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My Little Dystopia: Friendship is Soma (Cyberpony Fantasy)

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:32 am
by RelentlessImp
This is going to be an all-encompassing thread to cover this idea that's been rattling around in my head for the past two-years-and-change. Thanks to a "friend" that got me involved in watching My Little Pony, I've been seeing a lot of similarities between the setup of Equestria and that of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Orwell's 1984, which eventually led to the idea that even something as "good" and "innocent" as MLP:FiM is still a dystopia. There's a very fine line between utopia and dystopia, after all.

The core conceits of this thread are going to be gutting Shadowrun, 4th Edition of everything that doesn't work, both on its own and in context with this world - which basically means keeping only the basic resolution system, combat, and magic (sans spirit summoning), while replacing what doesn't work with something that does (see: a functional-in-play Matrix). Before I go much further, I suppose I should lay out why it seems so much like a dystopia to me.

1: Definite Castes. Like BNW's geniocracy, there is a definite caste system in place for the ponies. Princesses (Alicorns) are on top, as actual bonafide rulers, with Unicorns beneath, having access to literal magic, followed by Pegasi, who can fly, walk on clouds, and control weather, then Earth Ponies, setting up more or less a magocracy.

2: There is a definite disregard for the "Other" - zebras, gryphons, et. al., have no place in pony society, to the point where it causes some of the only actually seen discontent in the world. I'll be bringing this point back later.

3: Friendship is literal magic in this world, and not being friendly is seen as an aberration. (The episode "A Friend In Deed" shows this pretty clearly, in which a cranky donkey is harangued, harassed, and annoyed until he turns friendly.) Replacing the word 'soma' with 'friendship' is pretty frickin' apt, even if it's because of it being a kid's show that SOMETHING has to solve everything in order to reinforce the positive messages that the show blares at you in every moment.

4: Cutie Marks. Honestly, hypnopædia and cutie marks share a lot of distinctive elements. While a Cutie Mark is more or less a literal representation of someone's uniqueness, it also seems to set their path in life in one way or another, much like the hypnotic indoctrination.

Throughout the episodes I've watched, I've also come to the conclusion that not everything is entirely as presented. Between the episode "The Cutie Map" and "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks", to say nothing of the very first episode, approaching this world from any viewpoint other than the established one gets a hit squad sent after you. Sure, they don't murder you for it, but you definitely get your worldview altered and/or wind up defeated and/or banished. Starlight Glimmer wanted equality; a Marxist equality, but she had some actual decent points. The Dazzlings utilized their inborn gifts, and were banished for it. (I've got other points to make with the Dazzlings later, as well.) The Changelings actively seek to disrupt the status quo, and are vilified for it.

Overall, the structure of this world is one of "Obey Celestia and prosper, defy and get fucked." Anyone not buying the party line is mocked or made to change to fit the mold.

In following this idea, I've come up with the idea that everything is a lot darker than it first seems. What if the powers wielded by Alicorns are actually powered by the friendship floating around their world, fed to them through the Cutie Marks manifested on every pony that buys into their line? That would better explain almost everything. Celestia and Luna's disagreements with each other, leading to the extreme situation of banishing one's own sister to the goddamned moon for a millenia. Luna wanted an equal share of the power and tried to go Highlander on Celestia, and got fucked for it. Starlight Glimmer's plans to strip cutie marks and replace friendship with forced equality would deprive the Princesses of power. The Dazzlings' disharmonious songs would break apart friendship and similarly disempower the alicorns.

Following this further leads into a dystopia that is happy-go-lucky on the surface, but much darker underneath. Friendship is the drug that fuels the society, wiping away discontent, disharmony, and unifying the people under a common banner. Those who seek to disrupt that are dealt with, either by getting rid of them or by forcing them into the fold. And almost always, the ponies of Equestria find themselves following the party line, no matter the situation. ("We have always been at war with Discord.")

Bringing in Equestria Girls makes the situation oh so much worse. The human counterparts of the Immortal Goddess-Princesses control a school that is so tightly bound under their will that it takes mind control to get them to agree to a simple competition. These are the people shaping minds of a new generation, no doubt feeding them into a world so soaked in soma friendship that nobody sees any problem with however they come out.

