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Acid Blade's Class Repository

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:58 pm
by AcidBlades
I will be getting into the class creation game. Really it is just another way for me to document my writing. Even though I am new, I want all the criticisms to come at me the hard way.

Brainiac Class

Brainiacs are folks who possess unusually large brains. Capable of psionic and electrical feats beyond the normal human. Yet these people are rather freakish, and must protect their bodies from harm. They are also capable of summoning their own brains from their skulls. Leaving an empty husk that they must guard, and drag around. Using their mastery over the bioelectric engineering inside of their craniums, these folks leave an impact on their environment. To say the least.

HD: d6
BAB: ¾
Saves: Good Will
Skills: 6 + INT score

Skills: Due to the brainiac’s ability to learn, they treat all skills as class skills.
Weapon Prof: Simple Weapons and Light Armor. No Shields.

Level 1: Psionic Manifesting. Leap from the Body. Mind Blast. Minor Telekinesis. Thunder Armor. Brain Food. Phrenology. Telepathy 50ft.
Level 2: Set Phazers to Stun. Brain Analysis. Blind sense 15 ft.
Level 3: Electric Wizard. Mental Barrier. SapioSexual. Tremorsense 30 ft.
Level 4: Mental Pollution. Intelligent Design Trapfinding. Ranged Legerdemain.
Level 5: Dazed and Confused. Let Me Illustrate that for You. Brain Fart. Telepathy 100 ft.
Level 6: Insane in the Membrane. Improved Brain Analysis. Blind sense 30 ft.
Level 7: Brain Fog. Mind Freeze. Tremorsense 60 ft.
Level 8: Right Brain/Left Brain Split.
Level 9: Smart Body Psi-Reservoir Boom.
Level 10: True Mentalism. Brain Armor. Brain Police. Telepathy 150 ft

Manifesting(Psi): The Brainiac possess the Power Points gained schedule of a Psychic Warrior. The Powers Known as a Wilder and The Maximum Power Level Known of a Psion using the Psion/Wilder power list. Using Intelligence as the class’s casting stat as well as it’s ability to accumulate more Psi Points.

Leap from the Body(Ex):
The Brainiac is capable of somehow pulling, blowing or whatever adjective their brains outside of their skulls. The body is treated as if it was unconscious without ever losing their HP. No matter how the act of the brain exiting their body may seem. The brain itself is treated as if it was a construct. It’s appearance a hulking mass of muscles with a pair of arms and hands. The brain drags it’s body around it like a chain and ball tethered to a prisoner. An electrical link tethers the brain and the body together, and the body itself is unable to act. The link acts as if it were a wall of fire, except that it does electricity damage, and it’s effect happens as a line between the body and the brain itself. The damage also only takes place within the actual “wall”, the damage itself doesn’t effect anything outside of the electric link’s direct presence. If the link doesn’t immediately destroy the object/creature between them. The line does it’s damage that round, but somehow coils around the space between the object/creature without damaging it. The maximum length of the chain is 40 ft + 15/ft per Class level. The brain must land within this space. The Brain may use any class features that it possesses, and passive class abilities also apply to the unconscious body. Including whatever spells/powers it casts upon itself. The brain uses the initiative rolled at the beginning of the encounter. The effect lasts 3 + WIS + Class Levels and you may only use it once per day until 5th level. Where you may use it twice per day.

Mind Blast(Psi): As a ranged attack. The Brainiac projects a spear of force energy at a target. Dealing 1d6+INT mod of damage. At levels 5 and 10. The spear’s damage is increased to 1d10+INT and 2d8+INT at those respective levels. This may also be used in a full attack multiple times, much like wielding a weapon. The blast is power attackable of increments of 2. and uses WIS instead of DEX for it’s attack. Even if the user doesn’t possess Zen Archery.

Minor Telekinesis(Psi): At-will Mage’s Hand with the weight capable of being held increasing by 5lb per class level.

