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Post by Koumei »


Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex

1Enhanced Claws, Fleet of Claw, Telepathy 100'
2Augmented Critical, Burrower, Toxin Sacs
3Implant Attack, Improved Grab, Block Communications 100'

Enhanced Claws: the base damage of the Genestealer's claw attacks becomes 2d6 + Strength modifier.

Fleet of Claw: the Genestealer may, once per round, make a Move action as a Free action. Additionally, when taking a 5' step they may instead take a 10' step.

Telepathy: the Genestealer gains Telepathy out to 100'. This is not affected by Block Communications.

Augmented Critical: the Genestealer gains Augmented Critical for their Claws (17-20/x3 including Keen) and Scythes (17-20/x7 including Keen)

Burrower: the Genestealer gains a Burrow speed of 20'

Toxin Sacs: the Genestealer gains a +2 Alchemical bonus to Strength, and their claws and scythes deliver Huge Spider Poison.

Implant Attack: as a Swift action, the Genestealer may make an implant attack, biting with a small tongue extension. The natural weapon deals 1d8 damage, ignores DR and Regeneration, is Wounding (1 Con damage) and has a 20/x2 critical (19-20/x2 with Keen).

Improved Grab: the Genestealer may initiate a Grapple without provoking, for free, if they successfully hit with both claw attacks.

Block Communications: all Telepathy, Divinations used to detect auras/thoughts or communicate, and attempts to use communication equipment automatically fail within 100' of the Genestealer. Additionally, all Command abilities have a 25% chance of failing.

Prestige Classes: Tyranid Warrior, Broodlord

Additional Equipment: Delicious Bio-Mass :3


How are you, gentlemen? All your base... are belong to us.

Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Will
1Telepathy 100', Followers (2x Cultist 1), Rapid Movement
2Block Communications 100', Followers (2x Cultist 2), Burst of Strength
3Dominate 1/Day, Followers (3x Cultist 3), Command

Proficient: Medium Armour, Assault Firearms

Telepathy: see above

Followers: the Primarch gains 2 followers (Genestealer Cultist 1). They each gain a level at levels 2 and 3, and at level 3 a third is gained. Should the Primarch reach character level 8, two more are gained, and at character level 10, they each gain two levels in genestealer. At level 15, another 5 are gained, for a total of 10x Cultist 3/Genestealer 2. They may be treated as a Huge Swarm.

Rapid Movement: once per hour, the Primarch can say "I roll 100" for their Initiative, and additionally act twice, with a pair of full round actions or divided however. They become fatigued for one minute afterwards.

Block Communications: see above

Burst of Strength: once per hour, the Primarch can, for one round, treat their Strength as four higher, their size as one larger, and their body as made of Adamantine. They additionally gain a +10 bullshit bonus on break tests.

Dominate: once per day the Primarch may cast Dominate Person (Sp). This is Charisma-based.

Command: the Primarch gains two Commands that can each be used once per encounter, and that are not blocked by "Block Communications". The first is "Cover Me!", used as an Immediate Action to swap places with an adjacent ally and gain Evasion and Concealment until their next turn. The other is "Get 'em, boys!", used as a Move Equivalent Action to encourage all allies within 30' to, as an Immediate Action, fire upon an enemy.

Prestige Classes: Broodlord, Walking Swarm

Additional Equipment: Mastercrafted Autogun-Shotgun Combi-Weapon, Bolt Pistol or Hell Pistol, Armoured Limo (treat it as a Rhino with no weapons) and valet (Expert 1 with Combat Driving).


Lictor? Damn near 'et her!

Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Good Saving Throws: Reflex
1+1d6 Sneak Attack, Hide in Plain Sight, Uncanny Dodge, +2 Con
2+2d6 Sneak Attack, Powerful Build, Evasion, Woodland Stride
3+3d6 Sneak Attack, Immense Scythes, +2 Str

Sneak Attack: see the Rogue
Hide in Plain Sight: see the Ranger
Uncanny Dodge: see the Rogue
Powerful Build: see the half-giant?
Evasion: see the Rogue
Woodland Stride: see the Druid
Immense Scythes: the base damage for the Scythes of the Lictor becomes 3d8 (increases to 6d6 if boosted by Improved Natural Attack etc.)
Additional Equipment: Delicious Bio-Mass :3
Prestige Classes: Ravener, Death Leaper
And as a little teaser:
Tyranid Warrior leads to Carnifex & Hive Tyrant >:3
Broodlord leads to Hive Tyrant & Malanthrope
Walking Swarm leads to Malanthrope and Trygon
Ravener leads to Trygon and Red Terror
Death Leaper leads to Red Terror and Harridan

Oh yes, it's the MONSTROUS CREATURE tier.
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Akula »

What happens if someone is crazy enough to play an imperial character in a genestealer group? Do they just fanatically hate the people they are forced to associate with and hope against hope that one sweet day they can shove all of their compatriots into the primary weapon sight of a baneblade? Or do they immediately try to requisition nice sucking chest wounds for all of their new xenos friends?
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Post by Koumei »

Remember: gaining a prestige class as a Tyranid usually involves evolving or entering the soup.

Tyranid Warrior:

Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
1Bio Weapon, Lingering Acid, Type Change (Aberration)
2Growth Spurt (Large), Armoured Shell
3Bio Weapon Evolution, Bio-Plasma
4Wings, Armour Plating

Bio Weapon: the Tyranid Warrior grows either a Death Spitter, a Devourer or a Flesh Borer. At level 4 this transforms to a Venom Cannon, Lash Whip or Barbed Strangler.

Lingering Acid: the Acid Spit of the Tyranid Warrior clings for 1 full minute unless a Full Round Action is spent scraping it away.

Type Change: the Tyranid Warrior is an Aberration.

Growth Spurt: the Tyranid Warrior becomes Large and gains +2 Strength.

Armoured Shell: the Tyranid Warrior gains +4 Natural Armour. At level 5 this increases to +10.

Bio-Plasma: as a Swift Action, the Tyranid Warrior may effectively fire a Plasma Pistol (infinite ammunition) from its mouth. It does not overheat, merely venting steam from the mouth and nose.

Wings: the Tyranid Warrior grows wings, gaining a Fly speed of 50' (Clumsy).

