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Cardhunter: WoF D&D

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:19 am
by Judging__Eagle
I think that TGD is likely to have some sort of opinion in terms of how to manage WoF and turn-based tile-wargames.

This was released as a Flash-game in 2013 (2 years ago); and recently got onto Steam. I was made aware of it by a game programming friend a last week.

I'm finding the varous aspects of the gameplay to be interesting, and various PvP specs are just as good as many others (although, a balanced party does have its benefits; although I feel that an all dwarf cleric/wizards might be good; a fighter/wizard/cleric team is mostly made to take the best advantage of your level 20 epic items you start getting from your first parts of the gameplay.

While I have more items than I know what to do with per character; I don't have 3 characters worth of such gear for any one class (yet; certain all elf-warrior speedbuilds for casual PvP grinding have seemed rather interesting). So I'm making a party with one of each of the three classes, trying to strike some balance between damage (and with lvl 20 (player lvl maxes at.. 18 or so?) weapons available after three days of playing; I think it's pretty balanced in terms of itemization balance.

The nodes mechanic limits their campaign access based on character level; however in PvP you count as a max level character and get all item slots for your class and 4 of each node type (4 orange 'major', and 4 blue 'minor'). Higher end equipment may need nodes, weapons take the most; fighters get shat upon b/c their high end items (weapons) take 2 nodes and they have 3; while wizards only have 2 weapons slots; and up to 4 accessories, to a Fighters 2. Granted, weapons grant more cards to your deck, twice or more than what an accessory could (which balances things out in some manner).

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:17 am
by K
I played the free Beta over a year ago, but it's a pretty decent tactical turn-based game.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:47 am
by OgreBattle
Played it during the free beta. The gameplay and art style was fun and enjoyable. The 'story' was a negative point for me, I would've preferred they just had it be a fantasy setting and not 'you're playing a game about a lonely awkard guy playing a card game!'

If they did go that route I would've preferred some kind of over the top Yu Gi Oh world where the card game is the biggest sport in the world with roots in ancient civilization and the dark realm.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:26 pm
by nockermensch
Saw the game now thanks to this thread, and it actually turned me off by using all those facebook game tricks. No, I won't "join the club" for a extra item loot. No, I don't want to check today's deals. No, I don't want to play gachapon.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:25 pm
by Red_Rob
Card Hunter was discussed in this older thread. I've played it a bit and liked it, but between a job, a family, a tabletop hobby and a Dominions addiction I didn't really have the time to devote to it. I might still dip back in though.
Ogrebattle wrote:The 'story' was a negative point for me, I would've preferred they just had it be a fantasy setting and not 'you're playing a game about a lonely awkard guy playing a card game!
I actually really liked the story and the overall aesthetic. It kind of plays into the OSR scene and the nostalgia for the 80's RPG scene whilst having modern design sensibilities. I enjoyed the card characters and gamebooks, and the subplot about your DM learning the game was a cute addition. Overall I found it very charming, and the game itself was fun too. Dammit, now I'm talking myself into giving it another go...