Monster Prestige Classes

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Monster Prestige Classes

Post by Koumei »

Document 1: TADA!
Document 2: SHABOODLE!
Document 3: KAPOW!

Handy things to be used as monsters, but there's nothing stopping players from playing these either. There may be more later. Yes, some of these will see some actual use in my game from time to time when they're not fighting more standard encounters.

The Obsidian Gargoyle

Race: Gargoyle (level 4 with Str +2 Dex +2 Con +6 Int -4 Cha -4)

HD: d10
BAB: Medium
Saves: Good Fort and Ref
Skill Points: 2+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentrate, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Spellcraft, Spot
1Fiery Breath, Obsidian Body, Fire Affinity
2Slashing Shards
3Fiery Touch, Lava Pool
5Aura of Unearthly Heat
6Brimstone, Firestep
7Breath of Hellfire
8Molten Wave
9Shattering Burst, Greater Firestep
10Hellfire Engine

Fiery Breath (Su): the Obsidian Gargoyle can breathe fire. This requires a Standard Action, and has a Medium Range Cone. All in the area suffer 1d6 Fire damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half. After using this ability, it cannot use it again for 3 rounds. The Save DC is Constitution based.

Obsidian Body (Ex): the Obsidian Gargoyle is made out of Obsidian. Its Damage Reduction is increased by an amount equal to its level. It can only be overcome by attacks which are both Magic and Bludgeoning. Additionally, it gains Fire and Cold Resistance equal to double its Hit Dice.

Fire Affinity (Ex): all spells with the [Fire] descriptor are considered to be on the Obsidian Gargoyle's class list for the purpose of activating scrolls and such.

Slashing Shards (Ex): starting at level two, the Obsidian Gargoyle's attacks cut like glass. Its Natural Weapons all increase one size in damage and have a natural Threat Range of 18-20. Additionally, every successful Bite attack deals 2 points of Constitution damage.

Fiery Touch (Su): starting at level three, the Obsidian Gargoyle emits enough heat to set fires. Holding dry timber, parchment etc. will ignite it after just one round, oil burns with a mere touch. Additionally, all of its melee attacks deal +1d6 Fire damage.

Lava Pool (Su): the Obsidian Gargoyle can Scry through lava, but only to see locations near Large flames or bodies of lava.

Translucence (Ex): at level four, the Obsidian Gargoyle starts to shimmer, becoming hard to see. It enjoys a +4 Bonus on Hide checks, and a 20% Miss Chance against all attacks due to Concealment.

Aura of Unearthly Heat (Su): starting at level five, the Obsidian Gargoyle emits heat. All nonmagical projectiles hurled at it just burn and melt before they can hit. Additionally, at the end of each of its turns, all adjacent creatures take 3d6 Fire Damage.

Firestep (Su): the sixth-level Obsidian Gargoyle can Teleport through flames. By taking a Full Round Action and stepping into a fire or body of lava at least as big as it is, it Teleports. It exits through a fire or body of lava big enough to hold it anywhere in the same plane.

Brimstone (Ex): starting at level six, whenever the Obsidian Gargoyle breathes fire, it also breathes smoke. This horrible toxic smoke chokes and blinds people. Those caught in the area must pass a Fortitude Save. The DC is the same as the Reflex Save, and failure results in being Nauseated and Blind for 1 round.

Breath of Hellfire (Su): at level seven, the Obsidian Gargoyle's Fire Breath becomes half Untyped. This allows it to still deal some damage to those Immune to Fire, while still being Super Effective against Cold things. Additionally, those who fail both Fort and Ref Saves additionally suffer a Doom effect from the badness of it all.

Molten Wave (Su): with a Standard Action, the level eight Obsidian Gargoyle can unleash a horrible wave of magma. All creatures within ten feet suffer 1d6 Fire damage per two hit dice the Gargoyle has, with a Reflex Save for half (Constitution-based). Those who fail the save continue to take the damage again for a number of additional rounds equal to the Obsidian Gargoyle's Constitution Bonus. This is treated as ongoing damage, because it is ongoing damage, and it can be ended prematurely by immersing oneself in water, being hit by a [Cold] effect or spending a Full Round Action going Prone and scraping the lava off.

Shattering Burst (Ex): whenever the ninth-level Obsidian Gargoyle takes Bludgeoning damage, fragments break off. All adjacent enemies immediately suffer Magic Slashing damage equal to its Constitution Bonus, and 1 point of Constitution damage.

