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[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 28 - Phantoms of Fear

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 3:39 am
by SGamerz
From the result of the poll in my last thread, Robin Waterfield and Paul Mason won with 2-2 tie. I will be doing one for Mason's book too, but up first is one by Robin Waterfield. Please choose one (I will be using this topic for the LP itself after the book is decided):

Masks of Mayhem:
"Morgana, the fell sorceress of Krill Garnash, is poised to let loose her dreaded Golems, which none will be able to resist. For she has equipped them with the Masks of Mayhem, which give them power over all things. Only YOU can end her evil designs - but beware: peril and treachery await you at every turn, and help is hard to find."
Note: What the back cover blurb doesn't mention is the fact that the PC is actually a king - the ruler of Arion!

Phantoms of Fear:
"A humble Wood Elf you may be, yet it's YOU the Gods have chosen to take on Ishtra and his gathering army of evil, chaotic creatures. YOU must penetrate this force before it becomes invincible. As a Demon Prince, Ishtra cannot be overpowered by weapons made by any Earthly race - even by the most magical sword of the High Elves - so what can YOU do against him? Perhaps the Wood Elves' powerful art of dream-control could give you important advantages and allow you to cast spells at vital moments in your adventure..."
This one, at least, does tell the reader that he will be playing a Woof Elf. New mechanisms include a new Power stat, access to magic spells (although this one doesn't last long, mind you), and the ability to travel in dream worlds.

"An experienced adventurer is desperately needed in the distant city of Arion for a mission of deadly importance - an adventurer like YOU. Telessa, the beautiful Princess Royal, is missing, believed kidnapped. She must be rescued, and she must be rescued fast. Unfortunately King Jonthane has already given the quest to your deadly rival Fang-zen of Jitar! Can you prove that you are the one to find the princess, wherever she may be held, before she can be harmed? Hurry, for time is running out!"
And somewhat uniquely, it was his last (and only) book rather than the first that Waterfield chose to cast his PC as the generic fortune-seeking adventurer in a maiden-rescue mission.....

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:21 am
by SGamerz
Another tie in the poll! I will go with Phantoms of Fear for now since it took the lead a couple of times, but I will also run Masks of Mayhem at a later date since there appears to be sufficient interest.


As per usual, we start with Standard FF Boilerplate Rules:

Skill, Stamina, & Luck
SKILL score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result.

STAMINA score: Roll two dice. Add 12 points to the result.

LUCK score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result.

SKILL score reflects your expertise in combat, your ability with weapons, and your dexterity. STAMINA is your general constitution and "Life points" . LUCK score shows how lucky you are. None of them may exceed their Initial score unless specifically stated.

Eating a meal restores up to 4 points of STAMINA; you may only eat one meal at a time.

Testing your Luck: When instructed by the book to Test your Luck, roll two dice. If the result is equal to or less than your current LUCK score, you are Lucky. If the result exceeds your current LUCK score, you are Unlucky. Whatever the outcome, you must deduct one point from your current LUCK score every time you Test your Luck. The more you use your LUCK, the less likely you are to be Lucky.
All standard rules above, but as mentioned, we won't be rolling for stat because we'll be playing this adventure as a badass 12/24/12 hero!

SKILL and STAMINA scores are given in the text for each adversary that you face.

The combat sequence is then:
1. Roll two dice for your opponent. Add the total rolled to its SKILL score. This is the Attack Strength of your enemy.
2. Roll two dice and add the total to your own current SKILL score. This is your Attack Strength.
3. If your Attack Strength is the higher, you have wounded your opponent: deduct 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA..
If your opponent's Attack Strength is higher, it has wounded you: deduct 2 points from your own STAMINA.
If both Attack Strengths are equal, you have avoided each other's blows.
4. Begin the next Combat Round, starting again at step 1. This procedure continues until either you or your opponent has a STAMINA score of zero. If your opponent's STAMINA score reaches zero, you have killed it and can continue with your adventure. If your own STAMINA score reaches zero, you are dead.