Thunder Armor(Psi):
Mage’s Armor that scales up by 1 per class level. Also grants 10 Lightning Resistance that upgrades to 25 Lightning Resistance at level 5 and then full immunity to Lightning at 10th level. You also deal class level of damage to opponents May be dispelled to create a cone of 30 ft. that deals d6 electric damage per class level. You may regain the armor after 5 rounds.

Brain Food(Su):
Grants Fast Healing 1

A Piece of my Mind(Su):
The Brainiac is capable of only projecting small simple phrases such as “Attack that” or “Defend this” in the form of a small electric cloud with the phrases in whatever color. The cloud disappears within 5 seconds. At 4th level. Sentences may be formed in the cloud. The cloud itself lasts for 10 seconds. At 8th level. Paragraphs containing up to 6 sentences may be formed and the paragraph itself lasts 60 seconds. At 12th level. The the cloud can project messages that contains up 12 paragraphs and it lasts for 10 minutes. At 16th level. one may write at least 50 pages worth of material that contains any sort of message. Even spell recipes. As such one may use this cloud in order to copy free-spells for their spell book. This effect lasts for a day. At 20th level. One may write an entire epic, or several books within the cloud. This effect lasts until the Brainiac is killed.

Phrenology(Su): Generally regarded as Psuedo-science. The art of Phrenology holds true for the fantasy races of DnD. As such these races a different set of modifiers for some of their abilities.

Elf: (Including Half-Elf) The Elf swaps around any instances of WIS and CHA being mentioned. Like Mind Blast using CHA instead of WIS for it’s ranged attack modifier.

Dwarf: The Dwarf’s Brain uses the Dwarf Brainiac’s CON modifier, instead of CHA for the increase of the Brain’s STR and CON’s scores.

Orc: (Including Half-Orc) Does the same. Applying STR instead of CON.

Goblin: The Goblin’s mind doesn’t gain any bonuses from their CHA mod. Instead they apply WIS to their Brain’s CON score and may for one round per brain conjuring. Use a standard action use a standard action with both their body and brain. The Goblin also walks upright, following the brain and not losing any AC from being treated as Unconscious.

Telepathy(Su): Grants Telepathy 50′ at level 1. 100′ at level 5 and 150′ feet at level 10.

Set Phazers to Stun(Psi):
The Brainiac is able to switch any electrical damage that he deals as an attack that deals subdeal damage. They may also forgo any sort of damage all together to have any electric attack that deal stun them at a DC of their 10+INT+½ Character level against their Fort Save instead. Rolling 2d2 for the number of rounds this ability (including subdeal) may be used again.

Brain Analysis(Psi): Three times Per Day as a standard action. One may scan the brain of an opponent. The save against this effect is 10+INT1/2 Character level. If the target fails its save. Then you may dig up 2 bits of information about the creature either it’s own personal history, or it’s biology and other general knowledge that it shares among it’s own kind if such details are about it’s race, culture, family and the like. By every 5 points the opponent fails against this affect. You may either dig up one uncommonly known aspect about the character or 1 detail about the creature type the opponent belongs to. One may also use this ability to cast a SLA Detect Thoughts spell.

Blind Sense: Grants Blindsense 15′ at level 2 and 30′ at level 6.

Electric Wizard(Spell): Mimicing the casting of a wizard. The Brainiac may prepare one spell per day. At every 1,3,5 or so class levels. The brainiac may use a Spell Like ability from a higher spell level. Much like a wizard. Any damaging effect must be electric damage. Even ability damage. You are unable to apply metamagic feats to this affect and one must have a spellbook with them stolen or given to them by wizard.

The Brainiac ignoring any negative modifications from being of a different race. Treat the Brainiac as if it’s body-type is the preferred body-type of a different character. This includes which types would make for a delicious meal, target of serial killers and the like.

Mental Barrier(Psi):
May as a free action. Erect a wall similiar to Wall of Ice. Yet the barrier is force by nature. The maximum length the wall can be held for is 10 ft per 2 class levels. And one may never use it as a hemisphere around anyone outside of personal range. If dispelled by the manifester. Then one may erect a similar wall, including damage done to the wall. If destroyed or dispelled. The manifester must wait for an hour before being able to use the ability again. If one hasn’t used the ability within the time span of an hour, then the barrier HP is recovered completely.

