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by Danchild
Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:00 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

I am not saying the Factotum is a powerful class. I am saying it brings more to the table than rogue. As for WBL nonsense, isn't there some rule that says you cant spend more than 25% of your WBL on a single item? That would mean there is an inherent restriction on pooling resources. It also means t...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:35 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

so entirely contingent on sucking the DM's cock then? And there is no way for a level 3 character to obtain a ring of wishes (being 100k gold and all). I thought for a moment he was going to bring up Pazuzu.

Can we go back to discussing factotum vs. rogue now?
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:22 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

1) The Factotum did not cast Planar Binding today. The factotum cast it last week and negotiated for an extended service. "Do whatever I want for the next several days" is not a valid service. Yes if you have an entire day where you aren't doing anything you can have a 20% chance of getti...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:10 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Otherwise blow a 4th level for Vortex of Teeth. Force effects ignore incorporeal right? Probably not going to be prepared every day, but it is within the factotums capabilities. Vortex of Teeth will hurt them, yes, but it only deals 3d8 damage, so it will likely just do a little over half their hea...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:45 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

You can do one of three things: 1) Have a shitty minion for one fight at the cost of 3 spells. Suck. 2) Have him run letters for you with his Greater Teleport. Suck. 3) Abuse stupid Wish wording for infinite Wealth. If Infinite Wealth is allowed at all, then anyone can get it at level 3. So no, I d...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:53 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Even giving you the tenuous claim that Metamagic Rods work at all with the Factotum's SLAs, the chained Commands have a base DC of 8 and the Shadows are immune to strength damage twice , so they won't help you at all against the other Shadows. Rope Trick can't help you either. The Shadows fly away ...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:56 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

If the Necromancer has minions, he's a Cleric and can auto-attack the Factotum to death. True. It would be fair to note that the Factotum can aso have minions via Animate Dead. The Factotum will still lose. It will just take slightly longer. Edit: If you were smart, your answer to 'horde of shadows...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:30 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

It's even worse. Control Undead is a 7th level spell. He's probably thinking of Command Undead, which is single-target and allows a Will save. You are correct. I was thinking of command undead. Not helpful against a horde of shadows. Potentially useful against a smaller group even if to set one aga...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:00 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

An Evil Necromancer. If the Necromancer is as optimized as the Factotum then they both lose. A horde of Shadows. I don't know how many a horde is, but neither of these characters is particularly well equipped to fight them, they should both use their abilities to withdraw, IMHO. Necromancer comes d...
by Danchild
Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:11 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

The Rogue is a lot more consistent and reliable with its abilities. At 10th level a factotum can cast solid fog and black tentacles in the same round. They can follow up by retreating into a rope trick. The 5 minute workday may be grating, but not as grating as accounting for the consumable WBL the...
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:42 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

He didn't say "plus 11d6 sneak attack" he said "11 d6". As in: inflicting an extra 9d6 sneak attack on a 2d6 weapon like an acid flask. Now kindly shut the fuck up while the adults are talking. Although of course you can get 11d6 of sneak attack by taking sneak attack increasers...
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:55 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Kaelik wrote: So Danchild, you want to explain to me where I ever brought up multiclassing? Or where you just completely wrong?
Rogues get 10d6 SA maximum. In order to gain 11d6 and spellcasting require multiclassing. Obtuse fuck.
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:02 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

spellcasting? Last I checked that was not a rogue class feature.
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:13 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

+11d6+17 damage on eight attacks, and 2 Str damage on each attack, even to people immune to SA, vs... Access to the Wizards spell list up to level 6. You know who else has level 6 Wizard spell access? The fucking Bard. You obtuse fuck. Not only are you a fucking liar, but you tried to shift the goa...
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:16 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Right, but see, as I said earlier, I don't have my book on me. So all I have to go on is the part about emulating a spell and not actually casting it. Which apparently, even with that text, means they still can't use rods. And since they have no meta reducers, and are levels behind in spells anyway...
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:24 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Kaelik wrote:
Actually, Factotums can't even apply metamagic feats, not even by Rods, to any of their "Spells" so in fact, no beating White Dragons for you (Likewise no maximizing or empowering Shivering Touch).
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:18 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630


lesser planar binding at 13

4th level spells at 10. Wave hello to polymorph.

Of course, if the DM is dropping care packages on you, that shit really does not matter, does it Kaelik?
by Danchild
Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:02 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

I have already provided an example of an effective use of spells. Back when Ubernoob was was nuthugging the flask ninja.

Planar Binding.

How many times can a rogue cast that a day?
by Danchild
Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:53 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

lol. No discussing spellcasting. Very selective arguments. I do not give a flying fuck about your dispute with this JaronK. I am stating facts as I see them. Factotum offers more to a party during a campaign than rogue. It can dumpster dive with the best of them. The fact that it's class features al...
by Danchild
Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:29 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Damage is not greater than versatility. Options are power. Factotum has more options than rogue. The whole "I can sneak attack all day" argument is made of fail. It reminds me of the old Fighter vs Wizard argument. "B-but that fighter can swing a sword all day! The Wizard has to prepa...
by Danchild
Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:54 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

The factotum is a shitty spellcaster with a floating feat. Item creation. That brings a lot more to the party than rogue. As for the flask rogue who gives a fuck? It may as well be the flask ninja, the flask scout or the flask spellthief. If your gonna spam alchemical items, you may as well play a w...
by Danchild
Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:09 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Making a statements about magical items is a not contributing to a comparison. I will leave player expectations and DM fiat alone for now.

You may as well say that the monk is better than a rogue because they can spam beads of force. Or CC spam a metamagic reduced wand of Summon Natures Ally 8.
by Danchild
Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:53 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

Flasks+TWF+Rapidshot. Carry around a wand of gravestrike, golemstrike, and vinestrike. Now only elementals and oozes are immune to sneak attack. Everything else in the monster manual fucking dies because you made a bunch of touch attacks at it. Fuck you. Flask rogue is common fucking knowledge. You...
by Danchild
Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:35 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

I'm basing my opinion on what I read in the book. I have never wasted my time with a rogue either, brah More fucking useful than some threadshitting wank about clerics and magical items. Brah, chill out. I didn't rape your dog. I just told you you're wrong. Edit: To be clear, you've never playteste...
by Danchild
Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:02 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Same-Game Testing: Rogue v. Factotum
Replies: 217
Views: 46630

I'm basing my opinion on what I read in the book. I have never wasted my time with a rogue either, brah

More fucking useful than some threadshitting wank about clerics and magical items.