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Spells Sans Somatics (Just a List)

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:56 am
by Koumei
I saw a Dragon article that handily listed all the core Sorc/Wiz spells that lack S components, meaning your shitty Fighter 1/Sorcerer X could cast them without Still Spell. So out of boredom, I decided to compile a list from more sources.

Note: sure, I may have missed one or two or accidentally included one that shouldn't be. Also, I haven't looked through literally every book in existence, and sorry, I'm not including spells from random Dragon articles, Pathfinder and other nonsense.

Other Note: this doesn't include various other spells that you cast once in the morning before putting your armour on. But those also exist, along with other "downtime" spells where you can totally strip down before casting, then armour up again.

Final Note: some of these have really stupid components like "Spend XP" or "Don't fuck anyone" or "Actually be a Celestial".

Cantrips (the sad bit, but you don't care):
First Level:
Hold Portal
True Strike
Lantern Light (BoED)
Eyes of the Avoral (BoED)
Critical Strike (CAd)
Golem Strike (CAd)
Guided Shot (CAd)
Insightful Feint (CAd)
Master's Touch (CAd)
Swift Expeditious Retreat (CAd)
Low-Light Vision (CAr)
Karmic Aura (CM)
Death's Call (CM)
Reaving Aura (CM)
Combat Readiness (DotU)
Ectoplasmic Armour (LM)
Benign Transposition (MHB)
Slide (MHB)
Lesser Deflect (PHB2)
Locate City (RoD)
PW: Fatigue (RotD)
PW: Pain (RotD)
Drug Resistance (BoVD)
Second Level:
Yoke of Mercy (BoED)
Daggerspell Stance (CAd)
Swift Fly (CAd)
Sonic Weapon (CAd)
Blades of Fire (CAr)
Shadow Shroud (DotU)
Shadow Double (DotU)
Scintillating Scales (Drac)
Razorfangs (Drac)
Divest Essentia (MoI)
Baleful Transposition (MHB)
Greater Slide (MHB)
Deflect (PHB2)
Dimension Hop (PHB2)
Master's Touch (PHB2)
Sure Strike (PHB2)
Stay the Hand (PHB2)
Lesser Celerity (PHB2)
Lesser Energy Surge (PHB2)
Stretch Weapon (PHB2)
Power Word: Sicken (RotD)
Unfettered Grasp (RotD)
Returning Weapon (RotD)
Third Level:
Karmic Backlash (CM)
Suppress Breath Weapon (Drac)
Adoration of the Frightful (DM)
Halt (PHB2)
Energy Aegis (PHB2)
Alter Fortune (PHB2)
Prismatic Mist (PHB2)
Energy Surge (PHB2)
PW: Deafen (RotD)
PW: Maladroit (RotD)
PW: Weaken (RotD)
Warcry (BoED)
Avoid Planar Effects (Planar)
Dread Word (BoVD)
Drown (BoVD)
Fourth Level:
Dimension Door
Lesser Geas
Entangling Staff (CAd)
Vecna's Malevolent Whisper (CM)
Early Twilight (HoB)
Damning Darkness (LoM)
Condemnation (PHB2)
Stifle Spell (PHB2)
Baleful Blink (PHB2)
Celerity (PHB2)
Mystic Surge (PHB2)
PW: Distract (RotD)
Aerial Alacrity (RotW)
Enduring Flight (RotW)
Fifth Level:
Contact Other Plane
Dimension Jumper (CM)
Lightning Leap (CM)
Lesser Dragon Ally (Drac)
Draconic Polymorph (Drac)
FLight of the Dragon (Drac)
Greater Wings of Air (Drac)
Undying Vigour of the Dragonlords (DM)
Dimension Shuffle (PHB2)
Incite Riot (PHB2)
PW: Disable (RotD)
Planar Tolerance (Planar)
Precipitate Breach (Planar)
Resonating Resistance (BoVD)
Sixth Level:
Mass Suggestion
Brilliant Blade (CAr)
Karmic Retribution (CM)
Familiar Refuge (CM)
Aura of Terror (Drac)
Call of the Twilight Defender (DM)
Greater Energy Surge (PHB2)
PW: Nauseate (RotD)
Wages of Sin (BoED)
Seventh Level:
Phase Door
Greater Teleport
Teleport Object
PW: Blind
Dragon Ally (Drac)
Hiss of Sleep (Drac)
Glorious Master of the Elements (DM)
Eladrin Form (BoED)
Eighth Level:
Mass Charm Monster
Otto's Irresistible Dance
PW: Stun
Maddening Whispers (Drac)
Familial Geas (HoH)
Greater Celerity (PHB2)
PW: Petrify (RotD)
Last Judgment (BoED)
Ninth Level:
Mordenkainen's Disjunction
Prismatic Sphere
Teleportation Circle
PW: Kill
Wail of the Banshee
Time Stop
Greater Dimension Jumper (CM)
Greater Dragon Ally (Drac)
Precipitate Complete Breach (Planar)

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:47 pm
by erik
I teased with this at one point when I wanted my wizard to wear full plate and not bother with martial non caster levels. Harder to quantify are the non combat spells you can cast naked at your convenience. Fun things like setting up shrink item bombs.

A correction - I think master's touch is 1st level. The phb2 version at level 2 was replaced if I recall. I think a few spells had level discrepancies that were settled when reprinted in the spell compendium.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:21 pm
by Grek
You also missed Blindness/Deafness, which is important since it's the only 2nd level save or suck on this list.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:48 am
by Wiseman
Here's a search engine that can do what you did in a fraction of the time.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:33 am
by Koumei
Well I'm glad I only spent a few hours on that, I guess.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:08 am
by the_taken
I appreciate your help.