Tremor Sense:
Grants Tremorsense 30′ at level 3 and 60′ at level 7

Mental Pollution(Su): As a standard action.The Brainiac may project a cone of smoke that reaches 30 feet. It Nauseates for 1d4 rounds at HD lower than the Brainiac. To foes with more HD. It merely sickens for those rounds. The Brainiac’s Brain however spends a standard action to spew forth a 20 ft aura that lasts for a round doing the same effect as above. The Saving throw is 10+INT+½ Character level and you must wait for 1d4 rounds to be able to use it again.

Intelligent Design(Su): The Brainiac is able to heal ability damage by 1 point per hour. If the Brainiac is touching someone. This effect applies to the person the person who is touched. Though the touching may not be disengaged, or the timer is reset for the healing effect.

Trapfinding: Brainiacs can use the search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.

Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Brainiacs can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

A brainiac who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Ranged Legerdemain:
An Brainiac can perform one of the following class skills at a range of 30 feet: Disable Device or Sleight of Hand. Working at a distance increases the normal skill check DC by 5, and an arcane trickster cannot take 10 on this check. Any object to be manipulated must weigh 5 pounds or less.

An Brainiac can use ranged legerdemain once per day initially, twice per day upon attaining 5th level, and three times per day at 9th level or higher. He can make only one ranged legerdemain skill check each day, and only if he has at least 1 rank in the skill being used.

Dazed and Confused(Psi): Whenever the Brainiac’s Brain is summoned on a spot. The adjacent squares that it inhabits must pass a 10+INT+½ Character Mod check or be dazed for that round. Creatures of a lower HD are confused for 1d4 rounds as well.

Brain Fart(Su): Once Per Day. The Brainiac is capable of spewing out a puff of smoke from their own ears. A cloud of disgusting, reaking pile of bad ideas that anyone who isn’t the Brainiac must pass a Fort save of 10+INT+½ character level. Is Nauseated for 1 round. At first the cloud is merely the size of a medium sized creature that is centered around the caster. The cloud itself is capable of moving 30 ft and only capable of it if the caster uses their own move action. Then it swells up to the size of a Large creature after a round, and then expands into a huge creature at round 3. Round 4 is when the cloud shrinks to Large size, and then shrinks further down at Round 5, before disappearing entirely. at level 8. One may cast this spell one more time. Only the Brainiac, not their brain. May use this ability.

Let me Illustrate that for you(Psi):
The Brainiac’s thought cloud is mastered enough to the point where it may project an effect much like Silent Image. Though thanks to the murky clouds that surround the images, it is obvious that it is fake. The images themselves are thin enough for anyone to be able to gaze through them. This effect last for 10 minutes or unless dispelled by the manifester. Once per day, the Brainiac may convert the images into a true Silent image. Temporarily leaving behind the foggy cloud to confuse foes. At level 10 this may also be used to imitate a Mirror Image effect.

Insane in the Membrane(Psi):
As a full action. The telepathic field designates foes and lashes their minds with various sorts of odd body contortions or outright mental abnormalities in an insane, violent burst of psionic energy. Each creature must roll 1d6 to determine which negative attribute will effect them.

List: 1. Nauseated, 2. Exhausted, 3. Panicked, 4. Fascinated, 5. Stunned, 6. deal 2d12 ability damage to Wisdom.

The Brainiac in return must also roll for which effect takes place to them specifically. Though allies are unaffected. Nauseated, Exhausted, Stunned requires a Fortitude save of 10+INT+½ Class Level and Panicked, Fascinated and the level drain are however resisted with a Will Check.

Improved Brain Analysis(Psi):
Whenever a target fails to pass the Brain Analysis Will Save. Increase the numeric value you’d gain by 1. One may also Scry the target for 5 rounds. Provided that you do so in an hour.