Monstrous Progressions: Carnifex, Hive Tyrant


Hit Dice: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Will
1Detect Thoughts 100', Powerful Build
2Telepathy 250', Followers (2x Cultist 3/Genestealer 3)
3Block Communications 250', Power Claws, Command
4Detect Thoughts 250', Followers (4x Cultist 3/Genestealer 3)

Detect Thoughts: this is gained as a constant ability out to the listed radius.

Powerful Build: as per the Lictor

Telepathy: the Telepathy range expands

Followers: the Broodlord gains a pair of loyal Genestealer followers. Two levels later, two more join. At character level 15, all followers gain the Half Dragon (Black) template.

Block Communications: the Block Communications range expands

Power Claws: the claws of the Broodlord count as Power Weapons

Command: the Broodlord gains a single Command, which can be issued as a Swift Action once per encounter. All allies within 100' may charge an enemy as an Immediate Action. This is not blocked by Block Communications.

Monstrous Progressions: Hive Tyrant, Malanthrope

Walking Swarm:

Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Transformation (Swarm, Aberration), Swarm Attack, Hundreds of Eyes
2Swarm Attack (Nausea), Spine Fists
3Swarm Attack (Takedown), Ravenous Feast
4Swarm Attack (Crawling in Your Skin), Winged Discorporation

Transformation: the Walking Swarm becomes an Aberration with the [Swarm] subtype. It can walk about in a fleshy body, however, appearing to be human until it bursts free.

Swarm Attack: the Walking Swarm gets a Swarm attack dealing 3d6+Con in damage.
At level 2, anyone affected must make a Fortitude save (Con-based) or be Nauseated for 1 round.
At level 3, anyone affected must make an opposed Grapple check or be pulled to the ground.
At level 4, anyone affected for three rounds in a row must make a Fortitude save (Con-based) or be killed and devoured from the inside out. Worse still, half the swarm damage is Vile Damage, so the wounds, they do not heal.

Hundreds of Eyes: the Walking Swarm has all-around vision. It gains a +4 to Spot checks, and I'd say it can't be flanked, but Swarms can't be flanked. It may always make a Spot check reflexively whenever anything noteworthy happens or someone tries to hide.

Spine Fists: the Walking Swarm may fire a pair of Spine Fists. If using a full round action, it may fire three.

Ravenous Feast: whenever dealing damage with the Swarm Attack, the Walking Swarm regains HP equal to double the hit dice of the foe.

Winged Discorporation: the Swarm gains a Fly Speed of 50' (Clumsy).

Monstrous Progressions:Malanthrope, Trygon


Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Burrow 50', Leap Attack, Bio-Weapons, Vermin
2Deep Strike, Armoured Carapace
3Scything Fury, Spring Attack
4Charging Death, Hit & Run

Burrow: the Ravener gains a 50' Burrow Speed

Leap Attack: the Ravener gains the Leap Attack feat as a bonus feat.

Bio-Weapons: the Ravener loses the Extract and Acid Spit abilities, however instead grows a Venom Cannon, +3 Wounding Death Spitter or +1 Fast (+2 attacks) Devourer. It also becomes immune to tripping.

Vermin: the Ravener becomes a Vermin. Additionally, it suffers a -4 penalty on all Int checks and Will saves when more than 50' away from a Tyranid Warrior, Zoanthrope, Hive Tyrant, Malanthrope, Harridan, Hierophant, Dominatrix, Norn Queen, Broodlord or Primarch.

Deep Strike: the Ravener gains the "Seize the Objective!" ability.

Armoured Carapace: the Ravener gains +6 Natural Armour.

Scything Fury:the Ravener grows an additional pair of Scythes, identical to the two it already has.

Spring Attack: the Ravener gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat.

Charging Death: the Ravener may move up to 100' further when charging.

Hit & Run: the Ravener gains the Hit & Run ability (see Seraphim).

Monstrous Progressions:Trygon, Red Terror

Death Leaper:

Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
1Spring Attack, Wicked Scythes, Favoured Enemy: Scented
2Field Invisibility, Locate City, Smell Aura
3Leap Attack, Barbed Scythes, Favoured Power Attack
4Speed Boost, Power Scythes, Favoured Critical

Spring Attack: as above

Wicked Scythes: the Death Leaper's scythes count as two sizes larger for the purpose of dealing damage.

Favoured Enemy: if the Death Leaper can smell a foe, it gains the benefits of Favoured Enemy against them.

Field Invisibility: by spending a Standard Action, the Death Leaper can become Invisible as per the spell. This lasts for one minute or until ended by attacking.

Locate City: with a Full Round Action, the Death Leaper can smell the air to locate the nearest city.

Smell Aura: with a Move Equivalent Action, the Death Leaper can gain the benefits of having concentrated on a target for three rounds with Detect Magic, Poison, Good, Evil, Law and Chaos.

Leap Attack: as above

Barbed Scythes: the Death Leaper's scythes become Wounding, and deal an additional 1d6 Vile damage when they hit.

Favoured Power Attack: just like the bonus feat.

Speed Boost: the Death Leaper may add 30' to its movement speed.

Power Scythes: the Death Leaper's scythes now count as power weapons.

Favoured Critical: just like the bonus feat.

Monstrous Progressions: Red Terror, Harridan
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

If you get an Imperial in a Genestealer cult, you probably get a sit-com. My guess is the Genestealer cult sees the imperial agent as a future snack or mind-slave (or tries to get them infected), or failing that will keep them around long enough to make them useful, but wouldn't think twice about shoving them in the path of a truck.

The Imperial character, on the other hand, is likely to feel very afraid, lonely and paranoid, and will most likely want to kill them at the next available moment, should such a moment ever become available. Or they might even take the pins out of all of their grenades, grab hold of the nearest and scream "FOR THE EMPEROR!"

It would really depend on the individual character, the situation etc.

Technically you could even have them both working together in an epic tale of inter-racial friendship... only for the ending to be "and they all dived into the soup, om nom nom nom" or "and then the Commissar killed them all."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »


Hit Dice: 2d6 (yes, that's right)
Skill Points: 2+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude
1Growth Spurt (Huge), Carapace
2Miasma, Mega Weapon
3Constrictor, Growth Spurt (Gargantuan)
4Bio-Weapon, Regenerator, Shelter
5Tail Weapon, Bio-Plasma

Growth Spurt: first, the Carnifex becomes Huge, with +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con and +4 Natural Armour. At level 3 it becomes Gargantuan, with a further +8 Str, -4 Dex, +4 Cn and +10 Natural Armour. Dexterity cannot be lowered below 5 in this manner. Sadly, it loses its wings.

