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witch prestige class

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:18 am
by AndreiChekov
So, I just watched the film Stardust, and i thought that the BBEG would make for a cool prestige class.

There are 2 ways to go about this that I can think of.
1. Make a new progresssion of spells for the class, where they gain spells per day, and spells known bassed on the level of the prestige class, rather than level of the class had before.
2. or just continue spell casting from a class gained before level.

I also thought about balancing the class with casting hurting your con score. This would be thematic with how the movie runs, but I am not sure how well that would work for making a playable class.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:00 pm
by Lokey
Hellfire warlock and such make the last idea a bad one, if you're talking DnD3.x. Need to know what game and system to talk about more.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:12 pm
by radthemad4
I don't know if 'cast from lifespan' is a good idea for D&D.

Why a prestige class? Also, what aspect of her are you going for?
Stardust Wiki wrote:
Powers and Abilities

Lamia was shown to be the most powerful of the three Lillim sister witches. Her magic enabled her to perform numerous terrible yet spectacular feats:

Photokinesis: Lamia lit up the chandeliers of the lair that she and her sisters shared by clicking her fingers.
Conjuration: Lamia was able to conjure an elaborate inn out of nothing.
Transfiguration: Lamia transformed a farm boy into a goat, then into a girl, and a goat into an adult male.
Pyrokinesis: Lamia conjured two magical walls of fire to fend off a unicorn and trap Yvaine and Tristan Thorne.
Telekinesis: During her final confrontation with Yvaine and Tristan, Lamia closed all the doors and windows using only the power of her mind, and even made all the windows shatter through mere hand gestures.

Lamia also had the fundamental skills of a magical witch in the Stardust universe:

Spell Casting: Lamia appeared to be able to cast spells of far superior power compared to other Dark witches, as seen when she placed a curse on Ditchwater Sal (who was a formidable witch herself) for crossing her. Ditchwater Sal was either ignorant of, or did not dare, or was unable to lift the curse that was placed on her.
Divination: Lamia was able to divine information she needed through casting a set of runes or observing animal entrails. It appeared that her divination skills were also superior compared to other Dark witches, as seen by her knowing Ditchwater Sal's name and true identity without being previously told about it.

Though she was undoubtedly the most powerful witch shown on the film, Lamia's magic still had limitations:

With each and every time she used magic for whatever purpose, her youth and beauty will be diminished, and should she try to restore them with her magic, it will backfire on her and make her older.
Though Lamia's divination skills were advanced, they were not of the degree where a precise and accurate answer will always be provided whenever she asked, and hence occasionally she has to employ her sisters' divination skills for assistance.
Lamia's magic is unable to affect those who were protected by a Snowdrop Flower.
The wiki doesn't mention voodoo with which she can break people's limbs (not possible in 3.5 as far as I know), drown them (there's a druid spell for that), control their corpses, etc.

I don't see much of a theme so I'd say go with a Sorcerer (move spells known/per day up one level on the table and give them maybe 3 more spells known at each level (not particularly for this, but sorcerers need a boost and staggered casting progression is stupid) ). Make up some new sorc/wiz spells if D&D doesn't have them (e.g. conjure building, light candles at medium range (maybe invisible spell metamagic + something firey), forced polymorph (or Charm/Suggestion/Intimidate/Diplomacy +Polymorph or just use Polymorph any Object eventually)), and/or use the Attune Domain/Sphere feats on made up domains/spheres if you feel like some spell you made up shouldn't be on the sorc/wiz list but you want her to have it anyway. e.g. maybe you could make up some sphere that has Puppeteer (spell compendium bard 3) and Control Body in it.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:22 pm
by AndreiChekov
Everything that I talk about is 3.x and usually more specifically 3.5.

The reason for it being a prestige class, is that I am making it for my players, and they would freak out if something doing these kinds of things was a base class. I have enough trouble with them all playing fighters already.

The main reason that I am tempted to make the spellcasting, or sphere use, start with taking the prestige class, is so that a martial class can get into it.

I like the idea of having spheres. And ontop of that have a spell list with a number of spells that can be cast at the cost of 1 point of con that takes a day to recover. That way, you get the killing yourself by using magic, but it is all stuff that you use in a pinch where you are better off using it than dying, but don't want to use it all the time.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:30 pm
by radthemad4
AndreiChekov wrote:The reason for it being a prestige class, is that I am making it for my players, and they would freak out if something doing these kinds of things was a base class.
You mean like Wizards and Sorcerers :tongue: ? Or do they not count because they usually prc by the time they can do those?

Seems odd that some martial would suddenly want to be a wizard (unless it was a non tome monk or fighter or something), but whatevs. Elothar something up.