Often you will have to fight more than one opponent at a time. Sometimes you will treat them as a single opponent; at others, you will be able to fight them one at a time; and sometimes all of them will be able to attack you, while you defend yourself and may attack only one of them. Against any additional opponents you must roll for your Attack Strength as normal, but cannot damage them if you have the higher Attack Strength.

Using Luck in Combat

You can use your LUCK in combat to inflict a particularly serious wound, or to minimize a wound that has been inflicted on you.

Whenever you wound an opponent, you may Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound: deduct an extra 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA. If you are Unlucky, you have merely grazed it, and you deduct 1 point less than normal from its STAMINA.

If you have been wounded, you can Test your Luck in exactly the same way. If you are Lucky, the wound upon you was only a glancing blow and you can deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than usual. If you are Unlucky, the wound is serious: deduct 1 extra point from your STAMINA.
Now for the new stuff introduced in this book:

This is the measure of your abilities as a shaman, which affects how well you fare in Dreams and how much energy you can spend on casting spells.

Starting POWER is determined by rolling 2D6 +6. Unlike your other stats, there's no upper limit to the score, so we don't have to keep track of Initial value. This stat will increase or decrease regularly, and casting we would also need to spend POWER when we cast spells. There will also be "Dream Combats" where we would lose POWER instead of STAMINA, but for those the rules are stated in the relevant sections of the story text, not in the rules section at the front. Due to the shaman abilities of our PC, we will often have dreams during the adventure, many (but not all) of them are prophetic by nature. Towards the later part of the story we would also have the option to "travel" through the dream world may in some subtle ways parallel the real world that our physical body will also be travelling in at the same time.


We start with access to 6 spells. All of them will cost 1 point of POWR each time we cast it and may last up to a quarter of an hour (depending on the type of spell):

Protect - Creates an area of invisibility around the caster (I'm assuming only living things become invisible and not that the area suddenly turns into a void). The text warns that if an opponent is close enough to you and thus within the area of the spell effect, then he will still be able to see you while both of you are invisible to everyone outside the zone.

Illusion - Self-explanatory, it creates an illusion. The text says that the effect of the spell should be "within reason". and the example given is that "you cannot make a molehill appear to be a mountain".

Weaken - Reduces 4 STAMINA from enemy.

Levitate - Again, pretty straight-forward. We can use it to ascend or descend.

Finding - Detects something hidden within a short range (covers treasures, traps, hidden enemies, secret passages, etc).

Fire - Produces fire from your fingertips, which you can project onto enemies like a weapon or simply start a bonfire.

We are also warned that we cannot cast spells in dreams.
Starting Equipment:

We start with sword and leather armour like most FF fantasy PCs, but it would be reveal once the story starts that our sword actually has a name: Telessa. (Actually, our PC also has a name (Eldenurin), something which only happens in, I believe, 3 of the books in the FF series).

We don't start with any, Provisions, although we may find some later.
We also start with the traditional single dose of magic potion that was common in the older FF books (but was removed from the new ones): either SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK. The first 2 restore the relevant stats to their Initial scores, the last adds 1 to the Initial score of the stat before restoring the stat to the new value.

While there's the usual "Background" section like most other FF gamebooks to start the story, the actual background information on the PC is given in the first paragraph of the "Introduction" of the rules:
You are a Wood Elf in north-east Khul; your home is deep within Affen Forest, a remnant of the One Forest of old. Your father was a warrior and your mother a shaman, and you have inherited both talents. You are neither as mighty as your father, nor as adept at magic as your mother, but you are good to have around in a fight, you can weave a few useful spells, and you can also enter into the dream world which is a shaman's special realm. Both your parents are dead, and you are now Eldenurin, 'Defender-Shaman of the Tribe'.
So apparently, we're supposed to be a "brilliant at nothing but decent at everything" kind of elf....not that this has any effect on the stats we roll up. "Not as mighty as our father" can range from meaning that our father was godly (13+ SKILL) or slightly better than mediocre (8+) in his skills.

