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Post by Koumei »

They are all complete.

Also, I'm pretty sure I went pretty stupid with some of the Chaos Sorcerer abilities and higher level Mecha. Feedback appreciated.
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Post by Koumei »

An incomplete PrCl, to get people excited.

Glitch Pokemaster


Skills: Knowledge (Planes) 10 ranks
Special: Control Pokemon class feature, own a MissingNo.

Base Attack Bonus: Average
Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Good Saving Throws: Reflex
Class Skills: Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (????), Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Level:Caster Level:Special:
1+1Creeping Madness
2+1Distortion, Wall of Nothing
3+1World Freeze, Deeper Madness
4+1Glitch City, Mew Glitch
5+1Mystery Number 128, h Poke
6+1Maddening Visage
7+1Mystery Number 256, Truly Insane
8+1Behold the Stairway to Salvation
9+1So Many Balls
10+1Power Leak

Caster Levels: at every level, the Glitch Pokemaster's "Pokemaster" Caster Level increases by 1.

Creeping Madness (Ex): the Glitch Pokemaster saw the mind-warping terror on the shores that day. The visions that haunt their mind prevent Nightmare effects from occurring (the nightmares are scared away). The character is also immune to Confusion, Death through [Fear] effects and the effects of a Demon's Form of Madness, but takes a -4 Circumstance penalty on all Wisdom-based skill checks and Will saves.

Distortion (Ex): starting at second level, the world around the Glitch Pokemaster seems... strange. Distorted. Things just don't seem quite right. The Glitch Pokemaster can no longer be Entangled, due to not being exactly where he's meant to. Additionally, there is something off about the way he looks, something people can't exactly remember afterwards. Those who see him for the first time since this transformation must make a Will save (DC 10 + half HD + Cha) or be Shaken for the first minute of their encounter.

Wall of Nothing (Su): a side effect of the planar distortions and glitches is that sometimes, walls don't actually do what you might expect walls to do: the Glitch Pokemaster is, starting at second level, immune to all Wall spells, and can turn Incorporeal with a Swift action once per day per class level, each time for a number of rounds equal to his Hit Dice plus Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).

World Freeze (Su): starting at third level, the "game" starts to freeze up. When utilising MissingNo. in battle, the Glitch Pokemaster may once per day cast Timestop as a Supernatural ability. This lasts for the minimum length of pseudo-time - any longer would result in nature resetting reality.

Deeper Madness (Ex): starting at third level, the Glitch Pokemaster is really fucking nuts. He becomes immune to Ability Damage for Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, but takes a -6 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks, and on any given night has a 50% chance of being plagued by nightmares (as per the spell Nightmare, DC 10 + half HD + Cha). On the other hand, he becomes able to capture any Aberration or Outsider, even those who only advance by class levels or who are unique snowflakes.

Glitch City (Ex): starting at fourth level, the Glitch Pokemaster may access the mysterious realm known as Glitch City. By taking a Double-Move action, he may move into this location, leaving a trail into it for three rounds. During this time, anyone else may wander in. Treat Glitch City as a Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, except everyone constantly has difficulty moving around (treat as Slowed), and there seems to be an invisible 3D maze of Walls of Force everywhere and Illusory objects scattered about.

Mew Glitch (Ex): starting at level four, the Glitch Pokemaster can tug at the fabric of reality, slowly tearing holes in it. Once per day he may spend a Full Round action to summon a wild, untamed, uncontrolled Mew, which he may attempt to capture like normal.

Mystery Number 128 (Su): at level five, the Glitch Pokemaster suddenly gains +128 of any one item in his inventory, or +128 Great Balls, whichever he prefers. They seem to have come from the Far Realm.

h Poke (Ex): starting at level five, the Glitch Pokemaster may perform the rites to summon h Poke, a being much like MissingNo. but so much more, one that does not truly interact with the world. It has the following profile, and can be summoned once per day with an hour-long ritual:

