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Post by Koumei »

Sure, why not.

The Glorious Imperium of Man: team human. At very first glance with absolutely no prior knowledge you might say "the good guys". Upon reading a page of fluff, you would then wash your mouth out with boiling tar, it's so inaccurate. It's a vastly expanding Empire that is equal parts evil and incompetent. They all worship the Immortal God-Emperor of Humanity, may He be Blessed for He is Merciful, and anyone who *doesn't* worship him is deemed a heretic, and killed.

No seriously. The Emperor himself is basically in a comatose state on life support in a pyramid on Holy Terra (Earth), protected by a legion of Space Marines (as well as assassins, guard and so on), and is fed a daily dose of psychic souls, but he helps communicate to people and guide them through the Warp, and can sort of intervene in lives from time to time. Oh, and when he was alive, he was a man of science who viewed religion as a bane of humanity, and he really didn't want people to put their faith in gods, or to worship him.

Yeah, they hadn't even finished laying down the carpet for his pyramid when the Cult of the Emperor started up, then became law.

So the Imperium spreads from planet to planet, travelling on 40km long space ships with cathedrals built on top and more guns than the country of your choice, meeting the natives and then killing them (if non-human) or telling them "Join us or die" (if human). In their defence, every single alien race they ever met tried to kill them and are colossal dickheads, so it's pretty understandable that they finally said "You know what? I'm not going to go say hello to the giant thing with razor sharp claws and eye beams. Hand me the boltgun."

The Inquisition: in theory, they go around investigating and weeding out the enemies of humanity. In practice, they largely spend a lot of time fighting each other over pointless things, but sometimes they remember to do their job, or to kill some humans for the lulz. They've been known to do such hilarious things as get a drop-pod full of genestealers (like the aliens from Aliens, but less wimpy and more contagious) and drop them on ork colonies. Or, you know, colonies of their own people. It is basically split into three flavours:

-Ordo Xenos: they hate aliens more than anything else. They specialise in seeking out places that are infiltrated by genestealers and wiping them out (often by ordering mass virus-bombing and fire-bombing of the planet), but they also hate orks, Tau, Spess Elfs and so on. They have their own chapter of space marines: the Deathwatch, which really consists of members of existing chapters being pulled into their fold.

-Ordo Hereticus: they hate heretics, mutants and witches (psychics). So they largely snoop about in human-dominated planets, looking for any of the above and then killing them or extraditing them for enhanced interrogation techniques. They also tend to keep a watchful eye over the other ordos, to a limited degree. They have no space marines, instead they're on handjob terms with the Sisters of Battle.

-Ordo Malleus: they hate daemons more than anything else, and will stop at nothing to kill them, including, you guessed it, splitting planets in half. Or in some cases, summoning and binding their own daemons to use against them. Hypocrisy thy name is Warhammer 40K. They have their own special chapter of space marines, the Grey Knights.

Adeptus Arbites: police in space. They're like Judge Dredd, but less of a complete limp-wristed girly-man. No really. They travel through space, helping enforce the laws of the Imperium. These laws are enforced via shotguns that fire homing rounds, usually. They're on good terms with the Inquisition.

The Imperial Guard: the vast majority of the humans on the battlefield. They're given laughable training, then provided with a flashlight and a paper bag a laser rifle and a breastplate and helmet. After that, they are sent onto the battlefield to die gloriously. Also they have legions of big-ass tanks that are wonderful and blowing things up. For reasons related to incompetence, the "I can't shoot for shit" regular guard pilot these tanks, instead of the "accurate as a space marine!" experienced veterans, who are instead thrown onto the front-line so that their valuable experience can be wasted when they get torn to shreds.

-Commissariat: these chaps exist to make sure there is no cowardice or corruption in the ranks. They sit at the back of a squad, so that the squad understands that the scariest thing is BEHIND them. Also, they have the right to execute basically anyone up the military chain of command.

-Penal Legions: these are criminals who are issued with a laser rifle, a sharp knife and a bomb-collar. They are then told "Run up to the enemy and keep shooting. Then I'll flip this switch and 90% of you will explode, the last 10% have duds. If you survive, you get to run back here in which case you can go free." The idea is to let them die first so that fewer guardsmen need to die.

Ecclesiarchy: the church. In theory, they go around building cathedrals everywhere and spreading the word of the Emperor. In practice, they wage holy crusades, murder and torture people, and are probably filled with raving lunatics and paedophiles. They are forbidden to field men at arms. However...

Adepta Sororitas: LOOPHOLE! These aren't men at arms, they're women at arms so that's completely okay. They're better trained than guardsmen, and given better equipment as well. The Sisters specialise in killing heretics, and can resist psychic powers and call upon acts of faith from the Emperor, but usually they'll fight any enemies of humanity, and have been known to turn their guns towards the very people giving orders, when given a good reason, so it's not like their priests can even get away with that much. Basically they do whatever the priests say, providing it's what they wanted to do in the first place.

Officio Assassanorum: these highly-trained killers specialise in murdering people, unlike every other part of the... hang on a minute.

Anyway, they're sent as individuals to take out leaders, or in extremely rare situations, small squads to hit enemy forces so hard their ancestors feel it.
-Eversor: they're hopped up on a lethal combination of combat drugs and fly into a furious rage, slaughtering everything that looks like it might be an enemy, all the while shouting "WRYYYYYYYYY!"
When they die, they explode.

-Cullexus: these are really creepy people. They are psychic blanks, immune to psychic powers, and they even cause migraines and catatonia in psychics who are too close. They can suck souls out.

-Vindicare: expert snipers, basically. Next.

-Callidus: masterful infiltrators, they can use drugs to polymorph their bodies, then go around giving bad advice... before shanking the enemy commander from behind.

-in old fluff, there were Tech-priest assassins as well, who had a variety of murderous gadgets. It's said there are a few other non-described orders too, such as Venenum (don't blame me, I didn't name it), Bombadier and Ippissimus (rumoured to be psychic assassins).

Adeptus Mechanicus: they live on Mars, mostly, and build things. They send expeditions out to find ancient blue-prints for technology, and very rarely they might do some experimentation, although usually it's only "Let's put this gun on this tank instead". They make all the good stuff, and they will kill you if you do the wrong type of experimentation. They worship machine-spirits, and the Imperium tolerates this.

-Adeptus Titanicus: a subset of the Mechanicus, they build the titans. These are giant robots ranging from Gundam-size to Evangelion-size. They have not *yet* reached TTGL-size, but it's only a matter of time, I'm sure.

Adeptus Astartes: SPESS MEHRINS! These are genetically engineered mutants who stand at 7-9 feet tall, have extra internal organs, and are stronger than orks. They wear augmented power armour and have a lot of training and good equipment. Generally, if there is huge peril, a chapter of these will ruin the enemies' shit.

Note that they're not technically part of the Imperium. Inquisitors tend to view them dimly, because they don't so much worship the Emperor as think of him as their awesome big brother, and they don't always do as they're told. Also they revere psychics and some of them have been known to have crazy mutations. Also, if they fall to Chaos, they become a nightmarish foe to fight. But they're respected, oh yes, and when they help you, you'll know it.
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Post by Koumei »

Forces of Chaos: on the one hand, you could argue that because they work against the Imperium, they're seriously not that bad. On the other, you'd be wrong because their goals are no better, and the daemons are called daemons for a reason. There are four major Chaos Gods with their own spheres of influence:

-Khorne: used to be all about the thrill of battle, and honourable combat, but has since been dumbed down to be all about fighting and killing and blood and slaughter and frenzy. That's pretty boriBLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

-Nurgle: good old papa nurgle. He is patron to the miserable, those suffering, and if you worship him, you'll never truly be alone, for you'll have your friends Syphilis, Dysentery, HIV, cancer, Lupus, Ebola and Rhinovirus. He's a plague god, lord of disease and infection.

-Slaanesh: used to be the androgynous god of excess (meaning current Khorne would fall under Slaaneshi influence: excess slaughter and rage), with interesting stories covering things like workaholics falling to Slaanesh. As per the dumbing down act, Slaanesh is now all about sex, drugs and rock & roll, seriously having vehicles powered by cocaine, Chaos Marines with electric guitars (that use sonic waves to kill shit), metrosexual magic powers and BDSM spells. Used to have sexy daemonettes (if a bit creepy, what with the "six breasts each" thing), now, not so much, they all look more "RAWR I EAT YOUR FACE" in accordance with the "minis can't have nipples" act.

-Tzeench: lord of change, lolrandum and sorcery. He's seen as the master of "Just as planned", where you carefully drag a bit of a ruined vehicle ten feet to the left, then return a hundred years later and watch as the enemy Land Raider goes to run you over, gets the wreckage caught in a tread, spins out and then crashes into a dreadnought, detonating.

Alien Races:

Eldar: Space Elfs. Um, yeah. Next!

Dark Eldar: Space Elfs who like spiky armour, bondage parties and piracy.

Tau: weeaboo communist British-colonial mecha-pilot aliens with vaginas on their foreheads. I'd call them the worst race ever if not for the spess dorfs.

Orks: an ork is an ork is an ork. These ones speak like English chavs (the subculture of England that reveres choosing to be stupid and says things like "Sorted, innit?" where the teenage boys knock their 12yo girlfriends up and spend all their money on their shitbox cars). Also they are a fungus and their technology works based on "Enough orks think it will work". Also, fighting to the death is a friendly thing to do in ork culture, and orks love making friends!