Greater Firestep (Su): at level nine, the Obsidian Gargoyle's Firestep lets it move to or from the Elemental Plane of Fire.

Hellfire Engine (Su): at level ten, the Obsidian Gargoyle gains Basic access to the Fire and Carnage Spheres. Note that this gives it the [Fire] Subtype. It also gains the [Evil] Subtype.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Dec 14, 2019 9:11 am, edited 5 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

The Manticore Scout

Race: Manticore (level 6 with +4 Str and Con, +2 Dex, -2 Int and Cha)

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
Saves: Good Ref
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature, Dungeoneering), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1Hide in Plain Sight, Sneak Attack +1d6
2Improved Quills I
3Improved Flight (Average)
4Sneak Attack +2d6
5Improved Quills II
6Improved Flight (Good)
7Sneak Attack +3d6
8Improved Quills III
9Improved Flight (Perfect)
10Sneak Attack +4d6

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): the Manticore Scout can always attempt to Hide, not even taking a penalty for being actively observed or anything.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at first level, the Manticore Scout gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. Every three levels thereafter, it increases by +1d6.

Improved Quills (Ex): at level two, the Manticore Scout can hurl six more spikes per day for a total of 30. Additionally, the damage increases by one size category. They are also barbed now: the damage cannot be healed until the spines are carefully removed with one minute each and a DC 20 Heal check.

At level five, it can shoot yet another six spikes per day for a total of 36, and they "grow" another size category. At this point, they are also considered Magic weapons, with a +1 Bonus per 3 hit dice (round up).

At level eight, it can shoot six more spikes out per day for a total of 42 (or seven barrages). Additionally, the spines carry a powerful toxin. No matter how many hit the same target in a round, they must make one Save against poison if at least one hits. The DC is Constitution-based, the Primary Damage is 1d12 Strength and the Secondary Damage is 1d6 Constitution.

Improved Flight (Ex): at level three, the Manticore Scout's Flight improves to 50' (Average). At level six, it becomes 60' (Good). At level nine, it becomes 90' (Perfect).

Still to come: Acolyte of Nightmare Moon (Nightmare), Nessian Warhound (Hell Hound), Mephit King (Mephit), Caper (Cloaker), Perfect Minion (Goblins and Kobolds).
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 4:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Acolyte of Nightmare Moon

Race: Nightmare (level 6 with full ability scores)

(Note that other sentient mounts could probably have their own variants of this where the character is the horsey but they can charm reasonably competent (if expendable) dudes into sitting on their back with a stick, but they can't just take this, as it builds on actual Nightmare powers. And I don't really feel like making one for the Unicorn and Pegasus.)

HD: d10
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Disguise, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot
1Dominate Person, Combat Mount
2Choking Smoke Cloud
3Deadly Trample
4Planar Jaunt (Lower Planes)
5Magma Hooves
6Planar Jaunt (Dreamscapes)
7Charm Monster
8Planar Jaunt (Far Realm and Nightmare Realm)
9Night Terror
10Hellfire Hooves, Planar Jaunt (anywhere)

Dominate Person (Sp): once per day, the Acolyte of Nightmare Moon can cast Dominate Person. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is almost always used to get loyal riders.

Combat Mount (Ex): anybody the Acolyte allows to ride it is treated as having (Tome) Mounted Combat as a Bonus Feat - but only while riding it. Additionally, they may treat their ranks in Ride as being equal to its hit dice if that would be better.

Choking Smoke Cloud (Su): at second level, the Acolyte of Nightmare Moon's smoke breath doubles in range and the duration of its effects.

Deadly Trample (Ex): at level three, the Acolyte of Nightmare Moon gains a Trample attack. This is equal to its Hoof attack (including the fire), with one and a half times its Strength Bonus to damage.

Planar Jaunt (Su): at level four, the Nightmare can Planeshift at will to any Lower Plane. This only transports itself, any rider(s) and any carried equipment by either.

At level six, it can also enter Dreamscapes this way. At level eight, it can enter the Far Realm and the Nightmare Realm. At level ten, it can Planeshift absolutely anywhere.

Magma Hooves (Su): starting at level five, the Acolyte of Nightmare Moon has magic hooves. They are Magic Weapons, with a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls per 3 hit dice (round up). Additionally, anyone struck catches fire.

Charm Monster (Sp): at seventh level, the Acolyte of Nightmare Moon can cast Charm Monster once per day. The Save DC is the same as for Dominate Person, as is the purpose.