H POKE (CR 10)
Colossal (Tall) Outsider [Incorporeal, Extraplanar]
Str - Dex 14 Con 12 Int 3 Wis 21 Cha 23
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 HP)
Init +6 Speed 10' Fly 30' (Perfect)
Armour Class: 10 (+2 Dex, +6 Deflection, -8 Size)
-Flat Footed: 8
-Touch Attacks: 10
Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +12
BAB/Grapple: +10/-
Space/Reach: 40'x40'/20' (80' tall)
Lick: +11 melee touch attack(4d6+5 Acid damage, special)
Spell Resistance 20
Incorporeal Touch (Su): the H POKE adds its Charisma bonus as an Enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls with its touch attack. Additionally, those touched take 1 temporary negative level, and are afflicted with a Poison (Charisma-based): DC 23, 1d6 Dex damage/Paralysis 1 hour
HM 02 (Ex): whenever the H POKE scores a critical hit with its Lick attack, it deals an additional 2d6 negative energy damage per hit die and the Poison DC increases by +4 and the damage becomes 3d6 Dex/permanent Paralysis
Super Glitch (Su): if the H POKE reaches 20 hit dice, it gains the Super Glitch move which may be used once per day. One target within 30 feet, unless immune to Fire and Poison, is instantly slain. Even if they are immune, they are still Paralysed for 2d4 rounds.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Ability Focus: Poison, Weapon Focus: Touch Attack, Improved Toughness

Maddening Visage (Ex): starting at level six, the MissingNo. begins to take on its true form, the veil peeling away and allowing people to see its true form. Any MissingNo. owned by the Glitch Pokemaster gains the following special ability:

Form of Madness (Ex): anyone who views the MissingNo. for the first time in a day must make a Will save (DC 10 + half HD + Cha or owner's Cha, whichever is greater) or take 1d4 Wisdom and Charisma damage and spend one round Cowering and gibbering.

Mystery Number 256 (Ex): at level six, the Glitch Pokemaster suddenly gains +256 of any one item in his inventory, or +256 Great Balls, whichever he prefers. They seem to have come from the Far Realm.

Truly Insane (Ex): at seventh level, the Glitch Pokemaster becomes even more mad, which grants immunity to all [Mind Effecting] effects caused by other creatures. However he has a 50% chance to outright fail at communicating with other creatures other than his Pokemon (and vice versa), due to his mind shutting off at random.

Behold the Stairway to Salvation (Su): starting at eighth level, the Glitch Pokemaster learns how to tear open the gates between worlds and can access a Gate in the form of a mile-long, mile-high stairway leading to a small, flat plane. On this plane lies Arceus, who may be able to repair his mind... or destroy him. He may attempt this once per week.

Huge (Long) Outsider [Lawful, Extraplanar]
Str 26 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 9 Wis 25 Cha 25
Hit Dice: 13d8+39 (143 HP)
Init +6 Speed 50' Fly 120' (Average)
Armour Class: 30 (+2 Dex, +13 Natural, -2 Size, +7 Deflection)
-Flat Footed: 28
-Touch Attacks: 17
Fort +11 Ref +13 Will +15
BAB/Grapple: +13/+29
Space/Reach: 15'x20'/10'
Stomp +20 (4d6+12)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Stomp, Lightning Reflexes, Ability Focus: Judgement, Improved Natural Weapon: Stomp
Perfect Form (Ex): Arceus adds its Charisma mod as a Deflection bonus to Armour Class, and its hit dice are maximised
Stomp (Ex): Stomp deals double damage against all creatures at least two size categories smaller than itself
Fast Healing 10 (Ex)
Damage Reduction 15/Bludgeoning (Ex)
Cosmic Power (Su): with a Standard action, Arceus can grant itself a +5 Luck bonus to Armour Class, Saving Throws, Attack rolls and Damage rolls until the end of its next turn. It may instead end this effect to use Hyper Voice as a Swift action.
Hyper Voice (Su): with a Standard action (see above, however), Arceus may screech, shattering reality. All unattended objects within 50 feet automatically take 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die. All living creatures take 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice and are Stunned for 1 round, however they are entitled to a Fort save (Charisma-based, DC 23) to negate the damage and Stunning and simply be Deafened for 10 minutes.
Judgement (Su): once per day, Arceus may fire a blast of powerful energy as a Full Round action. It unleashes 1 ray of energy per hit dice, resolved as Ranged Touch Attacks with a maximum range of 50 feet, and each ray deals 3d6+Cha mod Force damage. The rays may be focused on one target or divided up. After it is resolved, one final blast of energy deals 2d6 Force damage per hit die to all creatures that took damage from one or more rays (Fort half, DC 25). Those that fail the save are Stunned for 2d4 rounds.
Multitype (Ex): Arceus may be equipped with a special plate that changes aspects to it. It may only equip one at a time.
Plate TypeSubtypesDamage ReductionJudgement
Fire[Fire]no change, but see subtypeDeals Fire damage, Empowered. All targets catch fire.
Ice[Cold]no change, but see subtypeDeals Cold damage, Empowered. All targets are Slowed for 1 minute.
Water[Water]replaced with Fire and Cold Resist 10, -4 on saves vs ElectricityDeals Acid/Cold damage, Empowered.
Lightning[Air]changes to Electricity immunityDeals Electricity damage, Empowered.
Ground[Earth]changes to Electricity immunityDeals Bludgeoning damage, Empowered.
Stone[Earth]doubledDeals Piercing damage, Empowered.
Plantno changechanges to Electricity and Acid resistance 20, gains Plant weaknessesDeals Piercing damage, Empowered.
Poisonno changechanges to Poison immunityDeals Acid damage, poisons all targets on failed save (1d6 Con/2d6 Con)
Ghost[Ethereal]noneDeals Negative energy damage.
Psychic[Psionic]no changeDeals nonlethal damage, Empowered.