So how does this lend itself to a game styled in the Shadowrun style? Pretty well, actually, but I'm going to be pushing it two hundred years into the future, with free intermingling between the pony and human worlds. The ponies get technology, and the humans get magic; and in both worlds, the power of soma friendship grows and empowers those who know how to tap into it. From there, things begin to grow and spiral, as humanity's need to improve and control joins with ponies' need to make everything harmonious. Seems like a pretty good combo to me for megacorporations to form, even if they're wildly different in scope from those presented in Cyberpunk and Shadowrun. For starters, I'm imagining Party Ponies (a'la Pinkamena Pie and Cheese Sandwich) becoming enforcers of Happiness and Friendship, which grows into a contracted/governmental entity akin to Lone Star or Knight Errant, or even Sluggy Freelance's 4U City's REAs, or even Friend Computer's Troubleshooters. Hell, being Troubleshooters (a'la the Mane 6) would be a valid style of play.

Right now I'm imagining a few styles of play:
Troubleshooters, in which the players are members of the Party Ponies enforcing Happiness and Friendship (but in friendlier terms), going around solving issues of disharmony and unhappiness.

Anarchists, in which the players are those who are aware of, or at least think they are, just how bad the situation the world is in, and that the people in charge only have their own interests at heart in keeping the status quo. This would more or less play out like a typical Shadowrun, doing bad things for money in the employ of others who think like them - Changeling Mr. Johnsons infilitrating society employing deniable assets, or non-ponies needing things that are under the control of Equestrian society, or hell, even just playing Anti-Troubleshooter, causing problems instead of solving them.

Another note on play: 200 years in the future, crossing between Equestria and the human world is common, with ponies assuming human form and vice-versa. Thinking of this being in place for a century or so, thus eliminating the need for penalties when switching. Otherwise will need to come up with templates for Human-born and Pony-born individuals that apply penalties when in the opposing form, which is something I'd rather not do.

More to come, I just needed to make this post before my brain gives up on this. Stupid brain.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:26 pm
by RelentlessImp
Okay, so, I've established play routines, and what I want this version of SR4E to do - namely, have characters do legwork, infiltration, combat, performing crimes for money. What I don't have is a method of character generation. Karma-based builds are always my bread and butter, because they make chargen a lot more granular without the obvious breakpoints of Build Points.

So I'm going to stick with Karma-based generation, which means I need to actually do something with the metatypes. I know people are going to want to play the Outsiders - Zebras, Gryphons, etc. - and that should be doable, but right now I'm just going to stick to ponies.

(Crystal) Unicorn Bod 1/6 Agi 1/6 Rea 1/6 Str 1/6 Cha 2/7 Int 2/7 Log 2/7 Wil 2/7 Special Unicorns have the ability "Psychokinesis" (SR4 pg 290) but the test is made with WIL+CHA. Additionally, when using Psychokinesis, casting spells or summoning spirits, their horns glow, reducing the threshold of Noticing Magic (SR4 pg 168) by 1.

(Crystal) Pegasus Bod 1/6 Agi 3/8 Rea 2/7 Str 1/6 Cha 1/6 Int 1/6 Log 1/6 Wil 1/6 Special Pegasi can fly under their own power up to their movement rate, as well as walk on clouds.

(Crystal) Earth Pony Bod 3/8 Agi 2/7 Rea 2/7 Str 3/8 Cha 1/6 Int 2/7 Log 1/6 Wil 1/6

So, Magicians, Mystic Adepts, and Adepts will function the same, and all characters will be able to take those talents. Again, this is going to be taking some two centuries in the future of the show, and there will be a similar concept as the Unified Magic Theory from the 2070s and later that allows non-Unicorns to utilize magic. Giving player characters the ability to fly with Pegasi doesn't seem that big a deal to me, given that this is going to be cyberpunk, and the primary weapon of choice will be a gun.

As for cutie marks, I'm going to implement them in a very simple way - every character gets a free Specialization in a skill for having a cutie mark and a free Specialization in a Knowledge skill (or a group of closely-linked Knowledge skills) to represent their unique talents. I fully expect this to be a lot of Specializations in things like Shooting and Spellcasting.