Tyranids: kekekekekekekekeke

They're a massive hive-mind swarm of giant reptillian bugs. First, some genestealers will make their way into society and infect people. Those people will then have half-genestealer offspring. Eventually, there will be quite a population of half-genestealers (and quarter-stealers and so on) and their enslaved followers, and the signal is sent out. Then the Lictors (giant stealthy Cthulhu-lookalikes) and Harridans (dragons) appear as the genestealer force begins to fight with the local populace/militia.

As the militia is getting tied up, the second stage arrives. Gargoyles rain down from the skies, along with winged Warriors (big aliens) and winged Hive Tyrants (the leader-species, they can control the lesser ones with their minds) and floating explosive spores.

Once they set in, the landscape begins to change, like a Zerg base. Soon, normal Warriors and Tyrants show up, along with immense swarms of Gaunts ("little" bastards, usually about chest height... on all six legs. They have bio-weapons that shoot chunks of bone or living ammunition that burrows through enemy flesh). Also at this stage, you'll find Raveners (burrowing critters taller than humans, with multiple scythe-arms, and their tails house ranged weapons). There will also be some Zoanthropes - giant-brained hovering snake-like critters that can control lesser ones with their minds, have psychic shields and can blow people up by hating them to death - Frank needs to learn from these if he wishes to succeed in hating the Austrian School of Economics to death.

Next is the heavy phase, as biovores form - living mortars that fire explosive spores. Worse still, carnifexes (giant monsters), heirodules (bigger monsters) and trygons (colossal burrowing centipedes?) show up - in some cases actually raining from the skies.

And lastly, with basically nothing left, the clean-up phase happens. Millions of rippers (cat or dog-sized lizard/bug things that just devour everything) swarm the lands, controlled by malanthropes (giant hovering tentacled creatures that are more toxic than Australian sea-life). Once the planet's biomass has been consumed, they all rush to pools of goo to be dissolved and then sucked up to the living hive-ships, at which point the extracted DNA is used to make new, better tyranids.

Necrons: psychic-immune space robots who want to exterminate everything like daleks, serving some evil death gods or something. Next.
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Post by MGuy »

Using my limited knowledge to cover what is not covered:

Necrons serve beings of pure energy who predate... everything who eat the souls of living things that were created by an ancient race of race creating beings (Don't remember who they are but you can wikipedia it) because they taste good or something. Necrons harvest da souls. They are walking mechanical skeletons that house the souls of an entire race. They travel in space monoliths (black pyramids) and kill stuff. They first warred with ancient eldar and orks who were specifically made to fight them. They lost and buried themselves until the other races grew careless. That time is now and so they're slowly returning to kill everything so their energy gods can eat. I only know of two of the gods (those introduced in Dawn of War) the Devourer and the Deceiver. Canon wise they are an unstoppable force that show up from no where kill everything and leave without a trace. Even their fallen disappear to be reconstructed on tomb worlds.

(Dark) Eldar: Space Elves. They do everything better than you. They are faster, smarter, more psychic, and better lovers than you will ever be. They are so bad ass that they ruled the galaxy at one point and became ultra decadent. They became so decadent in fact it killed most of their race. So now there are dark space elves who live off of sensations and tortured souls. They go pirating for souls because if they don't their dark gods will take theirs.

The normal Eldar that are left survived because some of them were smart enough to think that too much decadence might be a bad thing but weren't smart enough to teach them how to ask for help. So these snooty types go around on their space planets looking down their noses at everyone and everything. Sure they get their asses kicked here and there and they are part of a dying race but ultimately they think they are still better than everyone else. And whenever it serves them they will use other people to do their dirty work.

Tau: They believe in the idea of The Greater Good and think that the heads of their society (The Ethereal caste) are the best at determining what the "Greater Good" is. They operate a caste society where your bloodline determines what you, your children, your children's children and they're grandchildren will always be doing all of the time. If you are usable they will offer you the chance to go through their screening process after kicking your ass. If you're not they will sterilize you and put you in labor camps until you die out.

The main race is too good to fight in melee so they get other races to do that (some kroot, vespid, and a number of humans are even part of their ranks). They are mostly immune to the effects of Chaos and are only dimly aware of what it actually is. Because of their lack of understanding of the warp they can't travel as far and their technology is behind everyone else's, but they learn fast (except how to fight hand to hand) and their technology grows fast.
Last edited by MGuy on Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Heath Robinson »

One more assassin temple; Vanus. These guys are rumoured to specialise in making accidents happen. In really plausible ways.

Random notes on tone;

Warhammer 40k, like most GW products, doesn't think in terms of "Good" and "Evil". It works on "Law/Order" and "Chaos/Disorder". Therefore, every side is filled with absolute assholes, and everyone has a few good people in their ranks. The raging assholes generally outrank the good people, though.

GW is a British company, and this may show in places where it mocks British culture.

Orks, Koumei, are Yobs. Football hooligans are the most appropriate comparison in modern times, really. We, however, describe the behaviour of such hooligans in terms of the Yob, though. The Yob is, most likely, a mythical entity, but nonetheless Orks are the purest expression of the behaviours they are said to exhibit. Or something. Goodness, I'm really tired and can barely think straight.

Abhumans are one of the interesting aspects of the heresy obsessed Imperium. They are mutants, which would normally doom them to decimation, but are genetically stable and have been deemed both human, and useful, enough that they may be permitted to live. These includes Koumei's aforementioned Space Dorfs - named the Squats. It also include Ogryns, and Ratli-
Last edited by Heath Robinson on Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Dammit, why'd you have to mention Squa
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Post by Maxus »

I've almost finished putting together a text file of Dungeon Crusade. I may just yet split it up into its sections and zip them. Or I could hit the PDF button (I use Open Office right now; it has its annoyances, but...) and find a way to add bookmarks.

But, yeah, I have a new appreciation for you, Koumei. As a text file, with me trying to compress things as best I can, this still runs to about 106 pages, and, ironically, 40,165 words. I wonder if there's a way to cut 165 words out of this...

Anyway, I'm fiddling with the formatting. I currently have classes immediately followed by their applicable PrCs, but I may split the PrCs into their own group.

And I need to organize the Misc. items alphabetically or something.

And do some tedious bolding to make the big lists easier to read...

Edit: Looking over the 'nids, you might want to clarify that Tyranid telepathy isn't blocked by their Block Communications. Unless it is. As worded, it looks like it is.
Last edited by Maxus on Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Nah, see if you can get it to 42k words; that's where the 'current' timeline has counted years up to at this point.

Also, Maxus, awesome.

I'm so glad that the stuff made here has people who know about stuff like "formatting" and "making pdfs"; because honestly, without it, anything printed looks like a bloody mess.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxus »


It gets better!

I found the feats I missed before (before Blicero's request for Warhammer fluff, and the Emperor's Tarot).

Add that with the Ripper Swarm, and it's at 41,922 words.

When I move the classes around, that should add about...twenty more words, maybe? I'll checked when I do it.

And whose Eversor Assassin should I use?

Edit: Okay, I don't think I'll section off the Siege PrCs.

And it's at 41,940 words

(Sorry, MGuy)
Last edited by Maxus on Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by MGuy »

before MGuy's request for Warhammer fluff
Correction it was Blecero's request.

I have been archive diving through he threads and I too am impressed with the abundance of material presented for this idea. I wish more big game designers paid more attention to some of the amazing stuff that fans of the setting come up with. This stuff is gold.
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Post by Koumei »

Use JE's one, he's more familiar with how they work.

Telepathy changed to be immune to BC.

Awesome, more than 40K. This was never the way I planned, not my intention. JUST AS PLANNED! TACTICAL GENIUS!

Note: I can totally add Bookmarks to a pdf if you want.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

So i herd u liek Khay-oos?

To be completed later, I *know* the latter three classes are missing their info.

Chaos Space Marine:
Medium Monstrous Humanoid [Human, Chaotic]
Hit Dice: 12 + 5d12 + (6*Con)
Skill Points: (2+Int)*9
Base Saving Throws: Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +5
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Ability Scores: Strength +4, Constitution +2
-Movement Speed: 30'
-Low Light Vision
-Fast Healing 3
-Natural Armour +2
-Resist Fire, Electricity and Cold 10
-Mark of Chaos: every Chaos Space Marine has a Mark of Chaos, chosen from the list below.
-Powerful Build
-Combat Lore: As a Swift action, a Space Marine may try to identify a foe in combat with the relevant Knowledge check. If this succeeds, they gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against abilities used by the target, and a +4 bonus to Grapple and Trip the foe.
-Acid Spit: Most Space Marines can spit acid out to 10' as a ranged touch attack, dealing 3d4+Con Acid damage.
-Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms.
-Classes: Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer, Plague Marine Aspiring Champion, Noise Marine Aspiring Champion, Berserker Aspiring Champion
-Racial Weakness: Space Marines cannot ascend wooden stairs, such is their weight. SQUAD BROKEN!

Mark of Khorne: +4 to Intimidate checks and weapon damage, Immunity to Sneak Attack and Sudden Strike damage
Mark of Nurgle: +4 to Survival checks and Damage Reduction (always stacks), Immunity to Disease
Mark of Slaanesh: +4 to Bluff checks and Initiative, Immunity to Fatigue and Pain effects
Mark of Tzeench: +4 to Caster Level checks, Immunity to Compulsions

Thousand Sons Aspiring Champion:

HD: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex & Will
1My Body Is Dust, Channel Power, Warp Bolt
2Slow And Purposeful, Feed Power, [Psyker] Feat
3Timeless Menace, Invulnerable, Boon of Mutation
4Lich Body, Bolt of Tzeench, Accursed Companion

My Body Is Dust: you have no physical body within the power armour, just dust. If the armour is destroyed and the dust scattered, you will be destroyed permanently. On the other hand, you are immune to Transmutations and [Death] effects, as well as anything that requires a discernable anatomy.

