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[Let's Read] The Nightmares Underneath, 2nd Edition

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:32 am
by Libertad
Image Hello everyone and welcome to my next Let’s Read! I realize it’s been a long time coming, but a lot of stuff’s been going on in life that disrupted my regular schedule. However, now that I have more time to devote to writing, I’m fulfilling my promise to those who voted for this book way back in May!

The Nightmares Underneath is an OSR game with some modern innovations. It is set in a realm called the Kingdom of Dreams, a pseudo-Middle Eastern region drawing influence from Persian culture with some Turkic Ottoman touches. Its leaders and intelligentsia speak of a golden age of science and reason, having progressed far from their pagan past. But within the shadowy corners a new threat arises: incursions from a world of nightmares find root in places of fear and sin, growing like an extradimensional cancer in the form of dungeons. The PCs and a rare few others are better able to resist the Nightmare Realms’ taint, and in order to excise these tumors they must brave the incursions’ depths, destroy its Crown monsters, and/or unfasten the Anchors (a valuable treasure or relic) holding these dungeons to the material world.

As of December 2019 the Nightmares Underneath got a new 2nd Edition. This passed by some people as it was released as an update for those who already bought the original PDF. Which is nice as people don’t have to pay double, but not having much fanfare means that there’s not a lot of discussion about it. I will note the differences where I can via Edition Changes.
Chapter 1: Alabaster and Frankincense
Our first chapter briefly details major aspects of the Kingdoms of Dreams. They’re a decentralized assortment of governments with a diversity of terrain and people, but are unified in being followers of the Law. The Law is a series of texts penned by five prophets and serve as the binding element of society. The Law’s derived from a higher realm, extolling the virtues of reason and condemning idolatry of false gods. The preceding Age of Chaos was a time when said gods demanded utter servitude and worship instead of the Divine who sent the word out via angelic messengers. It is unclear if the Divine is regarded as a deity proper or is meant to be a philosophical ideal. There are no churches or mosques in the Kingdoms: instead the Law is “worshiped” in courthouses, and its “priests” are required to be well-read in administrations of science and the state. Conversely, the “modern age” is referred to as the Age of Law.

The Kingdoms are technologically advanced by fantasy RPG standards. Gunpowder and Renaissance-era firearms have been invented, along with a high proportion of scholars, alchemists, and mathematicians being common among the upper class. Factories churn out metal goods and smog in the largest cities, and the printing press makes books of all stripes and literacy something within reach of the common folk. Technological and magical innovations mean that many people of means have access to promising new devices, although most people still live agrarian lifestyles.

The Highland Coast is a sample region of the Kingdoms of Dreams, a pre-made place for GMs to set their game and also a template showcasing the common cultural influences. The Coast is home to the land of Geth, which shares a mighty port metropolis of the same name. Hadrazzaar and Shahrazar are adjacent provinces, the former home to the rival city of Neth-Hadrazzar, and the latter a haunted wasteland populated with ruined cities and monsters. Immigration and trade with various cultures from land and sea make the area a diverse place, particularly in the cities. Common naming conventions often have two to three names per person: at the very least one has a gendered name and a gender-neutral name to be used as the person prefers. A few people have surnames: these can reflect a person’s family profession, homeland, or their noble house.

Speaking of which, the “common tongue” of the Kingdoms of Dreams follows Persian and Turkish conventions: grammatical genders do not exist, and “u” or “o”* is used instead of he/she, while reference to objects is “an” or “anha” for plural. However, gendered names often have -a as a suffix, while masculine names can be done by removing vowels from the end of a non-masculine name. For English speakers unused to casual use of foreign grammar, the book suggests using the singular “they” when referring to people. It’s not often known what gender a person is unless they’re told explicitly or you get to know that person well. We also get a table of sample names with gendered and gender-neutral equivalents across the chart.

*Persian/Turkish respectively.

In regards to race and ethnicity...for fantasy races, dwarves, elves, gnomes, and the like are never really called out, and Nightmares’ setting has a ‘human default’ in the discussion of characters and cultures. There’s nothing explicitly stating the races of the world, and the GM and players can incorporate whatever species they desire; it just won’t have a mechanical impact for the game. When it comes to various cultures, the Highland Coast typically groups foreigners in via geographical ancestry and regard their own kind as a melting pot of these different societies. Northerners are implied Mongolians that come from cold steppes; Southerners are implied Africans who hail from the rainforests and savannahs of Voss; Westerners are implied Europeans from across the Sea; and Easterners don’t have much detail besides the fact that they’re rare in these parts and have darker skin than indigenous Highlanders.

Regions of the Highland Coast are split up into three major sections. Geth by the Salt Sea is the Waterdeep/Sharn of The Nightmares Underneath. It’s the crossroads of a multinational mercantile hub situated by a river running out to the sea. Its trading vessels prioritize economics, and justify outposts in kingdoms ignorant of the Law as an opportunity to proselytize...which they don’t push too hard on the natives. Geth is also a center for the arts, and is home to many theaters, schools, houses of music, and cafes and tea houses frequented by cosmopolitan people. Light skin tones are often associated with the nobility due to said aristocracy’s penchant for blonde slaves from foreign lands, and the city’s full of such heirs bitterly fighting for their claim to minor thrones. Furthermore, we get a brief overview of Geth’s major districts, which include a Necropolis overseen by lightning-shooting towers to keep the undead at bay, a series of artificial islands owned by various nobles lining the Harbour, a Temple to Justice home to an underground complex of entire libraries and schools, and a Grand Bazaar selling just about everyone if one knows where to look.

Neth-Hadrazzar (or Neth for short) was formed by exiled nobility from Geth on the losing side of a civil war, and the populace has carried down this grudge for generations. Neth’s nobility fostered economic and marital alliances with many kingdoms, and new villages outside the city proper continued to pop up to support waves of new immigrants (both free and unfree) to support the upper class’ coffers. Corruption is rampant, and nobles often challenge each other to duels and other games in a public Dome of the Muses which also serves as a bread and circus byproduct to entertain the masses. Nethian culture does the opposite of whatever is popular in Geth at the time: shepherding is exalted over horsemanship, people paint their faces instead of wearing masks, and dark-skinned slaves from the south are preferred as concubines and have similar social perceptions of economic status and feuding heirs.

We don’t have a list of Neth’s districts, but six smaller villages outside Neth are summed up with 4-point bulletin lists: for example, Siyaghul has Mountainside, Secret Cult, Well-Defended, and Xenophobic descriptors.

And for a great built-in campaign hook, the Sultan of Neth set up a government department specializing in fighting nightmare incursions. Foreign adventurers and death row inmates seeking to commute their sentences are tasked with destroying said dungeons and killing any monsters that escape from them into the wider world.

Shahrazar is our final section, and it is not a city. It once had a golden age, but now it is a metaphorical graveyard. The only real centers of civilization are isolated monasteries who may be pious folk or secret devotees of evil ways, none can truly say. Shahrazar’s wilds and ruined cities team with monsters, much of whom are still unknown to human eyes. The legendary lost city is a rumor, alternatively condemned as a trap to lure adventurers or hidden refuges of potential allies fighting against the nightmare realm. To the north is the Vale of Serpents, a barren desert home to the ruined temples of the most wicked rulers during the Age of Chaos. Finally, the land of Voss lies to the south of Shahrazar proper: the area of Voss bordering the Highland Coast is home to nomadic tribes that wander the savannahs and mountain passes.

Edition Changes: Our chapter ends with tools for randomly generating towns and countries, from climate and cultural aspects to major industries and problems for adventurers to solve.
Chapter 2: Beneath the Sunlit Lands
The Threat of Chaos details the nature of the nightmare incursions, as well as the cosmological makeup of the setting. The planes of existence can be summed up as follows: the Pillars of Heaven are home to angels who serve the Divine and delivered the Law to humanity on Earth, which is not real-world Earth but the Material Plane world for this setting. Faerie is a plane adjacent to Earth, populated by creatures whose physical forms are manifested by their personalities, emotions, and ideologies, known as fey in some cultures and genies in others. The fey also suffer the depredations of nightmares, but are more resistant to it and have no desire of allying with humanity as a whole due to viewing them as weak.

Beyond such worlds, details become more sparse. There are known to be demons and devils who empower false prophets to work evil in the world. Such entities have been known in recorded history since time immemorial, but the nightmare incursions are more recent. It is unknown if such beings are but one manifestation of nightmares or separate, given that they’re both attracted to and feed off of mortal misery. The Realm of Nightmares is a shadowy, Silent Hill-esque world. In the slums of great cities, in households touched by tragedy, in villages whose inhabitants were slaughtered, entryways to other realms spawn. Nightmare incursions take many forms, shaping around or extending dimensionally beyond these tainted places. One thing that almost all have in common is that they’re dark, located underground, and inhabited by inhuman monsters that are formed fully from its cosmic taint. And if their Crowns and Anchors are not severed, they’ll grow in size and power, infecting more people and places and spawning entryways in once-untainted lands.

And yes, there are game rules for ignoring and/or being unable to “beat” a dungeon over a period of time, but detailed in Chapter 7.

And beyond even the Nightmares are Dwellers in the Deep, a catch-all term for creatures taken from utterly unknown realms, either as planar stowaways hanging onto nightmare incursions or by the folly (intentional or otherwise) of summoners. Incursions have the side effect of weakening planar boundaries in general, meaning that all sorts of portals and creatures can manifest as befits the whims of the story the GM has in mind.

The nightmare realms also taint humans and other creatures who lair near them or end up trapped inside, tempted, cajolled, and threatened by dreams, illusions, and whispers promising a devil’s bargain. Such is the source of all manner of wicked mages and warped beasts. Most people who enter a nightmare realm end up insane from the corruption, the effects growing worse the more exposure. But a rare few people, including the Player Characters, are capable of repeatedly entering the incursions without any ill effects in and of themselves. They can still suffer from magic, poison, and other threats therein, but the planar transition alone has no noticeable effect upon their psyche. And yes, there are game rules for this, too, in Chapter 6!

One thing that should be noted is that contrary to popular belief, the pagan faiths of the Age of Chaos are not responsible for the Realm of Nightmare. Their gods’ worshipers are menaced by the incursions all the same, and have no special proficiency over its beasts and sorcery than the followers of the Law.

Edition Changes: We get an entry on the Vale of Serpents. 2nd Edition wanted to provide more material for adventures taking place outside of dungeons, and the Vale of Serpents serves as a great excuse for ruin-delving. Sorcerer-kings ruled over this place during the Age of Chaos, their bodies interred in massive tombs warded with demonic guardians and traps. Tomb robbers are known to brave this place, home to wealth and forgotten spells of a prior era. Although there is a market for such goods, prevailing legal and cultural standards look askance at “Chaos-tainted” artifacts even should they be non-magical in origin. Texts penned are regarded as blasphemous, their lying words a risk to undoing the rule of Law. However, there are cases where adventurers can prove the safe use of such things, even more so if they can be wielded against the nightmares.

2nd Edition’s Chapter 2 also details Crew Types for PC parties, which sums up why the characters are all banded together along with specific advantages. Beyond the typical adventuring party, we have a criminal gang (no taboos regarding Chaos magic and artifacts, count as their own communities for purposes of Resentment scores), Official Investigators (advantage on checks when dealing with courts in ‘legit use’ of forbidden artifacts), and Political Party (ideological advocates count as their own community for Resentment, advantage on convincing said people the worth in using forbidden artifacts). The standard Adventuring Party is not left out, for they have advantage on rolls when looking for retainers and performing research, provided they spend their dungeon-gotten gains in the community and have an exciting tale to tell about it.

Thoughts So Far: The Nightmares Underneath has a notably unique setting. There aren’t many Middle Eastern-flavored sourcebooks out there that take a non-Arabic influence to them. Even so, I can see some influences from other media such as Darkest Dungeon in the portrayal of dungeons as maddening, unnatural places. Or in al-Qadim in having a similarly-named Law and an underlying Red Scare of pagan influences. One potentially problematic source for gaming groups is the socially acceptable practice of slavery; while it’s just a brief mention, the use of sex slaves in the creation of royal heirs can be particularly uncomfortable on top of that. The sample Highland Coast is brief, but we get a lot of material to work with in what it gives us. And while it doesn’t explicitly say it out and out, the discussion of pronouns and gender-neutral is a good way of acknowledging non-binary characters in the world.

Join us next time as we cover Basic Resolution Rules!

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:32 am
by Libertad
Basic Resolution Rules
Here we cover the core game mechanics of the Nightmares Underneath. Like other D&D-derived games it uses a d20-sided die as its primary means of task resolution, with natural 1s and 20s auto-failing. Instead of hit points there is Disposition, representing willpower, luck, and resilience. Damage beyond that causes more grievous Wounds which can maim and even kill if enough are accumulated. Unlike most OSR games it is possible to suffer temporary damage to one’s attribute scores, which lower the score by a certain number until the character receives rest and/or medical treatment barring some debilitating permanent results. A few classes also have Psychic Armour (not to be confused with the regular Armour Rating score), which act as a sort of “bonus hit points” against all forms of mental and magical attacks and are detracted first before Disposition and Wounds.

Overcome Attempts represent opposing and contested actions, where the “overcomer” must roll a d20 + an appropriate attribute modifier equal to or greater than the opposition’s relevant attribute score; some situations allow one to add the level of a relevant profession* to the d20 result. We have a half-page worth of common Overcome results, ranging from spotting someone sneaking (overcome their Dexterity with your Intelligence modifier), Intimidation (overcome their Willpower with your Ferocity modifier), and even attack rolls (overcome their Armour Rating [a non-attribute exception] with your Ferocity or Dexterity modifier depending upon melee or ranged attack).

Edit: You add your level on top of the attribute score modifier when the former would apply as a bonus.

Saves represent unopposed task resolution where the performer rolls equal to or under a relevant attribute score with a d20. Attempting something beyond one’s normal capabilities rolls against half the attribute, rounded down.

*TNU’s term for character class.

Advantage and Disadvantage are imported from 5th Edition D&D, and more or less work the same. But unlike 5e there is no Inspiration mechanic to grant advantage on a roll, and ‘vantages can even be applied to non-d20 rolls in a few special cases such as random tables, damage rolls, and determining Disposition. In cases where more than one dice are being rolled already, the ‘vantage rolls an extra die and discards the die with the most/least favorable result.

There are more specific examples and cases provided for the above rules: saving throws against spells and traps give the offending effect a level to determine if you save vs your normal or halved attribute (if its level is greater than yours), while saves for risky and dangerous skills determine if you save normally or halved depending on whether you’re skilled or unskilled and if you have a good set of tools at hand (being unskilled and lacking tools is an auto-fail). In the latter example, advantage and disadvantage applies for exceptionally superb/terrible tools or significant assistance/hindrance regarding the task. Finally, there are broad teamwork rules for various things, resolved as either an individual being aided or via a group collective effort.

The Nightmares Underneath’s core system is brief and broad, but the scope of it is capable of covering plenty of ground without frequently forcing GM Fiat. One interesting thing that I’ll note is that when advantage is applied on a random table where the player’s rolling, the best or worst result is chosen in the case of good/bad results, but in the case of results that don’t denote gradations of fortune the player can pick in the case of advantage. ‘Vantages are not applied on the part of players for GM-centric tables.

Edition Changes: In lieu of Overcome Attempts, 1st Edition had a much simpler Contest/Outcome Resolution where all participants rolled 2d6 and added appropriate modifiers against a static DC or opposing roll. Additionally, advantage/disadvantage did not used to apply to random tables.
Chapter 3: Brothers and Sisters in Arms
This chapter covers all of the relevant character creation info. It is similar to OSR character generation in that you roll 3d6 for your attribute scores, choose your class, alignment, and such, although there are some differences. First off, the six attribute scores are slightly different: There’s no Strength score; instead there’s Ferocity which measures your overall capacity to inflict violence and adds to your to-hit rolls for melee and to all physical damage roll both ranged and melee. Health, which is akin to Constitution, determines your carrying capacity on top of how many Wounds you can suffer before death. Dexterity does not add to your Armour Rating but adds to your initiative modifier, surprise rolls, to-hit with missile weapons, and one’s Speed rating (how many squares you can move per round) plus everything else said score usually does. Intelligence also covers perception and surprise rolls as well as general knowledge and “dungeon navigation” stuff. Instead of Wisdom we have Willpower which is more or less your mental fortitude in trying times. Charisma functions more or less the same, but can be used to reduce a community’s Resentment and people with high scores are often believed to be blessed by magic and/or the divine. Certain Professions use one of three mental attributes to determine bonus spells they start with at character generation. Attribute scores have a universal modifier, which becomes more meaningful the lower or higher it is from the 9-12 standard (ex. 6-8 is -1, 4-5 is -2, and every point lower subtracts to 1 at -5), and can go up to 20 (which has a +5 bonus).

