[Tome of Trees] The Witch

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[Tome of Trees] The Witch

Post by Koumei »

The Witch

Fantasy literature has always had witches. Usually they are evil and fly on broomsticks, cackling and cursing/poisoning the heroines into a coma or death, so that the prince charming can save them and fuck them, hopefully in that order. Occasionally they're just generically evil - they're bad because they're witches, but they don't particularly do anything that evil, and sometimes there are good witches.

The witch in D&D draws upon the various fantasy sources, along with an option to be a good, nature-friendly, curse-removing witch for all the hippy wicca kids out there. They gain the ability to fly, they can use cauldrons to scry and make magic potions, they have a ritual under the full moon, and they have a scary evil eye. Also, there is the mandatory Monty Python reference, and they have spellcasting which is by no means shabby.

The witch can happily be played by beginners: they have Save or Lose spells and save-penalising spells. It's as simple as "pump your DCs up high and go wild". By the same token, they have enough oddball spells there that more experienced players can go around turning the forest into their personal army, or turning a room of people into statues, reshaping them into other objects, then covering them in symbols and adding sympathy so people go and touch them. Maybe even turning the morphed statues back into flesh. Did you ever want a vase made of human flesh?

Hit Die: 1d6
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude and Willpower
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons and Light Armour
Armour and Spellcasting: no ASF for armour the Witch is proficient in

The Witch's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are, Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, nature, religon, local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Ability Scores: the Witch wants a reasonably high Charisma, for the spell-like and Supernatural abilities, but also wants a good Intelligence or Wisdom, for spellcasting (they can choose which one). Maintaining both should not be hard, and the physical ability scores are practically optional.
01Evil Eye, Spellcasting
02Animal Form or Familiar, Wild Empathy
03Brew Potion
04Trickery, Float on Water
05Evil Eyes
06Mass Brewing, Pluck Poison
07Dream Mastery
09Evil Gaze
10Cauldron Scrying
12Trickery, Hag Bite or Bibbity Bobbity Boo
13Ritual of Youth
14Eye of Newt
15Presence of Witchery
17Craft Heartstone
18Hag Laughter or Rise of the Triffids
19Elixer of Life and Death

Evil Eye: as a Swift action, the Witch may use this Supernatural ability at will. They must target an enemy within Close Range that they can see, although spells like Mirror Image, Blink and Displacement have no effect - the target can still be seen. The target must then make a Will save (DC 10 + half the Witches' HD plus the Witches' Charisma modifier) or be Shaken for as long as they can see the Witch. If already Shaken, they become Frightened. If Frightened, they Cower. If Cowering or Panicked, they fall Comatose. If they pass the save, they take a -2 penalty on Saving Throws until the end of the Witches' turn.
This is a [Mind Affecting, Fear] effect.

Spellcasting: the Witch instinctively knows all spells on the Witch spell list. They cast spells per day as per the Wizard, gaining bonus spells per day for a high Wisdom or Intelligence score (select at first level, it cannot change). The same ability score determines the save DCs. Spells are cast spontaneously from the Witch spell list.

Animal Form: the Witch may transform into a Tiny, non-offensive animal as a Supernatural ability at will. This lasts until the upcoming midday, dusk, midnight or dawn (whichever comes first), or until dismissed, and gives the Witch the physical ability scores of the animal in question, however they may not cast spells in this form.

Familiar: alternatively, the Witch may opt to gain a familiar. This works like the Sorcerer and Wizard, except if it dies then the Witch merely becomes sad for a little while, and another one can be summoned the following day. If the Witch gains a cohort, it may be any form of animal or monstrous creature (subject to the usual limitations) and can be treated as a familiar. Yes, that polar bear that sits outside the cafe "begging" for food? That's a familiar, waiting to steal your soul.

Wild Empathy: just like a Druid.

Brew Potion: using a Cauldron, a Witch may brew a potion of any spell level they can cast. This uses the spell slot, and takes one hour but has no expensive components or XP cost. The potion lasts for 24 hours before returning to brackish water.