You wake up suddenly shivering despite the warm mid-summer night air. You are grateful to see the familiar walls and trappings of your hut; you know that you are secure, surrounded by the rest of your tribe and deep in Affen Forest. The dream from which you awoke momentarily escapes you. What was it? Then memory floors in on you.

It was a dream or ordinary, everyday life in your village. Elves were out hunting, tilling the ground, collecting roots for medicine and food, cooking and repairing huts. You could not see yourself in the dream, but you were surveying the scene. Suddenly a voice spoke - a voice which simultaneously made everyone look up from their work and frightened you. It took you a moment to realize why if filled you with fear: it was your own voice! But what words are these you are speaking?

"I must leave you for a while," you said to your fellow Elves. "May the gods of the forest protect you all while I am gone. The Demon Prince Ishtra is just beginning to gather a vast force of damned, chaotic and evil creatures beneath our forest. He plans to overrun the entire world - starting with the Wood Elves. His rule over his army is so cruel that even his foul minions would rebel if they could, but Ishtra holds them in his sway by magical power. This he must be overcome. If his sway is broken, his army will have no organization and power: they will be reduced to civil war between themselves. His army is not yet large, so I must go now to face him, while there is still a chance of penetrating his defenses. May I fare well, and fare you all well until I return - if I return. Otherwise, we will meet again in Tir nan Og, the island realm of the Son of the Sea, and Land of Youth where all must go when their time comes."

At this point you woke up. You now take stock of the dream. You know full well that it is a message from your gods, yet never before have they chosen to communicate by having you speak their words. You realize that this must be their way of impressing upon you both the urgency of the task and the fact that you and only you have been chosen for the mission. But the idea terrifies you. As Demon Prince, Ishtra cannot be killed by any weapon of any Earthly race: even the most magical sword of the High Elves would not strike him down, so what can your lesser powers do against him? Nevertheless, you have been commanded to go, and you put your faith in the gods. They would not so command you if there was no hope. You decide to go back to sleep, to see if you can dream a dream which will give will give you more information about the noble and awesome take facing you.
This has to be one of the few protagonists who, when informed about an impending world crisis, has "decide to go back to sleep" as a legitimate sensible option.

So, before we proceed to Section 1, we should confirm our stats and starting equipment. As mentioned in the previous poll thread, I will be letting players assigning values from the dices I've rolled up to the stats they prefer for this playthrough. With the 4 stats in this game, we need to roll a total of 6 dice. The values I've rolled are:

3, 4, 4, 6, 5, and 5.

Please assign the values to the stats you wish (1 value to SKILL, 1 to LUCK, 2 to STAMINA, 2 to POWER).

Also, please vote on which magic potion (SKILL, STAMINA or LUCK) we would start with!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:20 am
by Thaluikhain
I suggest 6 to Skill, 5 to luck, and 8 to Stamina and power.

Might suggest potion of stamina as we have not provisions, but not sure.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:53 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
I might be overestimating the importance of the new stat (while I haven't read Phantoms of Fear before, new stats unique to a FF book are usually important ones, and while this one has no maximum we also lose it whenever we cast spells and whenever we enter dream combat which sounds important so I feel like a high starting POWER will be handy) but I think I'd add 10 to POWER, 6 to SKILL, 4 to LUCK and 7 to STAMINA (for SKILL 12 STAMINA 19 LUCK 10 POWER 16). Agreed on taking the Stamina potion since we have no Provisions.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:31 pm
by JourneymanN00b
Ooooh, can I play!? I definitely remember Phantoms of Fear and did enjoy the experience, despite its difficulty.
All standard rules above, but as mentioned, we won't be rolling for stat because we'll be playing this adventure as a badass 12/24/12 hero!
And yet you’re asking for us to confirm our character’s stats. Which is it? Asking for clarification.