Overall the six scores are still of relative importance despite their changes. Dexterity not applying to AC anymore makes it less god-tier than it usually is, but is still a pretty strong option. Charisma’s still strong in its use for hireling loyalty, but the increased emphasis on community goodwill in the system makes it even stronger. Folding carrying capacity into Health makes sense thematically, but Ferocity is still like Strength in that it is rather situational to certain characters. Intelligence has been broadened in that languages known are more or less a flavor choice, but it’s useful for about half the classes with spellcasting capabilities (Assassin/Champion/Scholar/Wizard) and covers “dungeon perception/navigation capabilities” which are pretty important in the otherworldly nightmare incursions. Given that Wisdom in most OSR games was most useful for gaining Experience Point bonuses, dropping it for Willpower as an all-purpose “mental defense” was a good idea given that Primary Attributes cover Wisdom’s original role as detailed under Professions.

But that’s not all! Attributes can potentially increase as you gain levels. Every level up you choose two of them (one of which must be your Profession’s Primary Attribute) and you roll a d20 and compare it to the (normal, non-damaged) score. If you rolled higher you increase said attribute by 1 if it’s 13 or higher, 2 if it’s 9-12, and 3 points if it’s 1-8. Rolling equal to or lower has no effect, unless it’s a Primary Attribute in which case it increases by 2 points if 1-8 or by 1 if 9-12.

I like this: it allows for a sense of progression, and makes it easier to shore up weaker attributes should the player wish to focus on improvement. Thus a mere score of 5 or 6 isn’t a total lost cause.

Professions are TNU’s class equivalents, and we have eight of them representing broad archetypes. Each profession has two Primary Attributes (one for Thieves) which determines how much bonus Experience Points one gets for having high scores in related fields (but you’re penalized for having a low score). They also have Hit Dice ranging from 1d4 to 1d8, which not only determines Disposition at the start of a day* but is also used as the primary damage die for wielded weapons: two-handed weapons can deal damage one die higher, but poor-quality, improvised, and unarmed weapons deal damage one die size smaller. This means that a mere dagger in the hands of an Assassin or Fighter can deal more damage than a polearm-wielding Wizard. Classes that deal automatic bonus damage under certain circumstances have a unified progression: +1d8 at levels 1st thru 3rd, +1d10 at 4th thru 5th,** and +1d12 at 7th to 9th.

Edition Changes: The automatic bonus damage cases merely rolled normal damage on a miss, but double the dice on a proper hit. In 2nd Edition said option gets stronger as you increase in level, given that there are no profession with Hit Dice greater than 1d8. It was also possible for casting classes with negative modifiers in their relevant mental attribute score to begin play knowing no spells, but in 2nd Edition you don’t “lose” spells beyond your base number due to having a low score.

*that’s right, your “hit points” aren’t set in stone.

**This seems to be a repeated typo, and I take it that +1d10 is meant to be 4th thru 6th.

A few classes also have restrictions, where their special attributes cannot be used if wearing weapons or armor too “heavy” for them, and all classes have automatic proficiencies in related Skills for purposes of saving throws and general knowledge.

All PCs use the same experience progression and the “level cap” is at 10. Well technically 10th, but at that point you have “won the game” and you either continue playing as though you’re 9th level or retire to a location with meaning to your PC. Their chosen location is never plagued by nightmare incursions again, and depending on the campaign’s accomplishments may be as large as a kingdom or as small as a farm or single neighborhood.

Edition Changes: 2nd Edition added a sort of subclass system for half of the professions in a customizable choice of a unique attribute, represented by a specific order or discipline. Each profession has around 3 options, and the Fighter gets 5. Scholars and Wizards have no subclasses, while the Champions and Cultists already have customizable options in the form of their cause and/or faith.

Assassins are part of secret orders that waged subtle warfare against their patron’s enemies. Their history dates back to the Age of Chaos, and they now find their influence dwindling in the Age of Law. Still, there’s always a use for their talents, and a few even ply their trade against the forces of nightmare. They cannot be of Good alignment or wear plate armor, but they have a huge amount of automatic Skills and deal bonus damage (even on a miss) against foes they attack by surprise or from behind. They add their level to overcome attempts involving sneaky stuff, physical attack rolls, and attack first when charging foes even if said foe has a longer-reach weapon. Their subclasses represent unique assassin orders, and have overall good choices: adding level to base Armour rating when unarmored, begin knowing and can learn spells, or is never surprised and adds level to initiative rolls.

Overall a pretty strong class.

Bards are a party’s heart and soul, keeping their spirits up where others may fall. They cannot be of Evil alignment or use plate armour, and their automatic Skills veer mostly towards the performative and social as well as “bardic knowledge” picked up from stories and news. They can transfer their own Disposition to allies on a 1 for 2 basis (lose 1, grant 2) as a simple action, add their level to overcome rolls for performances, and allies gain advantage on re-rolling Disposition in their presence during rest periods. Their subclasses are quite diverse: begin knowing and can learn spells, add level to initiative rolls and a few roguish/thief-like Skills, and add their level to physical attack rolls.

The Bard’s rather different in that the default class is more of a morale-based healer, and it’s Skills are better-used in the community than the dungeon.

Champions are the setting’s Paladin equivalent. But they’re closer to 4th and 5th Edition D&D’s interpretation of the class, which can hold ideals besides Law and Good. They cannot be of Neutral alignment or use their special attributes while hiding their Alignment (defined as keeping quiet and avoiding displays of religious/ideological symbols upon their person). They don’t have many Skills, their automatic ones in regards to the tenets, rituals, and talking points of their cause plus a single hobby at GM discretion. Their base special attributes include granting advantage on Disposition or Psychic Armour rerolls to companions who share their Alignment, can auto-detect those who share their Alignment, auto-detect the presence of magic that requires or targets their Alignment, and advantage on all saves against magic that targets their Alignment. They add their level to physical attack rolls and social overcome attempts to defend the tenets of their Alignment.

Overall a rather situational class best used in parties of a shared worldview. But their subclass options open them up to the meat of choices. Their bonus class features, secondary Primary Attribute, and free equipment is based on whether they champion Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law. Champions of Chaos gain spellcasting capability but cannot cast spells of the Law school, Evil deals bonus automatic bonus damage even on a miss with a certain subclass of weapons (axes, bows, swords, pole arms, etc) chosen by the PC, Good allows the laying of hands to restore lost attribute score points and removal of Wounds, and Law can transfer Disposition to allies much like a Bard can.

The Champion is a good combat-heavy class, although it’s a bit mixed in practical play. I’ll talk about Alignment proper later, but Champions of Chaos and Evil are in a sticky situation in that their ideologies can easily generate increased Resentment in communities and as such make things harder for the rest of the party. In Chaos’ case you’re either a pagan worshiper or, if secular, some variety of radical that wants to overthrow the feudal social order. For Evil, you just like to hurt people and spread suffering. In the case of Law you literally follow the principles of the Divine’s Law given that a copy of said holy text is part of your bonus starting equipment. While spells are still an attractive option, about half of the subclasses are much easier to insert into typical adventuring parties right out the gate.

Cultists are the Clerics of the setting, but what makes them different is that they serve the pagan gods of old and thus their faiths are illegal. They cannot be of Lawful alignment, and must ‘tithe’ half their earned XP to their cult and ‘buy back’ this lost XP via donations of cyphers (TNU’s gold piece equivalent) towards advancing their cult’s cause. They can use shields and light armour and can choose two types of weapon groups in which to be proficient, but lose their special attributes when using other kinds of weapons and armour. Their automatic Skills include those particular to their religion, how to hide their religious affiliation, as well as one mundane occupation. They add their level to physical attack rolls with proficient weapons, can know and learn spells, chooses one “privileged school” of magic particular to their faith,* and can choose one creature type which they can “turn” much like a normal Cleric. As there are only six creature types in this system (beasts, dwellers in the deep, faeries, golems, humans, undead), the choices are broad in that there are no real bad options.

*meaning that when randomly rolling for known spells at chargen, they can roll on a more limited table of relevant spells rather than the entire table.

Overall Cultists are decent fighters much like their standard OSR class, although they have more versatility in that their choices for weapon proficiency, turning, and even spells can be customized. They do have a bit of a role-playing challenge like the Champion in that being an illegal faith means that they can get in trouble with the law and generate Resentment more easily.

Fighters are exactly what you think, and have absolutely no restrictions for their class. They get a decent amount of automatic Skills related to manual labor, wilderness survival, and generic ‘soldier things’ plus bonus hobby/background Skill(s) at the GM’s discretion. Their special attributes include automatic bonus damage on all physical attacks, can increase their Disposition to their level whenever they start a fight if their current value is lower, and add their level to all physical attacks and overcome rolls involving intimidation. Their five subclasses represent various cultural traditions and fighting styles, and have some good options: advantage on rolls in finding and hiring martial retainers, add level to initiative, grant advantage to ally’s attack roll vs. a target (or group of related targets) you hit, armour is technically weightless for carrying capacity as long as you wear it, or can fight unarmed at no damage penalty and attack first when charging even if a foe has a longer-reach weapon.

The Fighter is rather straightforward in what it does. Their automatic bonus damage is a real killer, in that unlike the Assassin’s ‘sneak attack’ they are dealing this bonus damage all of the time. An Evil Champion may hit said the same ratio of damage with the same frequency, but only with a single weapon type, whereas the Fighter is a threat with any non-magical attack. I was a bit surprised that the class is also a very suitable Ranger-type, in that none of the other professions have Skills related to wilderness survival (sans the Bard but for “travelling”).

Scholars are the jack-of-all-trades class. They are learned folk who seek to apply their knowledge in solving the world’s problems, be that in a laboratory, the courts, or the nightmare incursions. They cannot be of Chaotic alignment, use their special attributes when wearing non-magical plate, and gain no damage die bonus for non-magical two-handed weapons.* Their automatic Skills are all avenues of law, medicine, and philosophy plus an additional academic field or non-academic hobby or job. Whenever they spend a Turn searching, they always find hidden things in a dungeon of their Level or lower and always save against their full Dexterity score when searching a dungeon regardless of its level.** They also have Psychic Armour and roll their Hit Die (1d4) to determine its value just like Disposition, can use any magic item and its benefits regardless of whatever restrictions it may normally have, and begin knowing and are capable of learning spells. They can roll on more specific tables for spells depending on their alignment should they so choose: Battle for Evil, Healing for Good, Law for Lawful, but Neutral has to do the full d100 randomized results.

* a rather unique call-out in that other classes don’t specify the magicness of restricted equipment.

**this means that they’re great trap-detectors.

Scholars also restore twice as many attribute score points and Wounds as normal whenever treating someone’s injuries, and can auto-restore attribute points/Wounds equal to their level provided their patients haven’t been injured for more than a day. The Scholar can only do the latter once per patient until said patient suffers another injury, and can only tend to a number of patients equal to their level (and can select themselves for self-healing).

Despite the lack of subclasses, Scholars already have a lot of things going for them. They aren’t very good in combat, and in D&D terms are akin to a triple-classed cleric/thief/mage (or cleric/thief if they’re Good). They have a bit of a different role than Bards or Lawful Champions, in that they are healers but for the more long-term and debilitating conditions.

Thieves cover all manner of criminal professions that require cloak and dagger skullduggery, but aren’t as martial as Assassins. They cannot use their special attributes while wearing plate, and have a Skill list near-identical to that of the Assassin’s. They add their level on initiative rolls and overcome attempts regarding sneaky stuff and social trickery, can search an area faster and more in-depth than other Professions which normally require a full Turn. Thieves also automatically find something hidden in a dungeon of their level or lower if they spend a full proper Turn searching. Like Scholars they save vs their full Dexterity in higher-level dungeons. Their subclasses represent specialized crimes: advantage on perception/search/research for a place they plan on breaking into, advantage on persuasion and social rolls involving deception, advantage on rolls for finding and hiring retainers in the criminal underworld, and advantage on rolls when calling upon favors and contacts among criminals.

The Thief, much like the Fighter, is good at what it does. Comparisons to the Assassin will be inevitable; they are much better at finding hidden things and (barring one of the Assassin’s subclasses) can act quicker when it comes to initiative. However, the Thief is like the Fighter in that it’s the one of only 2 classes that cannot start with and learn spells, either by default or via subclass, and the Assassin is overall a better fighter in combat.

Wizards are #notlikeotherspellcasters. Whereas a Cultist, Scholar, or other profession can delve into the mystic arts, they typically do so in the pursuit of an unrelated cause. Wizards dedicate themselves fully to the study of magic as an end in and of itself. Their restrictions more or less mandate nothing heavy: can’t be encumbered, cannot wear plate armour, and cannot use a shield if they hope to use their special abilities, and gain no damage bonus from two-handed weapons. Their automatic Skills include science, letters,* magical knowledge, and other hobbies and jobs at the GM’s discretion. Not only do they have Psychic Armour like a Scholar, they begin play knowing spells and can cast spells better than others. If they fail to control a spell they can lose 1d4 Willpower to avoid miscasting,** and if they are at risk of having a spell become corrupted or a formula being destroyed they can prevent this via a successful Willpower save. Furthermore, when rolling to determine what spells they start with, they can choose for each spell whether they roll on the full spell table or the table of a specific school of their choice. This allows them a more tailored variety of spell options than other classes.

*unsure if they mean the writing of letters or the written word in general.

**which is sort of like a critical fumble in that something bad happens depending on the results of a random table.

The Wizard has no subclasses, but it doesn’t really need any. They are defined by their spells, and have a lot of versatility in this area. The only area they can’t fill in for is being anything other than a fragile glass cannon. They aren’t great as mundane skill users beyond a few “smart things” which the Scholar is better at.

After the Professions proper we have miscellaneous details, including reiteration of common rules and stats in one location as well as a d100 table of every spell in the book, separated into ten schools of magic with ten spells each. I will cover the spells in question and said schools proper in Chapter 5.

Alignment gets a one page write-up, and is a bit different in TNU in that it still has the good/evil/law/chaos axis axiom, but is different in that you can only be one: if you’re Good, you cannot also be Lawful. Alignment represents the highest ideal for a character rather than a mixture of traits. Good and Evil are pretty much the same as in normal D&D, although in the case of Evil it mentions that said individuals are capable of ‘being nice’ or having friends but are all-consumed with a desire to hurt people. They may or may not be able to channel these urges into specific venues, aka a hated group vs. wanting to hurt everyone in general. Chaotic people are individualists and believe in non-coercive and non-hierarchical social structures...although this makes one ask how this factors into pagans and Cultists, who tend to pledge allegiance to a higher power. Neutral characters care mostly about personal gain and/or their own close social circles as opposed to following a greater cause. Law are those who wish to maintain societal harmony, and in the Kingdoms of Dreams often goes hand in hand with following the tenets of the Divine’s Law.

This alignment system is bound to raise questions like any other; this section implies that foreigners unknowing of the Divine’s Law can still be Lawful, although the Champion’s bonus equipment being a written copy of the Law seems to tie said alignment to an objective cosmic order. The association of Chaos and paganism elsewhere in the book also hints at this, but Chaotic people (and Champions of Chaos) can also be advocates of secular ideologies. I can see an Evil PC being potentially doable in the vein of a Dexter Morgan who learned to channel their sadism against socially acceptable targets such as monsters and the nightmare incursions. Although like with any gaming group, this requires some Session 0 talk and proceeding with caution.
Image Money, Equipment, & Social Class rounds out this chapter and is quite lengthy in covering a lot of material. In the Kingdom of Dreams, cyphers are the main currency and represent a variety of metal coins so named for having royal cyphers, seals, and other designations stamped upon them in mints. Paper money in the form of bank notes exists, and coins can be broken up into smaller pieces for fractional costs. PCs start play with 3d6x10 cyphers plus clothes befitting their social station and a home or a job for free. Alternatively they can roll for a random set of starting gear depending upon their Social Class.

Carrying capacity is simplified in comparison to D&D. All items are divided into Tiny Items (carry as many as you want provided you have enough pockets and bags), Small Items (anything you can fit into a pocket), Regular Encumbering Items (strapped to body or carried in one hand), and Large Encumbering Items (require 2 or more hands to carry proficiently). You can carry a number of Small Items equal to your Health score and a number of Encumbering Items equal to 4 + your Health modifier, although Large Encumbering Items count as 2 Regular Encumbering Items past the first Large one of its type and 3 for every item thereafter. When your number of Small and/or Encumbering Items exceeds your limit, you become Encumbered.

In most cases equipment is on a table and has no description unless a special rule calls for it. Much like OSR D&D, armour is affordable for most PCs barring the heaviest varieties. Unarmoured has a 10 for your AC/Armour Rating, whereas Light and Heavy Armour are 13 and 15. Shields and Tower Shields add +1 or +2 respectively, while plate armour is a hearty 17 but at 1,500 cyphers is well out of a starting PC’s price range. Barding exists for animals but is much more expensive than their bipedal counterparts.

Edition Changes: Being mounted used to give you +1 Armour Rating vs attacks from the ground, but no longer. The Armour Rating of more nimble animals such as dogs and horses is lower (now 12, used to be 13). Barding now gives either a default Armour Rating, or increases the base value by +1 or +2 depending on whichever value is greater.