Channel Power: you can channel Psykic energy into your bolter, firing rounds of pure Warp energy. These are resolved as touch attacks and require no actual ammunition, though you take 1d8 nonlethal damage every time you fire the weapon (per action, not per shot).

Warp Bolt: as a Spell-like ability at will, you may launch 1 bolt of energy per 4 character levels. These bolts require ranged touch attacks out to 50' and deal 3d6+CHA Force damage each. If one person is hit by all of them, they must make a Ref save (CHA-based) or take another 3d6 Force damage the following round. If spread amongst multiple targets, they each take Force damage equal to your CHA on the following round, no save. If this spell fails to penetrate a target's Spell Resistance, you are Stunned for 1 round.

Slow and Purposeful: on the downside, you move at half speed and cannot Run or Charge. On the Plus side, you can never be Entangled, Slowed or Paralysed. Additionally, you need not steady Heavy weapons and can fire them when moving.

Feed Power: you may feed your own lifeforce into Psykic attacks, Empowering them by taking damage equal to double your character level + 2d6. This damage is not reduced by Damage Reduction etc.

Bonus Feat: you gain a bonus Psyker feat of your choice.

Timeless Menace: you stop aging, and need not breathe, eat or sleep. Anyone who attempts to cast an Aging spell on you, including Haste (lol 2E), automatically fails to effect you and takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier plus your character level.

Invulnerable: your Armour Class against Touch attacks is the same as your regular Armour Class.

Boon of Mutation: as a Standard Action at will, you may cast Baleful Polymorph as a Spell-like Ability. The target turns into a Chaos Spawn. If they succeed on the saving throw, however, you are Stunned for a round.

Lich Body: you become that little bit harder to destroy. You become immune to Ability Damage/Drain and Level Drain. Additionally, when destroyed, you will completely regenerate, with Power Armour, within 5' of your Bolter in 2d4 days, unless the Bolter is destroyed as well.

Bolt of Tzeench: as a Standard Action at Will, you may launch a bolt of energy as a Spell-like Ability. This requires a ranged touch attack out to 100' and if it hits, deals 2d6 Force damage per character level. The target must then make a Fortitude save (CHA-based) or suffer an additional 1d6 Force damage per character level.

Accursed Companion: you are gifted with a small familiar, whether you like it or not. Its death has no associated penalty, and indeed, you can't get rid of it - another wanders up the next day. The familiar can be an Imp, a Mephit or a Small Animated Object. It has HP equal to half your own, a BAB and base save bonuses equal to your own, telepathic communication with you, and the ability to boost your psykic powers: when it is adjacent to you or sharing your space, you may Quicken one power once per round (but cannot use the same power twice in a round).

Equipment: Power Armour, Dust, Boltgun with Tzeench Chaos Rounds (penetrates DR/material (any)), 4 Frag Grenades, Scrolls (random junk and 8 level 1 spells, 4 level 2 spells, 2 level 3 spells and 1 level 4 spell)

Requisition: Bike, Rhino, Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, Power Weapon

Prestige Classes: Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeench, Chaos Champion of Tzeench, Possessed Chaos Space Marine

Khorne Berserker:

HD: 1d12
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex
1Furious Charge, Wrecking Crew, Rage +3d6
2Sanguine Frenzy, Fearless, Rage +4d6
3Bloodcrusher's Strength, Fast Healing 10
4Vitreous Revitalisation, Peerless in Battle, Rage +5d6

Furious Charge: when charging, you may make a full attack, at +4 Strength.

Wrecking Crew: you ignore hardness when attacking objects, and do not halve the damage. Additionally, if you bullrush someone into a wall, then roll 6d6 + three times your STR mod. If this is enough damage to destroy the wall, you may elect to do so. If not, your target takes the extra damage.

Rage: like a Barbarian

Sanguine Frenzy: whenever you draw blood (damage with a slashing or piercing weapon), you go wild. All of your ability scores gain a +6 Enhancement bonus for one full round, though more blood can extend this further.

Fearless: you become immune to [Fear]

Bloodcrusher's Strength: whenever you strike a foe, they must make a Fortitude save (STR-based) or fall prone and unable to stand for one round. You may then elect to trample them if you move in your next turn. The Trample attack deals 4d6 + double your STR in damage.

Fast Healing: the fast healing increases

Vitreous Revitalisation: whenever you draw blood, you regain 3d6+CON hit points instantly.

Peerless In Battle: you are the master of combat. Any time you slay a foe or a foe wounds you (where a foe is "anyone you actively want to kill in battle), you gain the benefit of a single [Combat] feat for one full round. Only one feat at a time may be used this way. Additionally, whenever below half your maximum HP, you are Hasted.

Equipment: Chain Axe (2d12 base damage, Crit 20/x3), Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag and Krak Grenades

Requisition: another Chain Axe, Power Weapon, Power Fist, Melta Bombs, Rhino

Prestige Classes: Chaos Champion of Khorne, Obliterator, Possessed Chaos Space Marine
Noise Marine:

HD: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude
1Vice: Sex, Exquisite Domination, Everyone Loves Futa
2Vice: Drugs, Toxic Spittle, Unsettling Appearance
3Vice: Rock and Roll, Narcotic Breath, Obsession
4Vice: Perfection, Wail of Slaaneshi Horror, Seeker Steed

Vices: as they progress, Noise Marines gain more and more vices that they go wild with. These actually provide benefits, however.
-Sex: the lusty nature of Noise Marines allows them to bestow a Negative level and a Suggestion (CHA-based) whenever they kiss someone or engage in other intimate acts.
-Drugs: they become immune to poison and the negative effects of drugs and addiction (although they are psychologically addicted before even taking their first dose). Additionally, everyone attacking them in melee must pass a Fort save (CON-based) or be Slowed by the fumes.
-Rock and Roll: they become immune to Sonic damage, and any Sonic weapons they wield are now Empowered.
-Perfection: Noise Marines become almost consumed by their desire to attain perfection. They may change their outer appearance at will, and become immune to ability score damage/drain. Additionally they gain a +2 Inherent bonus to every ability score.

Exquisite Domination: whenever the Noise Marine successfully Grapples, Trips or Bullrushes a foe, they must pass a Reflex save (STR-based) or become Stunned for 1 round and Entangled for another 3 rounds. If this happens, the Noise Marine is overcome with ecstasy and gains 3d6 temporary HP that last for 1 minute.

Everyone Loves Futa: Noise Marines become effeminate (if somewhat creepy) and end up with the sex organs and characteristics of both sexes. On an unrelated note, they become disturbingly likeable, and people find themselves drawn to them. The Noise Marine may cast Charm Person as a Supernatural Ability once per day. This is a Psykic Power, and if the target passes their save, the Noise Marine takes 3d6 damage.

Toxic Spittle: anyone injured by the Noise Marine's spit must pass a Fort save (CON-based) or suffer hallucinations, acting as though Confused for three rounds. After this, they must save again or fall comatose for one minute and forget everything that happened.

Unsettling Appearance: as an Immediate reaction, the Noise Marine may change its appearance to disturb attackers. The attacker must pass a Will save (CHA-based) or forfeit the attack and become Shaken for 1 minute.

Narcotic Breath: the Noise Marine has a breath weapon as an (Ex) ability every 4 rounds. This is a 15' cone that forces all in the area to make a Fort save (CON-based). Those who fail the save become immune to Pain and Fatigue, but feel dizzy and light-headed, treated as Sickened for 1 hour. If already Sickened, they are instead Nauseated. If a foe is Nauseated when they fail the save, they fall Comatose for 1 hour, and at the end of the hour they must save again or die.

Obsession: Noise Marines become deeply obsessed with stuff. When a foe strikes them in combat, they suffer from a Crushing Despair effect when attempting to do anything other than defeat or kill that foe, but may re-roll failed attack rolls against that foe and have a 20% chance of outright ignoring any effect that originates from anyone who is not that foe. Once they do defeat the foe, or the foe dies, the effect ends.

Wail of Slaaneshi Horror: The Noise Marine can make a deathly wail that chills foes to the bone. This requires a full round action and is a [Sonic] effect and an (Ex) ability. Everything within 15' of the Noise Marine is affected, and must make a Will save (CHA-based). Failure causes them to Panic, success merely hurls them prone. If this is continued for three rounds in a row, everyone in the area is Blinded and Deafened with no save available, lasting until one round after they leave the area or the effect ends.

Seeker Steed: the Noise Marine is gifted with a Seeker of Slaanesh to ride as a mount, and to use as a combat brute.

Equipment: Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Frag Grenades, Sonic Blaster, COCAAAAAAAAAAAAINE

Requisition: Doom Siren, Power Fist, Blastmaster, Rhino

Prestige Classes: Chaos Champion of Slaanesh, Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh, Possessed Chaos Space Marine
Sonic Blaster: Assault Firearm, 100' range, 3d6 Sonic damage, endless ammunition, Crit-20/x3; if fired as a Heavy Firearm, 150' range, 4d6 Sonic damage, endless ammunition, Crit-20/x4

Blastmaster: Assault Firearm, 100' range, 6d6 Sonic damage, endless ammunition, Crit-20/x3; if fired as a Heavy Firearm (1-shot), 200' range, 12d6 Sonic damage, endless ammunition, 20' blast (Ref half, DC = attack roll), those who fail are knocked prone and Dazed for 1 round.

Doom Siren: Assault Firearm, 50' Cone of 6d6 Sonic damage, Ref half (DC = attack roll), endless ammunition, those who fail the save must pass a Will save or be Frightened for 1 round.