Trickery: at every 4th level, one ability may be chosen from the following list to allow the Witch to cheat death.
-Energy Resistance 10 + Hit Dice to any one energy type. This may be taken multiple times, either granting resistance to another energy or adding +10 to all energy resistances (which will apply to future energy resistances gained).
-Damage Reduction 3 + Half Hit Dice, overcome by Iron. This may be taken multiple times, adding +6 to the DR each time.
-Spell Resistance 5 + Hit Dice. This may be taken twice more, each adding +3 to the SR.
-Immune to Detect _____ spells and True Seeing
-A +4 bonus on saving throws against [Mind Affecting] Effects. This may be taken twice more, increasing the bonus by +4 each time.
-Immune to Poison
-Immune to Disease
-A +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural effects of Outsiders, Elementals and Fey. This may be taken twice more, increasing the bonus by +4 each time.

Float on Water: the Witch weighs as much as a duck at this level, so may float on water, never sinking or drowning.

Evil Eyes: the Witch may now target two people at the same time with the Evil Eye ability. Alternatively, both eyes may be focused on the one person, causing them to instead be Sickened on a failed save, or Nauseated if already Sickened, or to immediately contract Demon Fever if already Nauseated. This option is neither [Mind Affecting] nor a [Fear] effect.

Mass Brewing: when Brewing a Potion, the Witch may make a number of potions equal to their Charisma modifier, although these will only last for four hours each. But it still takes only one hour to brew in total, and uses the one spell slot.

Pluck Poison: thrice per day, the Witch may pluck a berry or fruit from a tree, or a mushroom from the ground. It becomes tainted with any ingested poison of the Witches' choice, with a save DC equal to 10 + half their HD + their Charisma modifier, or may neutralise poison. This lasts for 12 hours.

Dream Mastery: the Witch may cast Nightmare as a Supernatural ability at will. The save DC is Charisma based. They may also Planeshift into (and out from) the dreamscape of anyone sleeping within 30', also at will.

Evil Gaze: the Evil Eye (either variant) may now be used similar to a Gaze attack that affects all in a 50' cone. It still requires a Swift Action to activate, as it is not always active. Everyone must attempt to save, but may elect to avert their eyes - they lose their Dexterity bonus to their AC for 1 round, but are allowed a Reflex save. If this save is passed, they are immune to all effects. If it is failed, they are entitled to the Will save as normal. Alternatively, the regular Evil Eye or Evil Eyes may be used to make those who fail the save Fatigued. If already Fatigued they become Exhausted, and if already Exhausted they pass out.

Cauldron Scrying: the Witch may Scry once per day, using a cauldron to see through. This is a Spell-like ability, with a DC equal to 10 + half their HD + their Charisma modifier.

Flight: the Witch may fly at will, with an unlimited duration, as per the spell. Some form of object is required for this, such as a broomstick, carpet, bathtub or vacuum cleaner.

Hag Bite: the Witch gains a bite attack that deals 2d6 damage plus one and a half times their Strength modifier, if Medium. This also causes Demon Fever. A Good Witch probably shouldn't choose this ability.

Bibbity Bobbity Boo: alternatively, if the Witch is not Evil, they may prefer the ability to cast Animate Objects at will, lasting until the upcoming dawn, midday, dusk or midnight (whichever comes first). This works only on plants, however it can also change their form to a moderate degree. Examples include turning pumpkins into carriages, flowers into cleaning objects and pineapples into thermonuclear weapons cabbages into horses. But they'll still look something like the original object, and can still be eaten.

Ritual of Youth: the Witch may perform an 8 hour ritual under the light of a full moon. This involves chanting, dancing, and probably a camp-fire. Successfully completing the ritual changes the Witch to the Adult age category, and lasts for 2 months. Performing it again in the meantime resets the timer. After it ends, they change back to their true age, so eventually this becomes essential to prevent death by old age. Yes, it effects physical ability score modifiers.

Eye of Newt: the Witch may harvest organs from creatures they assist in slaying, for use in item creation. This grants an XP component equal to the CR of the creature, squared.

