[Various Tomes] Knight Prestige Classes

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[Various Tomes] Knight Prestige Classes

Post by Koumei »

Remember how the Knight hits level 10, joins an Order and then enters a Prestige Class? Yeah.

Advancing Knight Class Features
All Prestige Classes in this thread, and all other Prestige Classes considered to be "Knight Prestige Classes", advance certain class features of the Knight class. This only applies if you have any levels in Knight, and they do not automatically add to Knight levels for the purpose of Designate Opponent - classes advance that at different rates depending on their own table. However, all of these classes add to your existing Knight levels for the purpose of Damage Reduction and Energy Resistance. Note: Spell Shield and the Save DC of Draw Fire are already based on character level.

Defender of the Woods [Tome of Trees]

"In Sovjet Faerun, trees cut down YOU!"

BAB: +7
Skills: Knowledge: Nature 13 ranks, Sense Motive 10 ranks
Special: must be a Plant, Magical Beast or Fey, or have made peaceful contact with a creature of one of the above types. Must not be fond of deforestation.
*Special: a Knight who reaches level ten and becomes a Fey Knight may enter this Prestige Class without meeting any requirements.

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, History, Nature, Nobility & Royalty), Listen, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Reflex and Will
Proficiencies: none are gained or lost
LevelAbilities:Designate Opponent:
1Tree Stride, Monstrous Mount, Diamondwood Armour-
2Speak With Animals, Resist Nature's Lure, Entangle+1d6
3I Talk To The Trees, Thorns, Wild Traits 1, Leaf Blade-
4The Trees Have Eyes, Turn Flames, Briar Web+1d6
5Primal Rage, Enchanted Forest, Thistle Blade-
6Deep Roots, Wild Traits 2, Tall Grass+1d6
7Instant Forest, Sticky Sap, Cactus Kick-
8Blade of the Stinging Tree, Photosynthesis+1d6
9Wild Traits 3, Solar Blade-
10Greenbound Fury, Treant Army, Flower King+1d6

Tree Stride (Sp): the Defender of the Woods may Dimension Door between any two trees in the same general forest/jungle/clump of woodland. This is a Spell-like ability that may be performed at will.

Monstrous Mount: a great beast for a mount is granted to the Defender of the Woods to ride. They should select a Plant, Animal or Magical Beast with a CR equal to their own level minus 3, and it serves them loyally. If slain, another replaces it after 24 hours.

Instead of a specific creature, a generic one may be custom-built:
*CR equal to Magical Beast hit dice
*Huge Size (Long), 50' movement
*Either Fly 30' (Average), Swim 100', Climb 40' or Burrow 40'.
*Quadrupedal and Stable
*Natural Armour equal to hit dice
*Str 20, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 9. Add +1 to any one ability score for every hit die.
*2 Claws (3d6+Str) and a Bite (4d6+1/2 Str) or 2 Claws (3d6+1/2 Str) and a Tail Slap (4d6+Str+1/2) or 4 Tendrils (2d6+Str) or Bite (4d6+Str) and Gore (4d6+Str, double on a charge)
*Damage Reduction/iron and Fire and Cold Resistance equal to Hit Dice
*May cast 1 Druid spell each of levels 1, 3 and 5, three times per day, as spell-like abilities (DC = 10 + half HD + Wisdom modifier).

Diamondwood Armour: the Defender of the Woods is blessed by the creatures of the forest. Their armour turns into Wood, but is considered as strong as Adamantine and allows them to add their class level as a bonus on saving throws against [Fire] effects and Poison. Furthermore, the armour grows one Goodberry per class level per day, sprouting in the morning.

Speak With Animals (Su): as a Supernatural ability at will, the second-level Defender of the Woods can communicate with animals, as though they share a language.

Resist Nature's Lure (Ex): starting at level two, the Defender of the Woods becomes gains a +5 bonus to saves against the Spell-like and Supernatural abilities of Fey. This is good, because protecting them doesn't mean they won't put you to sleep and draw a dick on your face, just for laughs.

Entangle (Sp): the second-level Defender of the Woods may cast Entangle as a Spell-like ability at will. The DC is equal to 10 + half the Defender's Hit Dice + their Charisma modifier.

Designate Opponent: at every second level, the Designate Opponent ability of the Defender of the Woods increases by 1d6.

I Talk To The Trees (Su): starting at level three, the Defender of the Woods can speak with plants as a Supernatural ability. Regular plants usually don't have much to say (and indeed, can't talk back, requiring telepathy or just giving vague impressions). Plant creatures might have means of verbal communication, but can certainly point in directions or nod or whatever.

Thorns (Ex): when the Defender of the Woods reaches level three, her armour grows thorns. This is treated as Armour Spikes, albeit made from wood, and with the same Enhancement Bonus as the Armour itself has, as well as Spiked Gauntlets that are made of wood and have the same Enhancement Bonus. As a special side-benefit, if subjected to a Plant Growth effect, the damage of both of these increases by 1 step per 4 Caster Levels.

Wild Traits (Su): once per hour, the third-level Defender of the Woods can use a Swift Action to take on one of the following wild traits for one minute:
  • Brambles: anybody who hits him with a natural weapon, melee touch attack, unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon, or is in a grapple with him at the end of their turn, suffers 1d6 Wood Piercing damage (1d8 at level 6, 1d10 at level 9).
  • Flytrap: they gain a Primary Bite attack that deals 1d8 Piercing damage with a 20/x3 Critical (2d6 at level 6, 2d8 at level 9), and a +2 Bonus to Hide checks (+4 at level 6, +6 at level 9).
  • Mushroom: they become Immune to harmful Myconid Spores, and gain a +4 Bonus on Saving Throws against Poison (+8 at level six, Immunity at level nine).
  • Oak: they gain +2 Natural Armour (+4 at level 6, +6 at level 9).
  • Pollen: they have a constant Featherfall effect, suffer no Armour penalties to Jump checks, and gain a +4 Competence Bonus to Jump checks (+8 at level 6, +12 at level 9).
  • Vines: they gain a Climb Speed of 30', a Constrict Special Attack (1d12+Str*1.5), and a +2 Competence Bonus to Grapple checks (+4 at level 6, +6 at level 9).
  • Water Lily: they float on water even fully armoured, and become Amphibious.
At level six, a second trait can be gained with the same action, and at level nine, a third trait can be gained. These minor changes alter the appearance only a little, and do not violate a Knight's Code of Conduct.

Leaf Blade (Su): the third-level Defender of the Woods is granted the power to form a Leaf Blade at will - by holding a simple leaf or flower, they may spend a Standard Action to grow it into a Magic Longsword. The damage is considered Wood and living, and the Enhancement Bonus is +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). One round after it leaves the hands of the Defender, it shrinks back to a normal leaf again.

The Trees Have Eyes (Su): whenever the fourth-level Defender is within 1 mile of a forest, jungle or other large collection of trees, they are able to tell when hostile forces are within 1 mile of the same group of trees, as well as the general location and a rough idea of how many there are.

Turn Flames (Su): starting at level four, [Fire] spells cast within 20' of the Defender of the Woods must make a Spell Penetration check against 15 + the Defender's Hit Dice, otherwise they fail. Additionally, with a Swift Action, the Defender may automatically extinguish all non-magical flames within 50'.

Briar Web (Sp): anyone caught in the Entangle effect created by the fourth-level Defender also takes Magical Wooden Piercing Damage equal to 2d6 plus the hit dice of the Defender, every round they remain in the area.

Primal Rage (Su): once per hour, the fifth-level Defender of the Woods assumes a beastly form, resembling a werebear. They increase one size category, gain 2 Claw Attacks that deal 2d6+Str damage for a Large Creature and a Bite Attack that deals 3d6+1/2 Str damage for a Large Creature, and gain +6 Str, +2 Dex and +4 Con instead of the usual changes to ability scores based on size. They also gain +5 natural armour and the Improved Grab ability when they hit with a bite attack. The natural weapons are treated as having a Greater Magic Fang (Caster Level = Hit Dice) cast on them.

This lasts for 1 minute. While in this form, they may not cast any spells or spell-like abilities. This change in shape does not violate a Knight's Code of Conduct.

Enchanted Forest (Su): when in an area with a large group of trees, the fifth-level Defender is aided by the very woods themselves. Once per hour they may cast Sleep as a Supernatural Ability with no limit on Hit Dice, and additionally, constantly radiate a 250' radius Nightmare Terrain that only affects hostile creatures. Those who are in the area and fail to disbelieve take 1d6+Defender's Hit Dice in damage at the start of their turn. The save DC for both effects is 10 + half their hit dice + their Charisma Bonus.

Thistle Blade (Su): at level five, the Defender of the Woods sees incredible sharpness in their Leaf Blade - to the point where it actually gains the Sharpness Moderate Quality.