Earlier I said I'd gut Spirits out of the magic system. There's a few reasons for this: Spirits are too versatile. Every mage gets six distinct spirit types they can summon, and summoning is stupid easy. The summoner gets their Magic + Summoning to do it, and the spirit gets their Force to resist it. Getting two stats to do a thing while someone gets one stat to resist it is lopsided as fuck, but if that was the only reason I'd leave the spirits in. No, spirits give SR Mages the same level of problem-solving as a divination-using Wizard in D&D 3.5, but on the fly. I myself have made use of this in numerous SR4 games to the point where at least one of my GMs has forced me into only playing Aspected mages and choose between Conjuror and Sorcerer. Slinging spells and summoning spirits is just too good.

To that end, I'm considering making Aspected be a required thing instead of stripping spirit summoning out entirely. While yes, this can most assuredly lead to most Conjurors going with Possession Traditions, I think I'd be okay with that. I guess the real question is whether people would miss spirits as a part of character design.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:57 pm
by RelentlessImp
Let's talk about the world of Equestria Girls. Earlier I suggested that ponies and humans move freely between the two worlds - for vacation, for work, or just a day out. Moving between the pony world to the human world gives you a human form, and vice versa. I don't want to create templates based on whether a person is born as a human or pony and give them penalties when in the other form, hence why it's being set so far into the future, and the assumption is that most individuals see moving between the two as just another common thing and are largely inured to the differences between having four legs and two.

And, of course, based on the show, everyone has a human counterpart, or pony counterpart, in the other world, who is extremely similar to their own self. This is not a 1:1 copy, however, as Sci-Twi shows (having a need for glasses). We can assume, then, that the biometrics between them are also different; they won't have the same blood type, DNA, fingerprints, etc. as their counterparts, merely a base of gross superficial similarities and possibly similar personalities. That said, I can certainly see Party Ponies (or the human world equivalent) as law enforcement picking up a pony-born shadowrunner's human-born counterpart due to video footage, and cases of mistaken identity being more common.

Also, this provides an entirely new way of going to ground. Rather than fleeing to the Crystal Kingdom for shadowruns done in Equestria, or taking refuge with the zebras, pony runners can slip into the human world, and vice versa for sliding into the pony world after runs done in the human world. Shadowrunners can maintain lifestyles in both worlds if they want, and most probably do.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:09 pm
by RelentlessImp
Let's talk Matrix. I want to slot Ends of the Matrix into here whole-cloth, but that's not possible. There's a few reasons I'm doing this on a base of 4E instead of 4E20A, and one of those reasons is the changes made to Riggers. Ends of the Matrix puts VR-bound characters on a 1:1 with astrally projecting magicians, going so far as to give them the same replacement attributes chart.

I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but I personally prefer jumped-in riggers being an alternate version of Street Samurai to them being a subset of Decker. The simplest solution to this impasse I assume would be telling Riggers that they don't get the benefit of Matrix Attributes when jumped in, while Technomancer Riggers get to use the Matrix attributes - which will further help to separate technomancers from deckers, given that deckers will have no reason not to 'ware up, and there are some very nice hot-sim bonuses one can get while piloting a drone - and similar reasons why technomancers, like a lot of mages, will find it potentially beneficial to lose some Resonance for a bit of 'ware.

Decision: Ends of the Matrix, but jumped-in mundane Riggers use their own attributes, while Technomancers use Matrix Attributes.

And going in the completely opposite direction from Mages and their Spirits, Technomancers get to keep their Sprites, which helps to make Technomancers feel different from "wireless mages" (a complaint I've seen here and there, and one I'm not entirely guiltless of).

As for Matrix-based institutions, there is going to be a lot of overlap between the two worlds, but nobody's figured out a way to beam signals through the portals so the Matrix is divided between the two worlds. Verification of one world's data to be congruent with another will require physically passing between the words and checking or updating the other world's database.

Matrix subscriptions will be possible to have in both worlds simultaneously, and many MSPs will offer 'bundles' that lets you maintain a subscription to both worlds for a slight discount over buying two separate subscriptions. MSPs tend to be one of the few types of corporations (outside of megas) that extend their operations into both worlds. This pretty much makes no difference mechanically (with MSP costs typically being bundled into one's Lifestyle) but I feel is an important detail to have.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:24 pm
by RelentlessImp
So, body-changing between the worlds is an annoying one when it comes to 'ware. 'Ware is specifically made for a certain shape, and going from four legs to two legs could potentially cause the 'ware to no longer function. I'm going to handwave that way with Magic and say that the 'ware serves identical functions between the two worlds and winds up doing what it's supposed to no matter what form you're in. Thus a cybernetic torso made for a human becomes a cybernetic body for a pony, a cyber foreleg for a pony becomes a cyberarm for a human, etc. because of the way the body-changing works when moving between the two worlds.