Night Terror (Su): anyone affected by the breath of the level nine Acolyte must also pass a Will Save (same DC as the Fort Save). If they fail, they suffer a Crushing Despair effect until the sun next rises. If they sleep before then, they also suffer a Nightmare effect. Anything which provides a Morale Bonus of any kind will cancel both effects.

Hellfire Hooves (Su): the hooves of the tenth-level Acolyte are infused with Hellfire. All damage dealt, even the physical non-fire part, is Vile damage. This includes the ongoing damage from catching fire.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 4:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »


Race: Cloaker (level 6, probably should use the "pretend it had the Elite Array" rule but that does do a weird thing due to the lowest ability score being a 14)

HD: d8
BAB: Poor
Saves: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Nobility and Royalty), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device
1Eldritch Blast, Possession
2Moan (Slowness)
3Shadow Shift (Illusory Spells)
4Shadow Shift (Shadowspray, Shadow Well)
5King of Capes
6Shadow Shift (Major Image)
7Moan (Madness)
8Shroud of Darkness
9Shadow Shift (Shadow Mimicry)
10Moan (Death)

Possession (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Caper can possess and command any creature that it is grappling or that is wearing it. They are allowed one Will Save (Charisma-based) initially.

Eldritch Blast (Su): with a Standard Action, the Caper, or a creature possessed by it, can unleash a bolt of dark energy out to Medium Range.
This deals 1d6 Untyped damage per hit die of the Caper with a Ranged Touch Attack.

Moan (Ex): at level two, the Caper gains a new use of Moan. All creatures in a 30' Spread are Slowed for 2 rounds (no save).

At level seven, it gains another: all creatures in a 30 foot Spread must make a Will Save or be rendered Insane as the spell.

At level ten, it gains the final use: all creatures in a 30 foot Cone must pass a Fortitude Save or die. This is not a [Death] effect, merely [Mind Affecting] and [Sonic].

Shadow Shift (Su): at level three, the Caper's Shadow Shift allows it to cast Lesser Shadow Evocation and Lesser Shadow Conjuration.

At level four, it can also use it to cast Shadow Spray and Shadow Well.

At level six, it can use it to cast Major Image.

Finally, at level nine, it can use it to cast Shades.

King of Capes (Ex): at level five, the Caper grows to Huge size, with all ability score changes and so on. Additionally, its Charisma increases by 4 points and it looks brilliant and impressive. But still dark.

Shroud of Darkness (Ex): at level eight, the Caper is constantly wreathed in darkness. All attacks against it have a 50% Miss Chance from Concealment and it does not suffer Size-based penalties to Hide checks.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 4:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Perfect Minion

Race: Goblin, Gnome, Halfling or Kobold
BAB: +1
Feats: any [Minion] Feat

HD: d6
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Ref
Skill Points: 2+Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently
1Bonus Feat, Evasion
2Bonus Feat
3Bonus Feat, Improved Evasion
4Bonus Feat
5Bonus Feat, Heart-Warming Sacrifice

Bonus Feat: every level, the Perfect Minion gains a Bonus Feat, for which it must still meet the requirements. Sadly, these must all be [Minion] Feats.

Evasion (Ex): the Perfect Minion has Evasion.

Improved Evasion (Ex): at level three, the Perfect Minion gains Improved Evasion.

Heart-Warming Sacrifice (Ex): at level five, whoever happens to be controlling the actions of the Perfect Minion - probably Mister Cavern - can elect to have it suddenly die with a Swift Action. Designate one adjacent enemy - that foe is treated as having dealt the mortal blow, thus triggering all of its [Minion] feats.

Visceral Splatter [Minion]
You contain more blood than normal, under high pressure.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: when killed, you burst open in a spray of blood, even if it makes no sense to do so. All Medium creatures within 5' of you are blinded for one round as the blood sprays in their eyes. Your square also becomes slippery as though the target of a Grease spell.

Stringy Muscles [Minion]
Your meat is particularly stringy. It is hard to pull weapons free.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: when killed, the weapon that killed you remains stuck in your body, even if it is a bashing weapon. It takes a Full Round Action to pull free from your corpse, and the weapon cannot be used to make attacks until they do this.

Pile the Masses [Minion] (credit: SunTsuWarmaster)
Your body is hard to walk on. Same goes for your friends.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: when slain, the square you are standing on becomes Difficult Terrain. Any kobold or goblin killed in an adjacent square also gains this feat at the moment of death.