Plague Marine:

HD: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fort & Will
1Carrier, Breath of Stagnation, Never Alone
2Toxic Touch, Aura of Depression
3Carrier, Aura of Decay, Feel No Pain
4Oozing Entrails, Nurgle's Embrace

Carrier: select a disease with a DC no higher than 10 + half your level + your CON mod. You now carry it, and subject others to it just by injuring them in melee combat or being intimate. The DC is CON-based.

Breath of Stagnation: you gain a breath weapon as a (Su) ability every 3 rounds. Everyone within a 20' cone must pass a Fort save or be Slowed for 1 minute. Those already slowed instead become Paralysed for 1 round.

Never Alone: you are crawling with diseases and parasites, and they are your friends. You gain 360 degree vision, can never be flanked, and always count as benefiting from an Aid Other action (+2 to all Skill checks and Attack Rolls). Additionally, with a Full Round Action you may cough up a Nurgling to do your bidding.

Toxic Touch: select a poison with a DC no higher than 10 + half your level + your CON mod. You can bestow this with a touch attack, and by spitting acid. The DC is CON-based.

Aura of Depression: everyone within 30' of you suffers from a Crushing Despair effect if they cannot pass a Will save (CHA-based). Anyone you physically touch can be immune to this if you want them to.

Aura of Decay: all unattended objects within 30' of you lose half their HP and all of their Hardness. When you leave them, they return to normal unless destroyed already. Anyone losing HP due to bleeding out loses an additional 5 HP per round when inside this aura.

Feel No Pain: your Constitution increases by +4 and you become immune to nonlethal damage and fatigue.

Oozing Entrails: you become immune to Critical Hits and Stunning.

Nurgle's Embrace: you become happy in your knowledge that you are surrounded by your friends and that things will stagnate and decay forever. You become immune to Mind-Affecting effects, except for the ones you wish to be subject to, and additionally can call up a swarm of Nurglings once per day.

Equipment: Power Armour, Frag Grenades, Infectious Long Sword (carries a disease of your choice), Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Plague Grenades

Requisition: Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Gun, Rhino

Prestige Classes: Chaos Champion of Nurgle, Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle, Possessed Chaos Space Marine
Plague Grenades: as Frag grenades, except the area is a spray of filth. All in the area must make a DC 20 Fort save or be Blinded and Nauseated for 1 round. Even passing still results in being Sickened. The following round, Plague Rot sets in unless they pass another DC 20 save.

Plague Rot: attacks the host every hour for 6 hours. DC 20 vs 1d4 Con damage.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Chaos Champion

BAB: Good
Skill Points: 4+Int
Hit Die: 1d10
Good Saves: Fort and Will
1Chaos Steed, Dark Blessings
2Daemon Weapon, Cohort of Disorder
3Terminator, Personal Icon
4Tactics, Accursed Vestments
5Eternal Champion, Big Bang

Chaos Steed: you are given a steed to ride. If it dies, another is given to you the next day. If you are a Champion of Khorne, you are given a Nightmare to ride. If a Champion of Nurgle, you are given a throne carried aloft by a swarm of Nurglings. If a Champion of Slaanesh, you are given a Serpent Steed of Slaanesh to ride, and if a Champion of Tzeench, a Screamer is transformed into a Disc of Tzeench for you to stand upon.

Dark Blessings: you are blessed by your patron Chaos god, and are granted an Extraordinary or Supernatural ability.
-Khorne: you automatically see through Invisibility, Nondetection and similar spells and effects - the only way to hide from you is with the actual Hide skill (Ex)
-Nurgle: anyone who strikes you in melee takes 3d6 Acid damage and risks contracting Plague Rot (Ex)
-Slaanesh: you are constantly affected by a Sadism and Masochism effect (Su)
-Tzeench: your Touch Armour Class is equal to your Armour Class (Su)

Daemon Weapon: you are granted a Daemon Weapon to wield. If it is destroyed, stolen or lost, then it vanishes after 24 hours, returning to you in its original condition.

Cohort of Disorder: you are granted a cohort to assist you. If it dies, another replaces it one day later, like it or not. They gain an additional hit die for every level you gain.
-Khorne: Bloodletter
-Nurgle: Plaguebearer
-Slaanesh: Daemonette
-Tzeench: Pink Horror

Terminator: you are gifted with a suit of Terminator Armour, and may Teleport as per the spell, though it requires an hour to cast. The Terminator Armour comes with a twin-linked Boltgun in one hand, and a regular gauntlet (for holding things) in the other.

Personal Icon: you have a personal icon that shows your dedication to your patron Chaos god. Once per day you may summon 1d4+1 Lesser Daemons to your aid (the same kind as your Cohort) as a Spell-like ability. Additionally, you gain another blessing while wearing the icon.
-Khorne: +4 Profane bonus to Strength, you may use Strength in place of Wisdom or Charisma for skill checks.
-Nurgle: Regeneration 3/fire, though you still die if hacked apart. You may use your Constitution in place of Strength or Dexterity for skill checks.
-Slaanesh: anyone who strikes you must pass a Fort save (CON-based) or become Sickened. You may use your Charisma in place of Dexterity or Intelligence for skill checks.
-Tzeench: you have Energy Resistance 30. This is usually to Fire, but you can change the type with an Immediate action. You may use your Intelligence in place of Strength or Charisma for skill checks.

Tactics: once per round, as a free action, you may move up to 10' and additionally move everyone (friend and foe alike) within 50' up to 10'. None of this movement provokes attacks of opportunities, and you may move people into dangerous places, though they get a Will save (INT-based) to prevent this.

Accursed Vestments: your armour is altered to be even more Chaos-looking. Anyone who strikes you but fails to deal at least 10% of your maximum HP in damage takes 1d4 damage per hit die you possess. Additionally, under the armour you are given special vestments.
-Khorne: iron bands are nailed to your flesh, granting +3 natural armour and adding your vile blood to your acid spit, so that it burns away for an additional 2 rounds.
-Nurgle: you are wrapped in sack cloth and bandages, soaked in preservatives. Any time an effect would cause ability damage or ongoing HP loss, you do not suffer that and instead gain the benefits of a Divine Power spell.
-Slaanesh: you are dressed in strange fetish wear and body paint. You may, as a Move Equivalent Action, rebuke a foe within 30'. They must pass a Will save (CHA-based) or Cower for a number of rounds equal to your CHA mod.
-Tzeench: you are dressed in shimmering robes and scrolls. Once per hour, you may cast a spell you don't even know, as if reading it from a scroll. The spell level must be no higher than half your level, rounded down, minus one.

Eternal Champion: if you are slain, as long as some part of you (or, for Thousand Son Marines, your dust) is claimed by your brethren, you will return as a Chaos Dreadnought.

Big Bang: you are gifted with a Vortex Grenade. If you use it, you get another one the next day.

Additional Equipment: Power Sword, +1 Boltgun, Melta Bombs

Requisition: Chaos Land Raider, Power Fist, Lightning Claws
Chaos Sorcerer:

BAB: Medium
Skill Points: 8+Int
Hit Die: 1d8
Good Saves: Fort and Ref
1Personal Icon, Spell Power I
2Force Weapon, Summon Daemon (Lesser)
3Steed, Teleport, Spell Power II
4Terminator, Spell Power III
5Summon Daemon (Greater), Warp Vortex

Personal Icon: just like the Chaos Champion

Spell Power I: the Sorcerer gains the spell Breath of Chaos. Once per 4 rounds he may exhale in a 40' cone. Everything in the area must make a Fortitude save (INT-based) or be Stunned for 1 round, then Blinded for 2 more rounds. Additionally, they gain the benefits of the Minor Powers feat.

Force Weapon: the Sorcerer is gifted with a Force weapon. If it is lost, stolen or destroyed, it somehow finds its way back in 24 hours, unharmed.

Summon Daemon: once per day, the Sorcerer may summon 1d6+1 Lesser Daemons. These may be any Demons (Tanar'ri) with a CR at least 3 lower than the level of the Sorcerer. They hang around for 1 hour, and are nominally under his control.

Steed: just like the Chaos Champion

Teleport: just like the Chaos Champion

Spell Power II: the Sorcerer gains two spells at this level. The first depends on their patron Chaos God:
-Nurgle: with a Standard Action, you force everyone within 50' of you to attempt a Will Save (CHA-based). If they fail, they take a -6 penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution and are Staggered. These effects last for 1 minute. If you use the power two rounds in a row, they must pass another Will save or be Blinded and Deafened for the duration. This may be used once per minute, with the exception that you can use the power twice in a row to enhance it.

-Slaanesh: with a Standard Action, you force one target per level to make a Fortitude save (CHA-based). Those who fail lose all benefits of worn armour and clothing, as their clothes and armour transform into functionally useless fetish wear and metrosexual nightclub clothes. Additionally they are Entangled, and unable to move if they cannot beat a Caster Level check with an Escape Artist check. These effects last for one minute, and you may use this power once per 5 rounds.

-Tzeench: you permanently have all of the sonic powers of a Cloaker Lord, though the save DCs are based on your HD and Charisma, and the Caster Levels are based on your HD.

The second spell is any Sorcerer/Wizard spell that does not have the [Law] subtype and is 6th level or lower.

Terminator: just like the Chaos Champion

Spell Power III: again, two spells are gained. The first depends on their patron Chaos God:
-Nurgle: at will, you may designate one target as a Full Round Action. They must pass a Fortitude save or contract Slimy Doom. Every round you sustain the power with a Partial Action, the disease advances another hour.