Deep Roots (Su): starting at level six, the Derfender of the Woods may plant their feet to the ground when standing on earth, mud or sand, and with a Swift Action set root. They gain Fast Healing 10 in this state, and are Immobile - they cannot choose to move, nor can they be forced to do so. Releasing this effect is a Full Round Action.

Tall Grass (Su): whenever the sixth-level Defender of the Woods conjures their Leaf Blade, it is exceptionally long, with the same reach as a Spiked Chain.

Instant Forest (Sp): once per day, the seventh-level Defender of the Woods may conjure up to two fully-grown trees per hit die within Medium Range. Assuming there is soil to provide nutrition, they will remain indefinitely - this is an Instantaneous effect. This is considered enough surrounding tree life for any other class features based on being in or near woodlands.

Sticky Sap (Sp): starting at level seven, whenever the Defender of the Woods casts Entangle, it is also full of incredibly sticky sap. Any creature in the area that fails to move at least five feet in a given round becomes near-permenantly stuck to the ground as though by Sovreign Glue.

Cactus Kick (Ex): at level seven, the Defender of the Woods gains a Secondary Slam attack, able to channel plant powers through their legs to deal crippling damage. This is a Magical natural weapon with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), dealing 3d6 Bludgeoning/Piercing damage + half their Strength Bonus. Struck targets must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 7 + half their hit dice + their Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round.

Blade of the Stinging Tree (Su): starting at level eight, whenever the Defender of the Woods summons their Leaf Blade, it is covered in the tiny fibre spikes of a Stinging Tree or Suicide Plant. Once per target per round, a struck victim must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 7 + half their hit dice + their Strength Bonus) against a Poison, Pain effect. On a failed save, they are instantly rendered Helpless for 1d4 rounds, and then Sickened for one month.

Photosynthesis (Su): the eighth-level Defender of the Woods gains Fast Healing equal to their class level whenever in direct sunlight. This stacks with other sources such as Deep Roots.

Solar Blade (Su): upon reaching level nine, the Defender of the Woods gains the ability to absorb sunlight and channel it into a deadly energy slice. First, they must use a Full Round Action to gather sunlight (requiring them to be directly in the light), and within a number of rounds equal to their Constitution Bonus (minimum "by the end of their next turn"), may use a Standard Action to make an attack. This is a melee touch attack with Reach, and deals 2d6 Light damage per hit die. This also exposes the target to the equivalent of one full round of standing in direct sunlight, if that happens to be a problem for the creature in question.

Greenbound Fury (Su): whenever the tenth-level Defender of the Woods uses Primal Rage, they also gain all of the benefits of the Greenbound Template. They are allowed to use the Spell-Like Abilities granted by the template, but no other ones.

Treant Army (Sp): when the Defender of the Woods reaches level ten, they gain the ability to, once per day, Summon sixteen friendly Treants within Medium Range with a Full Round Action. They last for two minutes and will do whatever they can to help out.

Flower King (Su): at level ten, the Defender of the Woods becomes the Flower King (or Queen, or simply Royal). Wherever they step, greenery grows - grass and flowers sprouting from the ground.
Holy Crusader [Tome of Virtue]

"Through great action, we may make a difference. It is only through inaction under the guise of pacifism that we lose to the great evils."

BAB: +10
Skills: Know: the Planes 13 ranks, Know: Religion 13 ranks
Feats: Blitz
Alignment: any Good
Spellcasting: must be able to form a Protection From or Magic Circle Against Evil at least once per day, as a spell or otherwise
Special: must have started a fight with an Evil Outsider.
*Special: a Knight who reaches level ten and becomes an Angelic Knight may enter this Prestige Class without meeting any requirements.

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, History, Nobility & Royalty, The Planes), Listen, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim
BAB: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude and Willpower
Proficiencies: none gained or lost
Level:Abilities:Designate Opponent
1Aura of Daylight, Celestial Plate, Take The Burden-
2Heavenly Aura, Divine Mount, Incite Vigilance+1d6
3Fiend Slayer, Commanding Voice, Angel Wings-
4Holy Word, Smite Evil, Empower the Helpless+1d6
5Resurrection, Decry the Wicked-
6All The Eyes, Be Not Afraid, Angel Wings+1d6
7Wheel of Fire, Spherical Smite-
8Call Upon the Heavenly Forces+1d6
9Absolute Terror Field, Angel Wings-
10Celestial Transformation+1d6

Aura of Daylight (Su): the Holy Crusader constantly emits Daylight, dealing damage to Undead within 30' equal to 1d6+Cha every round. She may suppress this ability at will if she wants to sneak about or, you know, sleep.

Celestial Plate: the Angels are so impressed by the Crusader that they give her a set of Adamantine Full Plate with an Enhancement bonus equal to her level divided by 4 (round up). Additionally, it grants DR 10/Good (making it useful when fighting Evil), and adds its Enhancement Bonus to armour to any damage rolls against creatures with the [Evil] subtype. Additionally, if the character has flight, she may still fly when wearing this, despite the weight. Wings will even go straight through it if she has them.

Take the Burden (Su): with a Standard Action, the Holy Crusader may make a touch attack against an ally and ease their suffering. She may Cure 1d6 damage per hit die, receiving half the damage herself, or may transfer one affliction (such as Nausea, a Poison or Disease, negative levels or Stunning) from the target to herself. If she is immune to the affliction, she lucks out and the affliction is just cured.

Heavenly Aura (Su): at second level, the Holy Crusader gains her choice of an Aura of Menace (as an Archon) or a Protective Aura (as an Angel). If she already has both of these, she enjoys +50% to the radius of both effects.

Divine Mount: the second-level Holy Crusader is blessed with a special mount to ride. It is completely loyal, and if slain, another replaces it after 24 hours. The mount may be any [Good] Magical Beast (including Celestial Animals/Vermin), or a Half-Celestial Animal or Vermin, with a CR at least 3 less than the Crusader's character level, however it must be something actually able to carry her about.

Incite Vigilance (Su): starting at level two, as a Supernatural Ability once per hour, the Holy Crusader may drive allies to their limits, creating a Mass Haste effect. This is a verbal ability that requires a Move-Equivalent Action. The benefits also apply to the Crusader herself.

Designate Opponent: at every second level, the Holy Crusader's Designate Opponent damage improves by 1d6.

Fiend Slayer (Su): the Holy Crusader is especially trained to kill fiends, somewhere between an occupation, hobby and driving goal. When the third-level Crusader strikes an [Evil, Extraplanar] Outsider, the target loses access to one Spell-like or Supernatural ability of the Crusader's choice for one round per class level. Multiple strikes remove multiple abilities. If the fiend is left with no abilities and is struck again, they must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the Crusader's HD + her Charisma modifier) or be Destroyed (as per Destruction).

Commanding Voice (Sp): starting at level three, the Holy Crusader may caste Greater Command as a Spell-like Ability at will to anyone who failed to save against her Aura of Menace or failed to damage her due to her Protective Aura. The Save DC is equal to 10 + half the Crusader's Hit Dice + her Charisma modifier.

Angel Wings: at every third level, the Holy Crusader receives a bonus [Celestial] feat. This must be one of the feats granting wings. If she already has all of them, she can select any other [Celestial] feat as long as she meets the requirements (other than the requirement of being an actual Celestial).

Holy Word (Su): three times per day, the fourth-level Holy Crusader may cast Holy Word as a Supernatural Ability, but retaining the Verbal Component. The Caster level equals her hit dice and cannot be augmented beyond this by any means.

Smite Evil (Su): upon reaching level four, the Holy Crusader may Smite Evil once per hour. This is a non-action that alters an attack that is about to be made, adding her Charisma modifier to the attack roll and hit dice to the damage roll. These benefits only apply to Evil enemies. Furthermore, Divine flames consume the target, treating them as on fire, except the damage is Holy.

Empower the Helpless (Su): once per day as a Supernatural Ability, a level four Holy Crusader may grant great power to up to 2 NPCs per class level. The NPCs must have a CR of no more than 1 each. Once blessed, they become a frenzied mob of righteousness for 1 hour per class level. Treat them as a single Human Barbarian (PHB) that happens to take up more space than usual and has the [Swarm] subtype, with a number of levels equal to the combined hit dice of all of the NPCs. They gain Strength and Constitution scores equal to 10 plus the class level of the Crusader, Dexterity 12, and the average Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma of the mob.

Resurrection (Su): once per day as a Supernatural Ability, the fifth-level Holy Crusader may create a True Resurrection effect. This leaves both her and the target Exhausted until they next rest, at which point they become Fatigued for the remainder of the day.

Decry the Wicked (Su): starting at level five, as a Standard Action at will, the Holy Crusader can shout out the sins of an Evil aligned foe. This is a verbal Supernatural Ability that extends out to 100 feet. The target must make a Will save or suffer from Heavy Encumbrance and become Fatigued for 1 minute. Every round, they suffer nonlethal damage equal to 2d6 plus the Crusader's hit dice.