So Many Balls (Ex): at ninth level, the Glitch Pokemaster receives his final gift from the Far Realm/MissingNo: 128 Master Balls. Once per week he may petition MissingNo. to grant another 128, and might receive them. Or might not.

Power Leak (Ex): at tenth level, the Glitch Pokemaster finally cracks, and sees things as they truly are. He is considered to be 120 levels higher than his actual level for the purpose of what level Pokemon he can control at any one time. When walking along beaches, he is likely to be attacked by wild Rhydons and similar of over 100 Hit Dice.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Utterfail »

Awesome, but may I suggest a change of flavor text to something more like:

R̢̞̠͍͍̭̱̲͙̭̳͇̠͚̹̒ͫ̇ͣͤ̈́̆̀͊͑̆ͮͭ́̚͘̕e̷̶̱̣͓̖̳̘̠̯͈͍̦͍͍͂̑͆ͩ̓͊̾̎̿̓͞͝f̷̶̭͈͙̜̯̘̳̲͚̗̅̆͑ͪ̀̚͞e̴̩̥͇̹͇̞͚̫̯͉̹͗̈̈̓̓̅̈͑̕͠͝ͅr̸̸̦̘̪̳̗̮̱ͦ̎̈͌̏̄̈́ͮe̹̥̙̥̜̰̰̠͕͎̼͛̅̃̀ͪ̋̓̃̓͗̉̔̀̕͝͝n̛̐͆ͯ͐̓̎͆͒ͭͨͩͩ͂ͣͮ͡҉̞͎̝̙̪͈̙̀ͅͅc̗̙̰͇̣̥͇̻͖̠͈̞̜͇̖̩̰̯̔̍̓̅͌̉̽̈̓̅̾͑ͫ̚͜ͅē̯͍̣̖͎̓̐ͯ͂̔̓ͧ͟͝͞ ̸̣͕̫̮̲̬͕͓͓̳͓̫̗̖̝̭̦̰͌̽͑͟n̸̷̢̘̮̦̬̣̙̺̈́̏̃̂o̷̻͍̙̦͍̮͉̽̆̌ͪ͂̑ͩ̐̆̑͑͐͢͢ͅt̿̽͐͆̍ͤ͊ͣ̂̿ͧͬ̈́ͦͮ̚͏̡̠̼̯̱̲͕͈̤̜̫ ̋́̎ͬͬͩ̇̃͗̆̔ͤͪ͏̵̳̫͚̝̹͓͈̲̘͕̪͙̼͎̱̗̺̭͡͝f̉̃͒̎͏̴̨̤̺͍̲͡ơ̸̲̭̯͕͕͎̮̗̂ͯ̇̽͗̎̀́͛̏͋ͭ̌͂̌͋̏͋͆͠u̵̸̦̳̙̳̾̇̑̎̏͆ͣ̈ͫͥ̽̉̚͜͢ņ̛͍̮̙̩͚͓̎̿ͫ͡d̨̢̢͚̥̫̩̱̖̠̥̙̥̼̳̿̄̂̂́ͩ̋̃̽̉̓̊̌ͦ͋͊̚͘.̉ͬͫ̈͒ͪ͑͡͏̵̴͇̫͍̮͇̤̪̙̪̱̻̥̥̹͡ͅ
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Post by Vebyast »

