Blood Valley, Round 3: The Quarry

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Blood Valley, Round 3: The Quarry

Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Anyone on the Hunter team (or contemplating being on the Hunter team) should not read this thread until the game is over. All info from the previous threads is fair game
The Valley of Gad

You have chosen to be a prisoner owned by the Archveult. He is the undisputed lord of the Valley of Gad and has lived in his castle for three hundred years. When he began his reign of terror after slaying the old king, his subjects renamed his home Castle Remorse. He is feared and hated by all people.

His appearance alone is enough to terrify even the stoutest of heart. He is a Firedrake, one of the elder races of Orb that live north and east of the Mountains of Undying Solitude, but he is also an Archveult, a rare thing even amongst the powerful Firedrakes. The Firedrakes are a naturally cruel race but he has taken their lust for cruelty to the greatest lengths and is never happier than when demonstrating his superiority over his pathetic human subjects.

He stands eight feet tall and his fierce head is topped by a bony spiked carapace like that of an ancient giant reptile. His eyes are smoldering pits of fire and when he is angered they ignite, burning with a deep red flame that also bursts out over the blue scales of his body. He has large blue wings which, when spread, cast an awesome shadow.

You know nothing of the Valley of Gad save that it is ruled by the Archveult and has a city called Askelon. You know that it is ringed by mountains but that there is a way out of the valley at the western end, at the town of Gap. There are rumors of other less well guarded ways out of the valley, but you know nothing of them as yet.
The Hunt

It is spring. The month of Weir has just begun but you feel little joy for as a slave you have been taken to a place that is infamous throughout Orb as a hell as bad as any in the lower planes. The man who led the caravan in which you were but a piece of helpless baggage, a harsh warrior named Kritos Bloodheart, revelled in telling you your coming fate. At this time of year the ruler of this valley indulges himself in his favorite pastime, the annual hunt. One slave is set free from the standing stones near the castle and hunted down like an animal. If found, the slave is torn to pieces by the Archveult's Hounds of Hell, giant dogs with flaming breath, which came from the nether planes, and were a gift from a Demonlord. If the slave escapes the valley he will go free. But the slaves seldom escape.

Bloodheart has scoured the slave pits of Upanishad for slaves and has brought three back to the Valley of Gad. The Archveult will mercilessly hunt down one of these slaves until at last, exhausted and broken, the slave will beg him to end their wretched life. The doors to your cell are opened: it is Bloodheart and his guards. You are chosen as the one to be taken before the ruler of the valley.

You must choose which of the three types of quarry you wish to be: priest, barbarian, or thief. As you have been bought as a slave by the Archveult, you must tell him your choice.

The Priest

Languishing in your dank cell you rue the day that you - an intelligent young priest of the temple to Avatar in Pokeel - decided to travel to Segesvar. You went in search of a sage who knew of an ancient prayer, much used there in times past, to find the favor of Avatar but while you were there, an innkeeper drugged your ale. A good and zealous man, you were ill-prepared for life in the slave caravan that took you to the market of faraway Upanishad. You vow that the innkeeper who duped you will pay, should you escape the valley. Kritos Bloodheart paid a high price for you in the slave pens, for he knew you would give the Archveult good sport.

Dressed only in your torn white robe and manacled, you are dragged by the castle guards into the Archveult's presence. Flame plays over his blue-scaled body and his voice is deep and resonant.
'He looks weak,' he complains.
You try to speak, but you have been gagged, lest you cast a spell. All that comes out is a muffled gurgle. Kritos cuffs you into silence.
'He is a priest, magnificence, he knows spells, he nearly escaped on the road from Upanishad. He speaks the Word of Helpless Palsy and has the Touch of Harm, and,' he chuckles, 'he has Avatar the One on his side.' There is a gale of laughter as he says this.
'Oh Avatar, where are you now, free thy servant from thisevil place of torment,' the Firedrake mocks. There is silence in the chamber. 'Your god has deserted you,' he cries, and with that he claps his hands and you are dragged away, head held high and contempt in your eye for the cruel Archveult.

