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by User3
Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:13 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both

Man, those fundie quotes make me feel like I'm reading the WotC boards.[br][br]""Make sure your answer uses Scripture, not logic.""[br][br]"I often debate with evolutionists because I believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without question...
by User3
Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:08 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Online Gaming Communities (rant-ish)
Replies: 9
Views: 1419

Re: Online Gaming Communities (rant-ish)

The internet is a cesspit of ignorance and stupidity.
by User3
Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:33 pm
Topic: Politics: What should I be reading?
Replies: 62
Views: 11714

Re: Politics: What should I be reading?

For an entertaining look at some American politics I recommend america the book by Jon Stewart and Parliament of WHores by PJ Orourke. Funny and oh so true
by User3
Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:53 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both

The Staff of Healing, according to the SRD, has Cure Serious Wounds, which is a Bard spell, and also Remove Disease which is not. By your argument, since a Bard can activate this Staff he may never roll UMD to activate this Staff. This means that the Bard may not cast Cure Serious Wounds at a highe...
by User3
Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:54 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both

technomancer: the hypohesis of the editing having failed to update staff text is a pretty good RAI argument*, but, while I know that pretty much whatever comes from RAW would be stupid, I wanted to know the cold hard fact, and what I see about it is that the quote you just used allows emulation of a...
by User3
Wed Jul 04, 2007 7:49 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both

How come the link worked for you, but not for me? Frustrating, especially since I cannot edit.

Some of those other quotes are even better, though.
by User3
Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:08 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both

I hope I won't be in trouble for posting a non-RPG link, but this is [url=]too funny[url]. [br][br] [br]"I am a bit troubled. I believe my son has a girlfriend, because she left a dirty magazine with men in it under his bed. My son is only 16 and I really don't think he's ready to date yet. Wha...
by User3
Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:11 am
Forum: In The Trenches
Topic: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer
Replies: 77
Views: 28328

Re: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer

La, i should really find my password and log in.[br][br]I also discovered knockdown/improved trip (pre-errata) on my own that same year. People were calling my fighter/rogue (in a separate short campaign) totally broken because of it. Its the last time I saw a fighter singlehandedly deal with a leve...
by User3
Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:01 am
Forum: In The Trenches
Topic: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer
Replies: 77
Views: 28328

Re: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer

I actually played nothing but Clerics in 3e. Ok, no serious characters other than clerics. (My Expert/Gnomish Artificer was a blast to roleplay, and actually capable of doing stuff, but that was a silly campaign).[br][br]It started as me being the only person willing to play a Cleric (I really wante...
by User3
Tue Jul 03, 2007 8:34 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: The sordid history of psionics (rant)
Replies: 31
Views: 6919

Re: The sordid history of psionics (rant)

1182444249[/unixtime]]Psionics started out as a set of monster abilities. Check out your old monster manuals and you'll see that certain creatures have psionc "attack and defense modes." I'm not entirely sure what the rationale was. Said creatures tended to live deep underground, on the a...
by User3
Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:22 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Anti-Transhumanism in Roleplaying Games
Replies: 53
Views: 8918

Re: Anti-Transhumanism in Roleplaying Games

To be fair to LotR, the Hobbits represent just how important and powerful the little people are.

If you overlook the fact that Bilbo and Frodo were born into the wealthy aristocracy of the Hobbits, that is. :D
by User3
Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:52 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both is an awesome mix of third-hand Wizards apologetics and idiocy.
by User3
Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:04 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both

There's nothing like the classics (more appropriate thread title added by me):

Paladins can't DO that!
by User3
Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:05 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Worldwide Adventure Writing Month
Replies: 78
Views: 10160

Re: Worldwide Adventure Writing Month

Damn, why did I trust WotC to actually update things? Well, I do know those power words are from Races of the Dragon, and this site has some of the stuff not covered at WotC.
by User3
Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:56 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Worldwide Adventure Writing Month
Replies: 78
Views: 10160

Re: World Adventure Writing Month

Well, I'm not sure whether you wanna a pointer to the actual descriptions, or know which books these came from. In case it's the latter: lists of WotC stuff.
by User3
Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:36 am
Forum: In The Trenches
Topic: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer
Replies: 77
Views: 28328

Re: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer

I care, Lago - there you have a number of interested people higher than 0. Given the ginormously titanic size of this forum (a winning point, mind), you may say you've sparked a lot of interest.
by User3
Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:39 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Things that are NOT FUN
Replies: 81
Views: 8455

Re: Things that are NOT FUN

-GMs who make a custom prestige class for their buddies and only their buddies.[br]-Said custom prestige class being broken to the level of making epic spellcasting look sane.[br]-Multiple sessions of the GM refusing to do anything about it, even though the character with it is wiping out the boss i...
by User3
Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:37 pm
Forum: In The Trenches
Topic: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer
Replies: 77
Views: 28328

Re: Why I Am A Min-Maxxer

I suspect this is the link Lago meant to insert in his tale:

Why Monks?
by User3
Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:16 pm
Topic: Supreme Court Stacking
Replies: 20
Views: 6014

Re: Supreme Court Stacking

1183144372[/unixtime]]So you admit that we would have gotten the same bullshit had Gore been elected eight years ago? Because if you ever saw his "inconventient truth" you will know that he has a complete disrespect for basic facts and education as well. [br]Actually, An Inconvenient Trut...
by User3
Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:12 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: D&D mixed with Exalted
Replies: 13
Views: 2046

Re: D&D mixed with Exalted

At risk of sounding like a broken record...[br][br]Has you read any of Frank's SAME material? It's a very basic, robust rules system which D&D-flavored rules are surprisingly easy to graft onto. You'd need to make some massive changes in how things work, but those changes are actually pretty bas...
by User3
Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:45 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: D&D mixed with Exalted
Replies: 13
Views: 2046

Re: D&D mixed with Exalted

I once read, in a skim of Exalted, an ability that was like "jump 5miles x dots" or something like that.[br]I read the example below the ability, which was something about jumping over mountains...[br][br]... and ever since then I have been smitten with the possibilities of meshing the she...
by User3
Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:27 am
Topic: Naruto...
Replies: 72
Views: 7830

Re: Naruto...

Nice explanation Lago. I've never seen Naruto, but that sounds interesting.

Also: "Legendary sannin." Heh.
by User3
Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:18 am
Topic: BTW: Paprika rocks.
Replies: 7
Views: 1549

Re: BTW: Paprika rocks.

It was an entertaining, beautiful film...but it still wasn't worth the 8 bux.

My favorite scene was the buying movie tickets near the end. For some reason it reminded me that Tokyo is surreal as hell even without mass hallucination.
by User3
Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:18 am
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: Threads that make us Laugh, Cry, or Both
Replies: 1224
Views: 70246

Re: Other threads that make us cry...

Why was this (by which I mean THIS ONE; check your link, Leress) thread supposed to hurt me?
by User3
Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:16 pm
Forum: In My Humble Opinion...
Topic: A couple of new combat feats for function and flavor!
Replies: 11
Views: 1824

Re: A couple of new combat feats for function and flavor!

In that case...[br][br]"Sword & Boarder":[br]Saying that "You also take no penalties from wielding a tower shield" is a little much. Firstly, it's poorly defined. If we assume it means that 'your ACP, ASP, and attacks take no penalty due to your use of a tower shield,' that's...