Weapons are a bit odd in that we have a table of different types and prices. However, the specifics of weapons are much less important on account that the damage die is guaranteed to be the same due to keying off of a profession’s Hit Die. Basically if it specifies it can be wielded 2-handed, or is a polearm (for changing and guarding against charges) the weapon in question doesn’t really matter. Things are different when it comes to ranged weapons: each entry gives an approximate range in yards, and bows shoot farther than crossbows and firearms. Crossbows and firearms need to be reloaded via one round’s worth of action. On the plus side, crossbows tend to be cheaper, while a bandolier of holstered pistols can be packed together as a single Large Encumbering item. Edit: Heavy crossbows and firearms of all varieties are not done with a typical attack roll. Instead you roll a Dexterity save (halved if the target is using the dodge action, has cover, or is more than 50 feet away) and a success deals damage as usual. However firearms "critically fail" on a natural 20 and need to be cleaned and unjammed in addition to being reloaded.

What this means is that regular bows are overall a superior choice unless you’re on a budget or have a really good Dexterity score.

Social Class is an optional rule. Depending on the GM, the 3d6 result of someone’s starting money result is their Social Class, which is a 7th attribute score. Or the GM can allow players to choose their Social Class if they’re feeling generous. This attribute replaces Charisma when dealing with legal and social institutions and also on first impressions when meeting law-abiding people of the Kingdoms of Dreams. The middling results (6 to 15) cover a wide range of peasants, middle class, and community figureheads ranging from slaves, laborers, and criminals of varying degrees of “respectability” to knights, wealthy merchants, and barons at the upper end. The outliers (4-5, 16-17) cover most slaves and financially destitute people or nobility and community leaders. The terrible 3 means that you’re a homeless vagrant, an expendable slave, or deemed innately “spiritually unclean” by virtue of birth. 18 means that you’re royalty or belong to a powerful noble house. Being privileged has its privileges. A score of 13 or higher grants you one free piece of non-armour equipment as a family heirloom.

Random Starting Gear is divided into a set of tables for each relevant Social Class modifier. And they do a good job of giving balanced, relevant options even if you’re of low ranking. A few results even given unique options that you cannot buy, like a magic item or some special relic with an implied adventure hook. Each table also has automatic free starting equipment based on your class and whether or not you know any spells. I’m not going to go over each of the results, but showcase some interesting options. Barring a few exceptions these are not results in and of their own, but often come with other equipment:

A pistol that fires the concentrated anger of a forgotten civilization’s people and never needs reloading.
A magical cloak that has the protection of heavy armour and lets one sneak around like a thief.
The good will of an innkeeper who can grant the PC free room and board.
Rivalry with a noble house that prevents the PC from rising in status.
An official deed to an empty piece of land gifted to the PC by their elder sibling.
A piece of treasure gained from tomb-robbing: the player tells the GM the name of one person who died on the expedition and why their PC misses them, and the GM then tells the player what item it is.
A ring that makes one immune to acid, cold, or heat based damage (player chooses one) when worn.
A letter from the nightmare realm offering the PC a crown of their own should they betray their royal kin.

Thoughts So Far: There’s quite a bit of changes to a few D&D traditions ruleswise, but in most cases they’re either for the better or better reflect the base setting. I do like the peculiar touch of a world where “arcane magic” tied to science and learning is praised, but religious “divine magic” is distrusted. Each of the 8 Professions have their strong points, and there’s a good bit of options for customization. The compromise between a full skill system vs OSR minimalism is a nice touch too.

Breaking off classes from pre-selected spell lists while giving them options to roll on specialized tables, is another “compromise option” between restriction vs. pure versatility. Between that and subclasses, TNU professions are overall broader in scope than their OSR counterparts yet still manage to emulate the functions of said roles in a recognizable way.

I have some mixed feelings about a few things. In most OSR games various classes had different “to-hit” progressions in the form of confusing matrices or descending AC. TNU is closer to 5e in having an ascending defense score, which I like. But adding one’s level to physical attacks for the martial classes or for “favored weapons” makes said classes noticeably stronger in a straight-up fight than others as they gain levels. Even a Thief, who is less frail than a Wizard, isn’t going to be hitting any more accurately if both of their Dexterity/Ferocity scores are the same. I’m also a bit unsure whether I like Social Class or feel that it’s an unnecessary complication. Royal status doesn’t count for much when all you have is your party and retainers while out in the wilds or deep in the dungeons, but it does provide some minor yet notable advantages and/or disadvantages and I do like the Random Gear Charts.

Join us next time as we cover community support, social institutions, and other Sims-like rules in Chapter 4: Carousing in the Kingdoms of Dreams!

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:46 pm
by Harshax
There’s a free edition of the 2nd edition rules on dtrpg if you want to follow along.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:40 pm
by Orion
Letters can be an archaic term for academic learning generally, or more specifically for keeping up with the oldtimey equivalents of social sciences and The Discourse.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:08 am
by Libertad
Chapter 4: Carousing in the Kingdom of Dreams
Dungeon-delving is but the midway point of the adventure, for its beginning and end often take place in a community or other place of normalcy. To better give the PCs something to fight for beyond a settlement to sell their incursion-gotten gain, The Nightmares Underneath has a detailed set of various rules in providing benefits and hindrances for interacting with and investing in communities.
Between Adventures & Buying and Selling Downtime between dungeon delves mandates the spending of cyphers for living expenses. If the PCs are planning on going right back into an incursion or ruin this is unneeded, but applies when one or more weeks of time pass between expeditions. Generally speaking it’s good to be at a higher standard of living: being homeless or on the streets prevents recovery of Wounds, lost attribute points, and start with less Disposition, and living poorly has results likely to cause you to lose all of your money. Living well is the “middle road” which can grant you a bonus contact on a Charisma save, and living like the rich can also give you contacts more easily as well as potentially running into some kind of trouble (scandal increases Resentment, gain an enemy, etc). There’s also rules for living as a servant for a wealthy client, which has the advantage of living well for free but you have to balance your work/adventuring life. Staying or being committed to an asylum has varying standards of living, but first-class institutions let you ignore the negative effects of a nightmare curse* for the next adventure.

*a corruptive mental influence gained from misfortune in a nightmare incursion.

One thing I forgot to mention is that the character generation rules explain that PCs are by nature some variety of social outsider even if high-class. The war against the nightmare incursions dominates their life, and there must be one in-built reason why they cannot work a normal job and one reason why they continue the fight. As such, there’s not really rules for plying a trade between adventures beyond GM discretion such as offering to use magic for a nobleman to fund an expedition.

When it comes to buying and selling goods, it really depends upon community size. Villages and towns have less wares and there’s a “purchasing limit” in comparison to cities. Additionally, an influx of wealth into a community can risk inflation, and some truly excessive sums will be outright refused as the local economy is incapable of handling such wealth. There’s a list for when inflation occurs and for how long it lasts until market forces return things to normal. And even that duration can be longer due to social instability, such as becoming an “adventurer’s hub,” a local war brewing, known nightmare incursions not being dealt with, etc. Generally speaking it’s very easy to cause inflation in rural villages with dozens or hundreds of cyphers, but when it comes to cities PCs won’t make a dent unless they start throwing around thousands or tens of thousands of cyphers. There’s also price lists for PCs who seek to outright purchase (not rent) buildings and lots: they’re close to OSR standards in that you usually need at least a few thousand cyphers for a respectable building, while grand palaces and temples easily reach six-figure sums.

In the Kingdom of Dreams, some goods are generally not available for sale on the open market due to laws and/or an extremely low supply. In regards to magical items, most of them are typically found in ruins of forgotten ages or custom-made by mages. The magic item economy is done on an individual level and by sellers seeking out wealthy buyers who have a need for said item. Transaction of items with an obvious pagan origin or that can be identified as being from the Vale of Serpents is illegal, their use can increase Resentment when used in public, and bring the law down on the PCs unless they can convince the community that they can be trusted with its use. The book advises that when creating or importing magic items from other rulesets that they should lean towards the “obviously magical” and to not have simple effects.

I do like how these rules encourage the PCs to be smart with their money rather than throwing it around willy-nilly. The inflation of prices is definitely a penalty as it applies to all goods and services which can really hurt when buying more expensive things. I know that most D&D editions and OSR rulesets don’t have “magic item shops,” although given the setting’s high magic nature it does seem a bit odd that we don’t have things like merchants selling clockwork pets to wealthy families or vendors hawking lockets inscribed with treatises of the Law to ward off evil. I can understand concerns about devaluing the wondrous awe from putting a price point on a Holy Avenger or the casting of a Raise Dead spell, but more utility and/or “household magic” wouldn’t be out of place in the Kingdoms of Dreams’ “Fantasy Golden Age of Islam” aesthetic.
Creating Institutions Institutions are businesses and organizations that provide gear, assistants, and services to PCs that create and/or support them. Generally speaking institutions have three tiers of power, each requiring a minimum amount of invested cyphers before they can upgrade to said tier: Notable for 100, Significant for 1,000, and Exceptional for 10,000 cyphers. Higher tiers can provide more services, and Exceptional ones become immune to destruction unless the entire community in which they’re based is destroyed or they’re attacked by another Exceptional institution. Institutions also have dominant alignments depending upon the donors; in the case of multiple PCs of differing alignments supporting the same one, the institution is Neutral.

There’s a few sample institutions covering broad types, but also general guidelines for PCs and GMs making their own: such features include the buying/selling of rare goods, access to special types of NPC retainers, protecting the reputation of its members and promoting their causes, and/or providing information that isn’t readily available elsewhere. A few are rather generic types: Hotels grant an easier chance of gaining contacts and faster recovery against maladies during rest, Tea Houses put you in contact with those of a certain occupation or social class depending on its alignment, and Universities grant you ‘vantage on research material, a one-time opportunity to increase Intelligence or Charisma, and is treated as its own settlement for Resentment scores.

The more notable institutions I caught wind of are a Communist Party (provide international contacts, chance for +1 Charisma/Willpower, and revolutionary retainers willing to undertake violent action against the government), a Necromancer’s Guild (can autopsy corpses via mundane and magical means, ID undead types, and sell healing spells to you), and Thieves’ Guild (add public speaking to your Skills, can hide out in a safehouse between adventures, counts as its own settlement for Resentment, don’t care about chaos/pagan magic, and can sell you stolen items at 50% market value).

Edition Changes: 1st Edition had a Druggist, who could provide drugs and poisons which could heal and/or deal damage to various types of attribute scores along with more unique conditions, provide ‘vantages on certain tasks, and so on. Geographical Societies could provide maps, guides, and wilderness expeditions. 2nd Edition removed those options, and replaced them with Communist Party, Thieves’ Guild, and Vice Den as options.

I like the rules for institutions. It reminds me of some “domain management” sourcebooks in various D&D products but with the advantage that it allows for small-scale organizing rather than the head of state affairs that such rulebooks usually expect. The Communist Party stands out the most, if only because the book doesn’t detail whether or not a capitalist economic system has arisen in the world of TNU. Most of society seems medieval/early Renaissance at best, and the mention that the teachings of the Law are compatible with a communist society implies that the Divine is not really a god or religion in the traditional sense given said ideology’s anti-religious underpinnings.
Dealing With People
Contacts, retainers, persuasion, and keeping up a positive image are the order of the day in this section. In classic OSR fashion we have a 2d6 + Charisma modifier for determining a person’s initial first impression of you, and a 2d6 + Ferocity modifier for determining how people react to you if you use threats and intimidation to get your way with them. Trying the ‘soft approach’ via Persuasion is a bit more complicated: the GM chooses one or more conditions the PC must meet in order to change someone’s way of thinking. Once said condition(s) is met, the PC saves vs Charisma (or half if the request is major) or the GM can use the 2d6 + Charisma modifier alternative table for the final result. The latter choice has a gradual gradation of success/failure as opposed to the saving throw’s binary result.

There are also rules for smear campaigns and character assassinations, either done by or to the PCs. Generally speaking, being the target of such an attack has a chance of causing Resentment increase and Charisma damage for more extreme results. Bards are good at this and add +1 to relevant rolls, but conducting such campaigns requires the expenditure of cyphers for distribution of leaflets, spreading rumors, paying off the right people, donating to charitable causes, etc. Charisma lost in this fashion can be recovered as normal, but also requires paying money to the community or a successful Willpower save to truly and fully recover.

Contacts and retainers are the rules for when the PCs need to get the aid of specific individuals rather than social institutions. Contacts are broad in focus and rules, and there’s a list of various occupations and what information and services they can provide. When a PC makes use of their contact they roll 2d6 and add appropriate modifiers based on circumstance (same social class, part of an influential organization, being hunted, etc). Low results mean the contact is unable to provide aid or ends up in danger themselves, while middle and higher results can provide aid but at a price or favor of varying expense. A roll may not be needed at the GM’s discretion if the service is easily attainable within the contact’s scope of expertise.

Retainers are NPCs hired to accompany the PCs on their adventures, or manage day-to-day affairs like accounting and looking after mounts outside the dungeon. They are not a diverse assortment from all walks of life, but are varying degrees of the socially misfortunate due to the risks involved in braving nightmare incursions or associating with ones that do so. Marginalized and oppressed groups, refugees and the homeless, junkies and the heavily indebted desperate for fast money, and the suicidal are but a few potential backgrounds to be rolled for in determining the story of one’s hired help. When you factor in the case that retainers by default are not immune to the maddening taint of the nightmare incursions like the PCs are, this makes a morbid amount of sense.

Retainers are found after a day or so of searching, and a Settlement Die is rolled to determine the likelihood of finding prospective employees along with modifiers based upon the PC’s reputation: the larger the settlement, the higher the die and thus the easier it is to find people. Retainers tend to be generic low Hit Die humans, although high rolls on the Settlement Die may net you one or two NPCs with class features (Assassin, Bard, etc). 2d6 + Charisma modifier rolls are made when determining the terms of employment and also for determining loyalty and morale when being ordered to do something dangerous beyond what is regarded as reasonable for their occupation. A PC’s Charisma also determines the maximum number of retainers they can employ at once, and already-hired retainers will stay on for 1-2 weeks or until the party’s next expedition in the event of Charisma damage. Full-time employment wages for NPCs are more or less uniform and determined primarily by their social class: 40 to 90 cyphers a month are ‘commoner’ wages, while 100 cyphers or more represent those who are ‘living well and in comfort.’

I like these rules, particularly the tables and entries that allow for fleshing out retainers. The system has a clear bias for recruitment in larger urban centers and among the poor, but that makes sense in the context of the setting and really drives home the fact that being an explorer of otherworldly nightmares is something nobody really does unless they have to
Dealing With Settlements This section covers social affairs, but at a macro-level. We have rules for conducting research, whether via libraries or “word on the street” contacts. It’s a 2d6 + Intelligence modifier role with varying degrees of success and failure (falsified info as worst result and 1-3 pieces of info at higher results), and some results may grant Opportunities which are basically adventure hooks and leads to places or NPCs relevant to the researcher’s quarry.

Resentment you may recognize as that thing I was talking about in prior chapters. Each PC (and in some cases NPCs) has a Resentment score that begins at 0 but increases due to bad behavior, having their name smeared, and other forms of running one’s reputation. The GM rolls a Settlement Die every time a PC’s score increases to see if they wore out their welcome (and also whenever they throw a public event or make another major appearance). Rolling equal to or lower the Resentment score causes the character to become hated; inhabitants refuse to help or associate with them, and prices of goods and services double or even triple. The next time their Resentment score increases, the community uses force to drive out the character. But even if a PC manages to avoid this fate, individual circumstances may cause hindrances, such as harassment from law enforcement, local organizations shunning the PC, or earning the enmity of an individual who sets out to make the PC’s life hell. As larger settlements have larger dice, one cannot as easily get away with pissing people off in smaller towns and villages.

There’s a short but broad list of crimes and actions which can cause Resentment, but there are some cases which bear special mention: going around using magical items from the Age of Chaos in an obvious manner prevents a character from reducing their Resentment score unless they convince the courts and/or public it can be used responsibly. Resentment increases due to crime happen only when the PC’s guilt becomes widely known, and proving one’s innocence from this and character assassination can reverse the Resentment increase. Additionally, crimes committed against marginalized and oppressed groups do not increase Resentment provided it does not affect the larger community as a whole or their employers/owners are inconvenienced by their abuse. If someone under the PCs’ protection dies or goes insane in a nightmare incursion and are a valued member of society, this also increases Resentment.

Resentment can be reduced by donating to charitable causes via cyphers and/or significant action on the PC’s part. They can also assume a new identity, and if they’re able to pull off such a disguise the Resentment goes down to 0 (or gain the Resentment score if impersonating a known individual).

Edition Changes: The Resentment rules are more specific in the anti-Chaotic bias of communities in 2nd Edition, and explicit rules and examples are given in this regard.
Justifying the Spoils
Edition Changes: This entire section has been added for 2nd Edition.