Presence of Witchery: any place a Witch resides in for one month or more gains a 100' radius aura. This aura then extends out to 1 mile after another month. Either the land becomes blighted, affected by an Unhallow effect, with all water tasting foul and killing all small fish residing therein and all plants withering and dying, or the land becomes fruitful, affected by a Hallow effect, the water becoming sweet and free of disease and all crops yielding a full harvest.

Craft Heartstone: by performing a ritual under a full moon, requiring at least two other willing participants (both must be familiars, witches or Night Hags) and four hours, the witch may create a Heartstone. They gain all benefits and are treated as a Night Hag, being able to turn Ethereal and haunt dreams like a Night Hag. If the witch is a good witch, they may "haunt" the dreams of Non-Evil creatures, protecting them from Nightmares, Dream Haunting, and any intruders into a Dreamscape. The target will wake up fully refreshed and with a Good Hope effect that lasts for the rest of the day.

Hag Laughter: three times per day, the Witch may emit a cackling laugh as a Standard Action. One target per level who can hear this must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the Witches' HD + their Cha modifier) or immediately contract Cackle Fever, taking 3d6 Wisdom damage instantly. Good Witches probably don't want to do this.

Rise of the Triffids: instead, the Witch may elect to be able to call vegetation to their aid. As long as there is at least a 10'x10' square of plant matter, it may rise up to aid the Witch as a Battlebriar, with Hit Dice equal to the Witch. This may be done once per day, requiring a Standard Action, and lasts until the upcoming dawn, midday, dusk or midnight (whichever comes first). The summoned plant life is completely loyal to the Witch.

Elixer of Life and Death: the Witch may brew a special Elixer under the light of the full moon, requiring 6 hours. Doing so makes a single dose of this potent brew, which will last for 24 hours before becoming useless. If force-fed to the dead, they return to life with no level loss, full regeneration of limbs and no lasting problems. If given to the living, then at the option of the Witch, they either must immediately make a Fortitude save against being slain, or are freed from any ailments. This can even be used to suppress the transformation of a Werewolf (no save against this) or return the Sentient Undead to life (again, no save), both lasting for 24 hours.
Spell List:
Cantrips: Arcane Mark, Bestow Curse 0 Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Remove Curse 0, Touch of Fatigue,

1st Level: Animate Rope, Bane, Bestow Curse I, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Curse Water, Faerie Fire, Magic Mouth, Message, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Remove Curse I, Remove Fear, Sleep

2nd Level: Augury, Bestow Curse II, Blindness/Deafness, Calm Emotions, Command Undead, Delay Poison, Desecrate, False Life, Hideous Laughter, Reduce Animal, Remove Curse II, Remove Paralysis, Speak With Animals, Summon Swarm, Touch of Idiocy, Warp Wood

3rd Level: Bestow Curse III, Charm Monster, Contagion, Deep Slumber, Fear, Plant Growth, Ray of Exhaustion, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse III, Remove Disease, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Shrink Item, Tiny Hut*

4th Level: Baleful Polymorph, Bestow Curse IV, Blight, Command Plants, Confusion, Insect Plague, Neutralize Poison, Phantasmal Killer, Poison, Mass Reduce Person, Remove Curse IV, Unholy Blight

5th Level: Animal Growth, Awaken, Bestow Curse V, Crushing Despair, Dream, Feeblemind, Mirage Arcana, Remove Curse V, Repel Vermin, Symbol of Pain, Transmute Rock to Mud, Transmute Mud to Rock, Unhallow, Waves of Fatigue

6th Level: Animate Objects, Bestow Curse VI, Greater Command, Commune With Nature, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh, Remove Curse VI, Symbol of Fear, Wall of Thorns

7th Level: Animal Shapes, Animate Plants, Bestow Curse VII, Creeping Doom, Insanity, Power Word: Stun, Remove Curse VII, Symbol of Insanity, Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Weakness, Waves of Exhaustion

8th Level: Antipathy, Bestow Curse VIII, Binding, Control Undead, Horrid Wilting, Irresistable Dance, Magnificent Mansion*, Maze, Remove Curse VIII, Symbol of Death, Sympathy, Trap the Soul

9th Level: Bestow Curse IX, Control Plants, Imprisonment, Remove Curse IX, Wail of the Banshee
New and Altered Spells:
Mordenkainen's Tiny Hut: this may work as normal, or it may create an actual physical gingerbread cottage. It is immune to normal weather and remains edible for the duration, however it tends to lure animals and children to it.

