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Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:37 pm
by Jack_Lurch
This is inspired by da chicken's rant in Frank's UA thread.

da chicken wrote:
DM Is Not A Gold Fish. That is, just because you bring it to the table doesn't mean it works like that. Especially with variant UA rules.

It's short for "That's obviously stupid and broken since it renders the game unplayable. No sane DM or group will play it like that so your point is moot."

If you're wanting to point out poor game design, that's fine. But actually suggesting your DM must allow you to mine balors or recurse phoenixes or get 110% simulacrums because "it's in the RAW" is just dumb.

Okay, I am honestly trying to understand the difference between this and the Oberoni Fallacy. I'm not seeing it.

Can it be explained without anybody losing their shit and making reference to other people's mothers?


Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:40 pm
by fbmf
Jack wrote:
Can it be explained without anybody losing their shit and making reference to other people's mothers?

My initial inclination is to shut this down, but, to be fair and give it a chance, I'll leave it open for now. Please keep the discussion civil, though.

Game On,

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:44 pm
by Thoth_Amon
Where is my shit?

I must have left it over at fbmf mother's house.


On a more serious note, I think they are pretty much the same.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:47 pm
by fbmf

Game On,

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 8:33 pm
by da_chicken

A: Haste is broken in 3.0!
B: Just don't let people cast spells with their action. It's not broken at all.

Point: Just because you can change it, doesn't mean it isn't broken. It still needs fixing.

Player: I found this PrC on the Internet I'm going to play.
DM: ** opens and closes mouth, flexes gills **
Player: And I'm using feats from FR, UA, OA, Warcraft 3, and Savage Species even though we're in Ravenloft.
DM: ** poops and then swims through it **
Player: Most of my spells are from Relics and Rituals, too.
DM: ** checks every pebble on the floor with his mouth, ensuring it isn't stray food **

Point: Just because you can bring it to the table, doesn't mean it's allowed for play.

Stop pretending like a sane DM will give you 50 beads of karma for free that all stack, or that you can get infinite wealth with shapechange balor mining. This isn't M:tG. The DM doesn't have to allow you to play academy.dec or replenish.dec just because the card sets are legal. It doesn't matter if it's broken, particularly, although the goldfish effect is more obvious then.

"Look! I found a giant hole in the rules that let's me get infinite power points/wealth/caster level!"

Show me a DM who will allow it, and I will show you a goldfish. My DM is not a goldfish, so I do not try to break the system. It would be a futile excercise.

Oberoni is used to stop arguments claiming that Rule 0 makes broken things not broken, so nothing can be proven broken.

DMINAG says if you already know something is broken, don't expect to be able to play with it.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 8:45 pm
by fbmf
I get your point, da chicken. I really do.

But Frank, Josh, Oberoni, Chonjurer, et al pointing out these things in the rules allows DMs sort of a pre-emptive strike. I have my houserules on a website so all players and any new ones can know well in advance what will and won't work in our games.

Discussions here and a Nifty allow me to keep it current. (We will ignore the fact that skewl's been kicking my ass lately and I haven't had time to send updates to Incarnadine so she can get them posted.)

I appreciate when these things are pointed out to me.

But I understand your point.

Game On,

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 8:51 pm
by Jack_Lurch
So, just to make sure I understand:

Oberoni Fallacy: Even though the DM can fix it in his campaign, the RAW on this subject/topic are broken.

DMINAGF: If the RAW on this subject/topic are broken, you should expect and assume your DM will not let you use them.

Is this correct?


Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:08 pm
by Username17
Which means that the DMISAGF is not a meaningful complaint, honestly.

I've seen games where the Octopus Druid was legal. I've played an Octopus Druid in actual games.

That the RAW is broken is no guaranty that a DM will recognize it as such, and if you are using the old inane Gygaxian advice - no guaranty that the DM will forbid it. Remember, the old official party line from TSR was that if players broke your game that you should turn up the difficulty - not that you should take away the broken mechanic.

Which is why DMISAGF is not the kind of acronym that people actually understand when you say - it doesn't respond to real events in a useful fashion. In reality, no DM is omniscient, nor are they universally benevolent or completely on top of things. Just because something is broken is no guaranty at all that a DM will proactively recognize it and forbid it.

The only way for a DM to possibly close a loophole is for it to be brought to their attention ahead of time. The only way a DM can hope to have a meaningful fix for Balor Mining is to have the problem brought to their attention well in advance so that they can think through some scenarios and make a patch to the game that does not cause more problems elsewhere.

The old official way of handling that sort of thing is to watch players get a huge pile of vorpal swords and then kill them anyway with a Protean. And if you don't warn DMs - that's what they're going to have to do.


Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:42 am
by Oberoni
The whole Oberoni Fallacy thing was something I cooked up to explain why saying "rule 0" shouldn't end every damn balance or mechanics discussion.

a link, courtesy of...well, me, but really, the thread itself was started by Josh.

So look at it and love it.

Originally, this thing started strictly when dealing with actual mechanics issues, or Genuinely Broken Things as they may be called on this board.

