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Celestial Classes

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:33 am
by Prak
There was a lot of talk, and a handful of halting starts, but we never really got celestial classes. Figured I'd work on that, especially since you can totally make a Crystal Gem with outsider stuff, and it would work better with Celestial classes than Fiend.

Holy Paragon
When despair threatens to consume all hope and mortals hearts are at their last string of resistance, they call to angels, archons, guardinals and eladrin, the celestial houses that exist not for war, but to defend.

The Holy Paragon is the truest expression of these beings, dedicated to the defense of the innocent, the rebuking of evil doers and able to pursue them to the ends of the multiverse to mete out punishment for their crimes.

The Holy Paragon is a celestial generalist, able to make reliable martial strikes, call down holy fire, and have diverse skills. They gain abilities slowly compared to more focused celestials, but are more flexible than them too.

Alignment: You are strongly encouraged to be good aligned. Further, Archons tend to be Lawful, Eladrins Chaotic and Guardinals Neutral, while Angels can be any good, but nothing really requires you to stick to that division.

Races: Any creature which originates from the Upper Planes (Arborea, Arcadia, Beastlands, Bytopia, Celestia, Elysium, Ysgard) may take levels in Holy Paragon, as may any outsider who lives on the material plane and whose ancestors come from the Upper Planes.

Starting Gold: As Paladin

Starting Age: Holy paragons are immortal and may claim any starting age they wish.

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saves: All
Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (All taken individually), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
8+Int Mod Skill Points Per Level

1- Immortal, Celestial Traits
2- Universal Translator
3- Celestine Resilience
4- Sphere
5- Greater Celestial Traits
7- Improved Celestine Resilience
8- Sphere
10- Armament of Heaven
11- Bonus Feat
12- Sphere
13- Greater Celestine Resilience
16- Sphere
19- Epic Celestine Resilience
20- Sphere

Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: The Holy Paragon is proficient with all armor, shields and with all simple and martial weapons.

Immortality (Ex): The holy paragon is immortal and never truly ages. Their body does not deteriorate with age nor does their mind sharpen.

Celestial Traits: The Holy Paragon belongs to one of the heavenly hosts and has the iconic abilities of that house:
  • Immune to Acid
  • Protective Aura (Su): Angels provide a +4 deflection bonus to AC against attacks made by evil creatures and +4 resistance bonus to saves made to resist the abilities of evil creatures to all creatures within 20 ft.
  • +4 racial bonus to saves against poison.
  • Immune to Electricity
  • Aura of Menace (Su): Archons are surrounded by an aura of righteous fury when angered or fighting. Hostile creatureswithin 20 ft of the archon must make a Will save (DC 12+1/2 HD+Charisma Mod) or suffer a -2 penalty on attacks, AC and saves until they hit the archon or leave the archon's Close range. Resisting or breaking the effect renders a creature immune to the aura for 24 hours.
  • +4 racial bonus to saves against poison.
  • Immune to Electricity
  • Bonus Feat: The great diversity of the fae courts is also borne by their celestial cousins the eladrin. Eladrins gain a bonus Celestial feat they qualify for.
  • Immune to Electricity
  • Lay on Hands (Su): The guardinal can use the ability Lay on Hands as a paladin with a maximum hit points healed per day equal to the guardinal's full hit points.
  • +4 racial bonus to saves against poison.
Universal Translator (Su): Celestials do not so much speak a language (though they do have their own) as communicate with beings in their very souls. The second level Holy Paragon has Tongues as an always active spell-like ability. Holy Paragons with the Guardinal celestial trait may also use Speak With Animals as an at will spell-like ability, except that it doesn't require sound, and is purely mental.

Celestine Resilience (Ex): Part and parcel of the package of being an outsider is being resistant to damage. At third level the Holy Paragon gains Damage Reduction equal to their class level plus their charisma modifier overcome by weapons which are evil or made of a specific material based on their Celestial Trait- Angels are harmed by wood, Archons are harmed by stone, Eladrin are harmed by iron, and guardinals are harmed by silver. At seventh level this damage reduction can only be overcome by evil weapons, at 13th level it can only be overcome by weapons which are evil and the appropriate material, and at 19th level it can only be overcome by epic weapons.

Greater Celestial Traits: With greater experience comes greater power. At 5th level the Holy Paragon's connection to the heavenly hosts strengthens, giving them the following abilities:
  • Immune to Cold and Petrification
  • Resistance to Electricity and Fire 10
  • Greater Protective Aura (Su): The angel radiates permanent Magic Circle Against Evil and Lesser Globe of Invulnerability effects out to 20 ft. These can be dispelled, but the angel can resume the effect on their next round as a free action.

  • Immune to Petrification
  • Magic Circle Against Evil (Su): The Archon benefits from an always active Magic Circle Against Evil Effect. It can be dispelled, but the archon can resume the effect as a free action on their next round.
  • Teleport (Su): The archon may use Greater Teleport as a spell-like ability at will, except they may only transport themselves and up to 50 lbs of objects.

