing. Looking over, you see a man strumming a lyre. He wears a tunic and breeches of white cotton - white once, in fact, but now travel-stained to greyness. His face indicates a strong, proud man, and his wistful melody is nothing like the jaunty jigs played by most minstrels.

Beyond him, at the edge of the clearing, you see a group of merchants dressed in the grey travelling cloaks of their kind. They are peering intently at a game of Krarthian chequers being played by two tall men. These players huddle to keep warm in the cool autumn air, wrapping their mantles of blue-grey fur closer about their shoulders. It surprises you that the merchants should be so absorbed by the game, as Krarthian chequers involves complex and elegant strategy. Your own opinion of the merchant class is that they are incapable of appreciating such an art.

If you would like to go over to the minstrel and listen to his tune, turn to 502. If you would prefer to watch the game of chequers, turn to 554. If you would rather just rest after your long journey, turn to 486.
Music, game, or sleep?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:23 pm
by Starmaker
Music. From the description, the guy seems Good-Aligned[tm].

I give my bow to Pepito if he doesn't mind.
I also vote both archers get fresh quivers.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:25 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Yeah, music. I recall this author enjoying showing off his poetry, so we should indulge him.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:32 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Pepito will give the shielding charm to whoever wants it. If there's no preference I'll give the charm to Kiki and offer to trade my ringmail for Benedict's breastplate, increasing both of their Armor Ratings by 1 and bringing mine down to one (I have the better bow so other than Reed I have the least need to go into melee, and as such I don't mind taking the worst armor).

Also, listen to the minstrel.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 6:58 pm
by Shiritai
The checkers may show up later as well; the authors seem to like their games. But the bard is definitely Good, so let's hear his tune.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:37 pm
by SGamerz
The musician is not an old man, but his hair is as white as the driven snow. As you approach he looks up, his eyes the colour of the blue sky over the forest. Without ceasing his plucking at the strings of his lyre he grins at you and says: 'Join me if you know how to.' He concentrates again on the strange wistful tune and you are left to think on his words.

If you are a Trickster, then you know how to play a musical instrument and can accompany him; turn to 203. If you are an Enchanter and wish to join in the music-making, turn to 20. If you are neither a Trickster nor an Enchanter, you are unable to play any musical instrument; turn to 441.
Benedict and Reed, either of you want to perform?

Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 11 (+1 from Enchanted Sword)
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 17/17
Damage: 1 Die+2

1 Sword
2 Chainmail armour (Armour Rating three)
3 Money pouch (73 gold pieces)
4 Opal Medallion
5-7 Food (eat one for +1 EN after combat)
8 Enchanted Sword (+1 FP)
9 Healing Salve (5 applications, restores 1 Die of END each)
10 Shielding Charm (+1 AR)
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 19/19
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Battleaxe
2 Ringmail armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Food (eat one for +1 EN after combat)
4 Bottle of Chimera Spittle
5 Quiver (arrows)
6 Money pouch (60 gold pieces)
7-10 Empty slot
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 16/16
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Breastplate (Armour Rating one)
3 Sharp Knife
4 Money pouch (60 gold pieces)
5 Magic Bow (Damage 1 Die+1)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7-10 Empty slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 0
Psychic Ability: 15 (+1 from Ring of Sorcery)
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 16/16
Damage: 1 Die

1 Sword
2 Silver armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Opal Medallion
4 Golden Snuffbox
5-6 Food (eat one for +1 EN after combat)
7 Ring of Sorcery (+1 PA)
8 Money pouch (60 gold pieces)
9-10 Empty slot

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:02 am
by Shiritai
I'll join in if Benedict doesn't want to.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 8:04 am
by Starmaker
I'll play.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:10 pm
by SGamerz
You speak to the man, interrupting the flow of his melody. He looks up at you quizzically and you explain to him that you would like to accompany him but that you lack any instrument with which to do so. He nods curtly to where a harp rests against the ornately carved saddle of his pack mule which is tethered to a nearby tree. You pick up the harp, which is made of a rich black wood you do not recognise. Drawing your fingers over the cobweb-fine strings, you produce one of the most haunting and beautiful melodies that you have ever played.

The old man forgets to continue with his own playing, so impressed is he by your abilities. When you stop there is an awestruck silence for a while in the forest glade. From far off you hear the mournful cry of a bird, then silence. Finally the man speaks, and strangely there are tears in his eyes: 'You have played well. The beauty of your music surpasses mine. You have been given the gift, I know not from where. Take then the harp as my gift to you; it will make you sing of joyous things even in the midst of gravest danger, when the creatures of the night rise up and would have your soul.'