It was expanded to apply to more subjective things--imbalance issues.

Essentially, if you make an assertion in a post stating that "There's a problem with X," Jerkface's reply of "no there's not, just rule 0 it and move on" manages to be meaningless, contradictory, and grossly off-topic.

Even saying something like "You're right, that is a problem, here's the houserule I use to solve it" is fine. You're admitting there's a problem, and then stating your solution.

But when you try to bludgeon every single "problem" discussion with "There's no issue, because of the beauty of Rule 0"--you're wasting everyone's time.

Nowadays, the Oberoni Fallacy gets thrown around all the freakin' time on the WotC boards. Do a search for just my name sometime, it's rather surprising where it turns up.

But the basis of the idea is a system is not perfect because it allows you to alter it. Claiming otherwise is dumb.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 6:42 am
by da_chicken
Jack_Lurch at [unixtime wrote:1077828669[/unixtime]]So, just to make sure I understand:

Oberoni Fallacy: Even though the DM can fix it in his campaign, the RAW on this subject/topic are broken.

DMINAGF: If the RAW on this subject/topic are broken, you should expect and assume your DM will not let you use them.

Is this correct?

Pretty much. I'd even say an ethical player would help his DM not to be a goldfish by telling him in advance. Since playing with broken mechanics is only fun for about 5 minutes.

Oberoni at [unixtime wrote:1077856924[/unixtime]]But the basis of the idea is a system is not perfect because it allows you to alter it. Claiming otherwise is dumb.

I agree. But so is claiming that Rule 0 doesn't exist, or that you should build a PC in a vacuum where there is no Rule 0 and no campaign rules. RAW is fine for metagame discussion (is X broken?), but isn't worth beans at the real table (can I play X?).

FrankTrollman at [unixtime wrote:1077829723[/unixtime]]Which means that the DMISAGF is not a meaningful complaint, honestly.

Huh? Oh, you mean DMINAGF. ;)

It depends on the context. For variant rules, it's glaringly obvious you need the DM to be a goldfish to do certain things. Like playing a Gestalt PC in a non-Gestalt game. Or playing a Mystic Theurge with Gestalt, etc.

I've seen games where the Octopus Druid was legal. I've played an Octopus Druid in actual games.

So what's your point? Your DM is a goldfish? Your DM bows to your rules mastery unquestioningly, and doesn't alter the sacred texts of the game? That you can exploit your DM's ignorance and "win"?

That the RAW is broken is no guaranty that a DM will recognize it as such,

So you're arguments are based on the presumption that your DM is an idiot. Great!

if (DM == idiot)
game.breaks = TRUE;


and if you are using the old inane Gygaxian advice - no guaranty that the DM will forbid it. Remember, the old official party line from TSR was that if players broke your game that you should turn up the difficulty - not that you should take away the broken mechanic.

And your point here is what? That TSR and Gygax don't know beans about game theory? No wombat!

Which is why DMISAGF is not the kind of acronym that people actually understand when you say - it doesn't respond to real events in a useful fashion. In reality, no DM is omniscient, nor are they universally benevolent or completely on top of things. Just because something is broken is no guaranty at all that a DM will proactively recognize it and forbid it.

Yep. That doesn't matter. You're still operating under the presumption that the DM is an idiot. IMX, this is not true. And as a player, I bring problems to the attention of my DMs. I don't exploit them to "win".

The only way for a DM to possibly close a loophole is for it to be brought to their attention ahead of time. The only way a DM can hope to have a meaningful fix for Balor Mining is to have the problem brought to their attention well in advance so that they can think through some scenarios and make a patch to the game that does not cause more problems elsewhere.

That's true. I still see people continually suggesting that these things are actually possible in a real game. If someone is smart enough to come up with balor mining, they're smart enough to realize it's stupid broken in addition to being stupid.

The old official way of handling that sort of thing is to watch players get a huge pile of vorpal swords and then kill them anyway with a Protean. And if you don't warn DMs - that's what they're going to have to do.

Because you can only play one campaign. And you never ever get to revise your house rules mid-game.

[Edit: Spelling, of course.]

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:26 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I've never seen two people who obviously agree fight so hard.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:31 am
by Absentminded_Wizard
When applied to core rules, DMINAG looks a lot like the Oberoni fallacy. In fact, it seems like the differences are only cosmetic.

I completely see the point when it comes to supplements, though. Saying that the game is completely broken because of a combination of optional rules, any of which may not be permitted in the DMs game, is ridiculous.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:26 pm
by Oberoni
The Oberoni Fallacy is mainly designed for message board discussion.

Chicken of the Sea ;) is designed for the game table itself.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 9:06 am
by da_chicken
** points to nose **
** points to Oberoni **

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 1:14 am
by Draco_Argentum
Assumeing the DM has houseruled the truely broken stuff out is necessary for a decent discussion about changes or new stuff. A new 9th lvl spell isn't underpowered just because its less powewrful than 3.5 shapechange.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 10:14 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Hell, it still might even be overpowered for 9th level, and still be weaker than shapechange, since giving a value to something automatically makes it worth less than infinity.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:03 am
by Crissa
I think Frank is incorrect in this assertion...