Carapace: the Carnifex has DR equal to 10 + its Hit Dice, overcome only by power weapons. Additionally, one of the following options are gained:
-Spines: it gains 3 Spine Fists that may be fired together as a Swift Action.
-Thorns: it gains Power Spiked Armour of 8d6 damage (Huge).
-Spores: as a Standard Action it may produce and control a Spore Mine.

Miasma: a 25' radius cloud of toxic mist emanates from the vents on the Carnifex. This grants Concealment to all within, except that any tyranid can see through it. Any foe who inhales it must make a Fortitude Save (Con-based) or be Nauseated for 1 round and suffer the effects of giant Centipede poison (with a size equal to the Carnifex).

Mega Weapon: the scythes of the Carnifex are replaced by one of the following:
-Pincers: count as Crab Claws (It's Hot Outside) that are one size larger than the Carnifex, and are Power weapons. They add their damage to the Constrict damage.
-Lash Whip + Catalyst Sword: the Lash Whip is a Power Vine Whip (Savage Species), and the Catalyst Sword is a Fast Power Scimitar.
-Crusher + Ram + Tusks: the Crusher is a Sonic Burst Power Flail one size larger than the Carnifex, the Rams grant an additional natural weapon that merely grants a free Trip check at +4 and a +8 bonus to break Huge or larger objects and the Tusks grant a 3d6 (Huge) Gore attack that deals double damage on a charge.

Constrictor: the Carnifex may constrict for 4d8 damage.

Bio-Weapon: the Carnifex grows another Bio-Weapon available to a Tyranid Warrior.

Regenerator: the Carnifex gains Regeneratio 5, overcome by Fire.

Shelter: the Carnifex provides Cover to all smaller allies within 10'. With a Move-Equivalent Action, it may steady itself, gaining +10 Natural Armour and +50 Damage Reduction until its next turn, also granting these benefits to those taking Cover from it.

Tail Weapon: the Carnifex gains either a Colossal Heavy Power Flail or a Huge Power Scythe on its tail.

Bio-Plasma: with a Move-Equivalent Action, the Carnifex may exhale a blast of plasma, dealing damage like a Plasma Cannon but in a 50' cone, like a breath weapon. The DC is Con-based.

Hive Tyrant

Hit Dice: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Will
1Growth Spurt (Huge), Miasma
2Whip and Sword, Synapse
3Command, Shadow in the Warp
4Bio-Weapon, Warp Field
5Followers, Catalyst

Growth Spurt: see the Carnifex

Miasma: see the Carnifex

Whip and Sword: see the Carnifex (yes, it replaces scythes)

Synapse: all allied tyranids within 250' of the Hive Tyrant (self included) may use the Tyrant's Will save instead of their own if they wish, and gain immunity to fear, negative levels/energy drain, ability drain and instant death. Additionally, work out a rough "spiderweb" linking all the creatures in the Hive Mind together. Any foe who wanders into this area (or has it wander into them) must make a Will save (Cha-based) or Panic for 2d6 rounds.

Command: the Hive Tyrant can use two separate Commands at will. The first, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT", is a Standard Action, and causes all allied tyranids to ignore anything which may stop them from acting - including being dead. This lasts for one full round. The second, "ME ME ME", is an Immediate Action, and causes all allied tyranids to instantly make a move action towards it, with any single adjacent one switching places with the Tyrant. These Commands are unaffected by Block Communications.

Shadow in the Warp: this is a Block Communications ability out to 500 feet, and additionally causes 30% Spell Failure out to 250 feet.

Bio-Weapon: the Hive Tyrant may replace its claws with a Bio-Weapon (any that a Tyranid Warrior may select).

Warp Field: the Hive Tyrant may add its Charisma modifier as a Deflection bonus to AC and Resistance bonus to Saving Throws.

Followers: the Hive Tyrant gains 3x Cultist 3/Genestealer 3/Tyranid Warrior 4 as followers.

Catalyst: a number of times per hour equal to its Charisma modifier, the Hive Tyrant may cast Mass Haste.


Hit Dice: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Will
1Eschew Earth, 2 Tentacles, Swarm Master
2Poison, 4 Tentacles
3Growth Spurt (Huge), Synapse
4Command, Anaphylaxis
5Power Tentacle, 6 Tentacles

Eschew Earth: the Malanthrope levitates up to 15' off the ground.

Tentacles: the Malanthrope gains a number of Tentacle attacks that reach out to 15' and deal 2d6+Str damage when Large, then 20' and 3d6+Str when Huge. They have the Improved Grab ability.

Swarm Master: if the Malanthrope used to be a Walking Swarm, it loses the [Swarm] subtype, Swarm Attack, Ravenous Feast and Winged Discorporation. However, the Nausea and Crawling In Your Skin effects apply to the tentacles, and it gains control of a Massive Ripper Swarm as a follower.

Poison: the Tentacles all deliver Huge Viper Poison. Instead of testing individually for every tentacle, at the end of the attack routine each victim must save once, with a +1 modifier to the DC AND the ability damage for every additional tentacle that strikes.

Growth Spurt: see the Carnifex.

Synapse: see the Hive Tyrant.

Command: at will, the Malanthrope may issue an "EAT EAT EAT" command. This is unaffected by Block Communications, and requires a Swift Action to issue. All tyranid allies within Telepathic Range will use all of their Attacks of Opportunity to make bite attacks against adjacent foes - if there are no adjacent foes they may move up to 30' each first.

Anaphylaxis: anyone who fails to save against the Poison of the Malanthrope is slain instantly. Even if they pass the save, they become Sickened for 1 minute.

Power Tentacle: the Tentacles of the Malanthrope are Power Weapons.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by MartinHarper »

I thought that humans were sometimes part of genestealer cults because they were sexual partners of infected humans, and were therefore mind-controlled by psychoactive sexual fluids.
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Post by Koumei »

Good point. I went and changed the Genestealer Cultist - I swapped "Bonus Feat" out for "Enslave".