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion: this creates a physical gingerbread mansion, rather than forming a demiplane and transporting you there. Otherwise it acts like the spell. Remember that it is edible.

Yes, you could totally fill it with radishes and then Bibbity Bobbity Boo them into prostitutes and create a very unique brothel, unless Frank is going to tell me that's a famous myth/story somewhere in the world.

Remove Curse 0-IX basically have the same effect: they remove curses applied by Bestow Curse of equal or lower level, and of Supernatural/Spell-like Curse/Evil Eye abilities that have a Caster Level (or Hit Dice of the creator) of no more than double the level of the Remove Spell. Remove Curse VII and higher also function as Break Enchantment for spells of equal or lower level, and Remove Curse IX can also grant the effects of Freedom.

Bestow Curse 0-IX requires a touch attack, but allows no saving throw when cast by the Witch. The duration depends on the spell level: 0-I is "for the rest of the encounter", II-III is "until the next dawn, dusk, midday or midnight (whichever comes first)", IV-VI is "for one day", VII-VIII is "until the next full moon (does not count the current one if currently during a full moon)" and IX is "permanent".

Spell Resistance still applies. The effects vary by level (and any version may use the effect of a lower level, with the new DC and duration):

0: the target becomes Sickened or takes a -4 penalty on all Skill Checks

I: the target suffers 20% action failure on all actions or takes a -4 penalty on all d20 rolls or becomes fascinating to animals and vermin, who are attracted to the character within a 1 mile radius and are all determined to share the character's occupied space.

II: the target suffers 50% action failure on all actions or takes a -8 penalty to one ability score, or all of their equipment instantly falls to the ground, even things that really shouldn't fall off. Even bags spill open.

III: the target suddenly ages, taking a -6 penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution and has poor vision, gaining a -6 penalty to Spot and Search and treating everyone as though they had Concealment.

IV: the target is rendered unable to speak, or enters a Rage but has a 50% chance of not being able to tell enemy from ally. Alternatively, they become terribly allergic to either Plants, Animals or Vermin (caster chooses), taking a -10 penalty on all attack rolls, Fort saves and skill checks when within 10' of one.

V: the target forgets a single class feature of the caster's choice, or is treated as having zero ranks in any of their skills, or a Centipede Swarm appears within their stomach and attacks, requiring disembowelment (50% of their HP or more) to remove. Every morning, another swarm will appear there. Oh joy. If cast as the level 8 or 9 version, enjoy Hellwasps instead.

VI: the target is rendered Blind and Deaf and also enters a Rage, charging in random directions and attacking whatever they bump into, or their clothing all animates (as per Animate Object) and tries to kill them.

VII: the target becomes suicidal, attempting to find ways to end their own life, or is rendered unable to sleep, suffering all of the effects of sleep deprivation. Alternatively, their hands turn into Small Monstrous Spiders (with HD equal to the Caster Level) which immediately try to bite them until hacked off (dealing the damage of the injury to the target) and then slain. They then turn back into hands, but are detached. This will happen every morning for the duration, as well.

VIII: the target becomes Stunned or Nauseated, or despite all logic is targeted by a single Comet once per day for the entire duration. What are the odds? Alternatively, they contract a disease, and contract another one every morning they wake up.

IX: the target suffers an Eternity of Torture effect, or their weapons turn into snakes (Half Fiend or Half Celestial, with +1 Outsider hit die per Caster Level) and immediately attack them, treating their natural weapons as though they had all the special abilities and enhancement bonuses of the original weapon. If it is a weapon of 3 Wishes, you can expect the snake to waste them, going "I wish I was out in the desert somewhere. I wish I had a pond of cool water. I wish I had a mouse. Yeeeeeeah, I'm so happy."