Clog the Rivers with our Dead [Minion] (credit: SunTsuWarmaster)
Your body impedes people more than you did alive.
Requirements: Pile the Masses
Benefit: when slain, the square you are standing on becomes Impassable, as a wall with 20 hit points and Hardness 1. Any kobold or goblin killed in an adjacent square also gains this feat at the moment of death.

Clot [Minion]
Your blood is just too thick by far.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: when slain by a weapon, your blood sticks to it in a mess, granting it a -1 penalty to damage. Multiple deaths with this feat provide a cumulative penalty, but cannot reduce the final damage to less than 1.
Cleaning the weapon takes ten minutes and a bar of soap.

Fine Red Mist [Minion]
You are surprisingly explosive when killed.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: when slain, you explode into a fine red mist of blood.
This creates a 10' radius Obscuring Mist that hangs around for three rounds, or until dispersed by wind or whatever. The one who killed you must pass a Fort Save (Constitution-based) or be Sickened for one round.

Iron Bones [Minion]
Your bones are very strong. Shame they're under your soft flesh.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: if killed with a melee weapon, you knock the weapon out of the attacker's hands. This does not apply to natural weapons, unarmed attacks, and other things that can't be dropped. Use the thrown weapon miss rules to determine the square the weapon lands in. If another creature with one or more [Minion] feats is in that square, it manages to stab and kill them as well.

Cruel Harvest [Minion] (credit: SunTsuWarmaster)
You are useful even in death.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: upon death, each of your four limbs may be considered a Medium sized Club that may be picked up with a Move Equivalent Action.

Crueller Harvest [Minion]
It's like you were actually built out of weapons.
Requirements: Cruel Harvest, Iron Bones
Benefit: when you die, your head may be used as an Orcish Shotput, and each of your ribs as a Dagger or Throwing Knife. Again, each weapon requires merely a Move-Equivalent Action to retrieve.

Flailing Death [Minion]
You get a dramatic death scene or something.
Requirements: goblin, gnome, halfling or kobold
Benefit: when you are slain, your flailing and flopping grants all adjacent creatures 50% Cover. This only applies to creatures your own size or smaller - larger creatures get no such cover.

Cruellest Harvest [Minion]
Your spine flails around after your death like a... flail.
Requirements: Crueller Harvest, Flailing Death
Benefit: when you are slain, your spine can be wielded as a Flail. For the first minute it still flails around. This makes it harder to avoid, granting a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

Iron Bones should cause a chance that the weapon then strikes another minion within a certain range, thus possibly setting off a chain of deathilarity that may well kill the pcs. Maybe.

Edit: In fact you can use the thrown weapon miss rules (phb 158). Use the wielder's square as the "target," and roll a d8, which then determines the square it lands in. If there's a minion in that square, the weapon deals damage as normal, which, if enough to kill the minion and triggers it's minions feats. If that minion has Iron Bones, repeat. Repeat until the weapon does not slay a minion with Iron Bones.
Last edited by Prak on Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Also, is there any reason you can't give [Minion] feats to halflings or gnomes? Assuming "short, weak and annoying race" is the prerequisite they should at least as well as the Team Monster races of short, if not better.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Maxus »

See this thread. You totally could.

There being a Minion Master class could be interesting. There's already a feat there that gets you halfway.
Last edited by Maxus on Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Vebyast »

Prak_Anima wrote:Iron Bones should cause a chance that the weapon then strikes another minion within a certain range, thus possibly setting off a chain of deathilarity that may well kill the pcs. Maybe.

Edit: In fact you can use the thrown weapon miss rules (phb 158). Use the wielder's square as the "target," and roll a d8, which then determines the square it lands in. If there's a minion in that square, the weapon deals damage as normal, which, if enough to kill the minion and triggers it's minions feats. If that minion has Iron Bones, repeat. Repeat until the weapon does not slay a minion with Iron Bones.
What you really want to do is make it possible for a single minion dying to throw more than one weapon, and then provide a way for dedicated BBEGs to raise the expected number of minion kills per minion above one, probably something along the lines of "smaller minions and area-of-effect bones". Then just get a critical mass of minions and wait for weapons escaping from a prompt criticality event to wipe out the party.
DSMatticus wrote:There are two things you can learn from the Gaming Den:
1) Good design practices.
2) How to be a zookeeper for hyper-intelligent shit-flinging apes.
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Post by Koumei »

Updated the [Minion] Feats and the class. Might do a Minion Master class too.


