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mines of phandelver 5e

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:04 pm
by AndreiChekov
Apparently I'm going to be playing a 5e game using that module. I was wondering if I need to be ridiculously optimized to carry a party through it, or is it actually written well enough that people can play it? (serious doubt on that part)

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:27 pm
by spongeknight
Don't worry, any DM who wants to run 5e isn't concerned by things like 'rules' so your party will have exactly as many deaths as your DM wants. I think the average is five per session.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:09 pm
by Rawbeard
The Bandits in this module are amazing. two attacks (with disadvantage if your GM reads properly, without if he doesn't) at level 1 and 2 will be fun for any group, optimization makes no difference. Just make sure your main stat is high not low, and you will be "fine".

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:24 pm
by Username17
The big thing 5uckers complain about is the dragon. First of all, it has a 42 point breath weapon. Secondly, you're third level, so go fuck yourself. You are not going to win that fight with "numbers," you have to beat it with "roleplaying." And that Dragon has no roleplaying guidelines. None. Zilch. Nada. What it wants and what it cares about is completely 100% whatever your DM pulls right out of his ass.

So to "win" the dragon scenario, you have to figure out what your DM thinks sounds cool enough to work, and then you do that, and the DM declares that you drove off the dragon - possibly with some die rolls for show. But it's 5e, so maybe not even that.


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:30 pm
by Previn
Expect to lose someone in the very first encounter unless your DM is fudging things in your favor, even using the stupid tactics in the book. Seriously, if the DM knows what they are doing, someone absolutely will die in this encounter unless the DM deliberately avoids it.

Several enemies can one-shot PCs, so be ready for that (including at least 1 monster from the Wandering Monster chart), and really from some of the layouts noise from combat should get other NPCs engaged that will turn into a massive dogpile that ends up a pretty much unavoidable TPK.

The dragon in the module is a giant TPK as Frank said. It is not only massively able to wipe to party on numbers alone, it has the perfect position and probably gets a surprise round to TPK the group.

Short of the combats being outright unfair the majority of the time there's not really anything else to it.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:53 pm
by Dogbert
The amount of 5uckers using modules is even greater than the number of Paizombies using APs. Making their modules into anti-player fap fests was definitely the right marketing choice for WotC.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:30 am
by Insomniac
Oh, you mean the Lost Characters of Fun-Over? The whole module is a difficult little meat grinder with some "encounters" you straight up lose, with the CR 8 Fun-Over Dragon getting a cheap shot in on single digit level characters averaging the 40s. The entire module seems predicated on your characters getting attack by multiple foes from ambush conditions. Every monster encounter is with Closet Trolls and your characters go in the closet so to speak every time.

This thing is almost universally derided as an unfair kill-fest and received poor ratings on account of it.