Moses has nothing on this.
...awesome, Firefox recognises Triffids as a word.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:53 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Surgo »

Haven't gone through the entire class yet, but I think the 6 hour limit on Brew Potion might really kill its usefulness. You can't really make something to prepare for the day ahead; it takes an entire hour so you can't really stop in the middle of the day when you need it to make one either. Since witches cast spells spontaneously, it's not as if they need to stop and make a potion of something they didn't have prepared.

I think the six hours probably just needs to be extended. Maybe to 24.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Witches usually have familiars, and sometimes crazy ones. I'd ditch animal form in favor of call familiar, and let them treat cohorts as familiars. There should be no xp penalty for the death of a familiar.

You should also make a note of whether Tricks can be taken multiple times. And for spells you should probably add mirage arcana, wall of thorns, tiny hut, and the like. What a great segue into Lurker in the Swarm.

...although any old object should probably work, whether it's a staff, carpet, or bathtub.
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Post by Surgo »

I would not ditch animal form, which is also a really classic face of witches. Maybe the option to have one or the other.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Surgo wrote:I would not ditch animal form, which is also a really classic face of witches. Maybe the option to have one or the other.
That's true, but druids are very similar to witches and already get animal form. To me it seems like too much overlap.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Crissa »

Next you're going to complain that Mages get Animal Form, too, right?

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Crissa wrote:Next you're going to complain that Mages get Animal Form, too, right?

Touché, but I'd be more comfortable giving witches polymorph than wild shape.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Crissa »

So, what's the difference?

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Crissa wrote:So, what's the difference?

Well, what's the difference between wizards and druids? In one case it's just one of many options. It's not a focus, because no investment is made in polymorphing--unless that's specifically what you choose to do. If it's a class ability, the investment has been made. If you don't use it (and instead use invisibility, or fly, or summon monster) you're a chump for spending limited resources for the same effect that you might have got from the already purchased animal form.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Crissa »

I really fail to understand your comparison. Don't wizards get more spells, therefore having more variable options, instead of a predefined constant?

Spells are just class abilities you get to choose every day.

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Crissa wrote:I really fail to understand your comparison. Don't wizards get more spells, therefore having more variable options, instead of a predefined constant?

Spells are just class abilities you get to choose every day.

Yes, I think you understand my point exactly. I don't think that animal form should be a predefined constant among witches. I am amenable to the idea that other people think that animal form witches are so iconic that a spell won't cut it. I just don't hold that opinion myself. I feel that witches should be more like Lost Souls rangers than like druids.


Hag Laughter is fucking amazing. Which gets me thinking: I don't like animal form, but making this a transformative class where the witch becomes a night hag (or night hag-like) might be really neat. They already get some night hag-like abilities, like dream haunting and evil eye. I'd throw in change shape (small or medium humanoid), and maybe a heartsone and/or the ability to make a hag eye with the aid of two familiars or other witches. And maybe a monstrous hag form with a bite or claw attacks. I dunno. That should probably come at about the same time as the ability to eat babies to stay young.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Surgo »

Okay, I read the full class now.

I like it a lot. It's really good, really well-done. I have two questions though:
* Evil Gaze: is this an actual gaze attack that only effects people in the cone and follows the mechanics of a gaze attack, or does it require an action?
* Hag Laughter: What kind of action is it?

From what I've seen you've done a really good job of picking the spell list, but I think Polymorph (the non-baleful type) would be an appropriate addition.
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Post by Koumei »

Okay, I'll go through this one person at a time:

Surgo - good idea. The reason was of course to stop them from stockpiling "free spells", but if I extend it to 24 hours then yes, they can brew potions the night before but that's the extent of their shenanigans.

Evil Gaze still requires a Swift Action to use, so I guess it's not a true gaze attack, but any feats and abilities that affect gaze attacks should be able to affect it. Hag laughter is a Standard Action, because they need to work up a proper cackle for it.