The only difficulty I can really see is that a pony's cyberarms are really cyberlegs. Let's do a bit more handwavium, and say that forelegs are always cyberarms, and hind legs are cyberlegs. Which still isn't quite sufficient because there's a lot of cyberleg modifications that don't make any sense would function on a four-legged animal if not applied to all four legs. Things like cyberskates and skimmer discs. Handwavium again, maybe? Paying for a "pair" of cyberskates or skimmer discs means you get them installed in all four limbs because of the assumptions about the world like moving freely between pony and human form, and are basically worthless in the cyberarms of your human form.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:54 pm
by RelentlessImp
Let's talk a few character options. I listed ponies up there, but I'll be editing that later with the various other character types that exist in the world. Crystal Ponies get lumped in with the other types because they just seem like a palette change to regular ponies, anyways. Changelings should definitely be available to players, along with zebras, hippogriffs, and griffons. Possibly centaurs, minotaurs, sirens, but I don't want to dilute the player pool too much away from ponies and pony-likes. (Even if Centaur and Minotaur map pretty well onto Troll and Ork.)

SURGE isn't going to exist, and neither will the various HMHVVs - for reasons entirely unrelated to AH's fuckup with the numbers, they simply don't fit and I can't come up with a way to make them fit very well. I feel like Vampire should be an option available due to Flutterbat's popularity.

I'm on the fence as to whether there should be any kind of mechanical difference between human-born and pony-born individuals. Both worlds should have become a more or less monoculture due to the blending between them, even to the point where human-born individuals manifest cutie marks.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:05 pm
by RelentlessImp
Pony Guns, or how the fuck does pony shoot. I'm handwaving this one because forelegs get used like hands an awful lot, so I'm just going to assume that ponies can use guns like a character with hands. I'm also tempted to have people purchase multiple guns, with "Pony-Adapted" being a free trait you can slap onto a gun to signify it's purchased with being used by pony hooves in mind, and an additional rule that ponies can only run-and-gun at half movement speed due to body shape. Melee weapons remain unchanged, but also need to get the "Pony-Adapted" tag for use in pony form - with an exception made for Weapon Foci, which gain an additional quality that lets them switch between "Pony-Adapted" and not based on what world the weapon is in.

Cyberlimb-installed weapons will be a popular one for pony runners, because they'll have no penalties for use regardless of form. Articulated Weapon Arms and External Mounts, which I have never seen a character use, might actually see some use here, especially among pony security forces.

Decision Made

"Pony Adapted" is a (free, slotless) upgrade that can be applied to any weapon. This represents purchasing (or modifying) a weapon to be utilized by pony forelimbs without any difficulty. Utilizing a non-Pony Adapted weapon as a Pony imposes a -2 dice pool penalty. Applying Pony Adapted to a weapon is an Armorer Extended Test (6, 30 minutes). A Pony using a Pony Adapted two-handed weapon (rifles, heavy melee weapons) must stand on their hind legs, halving their movement speed while firing. A Pony using a Pony Adapted one-handed weapon (pistol, machine pistol, etc) has their movement slowed by one-quarter while firing. If the character can fly, they may do so and use their weapons without penalties.

Cyberlimb-installed, weapons mounted on an External Mount or Articulated Weapon Arm, or attached to a gyro stabilization mount do not require Pony Adaptation, and may be utilized without penalty.

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:15 pm
by RelentlessImp
Let's talk about the government of the two worlds. There's a lot of overlap between the two, but they should be distinctly separate. And of course, when it comes to government, we are of course talking about analogous-to-megacorporations.

In this Equestria, the Mane Six refers not to ponies, but to the Megas.

Party Ponies, Incorporated: These are the Ponies charged with peacekeeping and ensuring the party line is followed. They safeguard the other Mane Five, acting as a peacekeeping force for both the country of Equestria and the megas as a whole. As such, they tend to be the most divided of the Six; embedded Party Ponies are brought into the Corporate Culture of the mega they're assigned to, and are for all intents and purposes members of that corporation. They are the private armies and the lawkeepers, ensuring that nobody brings in down-ness.