The Barbarian

Almost a year ago you left your home town near the city of Strand in the Great Valley Reaches. Like many northern barbarians before, you found that your strength and ferocity were highly valued in the softer southern lands. But your dreams of becoming a captain in the army of one of the manmarcher cities was shattered when you were tricked into becoming a gladiator. You have won all your contests but your success only makes you the more highly prized. You fled the manmarch but were tricked again by a beautiful courtezan whose kisses sent you into a deep slumber. When you awoke you were destined for the Arena of Death in Mortavalon, but Kritos Bloodheart has met your price and now you are the Archveult's slave.

When you are led before the ruler who owns you, your arms are tied to a yoke, as if you were being prepared for crucifixion. You are stripped to your loincloth, revealing the bruises you gained while trying to escape.
'I had to pay a small fortune for this one, magnificence," says Kritos. 'He was to be sent back north to become a gladiator in the Arena of Death at Mortavalon. He is the strongest man I have ever met and still barely more than a boy.'
You growl a curse at the Firedrake, overcoming your fear, but at a sign from Kritos, pressure is applied to the yoke and you are slowly forced to your knees, grunting all the while with the effort of trying to avoid abasing yourself before him. He claps his hands and you are taken away. The Firedrake did not even deign to address you. Soon you are sweating with rage in the dank clammishness of your cell once more.

The Thief

The cold damp of your cell reminds you of your folly. Three tendays since, you were striving for control of a chapter of the Thieves' Guild of Upanishad but you had made too many enemies. When Kritos Bloodheart came to the city and let it be known that he was interested in unusual slaves your enemies leaped at the chance to remove you from the city. You were knocked unconscious and sold to Bloodheart, then kept bound hand and foot during the long journey to the Valley of Gad.

At last Kritos Bloodheart comes to take you from the cell. Before the leg irons are struck off, you are chained to two hulking guards who stand on either side of you. Then you are taken into the presence of the ruler who now owns you.
'I have saved the fairest till last, magnificence,' says Kritos. There is a murmur of appreciation from the guards.
'It's a woman!' the Firedrake exclaims. 'They are weaker than the men.'
Kritos does not look unduly troubled by his master's displeasure. 'Not this one, magnificence, she is a skilled swordswoman and, until she was delivered into our hands, was a master in the Thieves' Guild of Upanishad.'
You note every detail of your surroundings, hoping for a chance of escape, but Kritos has ensured there is none. The guards force you to your knees and invite her to beg for mercy, but you reply: 'It is you who will beg for mercy out in the wilderness, Firedrake.'
He smiles and orders you to be taken back to the dungeons, confident that he will force you to change your tune.

You will have to find a way out of the valley. There is a large gate in the fortified walls enclosing the valleyat its western entrance, by Gap town. This is the only known exit, but it is, of course, heavily guarded. Gap town and the wall all belong to the Archveult.

Other exits must exist, but finding them may not be easy.
The Archveult's Allies

Your opponent has three allies or henchmen: Kritos Bloodheart, the Captain of the Archveult's guard, an evil and bloodthirsty warrior; Ka-riim, the Hashishin, the Archveult's assassin; and the Demiveult, a large winged reptile which some say is a Firedrake in its larval form, while others believe it is a product of the Archveult's genetic experiments.

In any case, the Archveult will have placed his allies somewhere in the valley and you may encounter them. Beware, the ally will inform the Archveult of your location before attacking you!
Your first decision is to choose your character. The relevant character sheets are below.
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

-2 Strike (until you find a weapon).


Special Abilities
Poor Swimmer

Spells: (Spells are lost once used, Vancian style.)
Paralysis x2 (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal x4 (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds x5 (Once per combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
The Barbarian

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Stunned/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

-1 Strike (until you find a weapon).
+1 Damage.


Special Abilities
Good Swimmer
The Thief

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

-1 Strike (until you find a weapon).
+1 Strike (with a weapon).