Right Brain/Left Brain Split(Su): When summoned. The brain may split itself twine. When designating a square, instead of being summoned on that exact square. The brain splits itself breaks in-half and a large burst of electricity doing d6 per class level (Reflex save of 10+INT+½ character level) and each brain must be within 5′ to 30 ft’ apart. The middle link may never be occupied by both brains, though anything else can occupy the same space. The maximum reach from the electric ball which links the brains together is force afterwards and incorporeal and ethereal along with the link to the body. The “Right Brain” which is always eastward or northward of a battle map in relation to the other brain, and the “Left Brain” which is always westward or southward of the battle map in relation of the other brain. To determine an acceptable space that the brain may occupy, if one both brains can count as having flanking the central tether. Then it is legal for them to be there. One may use this ability only once per day sharing the duration of a normal brain summon.

Smart Bodied(Su):
The main body gains an enhancement bonus to his physical stats equal to the regular tome class. They gain no special abilities as if they were a regular Tome Item though.

Psi-Reservoir Boom(Su):
the Brainia gains Psionic Points explode up to 20 + 1 per class level.

True Mentalism(Ex): Any instances of the phrase “Class Level” are instantly switched towards “Character Level” instead. Increase the number of power points gained from the Boom by double the amount. At level 16 of whatever combinations of classes. Triple it. At level 20. One instead gains 5 fold the amount of bonuses it gains. Electric Wizard’s progression continues on until level 16 where it gains 9th level spells. The only class feature this doesn’t apply to is Psionic Manifesting. Which is only improved by Prestige classes that grant it progression in those areas.

Brain Armor(Ex): The Brainiac encase his body inside of his own brain. Sinking the body into the brain. Due to this, the Brainiac uses Though the brain is incapable of speech in this form. Communicating solely through symbolic gestures eldritch and terrifying as if it was smoke from a prestidigitation spell. Those that catch sight of this form must pass a Will save of 10+CHA+½ character level or be frightened. Allies possess a +10 modifier to will saves against the spook.

Brain Police(Psi): Once per day the Brainiac is capable of casting a SLA of scrying. If the Brainiac used the Brain Analysis ability within a month. Then treat the target as if a piece of it’s clothing modifier was in place.

Brain Stats: The Brain itself is a medium sized Magical/Psionic Beast. It gains extra STR and CON per CHA mod and extra DEX per WIS mod. It’s HD is d8 with a movement speed of 30ft. The brain must have the coloring of a pinkish/grey texture.
LevelBABFortRefWillAbilitiesPhysical Stats
01+0+0+0+2Shared Mental Stats. Shared Class Features. Shared Skills. Magic Item Link. Natural Weapons.14 STR/14 DEX/10 CON
02+1+0+0+3Pack Mule (Ex)14 STR/14 DEX/10 CON
03+2+1+1+314 STR/14 DEX/10 CON
04+3+1+1+4Extra Natural Weapon14 STR/14 DEX/12 CON
05+3+1+1+4Well-Endowed Brain.16 STR/14 DEX/12 CON
06+4+2+2+516 STR/14 DEX/12 CON
07+5+2+2+516 STR/14 DEX/12 CON
08+6/+1+2+2+616 STR/14 DEX/14 CON
09+6/+1+3+3+616 STR/16 DEX/14 CON
10+7/+2+3+3+716 STR/16 DEX/14 CON
11+8/+3+3+3+716 STR/16 DEX/14 CON
12+9/+4+4+4+8Extra Natural Weapon16 STR/16 DEX/14 CON
13+9/+4+4+4+816 STR/16 DEX/14 CON
14+10/+5+4+5+916 STR/16 DEX/16 CON
15+11/+6/+1+5+5+916 STR/16 DEX/16 CON
16+12/+7/+2+5+5+1016 STR/16 DEX/16 CON
17+12/+7/+2+5+5+1016 STR/16 DEX/16 CON
18+13/+8/+3+6+6+1118 STR/16 DEX/16CON
19+14/+9/+4+6+6+1118 STR/16 DEX/16 CON
20+15/+10/+5+6+6+12Extra Natural Weapon 20 STR/ 20 DEX/ 20 CON

Shared Mental Stats: The Brain itself possesses the same mental stats as the Brainiac.