CyberCo Limited: CyberCo is the leading developer and manufacturer of pony-based cybernetics. Originally founded to help ponies who had lost limbs, it has grown over the last few centuries into a titan of industry. Roughly 60% of cyberlimbs and cybernetics on the market today are a CyberCo Ltd. product, and nearly 75% of the ones capable of being utilized in both pony and human form.

Help Us Help You Co.: A non-profit charity that looks after the disenfranchised and the dispossessed. Allied with Truth Co., on the downlow they seek to reprogram ponies that have become anarchists and rebels. On the surface, however, they help those who cannot help themselves, placing them where their aptitudes are best suited - typically pushing ponies into corporations as wageslaves. Despite being a non-profit, HUHYC has risen to the rank of a mega with record-setting income.

Alchemists United: One of the few megas to freely employ non-ponies, AU is headed by primarily zebras. The premiere drug-producing corporation of Equestria, they produce nearly every drug on the market, from health-related to recreational.

Biogene: Biogene specializes in bioware and nanotechnology, producing cutting-edge tech on a regular basis, pushing the boundaries of what a pony's body can handle.

Celune: Named after the two Immortal God-Princesses, Celune isn't a mega in the traditional sense. Still headed by Celestia and Luna themselves, Celune oversees the entirety of Equestria. In some respects, all megas pay heed to Celune. Celune is the place corporate taxes go, where laws flow from, and where the true seat of power of the world lays. As a corporation, however, they produce the little things that nobody can live without; the local convenience stores, the little energizing snacks and drinks, and the like. Celune has eyes and ears everywhere - even in your own neighborhood.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:11 pm
by RelentlessImp
Going over some of the stuff I talked about before in this post.

There's arguments to be made both for and not having your other-world equivalent sharing DNA, biometrics, etc.

Sharing Biometrics
Can tell certain stories you can't otherwise.
-Example: Your otherworld equivalent is a ranking member of a A or AA corp and thus your biometrics will allow you to bypass certain on-site security.
--Allows players to feel unique once in a while, but it's not something that will likely come up very often.
Having corpsec trace your biometrics to your otherworld equivalent's feels very Cyberpunk to me, especially since Corps tend to take a hardline view on corporate espionage, especially within a company.
-Could lead to a very good use for the Enemy quality if your otherworld equivalent is forced out of wageslave life and into a life in the shadows because of your actions.

Makes being anonymous a whole lot harder if corpsec can trace it to your otherworld equivalent, and from there, get a better read on you. While it does feel very Cyberpunk, it may cause actual issues with further storytelling. Good for pathos, maybe?

Not Sharing Biometrics

Better anonymity from Big Pony aside from gross superficial identification and your biometrics only being tracked within corp-specific databases.
Can still lead to a good use of the Enemy quality from mistaken identity, thus negating one of the Pros from the Sharing Biometrics.

Unable to deliberately and undeniably set your otherworld self up for a fall via DNA, which feels like a missed opportunity, and having to rely on only audiovisual identification to do so.

Personally, I feel like the "fuck your otherworld self over" plans do feel a bit weak in this setup. Like, this cross-world universe has been going on for a couple hundred years by this point, CorpSec probably has heard the "It wasn't me, it was my (Pony/Human)world self" excuse a thousand times. But there is always the possibility, and I like ideas that lead to decent use of Enemy.

Other Races

Centaur Bod 5/10 Agi 1/6 Rea 1/6 Str 5/10 Cha 1/6 Int 1/6 Log 1/6 Wil 1/6 Special Centaurs do not require Pony Adapted for their weaponry.

Minotaur Bod 4/9 Agi 2/7 Rea 1/6 Str 3/8 Cha 1/6 Int 1/6 Log 1/6 Wil 1/6 Special Minotaurs do not require Pony Adapted for their weaponry.

Changeling Bod 1/6 Agi 2/7 Rea 1/6 Str 1/6 Cha 3/8 Int 2/7 Log 1/6 Wil 1/6 Special Changelings can utilize Physical Mask on themselves only, making a Wil+Cha test in place of a Spellcasting test, at a Force up to their Int. This produces no Drain, and can be sustained indefinitely without causing the usual -2 dice pool penalty for sustaining.