Hit Dice: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Growth Spurt (Huge), Burrower, Vermin
2Swallow Whole, Bio-Electric Field
3Growth Spurt (Gargantuan), Tremors
4Bio-Electric Burst, Haste
5Growth Spurt (Colossal), Earthquake

Growth Spurt: the Trygon grows to Large then Huge all in one go, gaining the bonuses of both. At level 3 it becomes Gargantuan, then at level 5 it becomes Colossal (+8 Str, +6 Con, +12 Natural Armour).

Burrower: the Trygon gains a 100' Burrow Speed.

Vermin: the Trygon's type changes to Vermin. Additionally, if it was a Walking Swarm it loses the Swarm subtype, Swarm Attack and Winged Discorporation, but gains a Devastation Swarm as a Follower.

Swallow Whole: if the Trygon successfully grapples a foe it may swallow them whole, providing they are at least one size category smaller. They take 4d6 Bludgeoning and 8d6 Acid Damage per round inside it, (+1d6 of each per size above Huge), and can only escape by dealing at least 50 points of damage with a slashing weapon.

Bio-Electric Field: just like Warp Field.

Tremors: whenever the Trygon Burrows, everything within 100' of the end-point or 25' of any part of the line of movement counts as in Difficult Terrain. Additionally, whenever it bursts from the ground, it may make a Trip Attempt (no chance of being counter-tripped) against every foe within 50'.

Bio-Electric Burst: as a Standard Action, the Trygon may unleash a blast of energy. This allows for one ranged touch attack per hit die, out to 100', each dealing 1d6 Electricity damage plus its Charisma modifier. Count this all as one source of damage for the purpose of Energy Resistance. When using this ability, it loses the benefits of Bio-Electric Field and Haste until its next turn.

Haste: apart from above, the Trygon is always Hasted.

Earthquake: with a Standard Action, the Trygon may create an Earthquake at will.

Red Terror:

Hit Dice: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex
1Tremors, Growth Spurt (Large)
2Haste, Monstrous Strength
3Swallow Whole, Growth Spurt (Huge)
4Fleet of Claw, Huge Guts
5Acid Spray, Mighty Pounce

Tremors: as above, though all areas are halved.

Growth Spurt: Red Terror becomes Large, then later on grows Huge.

Haste: Red Terror is always Hasted. Always. Even when sleeping.

Monstrous Strength: Red Terror ignores all forms of Damage Reduction and Regeneration. Additionally, it gains a +6 bonus to Break Checks, Trip and Grapple attempts.

Swallow Whole: Red Terror gains the Improved Grab Ability if it lacked it before. It may also Swallow Whole, as above, except the Acid damage is 1d6 per Hit Die.

Fleet of Claw: Red Terror gains an additional Move Action every round.

Huge Guts: Red Terror has huge guts. The only way to escape it when swallowed is to reduce it to -50 HP, and anyone slain inside it is digested, restoring lost hit points equal to the target's maximum hit points.

Acid Spray: with a Standard Action, Red Terror may exhale a 50' cone of Acid. Doing so saves anyone inside it from taking the damage on their next turn, but everyone in the area wins the damage instead, Ref Half (Con-based). The damage lingers, dealing half damage again on the following round.

Mighty Pounce: when pouncing, Red Terror treats its scythes as Chain Fists (aside from the basic damage).


Hit Dice: 2d6
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Reflex
1Soaring Flight, Followers (4 Gargoyles), Growth Spurt (Huge)
2Bio Cannons, Wings of Cover
3Growth Spurt (Gargantuan), Followers (8 Gargoyles, 2 Hellwasp Swarms)
4Command, Synapse
5Gargantuan Creature, Mighty Gargoyles

Soaring Flight: the Harridan gains a Fly Speed of 100' (Poor) and Overland Flight like a Dragon.

Followers: the Harridan has followers that often cling to it. At first, 4 Gargoyles (Winged level 6 Genestealers equipped with Bio-Plasma and Flesh Borers). Later 4 more are added, and a pair of Hellwasp Swarms.

Growth Spurt: as above.

Bio Cannons: the Harridan grows four Bio Cannons. They may all be fired together as one Standard action, each being a 200' ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 Acid Damage per Hit Die and delivers Wasp Poison (one poisoning per target per round).

Wings of Cover: any allies clinging to the Harridan gain Full Cover. Additionally, it may actually "cast" Wings of Cover at will when on land. It can do so when flying, though this causes it to start falling.

Command: the Harridans gain two Commands that are not affected by Block Communications. The first is "AWAY!", requiring a Swift Action. All hangers-on immediately disembark, leaping free. They may immediately Move and make a Standard Action to attack, or Charge. They still gain the benefits of 50% Cover until their next turn.

The second is "RAZE!", requiring a Move Equivalent Action. All allied tyranids within 50 feet may spend a Full Round Action attacking with ranged weapons. Additionally, the area inhabited by all attacked enemies becomes Difficult Terrain, with the area damaged as though targeted individually, and no longer provides cover or concealment.

Synapse: as above.

Gargantuan Creature: the Harridan gains the Half Dragon (Black) template (instead of the breath weapon, another two Bio Cannons are added) and treats its bite as a Chain Fist (aside from the damage dice).

Mighty Gargoyles: all of the Harridan's Gargoyles gain the Half Dragon (Red) template. Their breath weapon is a bigger form of plasma.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Quantumboost »

Koumei wrote:At first, 4 Gargoyles (Winged level 6 Genestealers equipped with Bio-Plasma and Flesh Borers).
How do the Gargoyles actually get their flight? Wings of Evil, or some other feat or ability I'm missing? I.e., what are flight speed and maneuverability?
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Post by Koumei »

Skip Hates Monsters has a template called "Winged".

I'll write it up as a complete monster though, to make it easier.