Shared Class Features: Unless otherwise noted, the Brain is capable of using class features of whatever classes the Brainiac possesses.

Shared Skills: The brain is capable of contorting it’s form enough to stretch out a pair of hands capable of fine manipulation. Though attribute bonuses for physical skills uses the Brain’s, not the Brainiac’s physical stats.

Magic Item Link: All linked magic items may also be used by the brain. The only bonuses that don’t apply is the magic armor/shield and magic weapon that doesn’t possess the linked property.

Natural Weapons: The brain may shape 2 natural weapons appropriate for it’s size.

Pack Mule (Ex) Functions exactly like the Tome Fighters Pack Mule.

Well-Endowed Brain(Psi): Once per Brain Conjuring. The Brain is capable of using the Psi-like ability[/b]

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:04 am
by Red_Rob
Firstly the formatting is weird. With lots of. Odd sentence breaks that make it. Difficult to tell what is meant. In some cases. Also lots of powers are missing ranges, saving throws required, how you figure HP on the construct etc.

Power wise this class seems awfully front loaded. For a 1-level dip you gain Fast Healing 1, Telepathy, a ranged Force attack, free Mage Armor, at-will Mage Hand and Psi powers? Also I'm not too sure because of the weird line breaks but does this give unlimited free action Wall of Force at level 3?
May as a free action. Erect a wall similiar to Wall of Ice. Yet the barrier is force by nature. The maximum length the wall can be held for is 10 ft per 2 class levels. And one may never use it as a hemisphere around anyone outside of personal range. If dispelled by the manifester. Then one may erect a similar wall, including damage done to the wall. If destroyed or dispelled. The manifester must wait for an hour before being able to use the ability again. If one hasn’t used the ability within the time span of an hour, then the barrier HP is recovered completely.
It references the wall being "force by nature" but then later references damage done to the wall, so I don't know what's up there.

At level 3 you also get Wizard casting! Well why the hell not I guess? Although I have to say I have no idea how this is supposed to work. Apparently you get 1 spell per day, although "At every 1,3,5 or so class levels. The brainiac may use a Spell Like ability from a higher spell level. Much like a wizard." I really have no way to parse that last sentence (if it was meant as one sentence) as wizards don't get to use Spell Like Abilities at all. It also states that any damaging effect "must" be electricity damage. Does this mean I can't cast Fireball, or that my Fireballs do electric damage? I have no idea.

At level 4 you get an at-will Stinking Cloud against enemies with less HD, and at level 6 you get what appears to be an at-will multi-target save-or-suck. I say that as Insane in the Membrane references "the telepathic field" which doesn't appear anywhere else in the class. From the description it seems like you can just choose all your opponents to affect every round, although it doesn't state how long they are affected for.

The brain construct thing seems to be missing a whole load of required information. It is referred to separately as a Construct and a Psionic Beast, however it has it's own HD and saves that don't match either of those types. There doesn't seem to be any mention of what happens if your brain is killed, or if the body is killed when the brain is in control, which would seem to be pertinent.

I have no idea what this is supposed to do:
Smart Bodied(Su): The main body gains an enhancement bonus to his physical stats equal to the regular tome class. They gain no special abilities as if they were a regular Tome Item though.
Or this:
Well-Endowed Brain(Psi): Once per Brain Conjuring. The Brain is capable of using the Psi-like ability
Overall, I think the idea of this class is gonzo enough that I like it just for the off-the-wall crazy - your brain jumps out and fights things, dragging your body around on an electrical chain? That's certainly something I haven't seen before. Some of the elements also seem like they could be pretty cool in play, like the tactical positioning of your electrical links to do damage or using mindreading and telepathy out of combat. The problem is the class tries to do too much too early. Sticking in psi powers, wizard spells, at-will effects better than spells of the level you get them AND a combat boost with the brain-contruct the class feels all over the place. The formatting issues don't help things as it is often unclear what effect you were going for.