Catharz: I see no problem with giving them the option between "turn into an animal" and "have an animal friend that isn't an XP sink, if you gain a Cohort your animal friend can be a dire bear or whatever". I suppose it wouldn't hurt for the same trick to be taken multiple times and have the benefits stack, at least for some.

I'll add those spells. I don't want them to have too many, but by the same token, some spells are crying out to be had. I'll make a note that Tiny Hut may be constructed of gingerbread and thus edible (while still as resistant to nature as before). And I'll make "an object for flying" mandatory, so they can have broomsticks, vacuum cleaners and whatever.

Granting Night Hag abilities over time could in fact be pretty cool, yeah. Maybe even let level 20 have the ability to actually become a Night Hag, seeing as no-one cares what boosts you get at that level.
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Post by Koumei »

There we go, the Witch is updated.

I also specified that Evil Gaze and Hag Laughter require actions.

Sample Witch with recommended spells to cast for DM ease:

Neutral Evil Human Witch 6 (CR 6)
Str 8 Dex 13 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 14
HP: 27/27 (6 HD)
Init: +1
Speed: 30'

AC: 13 (+1 Dexterity, +2 Dodge)
-flat 12
-touch 13

BAB/Grapple: +3/+2
-melee +2
-ranged +4

Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +9

Feats: Elusive Target, Dreadful Demeanor, Ability Focus: Evil Eye, Many Faced

Skills: Bluff +11, Disguise +16, Intimidate +18, Know: Nature +9, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +9

Roll twice and pick best for Disguises, Nystul's Magic Aura (DC 15)
Demoralise as Move Action, remain Shakened while in sight
Foes get no flanking/higher ground bonus
Evil Eye (Swift, DC 17, 6 rounds), Animal Form, Wild Empathy +8
Brew Potion, Float on Water, Mass Brewing, Pluck Poison
Evil Eyes (Swift, DC 17, 6 rounds)
Trickery: Poison Immunity

4 Cantrips/day, DC 13 (recommended: Dancing Lights, Touch of Fatigue)
4 First Level/day, DC 14 (recommended: Command, Faerie Fire, Ray of Enfeeblement)
4 Second Level/day, DC 15 (recommended: Blindness/Deafness, False Life, Summon Swarm)
3 Third Level/day, DC 16 (recommended: Bestow Curse, Deep Slumber)

Cloak of Resistance +1
Sassone Leaf Residue (on fingernails, touch +2, DC 16, 2d12HP/1d6 Con)
Terinav Root (on teeth/lips, touch +2 in a grapple, DC 16, 1d6 Dex/2d6 Dex)
Red Slippers
Carrot tied to nose with string
Old rusty scythe used only for CdG.
Pre-brewed potion of False Life

Olga begins Disguised, and in a pre-prepared Tiny Hut. There may very well be Dancing Lights floating around. While still disguised, she will attempt to get close enough to dose someone with poison - once for each hand, and then another if she bites or kisses the target.

When combat begins, the usual routine is to use a Move Action to Demoralise a target (+18), then use Evil Eyes on them and one other, or alternatively just Evil Eyes on the one person if they seem the kind that might be immune to Fear. She then goes on a cursing spree, handing out curses, disease, poison and blindness/deafness, as well as sleep, until everyone is incapacitated. If foes are asleep, she will gladly perform a Coup de Grace (8d4-4). If foes are more heavily incapacitated, she will move them to the cauldron so as to boil and eat them. Nobody knows why.

If it looks like she's going to be defeated but enemies are afflicted by her effects, she may bargain for her life, offering to remove these conditions if they promise to let her live.
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Post by Draco_Argentum »

I think Immune to Divinations and Immune to [Mind Affecting] effects are vastly radder than say energy resistance.

I also think the hag laughter and hag bite levels are crap for the tree hugging vegan witches. Neither of those abilities really fit the concept so its like the class almost supports friendly witch but stops a little short.
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Post by Maxus »

Hm...What can treehugging vegans do to people that'd be unpleasant...