Mephit King

Race: Mephit (level 3, use full ability scores)

HD: d8
BAB: Good
Saves: All Good
Skill Points: 8+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Move Silently, Perform, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1Improved Spell-Like Abilities, Command
2Impressive Summoning
3Destructive Breath, More Casting
4Sphere Access
5Mob Summoning, Sacrificial Minions
6More Power
7Massive Breath
8Army Summoning, Sphere Access
9Sycophantic Minions
10Lord of Elemental Planes

Improved Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Mephit King has better Spell-Like Abilities than most. All of its Spell-Like Abilities, whether from this class, its race or otherwise, have a Save DC of 10 + half its Hit Dice + its Charisma Bonus, and a Caster Level equal to its Hit Dice. Additionally, individual abilities improve.
  • Air: Blur becomes Greater Blur, Gust of Wind can be used at will.
  • Dust: Blur becomes Greater Blur, Wind Wall becomes Wall of Sand.
  • Earth: Soften Earth and Stone can be used at will, Enlarge can shift it up to two sizes larger.
  • Fire: Heat Metal can be used at will, Scorching Ray benefits from Split Ray.
  • Glass: Blur becomes Greater Blur, Heat Metal becomes Body Blaze
  • Ice: Chill Metal can be used at will, Magic Missile is exchanged for Creeping Cold.
  • Magma: Pyrotechnics becomes Fireball once per hour, Change Shape can be used at will.
  • Ooze: Acid Arrow is Extended and Empowered, Stinking Cloud is also Extended.
  • Salt: Glitterdust can be used at will. The dehydration effect increases to 1d8 per HD and causes Fatigue to all that fail the save.
  • Steam: Blur becomes Greater Blur, and the Boiling Rain becomes 1d6 damage per HD, continuing for 3 rounds.
  • Sulfur: Haboob can be used at will, Stinking Cloud is Widened and Extended.
  • Water: Acid Arrow can be used at will, Stinking Cloud is Widened and Extended.
Command (Sp): the Mephit King can cast Command at will.

Impressive Summoning (Sp): at level two, the Mephit King's Summon ability works 100% of the time, and can be used thrice per day. Additionally, summoned Mephits enjoy a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma, and a +3 Deflection Bonus to AC.

Destructive Breath (Su): at level three, the Breath Weapon of the Mephit King deals one die per hit die. The dice size stays the same. Those that deal smaller damage and cause a penalty also double the duration of the penalty. In the case of the Glass Mephit, the burning becomes 3d6 damage per round. The Sulfur Mephit merely causes all who pass the save to still be Blinded and Sickened for one round.

More Casting (Sp): starting at third level, every Spell-Like Ability of the Mephit King gains an extra daily use, even those granted from other classes, Spheres and similar. Racial SLAs (and those from Improved Spell-Like Abilities, but not More Power) that can already be used at will instead can be cast as a Move-Equivalent Action (Air: Wind Wall, Earth: Soften Earth and Stone, Fire: Heat Metal, Ice: Chill Metal, Magma: Change Shape, Salt: Glitter Dust, Sulfur: Haboob, Water: Acid Arrow). Remember that the Summoning ability is a Spell-Like Ability.

Sphere Access (Ex): at levels four and eight, the Mephit King gains Basic access to a Sphere (or improves access to an existing one).
It should be elemental in theme, probably, but some of them take Fiendish or Celestial ones or whatever.

Mob Summoning (Sp): starting at level five, when the Mephit Summons Mephits, 2d4 of them appear instead of the normal amount. They also gain an Enhancement Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls equal to one third the Mephit King's hit dice (round up).

Sacrificial Minions (Su): with an Immediate Action, a fifth-level Mephit King can sacrifice an adjacent Mephit it has summoned. Doing so destroys the creature instantly, but negates an attack or effect directed at the Mephit King - for multi-target or area effects, it merely saves the Mephit King, anyone else is affected as normal.

More Power (Sp): starting at level six, the Mephit King can cast Greater Command once per hour. Additionally, it gets another couple of Spell-Like Abilities based on its type:
  • Air: Control Winds once per hour, Boreal Wind at will.
  • Dust: Choking Sands once per hour, Wither at will
  • Earth: Wall of Stone once per hour, Blast of Sand at will
  • Fire: Unearthly Heat once per hour, Fire Shield at will
  • Glass: Wall of Forceonce per hour, Transmute Sand to Glass at will
  • Ice: Blizzard once per hour, Wall of Frost at will
  • Magma: Wall of Magma once per hour, Boiling Oil at will
  • Ooze: Acid Rain once per hour, Mudslide at will
  • Salt: Flesh to Salt once per hour, Dispel Water at will
  • Steam: Radiant Fog once per hour, Murderous Mist at will
  • Sulfur: Cloudkill once per hour, Fire and Brimstone at will
  • Water: Wall of Water once per hour, Thalassemia at will
Massive Breath (Su): at level seven, the breath weapon of the Mephit King extends out as far as it can imagine...
Sadly, that's only as far as Medium Range, but it's still pretty decent.