-Slaanesh: with a Standard Action you may make a ranged touch attack out to 20 feet. If the target is hit, they will spend their next turn approaching you, prostrating themselves and Cowering. On your next turn, you may then attempt to Dominate them (as per the spell), though they are entitled to a Will save (CHA-based).

-Tzeench: you may call upon the flames o Tzeench at will. You are wreathed in flames, dealing 4d6+INT Fire damage to anyone who strikes you in melee combat, and every round can direct the flames (with a Swift action) to perform a task (form a Wall of Fire as per the spell, burn violently as per an Incendiary Cloud that you are immune to, or immolate one target as a Twinned Empowered Split Ray Scorching Ray).

The second is the mighty Warp Time: roll 2d6 upon casting it. If the result totals 2 or 12, the Sorcerer is Dazed for that many rounds. Otherwise, for the number of rounds rolled plus his Charisma modifier, he may re-roll every failed roll to hit in melee combat, and can re-roll damage if he so wishes, as well as being Hasted.

Warp Vortex: once per hour, the Sorcerer may cast Abyssal Maw.

Additional Equipment: +1 Boltgun, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs

Requisition: Familiar (unless one is already owned), Chaos Land Raider

Possessed Chaos Space Marine

BAB: Good
Skill Points: 4+Int
Hit Die: 1d8
Good Saves: Fort, Ref and Will
1Large Creature, Otherworldly
2Winged Beast, Monstrous Weapons
3Special Attack, Power Field
4Sphere, Teleport
5Eternal, Living Nightmare

Large Creature: you grow Large, with all associated benefits and drawbacks.

Otherworldly: you become an Outsider [Native], and immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Winged Beast: you grow Wings, and either gain a Fly speed of 50' (Average) or gain the ability to glide clumsily and club people with the wings (secondary natural weapons for 1d6+STR damage each)

Monstrous Weapons: you grow either two claws (1d6+STR) and a bite (2d6+2*STR), or a tail (2d6+2*STR) and a gore/ram (1d8+1.5*STR, double damage on a charge) or 4 tentacles (1d4+STR, improved grab)

Special Attack: you either gain 2 Rake attacks (1d8+STR) in a grapple or when flying, or a Rend attack when two claws or at least two tentacles hit (2d6+2*STR) or a Constrict attack (3d6+2*STR) in a grapple.

Power Field: either your natural weapons are treated as Power Weapons, or you are surrounded by a field that converts your Armour and Natural Armour bonus into a Deflection bonus.

Sphere: you gain Basic access to a Sphere

Teleport: you may Teleport Without Error at will

Eternal: if slain, your body can be recovered to place inside arcane machinery, transforming you into a Defiler.

Living Nightmare: you have a 30' aura of terror. Anyone in this area must make a Will save (CHA-based) or Panic until 1 round after they leave the area. Whenever someone passes the save, they become immune for 24 hours.

Additional Equipment: Eviscerator

Requisition: Possessed Rhino or Possessed Land Raider


BAB: Good
Skill Points: 6+Int
Hit Die: 1d10
Good Saves: Fort
1Natural Terminator, Slow and Purposeful, Obliterator Weapon (Twin Flamer or Assault Cannon)
2Deep Strike (Teleport Attack), Obliterator Weapon (Twin Plasma Gun or Reaper Auto-Cannon)
3Crushing Grasp, Obliterator Weapon (Twin Melta Gun or Heavy Flamer)
4On My Co-ordinates..., Obliterator Weapon (Multi-Melta or Rocket Launcher)
5Possess Vehicle, Obliterator Weapon (Plasma Cannon or Lascannon)

Natural Terminator: you have Terminator Armour bound to your body. It is an extension of you and cannot be removed or destroyed without first killing you. It has no maximum Dexterity bonus for you.

Slow and Purposeful: as per the Thousand Sons marine

Obliterator Weapon: you have a special Obliterator weapon. Every level, select one of the two options given. You may fire the Obliterator weapon as any of the options selected. Additionally, as soon as you have at least two different options, you may fire any two of them at the same time, using the same action.

Deep Strike: you may Dimension Door to any location you can physically see as a Swift Action.

Crushing Grasp: you gain a Constrict attack with your Power Fist. It deals 6d6+STR damage, and the target must pass a Fort save (STR-based) or die.

On My Coordinates...: once per day, you may call an Orbital Bombardment down on your location. Fortunately, your armour makes you entirely immune to it. Everyone else, however, is not you, and does not enjoy such an immunity.

Possess Vehicle: you can possess vehicles, piloting them as though they were extensions of your own body. This is so good that if you die, you can actually possess a vehicle permanently, and change your character to "Possessed Vindicator/Predator/Land Raider".

Additional Equipment: Power Fist, Melta Bombs, Repair Kit

Requisition: Possessed Predator or Vindicator
Daemon Weapon: this is usually a Greatsword, but varies - followers of Khorne often like Battle Axes, those of Slaanesh prefer Spiked Whips/Chains, those of Nurgle like giant rusted Spears or syringes and those of Tzeench prefer Staves. Whatever. It is a +5 Lawbane weapon that grants an extra attack when used to make a full attack. Additionally, it is an Intelligent Item with Special Purpose and Dedicated Power, One Major Power, two Minor Powers and one of the following:
-Khorne: those struck continue to take full damage for another 3 rounds, with no save allowed.
-Nurgle: those struck are instantly afflicted by Cyst of Nurgle (STR-based)
-Slaanesh: those struck must make a Fortitude save (STR-based) or be rendered Stunned, Blinded and Helpless for 3 rounds.
-Tzeench: spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural attacks may be channelled through the weapon whenever it hits. Additionally, it casts a targeted Dispel Magic when it strikes (no CL limit). Every effect that is dispelled grants you its CL in temporary HP for one hour.

Cyst of Nurgle: attacks the host once per hour for 5 days. Fort vs 2d6 Con damage and 1 Con drain. Target is automatically Slowed, and takes 3d6 damage whenever they attack or perform any other strenuous activity. If the target is slain, they rise as a Plague Zombie (treat as a Zombie that bestows Plague Rot with its natural attacks, and those slain by it also rise as Plague Zombies).

Slimy Doom: attacks the host once per hour for 3 days. Fort vs 1d6 Str and 1d6 Con, failure by 5 or more makes this Drain. Target is under a permanent Grease effect, and is Fatigued if they engage in strenuous activity for more than three rounds in a row. If slain by the disease, they explode in a 10' burst of slime that risks infecting others, and a Nurgling swarm is spawned.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Ravyn Dawnbringer »

First of all, Koumei, I owe you sexual favours for this.

Second, a few questions.

(@Koumei) Requisition slots: That what the kids are calling magic item slots these days?

(@Maxus) Did you make that file, and can I get it somewhere?
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Post by Koumei »

Ravyn Dawnbringer wrote:First of all, Koumei, I owe you sexual favours for this.
Bah, who doesn't owe me sexual favours by now?
(@Koumei) Requisition slots: That what the kids are calling magic item slots these days?
Not exactly. Basically it's a vaguely defined "You get requisition something for every successful mission you complete in-game (so starting at higher levels seriously is "tough shit")". But a DM can honestly decide to do whatever.
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Post by Zeir »

I was looking through this stuff (it's amazing, btw) mainly because the robot girl can use some of the mechanicus stuff. Under the mechanicus death master, for fist augmentation, it has a reference to Thunder Hammer, but I can't find the details for the Thunder Hammer. Is that here? Did I just miss it because I'm horrible at finding things?
Last edited by Zeir on Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Because I'm a bad person, it's under the description for Ass. Terminators.

"Thunder Hammer: counts as a +3 Thundering Warhammer that ignores Shield bonuses.. At the end of the user's turn, every foe that was hit by it must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be Stunned for 1 round. "

In regular D&D I'd replace the +3 with the usual level-based bonus and call it Adamantium, as well as making the DC 10 + half HD + Str.
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Post by Zeir »

hm... I think you forgot the last half of badass. Anyway, thanks a lot for that, I never would've found it by myself.
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Post by Koumei »

Nah, Ass. is short for Assault. I just like the term because of Ass Cannons. Everyone at my LGS uses the term thanks to me.
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Post by Zeir »

Now that I look back at the post I wrote after not sleeping for a week, I realize how unclear it is, trying to imply you are not a bad person, though I was wondering where Ass Cannons was coming from.
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Post by Ravyn Dawnbringer »

Ass cannons. Bringing the future of warfare right to the comfort of your bathroom!
God of Awesome wrote: This is no different then the fact that my soul is that of a majestic nuclear space whale.
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Post by Koumei »

So, turns out I missed some stuff:

Diminutive Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] CR 2
Str 4 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 1 Wis 10 Cha 1
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (28 HP) Speed 10' Init +1
AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +4 Size, +1 Natural), flat 15, touch 15
BAB/Grapple: +3/-12
Bite +8 (1 damage plus Plague Rot DC 14)
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +3
Feats: Combat Expertise (B), Toughness, Toughness
Skills: lolnone
Burst Pustule (Ex): when reduced to 0 or less HP, the Nurgling explodes in a spray of ichor. All adjacent creatures must pass a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be Nauseated for 2d6 rounds. They must then save again on the following round or contract Plague Rot.