My vote is to assign 6 to SKILL, a 5 to LUCK, both 4s to STAMINA, and a 5 and a 3 to POWER. This will give our character 12 SKILL, 11 LUCK, 20 STAMINA, and 14 POWER.

As for the starting potion, I vote for taking the Potion of Fortune (Luck) for the extra stat boost.

Also, it’s not too clear if Eldenurin is the Elf’s actual name, or just a title granted to any Elf who becomes a defender-shaman IIRC. If we are allowed to name the character’s (real) name, I vote to name him Neo, since we’re starting with badass starting skills.

Oh, and I also vote to go left when the story properly begins. That is also from memory.

(Besides, going right is the way of the fascist nowadays.)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:47 pm
by Queen of Swords
JourneymanN00b wrote:Also, it’s not too clear if Eldenurin is the Elf’s actual name, or just a title granted to any Elf who becomes a defender-shaman IIRC.
"Both your parents are dead, and you are now Eldenurin, 'Defender-Shaman of the Tribe'" sounds to me as though it's a title. Otherwise, wouldn't the Elf have been Eldenurin even before they died?

I'd like to play as well. All I remember of this one is that there was a really difficult combat against a dream-monster with six legs. I always lost.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:53 am
by SGamerz
JourneymanN00b wrote:Ooooh, can I play!? I definitely remember Phantoms of Fear and did enjoy the experience, despite its difficulty.
Definitely, new players are always welcome.
JourneymanN00b wrote:And yet you’re asking for us to confirm our character’s stats. Which is it? Asking for clarification.
The quote about max stats is a copy-paste error from another LP thread. Since the basic FF rules are pretty standard I tend to copy those from an older topic, and in this case I forgot to delete this irrelevant part. Please continue voting on stat assignment.
Queen of Swords wrote:
JourneymanN00b wrote:Also, it’s not too clear if Eldenurin is the Elf’s actual name, or just a title granted to any Elf who becomes a defender-shaman IIRC.
"Both your parents are dead, and you are now Eldenurin, 'Defender-Shaman of the Tribe'" sounds to me as though it's a title. Otherwise, wouldn't the Elf have been Eldenurin even before they died?
It could simply mean: "you are no longer plain Eldeurin, you are now Eldernurin + fancy title".

Similar to how Gandalf made a point of saying he was no longer Gandalf the Grey in the movie, because he's now Gandalf the White. But he's still Gandalf.

But it's not a major issue, if we have a consensus from most of the players, you are welcome to vote on a new name. If there's no majority consensus on that I'd just stick with Eldenurin.

It'd be interesting to see if other players would decide to stick with this board's tradition of giving a phallus-related name to our first ever FF Elven PC. :tongue:

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:08 am
by owlassociate
I nominate the the name Dickolaus Von Scrotunheim, Defender-Shaman of the Tribe

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:21 am
by Thaluikhain
Eh, no way of telling if Eldenurin does or doesn't have a phallic meaning in wood-elvish anyway. I'm guessing that wasn't the author's intention, but can't say for sure.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 12:59 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
owlassociate wrote:I nominate the the name Dickolaus Von Scrotunheim, Defender-Shaman of the Tribe
Roughly translates into elvish as 'Gwaithon o Coroflabar'

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:22 am
by SGamerz
While I welcome suggestions for new names, I do need more players to vote on stats assignment, since there's not majority there yet.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:44 am
by owlassociate
I like Darth Rabbit's assignment

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:43 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
I too support the Rabbitt

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:53 pm
by Queen of Swords
Agreed, that allocation looks good.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:20 am
by SGamerz
The stats allocation has been confirmed, and with only 3 votes regarding which potion to start with, the Potion of Stamina wins with 2 votes. You are still free to vote on the name, but in the meantime, let's proceed!
In your dream, you walk through Affen Forest, yet it is both familiar and unfamiliar. The trees seem more alive, even more than they normally appear to your trained Wood Elf senses; the tiny noises of twigs and shrubs seem magnified. A vivid force plays over the surface of the trunks, being sustained by the vibrant, slow earth below and spreading to the smallest shoot on the topmost branch. Even while you dream, you are aware that this is a vision of the life-force, which your people call Maella: it gives all things life, and a minute fragment of it is your power to dream and make magic.