I'd try stripping the class down to a few essential elements, throw out the rest and work from there. Either make it a combat class with a few out of combat psi-powers focusing on transforming into a brain-monster, or a Psionic class that gets boosts to it's psi powers in brain-mode.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:22 am
by JigokuBosatsu
This is a Rifts RCC. Full stop.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:49 am
by AcidBlades
Thank you Red Rob. I don't really have the mental constitution to go through the Brainiac class outside of a spontaneous inspiration. I will certainly focus on the Brain side of things, and the stuff that involves all the puns, and may expand the class over the levels. At least up to level 15.

As for Jigoku. I am amused by your comment. It really is like a Rift RCC.


This is largely RadTheMad's idea, but I shall write up the class. Generally it is simply a Brawler flattened to half of it's initial class levels. Thus it may be considered a level appropriate class when used in conjunction with the Path of War series.

The Brawler was once a broken down person, in their fury at the gods known only as "Paizo". They set off to the ends of the earth, doing rocky training montages, and beating the shit out of Paizolis, until they came on over to Acid Blades. The magnificent idiot god, and prayed to their savior to grant them strength in their time of need.

Saves: Bad Will, Good everything else.
The brawler's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str). Or appropriate 3.5 skill allocations.

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Alternative Martial Flexibility Brawler

After the Brawler went over, slaying the fuck out of everything. A trio of individuals known as the Stalker, the Warder, and the Warlord beaten this mad crazed fool from his number fucking spree, and instead forced his god into making something a lot more sensible. Less Fiddly, with less numbers abuse.

Level 1: Brawler's cunning, martial flexibility, martial training, unarmed strike. Bonus combat feat, brawler's flurry (Two-Weapon Fighting)
Level 2: Maneuver training 1. AC bonus +1, knockout 1/day
Level 3: Bonus combat feat, brawler's strike (magic), close weapon mastery.
Level 4: Maneuver training 2. Bonus combat feat, brawler's flurry (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting). Flexible Stance.
Level 5: AC Bonus +2, brawler's strike (cold iron and silver). Martial flexibility (free action), knockout 2/day
Level 6: Bonus combat feat, Maneuver training 3. Brawler's strike (alignment)
Level 7: AC bonus +3. Bonus Combat Feats. Martial Flexbility (Swift Action Recover)
Level 8: Brawler's flurry (Greater Two-Weapon Fighting), Maneuver training 4. Awesome blow, knockout 3/day
Level 9: Bonus combat feat, brawler's strike (adamantine)
Level 10: AC bonus +4. Maneuver training 5. Bonus combat feat, improved awesome blow.

Unarmed Strike:
At level one. The Brawler's unarmed strikes are 1d8. At level 3 they are 1d10. At level 6 it is at 2d6. At level 8 it is set at 2d8.

Martial Flexibility (EX):
As a Move Action, the Brawler is capable of instinctively tapping into the wellspring of violence inside of the demi-human's heart. Thusly mimicing a strike, boost, or counter from any other school as appropriate of their level. The only Maneuvers that can't be tapped into are the ones that requires a Full Action, ones that requires a prerequisite and stances. The level cap of the Maneuvers is 1/2 per level (rounded up). As such a level 7 Brawler may use a 4th level Silver Crane Strike and a 11th level Initiator is capable of using. This is an spontaneous effect, so one may use a maneuver without any sort of readying involved at all.

This Reservoir of techniques is capped at 2 + 1/3 (round down) the Brawler's Level. As such, at 3rd level they would receive 2 Reservoirs to spend, 3 at 6th level and 4 at 9th level. The Martial Flexibility Reservoir is restocked every 6 rounds after it has been expended. However restocking only happens to one expended Reservoir after another. So 2 expended reservoirs would take 12 rounds to restock. Not simply 6 and then 1 round after that. The brawler's Close Combat weapons, Sling and Improvised Weapons. Are always considered to be discipline weapons for this purpose. The action of the Maneuver is always the exact same. The Brawler's Initiation Modifier in all Martial Flexibility maneuvers is either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. Whichever is highest.