Nurgling Swarm:
Swarm of Diminutive Outsiders [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar, Swarm] CR 6
Str 4 Dex 14 Con 20 Int 1 Wis 10 Cha 1
Hit Dice: 8d8+54 (90 HP) Speed 20' Init +1
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, -1 Size, +4 Natural), flat 13, touch 11
BAB/Grapple: +8/NA
Swarm Attack 4d6 plus Plague Rot (DC 19)
Fort +11 Ref +8 Will +6
Feats: Combat Expertise (B), Toughness, Toughness, Improved Toughness
Skills: lolnone
Burst Pustule (Ex): when reduced to 0 or less HP, the Nurgling Swarm explodes in a spray of ichor. All creatures within 20' must pass a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be Nauseated for 2d6 rounds. They must then save again on the following round or contract Plague Rot.
Distraction (Ex): any creature injured by the Swarm attack must pass a Fort save (DC 19) or be Nauseated for one round.
Cloud of Flies (Su): with a Standard action, the swarm may surround itself with a cloud of flies. This grants it Concealment and adds +3 to the DC of its Distraction ability.

A Nurgling Swarm may carry a throne upon it. Anyone seated upon the throne gains Cover from the Swarm. Such a Swarm tends to have extra HD, for a total of (Master's Level) - 2.
Large Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] CR 5
Str 18 Dex 15 Con 16 Int 13 Wis 13 Cha 12
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 HP) Speed 40' Fly 90' (Good) Init +6
AC: 24 (+2 Dex, -1 Size, +13 Natural), flat 22, touch 11
BAB/Grapple: +6/+14
Claw +9 (2d6+4)
Full: 2 Claws +9/+9 (2d6+4) and Bite +9 (1d8+2)
Fort +8 Ref +7 Will +6
Feats: Improved Initiative, Run, Improved Natural Attack: Claw
Skills: lolnone
Smoke: During the excitement of battle, a Seeker snorts and neighs with hypnotic glee. This snorting fills a 15-foot cone with hot, toxic clouds that choke and confuse opponents. Anyone in the cone must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or become Confused and Slowed until 1d6 minutes after leaving the cone. The cone lasts 1 round, and the Seeker uses it once as a free action during its turn each round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Because of the smoke it gives off, a Seeker has Concealment against creatures 5 feet away and Total Concealment against creatures 10 feet or farther away. The smoke does not obscure the Seeker's vision at all.

Serpentine Steed:
Large Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] CR 6
Str 18 Dex 19 Con 16 Int 3 Wis 7 Cha 14
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 HP) Speed 40' Init +8
AC: 23 (+4 Dex, -1 Size, +10 Natural), flat 19, touch 13
BAB/Grapple: +6/+14
Bite +9 (1d8+6 plus Poison, Improved Grab)
Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6
Feats: Improved Initiative, Ability Focus: Poison, Iron Will
Skills: lolnone
Poison: DC 18, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str
Gaze Attack: DC 15, Dazes the target every round they fail the Will save
Constrict: 2d6+4

Commonly used as mounts, when this is the case they have additional hit dice, for a total of (Master's level) - 2.
Huge Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] CR 6
Str 26 Dex 10 Con 21 Int 2 Wis 13 Cha 2
Hit Dice: 6d8+30 (57 HP) Speed 40' Init +4
AC: 26 (+0 Dex, -2 Size, +10 Natural +8 Armour), flat 26, touch 8
BAB/Grapple: +6/+22
Gore +13 (3d6+12)
Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +6
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (Gore), WF (Gore)
Skills: lolnone
Powerful Charge (Ex): when charging the Gore deals 6d6+24 damage

A Bloodcrusher can be mounted like a horse, carrying its master into battle. This generally results in it possessing extra HD for a total of (Master's Level) - 2.
Large Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] CR 6
Str 21 Dex 16 Con 17 Int 4 Wis 15 Cha 15
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (51 HP) Speed 10' Fly 40' (Average) Init +7
AC: 19 (+3 Dex, -1 Size, +5 Natural +2 Deflection), flat 16, touch 14
BAB/Grapple: +6/+15
Bite +10 (1d6+7 Magic Adamantine Weapon, 19-20/x3)
Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +7
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Endurance
Skills: lolnone
Augmented Critical (Bite)
Improved Grab (Bite)
Rend (end of turn, if Grappling) 2d6+5 (Magic Adamantine Weapon)
Shriek (Ex): Standard action every 3 rounds, 45' cone deals 6d10 Sonic damage, Fort half (DC 16).

Disc of Tzeench:
A Disc of Tzeench can best be considered a Magic Item - it carries the owner aloft, hovering 0-10' above the ground at the master's whim. It has a Move Speed of 50' and will make a special Slice attack whenever adjacent to a foe - including on a charge. It has the same Melee Attack Bonus as the rider.
Slice: 3d6+5 (Magic Adamantine Weapon), 19-20/x4
Lesser Daemon:
Medium Outsider [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] CR 4
Str 13 Dex 12 Con 13 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 12
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 HP) Speed 30' Init +1
AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 Natural), flat 13, touch 11
BAB/Grapple: +6/+7
Bite +7 (1d6+1)
Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +6
Feats: lolnone
Skills: lolnone
Special: must apply one of the following templates

Lesser Daemon Templates:
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +8 Con, +4 Wis
(+4 Fort, +2 Will, +2 to Bite, +3 to Bite damage, +33 HP)
Regeneration 1 (Overcome by Fire)
Damage Reduction 5/Lawful or Good
Bite: Plague Rot (DC 18)
Feats: Improved Toughness, Ability Focus: Plague Rot, Toughness
Special: Cloud of Flies (Su)
CR: +2

At 10 Hit Dice, it gains the Burst Pustule ability of a Nurgling Swarm. At 12 HD it gains a Plague Sword (1d10+Str*1.5, 19-20/x2, Filth Fever (DC 10 + half HD + Con)).

Ability Scores: +8 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con
(+2 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 to Bite, +6 to Bite damage, +18 HP, +5 Init, +5 AC)
Damage Reduction 10/Lawful or Good
Bite: 1d8 Wounding (1 Con damage)
+4 Natural Armour
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, INA (Bite)
Rage (Ex): as per the spell, at will
CR +2

At 10 Hit Dice, it gains a Blood Seeking Blade (2d6+Str*1.5, 19-20/x2, 1 Str damage per hit), at 12 HD it gains Fast Healing 5.

Ability Scores: +2 Str, +8 Dex, +4 Cha
(+4 Ref, +4 Init, +4 AC, +1 to Bite)
Damage Reduction 5/Lawful or Good
2 Claws +8 (1d6+2, 20/x4)
Feats: Multi-Attack, Improved Multi-Attack, Ability Focus (Command)
Command (Su): at will, DC 18
CR +2

At 10 HD, their Bite deals 1 Wisdom damage, and at 12 HD, they gain the Smoke of a Seeker.

Pink Horror:
Ability Scores: +2 Con, +8 Int, +4 Wis
(+1 Fort, +2 Will, +6 HP, +4 Init)
Damage Reduction 5/Lawful or Good
Regeneration 1 (overcome by Steel weapons)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Run, Weapon Focus (Mana Bolt)
Mana Bolt (Sp): at will, RTA +8 (3d4+5 Fire)
Happy (Ex): Pink Horrors are happy. They ignore Morale penalties.
Divide (Ex): when reduced below 0 HP, a Pink Horror splits into two Blue Horrors
CR +2

At 10 HD, they may cast Fireball as a Spell-like ability 3/day, and at 12HD this becomes a Quickened Fireball.

Blue Horror:
As the Pink Horror, with the following adjustments:
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
(+1 Ref, -1 Will, +1 to Bite, +2 to Bite damage, +1 to RTA, +1 Init, -1 Mana Bolt damage)
Hit Points: divide by half (round up)
Aura of Unluck: all attacks made against Blue Horrors suffer a 20% Miss Chance
Lose the 10/12 HD abilities (if applicable)
Miserable (Ex): Blue Horrors are miserable and bicker all the time. They lose the "Happy" ability, but everyone within 10' of a Blue Horror, except another Blue Horror, takes a -2 Morale penalty to Will saves and AC.
Defiler: (template)
Type: Construct [Living, Human, Chaotic, Evil]

Ability Scores: Constitution counts as 10, +10 Strength, -4 Dexterity if higher than 15.

Hit Dice: modify to 10 HP per level, modified by feats and class features, but not by Constitution. Saves, Skill Points and BAB remain unchanged.

Size: Huge (lose the Powerful Build trait)

Vision: normal, low-light, Darkvision 120'

Speed: 40' (already taking armour into account)

Armour Class: +18 Armour Bonus. Counts as wearing Heavy Armour.

Damage Reduction: 50, only 10 if Flanked.

Special Qualities: Construct Traits, not immune to Mind-Affecting, but does gain a +6 bonus on all saves against them, Stability.

[*]Two Dreadnought Arms (counts as a Power Fist, allows use of that arm)
[*]Battle Cannon
One of the following:
[*]Additional Dreadnought Arm
[*]Havoc Launcher (Assault weapon, as Mortar)
[*]Heavy Flamer
One of the following:
[*]Additional Dreadnought Arm
[*]Twin-linked Autocannon

Other: Retain all other abilities.
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:14 am, edited 4 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »


Okay, what the hell. I mean, you can already get to 15th level, so let's say Siege-Tier characters can also, in extreme circumstances, progress beyond, becoming the mightiest of the mightiest - true Heroes of the Imperium. After that, it's Titan Tier, and I'm letting you decide how you want to treat that mess.

Requirements: any non-Space Marine, 15 Hit Dice
Hit Die: d8
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 6+Int
Good Saving Throws: Fort, Ref and Will
1Psyker, Inquisitor's Skills
2Crusade, Ordos
3Psyker, Inquisitor's Skills
4Apocalypse Now
5Psyker, Exterminatus Extremis

Psyker (Sp): the Inquisitor becomes a Psyker, even if he doesn't actually like this fact. At level one he gains a Psykic feat of choice, at level three he gains Beginner access to a Sphere, and at level five, he gains another Psyker feat of choice.