You do not recognize the particular part of the forest you are in. Perhaps it exists only in your dream, but perhaps it has a real counterpart. Affen Forest is vast - but only a small remnant of the One Forest of old, when the three continents of Titan were unified. In your dream, branches bend down from the trees and usher you onwards along a trail which opens up in front of you.

You are content to be following the trail, but you also detect urgency in the prodding of the branches. Where are the trees leading you? As soon as the question if formed in your mind, it is answered: the trees stop pushing you onwards and you find yourself as the meeting of three ways. One way is the trail you have been following; the other two extend in different directions, forking like the angle of a serpent's tongue.

The trees of stopped urging you, so this is where they were guiding you. In your dream, you know that the crossroads is more than just the meeting of three ways: the path behind you symbolizes your last life and now - with your heart beating fast and with your mind strangely calm - you have a choice of two ways onward. But where do they lead? At the moment, they both look like greensward tracks through a forest.

Then you notice for the first time - it has only just appeared - a statue standing on the exact spot where the three ways meet. She is a beautiful goddess, but in human form, and you know neither her name nor her function. She is completely impassive; her arms are folded across her chest and billowing robes shroud her body. Though made of stone, her eyes seem to bore into your mind and read your thoughts.

Your thoughts, of course, are of which way you should turn at this junction. The statue's arms unfold, and a small black dog, which she was cradling in her arms and had been hidden among her full sleeves, leap down and runs yelping past you and away through the trees behind you. But you know that, whatever the meaning of this, the dog is not showing you your path, and you remain watching the statue.

Her arms continue to unfold, so slowly that it seems to take eternity, and meanwhile her robes take on the glow of a pale but brilliant blue, and her face unlocks gently into a enigmatic smile. Finally, her arms are simply pointing down each of the routes between which you have to choose.

You look first down the one to your left. Instead of the plain forest path, lacking significant features, which you had seen before, there is now a highway that seems, contrary even to your dream expectations, to open up the more distant it gets. The end - if there is an end - is indefinite, but such a sense of health and well-being issues from it that your heart is warmed; and the trees, as they recede into the distance, lose many of their tree-like features, but take on the essence of vitality.

Down the other path, however, the trees and woodland shrubs become more and more grotesque, until they are empty shells, not truly alive; but sustained by some fell force which exudes such a malignant power that your nostrils are assailed by the rotten odour of it. And as soon as your mind registers the full horror of the putrescence, in your dream you see its source. A wide area of the forest has collapsed into a pit, whose bottom you cannot see; but whatever is there, deep underground, is causing the blight of the forest, your forest.

You now see that the statue bears in either hand duplicates of your trusty sword Telessa. The beautiful goddess fades into invisibility, leaving a last glimpse of her enigmatic smile, and letting the two swords fall to stick quivering in the turf. Will you take up the one to your left and proceed towards the hearth and health of the forest, or will you take the one to the right and investigate what is causing your precious forest to suffer?
One of the lengthier starts to an FF adventure.....and starts with the classic option: left or right?

I've already registered 1 prior vote for left. Any agreement/objections?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: TBC
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 10/10
Equipment: Telessa (sword), Leather Armor, Backpack, Water Flask, Potion of Strength (restores STAMINA to Initial value)
Provisions: 0

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:13 am
by Queen of Swords
Sure, let's go left.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:37 pm
by Thaluikhain
Normally I'd say go right, cause the forest suffering sounds important, but if left is apparently right, I'm not going to argue.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:39 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
owlassociate wrote:I nominate the the name Dickolaus Von Scrotunheim, Defender-Shaman of the Tribe
I’m in favor of this name.
Thaluikhain wrote:Normally I'd say go right, cause the forest suffering sounds important, but if left is apparently right, I'm not going to argue.
And doing this.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:51 am
by SGamerz
Even though you are already dreaming, your long journey along this path seems dream-like. But it is the smooth, gliding motion of your body which gives this impression, not any dullness of your senses. On the contrary, the further you go along this path, the more alert you become and the more aware of every colour, smell and noise, of the springy feel of the turf beneath your light Elf feet, and even of a gradually increasing richness of atmosphere. Telessa gleams in your hand and seems to reflect and unknown source of light.