Be Not Afraid (Ex): upon reaching level six, the Holy Crusader may utter the important words of Celestials - necessary when people freak out upon seeing the weird monstrosities of the Upper Planes. With a Standard Action, she tells people not to be afraid, and anybody that can hear her is instantly freed of all [Fear] effects.

All The Eyes (Ex): the sixth-level Holy Crusader has as many eyes as are needed at any point in time, just like a lot of angels. At will, she may cause these eyes to form visibly, granting her 360-degree vision (and making it impossible to Flank her, or for her to avert her gaze) and a +8 Bonus to Spot checks, and a Gaze Attack (which extends out to 60 feet in all directions) that causes all who meet her gaze to become Frightened for 1 minute on a failed Will Save. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and this is a [Fear] effect. Closing these eyes and reverting to looking "normal" takes only a Swift Action.

Wheel of Fire (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the seventh-level Holy Crusader may surround herself in a ring of holy flames. This reaches out to fifteen feet, and rises fifteen feet high. She can see through it as though it were not there, and it moves along with her. Any creature that enters the area (or has the area move over them) suffers 6d6 damage (half Fire, half Holy), with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus). Creatures that end their turn in the area suffer the damage with no saving throw. She may end this effect with a Swift Action.

Spherical Smite (Su): at level seven, the Holy Crusader selects one Celestial Sphere. She becomes sufficiently attuned that she can cast each of the Spell-Like Abilities available to creatures of her hit dice once per day - but not in the normal manner. Upon successfully damaging something with a Smite or Designate Opponent, she may cast one of the Sphere abilities with a Swift Action in the same turn.

Call Upon the Heavenly Forces (Sp): once per day, the eighth-level Holy Crusader may cast the Kaeleric version of Planar Army, selecting either 30 Bralani (+4 Firre), 30 Equinals (+4 Ursinals), 45 Hound Archons (+1 Trumpet Archon), or 15 Movanic Deva (+1 Astral Deva).

Absolute Terror Field (Su): starting at level nine, the Holy Crusader may radiate the true force of her personality when all of her eyes are showing, enforcing her personal space in an absolute manner. Any time a creature fails against her Gaze attack, they are completely unable to approach within 15 feet, and this area is also exempt from any of their Area of Effect abilities, and they cannot make attacks - even by throwing objects - within the area. This lasts beyond the initial fear, until her eyes close again.

Celestial Transformation: upon reaching level ten, the Holy Crusader actually transforms into a Celestial - her Type becomes Outsider, and she gains the Native Subtype, as well as Good, and her choice of Angel, Archon, Deva, Eladrin or Guardinal. She gains all of the Traits of the Type and chosen Subtype. In the case of an Eladrin, she may select any existing Eladrin Alternate Form.
Wing Feats:
Wings of Good: already covered in Tome

Wings of Mercy [Celestial]
A simple touch from your many wings eases the pain and suffering of others.
Requirements: winged flight
Benefit: you grow another pair of wings, increasing your Fly Speed by 10 feet. Additionally, a number of times per day equal to your total number of wings, you may touch a creature to bestow any of the following effects, at a Caster Level equal to your hit dice: Cure Light Wounds, Neutralise Poison, Remove Disease, Lesser Restoration. If you are of tenth level or higher, you may expend four uses at the same time to instead bestow Restoration, Regeneration, Cure Serious Wounds or Remove Curse. At level sixteen, you may expend eight uses at the same time to grant Greater Restoration or Break Enchantment.

Wings of Protection [Celestial]
Your wings cover you and others, protecting from various forms of harm.
Requirements: winged flight
Benefits: you grow another pair of wings, increasing your Fly Speed by 10 feet. Additionally, select one Descriptor (such as [Fire] or [Mind-Affecting]) per wing you possess. You and adjacent allies gain a Bonus on Saving Throws against all of these effects equal to the total number of wings you have. Finally, providing you are level six or higher, you may cast Wings of Cover as a Spell-Like Ability once per day per four wings you have.

Wings of Pure Light [Celestial]
Your wings are completely unhindered by armour, and radiate light.
Requirements: winged flight
Benefit: you grow another pair of wings. Furthermore, all of your wings pass through your equipment and armour as though Incorporeal, meaning you don't need special modifications, and your Fly Speed increases by 10 feet. You may radiate Light at will, with a radius of 10 feet per wing you possess.

Wings of Radiance [Celestial]
The prismatic light of your wings can be unleashed in powerful beams.
Requirements: winged flight
Benefit: you grow another pair of wings, improving your Fly Speed by 10 feet. Furthermore, once per hour you may cast a modified Rainbow Blast as a Spell-Like Ability, with a Caster Level equal to your hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus. You deal a number of dice of damage equal to your number of wings, in the following order: Cold, Electricity, Fire, Acid, Sonic, [Force] effect, Holy/Divine, [Light] effect, Dessication, Untyped. If you have more than ten wings, cycle through this list again, starting with Cold.
At level fifteen, you may cast Prismatic Spray and Radiant Assault once each per day per six full wings you have (same CL and Save DC as above). At level twenty, if you have ten or more wings you may cast Prismatic Sphere once per day.

Wings of Smiting [Celestial]
Your manyfold wings are sharp and dangerous
Requirements: winged flight
Benefits: you grow another pair of wings, increasing your Fly Speed by 10 feet. Additionally, each of your wings can be used as a Secondary Natural Weapon to make a wing attack. These deal 1d6 Slashing damage for a Medium creature, plus one half your Strength Bonus, and have a Critial value of 19-20/x2. They are all treated as having the Holy magic weapon property. At level twelve, if you have at least eight wings, you may cast Dispel Evil once per day as a Spell-Like Ability with a Caster Level equal to your hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus.
Golem-Knight of Mechanus [Book of Gears]


BAB: +10
Skills: Knowledge (engineering) 13 ranks
Feats: Juggernaut
Special: must have spent time learning the art of construction in Mechanus.
*Special: a Knight who reaches level ten and becomes a Mechanical Knight may enter this Prestige Class without meeting any requirements.

Hit Dice: 1d12
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering, Geography, History, Nobility & Royalty, The Planes), Listen, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude
Proficiencies: the Golem Knight is proficient with any weapon that they craft.
Level:Abilities:Designate Opponent
1Craft Mechanus Armour, Amplifiers+1d6
2Mechanus Mount, Rocket Lance-
3Artificer's Secret Weapon, Fuel Lines-
4Craft Grenades, Boomstick+1d6
5Golem Body, Craft Servo-Arm, Fumigator-
6Omniscope Upgrade, Gravity Generator-
7Hologram Projector, Inevitable Movement+1d6
8Mechanus Cannon, Attuned to Clockwork-
9EYE BEAMS!, Ordinatus Drill, Internal Forge-
10Neutronic Death Ray, Reactor Meltdown, Gravity Imploder+1d6

Note: many of the class features of the Golem Knight appear to be magical but are not. If your game world treats technological wonders as magical (and thus nonfunctional in an Anti-Magic Field and so on), it is reasonable that these are also magical, but it is not the intent that the Golem Knight ceases being able to shoot things when a Beholder stares at him, nor should one casting of Mordenkainen's Disjunction render him powerless.

Craft Mechanus Armour (Ex): the Golem Knight can, given about a day and enough scrap materials, construct a suit of Mechanus Armour. This is extra heavy Adamantine Full Plate that has an Enhancement bonus equal to +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). However, it only gains this effect when worn by the Knight who crafted it.

Additionally, the wearer gains all Construct traits (but ability scores remain unchanged), along with the ability to add the armour's Enhancement bonus to all Break attempts and damage rolls. A character with ranks in Knowledge (Engineering) is able to spot weak points and deal extra damage from Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks.

Amplifiers (Ex): the Golem Knight has a booming voice that can carry on for miles. Additionally, he may cast Command and Shout at will as an Extraordinary ability (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus).

Designate Opponent: at first level, and every three levels thereafter (4, 7, 10), the Golem Knight's Designate Opponent ability improves by 1d6.

Mechanus Mount (Ex): the second-level Golem Knight may, given enough scrap material and about a day, craft a mighty steed that looks like a warhorse with too many layers of plate barding. This counts as a Cauchemar Nightmare of the Construct type (ability scores are unchanged) and no actual alignment. It loses its Spell-like abilities (but retains the smoke, breath weapon and fire damage) and Subtypes, and has hit dice equal to the Knight's character level.

It possesses a Natural Armour bonus of +0 but an Armour bonus equal to its hit dice and an Enhancement bonus to Strength and Armour equal to the class level of the Golem Knight. It is completely loyal to the Golem Knight, but when not being ridden, it stands motionless, unable to act.

It can be crafted to any size that the Golem Knight could ride, and the Knight can see through its Smoke. Once again, anyone with ranks in Knowledge (Engineering) is able to deal extra damage from Critical Hits and Sneak Attack.