You take the harp and would thank the man, but he seems to have sunk into a trance, listening to the far-off cries of the mournful forest bird. You can now go and rest or you can go over and watch the chequers game.
There was some interest expressed in the chequers game too, might as well take a look:
You saunter over to the merchants, who seem to be totally immersed in watching the game. You call out a greeting, but none of them turns away to look at you. In fact, they seem totally absorbed in the battle unfolding in front of them on the chequers board. You gradually turn your attention to the game yourself as the players move their pieces to and fro, each of them by various devious routes trying to encircle their opponent's pieces and thus neutralize them.

If you have a Sage in your party, turn to 214. If there is no Sage in your party, but there is a Warrior, turn to 175. If there is neither a Sage nor a Warrior in the party . . . you soon lose interest in the complicated mechanics of the game and decide to rest; turn to 486.
There's a rare Special Character section for the Warrior! But......from the way the text is worded, the characters aren't given an option. The Sage takes precedence automatically if he's in the party, so once again the Warrior is robbed of an opportunity to showcase what he can do!

You peer over the shoulders of the merchants and study the flow of the game.
[However, after a while you have to confess that you are confused by their moves, which appear to bear no relation to the game of Krarthian chequers as you know it.]
Do you wish to use ESP at this stage? If so, turn to 348. If you wish to wait to see what happens in the game, turn to 170.
Does Pepito want to try mind-reading?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:31 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Time to use some ESP.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 2:00 pm
by SGamerz
[Your ESP detects only the surface thoughts of the players, but even so you can still tell that the game you are watching is not chequers. Far from playing against one another, the players seem to be cooperating, moving the pieces of the chequers board into peculiar symbols and patterns. The onlookers seem entranced by the patterns that the players reveal in this manner, and concentrate on them as if searching for significance in the patterns.]
Back to the rest of the party....
The game ends after a few minutes as night settles over the forest. The white pieces are grouped together in the centre of the board and the player controlling the black pieces then gradually surrounds them, eliminating them all. As each of the black pieces is moved in for the kill, you notice that the merchants are losing interest in the game and are strolling over and lying down on their bedrolls. This action is repeated by all the other merchants as the white pieces are gradually taken. The two fur-coated merchants playing the game finally nod curtly at one another, pack up their set and also go to bed, leaving you alone in the flickering orange glow of the camp fires.

If you wish to stay awake, turn to 120. If you too want to go to your bedroll and sleep, turn to 24.
Going to sleep?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 3:56 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Pepito will tell the others what he saw and suggest that they remain awake.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:38 pm
by Starmaker
Stay awake, obvs.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:00 pm
by Shiritai
Well that was an ominous omen. How am I supposed to sleep after that?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 11:42 pm
by SGamerz
Something about the merchants watching the game of chequers has made you uneasy, but you can't quite put your finger on it ...

If there is a Sage in the party who would like to do something, turn to 106. If there is an Enchanter who would like to try something, turn to 47. If there is a Trickster who would like to take some action, turn to 132. If you don't want to act, or you are a Warrior on your own, turn to 144.
Poor Warrior, always getting the shaft. :/

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 3:27 am
by Shiritai
I'll only act after Benedict and Pepito. They seem to get more reliable options than I.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 8:31 am
by Starmaker
Let's see what I can do.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 3:50 pm
by SGamerz
You slide into the dark shadows at the side of the clearing and creep up on one of the merchants lying on his bedroll. Something about the man's irregular breathing tells you that he is awake. He seems to be waiting for something to happen; but what could possibly happen in this empty clearing? Using the tricks of ventriloquism that you learnt when you first started your trade, you project your voice across to the merchant as if it were one of his nearby friends who spoke: 'Is it time yet?' you say. The man replies in a harsh whisper, 'Quiet, fool, the foresters will hear! You know we can start only when the Blue Moon rises.' You slink back into the shadows, wondering at his words.
Ominous indeed......
You decide that there is definitely something wrong here. But what?

If you want to wait to see what happens, turn to 144. If you want to take action now, turn to 172.
Should we wait?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:03 pm
by Starmaker
In-game, take action now - the bad guys are already wary of alerting the foresters, so I don't think we'll be lacking for evidence of wrongdoing if we alert potential victims before throats are actually being sliced.

Metagame-wise, don't go to the next paragraph until Reed prepares spells.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:15 pm
by Shiritai
Agreed; and I'll ready Sheet Lightning and Nemesis Bolt.