Special Abilities
Weapon skill
Average Swimmer
Pick a character, and then also your first decision at the standing stones.
The Beginning

You are returned to your cell, but the first ray of hope shines at sunset. Before they come to take you to the standing stones, one of your fellow prisoners shakes a powder all over you, explaining that it has magical properties which will confuse the hounds as they try to track you. You are now ready to begin your flight from Castle Remorse, unarmed, with no more than the few scraps of clothing left to you.

Ra's chariot lights the sky, but the coming of dawn does not lift your spirits. You havespent the night, without furs or cloak, chained to one ofthe strange circle of standing stones near the western end of the Valley of Gad. Behind you towers the Archveult's castle and even now you hear the unearthly baying of the Hounds of Hell. As the sun climbs the sky you can see more of your surroundings. A grisly exhibition of trophies adorns the stone monoliths, the heads of the Archveult's previous victims. Some are too decayed to tell even if they were once human, but the more recent ones have been crudely embalmed. Last year's victim appears to have been a young woman, the one before a large man with a barbarian's plaits still swinging in the wind, his face a mask of agony split by a terrible wound. Suddenly the chains fall away from your wrists and a mouth opening up in the face of the grey stone which faces you speaks, 'Run, run for all you are worth, you cannot escape me and my Hounds of Hell. You have a few hours grace before I take up the chase.'

The stones are on a conical hill-top. Behind you the dark towers of Castle Remorse deter all attempts at escape to the east. A track leads north towards high ground and a road of beaten earth winds south towards a range of hills. To the west lies a rising swell of rough moorland.

• Search the standing stones and surrounding area? (29)
• Head due west across the moor? (49)
• Take the road south? (69)
• Take the track north? (89)
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Post by SGamerz »

Let's see if I can do what he couldn't in the last game with my extra knowledge. Priest!
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Post by SGamerz »

Actually, it's my turn, isn't it? I saw the 2 WAITs in the first section and forgot that the Hunter actually has to WAIT even more times than I do in the beginning.

Proceed west if it's my turn.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The moorland rises in a series of smooth ridges. The bracken and moss underfoot are spongy and wet and there are obvious signs of your trail. The going is rocky and uneven and so wet that your feet often sink in up to your ankles. It is open land with little cover and you have an uneasy feeling that you are being watched from the tallest tower of Castle Remorse away to the east.

(Kritos Bloodheart is not patrolling the moor.)
(You leave tracks.)

It is very hard going here on the moor.

• Find a hollow in which to hide? (349)
• Run down into a gully to the west? (149)
• Climb a spur to the west, beside the gully? (329)
• Go to the north where you can see the track which leads from the standing stones to high ground? (89)
• Go south to the road of beaten earth that leads towards the Barrow Weald? (69)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

-2 Strike (until you find a weapon).


Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxx5678910111213141516
Night 11718192021222324

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Post by SGamerz »

West for the healz.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

There's two west options.
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You are soon at the highest point of the moor. Even here the ground is spongy and wet underfoot.

• Continue along the spur to the west? (369)
• Turn southwest and start to descend again? (289)
• Turn back to the east in the direction of the standing stones? (49)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

-2 Strike (until you find a weapon).


Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxx678910111213141516
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Post by SGamerz »

Southwest to grab those berries.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(Kritos Bloodheart is patrolling the moor!)
Yeah, when you first came onto the moor, he wasn't assigned yet, but he's here now.
The wind carries a jingle of harness to your ears. You look back to see two horsemen bearing down on you, their powerful horses making light of the unevenness of the moorland. The first is a magnificent and macabre figure, dressed in full plate mail of blackest steel, his helm crested with a brilliant scarlet plume. Your breath catches in your chest. Kritos Bloodheart, the man without mercy, is about to ride you down.


One other rides with him, his squire. You must give battle while the young squire watches. As Kritos spurs his horse forward, the squire pulls out a crystal ball and starts to talk into it, telling the Archveult that they have found you. (The hunter knows you are about to fight Kritos in the moorland.)