Str 18 Dex 21 Con 16 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 12
Hit Points: 48/48 (6 HD)
BAB/Grapple: +6/+10
Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +3
Init: +5
Speed: 40' Climb 20' Burrow 20' Fly 60' (Perfect)
AC: 15 (+5 Dex)

Skills: Balance +14, Climb +18, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +14, Jump +10, Tumble +14
Feats: Malignant (B), Multi-Attack, Improved Multi-Attack, AF: Extract
2d6+4 Rending if both claws hit
Extract (DC 19)
Enslave (DC 16)
2 Flesh Hooks +11 (1d2+4)
Danger Within
Om Nom Nom
Acid Spit +11 ranged touch to 10' (3d4+3 Acid)
Go Web Go 3/day
Fleet of Claw
Telepathy 100'
Augmented Critical
Toxin Sacs (Claws and Scythes: DC 16, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str)
Improved Grab (Both Claws)
Block Communications 100'

Attack: 2 claws +10 (2d6+4 17-20/x3), 1 bite +10 (1d6+6, +1 Con, 19-20/x2), 2 scythes +10 (2d4+4, 17-20/x7)

Or: Fleshborer +11/+6 ranged to 60' (2d6+4, 20/x3, Fort DC 17 vs 4 rounds of 1d6+4)

Swift: 1 implant +10 (1d8+4, +1 Con, 19-20/x2) or Bio-Plasma: +9 ranged touch to 50' (5d6 E/F, 20/x2)
Harridan's Brood Gargoyle:
Str 26 Dex 21 Con 18 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 14
Hit Points: 54/54 (6 HD)
BAB/Grapple: +6/+14
Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +3
Init: +5
Speed: 40' Climb 20' Burrow 20' Fly 60' (Perfect)
AC: 19 (+5 Dex +4 Natural)

Skills: Balance +14, Climb +22, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +14, Jump +14, Tumble +14
Feats: Malignant (B), Multi-Attack, Improved Multi-Attack, Dragon Breath
2d6+8 Rending if both claws hit
Extract (DC 23)
Enslave (DC 17)
2 Flesh Hooks +11 (1d2+8)
Danger Within
Om Nom Nom
Acid Spit +11 ranged touch to 10' (3d4+4 Acid)
Go Web Go 4/day
Fleet of Claw
Telepathy 100'
Augmented Critical
Toxin Sacs (Claws and Scythes: DC 17, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str)
Improved Grab (Both Claws)
Block Communications 100'
Immune to Plasma, Magical Sleep and Magical Paralysis
Darkvision, Low Light Vision etc.
Breath Weapon: 30' Cone of Plasma (6d10 Fire/Electricity) 1/d4 rounds, DC 17

Attack: 2 claws +14 (2d6+8 17-20/x3), 1 bite +14 (1d6+12, +1 Con, 19-20/x2), 2 scythes +14 (2d4+8, 17-20/x7)

Or: Fleshborer +11/+6 ranged to 60' (2d6+8, 20/x3, Fort DC 21 vs 4 rounds of 1d6+8)

Swift: 1 implant +14 (1d8+8, +1 Con, 19-20/x2) or Bio-Plasma: +9 ranged touch to 50' (5d6 E/F, 20/x2)

Devourer: Assault, 50' range, 1d6+Str, 20/x2 crit, double attacks when fired as a full round action, Fort (Str-based) vs 4 rounds of 1d6+Str (does not stack)

Fleshborer: Assault, 60' range, 2d6+Str, 20/x3 crit, Fort (Str-based) vs 4 rounds of 1d6+Str (does not stack)

Death Spitter: Assault, 100' range, 10' radius blast deals 5d6 Acid (Ref Half, Con-based), failed save deals 2d6 Acid on the following round. Only allows half as many attacks as the BAB would indicate (round down, minimum 1) unless fired as a full round action.

Venom Cannon: Assault, 200' range, 1d6 Acid per Hit Die, +Str, 19-20/x2 crit, delivers Large Viper Poison

Barbed Strangler: Assault, 150' range, 30' radius blast deals 1d4 Piercing per Hit Die, +Str (Ref Half, Str-based). Failing the save results in being entangled for 1d4 rounds, and an additional 1d8 damage per round that ignores DR and Regeneration. Only allows half as many attacks as the BAB would indicate (round down, minimum 1) unless fired as a full round action.
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Post by Koumei »

Notes for future reference:
-Poison: levels 1-3: 3 doses each costing 250GP or less. 4-6: 2d4 doses each costing 500GP or less. 7-10: 2d6 doses each costing 1,000GP or less. 11-15: 4d6 doses, no restrictions.

-Genestealer Swarm:
Huge Monstrous Humanoid [Swarm, Human]
Str: as the highest individual in the swarm (typically 18)
Dex: 12
Con: as the highest individual in the swarm (typically 14)
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 10

Hit Points: the number of individuals in the swarm, multiplied by (8+Con)
So usually 100
Armour Class: +2 Dex -2 Size +1 Natural per individual (typically 10), so usually 20
BAB: equal to the number of individuals in the swarm (+10)
Grapple: +22
Base Saving Throws treat Fort and Ref as good for a creature with as many hit dice as it has individuals. So Fort +9 Ref +8 and Will +3
Swarm Attack: deals damage as though one genestealer had hit with all available natural weapons, 1 each

Swarm Traits
Other: it retains the [Malignant] feat and all abilities gained from it, as well as: Flesh Hooks, Natural Climber, Speedy Mutation, Om Nom Nom, Acid Spit, Go Web Go!, Enhanced Claws, Fleet of Claw, Telepathy 100', Augmented Critical, Burrower, Toxin Sacs, Implant Attack, Improved Grab and Block Communications 100'
-Massive Ripper Swarm/Devastation Swarm: treat it as 8 Centipede Swarms, though with a +10 Racial increase to their Strength and Constitution scores. Additionally, treat them as each having 10 hit dice for the purpose of saving throw DCs and abilities that affect creatures based on their hit dice.

-Land Speeder (+Storm)

-Thunderhawks too

Can anyone think of anything else I missed? Also, I really want to make more feats later - possibly including one or two [Faith] ones for Sisters, but largely ones for anyone to take. Perhaps a City Fighting one, and some that steal names from universal rules and Necromunda skills - Relentless, Eternal Warrior (sounds more like a Space Marine ability. I may in fact have named a Space Marine ability that, even) and so on.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

As from the start, looking very good. Very good.

I have a question on how the backgrounds work. B/c one of the players that wants into my group wants two different backgrounds, and I want to know how many could be taken? Yes, it means that a very good writer could convincingly get multiple backgrounds. I... really don't care. I prefer well defined characters in my games, so that I can design the encounters and write the scene descriptions to fit them well.