Rocket Lance (Ex): starting at level two the Golem Knight may, with an hour of work, modify a lance to be fired as though from a cannon. It can be used as a ranged weapon with range increments of 15' and counts as charging when fired. It still adds the Strength modifier of the Knight to damage, but is treated as being wielded in only one hand, so there is no multiplier to the Strength Bonus. On a successful hit, this also performs a Bullrush on behalf of the Golem Knight, using his own Size, Strength and so on. He does not move as part of this, and it can move the target additional squares beyond the first.

Artificer's Secret Weapon (Ex): with a day of hard work, a third-level Golem Knight can craft special weapons. When it comes to attack and damage rolls, Damage Reduction and hitting ghosts, they are treated as though magical (with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per three hit dice, round up), and enjoy any one Lesser Magic Weapon Quality, however they are in no way magical and thus function normally in an Anti-Magic Field and cannot be Disjoined. The secret weapons must still be Attuned much like magic weapons, and require an hour of maintenance every week by the Knight. At level six, they can have a Moderate Magic Weapon Quality instead of a Lesser one.

Fuel Lines (Ex): starting at level three, special fuel pipes can be built into the Mechanus Armour with a whole hour of work. This allows the Golem Knight to drink any potion he has as a Swift Action. As a side effect, any time he is subject to any kind of Fire damage (even if his Resistances or Immunity reduce this to zero), stray fuel will ignite and blast out from release valves, allowing him to create a Burning Hands effect as an Immediate Action with one die of damage per hit die, and a Save DC of 10 + half his level + his Intelligence Bonus.

Craft Grenades (Ex): with an hour and some random materials, the fourth-level Golem Knight may craft a batch of special grenades - one per class level. Sadly, they are unstable and will be unusable after 24 hours. Until then, they may be thrown as grenade-like weapons, exploding in a 30' radius. The save DC is 10 + half the Knight's HD + his Intelligence Bonus. The Golem Knight may choose the effects upon creation:
  • Incendiary: all in the area take 1d6 Fire damage per character level of the Golem Knight. A successful Reflex save halves this damage, but those who fail the save catch fire.
  • Frost Cloud: all in the area take 1d6 Cold damage per character level of the Golem Knight and are Slowed for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the Slow effect.
  • Flash Bang: all in the area are Blinded and Deafened for 1d4 rounds on a failed Reflex save.
  • Concussion: all in the area are knocked prone automatically, and Dazed for 1 round on a failed Fortitude save.
  • Electro Pulse: all in the area take 1d6 Electricity damage per character level of the Golem Knight. A successful Reflex save halves this, but those who fail the save count as Entangled for 1 round as their limbs go numb and twitchy.
  • Sleep Gas: all in the area become drowsy for 2 rounds on a failed Fortitude save. Drowsy characters count as Fatigued and take a -6 penalty on saves against Sleep effects.
  • Corrosive Gas: all in the area take 1d6 Acid damage per character level of the Golem Knight. A Reflex save halves this. Those who fail the save take damage equal to the Golem Knight's character level on the following round.
  • Disruption Pulse: all Constructs and Undead in the area take 1d8 untyped damage per character level of the Golem Knight. A Fortitude save halves this, and they are not Immune to this effect.
Grenades are not magical.

Boomstick (Ex): with half a day of work, the Golem Knight of fourth level or higher can craft a double-barrelled shotgun of sorts. Firing this two-handed weapon is an Attack action and it takes a Move-Equivalent Action to reload (Swift with Rapid Reload or Sleight of Hand 10 ranks, Free with both of the above), but can fire twice before needing to be reloaded. An hour of work will craft one round per hit die of the Knight. The following types of ammunition are available:
  • Solid Slug: 40' range increments, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, critical 20/x4.
  • Scatter Shot: 40' cone, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, Reflex half (same DC as grenades). Those who fail are knocked Prone.
  • Incendiary: 40' cone, 2d6 Fire damage, Reflex half. Those who fail catch fire.
  • Flash-Bang Powder: 40' cone, all in the area are Blinded and Deafened for 1 round, Reflex negates.
  • Explosive Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 Bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Fire damage, sets the target on fire. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).
  • Meltdown Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Acid damage, with 2d6 Acid damage the following round. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).
  • Summoning Shell: Summons an Elementite Swarm (the type is chosen when the shell is crafted) within 15' (including "directly in someone else's square, they take Swarm damage straight away") and remains for 4 rounds.

This weapon is not magical. It may be made into a Secret Weapon with further work, thus gaining the Enhancement Bonus and special quality.

Golem Body (Ex): when the Golem Knight reaches level five, he may construct his very own actual golem body, requiring about five thousand GP worth of materials and a week of hard work. This can be a giant chunk of baked clay that looks like a few rocks stacked together, or it could be an intricate suit of many plates of armour. Whatever. It takes a whole hour to don this "body", or to escape it, but when worn, the following benefits are gained, in addition to those that would be gained if the Knight was wearing his Mechanus Armour (he can't wear armour while wearing this):

Size: 1 category larger (you may wish to construct a bigger horse)
Ability Scores: +8 Strength, -4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution
Speed: remains the same
Reach: extends by 5'
Armour: five higher than normal for the Mechanus Armour, but the larger size will reduce AC by some amount.
Attacks: may wield weapons, or gains 2 slams (2d6+Str for a Large creature). May also use a Bite attack (3d6+1/2 Str for a Large creature).
Special Qualities: Spell Resistance equal to 10 + his hit dice
Special Attacks:
-Trample (4d6 for a Large creature)
-Improved Grab
-Furnace Blast (Ex): a 50' breath weapon which deals 1d6 Fire damage per hit die, plus another 5d6, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus). This can be used once per minute, and those who fail the save catch fire for 3d6 damage per round. It may instead be focused on a character hit by a Bite attack, as a Swift action. This hits automatically as though they had failed the save, but no-one else is affected.

This "armour" is not magical, despite all appearances to the contrary.

Craft Servo Arm (Ex): at level five the Golem Knight may, with a day's work, craft an additional arm to connect to a mount, Mechanus Armour, or the Golem Body. This arm reaches out 10' further than the subject normally could, and can manipulate objects like a Telekinesis spell, or may be used to attack foes within reach like a Bigby's Crushing Fist spell. In both cases the Caster Level equals his hit dice and the relevant Ability Score is Intelligence. It also has a form of blow-torch and saw added, which helps it assist the Knight in creating items (halving the time), but also is very unfortunate for those grappled by the arm. They take an additional 2d6 Adamantine Slashing damage and 5d6 Fire damage per round they remain in a grapple.

The Servo Arm is also not magical.

Fumigator (Ex): a fifth-level Golem Knight may tinker with the fuel lines and release valves such that he can release clouds of smoke and steam, as an Obscuring Mist effect with the initial Area either adjacent to or overlapping his space, once per hour. Additionally, he may "feed" one of his grenades into it (Incendiary, Frost, Corrosive or Sleep only) to release the effects into the cloud - anyone who is in the area is subject to the effects (with saving throws allowed as normal) each round. In the case of Sleep Gas, failing the save two rounds in a row results in the target falling Asleep for 1 minute.

Omniscope Upgrade (Ex): with an hour of work, the sixth-level Golem Knight may create a special attachment that is built into his helmet, whether his Mechanus Armour or the Golem Armour. This gives him Darkvision to 120', Low-Light Vision, the See in Darkness ability of Devils, a constant See Invisibility effect, and X-Ray Vision. Once per hour, he may use a Free Action to grant himself True Seeing for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence Bonus.

Gravity Generator (Su): starting at level six, the Golem Knight may built an actually magical gravity generator into his Mechanus Armour, steed or Golem Armour. In each case it takes about an hour of work. This allows him (or his steed) to benefit from subjective gravity, or to become immobile like an Immovable Rod (relative to the world, not a fixed point in space with the world zooming away rapidly).

Hologram Projector (Su): the seventh-level Golem Knight may spend an hour crafting a special hologram projector and building it into the Golem Armour or Mechanus Armour. This allows him to create a Silent Image, Mirror Image, Blur or Hallucinatory Terrain effect at will, although only one such effect may be active at a time.

Inevitable Movement (Ex): starting at level seven, the Golem Knight is unstoppable. He has constant Freedom of Movement in regards to actually moving - he can still be grappled and damaged in the grapple, but it won't slow him down. Similarly, he can move across liquids as though they were solid, and will only start sinking when he takes any action other than movement. He may also walk straight through walls and other obstructions that are no more than 5' thick and have a Hardness less than Adamantium, simply smashing a giant hole out of the wall without so much as pausing.

Mechanus Cannon (Su): the eighth-level Golem Knight can open a Travel Gate to places he has already been in Mechanus. He can use this for travel to that plane, but he can also open one up right in front of one of the great pistons of that plane just long enough for a titanic column of metal to come down and crush things. The Knight nominates a 20' diameter circle with a Standard Action, and everything in that circle up to 100' off the ground is pounded by a giant column of Mechanus Steel. This does 20d6 of nonmagical Bludgeoning Damage with no saving throw.