At 3rd Level. The Brawler may recover a Reservoir as a Free action. This is only usable once per day. Until 7th level in which one may recover a Reservoir once twice. Or two Reservoirs at the same time. At 10th level the uses are expanded up to 3 instead.

At 5th Level. The Maneuvers yoinked from other schools may be yoinked as a Free Action. Thus Full Attack Maneuvers may be used at this point. Once per day a Stance may be used, and kept for 10 minutes without expending a Reservoir. The Brawler ignore any prerequisites for maneuvers up to one for any maneuvers used by expending a Martial Flexibility Reservoir.

Close Weapon Mastery (Ex):
Close Combat Weapons, Slings and Improvised Weapons just flat out replace their damage with the damage dice of their appropriate level. As such a Dagger Wielding Brawler would use 2d6 as their damage dice at level 6 for example.

Flexible Stance:
The Brawler gain a single Stance from the Broken Blade school at level 4. At level 8 the Brawler gains an additional Broken Blade stance. These stances may be swapped for any other stance in exchange of expending a Martial Flexibility Reservoir. The maximum level of the replaceable stance also follows the 1/2 (rounded up) level cap from available maneuvers. After the Reservoir is expended, the effect lasts for a day and one may swap to that stance until one rests. In which case the Stance reverts back to it's original form.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:41 am
by radthemad4
AcidBlades wrote:This is largely RadTheMad's idea
Heh, it was an offhand comment wondering if the Pathfinder Brawler would be decent if you squeeze all 20 levels into 10 levels. Awesome Blow and Awesome Blow as an attack action are cool, but definitely not level 16 and freaking level 20 cool. I'm curious about the effect of doing this sort of class compression thing with Fighter, Monk, and possibly other classes like that.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:26 am
by Kaelik
radthemad4 wrote:I'm curious about the effect of doing this sort of class compression thing with Fighter.
That will be difficult, since a fighter has no class features.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:57 pm
by AcidBlades
So how do you guys like the Weeaboo Fightin' Part of it?

Anyways if anyone is ever going to play at level 11 or above. Then the formula that I used for the class was 2 Initial Maneuvers Known in which you'd get more each level. The Maneuvers Readied is 2 in which it increases at level 4, and every 4 levels after that. Stances Known increases the least, starting only at one stance, which increases every 5th level. So you could do the math and apply it to whatever class or prestige class that one wishes. The Reservoir may also be stocked the same way too. Every 1/2 HD after level the level 10 cap is reached.

One of the initial concerns that I have is the the Reservoir amount should be capped at 1 + 1/2 class level instead. Or maybe even 1 + 1/4.

Edit: I realized that having 2 Maneuvers Known +1 each level is way, way above what the regular initiators get. As such, the Brawler's Maneuvers known has been reduced drastically to 2 at the beginning. Getting another maneuver known at level 3 and then after that, they gain a maneuver known every 7 levels after level 10. Ending at level 17 with 4 maneuvers known. This is to take in the fact that Martial Flexibility would grant you the other Broken Blade Maneuvers that one would like to use.

Edit: I am going to delete the "Broken Blade Brawler". Simply because it is a waste of text, and overly complicated.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:28 pm
by OgreBattle
radthemad4 wrote:I'm curious about the effect of doing this sort of class compression thing with Fighter, Monk, and possibly other classes like that.
If you did that with fighter, people would take it as a 1 level dip to get the two feats they need for their character concept.

As for Monk... maybe you take Sohei and get +1 initiative every level. Gaining the use of Ki at level 2 would make it similar to ninja in that regard.

A compressed Samurai would get +level to damage through challenge.

All in all not very exciting. I think Monk needs to be gestalted with Fighter so "Wuxia" is your default martial hero.