Like... if I have a mage, and a warrior watching a battle, with spells going off.

The warrior would notice mundane combat related events with much more detail, while the mage would pay attention more to the magic going on, instead of the fighting going on. Unless they have demonstrated that they would pay attention to something else, or more specific, like a mage would notice the dragons first, if they research them, or the warrior might notice the cavalry first, if they're a mounted fighter. Stuff like that that improves immersion.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

The intent is that players can only take a single background to get benefits from, but you might allow them to mix and match a couple - say, the favoured enemy type benefits from one, and the skill bonus of another, and the special ability of a coin-flip or something.
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The last of the vehicles that need to be written up.

Maximum Speed: Fly 400' (Average)
Armour: +8
Size: Colossal (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, 10 assorted crew, 20 troops
HP: 250 Temp: 100
Super Heavy: gains a +20 bonus on Fortitude Saves to avoid being affected by HP damage.

Fort +14 Ref +6 Will +10
*4x Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
*Twin-linked Lascannon
*6 Hunter-Killer Missiles or 18 Bombs
*Battle Cannon or Turbo Laser
*May replace the main gun (above) with the ability to carry two Rhinos or 1 Land Raider.

Land Speeder:
Maximum Speed: Fly 250' (Average)
Armour: +4
Size: Large (Long)
Carry Capacity: 1 pilot, 1 gunner
HP: 25 Temp: 50
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2
*Heavy Bolter or Multi-Melta
*Heavy Flamer or Ass Cannon or Twin-linked Missile Launchers

Land Speeder Storm Variant:
Huge (Long)
*Carries up to 5 passengers who may fire out
*Ass Cannon or Multi-Melta or Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer
*Cerberus Missile Launcher (Grenade Launcher, grants a -4 penalty to the Initiative and Will Saves of all who are hit by the blast. This penalty lasts for 1 round.)
*Jamming Beacon: anyone who attempts to Teleport to a point within 30' of the LSS has their arrival delayed by 2d6 rounds. This includes Planeshift and the like. Any portals opened will randomly scatter 3d6x10' away. Auspexes and similar devices fail to scan the area within 30'.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Hmm, I do have one request (aside from the futile Kroot one earlier :P ): what about some stuff like The Emperor's Tarot, etc? I don't *think* you've made that, at least.
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What is the Emperor's Tarot?
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I think they did something else in DH, from when I skimmed it. Probably wrong.

But yeah, a couple more minour items related to psykers and such could be kinda neat.
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Imperial Tarot is a sometimes mentioned method to divine the Emperor's thoughts, or the future.

The original Battle for Armaggedon game that I once had described the use of Imperial Tarot.
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Emperor's Tarot:

You're pretty good at divining things through the Emperor's Tarot. Just be careful, some people view it as Heresy. Some people view chewing too fast as Heresy though, so ymmv.

Benefit: by making a Character Level + Wis or Int mod check, you may attempt to divine the future through the Emperor's Tarot. You actually need the deck of cards to do this. If you can make a DC of 15, then after around twenty minutes you get the benefit of an Identify spell, or can gain a vague understanding of how a mission is likely to unfold (the number of challenges the DM expects, give or take 1d3, and the general EL of them). Only one attempt is possible per item/mission per level.

Level 3: you gain a +3 bonus on the check, and if you can make a DC of 20, then after around an hour you gain the benefit of Locate Object, Locate Person or Clairvoyance. Only one attempt is possible per object/location/person per level.

Level 6: you may roll twice and select the better of the two rolls when making these checks. Also, if you can make a DC of 25, then you gain a Contact Other Plane effect after 1d4 hours. Before attempting, you must list the questions you are asking. If the check fails, you may not ask these questions again until you gain a level.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Swanky. Thanks, Koumei.
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My take on the Eversor, I felt that it's a bit weak compared to the RoW barbarian.

Officio Assassinorum:
All Imperial Assassins graduated from the Officio Assassinorum. We know that, because those who don't graduate die. As such, they all have the 6 basic levels of Death Cultist, before branching out into their specialty. Note that there are a few other types, but people aren't sure what they are and what they do. Only four got written up and made famous, and one got some art and a name, which is good enough for me.

Death Cultist:
Hit Dice: 8 + 5d8 + (Con*6)
Skill Points: (6+Int+1)*9
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Base Saving Throws: Fortitude +2, Reflex +5, Will +5

Proficient: Light Armour, Simple, Martial and 1 Exotic Weapon of choice, Pistol and Assault Fire Arms

Sneak Attack +3d6
Hide in Plain Sight
Skill Mastery: a number of skills equal to their Intelligence modifier, minimum 1
Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge
Poison Use
Canny Dodge: Assassins may add their Int bonus as a Dodge bonus to their Armour Class.

Classes: Callidus Assassin, Cullexus Assassin, Eversor Assassin, Mechanicus Assassin, Vindicare Assassin

Eversor Assassin:


Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower
1Rage +3d6, Fast Healing 4, Dangerous Blood (2d6)
2Rage +4d6, Murderous Pace, Furious Charge
3Fast Healing 5, Combat King, Chem Factory
4Rage +5d6, Death Throes (20d6), Killing Spree

Rage: this functions like the Races of War Barbarian. Triggers on being hit, or hitting; Grants a Morale Bonus of +2 to Hit/Damage; -2 to AC; DR X/- where X= 2 + 1/2 Character level; +2 to all Saves; Cannot use magic items or spells. Cancels with a Full-Round action, or missing or not taking damage for 3 rounds.

Fast Healing: this does not function during a Rage.

Dangerous Blood every time that an Eversor Assasin is struck in melee with any attacks that can break the skin; the attacker is sprayed by the Eversor's nanite, drug and acid-infused blood; taking 2d6 Force damage

Death Throes: when reduced below zero hit points, the Eversor Assassin immediately explodes. The assassin is killed, and everyone within 30 feet takes 10d6 Fire/Acid damage, Ref half (Con-based). At level 4, this increases to 20d6 damage.

Murderous Pace: Whenever reduced to 75% of their total HP, the Eversor Assassin gains an insight bonus of +30' to their land speed. Whenever reduced to 50% HP or less, they gain the benefits of a Haste effect. At 25% HP or less, they gain a Greater Blur effect.