Well, maybe the Nice Witches can make the enemy's, uh, 'system' purge itself of all impurities. Leaving them fresh and healthy and clean...and also Nauseated and having to duck-walk until they can get a heavy-duty cleanup.
Last edited by Maxus on Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Did you know that I'd rather not include Power Word: Shit in my games?

As for the lack of options for good witches, I'm doing my best but the fact is that good witches are uncommon and a little bit lame. My knowledge of witches is moronic wiccagoths who just need to be punched in the face (I am including Willow here), and evil witches as seen in fairy tales.
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Post by Maxus »

That was kinda my point. I mean, if you're trying to satisfy the Witches-Are-Nice crowd, there's not much to work with to make it viable in a fight that's going to be impressive.

I suppose you could convert the enemy to peaceful nature-worshipers who practice homeopathic medicine...But, again, lame.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Tree hugging vegan witches use hag bite to be able to eat the tree that they're hugging, and hag cackle to get back at those vile meat eaters.

Speaking of witch, I just bought my sister a carnivorous plant familiar. Maybe the familiar options need to be expanded (she isn't religious, but she is vegan). A hommunculus, topiary guardian, or 'bramble buddy' would all be neat.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

I weakened a couple of the Trickery options so that they weren't the obvious choices, because the alternative would be a bit too good.

Also, my gf suggested a few things for Good Witches, so now we have Bibbity Bobbity Boo (as an alternative to Hag Bite) and Rise of the Triffids (as an alternative to Hag Laughter).

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Post by Draco_Argentum »

BBB is a decent move. Shambling mounds don't really scream level 18 to me.
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Post by Koumei »

Could you suggest a better legion of plant monsters? I'm sure they're out there, but I'm too tired to look for them.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Koumei wrote:Did you know that I'd rather not include Power Word: Shit in my games?
I don't see why not.

Tendriculous is a witchy kind of plant.
Shambling Mound is overdone, I advise against.
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Post by Username17 »

The Tendridiculous is like the worst monster ever. They have regen that is canceled by bludgeoning and acid. Seriously, what the fuck? Axes anyone? No? Fuck. Shambling Mounds don't have the WTF template but they gain hit points from electricity meaning that they are totally unbalanced under player control. We aren't talking about how an Uttercold Assault Necromancer can put up a wall of uttercold and have skeleton archers fuck people up while healing up from a defended position - we're talking about how a puppeteer can sit there power charging your mound with his shocker (man that sounds dirty) up o infinity hit points. It's no good.

Embarrassing as it is, you probably want to bust out the Monster Manual 3 and actually use the Battlebriar. I... never thought I would say that.

In other news: Bibbity Bobbity Boo needs a duration. Animate Objects has a duration of essentially "one combat" so transforming turnips into exy harem girls would be worthless. I suggest building them in with a natural duration that goes to the corners of the day (dawn, dusk, noon, midnight). Durations in general need an overhaul into something that involves less round counting - and the Witch is a perfect and iconic class to flagship such a move.

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Post by JonSetanta »

Frank, if you throw enough summoned Tendriculii at an encounter, it doesn't matter.
It's just a side ability for a character. A backup and distraction.

I'd stat up an Abyssal T-plant swarm right now but don't have time before class.

If you mean the T-plant abilities are too good (worst? to fight, or to use?), there's always room for a quick hack-job edit...

Edit: On a second perusal, it doesn't seem to be much more than 2 abilities to change or remove.

Swallow Whole/Paralysis - This can go right out. Not needed.
The status effect lasts too long on a single save and that's no fun.
"Fighter, you're frozen for *rolls* twelve minutes. No you don't get another save. No you can't fight it off. Take your 15 Acid right now."
I'd leave the bite, but this... this must go.

Regen 10 (acid or bludgeon) - I believe Frank's word choice had thrown me off. IMO, this is atrocious implementation of an ability.
It's like a Gygaxian puzzle monster; you either have the solution or not.
At least humanoids can always punch for bludg- oh wait, it will just grapple and eat you.

Sans Swallow and Regen, it's not far off from a zombie plant.
I dub thee the Sabbat Croagh.
Last edited by JonSetanta on Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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