So you got this fancy new magic rod that can exorcise demons, brain-parasites, and other bodyjackers guaranteed! But unfortunately it blasphemes the names of the five prophets with every activation, or maybe it has runic symbols carved into it associated with a genocidal sorcerer-king. Even if people know that it works, there’s always going to be the question of whether or not the cost of spiritual damnation is worth it.

The final section of Chapter 4 has got you covered! It’s an entire mini-game for PCs making their case in court, whether it be an official courthouse of the Law or a legal team representing the interests of the state visiting the party’s rinky-dink town. In short, a wannabe Chaos-wielder needs to first gather a group of citizens, a law firm, or a person in a position of authority to lobby on their behalf. They must then state their case for why they should be allowed to make use of said blasphemous item, usually some degree of “we can use it against the nightmares or a greater evil.” An opposition lawyer then presents a series of inquiries asking the defendant magic-wielder how they plan on countering any potential side-effects :unexpected conversion to paganism, a foreign ruler invading to seize it, the item being a ‘weirdness magnet’ for monsters and evildoers, and so on and so forth. Various saving throws are done by both sides during the course of the legal drama; there’s a range of final results, from having your case thrown out to being able to use said item with varying levels of restriction. If the magic-wielder succeeded in presenting a legitimate use of the item, they no longer raise Resentment for using it in public.

I like this mini-game, although I can imagine it getting a bit tiresome if performed for every such magical item. Then again, it’s only for a certain variety of artifacts, and then only if the PCs wish to use it in public. It’s a good means of allowing a party the ability to make use of their treasure without making the setting’s authorities hidebound and obstinate against its use, as is in the case of a lot of ‘low magic’ settings.

Thoughts So Far: I surmised much of my thoughts in the relevant entries, but overall I like the settlement-based rules provided in the Nightmares Underneath. The work is good enough to be used in other settings and OSR-adjacent systems, and the only real setting-specific material is the ban on “blasphemous items.” But even that can be reconfigured in covering a more generic ‘black magic” style of spellcasting.

Join us next time as we open up a spellbook and learn how to Cast Spells and Other Enchantments in Chapter 5!

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:47 am
by Harshax
I'm reading the free PDF and it is devoid of bookmarks.

Is the paid-for edition bookmarked?

It is interesting to note that Elder Scrolls: Oblivion wasn't found among the list of inspirations. That might be an OSR deceit.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:44 am
by Harshax
While another OSR deceit, Random Starting Attributes (rolled in order) + Random/No Improvement Rolls each level is a deal breaker for me.

You get limited choice in choosing your profession, since you roll abilities in order and will likely pick the class best matched to your attributes.

There's a chance your attributes never improve, which means that you never get better at overcoming challenges, without magic gear.

Even if you do get magic gear, there's a chance that civilization takes it away from you and locks it away in warehouse 51.

Only spell casters are guaranteed to at least have more problem solving options in terms of spells. As they're guaranteed to get 1 random spell per level. Or 2 (with one being player's choice) if wizard.

EDIT: removed observations in chapters not yet covered by the OP.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 1:59 pm
by OgreBattle
how killy or reality warping are the spells? Follows AD&D or something else?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:33 pm
by JigokuBosatsu
Serious question, did we formally decide that "OSR conceits" should be labeled "OSR deceits" or is that a Freudian slip? Either way, it's awesome and I want on the train.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:49 pm
by Harshax
JigokuBosatsu wrote:Serious question, did we formally decide that "OSR conceits" should be labeled "OSR deceits" or is that a Freudian slip? Either way, it's awesome and I want on the train.
I used deceit totally on purpose here. Because, usually, I'll see one or two OSR conceits by an author who generally concedes that OSR is full of bad game design, needs improvement and therefore justifies their heartbreaker.

But when the game is bad all the way through and bad in entirely new ways that compound on the Original Shitty Rolepay, then the intent seems less to improve the game, but to mislead the reader.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:57 pm
by hogarth
Libertad wrote:The Champion is a good combat-heavy class, although it’s a bit mixed in practical play.
Have you played this game? I assumed your opinions were only based on reading through the rulebook (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:12 pm
by Harshax
hogarth wrote:
Libertad wrote:The Champion is a good combat-heavy class, although it’s a bit mixed in practical play.
Have you played this game? I assumed your opinions were only based on reading through the rulebook (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I haven't played but they are the 2nd or 3rd best combatants in the game, situationaly.

To-hit bonuses improve every level for a handful of classes, with Champion being one of them. They do 1d8 damage which is the best damage one can do without wielding a 2-H weapon.

Characters will on average have 4, 6 or 8 Hit Points (or their level, whichever is higher).

Assassins are equal to Champion in combat ability except when sneak-attacking, in which case, they damage output as well as Fighters.

A 1st level Fighter does 2d8 damage with every hit. Fighters on average will one-shot every other class. At least, wound them, haven't gotten to the combat chapter and I haven't delved to much farther than the OP.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:12 pm
by Libertad
Harshax wrote:I'm reading the free PDF and it is devoid of bookmarks.

Is the paid-for edition bookmarked?

It is interesting to note that Elder Scrolls: Oblivion wasn't found among the list of inspirations. That might be an OSR deceit.
You are correct; the paid-for versions of both Editions are bookmarked.
OgreBattle wrote:how killy or reality warping are the spells? Follows AD&D or something else?
Gonna cover this in the next chapter, but they tend to differ in how dangerous/obvious in nature they are. Generally speaking the fact that casters can "miscast" makes it riskier to use spells in general than in other OSR games.
hogarth wrote:Have you played this game? I assumed your opinions were only based on reading through the rulebook (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Yes, as a GM.

When I said "mixed" I meant more in the sense that the Champion's choice of cause to follow can cause additional complications, particularly in regards to the community-building aspect of the game. That could be argued to be a more roleplay-based restriction, but given the rules for chaos magic and Resentment that can be a pretty hefty tax to pay. I don't deny that they are great fighters, although in comparison to Assassins and Fighters they don't have as many skills.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:59 pm
by OgreBattle
Downloaded the pdf

Their rules for grappling, feints, and so on are straightforward and fast to resolve.

Defeating someone with a choke hold is just attacking their disposition unarmed.

Up to players but suggestions are Cause Disadvantage vs Dex, Push vs ferocity, Outmaneuvering vs Intelligence, lure/provoke vs Will.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 7:35 am
by Libertad
Chapter 5: Casting Spells and Other Enchantments
Earlier Edits: For those reading along, I wanted to mention that I overlooked one little thing regarding equipment. The rules proper show up in Chapter 6, but heavy crossbows and firearms dispense with the need for a regular attack roll. Instead, the marksman saves against their Dexterity score, or half their score if the target is taking the dodge action, is behind cover, or is more than 50 feet away. If successfully saved, damage is applied normally. This means that such weapons are still useful besides the classic bow option, particularly if the wielder has a very high Dexterity score and the enemy is otherwise hard to hit due to a high Armour Rating.

From spells to magic items, this chapter covers all things magical in the world of the Nightmares Underneath. The spells which mortals can cast are in fact sapient formless beings from the distant realm of magic, and desire to be used as such. There are other forms of magic beyond that which is known (aka the stuff monsters and NPCs can do), but PC-friendly magic functions under a set of commonly-known rules. All (non-divine) mages make use of spellbooks which contain all of their known spells, and its presence is required when in the process of purifying corrupted spells. Spellbooks come in all shapes and sizes, but ones made by Chaotic casters tend to have unsettling supernatural tinges to their foundation (weighs too heavy for an object of its mass and material, throbs when touched, written in human blood, etc) while ones made by Lawful casters are often scientific, formal, and beautiful works of art treated with care. But their universal feature is containing a collection of written formulas, usually a number equal to caster level for the tomes of NPCs. Divine casters, meanwhile, have no need for such things but typically have holy symbols which aren’t strictly necessary but often carried out of a sense of obligation. Characters with a relevant Profession and/or subclass automatically learn new spells as they level, chosen randomly, but can choose for a specific spell if they have a spell formula on hand of the desired spell or can find and pay a mentor willing to teach them a specific spell.

Spells in TNU are similar to that of other OSR/D&D games, but with a few exceptions. One, barring the exception of Champions of Chaos, there are no class-specific spell restrictions. Second, spells are not limited to a Vancian per-day formula, and casters can cast spells of any level. While mages can theoretically be cast an infinite amount of times per day, every attempt they must make a save against their casting attribute, known as Controlling a spell (half their score if casting a spell of higher level than their own level). Spells that are miscast have a d8 table of general unintended consequences: they’re cast on a different target, the spell has the opposite effect, is cast at half power, etc. Furthemore, knowledge of that spell becomes corrupted, meaning that every time the caster casts it again they take 1d4 damage to a random attribute score, to a minimum of 0.* Corrupted spells can be purified in hours or days,** representing meditation, consulting occult matrices. In short, casting spells can take a potential toll on the caster’s mind and body, and higher-level spells are more difficult to control and purify.

*which typically means falling unconscious, becoming invalid, or death in the case of Health.

**the duration being longer for spells higher than one’s level.

Edition Changes: In 1st Edition, the Vancian system was still in place. Spells cast normally due to one’s Profession were limited in how many spells they could memorize to cast per day, and were ‘prepared’ via a ritual lasting 1d4 hours. The maximum amount being the caster’s level plus their Intelligence modifier. Once a spell is cast this way, it is gone from the caster’s memory, much like typical D&D mages. Additionally, scholars and wizards used to have the ability to learn new spells from formula via reverse-engineering it and paying time and money in research. Now in 2nd Edition they have to wait until their level-up just like everyone else. Another addition to 2e includes a new miscasting table pertaining specifically to spells involving spirits: that dearly departed ancestor you planned on contacting may instead bring a demon’s attention!

Spells can also be cast from formulas, which are akin to scrolls in being magical written text and anyone can cast from them, although they also have chances of miscasting and corruption (the formula itself becomes corrupted). The third way that spells can be cast is as rituals, which can be done normally or via a formula. The spell takes a number of hours per spell level to finish casting, but can never be corrupted as a result of being cast this way, and having assistants equal to spell level grants advantage on the save to control it.

The arcane/divine division still exists in TNU, albeit the divine option is presented as an optional ruleset that all classes (even scholars) can choose. The text doesn’t outright state it, but heavily implies that you cannot be Lawful when the source of your magic comes from an otherworldly patron*. Said patron can be a deity in the traditional sense, but can also cover spirits of various kinds, demons, lovecraftian entities, and so on. Being a divine caster comes with benefits and drawbacks: on the downside said caster cannot create or learn from spell formulas** and they can only give consumable magic items to people in service to their patron. But on the plus side they gain advantage on controlling spells when casting rituals and auto-succeed on said attempt if they have a number of assistants who worship or are allied to said patron equal to the spell level. Additionally they can delay the effects of attribute damage from corrupted spells while performing tasks and quests given to them by their patron; the damage comes all at once after the caster completes or defies said task. They also don’t use spellbooks, and instead have holy symbols or sacred texts which are tangential to the need to work their magic.

*Edition Changes: 1st Edition was explicit under the hindrances list.

**but can still cast them while reading aloud.

As there is no “save vs spells” in TNU, all six attributes are used: Dexterity for when swiftness is in order; Health for resisting necromancy, disease, and the like; Willpower to avoid enchantment and involuntary shapeshifting, and so on. Ferocity is even used, to break out of magical bindings or avoid incapacitation by such things which sounds rather limiting in scope. Furthermore, characters who are under the effect of an enchantment have various means of ending it beyond just waiting out the duration and saving throw: a variety of options are given, such as being confronted with direct evidence contradicting the spell’s reality, applying anti-magic substances to oneself, voluntary possession by a spirit antithetical to the enchantment’s nature, etc.
Spells and Spell Schools
There are 100 spells and 10 schools of magic in the Nightmares Underneath. For the sake of brevity I’m not going to cover each one, instead covering the broad diversity of choices by school. We have quite a bit of iconic D&D options (Charm Person, Detect Magic, Magic Missile, etc) but also a few familiar entries have interesting twists: Protection from Evil, for example, doesn’t provide a static bonus vs. a being of Evil alignment but rather imposes disadvantage on all forms of intentional harm directed against the caster.

Edition Changes: Generic spell descriptors such as duration, effect, & range are much more detailed, with their own entries and typical designations on what they plausibly cover. In the case of Range’s example, Infinite denotes no limitations on distance, Senses means being able to see, hear, touch, or otherwise reliably detect the target, etc. Additionally, some spells have an additional sentence or two in clarifying previously-vague territory or have been altered to be more or less powerful.

School of Battle is more about improving one’s ability to inflict and resist violence as opposed to direct damage spells. Its spells include effects such as granting a single weapon (or entire squad) advantage on attack rolls, allow a weapon to strike targets as though they were unarmoured, grant immunity to non-magical projectile weapons, the ability to manifest and throw eldritch darts, and so on. It’s a very good school on account that even its lower-level spells can make a big difference in the party’s ability to harm the opposition.

School of Divination lets the caster know about things they wouldn’t or shouldn’t It includes limited scrying (only locations the caster knows to exist or an unknown place beyond a door they know of), the ability to detect evil intentions rather than the alignment itself, the ability to detect poisonous items, creatures and poison in a person’s system, the ability to detect traps which include natural hazards and shoddy construction provided that someone is intentionally planning to use said hazards against others, the ability to detect the corruptive influence of nightmares and those tainted by them, among other things. Divination is another solid choice, and has a lot of utility depending on how the caster makes use of it.

School of Enchantment includes spells that affect one’s emotional state. It includes the classic Charm Animal/Person/Monster array (which all end immediately if the caster betrays the target), the ability to instill fear in a target, grant immunity to all forms of fear, and can allow a target to re-roll their Disposition or Psychic Armour (or add Caster Level to current Disposition is the result is lower), and force a target to tell the truth and they cannot choose to remain silent if engaged in conversation, as but a few options. I do have to like that the “restore hit points” spell is enchantment rather than healing, although the School of Healing covers attribute loss and proper Wounds.

School of Evocation covers the creation of things, but unlike summoning (which mostly creates sapient beings) evocation focuses on items and energy. It includes the obvious blasty holdovers like throwing magic missiles, rainbows that deal random energy damage, and spraying acid at targets, but also includes spells that can create bridges and inanimate objects, a pair of ghostly hands to safely touch things at a distance, and the ability to make a touched object shine (which the caster can choose to make permanent until dispelled if desired).* It’s a good mixture of offensive and utility effects, although the results feel a bit unfocused in comparison to other schools.

*a massive boon considering that infravision/darkvision isn’t really a thing PCs can get barring an appropriate magic item, and most nightmare incursions are dark and dreadful places.

School of Healing focuses on purging maladies from the body and soul. It’s purely a defensive school, containing spells that can heal wounds, regenerate lost body parts, cure instantaneously and make said target immune to a specific disease for a year, remove non-magical poisons and other impurities from food and drink, restore someone’s Disposition at a cost to the caster’s own, and even raise the dead but no more than 1 day/caster level! This school is always a solid choice.

School of Illusion confounds the senses much like Enchantment confounds the mind. In addition to the detection and creation of illusions of various sizes and senses, the school also contains a renamed Mirror Image (Duplicate Images), the ability to blow itchy, sticky, or blinding faerie dust over an area, making an object appear more valuable than it really is, the ability to send a message (words, images, or even emotions) to a known person or location regardless of distance, and of course the vaunted invisibility which lasts until the affected target commits a harmful attack/spell or has said spell dispelled. Illusion is broadly useful in utility, although unlike D&D none of the options have a Phantasmal Killer style effect that causes damage from sensory shock. It’s a purely utility school, but a strong one.

School of Law relates to holiness and the protection of others from malign influences. A surprising amount of spells involve the immobilization of targets, whether it be summoning constricting chains or the Immobilize Animal/Monster/Person chain of spells. It is notable for having one of the few 9th level spells in the book, Forlorn Encystment, which imprisons a target in a time-frozen prison deep within the earth. Its other spells include a selective multi-target dispel magic centered on the caster, and Protection from Chaos/Evil.* But its most broadly useful spell is the creation of Holy Water: with one flask per caster level created, this sacred liquid can harm nightmare, undead, and non-lawful and non-good extraplanar creatures. But that’s not all! It can give advantage on saves to control spells if used as a consumable in the casting of a spell! School of Law is all over the place; a good amount of its spells involve restricting a target’s mobility in some way, and two protect the target from harm. Holy Water is perhaps the most broadly useful, as advantage on controlling checks is a very strong option for any spellcaster no matter their specialization.

*The former imposes disadvantage/grants the affected target advantage on beings of Chaotic alignment, a rather odd feature in comparison to Protection from Evil which is ‘intent not alignment’ in function.