Furious Charge: the Eversor Assassin gains the benefit of Pounce, and +2 Strength when charging.

Combat King: as a Move-Equivalent action, an Eversor Assassin may concentrate and gain the benefits of any [Combat] Feat for 3 rounds.

Chem Factory: all drugs double their duration on the Eversor Assassin, due to being so used to the effects that the body optimises them. Additionally, when the effects kick in, the assassin regains Hit Points equal to 3d8 plus their level.

Killing Spree: each time the Eversor Assassin kills a living, sentient target who they were in combat with, they gain a +2 bonus to Strength and Dexterity for one minute. Multiple kills not only stack, they also re-set the counter.

Equipment: Sealed Mesh with Helmet, Combi Needler, Neuro-Gauntlet, Power Sword, Dispenser, Frag Grenades, 3 doses each of Morphia, Stimm, 'Slaught, 1 dose each of Frenzon and Slam.

Prestige Classes: Eversor Death Master, Eversor Executive

Combi-Needler: Bolt Pistol with alternate fire: single-shot, 2d4 Piercing damage, clip-1, crit 18-20/x2, Poison: DC 20, 1d4 Dex/1d4 Con

Neuro-Gauntlet: One Handed Martial Weapon, 1d10 Electricity damage, crit 20/x2, the first hit per foe per round forces a Fortitude save (DC = Damage dealt) or the target is Stunned for 1 round.

Frenzon: upon being consumed, this unleashes incredible power in the imbiber. They gain the benefits of Divine Power, Divine Favour and Righteous Might all at once, and gain Damage Reduction 50%. All benefits last for 1 minute, though afterwards the imbiber takes 1d4 Constitution damage.

Slam: upon being consumed, this drug grants the benefits of Mirror Image (due to moving so quickly) and one True Strike (due to others seeming to move so slowly). Additionally, the imbiber gains an additional attack per round when making a full attack - this stacks with Haste. This lasts for 2d6 rounds, and then the imbiber becomes Stunned for one round, then Exhausted until they rest.

Dispenser: this device dispenses drugs as a Swift action.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Sure. It's not that different, just gets a little boost. Remember, I haven't playtested any of it, just winged it all, going with the famous Gibbs Gut. Your variant could very well be closer to the mark.

Also, I really should have put some reference to "Trust in the heart of the cards. MIND CRUSH!" in Emperor's Tarot. Oh well.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »


Anyway, doing some more changes; Imperial Veterans get Mithral Chain Shirts; I'm thinking Mithral Breastplates, or Adamantine Carapaces for Eversors; since they tend pretty much get "stuck in"

A Power Weapon (they count as always having "power weapon" attacks in the tabletop; and count as having an extra weapon, plus the mini is equipped with a sword in addition to the gun and neuro-gauntlet), and a Bolt pistol as back-up, or dual-wield options.

Also, how would you go about adjucating "non-standard" gear, like say, A Callidus Assassin that wants a Chameloline Cloak; or an Eversor that wants a Jump Pack?

I was thinking of one "non-standard" item per "real class" level?
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Post by Koumei »

Armour: possibly. They tend to wear pretty light stuff, but a mithral breastplate is in fact light. Adamantine carapace could also possibly work.

Wow, I didn't notice the Power Weapon there. Yeah, they can have a Power Weapon too.

Non-standard gear: one per class level for your current class, though you can keep stuff when you move to a prestige class. Or possibly "one per class level that you play through" (to throw a small bone to organic characters).

Items available are basically "If you're in Siege Tier, anything that Assault Tier characters can get that isn't a vehicle or weapon. If you want anything more special, argue it out with the DM - it might cost a requisition slot as well. If you're in Assault Tier, then only basic items can be gained this way."
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Post by Koumei »

Some more feats:

Relentless Rage [Combat]

You get really, really angry sometimes. Usually that anger doesn't go away for a long time.

Benefit: whenever an enemy injures you, you gain the Hated Foe benefits against them. Any class abilities that apply to Hated Foes also apply to them.
+1 BAB: you may make a charge attack as an Immediate Action, however you become Fatigued afterwards, until you spend a minute resting. You cannot do this when Fatigued.

+6 BAB: as long as you spend a Move action advancing towards the enemy, you may fire Rapid Fire weapons as though they were Assault weapons. Alternatively, you may charge a foe, firing the weapon at point-blank range (+4 to hit, add your BAB to damage per hit).

+11 BAB: if you slay a Hated Foe in melee combat, you just get angrier. If you could reach another enemy after making a 5' step (or 10' or whatever, based on your own special abilities) then you may designate that foe to be Hated, and may make that step of adjustment and attempt a Cleave attack. This can theoretically go on forever, given infinite foes.

+16 BAB: when injured, you gain "Hated Foe: everyone" for one minute.
Holy War [Skill]

When you fight, it's not just business, it's a religious matter.

Benefit: you may treat anyone as [Chaotic, Evil] if they don't worship the same god as you. Enjoy using your Smite Evil and Holy Avenger.
4 ranks in Know: Religion: you can use Detect Unbeliever (like Detect Evil, but it specifically targets unbelievers) as an Ex ability at will.

9 ranks: with a move-equivalent action, you may rant about setting heretics on fire. For a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, you and all allies may make one Smite attempt per round against unbelievers. This adds your HD to damage and your Wis mod to the attack roll.

14 ranks: you may perform a Coup de Grace on an unbeliever just for being prone. If they are slain, they are then Destroyed.

19 ranks: For every round that you spend a standard action preaching hatred against the wicked, all of your allies within 100' count as having this feat, and additionally may add your ranks in Know: Religion to their damage against heretics.
The Nice Imperial

Very rarely, people come across a member of the Imperium who isn't a complete dick. You're one of them.

Benefit: if a foe is Panicked or Cowering, you may make a Diplomacy check against their level + Cha + current fear modifiers check, as a full-round action. If it succeeds, they surrender to you. This won't work if they observe you mercilessly slaughtering anyone else who surrendered or was helpless.
2 HD: by speaking to an ally for one full round (not an action, but it is Sustained activity, meaning you cannot hold concentration on anything else or use other verbal abilities), you can remove any [Fear] effects on them.

