Novembermike wrote:
You actually demonstrated one of the weaknesses of D&D in general, which is that being a badass keeps anyone from killing you. There are numerous instances of powerful people being killed by relatively weak unknowns simply because physics works and a knife in the gut will kill you no matter how tough you are or if it was a child wielding it.
D&D ain't a physics engine. Never has been, never will be, shouldn't be. But there' s Rolemaster and EABA and a bunch of games that attempt that if you really really want it.
Kaelik wrote:First, the less important flying monster issue:
No it`s not a problem in 3e, because you have 1) spells like fly, airwalk, overland flight 2) spells like wingbind 3) grappling 4) the ability to have or make cover, stoneshape, windwall, control winds, wall of x, or even just carving a hole in the ground and jumping in to tunnel.
1. Wizards get nice things!
2. Which sourcebook is that in?
3. The 3e grappling rules have never been a good answer to any problem.
4. See, my 4e answer to the Harpy Bomb Squad Problem is to go under the nearest canopy/building/rock outcropping/forest and if they want to kill me so bad they can follow me to my turf. Or we can play out a probably boring siege situation.
But if the Pcs have no idea what the rules are for making stone towers, they can`t respond sensibly.
Are you serious? I've run Call of Cthulhu games in haunted houses and caves, and there are no home-building or geophysics rules in that system. You seriously need a system as complex as Dwarf Fortress in order for your players to have verisimilitude?
There's a Stone Shape spell for making magic instant stone towers, sure. But what if your PCs go adventuring in the lizardmen-ruled watershed? There are no rules for floodlands! Not even a Swamp Shape spell! What if the PCs decide to be insufferable [EDITED] and plant a rice paddy or harvest papyrus instead of actually going on an adventure? There's no rules for that! It's not like they can make a skill check to know things about swampland or anything!