Army Summoning (Sp): the eighth-level Mephit King controls armies. When it summons Mephits, it summons 6d6 of them.

Sycophantic Minions (Su): as long as the ninth-level Mephit King has any of its summoned Mephits within Line of Sight, they cheer it on. It gains a Morale Bonus to Saving Throws of +1 per 3 hit dice, and to the Spell Penetration checks of its Spell-Like Abilities.

Lord of Elemental Planes (Ex): at level ten, the Mephit King gains rulership of its own Demiplane. It's based in an appropriate Elemental Plane or Para-Elemental or Quasi-Elemental Plane. The size is one mile per hit die, but every year the radius expands by ten miles.

It has control of the Demi-Plane, and can Planeshift to and from this place at will. When going to the Demiplane, it always travels perfectly accurately, without veering off-course. Additionally, when summoning Mephits, the number increases to 20d6, plus 10 "Commanders" with the full 9 hit dice. Finally, as the greatest of its type, its Strength, Dexterity and Charisma each increase by four points.

Some of Frank's old things:

The Sha’ir
The Sha’ir is a class which attunes the Mephit more deeply with the magical power of its element. As the Sha’ir advances, it gradually attains the powers of a genie. A powerful Sha’ir is virtually indistinguishable from a genie in its own right, and can even grant wishes to mortals.

Race: Mephit

Hit Die: d6
Saves: Good Will; Good Fort (Dust, Earth, Glass, Magma, Ooze, Salt, Water) or Ref (Air, Fire, Ice, Steam, Sulfur)

BAB: Medium (as Cleric)
Class Skills: Alchemy, Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Swim.

Skill Points: 4 + Int Bonus per level
1Elemental Mastery, Gaseous Form 1/day, Lesser Spell-Like Ability
2Greater Spell-Like Ability
3Lesser Spell-Like Ability, Elemental Familiar
4Greater Spell-Like Ability, Telepathy
5Major Creation 1/day, Attune Form
6Plane Shift, Gaseous Form at will
7Greater Spell-Like Ability, Lesser Spell-Like Ability
8Greater Spell-Like Ability, Perfect Summoning
9Greater Spell-Like Ability, Lesser Spell-Like Ability
10Limited Wish, Lesser Spell-Like Ability

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Sha’ir gains no proficiency with weapons or armor of any kind.

Caster Levels: A Sha’ir has two types of spell-like abilities, Lesser and Greater. Both types are cast as a Sorcerer, but the caster level and uses/day are different. The Greater spells are more powerful, and can each be used once per day, with a Caster Level equal to the hit dice of the Sha'ir. The Lesser spells are less powerful, and can each be used once per hour with a Caster Level equal to the class level of the Sha'ir. The existing Spell-Like Abilities of the Sha'ir continue to have their Caster Level increase normally, and the Save DC for any Spell-Like Ability becomes 10 + half the hit dice of the Sha'ir + its Charisma Bonus.

Elemental Mastery: A Sha’ir of [Earth] subtype gains Earth Mastery (as an Earth elemental). A Sha’ir of [Air] subtype gains Air Mastery (as an Air Elemental). A Sha’ir of [Water] subtype gains Water Mastery and Drench (as a Water Elemental). A Sha’ir of [Fire] subtype gains Burn (as a Fire Elemental). A Sha’ir with more than one elemental subtype gains the abilities corresponding to only one of its subtypes, which must be chosen at first level.

Gaseous Form (Sp): A Sha’ir can assume gaseous form as a Greater Spell-like ability. This can be performed once per day until level 6 at which point the ability becomes usable at will.

Lesser Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): As the Sha’ir gains levels it gains access to new Lesser Spell-Like Abilities. The Sha’ir may choose a new Lesser Spell-Like Ability at level 1, 3, 7, 9, and 10. Each Lesser Spell-Like Ability may be chosen from the Sorcerer or Druid spell-list so long as it has no XP component, and its Spell Level is no more than half the Sha’ir’s class level (rounded up). Once a lesser spell-like ability is chosen, it may not be changed. So at 1st level, a Sha’ir gains one 1st (or lower) level Lesser Spell-Like Ability, at 9th level the Sha’ir may choose a 5th (or lower) level ability. Each Lesser Spell-Like Ability is individually usable once per hour.