When you strike Kritos, roll a die; on a 5+, his armor prevents 1 WL.
Each time Kritos loses a WL, roll a die; on a 5+, he flees.

• Fight him normally?
• Cast Paralysis and insta-win?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

-2 Strike (until you find a weapon).


Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxx678910111213141516
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Post by SGamerz »

Yes! Free +1 sword! Thank you! I'd have gone to the Barrow Weald to look for him if he weren't assign here.

Paralysis for the auto-win.

And then maybe we can go hunt down that assassin as well to loot that poison dagger!
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(You speak the Word of Helpless Palsy and Kritos is defeated.)

There is a great crash as the heavily-armored Kritos Bloodheart falls stricken to the moor. The squire panics and lets fall the crystal ball through which the Archveult has been observing events, before galloping away from you, hell for leather. You may take Kritos' sword to use for your own, it is a superbly balanced long sword of tempered steel and you may strike with it at +1.

You pick up the crystal ball and, looking into it, your gaze is transfixed by the terrible visage of the Archveult of Gad. A taunt springs to your mind: 'See how I deal with your most feared lieutenant, you vile abomination. So shall I deal with you in time.' You let the ball drop, for to carry it would be to give away your own position.

(Kritos Bloodheart is not patrolling the moor.)

The moorland is spongy and wet underfoot and the going is rough. Often your feet sink in up to your ankles. The moorland rises in a series of swelling folds of land to the north and east. The woods are shrouded in mist in the basin to the southwest. Due west is an area of land that looks lushly green and perfectly flat. Nearby is a Healing-Myrtle bush, one of the few left on Orb. You strip the bush of its berries and may eat them at any time you are not in battle to restore a wound level.

• Head west? (229)
• Head north? (209)
• Head northeast? (329)
• Head due east towards the highest part of the moor? (389)
• Head southwest towards the basin of mist? (269)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike
(-2 Strike without a weapon)

The sword of Kritos Bloodheart.

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxxxxx910111213141516
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(Kritos Bloodheart is not patrolling the moorland.)

The going is slow. The moorland is strewn with boulders and the ground is heavy and wet underfoot. (You leave tracks.)

You have reached the northwest corner of the moor. Ahead lies a large fast-flowing river to the north.
WAIT TWICE due to the heavy going.

• Seek a hollow in which to hide, as there is likely ground to the east? (349)
• Go west into an incredibly lush and unnaturally flat meadow? (229)
• If you are the barbarian or the thief, swim the river? (189)
• Travel east without seeking to hide? (389)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike
(-2 Strike without a weapon)

The sword of Kritos Bloodheart.
Healing-myrtle berries. (Eat out of battle to heal 1 HL.)

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxx111213141516
Night 11718192021222324

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The lush green and surprisingly flat meadow is in fact marshland. The great fen stretches flatly away towards the horizon. On the horizon to the northwest you can see mountains wrapped in the blue haze of distance. You are about to consider whether to go on, up to your knees in water, when an alligator attacks with a sudden rush and churning of water. You must defend yourself.


I don't see any reason to use Cause Wounds here, so...
Round 1: You 6+1, Gator 2; Damage 3, Alligator is Hurt.
Round 2: You 11+1, Gator 5+1, Alligator is Discouraged.

You have become bogged down in the green mire of the fen. You realize that to go on would be impossible and so, reluctantly, you turn back.

• Stagger out to the north? (209)
• Stagger out to the east? (289)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike
(-2 Strike without a weapon)

The sword of Kritos Bloodheart.
Healing-myrtle berries. (Eat out of battle to heal 1 HL.)

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxx13141516
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Post by SGamerz »

Damn, I should have paid more attention to the section numbers. I was hoing there'd be a way into the hinterlands at the northwest. That was a time-waster. He'd probably catch me now.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(Kritos Bloodheart is not patrolling the moor.)