Griffon Bod 2/7 Agi 2/7 Rea 2/7 Str 1/6 Cha 1/6 Int 1/6 Log 1/6 Wil 1/6 Special Griffons can fly up to their base movement rate, and walk on clouds.

Zebra Bod 1/6 Agi 1/6 Rea 1/6 Str 1/6 Cha 2/7 Int 2/7 Log 1/6 Wil 2/7

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:49 pm
by RelentlessImp
Human World Megas

Shooters United SU (known colloquially as Shoot You) is the largest arms-manufacturing corporation in the two worlds. Their rise to power was the result of creating Pony Adaptation for guns of all shapes and sizes, and now they produce a wide variety of weaponry for use for both Ponies and Humans.

Party Time A human-world counterpart to the Party Ponies Inc., but a distinctly separate company, even if their method of operation is nearly identical. In addition, Party Time, is a sister company to MediStare, providing most of their HTR operatives.

MediStare MediStare is the largest conglomerate of healthcare, stretching across both worlds, but primarily headquartered in the human world. They run most of the hospitals available in the two worlds, and sell individual contracts, up to and including HTR teams. Basically DocWagon.

Kumquat Kumquat is, simply put, the largest innovator of Matrix technology in either world. Those fancy new 'trodes? Kumquat. The newest, sleekest 'link? Kumquat. That datajack you just implanted? You get the picture. Kumquat rose to power after establishing both Matrix networks in the human world and the pony world some 150 years ago, and are now the primary Tier 1 provider. While they don't provide end-user MSP contracts, they own 75% of the Matrix backbones, and almost every MSP pays for an interconnection agreement with Kumquat.

Crystal-Orbits Banks. CO has a de-facto monopoly on banking in either world. Their encryption ciphers for banking, credsticks, and the like are the new standard, leased to every other bank in existence. Their headquarters consist of a self-contained satellite floating in geosynchronous orbit.

Augmented Virtual U AVU has the market cornered on new and emerging Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies. Creators of AROs, sim modules both cold and hot, and the like.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:26 pm
by RelentlessImp

It's no secret SR4 suffers from a serious case of skill bloat. So, we're going to trim the skill list.

Combat Active Skills
Archery (Agi) - Bows, crossbows
Ballistics (Agi) - Holdouts, tasers, pistols (light, heavy, machine), submachine guns, shotguns, rifles (sport, sniper), assault rifles, battle rifles, machine guns (light & medium), exotic ranged
Melee (Agi) - blades, clubs, unarmed, exotic melee
Heavy Weapons (Agi) - heavy machine guns, assault cannons, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, laser weapons, mortar launchers, missile launchers, vehicle weapons, exotic heavy
Throwing Weapons (Agi) - Throwing weapons, grenades

The removal of Exotic Weapons is deliberate. It's a stupid skill tax if you wanna use something different. Previously Exotic Ranged weapons fall under Ballistics, and Exotic Melee under Melee, and Exotic Heavy Weapons under Heavy Weapons. Keeping Heavy Weapons feels right to me because certain weapons *do* operate differently from guns from pistol-sized up to assault rifles; usually weapons that have to be mounted to be used or have to be fired in an arc (see: grenade launchers).

Magical Active Skills
Astral Combat (Wil)
Banishing (Mag)
Binding (Mag)
Counterspelling (Mag)
Ritual Spellcasting (Mag)
Spellcasting (Mag)
Summoning (Mag)

Decision time. I'm going to force Magicians and Mystic Adepts to choose an Aspected Magician quality. They can be either Sorcerers or Conjurers. There are no penalties to Assensing, Astral Combat, Banishing, or Counterspelling.

A Sorcerer will be entirely unable to use Summoning and Binding, while a Conjurer will be unable to use Spellcasting and Ritual Spellcasting.

Sorcerers will be able to take Summoning and Binding as Knowledge skills, and Conjurers Spellcasting and Ritual Spellcasting as Knowledge skills. Treat them as Academic skills.

Enchanting and Arcana are (mostly) gone. Assensing is being rolled into Perception for Awakened characters (see below). Enchanting will now be a straight MAG+Spellcasting Attribute test. Arcana will now be an Academic Knowledge skill that can be used to create formulae.