Utterfail wrote:Awesome, but may I suggest a change of flavor text to something more like:

R̢̞̠͍͍̭̱̲͙̭̳͇̠͚̹̒ͫ̇ͣͤ̈́̆̀͊͑̆ͮͭ́̚͘̕e̷̶̱̣͓̖̳̘̠̯͈͍̦͍͍͂̑͆ͩ̓͊̾̎̿̓͞͝f̷̶̭͈͙̜̯̘̳̲͚̗̅̆͑ͪ̀̚͞e̴̩̥͇̹͇̞͚̫̯͉̹͗̈̈̓̓̅̈͑̕͠͝ͅr̸̸̦̘̪̳̗̮̱ͦ̎̈͌̏̄̈́ͮe̹̥̙̥̜̰̰̠͕͎̼͛̅̃̀ͪ̋̓̃̓͗̉̔̀̕͝͝n̛̐͆ͯ͐̓̎͆͒ͭͨͩͩ͂ͣͮ͡҉̞͎̝̙̪͈̙̀ͅͅc̗̙̰͇̣̥͇̻͖̠͈̞̜͇̖̩̰̯̔̍̓̅͌̉̽̈̓̅̾͑ͫ̚͜ͅē̯͍̣̖͎̓̐ͯ͂̔̓ͧ͟͝͞ ̸̣͕̫̮̲̬͕͓͓̳͓̫̗̖̝̭̦̰͌̽͑͟n̸̷̢̘̮̦̬̣̙̺̈́̏̃̂o̷̻͍̙̦͍̮͉̽̆̌ͪ͂̑ͩ̐̆̑͑͐͢͢ͅt̿̽͐͆̍ͤ͊ͣ̂̿ͧͬ̈́ͦͮ̚͏̡̠̼̯̱̲͕͈̤̜̫ ̋́̎ͬͬͩ̇̃͗̆̔ͤͪ͏̵̳̫͚̝̹͓͈̲̘͕̪͙̼͎̱̗̺̭͡͝f̉̃͒̎͏̴̨̤̺͍̲͡ơ̸̲̭̯͕͕͎̮̗̂ͯ̇̽͗̎̀́͛̏͋ͭ̌͂̌͋̏͋͆͠u̵̸̦̳̙̳̾̇̑̎̏͆ͣ̈ͫͥ̽̉̚͜͢ņ̛͍̮̙̩͚͓̎̿ͫ͡d̨̢̢͚̥̫̩̱̖̠̥̙̥̼̳̿̄̂̂́ͩ̋̃̽̉̓̊̌ͦ͋͊̚͘.̉ͬͫ̈͒ͪ͑͡͏̵̴͇̫͍̮͇̤̪̙̪̱̻̥̥̹͡ͅ

That is an incredible use of diacriticals. You win one internet.
DSMatticus wrote:There are two things you can learn from the Gaming Den:
1) Good design practices.
2) How to be a zookeeper for hyper-intelligent shit-flinging apes.
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Post by Dominicius »

That thread scares me and not for the reason you are probably thinking.

Is that really the face of our generation? The single media that unites everybody is pokemon? I don't understand how so many people can so willingly heap their devotion upon this franchise.

And this will be heresy but I never thought that pokemon is anything special. Neither the show that I watched at some point nor the games that I never played.
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Post by Kaelik »

Dude, I don't understand how fucking D&D is the biggest PnP RPG game because I've never played it!