The end of this journey comes unexpectedly. You are passing through a clearing when your feet simply refuse to go any further. You look around. Evergreen trees surround the clearing and tower to the sky; as you watch, their tops bend over and form a dark canopy over your head. Then you notice six white elder trees in the middle of the clearing, and you know that you must stand in the centre of the ring they form.

As soon as you do so, a voice speaks. Is it from the trees, the air or merely inside your mind? It is impossible to tell. But the voice, though quiet, is crystal clear, because there is utter calm, as if you and everything around you were holding its breath: "Eldenurin, save the forest. You have seen and smelled the suffering it is enduring, yet this is only the smallest fraction of what it and the whole world will suffer, if the Evil underground is released. Prepare yourself, if you will undertake this burden. For now I tell you this: remember this sacred spot."

Gain 1 POWER point. You now awaken from the dream.
Good start! POWER is now raised to 17.
When you are fully awake, you know what you must do. Somewhere in the forest is an area of foul blight, which marks the entrance to Ishtra's underground stronghold; you must do battle with him. This will be an immense task - a quest which, whether you succeed of fail, the Wood Elves will sing about as long as they have voices to sing. It is a particularly daring undertaking for a Wood Elf, for your kind do not normally stray more than half a day's journey from home.

You call a council of the tribal elders and explain your task. They protest that the mission is impossible, but you do not allow such doubts to enter your mind. You tell them that you must go, and you make arrangements for protection of the tribe during your absence. After embracing your closest friends - and many seem to be such friends under these circumstances - you prepare to leave. All you need is your sword and a backpack. You do not take any Provisions, because as a Wood Elf you are confident of finding enough to eat as long as you are in the forest.

Which way should you go? Lake Nekros lies not far to the east, so you must choose between heading roughly north, south, or west.
The Defender-Shaman doesn't seem to be someone who plans ahead. He figures he doesn't need Provisions for this quest because he believes he can easily find food in the forest, even though he realized that Ishtra's lair is probably underground. I guess he's going to leave that preparation to the last minute before he goes underground.

Which direction do we start?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:13 am
by Queen of Swords
Damn it, I recall nothing about this.

So if I had to make a completely blind choice...west. But if anyone makes a better case for north or south, I'd be fine with that.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:24 am
by JourneymanN00b
Go west, young man, go west. That's where the living is best! Take my advice and I suggest ... Go West, Go West!

Shameless plug towards introducing one of my favorite musicals that I participated in elementary school in the early 2000s. It's actually really nice, so I suggest you watch the video if you have an hour to kill.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:27 am
by angelfromanotherpin
Left is always right, and west is the leftmost direction.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:17 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
It's also the direct opposite of the lake, so barring there being some clue we missed out on by not going to the other dream path west is the closest thing to a non-blind option I can think of.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:57 am
by SGamerz
You set off west through the familiar forest. The sun strikes shafts of light through the trees, birds sing in the branches and small animals rustle the undergrowth. But the burden of your quest lies heavy on you, and you cannot take your usual pleasure in such things. There are few true paths this deep in the forest, but there are plenty of signs to show a Wood Elf which way is which, and you maintain a generally westward direction.

After half a day's travel, you smell wood-smoke and hear the rumble of indistinct voices - humans, most probably, to judge by the timbre of the voices. They are a little way off to your left. Will you seek their company or press on with your journey?
Do we seek the company of these lower life-forms (hey, we must think like an Elf!)?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:00 am
by Queen of Swords
Seek their company; even lowly humans might be of some use.