Attuned to Clockwork (Ex): at level eight, the Golem Knight becomes completely in tune with the clockwork and cogs of Mechanus. This means he moves with perfect safety in Mechanus, never being caught in the cogs, but it also means he operates on a special form of perfect time: Hasted foes do not gain any numeric bonuses against him, and he can never be Slowed or placed in a Temporal Stasis. Furthermore, if another creature creates a Time Stop effect within 500 feet, he shares the benefits of the effect and can act normally in the duration, though he is still subject to the same restrictions as the caster - they can wallop each other just fine, but he can't shoot other people who are frozen in time.

EYE BEAMS! (Su): upon reaching level nine, the Golem Knight is able to unleash mighty eye beams through his Omniscope Upgrade. Once per hour, he may use a Standard Action to unleash the destructive light of his augments, making a Ranged Touch Attack against a single target within Medium Range. If hit, they suffer 2d6 Light damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus). Whether the subject passes the save or not, the light burns away their defences, reducing any Spell Resistance and Energy Resistances by 10 for three rounds.

Ordinatus Drill (Ex): with an hour of work, the ninth-level Golem Knight can build a massive drill onto his armour (whether Mechanus or Golem Armour). When inactive, it sits out of the way, when "active" it is wielded in one hand, and it is a Free Action to change between the two. This is treated as a wielded magic weapon with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and has the following profile: 1-Handed, 2d6 + Str Piercing damage (for Medium), Critical 18-20/x3, and it is treated as Adamantium for the purpose of DR and Hardness. This also has the Tome Wounding property (and cannot be granted another).

Furthermore, this drill grants the Knight a Burrow Speed (leaving an empty tunnel behind) equal to his movement speed, and can be used to create an Earthquake effect with a Standard Action at will. Finally, it may be used to drill through planar walls, destroying [Force] effects and allowing travel between Demi-Planes within the same Plane. This last ability requires a Full Round Action.

Internal Forge (Su): at level nine, the Golem Knight of Mechanus can build a forge into his Golem Armour. This allows him to cast Fabricate three times per day.

Neutronic Death Ray (Su): once per day, the tenth-level Golem Knight may use a Standard Action to channel incredible inner energy into a death ray. This unleashes a 5' wide Line out to Long Range, and anything caught in it must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus). On a failed save, the target dies. If they pass the save, or fail it but are Immune to [Death] effects, they merely suffer 100 points of Electricity damage, 5 Negative Levels and 10 points of Constitution Drain. As a side-effect, survivors of this glow as though by Fairy Fire for the next month.

Reactor Meltdown (Ex): at level ten, the Golem Armour of the Golem Knight is powered by such a great source of energy that, should it suffer critical damage, bad things might happen. If reduced to 0 hit points or less, or slain outright, the Golem Knight may decide to "go nuclear" just before death (assuming he is wearing the Golem Armour). Everything within a 30' radius suffers 20d6 Fire damage and 20d6 damage from a [Force] effect. Beyond this 30' radius, it keeps expanding, with every 10' further reducing the damage by 1d6 Fire and 1d6 Force, until 220-230' deals only 1d6 of each, and there is no effect beyond this. The damage is halved with a Reflex Save (DC 20 + his Intelligence Bonus), and this is treated as Siege Weaponry for the purpose of damaging objects. It also Dispels any [Darkness] effect of 9th level or lower, and keeps the sky lit brightly for 1d6 rounds. The ground for the entire area is reduced to Difficult Terrain, and the Golem Knight (and his armour) is utterly obliterated, requiring a True Resurrection to bring back - the same is true for anything reduced to or below zero hit points from the damage of this explosion.

Gravity Imploder (Ex): upon reaching level ten, the Golem Knight may craft one boomstick shell out of every batch to be a special Gravity Imploder. This creates an Ultimate Sphere of Destruction which is fired forwards 40' in a straight line, with everything in the way needing to save against disintegration. It then remains perfectly still (although anybody who has a Talisman of the Sphere may move it as though it were a Sphere of Annihilation) for a number of rounds equal to the Golem Knight's Intelligence Bonus before collapsing in on itself and vanishing. Until this happens, at the end of each of his turns it draws creatures in, as the Vortex ability of an Umbral Blot.
Lunar Knight

"Agent of love and justice, pretty soldier Lunar Knight! In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"

BAB: +7
Skills: Knowledge (the Planes) 13 ranks
Alignment: any Good
*A Knight who reaches level ten and becomes a Angelic Knight or Fey Knight may enter this Prestige Class without meeting the requirements.

Hit Dice: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, History, Nobility & Royalty, The Planes), Listen, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude, Reflex and Will
Proficiencies: none gained or lost
1Aura of Moonlight, Flight, Moon Prism Power
2Lunar Healing Escalation, Moonfire Blade
3Lunar Limitless Healing, Silver Smite
4Disruptive Lunar Strike, Moon Spiral Heart Attack
5Cosmic Moon Power, Crisis Transformation
6Half Moon Phases, Rainbow Moon Heart Ache
7Holy Lunar Radiance, Moonlight Revelation
8Moon Gorgeous Meditation, Starlight Transcendence
9Blue Moon Miracle, Key to the Silver Kingdom
10Silver Moon Crystal Eternity Power, Galactic Moon Revival

Aura of Moonlight: the Lunar Knight emits moonlight (with the intensity of Daylight (Su) but not being actual solar power) out to 20' unless she decides to suppress the ability such as to sleep. Anyone assuming a form other than their own natural one is forced back to their natural form while in the area. Lycanthropes, however, are forced into their half-way form.

Flight (Su): Lunar Knights can fly at a speed of 50' with Perfect manoeuvrability.

Moon Prism Power (Su): as a Supernatural ability at will, the Lunar Knight may transform, requiring a Standard Action. This is not affected by Aura of Moonlight. While transformed, the Knight gains a Deflection bonus to AC and a Resistance bonus to all saves, equal to her hit dice divided by 3 (round up), and Fast Healing equal to her class level. Also, her Flight speed is doubled and any weapon wielded is treated as Silver for the purpose of Damage Reduction and Regeneration, and has the [Shapeshifter] Bane quality. This ability lasts for the encounter - cooling down whenever her adrenaline returns to normal. While there is no daily limit on transforming, she cannot do so when not in danger or combat - it requires a sense of urgency.

Lunar Healing Escalation (Sp): starting at second level, the transformed Lunar Knight can heal others with a Standard Action once per five rounds. This generates a 15' burst around the Knight, and everyone the Knight designates within the area regains 2d6 HP per class level, plus her Charisma modifier. This sadly does not heal the Knight herself.

Moonfire Blade (Su): when the second-level Lunar Knight transforms, her weapons are bathed in glowing moonfire. It gains the Ghost Touch property, and against Undead, [Evil] Outsiders and [Shapeshifter] targets, the base damage increases by 1d8 plus her class level. Such targets, once hit, continue to be bathed in light for three rounds, as a Fairy Fire effect. Furthermore, once per transformation she may make a special whirlwind attack: moving up to her normal movement speed, and making a single attack which is resolved against any targets she wishes to attack that she threatens at any point during this movement. At the end of this, any target that was struck must pass a Concentration check on their next turn if they wish to cast a spell (DC 10 + Spell Level + damage dealt). Failure results in them losing the spell.

Lunar Limitless Healing (Su): upon reaching third level, whenever the Lunar Knight transforms, her allies within 30' also gain the Fast Healing.

Silver Smite (Su): if a Designated Foe is stupid enough not to damage the third-level Knight, then when she in turn hits them for a lot of extra damage, she may declare it a Silver Smite. If the target is [Extraplanar], then at the end of the Knight's turn (assuming she hit them), they must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Charisma Bonus) or be subject to Banishment. If a [Shapechanger], they instead must make a Fortitude save or be destroyed. Anyone else simply has to make a Will save or spend 1 round Cowering.

Disruptive Lunar Strike (Sp): starting at level four, when the Lunar Knight has transformed she may activate a Dispel Evil effect once per round. If she hits a foe with a melee attack, she may cast this upon them as a Swift Action.

Moon Spiral Heart Attack (Su): upon reaching fourth level, the Lunar Knight gains the ability to launch a dazzling light attack, but only when Moon Prism Power is activated. It can be used once per transformation, and requires a Standard Action. This fires a bolt out to Medium Range, requiring a Ranged Touch Attack, that deals 1d6 Holy damage per hit die. Additionally, it creates a burst of colour, 15' in radius, centred on the target. All in the area must make a Will save (Charisma-based) or be Fascinated for 1d6 rounds. The initial target of the attack, if hit, suffers a -4 Penalty on the Saving Throw, and creatures with the [Evil] Subtype suffer a further -2 Penalty on the Saving Throw and are affected for twice as long (although the usual things like "being attacked" will snap them out of it just as fast).