Inquisitor's Skills (Ex): at levels one and three, the Inquisitor learns special skills, often relating to his old job. He may select any one of the following to learn each time:
[*]Faith and Fire: the Inquisitor automatically maximises the damage of all Fire-based weapons or powers used, and every time she uses a Faith power, all psykers within 20' take 6d6 Fire/Holy damage.
[*]Perfect Shot: as a Full Round action, the Inquisitor may make a single attack with a ranged firearm that automatically hits as though a natural 20 was rolled (roll to see if the critical hit confirms) and ignores any Miss chance.
[*]Silence: the Inquisitor can force psyker activity from an area. By suppressing all of his own Psykic powers, he may emanate an Anti-Magic Zone out to 60 feet. This lasts for as long as he spends a Swift action every round to maintain it. Faith powers may still function despite often being Spell-like or Supernatural abilities.
[*]Sudden Death: anyone the Inquisitor ever hits with a melee weapon must, at the end of the Inquisitor's turn, make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half HD + Cha mod) or die instantly. Only one save need be made per target per round.
[*]Primaris Psyker: the Inquisitor gains any three spells of level nine or less that can each be used once per hour as Spell-like Abilities. His powers cannot be Dispelled, and he may add his Charisma modifier (if positive) to Spell Penetration checks.
[*]Killing Arts: the Inquisitor gains one Class Feature of choice from each of the following classes: Vindicare Assassin, Culexus Assassin, Callidus Assassin, Eversor Assassin, Mechanicus Assassin

Crusade (Ex): at level two, the Inquisitor gains the authority to declare a crusade, basically calling in massive support. Although it takes time to arrive, when the help gets there, it means something:
Support:Waiting Time:
2-4 units + 1 leader1d6 weeks
plus 1-2 tanks2d6 weeks
plus 3-6 more units4d6 weeks
serious vehicle support6d6 weeks
Apocalypse-size3d6 months

After the battle, the waiting time must be waited out again before the Inquisitor can call another crusade, taxing Imperial resources.

Ordos (Ex): at second level, the Inquisitor gains the benefits of Hated Foe for either all Xenos, all Daemons or all Mutants, Psykers and Spellcasters. All of his weapons become Bane weapons against that category of foe when wielded by him.

Apocalypse Now (Ex): starting at level four, the Inquisitor is given his very own Warhound Titan, as well as a Space Hulk to transport it. He also has immediate access to a force of one hundred Guardsmen (level 3 Human Warriors with Las-guns, Frag Grenades and Breastplates), three tanks (Lemann Russ or Land Raiders or Whirlwinds or Exorcists) and one Vulture or Vendetta. These can basically be sent off to their deaths, though it takes 2d6 months to replace them.

Exterminatus Extremis (Ex): at level five, the Inquisitor can simply sign the death warrant for an entire planet. When this happens, the response typically takes 6d6 weeks unless he actually has the forces on hand. Don't bother working out rules: the entire planet is wiped out, with no life of any kind remaining.
Equipment: Super Heavy Tank or Land Raider or Thunder Hawk, any single weapon
Requisition: just about anything in the cosmos

Requirements: any Assassin, 15 Hit Dice
Hit Die: d10
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 6+Int
Good Saving Throws: Ref and Will
1Sneak Attack +2d6, Instant Death, Assassin Skills
2Sneak Attack +3d6, Assassin Skills
3Sneak Attack +4d6, Assassin Skills, Mastery
4Sneak Attack +5d6, Assassin Skills
5Sneak Attack +6d6, Assassin Skills, Any Time Any Place

Sneak Attack (Ex): at first level, the Lord of Assassins may add +2d6 Sneak Attack damage to his attacks (where applicable). This increases by another 1d6 per level.

Instant Death (Ex): by spending a Full Round action observing a foe within 30 feet, a Lord of Assassins can learn how to best kill the foe. If he attacks the foe before the end of his next turn and hits, the target is instantly slain with no saving throw allowed.

Assassin Skills (Ex): each level, the Lord of Assassins may gain one of the following abilities - each may only be selected once:
[*]Body Shifting: gain Amorphous Organs and Amorphous Weapons (as the Callidus Assassin)
[*]Sneaky: gain Leap Back and Strangle (as the Callidus Assassin)
[*]Drug Abuse: gain Chem Factory and Death Throes (as the Eversor Assassin)
[*]Psychotic: gain Rage and Killing Spree (as Eversor Assassin)
[*]Implants: gain Mechadendrites, Cyber Eye and Levitation Unit (as Mechanicus Assassin)
[*]Sniper's Edge:gain Take Aim and Ranged Sneak Attack (as Vindicare Assassin)
[*]Untouchable: gain Soulless and Aura of Terror (as the Culexus Assassin)
[*]Body Taming: improve Str, Dex and Con by +4 points each, and once per day, automatically pass a Fort or Ref save without rolling.
[*]Brilliant Mind: improve Int, Wis and Cha by +4 points each, and once per day, automatically pass a Will save without rolling.

Mastery (Ex): at third level, the Lord of Assassins becomes even better at their specialised task:
[*]Callidus: the Lord can change size with a Standard action at will, between Small, Medium and Large. They also gain a Swallow Whole ability (able to contain one creature one size category smaller, double the number for every category smaller), dealing 2d6+Con damage and 1d6 Acid damage every round. Suggestion may be used as an Extraordinary ability at will, as an Immediate action.
[*]Culexus: [Extraplanar] creatures may neither enter or influence any space within 30 feet of the Lord, and once per hour, he may cast Wail of the Banshee (only affecting Spellcasters/Psykers and [Extraplanar] creatures) as a Supernatural ability.
[*]Eversor: when charging, the Lord flat-out deals twice as much damage, and any time he slays a foe, a 50' radius spread of ground is covered in blood, treated as a Grease effect. By screeching as a Swift action, he may force all creatures within 100 feet to attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half HD + Con) or be permanently Deafened, and Dazed for one round.
[*]Mechanicus: the Mechanicus Assassin is kitted out in even more gear, gaining a Plasma Cannon built into their chest, a built-in Forcefield Generator (+6 Deflection bonus to AC, +DR 25%/-), and may triple their damage against Constructs.
[*]Vindicare: as a Full Round action, the Lord may make a single attack with a ranged firearm that automatically hits as though a natural 20 was rolled (roll to see if the critical hit confirms) and ignores any Miss chance. He may even use an X-ray scope to see through full cover and concealment, able to shoot foes through solid walls (providing the shot could feasibly penetrate the barrier - anything less than 1 foot in width with Hardness 20 or less, and Walls of Force).

Any Time Any Place (Su): the fifth level Master of Death may cast Teleport Without Error as a Supernatural ability at will.
Equipment: as previous classes, One-in-a-Million Quality weapon of choice (+5 with an additional +2 worth of features)
Requisition: a Super Heavy Tank, any equipment given to Assassins other than your type

Requirements: any Adepta Sororitas, 15 Hit Dice
Hit Die: d10
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 4+Int
Good Saving Throws: Fort, Ref and Will
1Faith (Gaze of Desolation, Human Rage), Angel's Wings
2Faith (Words of Doom, Human Love), Muster the Forces
3Faith (Bright-Burning Flame, Human Sorrow), Ictus Canicula
4Faith (Tears of Joy, Human Mercy), Aura of Hope
5Faith (Paragon of Virtue, Human Ambition), Emperor's Will

Faith (Su): at every level, the Paragon of Humanity gains two new Faith powers. These are still not considered Psykic.
[*]Gaze of Desolation: the Paragon gains a Gaze attack that can be switched on or off with a Swift action at will. Any who meet her gaze must pass a Fort save (DC 10 + half HD + Cha) or take 6d6 damage and be Blinded for 1 round.
[*]Human Rage: the Paragon may enter a Rage with +3d6 Rage dice, her blood burning with hatred. All enemies within 10' take Fire damage equal to her Charisma modifier, and any who hit her with a melee weapon take 3d6+Con Fire damage.
[*]Words of Doom: once each per day, the Paragon can cast Holy Word, Dictum and each Power Word as Supernatural abilities.
[*]Human Love: with a Standard action at will, the Paragon may place a Heal and Shield Other Supernatural effect on a target. If they accept these effects, they are also subject to a Charm effect with no saving throw allowed. This lasts until another target is blessed.
[*]Bright-Burning Flame: the Paragon emits Light as per the Daylight spell, and may conjure a Prismatic Sphere to surround her as a Supernatural ability at will.
[*]Human Sorrow: the Paragon is never subject to morale penalties. Instead, when she would be, a fierce rainstorm is summoned in a 500' radius column around her and anyone struck by any of her attacks must, at the end of her turn, make a Fort save (DC 10 + half HD + Cha + number of hits) or die instantly.
[*]Tears of Joy: when subject to Morale bonus, the Paragon grants every ally within 30' a Prismatic Sphere effect.
[*]Human Mercy: the Paragon may make any of her attacks deal Non-lethal damage. If she does this, and a target is knocked out, then when they awaken they are subject to a permanent Charm effect with no saving throw.
[*]Paragon of Virtue: the Paragon becomes immune to [Chaotic] and [Evil] effects and the attacks of [Chaotic] or [Evil] creatures. With a Standard action she may make an attack against a [Chaotic] or [Evil] creature that deals triple damage.
[*]Human Ambition: once per week, when slain, the Paragon rejuvenates, returning to life and perfect health within 1 hour.

Angel's Wings (Su): the Paragon gains the ability to Fly, with a Fly speed of 30' (Perfect). If she already has a Fly speed, it is doubled and changed to (Perfect), and if she has training with Jump Packs and is normally given one (ie is a Seraphim), she may also double the Fly speed.