Greater Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): As the Sha’ir gains levels it gains access to new Greater Spell-Like Abilities. The Sha’ir may choose a new Greater Spell-Like Ability at level 2, 4, 7, 8, and 9. Each Greater Spell-Like Ability may be chosen from the Sorcerer or Druid spell-list so long as it has no XP component, and its Spell Level is no more than half the Sha’ir’s class level + racial hit dice (rounded up). Once a greater spell-like ability is chosen, it may not be changed. So at 2nd level, a Sha’ir gains one 3rd (or lower) level Greater Spell-Like Ability, and at 9th level the Sha’ir may choose a 6th (or lower) level ability. Each Greater Spell-Like Ability is individually usable once per day.

Elemental Familiar: At 3rd level, a Sha’ir can conjure a small elemental for its familiar. It in all ways acts as the familiar of a sorcerer of the Sha’ir’s class level. A Fire or Air elemental provides a +2 Reflex Save Bonus, a Water or Earth elemental provides a +2 Fortitude Save Bonus.

Telepathy (Su): At 4th level, the Sha’ir can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet of it that has a language. Line of sight is not required, and intervening objects prove no hindrance, although the Sha’ir must be aware of a creature in order to initiate mental contact.

Major Creation (Sp): At 5th level, the Sha’ir can use Major Creation as a Greater Spell-Like Ability, except that vegetable matter created by this ability is permanent.

Plane Shift (Sp): At 6th level the Sha’ir can use Plane Shift as a Lesser Spell-Like Ability, except that it can only be used to travel between the Prime Material Plane and the Inner Planes, and it can be used at will.

Attune Form (Sp): At 5th level, the Sha’ir gains attune form as a Lesser Spell-Like Ability.

Perfect Summoning (Su): At 8th level the Sha’ir’s Summon Mephit ability works 100% of the time. Furthermore, any time the Sha’ir uses a Summoning spell or ability to summon one creature, it instead summons a d4 creatures.

Limited Wish (Sp): At 10th level, the Sha’ir can grant up to three wishes to mortals each day, as a Limited Wish used as a Greater Spell-Like Ability.

The Elemental Master
The Elemental Master is a Shameless plug, allowing the Mephit to advance its affinity towards controlling creatures of its element. When the Elemental Master progression is finished, it should be possible for the character to seamlessly reintegrate itself into the Pokemaster class.

Race: Mephit

Hit Die: d6
Saves: Good Fort and Ref
BAB: Medium (as Cleric)

Class Skills: Alchemy (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana - Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Speak Language (special), Survival (Wis).

Skill Points: 4 + Int Bonus/Level
1Control Pokemon, Caster Levels, Train Pokemon, Pokedex, Craft Pokeball, Subtype Specialization, Wild Empathy.
2Heal Pokemon, Double Team
3Craft Greatball, Increased Awareness, Speak with Pokemon
4Transfer Control
5Type Specialization, League Challenge

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Elemental Masters are proficient with all simple weapons, nets, bolas, Orcish Shotputs, Halfling Skiprocks, harpoons, shuriken, and whips. They have proficiency only with light armor. Elemental Masters are considered proficient with using any bludgeoning weapon they are normally proficient with for inflicting subdual damage (thus, they do not duffer a -4 to-hit penalty when attempting to inflict subdual damage with any bludgeoning weapon they are proficient with).

Caster Levels: Even though Elemental Masters do not gain spells per day or have spell levels, they have many caster level dependent abilities. An Elemental Master gains a Pokemaster caster level for every Elemental Master level. In addition, an Elemental Master adds 3 to its caster level for purposes of controlling Pokemon with an Elemental subtype. Additionally, the Caster Level for all racial Spell-Like Abilities increases with each level, with any Save DC changing to 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Control Pokemon (Ex): An Elemental Master uses Pokeballs and controls Pokemon just as a Pokemaster does.

Train Pokemon (Ex): An Elemental Master can Train Pokemon just as a Pokemaster does.

Pokedex (Ex): The Elemental Master has innate knowledge of creatures just like a Pokemaster.

Craft Pokeball (Sp): Elemental Masters can craft Pokeballs just like a Pokemaster

Subtype Specialization (Ex): An Elemental Master specializes in the subtype of [Air], [Earth], [Fire], or [Water]. This ability is otherwise the same as Subtype Specialization for a Pokemaster.