  • Immune to Petrification
  • Resistance 10 to cold and fire
  • Alternate Form (Su): The Eladrin gains an alternate form composed of energy or elemental substance- a globe or cloud of light, a whirlwind, a pillar of fire, or the like. In their alternate form they gain a fly speed equal to three times their base speed (max 90') with perfect manueverability. The elemental form lacks distinct body parts such as face, mouth, eyes or limbs and so cannot sing, use gaze attacks or make weapon attacks. It can speak, but it's speech emanates from it's body evenly, rather than from one mouth. They may use spell-like abilities and special abilities which do require manipulating appendages or organs.

  • Immune to Petrification
  • Resistance 10 to Cold and Sonic
  • Aspect of the Beast (Ex): Guardinals are the bestial defenders of the celestine wilds. Each one resembles an animal in some form, from shrewd mouse-like mustevals to proud leonine Leonals. At 5th level, the Guardinal gainst the effects of a permanent Lycanthropic Form effect. This cannot be dispelled, it is the holy paragon's natural form from this point on. Contrary to the text of the spell, they remain generally humanoid, and can use equipment, but otherwise gain the effects of a chosen form. Once this form is chosen it cannot be changed. The holy paragon now resembles a specific type of animal and gains the appropriate natural attacks, and one Special ability from the following list as is appropriate to the animal: Amphibious, Attach, Blindsense 20', Constrict, Ferocity, Hold Breath, Improved Grab, Poison, Pounce, Powerful Charge, Rake, Scent, Stampede, Trample (must have a slam, Hoof or Stamp attack, deals damage as that attack but one size larger and 1.5 times strength) or Trip.

Armament of Heaven (Su): At tenth level the holy paragon gains access to the celestial tools of war. They choose one of the following abilities when they gain this ability and cannot there after change it-
  • Brilliant Rays: The holy paragon may fire rays of light which bypass damage reduction and hardness and deal 1d6 damage per three character levels. Firing a ray is an ranged touch attack action with a range of 60'. Eladrin may use this ability in their alternate form.
  • Weapon of Heaven: The holy paragon may call forth a heavenly weapon. The celestial chooses a weapon they are proficient in. As a swift action they may conjure such a weapon which has a total enchantment equal to 1/3rd their character level. They may split this bonus between magical enhancement and weapon abilities as they choose each time they call the weapon. The weapon cannot be dispelled, but it can be sundered, however, if it is sundered, the celestial may call forth a new one on their next round. If the celestial wishes, this weapon may manifest as a piece of masterwork equipment, such as a musical instrument, which they then turn into a weapon as a swift action. Obviously the weapon cannot have evil enhancements such as Unholy or any of the abilities from Book of Vile Darkness. Eladrin cannot use this weapon in their alternate form.
  • Elemental Blast: The holy paragon chooses an element (acid, cold, electricity, fire, light or sonic) and whether they fire a 30' cone or a 50' line. These choices cannot be changed once made. The blast deals 1d6 damage per two character levels, or half damage on a successful Reflex save (the DC is Charisma based). Eladrin may use this ability in their alternate form.

Bonus Feat: At 11th level the holy paragon gains a bonus feat. They may select any Celestial feat for which they qualify.

Ok, this followed True Fiend way more than I really intended, but I guess TF is just the one that's really easy to convert over to celestial once you figure out a replacement for the summon ability. I'll do up another couple, off the top of my head, there can be a good combat focused Archon class that sort of fills the same role as the Fiendish Brute, and a spell-like focused Eladrin class that fills the same role as Conduit. It almost feels like you could separate the celestials by subtype, because Angels are generalists, Archons and Guardinals are martialists and Eladrin are spell-like focused, but I'm sure someone somewhere would get their jimmies rustled by it.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:23 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Immunity to 3rd level spells and lower at level 5 seems ridiculously overpowered. The Angel in general is way better than the others, but immunity to all spells of an opponent of equal level is fucking insane. It's also quite literally better than the Archon's ability in every way. I'd replace its 5th level aura with SR a la the Yugoloth. It makes it especially resistant to magic without making it immune to casters of 5th level or lower. All angels have SR anyways so it's not like you're being inaccurate to the entries, either.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:50 pm
by Prak
Hm, good point. Maybe have the Lsr. Globe kick in at 9th or so. Even so, having an angel buddy is pure good since their specials are all auras.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:32 am
by JonSetanta
Darth Rabbitt wrote:Immunity to 3rd level spells and lower at level 5 seems ridiculously overpowered. The Angel in general is way better than the others, but immunity to all spells of an opponent of equal level is fucking insane. It's also quite literally better than the Archon's ability in every way. I'd replace its 5th level aura with SR a la the Yugoloth. It makes it especially resistant to magic without making it immune to casters of 5th level or lower. All angels have SR anyways so it's not like you're being inaccurate to the entries, either.
Angels ARE better than anything else. Straight out of the MM.

Probably why most DMs don't allow angel PCs.