School of Quintessence is a peculiar school. In post-AD&D terms it would be known as ‘metamagic,’ as it pertains and relates to the enhancing of existing spells. As such a caster who knows spells only from this school is of limited use in a proper campaign, a PC whose spell options are only Quintessence can reroll their results. Quintessence spells are often cast as part of, before, or after a spell of another school is cast. Quintessence’s options range in effects from being able to ignore range restrictions when using objects that were part of or have significance to the target, can have a spell trigger later based upon a contingent event, the ability to counterspell magic afflicted upon the caster, the ever-useful Dispel Magic, and the ability to double a spell’s area/duration/damage/etc in exchange for suffering 1d4 attribute score damage. Quintessence’s usefulness widely depends upon the spell array of a caster, but is quite broad in application.

School of Summoning edges a bit into Evocation’s territory in that a few of its spells can create items, but are more restrictive: Create Food and Drink vs Evocation’s broader Create Object. But it’s strong suit is summoning NPC allies of various sorts to aid the caster. From the humble invisible servant who can also telepathically communicate with and fight to defend the caster, to elementals and a broad Summon Monster, the duration of said summons are often keyed to the relative power of the being. A steed to ride upon lasts for 1 hour per caster level, while elementals last for 1 turn.* Summon Monster lasts for 1d8 rounds or until the being completes an assigned task from the caster, whichever comes first. Summoned minions can be of variable level as well, depending on the spell in question. Given that action economy is a boon in just about every RPG with combat, and there’s no limit to how many summoned creatures a caster can have at once, it’s a very strong school.

*10 minutes, a common descriptor in pre-3.0 and OSR games.

School of Transformation involves the alteration of people and objects which already exist. It spells include the ability to transform non-magical items into other items of the same relative mass, allow the target the ability to effortlessly walk on walls and ceilings, cause two objects within sight to become strongly magnetized to each other, shapeshift into an animal and gain its features (but no bonus damage or venom), and make a creature suffer double damage against a specific source of harm. Transformation is a very good utility/buffing school, and has a nice “double damage” debuff which I expected to see under Battle. The animal shapechange ability is pretty good, and the “item-alteration” spells are instantaneous in duration meaning that they may as well be permanent. The only limit is the player’s imagination... and perhaps the laws of conservation of mass.
Magic Items
Edition Changes: This entire section has been added in 2nd Edition. The 1st Edition section was a mere 1 page of brief guidelines.

It wouldn’t be a proper retroclone without magic items for PCs to loot as treasure, and the Nightmares Underneath does not disappoint! The setting does have a few key differences than others: one, alignment-restricted magic items are strongly discouraged. They might grant a better bonus in the hands of a shared alignment, but ones which are practically nonmagical in anyone else’s hands aren’t really a thing in the Kingdom of Dreams. Secondly, while there aren’t Magic Item Marts, PCs are capable of crafting magic items to a limited extent. Formulas and spell containers specifically, the latter being a catch-all term for potion-like consumables. Casters need to spend a number of days or weeks (respectively) equal to the imbued spell’s level and pay a number of cyphers times the level depending on the quality of materials they have at hand. Outright permanent magical items cannot be crafted by the PCs, only found or taken.

Edition Changes: Crafting magical formulas is much quicker in 2nd Edition, in days times the spell level rather than weeks.

Although the Kingdoms of Dreams are making great strides in (arcane) magical research, the majority of magic items lay within the ruins of the Vale of Serpents. Even in such enlightened times most people assume that magic items in general are instruments of chaos, even if they’re not…

...which kind of makes the whole “go to court to earn the right to use forbidden magic” mini-game a lot more difficult and hindering of a game mechanic than it needs to be.

There are six types of magic items. Arcane Accoutrements, which provide a +1 (or +2 for alignment-appropriate wielders) to various common rolls or attribute scores; Arcane Tools, which grant advantage to rolls related to the item’s purpose (weapons apply to attack and damage rolls, tools to saving throws for their related skills, etc); Charged Items which contain a spell within and can be cast/miscast and are recharged via obscure measures (buried in a grave, fed fresh blood in Wounds, submerged in expensive alchemical fluids, etc); Spell Formula, which are scrolls save that anyone can read and use them;* Spell Containers, which the creator “casts” ahead of time and whose effects (and miscast) takes effect once the imbiber makes use of it; and finally, Unique Magic Items, which are special enough to have a category all their own.

*unless specifically encrypted via code.

Unique Magic Items are a catch-all category for gear that are mostly either permanent in function or always-active barring a rare few exceptions. We have a d100 table of results, with instructions to cross out a result rolled and replace it with one of the GM’s own creation to ensure that each item is truly one-of-a-kind. I won’t go over all of them, but there’s quite a bit of cool entries such as:

An amulet that can prevent Wounds via siphoning the wearer’s Willpower at a 1-1 rate.

Plate mail which rings when struck, dealing damage to those who hit the wearer in melee.

Incense which if smoked communally creates a telepathic bond among the users.

A keffiyeh which if thrown over the top of the wearer transports them to the land of Faerie.

A self-repairing orb which if broken can change the weather to that of the breaker’s choice.

A life-draining horn which if blown can send violent vibrations that can destroy a wall or standing building.

A portable kitchen in a box which compresses an entire meal’s worth of food into a highly-nourishing pellet.

A flare gun whose noxious gas forces disadvantage on all rolls to those who breathe in its fumes.

An animated suit of plate armor that can carry objects for the attuned wielder and instantly surround said wearer’s body via command.

A waterskin perpetually full of water, but whose elemental spirit will be violently offended at not being drunk if used for other purposes.

Thoughts So Far: The magic system of the Nightmares Underneath is both recognizable and quite different than the Vancian system to which most gamers are familiar. Still, I overall like the changes; getting rid of spells-per-day in favor of making casting inherently risky still places a limit preventing frivolous use of sorcery. Keying spell level to character level is a choice that I like, and wish base D&D did this rather than the confusing array used now: “Wait, so I need to be 5th level to cast 3rd level spells?!” The spell selection is broad and versatile, and there’s enough magic items to populate a campaign’s worth of dungeons for enterprising adventurers. I don’t have many criticisms or negative things to say about this chapter besides the public association of magic items in general with the forces of Chaos. Which seems a bit odd with the initial setting, which has anti-undead lightning rods in Geth and spell formula and containers being something casters in general can craft. Add the fact that scholars are a celebrated occupation who take well to magical knowledge, and one cannot help feel that the Nightmares Underneath is trying to have its cake and eat it, too.

Join us next time as we get into the nitty-gritty of dungeon-delving and various rules in Chapter 6: Raiding the Nightmare Realms!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:24 am
by Libertad
Chapter 6: Raiding the Nightmare Realms
The past few chapters focused on the player-facing side of the rules, from character creation to community bonds. This chapter delves into more specific rules of the game beyond that provided by the Basic Resolution Rules section, most notably dungeon exploration and combat.
Braving the Underworld It wouldn’t be a proper retroclone without exploration of mysterious ruins, monster-filled caves, and other such places. Said rules can be used for more generic styles of dungeons than just nightmare incursions.

Time passes during dungeon exploration in three ways: “in real time” when PCs are moving quickly but not in combat, where time is not measured save via use of the encounter die (in the following Chapter 7) or when light sources are at risk of dying out. In combat, time is measured in rounds which are generally less than a minute each but no hard and fast value is given. When PCs are moving carefully and searching, time is divided into 5-15 minute increments known as Turns. Turns during exploration phases don’t prioritize “order of actions” like in combat and rounds and so PCs can do anything that makes sense in the context of the time frame regardless of Speed or initiative order. For those wanting chronological exactness, there’s 1d6 rounds per minute, or 2d10 minutes per turn.

As for light sources, lanterns with glowing insects are the longest-lasting but need special drugs to keep them alive, while candles burn the quickest and emit the least light but are the cheapest. Torches and lanterns occupy a middle ground. Short/long rests in a dungeon automatically use up candles and torches, while lanterns lose 1 hour worth of fuel. You never want to be in complete darkness; you cannot attack anything that you aren’t physically touching, and moving carefully takes 6 times as long.

The quality of mapping and movement is divided into careful/quick results, where the former for maps allows cartographers in the party to get accurate GM handouts. If quick it can be inexact or even nonexistent depending on the party’s level of recklessness. Searching areas is easier to do for people with high Speed ratings, as that lets them cover a wider area (100 x Speed) in a single turn. When moving quickly only thieves may search for traps, secret doors, and hidden treasure, but when moving carefully anyone in the party can. Barring the class feature exceptions of Thieves and Scholars, searching in most circumstances takes a Turn, and a save against Dexterity is made, or half the score if the dungeon is higher level than the searcher. Disarming traps are a second roll beyond finding them via a search: assassins and thieves can safely disarm them via the same Dexterity score rules, but those of all other classes cannot disarm traps when in a dungeon level exceeding their own.

This is quite different from other OSR games, where said thieves often had trapfinding and disarming as an exclusive ability. However they’re not as frail due to a d6 Hit Die instead of a typical d4, and experience progression being unified removes a lot of the class’ ordinary weaknesses. Thus, having a thief-type character in the party goes from being a near-necessity to an advantageous choice.

For encumbrance, we covered the limits and item types back in Chapter 3. But what happens when you become Encumbered? Well, you always act last in initiative, cannot choose the dodge action in combat, cannot make attacks of opportunity, start drowning when swimming and cannot swim at all, and can only move and search half your Speed rounded up. There’s no true “max weight” provided, but if you don’t have the backpacks, pockets, or hands to manipulate and carry material the GM is within their rights to point this out.
Dungeon Encounters Encountering humans in the nightmare incursions uses the same rules for individual social interactions, although said people are most assuredly corrupted at best, evil at worst, if they’ve been in there for any appreciable length of time. Encounters for monsters, the far more common fate, is covered here. Generally speaking monsters are either found wandering as part of a potential random encounter when a Turn’s exhausted or in a predetermined location set by the GM. Distance between the monsters and party is closer if the latter was moving quickly instead of carefully. Surprise rolls are done when one side or the other wishes to do an ambush. A party’s leader or look-out rolls 2d6 + Dexterity or Intelligence modifier and adds the monster’s Surprise Rating. 0 to 6 the entire party is surprised; 7 to 9 both groups are aware of each other and interaction/combat happens normally; 10 or higher the PCs become aware of the monsters first and have a window of opportunity to plan actions. The group that has the advantage of surprise has one free round in which to act; surprised PCs cannot use dodge or make attacks of opportunity.

Interaction rolls for monsters are 2d6 + Charisma for the PC leading the conversation if the party displays no violent intentions. 0 to 3 the monster attacks with advantage on morale. 4 to 6 powerful or cowardly monsters attack or flee as normal, while others threaten the PCs but don’t initiate combat unless they deem it worth the risk; 7 to 9 the monsters are cautious and keep their distance, but may be possible to parley with; 10 to 11 the monster is neutral and stays out of the party’s business but may chat with them. 12 and higher the monster is friendly and may be willing to aid the PCs depending on the circumstances at hand, although ‘friendly’ in this case can just as easily mean the monster views the party as a useful pawn for its schemes. Monsters of the Nightmare type are akin to white blood cells for their incursion lairs, and as such are always hostile and never listen to reason.

If a rapport is struck up with a monster, the GM has a table and list of potential motivations, reasons for being in the incursion, and in some cases alternate attributes besides Charisma for overcome rolls.

Evasion is a detailed “running away/give chase” rule. Simple resolutions are an overcome roll of a PC vs their opponent’s Dexterity. But longer chases use 1d20 + Ferocity/Health modifier + Speed vs the enemy’s Dexterity + Speed. Each party takes turns doing overcome attempts until a certain number of failures by either party is reached. Said number being determined by how far apart the parties are when the chase begins. Obstacles that hinder movement force a save against an appropriate attribute; failure counts as a failed overcome roll in addition to whatever other consequences the obstacle imposes.

Edition Changes: In 1st Edition, Evasion was a simple 2d6 + Speed vs 2d6 + Speed resolution. Obstacle rules were still in play.
Harm and Violence
This covers combat as well as the various maladies that can afflict the inhabitants of the Kingdoms of Dreams. But before we go any further, we learn about how Disposition and Wounds work. Unlike other OSR games you do not get more Disposition as you level up: instead at a point between getting up for the day and the first combat, you roll double your Hit Dice (just one if you’re sick/lack sleep/etc) and add the results. If the result is lower than your level, you use your Level instead. When you are reduced to 0 Disposition, further damage causes Wounds; every time your Wounds score (starting at 0) increases you save against your Health or suffer an injury that prevents reliable use of a body part determined via a roll on the table. When you get more Wounds past your Health score you suffer a mortal wound (a permanent injury) and go unconscious on a series of failed saves, and Wounds equal to or greater than your Health score cause death. Injury outside of combat from traps, natural hazards, etc deal Wounds directly and bypass Disposition. Said traps and hazards that are d10 and higher pose a serious risk of death.

Disposition can be rerolled during an hour long short rest accompanied by food and drink, but a long rest makes the roll mandatory. Wounds and attribute score damage recover more slowly* and having a mortal wound means that you need medical attention or risk death or further injurious results. NPCs and monsters typically do not keep track of such things, and are considered to die/be defeated when they reach 0 Disposition. Attribute score damage to a monster/NPC can be resolved via doing Disposition damage instead.

*1 Wound per day if less than half Health, 1 Wound per week if treated by a healer if greater than half Health until they drop to the halfway point.

Edition Changes: Disposition was calculated much like typical Hit Points in 1st Edition. You rolled as many Hit Dice as you had levels to determine the results. Instead of Wounds, PCs took damage to their Health score and accompanying mutilated body parts and injuries.

Generally speaking, characters who suffer physical disabilities from wounds don’t suffer penalties in the use of said body parts; the only time it should come into play is if the loss prevents one from being able to do an action at all as opposed to still being able to do it but with difficulty. So you can totally play a character with an eyepatch and not suck at ranged combat!

Damage to attributes is more or less straightforward and recovers at the same general rate as wounds, but different things happen when you hit 0 in one of them. 0 Health is straightforward in that you die, but 0 Dexterity/Ferocity leaves you unable to move. 0 Charisma causes you to be unable to communicate or understand anyone else; you cannot fight and desire to be alone, but you can move and take care of your basic necessities. 0 Intelligence renders you insane, erratic, and unable to understand simple concepts and cannot rest to recover lost attribute points unless forced to by an outside party. 0 Willpower makes you lie motionless without a will of your own, and will do whatever task is asked of you by another.

Edition Changes: Characters who have a 0 score are effectively helpless and are at risk of losing Health over time unless they have access to food, water, and rest, with medical attention speeding the recovery. A 2d6 table is applied to those who are recovering on their own, with only a 10+ representing true progressive recovery.

PCs in the Nightmares Underneath have more staying power than in other OSR games in that they have “bonus hit points” equal to their Health score on top of rolling for Hit Dice. However, the additional detail on Wounds makes the game still feel gritty and in keeping with its horror roots, as characters who charge into battle are at high risk of suffering long-term damage even if they make it out alive.

General combat rules hew closely to other OSR games, so I’ll outline some key differences:

Initiative is determined by PCs rolling 1d20 + Dexterity modifier. An enemy combatant has an initiative result equal to their Dexterity score.

Morale is not a binary attack/flee. It is rolled as 2d6 + their morale modifier, and the lower the result the more likely they are to outright flee vs tactical retreat/fighting defensively/fight to the death (said last result only being possible on a 12 or higher).

Actions are broken up into two types: Simple and Complicated. Simple actions are quick exertions and can often be done in tandem with moving during combat, like drawing a weapon and attacking, choosing to dodge, throwing/pulling/pushing an object that requires little force, etc. Complicated actions require more time and precision and cannot be done while moving; it includes such things as reloading a crossbow or firearm, casting a spell, aiming a ranged weapon, sprinting (double speed) instead of normal movement, etc.

A character’s movement is their Speed rating, which is x5 for determining how many feet they can move in a round, or x10 when sprinting. Given that the average Speed of a human is 7 and is modified by Dexterity, TNU PCs tend to be more agile than in D&D and other retroclones unless Encumbered.

“Attacking from behind” is an automatic hit and inflicts damage. Assassins ignore non-magical armour. Attacking this way can be done via stealth/surprise, if they are occupied by 2-3 other enemies depending on whether they’re in an open vs confined space (and not if they’re backed into a corner), or if left vulnerable via a Special Attack Maneuver.

You can choose to Dodge as a simple action; you cannot perform any harmful action while doing so, but any successful attacker must make an overcome vs your Dexterity score or miss. Versus attacks which force a save, you save vs half your Dexterity.

Grappling is simplified. It counts as an unarmed attack, but once you get a grapple you can inflict further damage at your full Hit Dice rather than a die lower and must overcome their Health score instead of Armour Rating.

“Charging” doesn’t mean a literal charge, but any form of movement where you are moving into the melee range of a target.

There are two major ways to attack when it’s not your turn, but in both circumstances force you to give up your turn during the round and you cannot have already acted. They are having a weapon with a longer length when someone charges you (there’s a table for weapon lengths, and readied non-thrown ranged weapons count as the longest), or via an attack of opportunity when another foe moves past you. Attacks of opportunity don’t have to be literal attacks, but can involve other hostile actions like grabbing something from them or performing a Special Attack Maneuver.