Dude, Citizen Kane that I never watched doesn't seem like all that good a movie.

Dude, What is this Starcraft thing? I feel like it's not a very good RTS, but I've never played it.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Dominicius »

Kaelik wrote:Dude, I don't understand how fucking D&D is the biggest PnP RPG game because I've never played it!

Dude, Citizen Kane that I never watched doesn't seem like all that good a movie.

Dude, What is this Starcraft thing? I feel like it's not a very good RTS, but I've never played it.
You don't get it do you? I said I did watch the show but I didn't think it was anything special.

I never bought the games because they never seemed like anything special either. There was a single static pokemon image for your pokemon and one for your enemy and a few sprites for attacks and that was literally all there was to battles! Do you think that I would have been drawn in by that even as a kid? But now that I look upon those game all I see is a grindfest that is not at all dissimilar to World of Warcraft.

So why don't I have a similar reaction to WoW? It's simple, WoW I predicted would have such a cult following. With pokemon I only recently realized just how many people are into it and it is still slightly shocking.
Last edited by Dominicius on Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by virgil »

I've seen the show, and found it way too boring. I've played the game a decent amount, but I'm at a loss to understand why a number of people I know seem to be in love with the idea of converting it to an RPG, because I never thought it to be THAT good. I honestly put it on the same level as Warcraft in terms of entertainment and desire to see it converted to PnP.

Now a M:tG RPG, there's something I'd be more interested in. Heck, a Super Mario RPG would have much more draw to me than Pokemon.
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Put a greatsword a maul and a greataxe in a room and ask them to take their pick
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Post by Koumei »

I guarantee I'll have no part in a Mario RPG.

As for the quote, it's based on the fact that, in 2Gen, you can meet the hero of the first game (who was clearly driven mad by the eldritch horror that is MissingNo). He has sealed himself off deep in an isolated cave, and the row of dots is all he says.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Kaelik »

Dominicius wrote:You don't get it do you? I said I did watch the show but I didn't think it was anything special.
No I get it, but like all completely ignorant people you don't get it, so I'll put it in bold:
Dominicius wrote:I never bought the games
Do you think anyone ever gave a shit about the fucking TV show? No. It was 100% the fucking games.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Koumei wrote:I guarantee I'll have no part in a Mario RPG.
Fo rizzle?
Take a look at this LP


Scroll down and take a look at the cast page. Are you implying that you wouldn't play in a game with characters like Jonathan Jones in it?
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Post by Maxus »

My fondness for Pokemon goes back to second generation of games. Sure, I'd played the first generation, even owned them, but, for some reason, I had much more fun exploring the second generation than the first.

There was more to do, the game had much more sophistication thanks the time and the days of the week, and it helps they smoothed out the battle mechanics and programming (in the first generation, if you, say, used an ice-type move (strong against flying, ground, dragon, and plant-type, and not that good against water) on a water/flying type, it was a toss-up whether it'd do double damage or half-damage until you tried. The later games came up with an answer: It averages out to normal damage.

The games are simple enough pre-teens can beat them, but have enough sophistication and depth to make competitive battling something else.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Utterfail »

Vebyast wrote:That is an incredible use of diacriticals. You win one internet.
If only I could take credit for it. Google "Zalgo Text Generator" and you should be able to find a few sites that will do it for you automatically.

On pokemon: It's always been about the games, and only the games, and the games are awesome.
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Post by Akula »

The games are average. Crap story, boring world, gameplay that would go better with a turbo mode. I really think that pokemans is only beloved because it got most of us when we were young and uncritical.
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Post by Jilocasin »

If you look at the games as though they're rpgs then yes, they're crap. What makes them awesome is making teams and battling real people, and they do that fantastically well.
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Post by Koumei »

No really, I have no interest in Mario or anything linked to it.

Also, whoever sets my threads to notify, cut it the fuck out. It makes my posts do the "Could not connect to server" error instead of refreshing back to the thread.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by God_of_Awesome »

The Mecha Pilot mentions a Dragon Mech. Did I gloss over something when I fail to know what that is?
Frank on the Fighter (Abridged)
FrankTrollman wrote:
God_of_Awesome wrote: Could I inquire on the motive behind the design decisions on the Fighter class?