Physical Active Skills
Animal Handling (Int) - Now includes Animal Training.
Climbing (Str)
Disguise (Int)
Escape Artist (Agi)
Gymnastics (Agi) - Now contains the former skill uses of Dodge.
Infiltration (Agi) - Now includes skill uses formerly found under Palming and Shadowing.
Navigation (Int)
Perception (Int) - Now includes skill uses formerly associated with Assensing, but only for Awakened characters capable of Astral Perception (Magicians, Adepts+Mystic Adepts with Astral Perception, mundanes with Astral Sight, etc.).
Riding (Rea)
Running (Bod)
Survival (Wil)
Swimming (Bod) - This now includes skill uses formerly found under Diving.
Tracking (Int)

Resonance Active Skills
Compiling (Res) - Now also includes Decompiling and Registering.

Social Active Skills
Con (Cha) - Now includes Intimidation
Etiquette (Cha)
Leadership (Cha) - Now includes Instruction.
Negotiation (Cha)

Technical Active Skills
Aeronautics Mechanic (Log)
Armorer (Log)
Artisan (Int)
Automotive Mechanic (Log)
Computer (Log) - Now includes Hardware and Software skill uses.
Cybercombat (Log)
Cybertechnology (Log)
Data Search (Log)
Demolitions (Log)
Electronic Warfare (Log)
Forgery (Agi)
Hacking (Log) - Unsure of whether or not to roll this into Cybercombat.
Industrial Mechanic (Log)
Locksmith (Agi)
Medicine (Log) - Now includes First Aid and VetTech.
Nautical Mechanic (Log)

There was never really a need for Computer, Hardware and Software to be separate skills - baseline assumption should be everyone born in this world can utilize computers on a basic level, and taking ranks in Computer will represent going beyond that. Any "untrained" can be represented by an Incompetent or Uneducated quality.

Vehicle Active Skills
Pilot Aerospace (Rea)
Pilot Aircraft (Rea)
Pilot Anthroform (Rea)
Pilot Ground Craft (Rea)
Pilot Watercraft (Rea)

Pilot Exotic Vehicle is gone - again, exotics can be rolled into the whatever they resemble most. I'm tempted to roll Ground Craft and Anthroform together, and Aerospace and Aircraft. Then again, almost nobody ever takes anything beyond Pilot Ground Craft (and Anthroform in the case of riggers), so...

Gunnery is remaining as a rigger/decker and Piloted drone/vehicle only option for firing guns while directing drones or being directed by a Pilot program. Sensor targeting is being removed. Rigger/Deckers will use the drone's Sensor + their own Gunnery for firing, while a Pilot program will use Pilot+Gunnery. Jumped-in Riggers will use their own Matrix attributes and the appropriate weapon skill instead.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:36 am
by RelentlessImp
Cutie Marks

With the advent of the Universal Magical Theory that allows non-Unicorns to use Magic in Equestria (and the human world), cutie marks began to spread through to non-Ponies (and thus increasing the power of Celestia and Luna). Now, nearly every inhabitant of Equestria and Earth bears a Cutie Mark tied to their unique talents. Cutie Marks are also registered to SINs, and serve as an identifying mark.

In-game, this is represented by a free Specialization in any one Active skill and any Knowledge skill(s) that can be associated with that Active skill.

For instance, Unicorn DJ Pon3 has a Cutie Mark that grants her a Specialization in Artisan (DJ), and free Specializations in Music (Club Music), Bars and Clubs (Dance Clubs), and Area Knowledge: Crystal Kingdom (Music Scene). On the other hoof, shadowrunning decker Changeling Zie's Cutie Mark grants him a Specialization in Hacking (Exploit), and free Specializations in Gaming (Exploiting Mechanics), Data Havens (Decking Havens), Security Design (Matrix Security), and Underworld (Matrix Crime). As long as the Knowledge skill(s) and their specialization can be linked by the player to the Active skill, it's fine, but as a rule of thumb, no more than four Knowledge skill specializations can be associated with one Active skill specialization.