Cosmic Moon Power (Su): having activated Moon Prism Power, a fifth-level Lunar Knight may activate Cosmic Moon Power as a Standard action once per transformation. All enemies within 50' must immediately make a Will save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, +4 for a target who would be subject to the Knight's Designate Opponent damage if she had instead attacked). If they fail, they are Charmed as per a Charm Monster spell.

Crisis Transformation (Su): starting at level five, if a Lunar Knight has transformed with Moon Prism Power and her current Hit Points are no more than half her maximum, she may double transform with a Full Round Action. This lasts for three rounds (not including the round she spent transforming), although any round in which she takes at least 50 points of damage does not count against this, extending the duration. For the duration, she benefits from Empyreal Ecstasy and Starmantle effects. When this ends, the Moon Prism Power transformation also ends and she is rendered Fatigued.

Half Moon Phases (Su): when not affected by Moon Prism Power, the level six Lunar Knight may spend a Standard Action to split into two. This lasts until she decides to end the effect or is rendered unable to take actions (in both cases causing either one to vanish), and must be ended in order to activate Moon Prism Power. They may both attack, flank with each other and so on, but may not use charged or single-use items, and any "X times per Y time unit" ability or item used by one count as being used by the other. Also, damage is shared rather than splitting hit points into two pools, and 10 Hit Points are lost every round that they are divided. While both may designate different foes, thus allowing for two Designated Opponents, they each count as the original for the purposes of preventing the bonus damage from either - it doesn't matter which one challenges an enemy.

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache (Sp): at level six, a Lunar Knight who is under the effects of Crisis Transformation may cast Prismatic Spray or Radiant Assault (once total per transformation). In both cases, the Caster Level equals her hit dice, the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and the Area of Effect must include a target who is subject to her Designate Opponent extra damage.

Holy Radiance (Su): starting at level seven, a Lunar Knight under the effects of Crisis Transformation also gains the benefits of Holy Aura for the duration. Upon dealing extra Designate Opponent damage to someone, she may end the Holy Aura as a Free Action to cast Holy Smite on them.

Moonlight Revelation (Sp): a seventh-level Lunar Knight may, when transformed via Moon Prism Power, use a Full Round Action to shine the light of truth out to a 500' radius. This instantly Disjoins all Illusion spells in the area, and suppresses Illusions caused by magic items for 2d6 rounds.

Moon Gorgeous Meditation (Su): starting at level eight, the Lunar Knight who has activated Crisis Transformation may make a special attack with a Standard Action. If the attack hits, the foe must pass a Reflex Save or be trapped within a crystal prism. This has 200 HP and Hardness 10, and renders the target Helpless but preserved and alive. This lasts forever until broken, at which point it explodes into a 60' radius Spread that duplicates a Prismatic Spray effect. If the target took extra damage thanks to Designate Opponent, they must attempt two saving throws and take the worst result.

Starlight Transcendence (Sp): having activated Crisis Transformation, an eighth-level Lunar Knight may end the effects of both it and Moon Prism Power (becoming Fatigued as normal) to activate a burst of glowing magic. This is a Full Round Action and replicates a Mass Heal spell. Additionally, any enemy within fifty feet may choose to benefit from this effect (they cannot be coerced), but if they do so, they are affected by a Charm Monster effect with no saving throw, even if normally Immune.

Blue Moon Miracle (Sp): upon reaching level nine, the Lunar Knight may cast Miracle once per lunar cycle. That's actually more than once in a blue moon but she makes her own luck happen. This can't be used to create magic items at all, that just flat-out doesn't work. This does not require transformation in order to use.

Key to the Silver Kingdom (Su): the ninth-level Lunar Knight is granted the key to the Silver Kingdom of the moon, which is a metaphysical key tied to her existence, and not a physical object. She may cast Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion at will, and may also open a travel version of Gate at will.

Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power (Su): once per lunar cycle, the tenth-level Lunar Knight may, having activated Moon Prism Power, unleash the power of the silver moon kingdom. All [Evil] effects within a one-mile radius are subject to Mordenkainen's Disjunction, and all creatures within this radius (regardless of alignment) are subject to a Greater Restoration and Break Enchantment effect. Furthermore, all creatures and objects are freed from any kind of possession, and [Evil] Outsiders are subject to Banishment.

Galactic Moon Revival (Ex): the tenth-level Lunar Knight taps into Lambda power, drawing upon the positive energy plane and the entire cosmos. Any time she has been dead for a full lunar cycle, she is restored completely as though by True Resurrection. This still requires that True Resurrection be able to work - if an effect prevents any kind of resurrection at all, or first requires a Wish or Miracle, then Galactic Moon Revival will have no effect.

Crusader of the Elemental Forces


BAB: +10
Skills: Knowledge (the Planes) 13 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 13 ranks
Special: must have some form of attack that deals Fire, Electricity, Cold or Acid damage.
*Special: a Knight who reaches level ten and becomes an Elemental Knight may enter this Prestige Class without meeting any requirements.

Hit Points: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, History, Nature, Nobility & Royalty, The Planes), Listen, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude, Reflex and Will
Proficiencies: none gained or lost
Level:Abilities:Designate Opponent
1Elemental Resistances, Elemental Strike+1d6
2Heart of Water, Drench, Elemental Mount-
3Heart of Earth, Earthen Grasp, Elemental Rage+1d6
4Heart of Air, Whirlwind, Storm of Elemental Fury-
5Heart of Fire, Fiery Skin, Firestorm+1d6
6Charging Tsunami, Earthquake Stomp-
7Elemental Fusion, Elemental Protection+1d6
8Greater Whirlwind, Blood of the Elements-
9Storm of Vengeance, Elemental Fealty+1d6
10Elemental Extraction, Temple of Elemental Glory-

Elemental Resistances (Ex): the Crusader of the Elemental Forces receives Energy Resistance equal to 5 times her class level against Fire, Acid, Cold and Electricity. She is also unaffected by reasonably strong wind, fog, rain, muddy ground, quicksand, sandstorms, random lightning strikes, particularly hot weather and particularly cold weather.

Elemental Strike (Su): when dealing additional damage to a Designated Opponent, the Crusader may, on a successful hit, elect to either:
  • Soak the target (making them count as Entangled until dried)
  • Set them on fire
  • Knock them prone with earthly might
  • Cause the wind to carry them into the air, moving them up to 50' away.
If multiple hits are made, multiple effects may be caused in the same round.

Designate Opponent: at every odd level, the Crusader's Designate Opponent damage increases by 1d6.

Heart of Water (Su): starting at second level the Crusader of the Elemental Forces has a permanent Heart of Water effect (Swim speed equal to Land Speed, Breathe Underwater, +5 enhancement bonus to Escape Artist). At any time, the Crusader can suppress this for 3 rounds and benefit from Freedom of Movement for the same duration instead. This is a Swift Action to decide.

Drench (Su): the second-level Crusader gains the ability to drench others (and flames), just like a Water Elemental, at will with a touch.

Elemental Mount: at level two, the Crusader gains a Mount to ride. This mount is loyal, and if it dies, another appears a day later. It can be any Elemental with a CR at least 3 less than the Crusader's character level, and must be able to carry the Crusader of the Elemental Forces around. Its touch causes no harm to her even if it normally has a Disintegrating body or something.

Heart of Earth (Su): the third-level Crusader has a permanent Heart of Earth effect (+8 bonus to resist Trip/Overrun/Bull Rush and increased maximum HP of 30). With a Swift Action, she may suppress the effects for three rounds in order to gain a Stoneskin effect for the same duration. As long as both original Heart effects are active (not the alternate spell effects), the Crusader gains Light Fortification.

Earthen Grasp (Su): at level three the Crusader of the Elemental Forces can make the ground grab people who are standing on it. This is a Supernatural Ability that requires a Standard Action. She may use her own BAB and Strength to make a grapple attempt at a target within 50', providing they are standing on unworked earth, clay, sand or stone, but counts as a Colossal creature. If the foe is grappled, the Crusader can Concentrate to sustain this effect, constricting them and dealing 10d6 Crushing damage every round until the foe escapes.

Elemental Rage (Su): the third-level Crusader's Elemental Strike ability is enhanced. If the Crusader sets an enemy on fire, they burn brilliantly, taking 5d6 Fire damage per round and the DC to put the flames out becomes 10 + half the Crusader's Hit Dice + her Charisma modifier. If she soaks them, water floods their lungs and they drown enough to become Exhausted until they next rest. If she knocks them prone they are also Stunned for 1 round on a failed Fortitude Save (same DC), and if she knocks them into the air, they are held in place for three rounds as though by a Telekinetic Sphere, air whirling all about them.

Heart of Air (Su): at level four, the Crusader of the Elements gains a permanent Heart of Air effect (+10 enhancement bonus to Jump checks, 30' Flight (Average)). She may at any time unleash a Gust of Wind as a Swift action, but doing so suppresses her Heart of Air until the start of her next turn.