Special Attack Maneuvers represent disarming/tripping/pushing/etc where you attempt to make them more vulnerable to a future attack. You overcome a relevant score (usually Dexterity) and use an appropriate attribute modifier on the d20 roll. If successful, they either get disadvantage on an action, are disarmed of a held item, or are placed somewhere unfavorable (advantage/disadvantage as appropriate).

Edition Changes: In 1st Edition this was resolved as an attack; 20 or higher applied a full effect, but a hit that was 19 or lower let the target either suffer normal damage or the maneuver’s effect (their choice unless they’d be reduced to 0 Disposition, in which case they suffer the maneuver automatically).

Positioning is a catch-all category for gaining ideal terrain/placement. It’s a save vs your Dexterity and is done as part of movement, but failing the save imposes some type of risk (cannot attack this round, fall prone, etc). Success grants you advantage on an appropriate action.

Edition Changes: In 1st Edition this was resolved as an attack roll which succeeded on an 11 or higher.

Fighting with a weapon in each hand is considered the same as fighting with a two-handed weapon (use damage die one higher than your Hit Die).

All monsters have attribute scores, but they do not apply the modifiers to their attack and damage rolls; they are already dangerous enough and said scores are there for purposes of skill rolls and saves.

There’s quite a healthy amount of options for combat, and no entry is at risk of becoming muddled in minutia and cross-referencing: everything you need for a rule at hand is on the page proper, and relevant rules from earlier chapters are handily reprinted!
The Taint of Corruption
This section covers the risks of braving the nightmare realm. From insanity to warped biology to the attention of inhuman entities, nightmare curses are more or less a nightmare creature living inside someone’s body. They’re permanent when gained, and even treatment in a sanitarium can only suppress their influence. When someone with a nightmare curse dies, said creature leaves the body immediately and may either die immediately from natural sunlight or go to enact wicked plots in the material plane. Outright cures are handled via GM Fiat in the form of adventure hooks like finding a skilled exorcist or powerful artifact.

NPCs must save vs their Willpower whenever they enter and then leave a nightmare incursion if they have spent more than an hour inside, unless they are of higher level than the dungeon. If they spend more than 24 hours they must make a Willpower save each day Edition Changes: vs half their Willpower in 1st Edition); every failure imposes a new curse, and they cannot physically leave the incursion until they make at least one save. PCs, and a rare few NPCs, are not at risk of gaining curses merely from time spent inside. PCs (and NPCs too) are at risk of gaining nightmare curses whenever one of their attributes is reduced to half its normal score or less while inside a nightmare incursion, and must make a Willpower save (half if dungeon is higher level) to avoid gaining one.

There are 36 nightmare curses to be gained on a d100 table; some of them may even be gained multiple times, reflecting a different manifestation of said curse. They range from the typical mental instabilities and compulsions to bodily changes and have creepily thematic names. A few of the more notable ones include:

Anti-Social Lust Parasite: You gain a sexual behavior that your culture regards as socially unacceptable. People who find out about your fetish can react to varying degrees of hostility on a 2d6 + Charisma modifier roll (attack, physically distance themselves from you, judge you on everything, 12 or higher they’re cool with it). Edit: yeah, this sounds like either a reroll or ask the players about it ahead of time.

Apostasy: Memories of the nightmare world become overwhelming whenever you visit or interact with an Institution and thus cannot gain its benefits.

Enemies Everywhere: There’s a 1 in 6 chance someone conspires against you every day you spend in a settlement. This persecution stops when you kill said conspirator.

The Heresy of Stigmatism: Whenever you take Disposition or Wound damage you bleed profusely and make a noticeable mess (this doesn’t do extra damage).

Infected Attribute: You suffer disadvantage whenever rolling a certain attribute for a save or skill test as long as you remain outside a nightmare incursion. Said attribute manifests as tell-tale signs, like spitting blood for Health, twitching for Dexterity, having dreams of alien worlds for Willpower, etc.

Living Hand of Glory: One (or both if gained twice) of your hands steals unattended objects without your knowledge. This happens on a 1 in 6 chance whenever you’re alone and near valuable handheld objects.

Masked: You believe that your face reveals your soul and must wear a mask to prevent the nightmares from getting inside. You cannot use any of your class features or re-roll Disposition as long as someone else can see your face.

Xenos: Other people can sense the taint of nightmare due to minor unnatural phenomena happening around you. Your Resentment score begins at 1 in every new settlement and can never be reduced below 0.

Your Secrets Bought and Sold. The nightmare realm gives a certain type of monster (beastling/dweller in the deep/etc) valuable information about you. You suffer disadvantage on all rolls against said monster type.

Thoughts So Far: The rules for exploration, combat, and nightmare curses are all serviceable and strike the right balance between “too complicated” versus “too barebones.” Just about every important situation or concept can be adequately covered for the former two, and the nightmare curses are a good means of showing the toll veterans endure. Hirelings are at much greater risk in the Nightmares Underneath beyond quick hit and run expeditions lasting less than 6 turns, and conscientious players may be hard-pressed to take them inside. That they and other cursed beings can spawn monsters upon death can really up the stakes. I do fear that players who grow savvy to these rules may prioritize speed over care, although the book takes this into account with the quick vs. careful speeds of exploration.

Join us next time as we cover Chapter 7: A World Full of Nightmares!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 11:42 pm
by Libertad
Chapter 8: A World Full of Nightmares
Edition Changes: 1st Edition used to have a Chapter preceding this one called Wandering the Wastes which had rules for overland travel and was quite brief in length.

This GM-centric chapter has all of the tools needed for creating ruins, nightmare incursions, monster design, and similar things. Quite a bit of this material is common advice and suggestions we’ve heard in many other supplements, so I’m skipping over those in favor of the new stuff.

Creating Nightmare Incursions provides the universal rules of such dread places. Incursions manifest in places shadowed from the sun, and due to their extradimensional nature are not bound by physical constraints. However, their interiors are almost never spacious; such places are only located deeper than any human explorers have gone, and any ‘skies’ located within are illusions. Incursions are made up of one or more Lairs, which are treated as dungeons unto their own with their own Anchors, Crowns, and Levels.

Nightmare incursions have four general types: Deathtrap dungeons are full of traps with hardly any monsters; Heretic Temples are primarily inhabited by corrupted humans who serve the nightmare realm; Monster Hordes are a beacon to (non-nightmare) monsters, either corrupting their minds like Heretic Temples or offering them some boon or resource to tempt them; Spawning Pits are full of monsters of the nightmare type. All lairs are capable of hosting Corrupted Outposts, adjacent physical spaces in the material plane which otherwise protect or conceal the lair entrance and has additional dangers; it’s counted as a dungeon of its own, but one level lower than the lair itself and has no anchor or nightmare monsters. Furthermore, the layouts of lairs can differ and connect to each other in various ways as a kind of dungeon network or megadungeon. Tunnel Incursions are simple linear progressions: each additional lair’s entrance is at the end of a previous one, while Hive Incursions are nonlinear and maze-like in outline. Zone incursions directly overlap the physical world, always in a place shrouded against sunlight.

Each lair also has an anchor, which is bound up in human emotions and thus is the literal lifeblood of said lair. The value of anchors are randomly determined via 2d6 + lair level, meaning that higher-level lairs can be more valuable. Alternatively, they can be a magic item. We also have a list of tables for determining the Profession/NPC type for corrupted humans, trap types and accompanying effects, and potential sources of inspiration for monsters. Non-nightmare monsters range from standard fantasy to the creepy via brief descriptions (drowning pool selkie, corrosive amoeba, etc), whereas the table for Nightmare monsters is exclusively horror-themed (ghosts of your failure, burrowing parasites, the untouchable feast).

Edition Changes: The tables for monsters provided specific examples from the Bestiary back in 1st Edition as opposed to inspirational descriptors. Given that said monsters were of variable level this resulted in a rather broad threat range.

Creating Nightmares list a table of various emotions and how incursions and monsters keyed to them may manifest, and also common monster types they attract. Characters who die inside nightmare incursions have their memories and fears learned by the dungeon, and are then incorporated into its foundations. The GM is advised to ask a series of questions to the player of a dead PC: “who are you leaving behind?” “Who do you blame for this untimely end?” “What great hopes and dreams die with you?” and other tragic queries are provided.
Image Monster Stats provides the GM with tools to create enemies of all stripes. In most cases things hew closely to OSR standards, but with a few exceptions:

They have attribute scores, like the PCs.

They don’t provide Experience in and of themselves.

They have a Level indicating their overall level of threat, as well as guidelines for determining how many special abilities they have. Monsters are typically at or near the level of a lair, with deviations meant to represent particularly dangerous individuals or pitiful hordes. They add this level to their attacks (barring some that are non-combatants or rely upon indirect means of harm) and skills in which they are proficient.

A Surprise Rating is given for how difficult or easy it is for PCs to take notice of said monster. Armour Rating.

The major size categories are Tiny (cat and smaller), Small (child-sized), Medium, Large (horses), and Huge (elephant and larger). Creatures cannot deal damage via conventional means to those who are at least two categories larger, although poison, explosives, and the like can help.

Monsters roll their Disposition just like PCs, although particularly large and supernaturally resilient beings may roll three Hit Dice. Tiny creatures typically have 0 Disposition and fall down in one easy stroke.

Monsters of Level 4 or higher are recommended to have a bonus damage die akin to Fighters, the ability to attack more than once in a round, or have an Area of Effect attack.

There are seven creature types. Beastlings include mundane animals as well as “animal people,” oozes, and chimeric creatures such as lycanthropes, manticore, griffins, and the like. Dwellers in the Deep represent aberrations, alien life forms from deep sea trenches, and things beyond time and space. Faeries include the eponymous creatures of European folklore but also goblins, trolls, genies, and dragons who are regarded as the “gods” of faerie-kind. Golems are artificial constructs of all types. Humans and Undead are self-explanatory. Nightmares are the unnatural spawn of the nightmare realm, made manifest from mortal fear and sin.

Creatures of the Nightmare type have special features. Only nightmares as a creature type have alignment restrictions: they are either Chaotic if their primary purpose is to destroy social order, or Evil if they seek to corrupt and destroy individual bodies and souls. Additionally, they are always vulnerable to a particular substance or environmental effect and are immune to one conventional source of harm. Furthermore, they cannot leave the presence of a lair for long: 1st thru 3rd level nightmares can stay outside for weeks but crumble in the presence of daylight; 4th thru 6th can only be out until the next sunrise and then die; 7th and higher are unable to visit the physical world at all barring some unique MacGuffin or ritual.

Undead and Golems (which represent artificial beings in general) have no Health score. While they have Disposition, they cannot recover from damage (wounds, attribute loss) unless they have some life-draining attack or from outside magical aid. Damage beyond their Disposition is applied to Ferocity which imposes a disability of some kind once it equals half their Ferocity and are killed once it is equal.

I find this last bit rather interesting, as it contradicts the early claims of 0 Disposition means a fallen opponent in Chapter Six. Are undead and golems meant to be far sturdier by design, or are these rules meant to be used for “boss level” creatures of this type?

There’s also a list of Benefits and Special Powers, as well as Flaws and Weaknesses to further customized creatures. Generally speaking a creature should have one benefit per level, with flaws cancelling out benefits on a 1 for 1 basis. Creatures with more or less net benefits than their level are considered stronger or weaker than average for determining overall threat assessment. Of particular note are Presence Effects, which are “always on” effects which radiate out from a creature, such as supernatural fear, a cloud of poison gas, or a shroud that sucks all light within a certain radius into it.

Edition Changes: An actual bestiary was provided as its own Appendix in 1st Edition (which I will review) but was excised in 2nd Edition due to later plans for a proper bestiary sourcebook.
Image Creating Ruins covers those heretical tombs in the Vale of Serpents and various non-nightmare related dungeons. They operate on slightly different sets of rules: for one, they’re more likely to contain magic items among their treasure on principle, and do not have creatures of the Nightmare type unless an incursion is inside or nearby the ruins. Ruins have their own 5 types: Empty Ruins are bereft of value but may have squatter inhabitants; Gates of Darkness have a portal to other realms within of some kind; Monster Fortresses are more or less what they sound like; Next of Evil have a mixture of human and monster inhabitants; and Sealed Tombs are places that remain untouched since its construction and thus any inhabitants within are invariably some kind of immortal being.

Edition Changes: Ruins creation rules are a new feature of 2nd Edition.

Rival Adventurers can be encountered in ruins, whose intentions and general Profession and social classes are determined via a die roll. Other potential inhabitants include Corrupted humans (only found in Gates of Darkness and Nests of Evil) who have some connection to the nightmare realm; Guardians who are golem or undead servitors; typical Monsters; and of course Nightmares, who are the rarest result and won’t be in appreciable numbers unless in a Gate of Darkness or from a nearby incursion.

There’s miscellaneous tables for determining the overall history and conditions of the ruins. What Age where they built? What kinds of historical items and records exist? Tables for generating room types are provided on an appreciable d100 table, and a d6 roll for the Surrounding Area explains why said ruins haven’t been taken over or are well-traveled (rough terrain, magical curse, hostile natives, etc).
Image Running a Nightmare Incursion is the final section of the final chapter proper, and mostly concerns rules for determining encounters within and what happens when an incursion is left to its own devices. The Anchors and Crown have special rules: an anchor is an object whose purpose is immediately known whenever a PC or other being immune to duration-based nightmare curses sees or touches it. Once an anchor is removed from a lair, the dungeon fades out of existence, expelling its non-nightmare contents back into the material plane or an adjacent lair if buried deep within a tunnel/hive network. In the event that the destruction of a lair ‘cuts off’ an access point to a lair, said incursion remains adrift in the nightmare realm, but may eventually take root in the material plane if it attaches itself to another lair or some magical item or ritual allows transportation into it.

Every nightmare incursion also has a suggested Expected Value of the worth of its treasure in cyphers based upon Lair Level. I really like this touch; given that all Experience gained is via recovered treasure from incursions or ruins, it is handy for the GM to know how well-stocked to make their dungeons and more accurately gauge campaign length.

The Crown is a predetermined monster (usually the strongest kind) or a group of monsters of related types that show up together. They can be encountered at a fixed place in the dungeon, but also encountered anywhere within the incursion due to the Countdown Die’s rules.

For determining random encounters, an Encounter Die ranging from d4 to d12 (depending on the ‘crowdedness’ of the dungeon, relative danger of fixed encounters, how ‘nightmare’ heavy the monster population is, etc). The Die is rolled once every Turn, if they are particularly loud, or entering a new area with no fixed encounter for the first time. A 3 or less indicates some type of risk: encountering a wandering monster or NPC, the PCs’ light sources or ongoing spell durations are unexpectedly taxed from an environmental hazard, or some other troubling event of the GM’s imagination. There’s also a Countdown Die, a secret value which is determined by rolling the Encounter Die and counts down by 1 whenever a living thing dies in the PCs’ presence, the PCs move to a different area while carrying the Anchor, or the Encounter Die is rolled for a random encounter. When the Countdown is reduced to 0, the Crown appears and attacks the PCs, and if they survive a new Countdown Die is rolled. Splitting the party makes the Countdown track separately, and reunification uses the lowest Countdown Die result from then on out.

But what happens when nightmare incursions are left to their own devices? Such Growing Dangers occur for every 2 weeks an incursion persists after discovery by the PCs. A d6 table and a related chart based on the dungeon type determines how the nightmares work their will upon the world. The incursion can spawn a lower level lair (level 1 lairs cannot do this), grow in size or level, lure humans into it in some manner to suffer terrible fates, attract/spawn more monsters, or its inhabitants go out into the world and attack nearby communities. If a lair reaches level 9 it stops growing in power, but there’s a 1 in 6 chance every week that it will destroy the nearest human settlement in a cataclysm or absorb the place and its inhabitants into the nightmare realm. If such a dreadful event occurs, the incursion and any joined lairs fade away and leave but a lifeless wasteland where it once stood.

And before you ask, the value of a lair’s anchor and treasure does not increase in the event they grow in level; PCs who hope to ‘wait out’ an incursion for promises of greater reward merely put the world in greater danger.

Edition Changes: In 1st Edition there was a final section, NPC Adventures, which was for generating NPC adventure parties who also fought against the nightmare incursions. Tables were made for determining their Profession, Alignment and Levels (but never higher than 4th) and there's a 2d6 + modifiers table for determining their level of success against an incursion. 2nd Edition dispensed with this section.

Thoughts So Far: These are some pretty good rules. I particularly enjoy the concept of a Countdown Die which represents the ever-lurking threat of being watched, and the rules for incursions wrecking woe in the world for PCs that neglect them put a blatant timeframe for party action vs rest and retreat. I do find it interesting how monsters and dungeons have Levels which are tightly wound together, unlike other OSR games which take a fast and loose approach to threat levels within the world. The rules for creating monsters are welcome, although given that they roll 3 hit dice at most they are more fragile than monsters in other OSR games save for golems and undead.