New Negative Quality

Cutie Markless (-10 BP)
The character does not begin play with a Cutie Mark or the associated benefits. However, they may later manifest a Cutie Mark through roleplay and by paying off this quality and immediately gain the benefits.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:12 am
by RelentlessImp

Being an Alicorn is something that has to be earned. When a Pony (here to mean a Unicorn, Earth Pony, or Pegasus, or their Crystal varieties) has achieved a total of 250 career Karma, if the Pony has a total Notoriety of 5 or less, 25 or more Street Cred, and a Public Awareness of 10 or more, they may undertake a Big Job. This involves running directly against one of the Megacorporations, and doing so in an extremely public manner. If successful, the Pony may siphon off some of the power of Adoration and Friendship that so empowers the Immortal God-Princesses and taste a fraction of their power.

Upon successful completion of the job and getting away with it, the Pony may immediately become an Alicorn, as the public eye turns to them and for a brief moment all that Friendship shifts their way, allowing the canny runner the ability to become an Alicorn.

Alicorn Bod 3/8 Agi 3/8 Rea 3/8 Str 3/8 Cha 3/8 Int 3/8 Log 3/8 Wil 3/8 Special Alicorns have the specials of Pegasi and Unicorns.

Additionally, if the Pony is a Magician, Adept or Mystic Adept, upon becoming an Alicorn they immediately gain 2 Initiate Grades, and an identical increase in their Magic attribute. Additionally, they lose their Aspected Magician quality, and may now freely cast spells and summon spirits. If they took Spellcasting, Ritual Spellcasting, Binding, or Summoning as Knowledge skills, they immediately gain the same number of ranks in those as Active skills. Finally, they gain the Aptitude quality for one Magic Active skill of their choice.

A Technomancer immediately gains 2 Submersions and an identical increase in Resonance, and all of their Complex Forms raise to the new maximum of their Resonance (unless they choose to keep them at their current level). Additionally, a Technomancer Alicorn acquires a permanently Registered Sprite with an unlimited number of services. This Sprite has a set personality and mind of its own, but feels incredible loyalty to the Technomancer. This Sprite does not count against the Technomancer's total number of Registered Sprites. Additionally, the Technomancer gains the Aptitude quality for one Resonance Active, Technical Active, or Vehicle Active Skill of their choice.

Non-Awakened/Technomantic characters are instead gifted with 6 Spell or Spirit Knack qualities that function as if they had a MAG of 6 (regardless of Essence loss). The Pony may choose between Spell and Spirit Knacks freely, mixing and matching. They may purchase Spellcasting, Ritual Spellcasting, Summoning, and Binding skills as normal to fuel these abilities, but gain the first rank of all of them for free. Additionally, they gain the Aptitude quality for any one skill of their choice.

Stealing the powers of an Alicorn is the ultimate expression of anarchy against the powers-that-be, but also binds the Alicorn to the world, instilling a sense of responsibility for the well-being of the people and both worlds. While a rare occurrence, enough cases of true ne'er-do-wells who manage to tap into this power are driven mad by the feelings of responsibility and duty that becoming an Alicorn bestows upon one's psyche.

Furthermore, becoming an Alicorn immediately grants the Enemy (Celune) negative quality, as their brazen actions have drawn the eye of the Immortal God-Princesses. Treat this as a Group Enemy with an Incidence of 1, a Connection of 6, a Membership of +1 (2 Members), Area of Influence +6 (Global), Magical Resources +6 (Vast Magical Resources), and Matrix Resources of +4 (Pervasive Matrix Integration). This does not represent Celune itself, but Celestia and Luna themselves as the heads of Celune, utilizing its resources personally. The Incidence may rise if the newly-minted Alicorn continues to antagonize the Immortals, but otherwise Celune should be an occasional assault (read: Strike Force sent to kill them) when the runner surfaces. Only if Incidence rises to 6 should Celestia and/or Luna themselves ever involve themselves directly.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 2:53 am
by RelentlessImp
Baseline/Chargen Rules

Karmagen, 750 Karma.
Free Contact Points equal to 3*Cha.
Free Knowledge Skills equal to (INT+LOG)*3.
Essence Loss only reduces Magic/Resonance maximums.
Stacked Foci can exceed Force 6.
Special Attributes (Mag, Res, Edge) do not count towards 50% Karma maximum spent on attributes during chargen.
High Strength affects weapon recoil (AR163)
Maximum Spirit Force and Mystic Adept Power Levels are based on total MAG attribute.