The moorland is spongy and wet underfoot and the going is rough. Often your feet sink in up to your ankles. The moorland rises in a series of swelling folds of land to the north and east. The woods are shrouded in mist in the basin to the southwest. Due west is an area of land that looks lushly green and perfectly flat. Nearby is a Healing-Myrtle bush, one of the few left on Orb.
(You have a relevant keyword.)
The Healing-Myrtle has been stripped of its berries and their healing properties are lost to you.

• Head west? (229)
• Head north? (209)
• Head northeast? (329)
• Head due east towards the highest part of the moor? (389)
• Head southwest towards the basin of mist? (269)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike
(-2 Strike without a weapon)

The sword of Kritos Bloodheart.
Healing-myrtle berries. (Eat out of battle to heal 1 HL.)

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1516
Night 11718192021222324

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

The same text? Do I get a second batch of berries, then?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Sorry, sloppy cut-paste. Amended.
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Post by SGamerz »

So it looks like the priest's weakness is that he HAS to go by the south. All it takes is one trap on the bridge and the north route is completely out of bounds.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

(The hunter has a relevant code!)
As you are surveying the landscape, you inadvertently step onto a huge bear-trap. It closes around your leg and the serrated iron teeth are forced through your flesh by a large metal spring. You bend down to try to free yourself and notice a message inked on a piece of flayed skin. It reads simply: 'There is no escape from the Valley of Gad.' Below the message is the heraldic symbol of a Firedrake rampant.

You are losing a lot of blood. Lose one wound level. If you are still alive, you realize that the Archveult has not designed this trap to kill you, for at length, wincing at the pain, you are able to prise the cruel teeth apart and step out of the trap.

Pausing to look around, you see a wood shrouded in mist to your southwest. To the northeast, moorland stretches away as far as the eye can see.

• Head for the wood? (101)
• Head for the moorland? (289)
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike
(-2 Strike without a weapon)

The sword of Kritos Bloodheart.
Healing-myrtle berries. (Eat out of battle to heal 1 HL.)

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16
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Post by SGamerz »

Into the woods, to grandmother's house!
And home before dark!

(Ok, not likely, considering it'll be dark after this WAIT)
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You come to a muddy meadow at the fringes of a thick line of trees marching away to the north and south. Strangely, the trees seem shrouded in mist and clouds of grey moist fog billow out from the wood across the meadow. You cannot help but leave your prints in the soft earth. (You leave tracks here.)

(Ka-riim is patrolling the misty wood!)
You are standing on the outskirts of a fog-enshrouded wood when suddenly a grey figure leaps as if from nowhere, catching you by surprise. You jump back as a gleaming blade appears in the figure's hands. It is Ka-riim, assassin of the Archveult. Clad in close-fitting grey robes, you can just make out his gaunt features hidden in the folds of his grey cowl.

As you circle each other, Ka-riim brings out a crystal ball and speaks into it. 'I have found the quarry, O Lord of Firedrakes. He is at the Misty Wood.' (The hunter has been informed of your situation.) Ka-riim's short sword is coated with a black ichor and he wields it with frightening skill. You must fight.

Wound LevelStrikeDamage
Badly Wounded-2-2

When Ka-riim strikes you, the poison on his blade has a 1/3 chance to deal an extra HL. If Ka-riim is Badly Wounded, he has a 1/3 chance to flee. If Ka-riim is Crippled, he has a 1/2 chance to flee.

• Fight normally?
• Auto-win with a Paralysis spell?
The Priest

Wound Levels:
Healthy/Bruised/Injured/Wounded/Badly Wounded/Crippled/Dead

+1 Strike
(-2 Strike without a weapon)

The sword of Kritos Bloodheart.
Healing-myrtle berries. (Eat out of battle to heal 1 HL.)

Special Abilities:
Poor Swimmer

Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Paralysis (Auto-wins a combat against a human.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Heal (Restores 1 wound level, cannot be cast in combat.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)
Cause Wounds (1/combat, fight at +1 Strike, ignoring all other modifiers.)

Day 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16
Night 11718192021222324

Posts: 6331
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:45 am

Post by SGamerz »

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