Whirlwind (Su): the fourth-level Crusader may, with a Standard Action, transform into a tornado of sorts. Her ability scores and attributes all remain the same, however she has a constant 50% Concealment and gains a Slam attack that deals 1d8+Str*1.5 Bludgeoning for a Medium Creature and buffets the target 20' away. She may also trap enemies inside the vortex like an Air Elemental. However, she does lose the ability to cast any spells and loses the benefits of Heart of Earth, Fire and Water. Changing back just requires a Swift Action.

Storm of Elemental Fury (Sp): starting at level four, the Crusader may cast Storm of Elemental Fury three times per day as a Spell-like Ability, as long as the area of effect includes a foe who is subject to her Designate Opponent damage. The DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma modifier.

Heart of Fire (Su): upon reaching level five, the Crusader of the Elemental Forces gains a permanent Heart of Fire effect (Fire Immunity, +10' enhancement bonus to speed). Alternatively, with a Swift Action she may suppress it for three rounds and gain a Fire Shield effect for an equal duration. If all four Hearts are active, she becomes completely immune to critical hits.

Fiery Skin (Su): anyone who Grapples with the fifth-level Crusader or strikes her with a natural or non-reach melee weapon suffers 1d12 points of Fire damage and catches fire instantly.

Firestorm (Sp): three times per day, the fifth-level Crusader of the Elemental Forces may cast Firestorm. The Caster Level equals her hit dice and the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Charging Tsunami (Su): starting at level six, when the Crusader of the Elemental Forces charges someone, she smashes into them like a wave of water. She may deliver her Charge attack to all creatures in a 15x15 foot square, providing at least one of the squares is in the normal reach for her weapon. She makes one attack roll and applies it against all in the area. Furthermore, those struck are knocked Prone and subject to her Drench ability.

Earthquake Stomp (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, the sixth-level Crusader may stomp the ground and create an Earthquake effect.

Elemental Fusion (Su): starting at level seven, the Crusader of the Elemental Forces can combine elemental powers when performing the Elemental Strike. She gains the following options:
  • Adding a Chain Lightning effect that begins in the target's square
  • Encasing the target in ice on a failed Fortitude Save (as a single-target version of Entomb)
  • Acidic sludge deals 6d6 Acid damage and renders the target permanently Blind (a successful Fort Save halves the damage and negates the Blindness)
  • Magma
Elemental Protection (Su) at level seven, the Crusader gains one of the following protective powers, but only when all four Heart of ___ primary effects are in effect: Endure Pain (Black Rock Triskelion), Deflecting Winds (Cyclonic Ravager), Heat Aura (Holocaust Disciple) or Liquid Body and Malleable Form (Waterveiled Assassin). She may change from one effect to another with a Full Round Action at will.

Greater Whirlwind (Sp): three times per day, the eighth-level Crusader of the Elemental Forces may cast Greater Whirlwind.

Blood of the Elements (Ex): upon reaching level eight, the Crusader's blood consists of nothing but raw elemental substance. Any time she suffers Piercing or Slashing damage, this elemental power sprays out, dealing 1d10 points each of Fire, Cold and Acid damage to adjacent creatures. Additionally, she no longer needs to eat, drink or breathe.

Storm of Vengeance (Su): once per day, the ninth-level Crusader may cast Storm of Vengeance. It will last until the next dawn, dusk, noon or midnight (whichever comes first).

Elemental Fealty (Su): upon reaching level nine, the Crusader of the Elemental Forces is essentially ruler over elementals. No creature of the Elemental Type will attack her without provocation, and if those compelled to attack, or who "must" attack her in order to achieve their goals or orders (such as opposing forces on a battlefield, or an Elemental guarding a place she absolutely intends on entering), the Elemental will always give an initial warning and a chance to leave.

Elemental Extraction (Su): once per round, when the tenth-level Crusader performs her Elemental Strike, she may instead attempt to extract elemental energy from a target. The target must pass a Fortitude Save or be destroyed - this is not a [Death] effect and Undead and Constructs are as vulnerable as anyone else. If they are destroyed by this or the base damage, an Elemental is pulled into existence, serving the Crusader for ten minutes before wandering off to do its own things. This Elemental may be one of the Avatars of Elemental Evil (sharing the Crusader's alignment rather than needing to be Evil) or any of the four basic Elementals (of any Size), or an Elemental Monolith, however in either case the target must have had at least as many hit dice as the conjured creature. Furthermore, in order to summon a creature of Earth, the target must have been Corporeal. In order to summon a creature of Water, the target must have had the [Water] Subtype or the Plant Type or possessed blood. In order to summon a creature of Fire, the target must have had body warmth. In order to summon a creature of Air, the creature must have been able to breathe, or been Incorporeal or Ethereal.

Temple of Elemental Glory: at level ten, the Crusader of the Elemental Forces is gifted a mighty fortress on each of the Elemental Planes (counting as a base of operations), each with a permanent Travel Gate to each of the others. She gains enough forces to constitute an army, all being Elemental in nature (including things like Genasi), spread through the four fortresses, and is now in charge of protecting and regulating the elements.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:00 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Looks good. You could change "sense aggressors" to "the trees have eyes", which I think is a bit more flavorful. The wood armor could be something where the knight shoves her armor into a tree, and it comes out 'purified' (made out of living wood and with whatever other benefits).

The cyber golem knight will want ranks in knowledge (engineering) and Juggernaut. She'll be able to craft mechanus armor and a robotic destrier. She might be able to craft 'cybernetic golem weapons' which count as basic magic items but aren't 'magical' (power lance, hydraulic bow, etc). Maybe a scout robot as well. Voice amplification from the armor. Jet pack jet horse.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Maxus »

Dammit, Koumei, do you have to make such funny quotes? I just had to clean up a tea stain. It's a miracle I had the presence of mind to turn my head so I didn't spray the computer. Anyway, I'm about to leave. Will look over when I get back (seven or so hours)
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Rofl, Giga-Knight.


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Post by Koumei »

Sense Aggressors changed to The Trees Have Eyes.
Speak With Plants changed to I Talk To The Trees.
Golem Knight of Mechanus completed.
Added Lunar Knight and Crusader of the Elemental Forces to the "to do" list.
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Post by Surgo »

As part of the initial formatting run, I'm going to be uploading this stuff as it's finished to that wiki where I'm an administrator (I want to bump the signal-to-noise ratio there). Hope nobody minds. (If you do I won't do it.)
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Post by Koumei »

No qualms here.
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Post by Koumei »

Aaaaaaand the Lunar Knight and Crusader of the Elements are done, pending alteration.
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Post by Maxus »

Oh, yeah, the [Celestial] Wings feats.

Wings of Good
Benefit: You get a pair of really pretty wings (bird wings for preference). You gain a flight speed of double your base speed with good maneuverability.

Ethereal Wings
Prerequisite: Wings of Good
Benefit: Your wings become ethereal collections of light and color and aren't interfered with by your armor or clothing. They can be extended or winched in as a Swift Action. Your maneuverability improves to Perfect.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Maxus »

Holy crap, I just read the Golem Knight.

I love Amplifiers, because of the idea that the Knight can just go...


You could even fake divine visitations and persuade entire cities that the God are commanding them to take up arms. Or give money to the big guy in the clicky-hissy armor. Just stand a mile or two out of town and speaking in god-talk.


Hm. Iron horse. There needs to be an option to make a motorcycle for some class or another...
Last edited by Maxus on Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Maxus »

Oh, heck, I just noticed something: The Tome Knight doesn't get some of the skills which are prereqs for the classes, although they can get other requires waived. The Knight does not have K (Engineering), so he's screwed at getting the Golem Knight.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Crissa »

I think we should throw out the idea of class skills aside from restricted skills like spellcraft and umd, anyhow.

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Post by Koumei »

I pretend "Class Skills" and "Cross Class Skills" don't exist.

Also, I thought there were more Wing feats than that. Like, heaps, and each one makes you grow more wings. It started with a rant about how there is an entire division of Celestials that are furries, but nothing with heaps of wings.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Crissa wrote:I think we should throw out the idea of class skills aside from restricted skills like spellcraft and umd, anyhow.

That's a little bit problematic, because some skills are uttercrap assault nerfomancy, like Jump; and others are a really big part of your chassis, like UMD.

The current Tome setup, where cross-class skills just have the lower max rank, without the actual doubled cost, works pretty well. If I was going to fiddle with that, I'd use something like the Iron Heroes skill groups, where your recommended skills all come bundled together for big discounts. Oh, and Use Magic Device would probably become a Class Feature that was rolled off ranks in Spellcraft or Knowledge (Arcana).
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Koumei wrote:I pretend "Class Skills" and "Cross Class Skills" don't exist.

