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Greg Stafford passed away

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:15 pm
by Guts
...last month, in october 11.

I'm a big fan of the guy, and always found him one of the best (if not THE best) designers in the industry. He designed or was directly involved in the creation of Pendragon RPG, Runequest/BRP/Glorantha, Prince Valiant, Ghostbusters, Call of Cthulhu and the King of Dragon Pass videogame, most of which were visionary games for the time they came out.

Any other fan of the guy around here?

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:34 pm
by kzt

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 8:39 pm
by Prak
Honestly, he always struck me as a guy who got into game design to get laid.

I know. For a certain kind of partner, it works.

And he got into game design as a way to play around with religion reconstruction concepts, and... I can't really hold that against him. When I played RQ, I got really into the "lets dick around with these primatives' religions!" guys, because they were the ones who actually vaguely understood the true potential of magic as it's set up in Glorantha. And I'm constantly sticking demonology and satanism into my games. So. Yeah, I got no room to hold that against him, and I never did have, but I used to hold that against him.

He seemed like a Gygax v2 that wouldn't be insufferable to hang out with. Glorantha was basically a GM Dickstravaganza, but Stafford seemed like that old school pagan philosophy major who would hook you up with some good booze and other substances that at least made him interesting to be around rather than just a complete pain in the ass.

And as much as Glorantha just got on my fucking nuts for it's "science doesn't exist!!11!1!!1!" premise, it was definitely interesting, and way better at what Mage wanted to do than Mage ever was.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:49 pm
by Guts
Nice words, Prak.

Trying to convince my friends to play a good ol dungeon crawl in Pavis & the Rubble with some beer and snacks in his honor. (well, I'm trying to convince them for a long time actually, but now I have a better excuse hehe)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:18 pm
by Neurosis
Speaking as a moderately big Chaosium fan, Greg Stafford was a fucking boss. He will be missed.