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Post by JonSetanta »


HP: d8
BAB: 3/4
Good Saves: Fortitude, Will
Skill Points: 4

Weapons: Simple, and one type of Martial weapon that fits the deity’s profile
Armor: Light, and Shields
Class Skills: As D&D Priest

Code: Select all

Level       Class Ability
1           Divine Spellcasting, Armored Casting, Channel Energy, Spell Level 1, Aura Slot 1
2           Mettle
3           Spell Level 2
4           Medium Armor Proficiency
5           Spell Level 3 (spell level 1 is free to cast)
6           Divine Wings, Aura Slot 2
7           Spell Level 4 (spell level 2 and lower is free to cast)
8           Heavy Armor Proficiency
9           Spell Level 5 (spell level 3 and lower is free to cast)
10          Divine Realm
11          Spell Level 6 (spell level 4 and lower is free to cast), Aura Slot 3
12          Greater Divine Wings
13          Spell Level 7 (spell level 5 and lower is free to cast)
14          Outsider Teleport
15          Spell Level 8 (spell level 6 and lower is free to cast)
16          Aura Slot 4
17          Spell Level 9 (spell level 7 and lower is free to cast)
18          Divine Intervention (Miracle)
19          Genesis
20          Divine Apotheosis

Class Abilities

Divine Spellcasting:
Priests select spells from the Cleric spell list, and one Domain of their deity’s portfolio although they don’t gain any domain powers.
The save DC for Priest spells is 10 + ½ level + either Wisdom or Charisma bonus, or 14 + ½ level, whichever is higher.
Priests use mana to cast spells; their Mana Pool is equal to their Wisdom score and refreshes after 1 hour of rest.
Spells use an amount of mana equal to the spell level.
Spells at least 2 spell slots lower than the Priest’s highest spell slot do not use mana and are free to cast.

Armored Casting: The Priest may cast spells while wearing any armor with which they are proficient.

Channel Energy: Once per hour as a Standard action the Priest may radiate 1d6 per odd level + Charisma bonus of either Positive or Negative energy with a Will save for half damage, type selected upon character creation. It deals damage or heals beings within 60 feet as appropriate to the enemy’s polarity of life.
Undead enemies and evil outsider enemies failing a save against Positive energy become Panicked (even if normally immune to Fear) for 1 minute if their level is no higher than that of the Priest.
Living enemies and good outsider enemies failing a save against Negative energy become Panicked for 1 minute if their level is no higher than that of the Priest.
By praying for a week in an associated temple the Priest may change between Positive or Negative energy, which is allowed as by deity’s permission (for instance a god of healing might not allow Negative energy but a god of war would allow either. A god of death, undeath, or evil might require the Priest to always select Negative energy).

Aura Slot: An aura slot allows any spell with a duration cast upon the Priest to be sustained as long as the spell is equipped in the aura slot. Equipping an aura slot is a nonaction activated when the spell is cast, while unequipping an aura slot is a Free action once each round.

Mettle: The Priest can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping Priest does not gain the benefit of mettle

Divine Wings: The character may create or retract magical wings as a Move action, through their clothes and armor, matching the appearance of outsiders that serve their deity. For instance a Priest of a good deity gets angel wings, while an evil one gets fiendish ones. The fly speed is 40 feet with poor maneuverability.

Greater Divine Wings: As Divine Wings, but the fly speed is 60 with good maneuverability, and they can create or retract as a Swift action.

Divine Realm: As a minute long ritual the Priest and their party may use Plane Shift to transport to or from the Priest’s deity’s realm. Guests are welcome as long as they are escorted by the Priest and do not enter forbidden areas or harm the locals.

Outsider Teleport: This ability grants two types of teleportation.
• Self: The Priest may use Greater Teleport as a Supernatural ability, but can’t use it again for 1 minute after each use.
• Party: As the “Self” version, but every ally within 30 feet may join the Priest. Outsider Teleport then can’t be used for 1 hour.
In the realm of the Priests’s deity Outsider Teleport may be used at will.

Divine Intervention: Once per day the Priest may request a Miracle as the spell effect. Unlike the spell this is a direct intervention from the deity and bypasses both time and antimagic effects, but the exact function is very strict according to the will and portfolio of the deity.

Genesis: As an addendum to the deity’s realm, the Priest gets a pocket dimension of their own. This area functions exactly as the Genesis spell describes but does not grow larger than 10 miles in radius. It shares the same planar traits as the original realm it’s attached to and contains one temple in the center that allows transport to and from the deity’s realm.

Divine Apotheosis: The Priest does not attain physical penalties due to old age. When the Priest dies of old age or chooses to not be resurrected, they are brought back to life and youth with all abilities and levels intact as an Outsider in the service of their deity.


You may ready 3 + Priest level number of spells at any time. This number of spell slots readied (out of your total learned and known) does not stack with other spellcasting classes; use whichever total is higher with multiclass characters.
To swap out a spell takes a week of training. To learn a new spell, use the rules a Wizard uses to learn new spells, but you may instead learn from either conversing with your deity at a temple or written sources in an equal amount of time.
Last edited by JonSetanta on Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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