...Because he always rules on what is and isn't available. You check the books at the door, and if he doesn't find it balanced, he'll come up with a solution.

However, the goldfish metaphore is really only useful for teaching DMs that they can decide the scope of what alternate rules to take in, and to becareful to check these over and rule on them carefully before using them.

(The whole octopus druid event is irrelevent)

But, like the Oberoni Fallacy, it's not a useful argument when reviewing new published material - the conflicts and errors need to be pointed out for the DM to either Rule 0 or include/disinclude the rules!

If we don't share this, then we aren't really doing the most basic component of gaming together.


Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:25 am
by Lago_AM3P
Now I remember.

It wasn't Frank who got me into min-maxxing (though he is the person who introduced me to my first real cheese build)...


I remember reading the Oberoni's fallacy in its true, original glory back in October of 2002 and it like opened my eyes.

Thanks, Oberoni. Thanks for making the world a less stupid place.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:40 am
by Oberoni

Originally, the "Oberoni Fallacy" was started because I was getting tired of legitimate rules discussions getting crapped on by the Rule 0 Crowd, the people that manage to avoid actually analyzing the rules by dropping into a thread and telling you that the rules are changeable.

I mean, sometimes, when I enter a thread that discusses the rules...I just want to discuss the freakin' rules.

How exactly did it get you up into the world of min/maxxing? I think I have a theory, but I might be thinking out my ass, so I want to know your specific reasons.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:55 am
by Lago_AM3P
Because it's impossible to min-max without an appreciation for the rules and it's impossible to discuss the rules without acknowledging the Oberoni's fallacy.

I mean, if you're operating under the assumption of 'your DM will nerf you if your build is too powerful! because he has that right so stop talking omg power makes my lazy penis feel small' then you CAN'T push the rules to the limit to make a character. You can do things like 'durrr, spiked chain fighters are powerful', but that's not min-maxxing.

When that assumption was shown to be bullshit, I naturally gravitated towards collecting more personal power for myself.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:58 am
by Oberoni
Heh heh, that's what I thought. :)

I also find that your (and my) philosophy really helps in understanding game balance in general; a more rules-savvy player or DM can eyeball power levels more easily, and adjust accordingly.

Furthermore, actually discussing the rules has greatly helped me create characters that are fun to play, and that do what I want them to do.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:44 am
by PhoneLobster
In reference to counters to franks claims that a DM can in fact be a gold fish that essentially amount to calling any such DM stupid...

I really despise that argument, I have seen it a lot in my own attempts at discussing rules in various places.

Some guy comes up with a rule, house rule or fix, that essentially amounts to pure DM fiat and someone else says, thats not reliable, not good, and not a rule. Then the reply is suddenly "why do you lack faith in DMs"/"your DM must be stupid".

Rule zero is a broken rule. Why? Because its function is utterly erratic, often it helps, sometimes it gets you nowhere, many times you are worse off after you apply it.

This is an utterly unnavoidable conclusion, because not only might your DM in actual fact BE stupid, every DM is SOMETIMES stupid (what with lack of omniscient perfection) and therefore sooner or later every DM will muck up rule zero, and sooner or later do so in a big way.

If you use the fragile crutch that is rule zero every second decision in the game then even a pretty damn crash hot DM will have a party full of octopus fu druids in about five minutes flat.

The fact that someone as good at wrangling rules as Frank is pointing out that DMs aren't perfect should be a pretty good hint that even the best DMs are indeed imperfect.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:52 am
by rapanui
And let's not forget my personal pariah, The Stealth Nerf, which is related to The DM Is Not A Goldfish.

Basically, the Stealth Nerf starts with the Oberoni Fallacy (the DM can simply fix anything, so the rules are fine) and then proceeds to use TDMINAGF without a system of stating how the rules will be changed.

That is, the DM will allow anything in the Core Rules, but then secretly makes it so that anyone that uses overpowered cheese gets the smackdown in some way. Like abusing Planar Binding gets a god angry with you for some reason.


Fvcking hate it. Really. I do.

It's sheer stupidity and DM powermongering at best, intellectual dishonesty at worst.

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:02 am
by MrWaeseL
That's were rule negative one comes into play: The players can leave at any time ;)

Re: Oberoni Vs. The Goldfish

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:01 am
by RandomCasualty
The goldfish paradigm isn't claiming the RAW is balanced, it's claiming that "Since the potential rules exploit would destroy the game, this rule 0 must be made".

And I think that's a valid claim. The only real shame is that we don't have a big list of mandatory nerfs so everyone can be on the same page, because we really should. It would make balance discussions much more meaningful. Because the two contexes "In a real game" and "In the RAW" have become so separated that you must consider them separate rules sets for the purpose of balance discussions.

I mean nobody plays the RAW anymore, so why the fuck do we even care about the RAW? Seriously. I'm more worried about figuring out something that works rather than trying to cheese out an over literalistic rules set full of holes that nobody actually uses.