Also, I thought there were more Wing feats than that. Like, heaps, and each one makes you grow more wings. It started with a rant about how there is an entire division of Celestials that are furries, but nothing with heaps of wings.
Thats.... an epic level monster, the Chichamec or something. It's all wings. D:
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Post by Koumei »

No, more along the lines of Biblical angels, that often had something like seven wings (or seven pairs?) each. Hell, even the angels of Neon Genesis Evangelion are better than most of the stupid shit WotC gave us. And yes I'm including the laser-beam-firing d8 and the zebra-striped beach ball.
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Post by Koumei »

Incidentally, people: Criticise!

Come on, give suggestions and/or complaints. Don't make Frank have to point it all out. Once these are smoothed out and generally acceptable I'll move onto the War Mage (and a PrCl: TACTICAL GENIUS) or something.
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Post by Maxus »

I like 'em all. They have weird abilities which are...powerful, but they'd more or less need to be, seeing as how they're almost all level 10+ and the game's gone crazy by then.

As weird as it sounds though, I won't trust myself to make any kind of objective judgment about their balance. Even if they're unbalanced, they're so awesome I love them.

In fact, I'm probably going to use the Golem Knight soon. I needed a hardcore crafter, and he fits the bill...
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

The Golem Knight's size stacking can get a bit strange. A gnome Knight 10/Golem Knight 5 in mechanus armor is size medium (mechanus armor), counts as size large (Powerful Build), and [assuming Juggernaut] counts as size huge for combat maneuvers.

In a golem body she is size medium, and [assuming Juggernaut] counts as size large for combat maneuvers, and has 10' reach.

However, the golem body isn't armor, so she wears both. This means that she is size large, counts as size huge, counts as size colossal for combat maneuvers, and has 15' reach. Unless you go by 3.5e 'size stacking', in which case she is size medium and may or may not count as large for various other things.

As for the mount, the cauchemar is a near-perfect fit, but you should probably remove the subtypes and spell-like abilities. It should specifically be craftable to any size the Golem Knight can ride, as opposed to always being huge. The knight should also be able to see through the mount's smoke. You might want to make it more clear that it has an armor bonus of +16 (rather than +2 to 5). You might also want to scale its HD; a Fighter 7/Giga Knight 2 might be a bit upstaged...

Anyway, I'm only criticizing it because I think it's totally awesome and want to play one.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Draco_Argentum »

Explosive Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Fire damage, sets the target on fire. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).

-Meltdown Shells: 20' range increments, 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 Acid damage, with 2d6 Acid damage the following round. Crit 20/x3 (only multiplies the Bludgeoning damage).

-Executioner Seeker Rounds: creates a non-magical Magic Missile (try not to think too hard about it) effect with a CL equal to the character level of the Golem Knight.

Nobody gives a shit about any of these. Solid shot is better in every single way.

How long does it take to fire the boomstick? If its an attack action then with free action reloads you'd put out crazy damage.
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Post by Koumei »

Alterations made to the Golem Knight:

-Firing the Boomstick is an Attack Action, and it's a two-handed weapon.
-Damages of the different rounds have been altered (and don't scale, aside from Executioner rounds)
-the Mechanus Armour no longer bestows Powerful Build (I totally forgot they all have Juggernaut anyway), and can't be worn at the same time as the Golem Body. So the Gnome is Medium with the stats of a Large, the human is Large/Huge, and the Thorn is what, Tiny/Small. Oh, and a Half-Golem Golem Golem* Knight probably becomes Gargantuan/Colossal.
-The mount has been fixed up a bit.

*Keep Golem Golem Golem Golem! Keep Golem Golem Golem Golem!
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Post by Maxus »

Hey, Koumei (and anyone else who cares to chip in), do you think these are complete/good enough to go onto the DnD Wiki as part of that "Improving Signal-to-Noise" thing Surgo's working on (and I do, too, sometimes).

If we're going with class skills, I still think the Golem Knight ought to have his prereqs changed, so that being a member of the Golem Knight order still has to take Juggernaut, but does not need to take the K (Engineering).
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Done. Just for the benefit of that one guy who still uses Class Skills.
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Post by Koumei »

Knightly Order: Scaled Knight of the Primordial

You stand for returning to the old times when lesser races hadn't evolved and scaled creatures ruled the lands, and are strongly opposed to vermin, young races like elves infringing on your jungles, and other creatures existing despite your protests. You become Timeless (no longer ageing physically or mentally, and having a lifespan of "forever") and gain the ability to substitute your hit dice for ranks in Knowledge skills (both for meeting requirements and for rolling Knowledge checks), calling upon ancient memory of your race.

Scaled Veteran of the Ages:

Don't bother continuing your genetic code, for we finished evolving millions of years ago, and you will die out before reaching the pinnacle. I guarantee it.

Race: anything scaly
Knowledge: History 10 ranks, Knowledge: Nature 10 ranks
BAB: +10
Feats: Mounted Combat
Special: if you are a Scaled Knight of the Primordial, you can't fail to meet the requirements.

HD: d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
BAB: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fortitude and Willpower
1Scaled Steed, Poison Fangs
2Oppose Change, Primordial Whispers
3Venomous Spittle
4Vicious Steed
5Deny Change, Primordial Whispers
7Rampaging Steed
8Primeval Magic, Primordial Whispers
9Timeless Mind, Toxic Blood
10Earth-Shaking Steed, Antimagic Aura

Scaled Steed: (Ex) at first level, the Scaled Veteran gains a special mount. If it dies, a new one is granted the very next day. This creature is a Megaraptor with hit dice equal to the Veteran's character level, and a bonus to Natural Armour and Strength equal to the Veteran's class level.

Poison Fangs: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran gains a Bite attack for 1d8+Str (Medium) if it lacks one. If it has a Bite attack, it keeps its current one or upgrades it to 1d8+Str. At any rate, the Bite delivers a powerful venom with a Con-based DC: 2d6 Str/2d6 Con. This poison is not against the Scaled Veteran's alignment or code of conduct, even if it has a class that specifically swears never to use poison.

Oppose Change: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran gains Spell Resistance 10 + character level against Transmutation spells. Transmutation spells cast upon anyone else within 10' of the Veteran are also subject to this.

Primordial Whispers: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran gains a bonus feat that it meets the prerequisites for. These feats may be Monstrous, Fiend or Necromantic, however, and it can treat itself as a True Fiend or Undead for the purpose of them, should it wish to do so.

Venomous Spittle: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran gains the ability to spit poison as an attack action. This requires a ranged touch attack out to 15' that blinds the target for 1 round (Fort negates) on contact.

Vicious Steed: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran's steed gains the Feral template, ignoring anything that says it can't.

Deny Change: (Su) no effect may change the Scaled Veteran's shape (except for things like "My sword turns it into two pieces" or "Fireball turns it into a burned Scaled Veteran"), even if it wants to be transformed, which it doesn't. This immunity extends out to all creatures within 30', even if they want to be transformed. Creatures already in forms not their own are locked in until they leave the area.

Regenerator: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran gains Regeneration 5 (and the ability to regrow limbs), overcome by severing the head (a Full Round action while it has less than 0 HP) or by fire.

Rampaging Steed: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran's steed gains the ability to Rage like a Barbarian 1/4 of the Scaled Veteran's hit dice (round up).

Primeval Magic: (Sp) the Scaled Veteran gains the ability to cast spells from the ancient times. These Spell-like Abilities are not affected by Anti-Magic fields. The following spells are available:
[*]At will: Miasma, Memory Rot, Death Hail
[*]Three times per day: Cometstrike, Swamp Lung, Whiteout
[*]Once per day: Greater Whirlwind, Tsunami, Transmute Rock to Lava

Timeless Mind: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran can no longer be Confused or Dazed, and its Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma all increase by 2 points each (just like gaining a whole heap of hit dice).

Toxic Blood: (Ex) any time the Scaled Veteran is successfully hurt by a Piercing or Slashing weapon, all adjacent creatures in a 90 degree arc (generally three adjacent squares, including diagonals) facing the origin of the attack are sprayed in toxic blood. They must save against the Scaled Veteran's poison.

Earth-Shaking Steed: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran's steed becomes even more powerful, gaining the Monster of Legend template.

Antimagic Aura: (Ex) the Scaled Veteran has a permanent 15' radius Anti-magic aura radiating from its body, which can sometimes be a pain.
Also: yes, this is totally a Warhammer Fantasy Battle lizardman with the serial number filed off. GW can go eat a penis tree if they think there's enough to sue over, however.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Perhaps giant frog should qualify for Scaled Knight of the Primordial? Even though giant frog really deserves its own class... [Edit] All of the abilities would be "giant frog", as would be the only prerequisite. [/Edit]

You might consider making the mount a living fossil. I'm not sure how well that meshes with the Warhammer bit, but it does fit with the whole 'can't be permanently destroyed' thing. And perhaps they should specifically reanimate at dawn?

I'd also make 'venomous spittle' blind the target instead of (in addition to?) the poison damage, but that's probably just the Jurassic Park fan in me.

Oh, and I have no idea what "Timeless" does.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

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