Join us next time as we cover a Bestiary of Monsters!

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:33 pm
by Libertad
A Bestiary of Monsters
Edition Changes: This bestiary was only in 1st Edition.

While the Nightmares Underneath is compatible with plenty of existing old-school bestiaries, the unique flair of its world mandates the creation of some new monsters. And we have 37 entries, even more if we count stat blocks which have stronger versions of said monsters and/or monstrous servants dependent on the main monster. For the sake of brevity I’m not going to cover every single one, instead opting to highlight the creatures I find most noteworthy.

Abductors are winged nightmares that look like birds with the faces of bearded men. They specialize in carrying off people in their talons to take into the nightmare realms, and if they’re the crown monster they kidnap locals once per week.

Adepts of the Flame are the nightmares formed from the fearful memories of pagan fire worshipers slaughtered with the coming of Law. They take the forms of faceless humans with blood-colored flesh and wield swords made of fire.

Beastmen are humans with animalistic features, either from human magic or nightmare influence. They live in the wilds under a strongman with bodyguards, and are viewed as savages by human society.

Cavemurdered are nightmares formed from the memories of those who died underground. They look like mangled humans with fleshless skull faces (which can be used to create Death spell-related formulas at a cheaper rate), and their mere presence makes objects weigh heavier and thus can easily Encumber adventuring parties. They hold a bundle of snakes in their hands which they use as weapons.

Changelings belong to the Seelie Court and possess a wide variety of magic. They are fond of the ephemeral flow of reality and can change the physical forms and personalities of others. They demand esoteric services as payment, such as giving up one’s newborn child, servitude in Faerie, or the destruction of Lawful institutions.

Dragons are the gods of Faerie. Unlike the gods of humanity they walk among their worshipers in physical form. But those are beyond game statistics; the ones given stat blocks represent those banished to the material plane. The mortal world is poisonous to them, its planar makeup reducing their power and mental faculties over time. Still, dragons are very formidable opponents, having a wide assortment of automatic powers and a table of special powers to choose from. Their breath weapons are versatile, including not just the typical energy types but other options such as life draining, confusing clouds, blinding light, and Dexterity-draining slime.
Image The Eclipse Wolf is a unique creature capable of traversing realities. It is a horse-sized canine of amazing physical and mental acumen, and its presence causes the sun to be blotted via a solar eclipse along with emitting air vibrations that hinder human senses. It manifests in supernaturally-attuned areas when visiting the material plane, and its body parts can be harvested into valuable components for alchemy and magic (advantage on the casting of Illusion spells).

Faerie Nobles use the stats of 3 existing types (Changelings, Frostlings, Sun Court Fey) but have a much greater chance at carrying some unique treasure or magic item.

False Children are nightmares that take the forms of children they kidnap and/or kill near or inside nightmare incursions. They can sprout deadly monstrous body parts (claws, spider legs, stingers, etc) and attack with them, and those who kill them automatically fail the next roll they make. Observers are magically compelled to mock the unfortunate soul when this happens.

Frostlings are unseelie fey who delve too deep into the nightmare world and become...well, more evil than usual. Their faces take the form of loved ones who gaze upon them and emit a paralyzing cold around their bodies. Their flesh can be harvested to gain advantage on controlling cold-based spells. Sadly they don’t have much more creativity beyond this.

Glass Thieves are nightmares formed from members of a thieves’ guild destroyed in infighting as its members succumbed to greed. They look like people dipped in now-dried molten glass and wield extremely sharp knives as weapons. They can automatically steal one piece of equipment with every attack they make. Their crystal knives can be sold as treasure, but anyone who owns one for more than a day risks developing a nightmare curse (PCs are immune) as though being in an incursion for an hour and can spawn a new incursion over time.

The glass thieves’ treasure is problematic in the sense that it can heavily discourage players from selling treasure in the future, which is the main means of generating wealth and thus Experience in the game.

Goblins are faeries who mine and toil, and their blood can infect items and deal damage to their wielders (and Willpower if at 0 Disposition) from sheer mental repulsion.
Image Hive Mothers are nightmares taking the forms of women with gigantic wings. They can conjure imps to attack at range, and those who engage a hive mother in close combat are encircled by their wings which reduce Speed and initiative ratings.

Humans are a catch-all category of 5 common stat blocks for the types of people PCs are likely to meet. Peasants, Proles, Scholars, and Servants are the hapless noncombatants who represent the common folk, while Bandits and Mercenaries are more martial (but not very bright) level 1 people. Nobles are usually accompanied by 1d6 servants and/or guards, and Cultists know one random spell per level. With the exception of Cultists, each of them are level 1. Humans who have Professions (no stats here) have the benefits of said class features, but all non-Professional humans are considered to be level 1.

Iridescent Globes are floating bits of protoplasm from some alien world. They have no quarrel with inhabitants of the material plane or nightmare realms, but their mere presence causes the land to change. Their attacks are random magical effects ranging from unpredictable teleportation, having effects happen twice due to time manipulation to curses, and the expected energy attacks. If left to roam for a month or more in an area, the very landscape becomes incomprehensible to human perception.

Lamprey Golems are one of the only golem monsters in this bestiary. They’re created by wizards to guard aquatic locations, and can bite, constrict, and/or squeeze through extremely small spaces depending on the material they’re made from.

Locust Butchers are nightmares spawned from the famine-causing bugs of the same name. When the nobility sent out their soldiers to forcefully take and hoard what little food remained, the death and hatred spawned in their wake became ample fuel for the nightmares to form such monsters. Locust Butchers can force targets struck by their swords to give up their most prized possessions on a failed Willpower save, can summon sense-impairing smoke, and explode into a cloud of locusts when they reach 0 Disposition.

Revenants are one the few undead creatures in this book, animated by the nightmare realms by the souls of those who died violently. Revenants are murderously jealous of the living who do not have to suffer like they do, and when in packs have increased Morale when in the presence of a leader (same stats but max Disposition).

Rittersnakes are beastlings formed from the bodies of foreign crusaders who disturbed nests of parasites in the Vale of Serpents. They transformed into snakemen, their plate armor and weapons the last vestiges of their human origins. Rittersnakes can lob burning spittle as a ranged attack, their lairs smell terrible and impose disadvantage to non-Health based rolls, and they can hijack the bodies of freshly-slain human and animal corpses by beheading them.

Shadows of Pain are formed from the memories of childhood fears and abuse, from schoolyard bullies to violent parents to doctors with syringes. They wield weapons in line with said torments, and deal their own damage types and certain debuffs. Syringes can cause paralyzing cold, for instance.

The Simurgh is the only good-aligned monster in this entire bestiary, save for randomly-generated Human alignments. It is a legendary bird with a human face. It knows many spells and can offer words of wisdom and even minor services if a character succeeds on a 2d6 social roll, with modifiers based on alignment. Simurgh are foes of nightmares and are more inclined to defend people from them even on a lower social result.

Skull-Faced Fiends strike at adventuring parties at their weakest links: their hirelings! If they are able to sneak up on a party, they whisper in the ears of said people, instilling fear and paranoia to get them to abandon their patrons in exchange for safe passage out of the nightmare incursion. A promise that is never honored.

Sun Court Fey are lawful seelie faeries. They are skilled artists and hunters, and carry bronze muskets which fire angry wasps. Their courtiers, paladins, and visionweavers (better attribute scores, and armour in the case of paladins) are their peoples’ front line of defense against the nightmares, but they have no patience for humans that do not respect their authority.
Image Thaumaturgists are Scholars that specialize in magical alchemy. They belong to a Guild of the same name, and ones that are Chaotic in alignment have been corrupted by nightmares and may be allied with monsters and/or nightmares if found in an incursion. They have exotic components on their persons as treasure, and higher-level members among their number know more spells.

Thorn Priests are nightmares formed from the genocide of pagans carried out by soldiers of the Law. The last surviving members of a particular sect who practiced flagellation cried out for revenge upon their dying breaths, and the nightmares granted their wish. Thorn priests are plantlike humanoid entities who have thorny tentacle attacks that can force those struck to attack random targets on a failed Willpower save. Their bodies brim with a certain spell that is automatically cast upon their enemies once killed. Incursions formed by them are full of sharp metal blades, rocks, and thorns which makes the environment deal damage under certain circumstances (being pushed into a wall, having to go through a tight passage, etc).

The Underfolk are human beastlings who live in underground caves and abandoned cities, away from the light of day. The alien depths of their subterranean homes are at higher risks of nightmare incursions, and as such they are valuable sources of knowledge to adventuring parties that make nonviolent contact with them. Underfolk have been known to ally with the lowest social classes of humans (more due to closer living space) against such dangers and the more mundane threats of living in the streets.

Wasp Riders are two monsters in one: alchemically-grown giant wasps with a mounted golem rider wielding a magic-infused whip. Nobody knows who invented such beings, but the golems’ evil intentions point to minds inimical to social harmony.

Wound Men are nightmares given form by the PTSD of war survivors. They look like mutilated people with enough weapons sticking out from their bodies that would kill a normal person. Manufactured non-magical weapons that strike their bodies have a chance of being absorbed into their forms and cannot be taken out until combat’s end. They can rise again as weaker forms unless at least two of their limbs are amputated, and weapons stuck in their bodies that are not removed from an incursion in 1d4 Turns can combine together into an artificial human-shaped conglomeration of metal implements.

Monsters by Type: 8 Beastlings, 5 Dwellers in the Deep, 10 Faeries (11 if we count Faerie Nobles as separate entry), 4 Golems, 8 Humans, 16 Nightmares, 3 Undead. This includes sub-entries for stronger versions of the same creature type. As you can tell, the bestiary is appropriately Nightmare-heavy, with quite a bit of Beastlings and Faeries. Humans are the next most common type, but barring Thaumaturgists they don’t have much variety of special abilities. There’s a surprisingly low amount of Undead which are the rarest creature type, and we don’t have many Golems either.

Monsters by Level: For monsters that have specific level entries we have 15 1st Level, 14 2nd Level, 12 3rd Level, 4 4th Level, 2 5th Level, 1 6th Level, 1 7th Level, 0 8th Level, and 0 9th Level. We have 5 creatures of variable level: Changelings 1-6, Cultists 1+, Dragons 1-9, Thaumaturgy Mentor 1d4+2, and Underfolk 1-4. The bestiary is heavily weighted towards lower-level encounters, but after 4th level we start to see a dearth in material.

Thoughts So Far: Although nowhere near as big as some other OSR bestiaries, the monsters provided in the Nightmares Underneath are original and depart from the standard fantasy faire enough to make things feel quite different. The material is rather front-loaded level wise, and the GM will need to do more work and/or conversion for higher-level parties.

I do like how dragons are faerie gods and don’t correspond to the chromatic/metallic flavor, and a lot of the nightmares correspond strongly to some rather common traumas and misdeeds. Entries such as the Cavemurdered and Skull-Faced Fiends have abilities that are tailor-made to take advantage of adventuring parties in ways that wouldn’t make sense for an “organic dungeon ecology,” but fits in well with the themes of nightmare incursions. The few Dwellers in the Deep monsters (Eclipse Wolf and Iridescent Globes among others) feel appropriately alien and indecipherable, and the Adepts of the Flame and Thorn Priests show that the rise of Law was not a golden age for all. Groups like the Sun Court Fey, Simurgh, and Underfolk are some neat choices in that while two of them aren’t necessarily Good (Underfolk are actually Evil) the fluff of their entries imply that they can be used as allies of convenience when fighting nightmare incursions. That’s not something you see in a lot of D&D/OSR products and adventures by default, whose monsters are often always hostile or set up in a manner that they don’t have much incentive to work with the PCs against a greater evil.

There are a few weak points in this bestiary. There are criminally few undead creatures in a “horror-themed” retroclone. While I understand that the PCs are intended to be a world above the common folk, the non-Thaumaturgist and non-Cultist human stat blocks felt a bit too weak overall in being universally Level 1. Although in this case increasing their levels is trivial by boosting their attack and skill bonuses, so I don’t think I can knock them too hard for this. The faeries are heavily geared towards European folklore, and I was a bit surprised to see no mention of genies in spite of being iconic Middle Eastern monsters.

Join us next time as we cover a Slight Appendix of Additional Material!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:26 am
by Libertad
A Slight Appendix of Additional Material
Edition Changes: Mission-Based Experience, Playing Blackjack, and Additional Professions are only present in 1st Edition. Contest Resolution, Equipment Breakage Rules, and Zero to Hero Disposition were introduced in 2nd Edition. Additionally, the rules for generating settlements and kingdoms in Chapter 1 of 2nd Edition were originally in the Appendix for 1st Edition.

The final section of the book contains an array of material that either can’t fit anywhere else or make alterations to the core resolution rules of the game. The material therein is thus optional.

Contest Resolution introduces a replacement of d20 with 2d6 to give attribute modifiers in opposing tasks a more noticeable impact. This is an optional rule in 2nd Edition, but was a lot more common in the default rules for 1st Edition. Additionally, there’s a PbtA style Non-Binary Resolution where the results range from “total failure” to “yes but [insert complication]” to “yes, and [exceptional result].”

Equipment Breakage Rules is a two-way street. Lucky Saves allow a PC to let their helmet or shield break if they’d be hit in the head or arm/torso respectively as a means of avoiding gaining Wounds. Additionally, weapons and tools being used for an overcome roll or save can break on a critical failure (1 or 20 respectively). In the case of a natural 20 hitting an armoured target, their Armour Rating for that armour is reduced by 1.

Zero to Hero Disposition harkens back to 1st Edition, where PCs and NPCs roll a number of Hit Dice equal to their level, with no modifiers for good/poor rest. This gives higher-level characters a lot more staying power.

Troupe Style Play solves the dilemma of an incapaticated PC needing to rest for weeks while the nightmare incursions grow worse. Players create a pool of characters, any combination of whom can be shared as a whole or a certain amount per player. Every time the group takes a new expedition into a dungeon, one PC per player is chosen to form an adventuring party while the rest of the party stays in civilization and performs downtime actions.

Mission-Based Experience dispenses with leveling up from treasure in favor of a more personalized array of accomplishments. A PC levels up by completing 3 missions, and guidelines are provided for a number of complicating factors known as Elements. The higher Level a PC is, the more Elements are included in a mission.

Playing Blackjack dispenses with the use of ability score modifiers for “roll under” actions such as saving throws. A character rolls 1d20 and adds their attribute score. If a character gets 21 or higher they succeed, and 20 or lower fails. In the event that the GM has players who prefer using this means of rolling and others who do not, players must declare “blackjack” before rolling to clear up any confusion.

Additional Professions provides four more classes. The reason that they’re optional is that they imply various aspects about the setting that may not gel with what the GM has in mind, such as explicit nonhuman races.

Berserkers are basically D&D Barbarians. They have an impressive d10 Hit Die, cannot use special abilities while wearing heavy armor, and must spend half their accumulated wealth on earthly pleasures; if they do not they suffer disadvantage on all rolls until they defeat a “worthy foe” (level or greater). They have Skills pertinent to wilderness survival, equipment maintenance, and knowing customs of martial cultures. For special abilities they add their level to attack rolls, treat their Armour Rating equal to their Ferocity score if they have a weapon in hand, and can attack a number of foes equal to their level within weapon range every round. They can make attacks and move as part of this, but can’t attack the same foe twice or reload between attacks.

Overall Berserkers are rather simple in play, and unlike D&D Barbarians they are less about raw damage and more being able to take out large numbers of opponents easily.

Disciples are D&D monks. They practice a personal philosophy and gain powers from its ideals. Their Skills are left to the player and GM depending upon their philosophy and lifestyles. They cannot use their special abilities when Encumbered or wearing plate, and must give half the wealth they make to others or in service of their ideals. Their Ideals are chosen from one of four virtues and are a mixture of blatant rules (give all of your money away, cannot sneak up on enemies) to role-playing restrictions (must confront the enemies of civilization wherever you find them, must defend the weak from harm, etc). For basic abilities they have 1d6 Hit Die, add their level to attacks, have an Armour Rating equal to 10 + their level when unarmoured, roll against their Willpower save in lieu of other attributes for phenomena related to mental and physical endurance, and have a number of Special Disciplines equal to 1 + their level + their Willpower modifier.

Special Disciplines are mostly at-will or always-on abilities representing the Disciple’s training, and while they may appear magical are in fact mundane in origin. They include things such as being able to hold their breath for a number of Turns equal to their level, advantage on saves vs damaging (and non-damaging for a separate Discipline) spells, able to harm and touch incorporeal creatures and those immune to non-magical damage, can throw enemies or objects a number of feet equal to 5 x their level, able to walk on water, walls, and fragile places normally unable to hold a human’s weight, and gaining a number of additional attacks equal to their Willpower modifier.

Disciples are heavily geared towards being mobile fighters, and most of their powers are a mixture of utility vs. offense. The only one that can be potentially overpowered would be the one that grants bonus attacks per round equal to Willpower, but the rest are broadly situational.

