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Divinity Board Game

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:09 am
by Harshax
I’ve got hundreds of hours into this game and have enjoyed quite a bit of it.

They’re about to release a board game that, based on the videos, seems like a interesting translation: ... board-game

One of the most interesting concepts is that the board is that represents both the adventure locations and the combat map.

Some interesting concepts was movement and range on the board. I can’t remember which video illustrates it. Basically, you are adjacent to either tile and the opposing tile from where you stand. Range and Movement costs are calculated by counting the number of existing tiles to a target.

The game is preprinted with characters from DOS2, has status effects and positions on your sheets to count cool downs or status effects.

I’m just looking at this and reminded of Shane Hensley’s preference for tokens and coins and other board game-like tools at the table to facilitate play and just think Laranian just raised the bar considerably.

I feel like it’s good, because my first thoughts are how to hack it.

Has anyone seen this? What are your thoughts? 220US is steep but I kind of want to break a piggy bank for this.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:06 am
by ...You Lost Me
Damn, every big game is making a board game version.

It looks like the game isn't actually finished... there most recent update apparently includes an overhaul to leveling and a redesign of the Warfare school. The fact that they are a year in and haven't locked down the rules sketches me out.

I watched a playthrough with some of the developers. Combat doesn't seem that interesting to me. Instead of using some kind of battlemat, everything is done with zones / tiles. So you can throw your knives from the market into the tavern. It doesn't seem like it has $120 worth of crunchy, tactical gameplay.

IMO this project does not look like it will turn out well. If you're looking for cool tactics, I think a game like Frosthaven would be better. Might even come out sooner.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:47 pm
by Pseudo Stupidity
I almost got to test this game at PAX, but the fuckheads running the table said they couldn't reserve times they had open then reserved all the times anyways when I followed their instructions and showed up the moment it opened. This says nothing about the game, but I'm still a little salty about it. I did see the boards and stuff though, and it's $120!? That's fucking insane for the sets I saw being played.