Muster the Forces (Ex): starting at second level, the Paragon may influence crowds of people, as well as gathering legions of Battle Sisters. With one day of spreading the word, she may plant the seeds of anger against the wicked, and within 2d4 days from there, riots will begin and she will have the loyalty of the populace, prepared for guerilla warfare.

She may also call upon her allies. Although it takes time to arrive, when the help gets there, it means something:
Support:Waiting Time:
10 Battle Sisters in a Repressor1d4 weeks
plus two squads of 5 Dominions in Immolators1d8 weeks
plus another Repressor unit and a Heroine2d6 weeks
plus up to five Exorcists3d6 weeks
plus up to 20 Seraphim, four more Immolators and one Hellhammer2d6 months

After the battle, the waiting time must be waited out again before the Paragon can call upon more of her allies.

Ictus Canicula (Ex): the third level Paragon is even more of a Bolter Bitch than most. Whenever she fires a Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter or Vulcan Mega Bolter (including special ammunition, the Bolter function of a Combi-Weapon, and vehicle-mounted weapons), the damage is doubled. Additionally she may make a melee attack with a Bolt weapon and fire it in the same action, the melee damage being as follows:
Bolt Pistol1d6+Str*0.5
Storm Bolter1d10+Str*1.5
Heavy Bolter3d6+Str*1.5

Aura of Hope (Ex): starting at fourth level, the Paragon constantly uplifts those around her. Any ally within 30' with more than 1 HP, struck by an attack that would reduce them into negative hit points, is instead left at zero hit points. They are also immune to Death Effects. The Paragon does not grant herself this ability.

Emperor's Will (Ex): at level five, the Paragon seriously gains the "Paragon" template, becoming perfect in every single way.
Equipment: Land Raider, all equipment you could requisition from your previous classes, One-in-a-Million Inferno Pistol (+5 Psyker-Bane/Mage-Bane Inferno Pistol with double the ammunition capacity)
Requisition: Thunder Hawk, any equipment available to Adepta Sororitas of a type other than yours, Major Magic Items that are Holy.

Requirements: any Space Marine, 15 Hit Dice
Hit Die: d12
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 4+Int
Good Saving Throws: Fort and Will
1A Terrible Power, Chapter Glory
2Call of the Astartes
3Chapter Legends
4Hands of Destruction
5Chapter Secrets, Master's Relics

A Terrible Power (Ex): all Chapter Commanders are incredibly powerful. They may select one of the following abilities:
[*]Librarians-only: the Commander gains any three spells of level nine or less that can each be used once per hour as Spell-like Abilities. His powers cannot be Dispelled, and he may add his Charisma modifier (if positive) to Spell Penetration checks.
[*]Chaplains-only: the Commander gains the ability to cast Heal, Revive and Quickened Flamestrike as Supernatural abilities at will.
[*]Any: the Commander gains the Monster of Legend template.
[*]Space Wolf: the Commander's Space Wolf Rage ability increases to +8d6, and his Strength and Constitution each increase by 6. He also gains two Claw attacks for 1d8+Str damage each.
[*]Salamander: whenever the Commander deals Fire damage to anyone (via Weapon, Spit, lingering damage or Psykic Power), they take an additional 3d6+Cha Holy damage. Additionally, he gains a Crush attack when grappling a foe, dealing 6d6+Str*2 damage.
[*]Blood Angel: the Commander gains +6d6 Rage dice and +10' movement speed, and is even more Vampiric, with DR 20/Wood and dealing 1 negative level with every successful natural attack.

Chapter Glory (Ex): all Chapter Commanders carry great glory and self-confidence, indeed arrogance, for their heritage and the legacy they are creating. They may add their class level to all Attack rolls, Damage rolls and Saving throws.

Call of the Astartes (Ex): starting at second level, the Chapter Commander may call upon his loyal allies from his Chapter. Although it takes time to arrive, when the help gets there, it means something:
Support:Waiting Time:
10 Space Marines in a Rhino1d4 weeks
plus two squads of 5 Assault Marines1d8 weeks
plus another Rhino unit and a Librarian2d6 weeks
plus up to five Dreadnoughts3d6 weeks
plus up to 3 Vindicators, 2 Whirlwinds, one Land Raider, one Thunder Hawk and 10 Terminators or Assault Terminators2d6 months

After the battle, the waiting time must be waited out again before the Chapter Commander can call upon more of his allies.

Chapter Legends (Su): there are great legends about the Chapter. They are all true. At level three the Chapter Commander gains the benefits of the Half Dragon template (pick a colour), though his appearance does not change.

Hands of Destruction (Su): at fourth level, the Chapter Commander's Strength score increases by 10 points, and he may from then on treat his fists as Power Fists when fighting unarmed.

Chapter Secrets (Su): at level five, the Chapter Commander knows the darkest secrets of the Chapter, and gains the benefits of either the Half Fiend or Half Celestian template, though his appearance does not change.

Master's Relics (Ex): at fifth level, the Chapter Commander is granted the greatest relics of his Chapter. This is generally a One-in-a-Million Relic Blade, Force Weapon, Eviscerator, Thunder Hammer or Power Fist, with a built-in One-in-a-Million Assault Cannon or Plasma Gun.
Equipment: Terminator or Artificer Armour, Rosarius, any equipment available to any of your previous classes, one of which is One-in-a-Million quality (+5 weapon), Land Raider
Requisition: Thunder Hawk, additional One-in-a-Million weapons


The "bad" guys...

Requirements: any Chaos Space Marine, 15 Hit Dice
Hit Die: d8
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 6+Int
Good Saving Throws: Fort, Ref and Will
1Prince of Darkness
2Delicious Gift of Chaos
3Lord of Darkness
4Damning Gift of Chaos
5King of Darkness

Prince of Darkness (Su): the Daemon Prince gains great power. He may summon loyal minions twice per day: 1 level 15 Herald or 2 level 13 Heralds/Beasts of Nurgle/Hounds of Khorne/Fiends of Slaanesh/Flamers of Tzeench or 4 level 11 Heralds or 10 level 9 Heralds or 20 level 6 Lesser Daemons. Every two levels, double the number of creatures that may be summoned.

Delicious Gift of Chaos (Su): at second level, the Daemon Prince gains Master access to a Sphere of their choice.

Lord of Darkness (Su): at level three, the Daemon Prince gains the Half-Fiend template, and may summon minions a third time per day.

Damning Gift of Chaos (Su): at fourth level, the Daemon Prince gains Master access to another Sphere of their choice, as well as any one Fiendish feat.

King of Darkness (Su): at fifth level, the Daemon Prince grows one size category larger (with all the ability score and natural armour changes) and can summon minions at will.
Equipment: Daemon Weapon, Daemon-Possessed Land Raider or Sky Talon
Requisition: Harbringer Bomber or Brass Scorpion/Silver Tower/Subjugator/Plague Tower

Requirements: any Daemon or Chaos Space Marine, 15 Hit Dice
Hit Die: d12
BAB: Good
Skill Points: 4+Int
Good Saving Throws: Fort and Ref
1Daemon's Greatness
2Huge Guts, Delicious Gift of Chaos
3Army of the Damned
4Damning Gift of Chaos
5Greatest Daemon

Daemon's Greatness (Su): Greater Daemons are great. They may treat all of their natural weapons as Power Fists or Force weapons.

Huge Guts (Ex): at second level, the Greater Daemon grows one size larger (including all ability score and natural armour changes) and doubles his maximum hit points.

Delicious Gift of Chaos (Su): at second level, the Greater Daemon gains Master access to a Sphere of their choice.

Army of the Damned (Su): starting at level three, the Greater Daemon may summon allies three times per day. They may either summon one hundred level six Heralds, 25 level 11 Hounds of Khorne/Fiends of Slaanesh/Beasts of Nurgle/Flamers of Tzeench or 3 level 15 Heralds.

Damning Gift of Chaos (Su): at fourth level, the Greater Daemon gains Master access to another Sphere of their choice, as well as any one Fiendish feat.

Greatest Daemon (Ex): at fifth level, the Greater Daemon gains the Pseudonatural template for free, such is its horror.
Equipment: Daemon Weapon, 1 Major Magic Item of choice
Requisition: Doomsday Device
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Posts: 1585
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:39 pm
Location: Oz

Post by koz »

I heard something about this being PDFed. Did that ever come to anything?
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:03 am

Post by Utterfail »

Not to my knowledge. I'd thought about doing it once, but never mustered up the effort. It would be pretty easy. You could even use the Awesometome stuff as a base for it. Make it a Tome suppliment.
Failing since 1989

I suppose this signature has run it's course.
Posts: 1585
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Location: Oz

Post by koz »

I would do it, but at the same time, I'm kinda busy with my own project, of at least equal if not greater size. Hence, not really smart for me to take on something like this. What might work is a collated thread (kinda like Frank's aWoD thread) with all the stuff in this thread, minus the chatter in-between.
Everything I learned about DnD, I learned from Frank Trollman.
Kaelik wrote:You are so full of Strawmen that I can only assume you actually shit actual straw.
souran wrote:...uber, nerd-rage-inducing, minutia-devoted, pointless blithering shit.
Schwarzkopf wrote:The Den, your one-stop shop for in-depth analysis of Dungeons & Dragons and distressingly credible threats of oral rape.
DSM wrote:Apparently, The GM's Going To Punch You in Your Goddamned Face edition of D&D is getting more traction than I expected. Well, it beats playing 4th. Probably 5th, too.
Frank Trollman wrote:Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action.
PoliteNewb wrote:If size means anything, it's what position you have to get in to give a BJ.
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