Fey Knights take heavy inspiration from the time when being an Elf was a race and a class, specifically a fighter-mage hybrid. However, the class can represent all manner of feylike magical beings who aren’t like other people. They have 1d6 Hit Dice and earn half Experience, meaning it takes twice as long to level up. They are Skilled in magical knowledge, etiquette, the arts, faerie culture, and equipment maintenance. For special abilities they add their level to attacks, can choose to keep a cast spell memorized (aka not spend a spell slot) by suffering 1d4 Intelligence damage, begin play knowing and is capable of learning spells, and has d6 Psychic Armour.

Furthermore, each Fey Knight can choose from one or more Supernatural Heritages, which reflect the type of fey they are and/or their Court. Each comes with one beneficial trait and one hindrance. For example, Dark Elves have advantage on sneaky stuff but their Resentment always starts at 1 in new settlements, while Fall Court fey have advantage on controlling Divination and Illusion spells but disadvantage on controlling Evocation, Healing, and Summoning Spells. Golden Age fey is perhaps the most attractive to mage-heavy types, granting mastery over 1 bonus spell per level but takes double damage from weapons made of iron. Ouch!

The Fey Knight is a neat concept, but doesn't feel truly unique given that they’re a blend of existing class features for the most part besides Supernatural Heritage. Their d6 Hit Dice makes them more fragile and pack less of a punch than Assassins, Fighters, and Champions in physical combat, and their halved Experience really hurts. WIth the Chaos Champion already existing and Professions like Assassin getting a magical option subclass, they won’t make for an appealing class in converting to 2nd Edition.

Halflings represent all manner of small folk that seem all the rage in fantasy settings. They have 1d6 Hit Die, get no damage bonus from two-handed weapons, cannot hide or be stealthy when Encumbered or in plate armour, and have less Encumbrance allowance due to their size. They are Skilled in maintaining equipment and households as well as athletic, sneaking, and wilderness survival stuff. When it comes to Special Abilities they can find hidden things like a Thief can, have advantage on saves when their size works in their favor, have one group of weapons as Favored which lets them add their level to attack rolls with said weapons, and have a Luck Score equal to their level that refreshes after a long rest. Luck may be spent to reroll a roll of their own or ignore a die result of damage from any source of harm.

To further customize their ‘race,’ Halflings can choose from Morphological Features which are akin to a Fey Knight’s Supernatural Heritage. For a few examples, Gnomes have mastery over 1 Illusion spell per level but have disadvantage when rolling Disposition, and Goblinoids deal 1d8 damage when wielding favored weapons but suffer disadvantage on rolls when influencing people in settlements. Morlock may be a blatantly good option as they can see in the dark (great for dungeon delves!) but suffer disadvantage to all rolls in direct sunlight. Notice that it specifies direct sunlight and not bright light in general.

Halflings come off as specialized Thieves but with less Skills. Their Luck is pretty good in that it grants them limited metacurrency that can turn around a bad situation.

Random Tables are well...random tables of all sorts. They include reasons why monsters may be a threat to civilization, physical and personality traits to flesh out NPCs and monsters, tables for a wide variety of items and treasure types, jewelry designs, and the subject of scholarly texts, journals, and other written documents.

Money provides more detail for tracking encumbrance for coins. Generally speaking, keeping coins in pockets and small containers is more encumbering than keeping them in larger sacks and backpacks. Meticulously packed coins and bars count as being even less encumbering than either option. Coins with a hollow center and tied together via a string count half as much for encumbering purposes, and gold coins and bars are ten times more valuable than silver counterparts.

Thoughts So Far: I have mixed feelings on a lot of these rules, although given their optional nature it may be due more to personal tastes. I do like Troupe Style Play and Equipment Breakage which feels in keeping with the ruleset. The new Professions didn’t leave any strong feelings in me, although I liked the Disciple the most in terms of having many versatile options. Alternate dice resolution material such as Playing Blackjack and 2d6 Contests feel a bit unnecessary, as the ruleset as it is is not that confusing to me. Zero to Hero Disposition can be a good alternative for more “heroic level” style adventures, but given that PCs already have a buffer of “Wounds” may not gel well with the default setting. Mission-Based Experience can be good for groups that want to “level up by plot,” but given that its Elements system introduces a new amount of book-keeping it doesn’t seem a worthy alternative for higher-level play. The loot-based advancement of the base systemworks rather well in my opinion, and there’s plenty of things for PCs to buy with their money.

And that is it for the Nightmares Underneath proper! But there is one more thing to review that was included with the 1st Edition PDF. A conversion manual for those who are less fond of the OSR and prefer a system more...Worldly.

Join us next time as we cover A World Full of Nightmares, a Powered by the Apocalypse conversion of the Nightmares Underneath!

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:20 am
by Libertad
Image This system hack was released as an additional PDF to the base book as opposed to a product of its own. Between this and the 2nd Edition rules update, one could say that The Nightmares Underneath is 3 products in one. I will admit that I have not played Apocalypse World, although I have read a bit of Masks, so there are chances I may misunderstand some system features. But overall the rules here read quite cleanly and simply and I hope that fans of the system can grok the gist of things.

A World Full of Nightmares is a 32 page book. Its “core rules” are self-contained, but there are a few references made to the main sourcebook of the Nightmares Underneath for things like magic and nightmare curses albeit with appropriate changes.

Character Creation is a straightforward affair: there are three major classes of Arcanist, Rogue, and Warrior, and the six attributes are the same but arranged as modifiers of +2, +1, +1, 0, 0, and -1. These modifiers apply to 2d6 rules which are the prime resolution mechanic. Arcanists master one spell per level and do 2 damage in combat, Rogues get to ask 1 extra question when they search and deal 3 damage in combat, and Warriors can wear a suit of plate and deal 4 damage in combat. Each class has a list of 9 special abilities to choose from at each level, and can choose from each other’s lists beyond 1st level but not 2 levels in a row. Said Special Abilities are quite broad, including things such as adding +1 modifier to an attribute, +1 (or the rare +2 bonus) on things such as damage, Disposition, certain Basic Moves, and some things that aren’t specific to die rolls but open things up narratively like being able to be impossible to detect nonmagically by hiding in shadows.

Alignment and Motivations are the same as in the base system, but when you act in accordance with said goals you get 1-2 additional xp at the end of the session. Your other main means of gaining experience are recovering valuable items from a nightmare incursion, and you need 3 xp times your current level to level up.

Health and injuries are simplified, where Disposition is a primary health score without Wounds and is equal to Level plus Health modifier. Damage of NPCs and monsters in the base system are converted from Hit Dice to a rating of 2-6, and Armour Rating is converted to Armour which directly reduces damage. PCs (and only PCs) may opt to ignore damage by taking a debility, which imposes a -1 to all rolls for a specific attribute and serve as the generic ‘debuffs’ but can apply only once per attribute and thus do not stack. Encumberment still exists but is highly simplified (encumbrance is 4 + Health) and you cannot roll a 7 or higher when Going Into Danger (initiative and avoiding hazards basically).

Basic Moves are PbtA’s signifier for common narrative actions which are resolved via 2d6 + modifier. 6 or less imposes an unfavorable result, 7 to 9 indicates success but at a cost, and 10 or more indicates sterling success at no cost and/or grants a bonus positive feature. There are 11 Basic Moves which cover a variety of actions: for example, Cast a Spell is 2d6 + Intelligence and can range from being cast correctly (10+), miscast if higher level (7-9), and miscast regardless of level (6 or less). Fight is 2d6 + Ferocity whose 7 to 9 result deals damage but the enemy completes an intended action/threatening move; 10 deals damage, prevents the enemy from acting, and grants an additional boon; 6 or less deals no damage and the enemy completes their action/threatening move, and the GM can describe narratively how the fighter is now disadvantaged. Volley is similar to Fight but is 2d6 + Dexterity, covers ranged combat, and has different advantages and complications (running out of ammo, collateral damage, etc). Search is 2d6 + Dexterity and the PC can ask a number of pre-arranged questions based on the result which the GM answers honestly (How can I avoid the danger here? Who or what was here before me? etc); 6 or less reveals something disadvantageous to the searcher or makes the current situation worse. Recover has automatic results (recover Disposition) but the 2d6 + Health roll is made for seeing how many debilities one can remove (6 or less can only be removed via magical healing).

GM Section gives a sample list of problems, complications, and consequences for rolls based on a variety of situations, whether the risk involves an character, an environmental obstacle, and so on. In combat the special abilities of monsters and NPCs are considered to be Threatening Moves, and in lieu of initiative the GM asks players what their characters do and have them perform the Basic Move that is most appropriate to their stated course of action. Once the rolls of PCs are resolved, the GM describes the actions of NPCs performing their intended actions if capable. Go Into Danger and Hold Steady are suggested to cover what would ordinarily be saving throws, skill checks, and attribute tests for various task resolutions.

Since counting individual cyphers is not a thing and PCs can just as easily advance via role-playing their Alignment and Motivations, currency and valuable items are abstracted into three categories: Units of Purses, Valuables, and Fortunes, and for how long said units can help you live poorly, live well, or live like royalty. Similarly said units can be spent to improve Institutions: Purses make them Notable, Valuables Significant, and a single Fortune Exceptional.

The Nightmare’s Curses provide alternate rules to said maladies. They trigger whenever a character takes a debility inside a nightmare incursion and they fail to Hold Steady, which is interesting as only PCs are capable of opting for such debuffs. Are NPCs assumed to get them automatically? Most nightmare curses function the same in a World Full of Nightmares save where the rules are changed. For example, Your Secrets Bought and Sold would impose disadvantage on a PC’s rolls when interacting with a certain monster type, but in this variant they suffer -1 to rolls involving said monsters instead.

Card-Based Lair Creation is a variant means of dungeon generation, the rationale being that level disparities are less dangerous in an Apocalypse World Engine game than the base system. The GM takes a deck of playing cards minus the Jokers and lays them down left to right until there’s at least one spade and one diamond. The first card of each suite and its order of magnitude informs an element of the dungeon. The suite of Diamonds represents Anchors and what kinds of valuable items (or groups of items) hold the incursion together. The suite of Spades represents the Crown, and we have 2 tables showing results from the bestiary and generic adjectives for the GM to invent. All diamonds after this are counted as spades, and all diamonds/spades after the first represent other monsters in the lair. The suite of Clubs represents various types of traps, and their position relative to the crown/anchor cards represents their generic location and roll: they may pieces of the nightmare realm itself, are set up to defend the anchor, and so on. The suite of Hearts represents the lair’s ties to the outside world, representing various groups and their relationship to the incursion. Like traps. the card’s position relative to the anchor/crown cards indicate the specifics of said relationship (in one case they may be potential allies for the PCs!).

Optionally, 2-3 more cards drawn can be keyed to the lair’s sins, with each suite representing a variety of related themes. Results indicate how these negative aspects of human psychology manifest in the lair.

Thoughts So Far: A World Full of Nightmares is a rather simplistic system, but from an initial read seems capable of recreating the experience of the Nightmares Underneath in a rules-lite way. The fact that the base system already has a lot of 2d6 + modifier tables means that said rules can be easily ported over to the Apocalypse World system. The major thing I noticed is that a few of the standard classes may not be so easily represented at Level 1: a Champion of Chaos would need to start out as a Warrior, but at a later level must choose an Arcanist Special Ability to grant them mastery of additional spells. The Bard’s Disposition transfer is now a Warrior Special Ability, even though the class best fits the Rogue conceptually. There are a few other details that will need ironing out, such as how bare-bones spellcasting is: a few spells have some outs even if cast correctly, like Charm Person allowing the target a bonus save to break free of the influence depending on circumstances. Said bonus save doesn’t seem to be a thing in this system, where players roll all of the dice.

But overall I have no major quarrels, and feel that actual play will help me get a better view of things.

Final Thoughts: The Nightmares Underneath is truly something special in not just the OSR, but among tabletop games as a whole. It combines various familiar fantasy elements and tropes into a novel blend, and its mechanics feel both fresh and daring in their relative newness for D&D-alikes while also being straightforward and internally consistent. I ran a few sessions of this as a GM, and while I had some new system hiccups the rules overall did not feel labyrinthine or jumbled to the point that I was regularly making things up on the spot. The setting is also really cool, and the concept of nightmare incursions is broad enough to host a variety of dungeons that may not make ordinary sense for the world and terrain in a more typical setting.

I hope that those reading along had as much fun as I did writing this review. I’m feeling quite elated and look forward to writing for another product, but as of now I’m unsure what to review next. I already have some books in mind, but I’ll give it a few days before deciding on one and making my first draft.

Until next time, faithful readers!


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:23 am
by OgreBattle
Basic Moves are PbtA’s signifier for common narrative actions which are resolved via 2d6 + modifier. 6 or less imposes an unfavorable result, 7 to 9 indicates success but at a cost, and 10 or more indicates sterling success at no cost and/or grants a bonus positive feature. There are 11 Basic Moves which cover a variety of actions: for example, Cast a Spell is 2d6 + Intelligence and can range from being cast correctly (10+), miscast if higher level (7-9), and miscast regardless of level (6 or less). Fight is 2d6 + Ferocity whose 7 to 9 result deals damage but the enemy completes an intended action/threatening move; 10 deals damage, prevents the enemy from acting, and grants an additional boon; 6 or less deals no damage and the enemy completes their action/threatening move, and the GM can describe narratively how the fighter is now disadvantaged. Volley is similar to Fight but is 2d6 + Dexterity, covers ranged combat, and has different advantages and complications (running out of ammo, collateral damage, etc). Search is 2d6 + Dexterity and the PC can ask a number of pre-arranged questions based on the result which the GM answers honestly (How can I avoid the danger here? Who or what was here before me? etc); 6 or less reveals something disadvantageous to the searcher or makes the current situation worse. Recover has automatic results (recover Disposition) but the 2d6 + Health roll is made for seeing how many debilities one can remove (6 or less can only be removed via magical healing).
Do any of these basic moves require a different roll than the usual 2d6, or is it more like "Here's 11 flavors of this core rolling mechanic"?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:55 am
by Libertad
OgreBattle wrote:Do any of these basic moves require a different roll than the usual 2d6, or is it more like "Here's 11 flavors of this core rolling mechanic"?
No, they more or less all follow that same resolution mechanic.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 1:03 am
by Harshax
@libertad - is this really worth 20$?

The mechanics are pretty awful, but fixable with default starting attribute arrays and guaranteed level improvements.

Some of the rules are really questionable. Fighters can probably one-or--shot most everything, regardless of level.

A fully defensive fighter might just kill something through attrition, regardless of level.

The mini games never get easier, the same way that tasks never get easier, in that there’s a chance every level, that you don’t get better at the types of activities you want to do.

I don’t have the pdf in front of me, but the chance to improve/fail is pretty flat given that you add your stat modifier to improvement checks, iirc. Which means “level” is just a value to avoid halving your stat to determine success.

But the odd bit for me, is that having a Dex of 4 at level 9 only gives you a 20% success rate at Dex things. This might be good role protection in a way, but since there’s no guaranteed stat block in the first place, that protection is questionable.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:55 am
by Libertad
Harshax wrote:@libertad - is this really worth 20$?

The mechanics are pretty awful, but fixable with default starting attribute arrays and guaranteed level improvements.

Some of the rules are really questionable. Fighters can probably one-or--shot most everything, regardless of level.

A fully defensive fighter might just kill something through attrition, regardless of level.

The mini games never get easier, the same way that tasks never get easier, in that there’s a chance every level, that you don’t get better at the types of activities you want to do.

I don’t have the pdf in front of me, but the chance to improve/fail is pretty flat given that you add your stat modifier to improvement checks, iirc. Which means “level” is just a value to avoid halving your stat to determine success.

But the odd bit for me, is that having a Dex of 4 at level 9 only gives you a 20% success rate at Dex things. This might be good role protection in a way, but since there’s no guaranteed stat block in the first place, that protection is questionable.
Regarding the benefits of levels, I did leave some things out. In the case of Overcome Rolls, you can add your level on top of your attribute modifier rather than either-or if the task is something which your Profession/background would be skilled. I may have mispoke in Basic Resolution Rules by saying "or" instead of "and/or" in this regard. So characters do get noticeably better at their strengths albeit when affecting some foe or target. For saving throws things are still quite attribute-centric in determining chance of success.

Additionally "caster level" is still a thing in that it can increase duration, range, and so on of spells. Also you automatically learn more spells per level in casting classes/subclasses, but they're randomized unless you have a formula/tutor who can "fix" said result to the spell to be taught.

Regarding Fighters, they are indeed powerful. I do agree that the reduction of Disposition on both sides feels rather odd and makes even sturdy monsters drop easily. However, unless the party has multiple fighters the auto-damage can only be inflicted once per round which is of less use when you have multiple targets. Zero to Hero Disposition can be a good workaround.

For $20 it's 400 page document, and has a 32 page PbtA conversion along with handouts. As a PDF it has quite a bit of material for size-to-price ratio.