The Fighter is intended to be, like the Wizard, a character who can and does adapt their tactics to the opposition and draws upon player experience to deliver tactical victories. And to do it without "feeling" like it was using Magic.


So honestly, when someone tells me "I know the game backwards and forwards, and when I pull out all the stops with the Fighter I totally win!" And my response is "OK, good." Because that's exactly what people report with the Wizard too.

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Post by Koumei »

It's part of the Gadgeteer, which is what this PrCl was designed for.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Glitch Pokemaster is now complete.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Door Opener
"It seems to be some kind of abstract puzzle, where - hang on, have you tried turning the handle?"

Race: Elf
Spellcasting: the ability to cast Knock
Special: must have opened a door after someone else failed to kick the door open.


Base Attack Bonus: Shit
Hit Die: 1d4
Skill Points: 4+Int
Good Saving Throws: Will
Class Skills: Craft (Any), Decipher Script, Disable Device, Know (Any), Search, Spellcraft
1+1Enhanced Door Detection, It Says Pull
2+1Knock, Knock
3+1Dramatic Entrance
4+1Polymorph Door Into Splinters
5+1Dimension Door
6+1Open Up
7+1Supreme Door Detection
8+1Phase Door
9+1People Are Doors Too
10+1Conjure Extremely Big Door

Spellcasting: every level, the Door Opener continues to gain Caster Levels, Spells Known and Spells per Day as though gaining levels in an existing Spellcasting class. No other features are gained.

Enhanced Door Detection (Ex): the free door-searching of the character, as an elf, increases to all within 15'. If the Search check is successful, the character does indeed pinpoint the exact location.

It Says Pull (Ex): on the off chance that this wasn't a standard rule already, the Door Opener may pick/open locks with Disable Device.

Knock, Knock (Sp): starting at second level, a Door Opener may cast Knock three times per day as a Spell-like ability.

Dramatic Entrance (Su): starting at third level, whenever the Door Opener enters a room, all inside must make a Will save (DC 10 + half HD + Int) or be Fascinated for one round.

Polymorph Door Into Splinters (Sp): at level four, the Door Opener learns how to transmute doors into splinters and flames. This can be done at will, and requires a melee touch attack to be made against the door. This causes the door to explode into many fragments, away from the Door Opener. Any creatures within 5' on the opposite side to the Door Opener take 1d6 Fire/Piercing damage per class level.

Dimension Door (Sp): starting at fifth level, the Door Opener may cast Dimension Door three times per day as a spell-like ability.

Open Up (Su): at sixth level, the Door Opener gains the ability to cast Disintegrate as a spell-like ability at will, however it only affects doors (as well as locks, traps and mechanisms on doors).

Supreme Door Detection (Ex): starting at level seven, the free door-searching of the character, as an elf, increases to all within 30'. If the Search check is successful, the character does indeed pinpoint the exact location.

Phase Door (Sp): starting at level eight, the Door Opener can cast Phase Door as a Spell-like ability once per day.

People Are Doors Too (Su): at level nine, the Door Opener learns how to treat people like doors, opening them to death. Once per day they may use any of their door-affecting abilities on living (or undead or unliving) creatures, though they are entitled to a Fort save to negate (DC 10 + half HD + Int).

Conjure Extremely Big Door (Sp): at tenth level, the Door Opener may cast Gate (travel version only) once per day as a Spell-like ability.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat May 08, 2010 11:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by ubernoob »

I take no offense at this class.
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Post by Koumei »

I figure this campaign will basically evolve into running jokes and a light-hearted memorable thing that can lead to "Haha, remember when ____?". We'll add a dumb, funny flavour to it.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Dominicius »

I was totally expecting this.
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Post by ubernoob »

Dominicius wrote:I was totally expecting this.
I was not. It made the amusement when I saw it all the greater.

Koumei, for the love of god tell me you intend to actually take levels in this class. Kaelik and I have already agreed that it would be awesome.
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Post by Koumei »

I totally intend on taking this PrCl, yes.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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