5 HD: people in general like you. You always have one requisition item if you are able to requisition items.

10 HD: by making a Diplomacy check against a modified level check, you can force a target to end a Rage, Frenzy or similar effect. This requires a full round action, and the target must be able to see you.

15 HD: you are not eligible for any kind of Hated Foe or Favoured Enemy that your enemies might have. This doesn't mean they won't try to kill you, but it does take the edge off their hatred. Mindless creatures and animals won't attack you unless explicitly instructed to.
Survivor Against the Odds [Skill]

No-one knows how you do it, but you somehow survive things that usually kill people.

Benefit: whenever dropped into the "Dying" zone of -1 to -9 (or 1 higher than -Con or whatever you're using), you instantly stabilise. Additionally, you actually gain 1 HP per round until you reach 1 HP. As long as you keep lying there, you continue to gain 1 HP per round.
4+ ranks in Survival: you gain the benefits of Mettle. If you ever gain Mettle from another source, you simply gain +1 HP per hit die.

9+: your Constitution and Charisma can never be penalised, damaged or drained. Additionally, you have impressive or terrifying scars (pick one). If impressive, you may make a Survival check in place of a Perform, Diplomacy or Bluff check, with a bonus equal to your Con modifier. If horrifying, you may make a Survival check in place of an Intimidate check (and you automatically attempt to demoralise anyone who views you for the first time), with a bonus equal to your Con modifier. You gain a -5 penalty to Disguise, though.

14+: you are somehow immune to ageing, starvation, thirst, dehydration, extreme heat conditions (not fire, just "It's Hot Outside" effects), extreme cold conditions (not cold damage, just "It's Cold Outside" effects) and drowning.

19+: once per day, when you would normally die, you may decide to instead not die. If it is due to damage, you simply do not take the damage, thus don't lose enough HP to die. Similarly for negative levels and ability damage. If it is a death effect, the effect merely fails.
Agile Leaper [Skill]

If a place exists, you can probably jump there.

Benefit:There is no maximum distance you can jump. Additionally, you can elect to go up to twice as high/far as the dice say you can when you make a Jump check.
4+ ranks in Jump: you can triangle-jump off walls. This effectively means you can jump twice as high when next to a wall. If given two walls close to each other, it effectively gives you a climb speed equal to your Jump distance.

9+: you may perform the deadly Leap Attack, just like the feat. When charging, you may jump at your foe, making a DC 15 Jump check. If you pass, your Power Attack ratio is doubled. If you fail, you fall on your arse in front of your foe.

14+: you learn the mystical art of the Double-Jump. You may make a jump check while still in the air to jump a second time. You may either use this to go twice as high/far in a round, or to keep yourself aloft for one round. You may use this to basically fly.

19+: you may jump on the heads of your foes, like Sonic. As a Standard Action, make a Jump check equal to or exceeding their AC. If it succeeds and you could actually reach your foe with the jump, you land in their square, hit them with a Leap Attack, and knock them prone. Additionally, the foe is shoved into an adjacent square. If you still have enough movement left to reach another foe, you may continue moving and make the Jump check to attack them, continuing until you miss (landing prone in front of the foe) or run out of movement. You cannot do this to people already prone.
Hurl Opponent [Combat]

You enjoy picking enemies up and throwing them places.

Benefit: As a Standard Action that does not provoke, you may grab an enemy with a Melee Touch Attack. You may then make an opposed Trip attack using Str or Dex (your choice - your opponent has to use the same stat), and you get a +4 bonus. If you fail, the opponent cannot try to trip you. If you succeed, you throw the foe 10' away, +5' for every 5 you beat them by, and they land prone and take 1d6 + any falling damage they would normally take. You cannot throw them into occupied squares.
+1 BAB: Now you CAN throw the target into occupied squares. They take no damage, however the thrown target now has to make a trip attack against the person in the square. If they pass, both fall prone in the same square. If they fail, they merely bounce off and land prone next to them.

+6: your bonus improves to +8, and the damage for being hurled improves to 6d6 + any falling damage they would suffer. Now, if thrown into another person, both take half damage.

+11: you can launch people as if you were a ballista. They travel for the full distance or until they slam into something really solid. Anyone in the path must make a Ref save (DC 10 + half your HD + your Str modifier, +2 for every size category the thrown target is above Medium) or take 4d6+Str bludgeoning damage and also fall prone.

+16: you may, as a Full Round Action, make a Move Action and attempt to throw everyone you are able to grab hold of during the move (limited by your attacks by BAB). Also, your bonus improves to +12.
Cleanse With Fire [Combat]

Setting people on fire is a hobby for you.

Benefit: the DCs for any of your flame-type weapons improve by +4, which is nice, but pretty boring. That's okay, it gets better.
+1 BAB: people set on fire by your weapons keep burning indefinitely. The duration changes to "forever", so they have to spend the action putting the flames out. Remember how that's a Ref save? The above effect means the DC goes up.

+6: you're good at covering people in fire. If you set someone on fire, anyone who even steps into an adjacent square has to make a Ref save (DC 10 + half your level + 4 for the above bonus) or also catch fire. This can make a chain of flames very quickly.

+11: when you use a flame weapon, the entire area covered catches fire for one round. This means that everyone who moves through the area takes 1 point of damage for every die of damage the weapon deals, and must save against catching fire.

+16: any time you spend a full round action setting the one person on fire, they have to make a single Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Int modifier + 4) or be incinerated, dying instantly. If you torch multiple people with each blast of fire, you can still only choose one person to immolate.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blicero »

First, Koumei, I am truly in awe of your (and JE's) ability to consistently turn out not-shite at an almost alarming pace. I would love to play DC with my chums at some point, but we are all almost entirely illiterate on anything other than what could be learned from Lago's "Sell Me on 40K" thread and a casual playthrough of the first Dawn of War demo (oh, I think I read one novel a bit ago, but other than there was this utterly kick-ass demon train in it, I can't say I remember much).

So, would anyone care to give a moderately indepth explanation of what all the various orders and stuff are? I realize that wikipedia will probably have most of what I could get from here, but your explanations will likely have far more humor and fun phonetic spellings.
Out beyond the hull, mucoid strings of non-baryonic matter streamed past like Christ's blood in the firmament.
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