Wild Empathy (Ex): the Elemental Master has Wild Empathy, using its hit dice in place of its Druid level.

Heal Pokemon (Sp): As a Pokemaster.

Double Team (Ex): Upon reaching 2nd level, the Elemental Master is able to control two Pokemon out of their balls simultaneously, even in battle. This ability only functions so long as both Pokemon are more than 2 CR less than the Elemental Master's caster level. For example, an Elemental Master with a caster level of 5 could command a single CR 4 Pokemon in battle or two CR 2 Pokemon, but could not command a CR 1 Pokemon and a CR 3 Pokemon simultaneously.

Craft Greatball (Sp): As a Pokemaster.

Increased Awareness (Ex): As a Pokemaster.

Speak with Pokemon (Ex): As a Pokemaster.

Transfer Control: As a Pokemaster.

Type Specialization (Ex): At 5th level, the Elemental Master specializes in the Elemental type. This ability is otherwise the same as Type Specialization for a Pokemaster.

League Challenge (Ex): When the Elemental Master class is completed, the Mephit counts it as the first 8 levels of Pokemaster, and may take Pokemaster levels starting with level 9.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed May 03, 2017 5:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Nessian Warhound
"What's that, Lassie? You buried Timmy in the well?"

Race: Hell Hound (level 4, use full ability scores)

HD: d8
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Fort, Ref and Will
Skill Points: 8+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Tumble
1Fiendish Intelligence, Devil Dog
2Scorching Flames
3Leader of the Pack
4Shadow Stalker
5Breath of Hellfire
6Big Dog
7Murderous Fangs
8Howl of Terror
9Vile Infection
10Summon Infernal Fleas

Fiendish Intelligence (Ex): the Nessian Warhound is smarter than most Hell Hounds. Its Intelligence and Charisma increase by 4 points each. It also gains the ability to talk.

Devil Dog (Ex): the Nessian Warhound gains all Baatezu traits (and the actual subtype). Its Summon ability has a 100% chance to summon 1d4 Fiendish Wolves.

Scorching Flames (Su): at level two, the Nessian Warhound's Breath Weapon improves. It now deals 1d6 damage per hit die, and on a failed save the target catches fire. Additionally, its Fiery Bite improves to 1d8.

Leader of the Pack (Sp): starting at level three, the Warhound's Summon ability improves. It can now summon one Fiendish Dire Wolf or one Hell Hound, plus one per two levels thereafter. The summoned creatures have the same BAB as the Nessian Warhound and a +4 Profane Bonus to attack rolls.

Shadow Stalker (Su): at level four, the Nessian Warhound can see and hear Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures as though they weren't.
It can also see Invisible creatures as though they were visible.

Breath of Hellfire (Su): starting at level five, half the Warhound's Fiery Breath damage is Untyped. Additionally, creatures that are set on fire by it must pass a Will Save (same DC as the Ref Save) or Panic for 1d4+1 rounds.

Big Dog (Ex): at level six, the Nessian Warhound grows one size category, complete with ability score changes. This improves its Fiery Bite to 2d6.

Murderous Fangs (Ex): the fangs of the seventh-level Nessian Warhound are worse than most. They deal damage as though one size larger and have a Critical rating of 19-20/x3. They also become Magic Weapons, gaining an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per three hit dice (round up) and the (Tome) Wounding property.

Howl of Terror (Su): once per hour, the Warhound can infuse its howl with terrifying energy. With a Full Round Action it howls to its Hellish patrons, and all creatures within Long Range must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based). Those who fail Panic for one minute, and are Shaken for the next hour.

Vile Infection (Ex): starting at level nine, the Nessian Warhound's Bite attack carries a horrible disease. Those bitten must pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or contract Devil Chills, immediately taking ability damage.

Summon Infernal Fleas (Su): once per hour, the Nessian Warhound can summon a swarm of Infernal Fleas. Treat this as a Hellwasp Swarm. It is actually under the Warhound's control, and lasts for ten minutes or until destroyed.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 4:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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They all have friggin class skills now, too.

The Ocean Strike Leader

Race: Sahuagin (level 2, probably just use full ability scores)

Hit Dice: d10
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Ref
Skill points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope
Level:Special:Blood Frenzy
1Improved Adaptation, Rage Dice +1d6+1 use
2Combat Senses, Combat Speed +5'+4 Strength
3Amphibious, Sharkfriend, Rage Dice +2d6+1 use
4Vicious Fangs, Combat Speed +5'+4 to Will Saves
5Blood Lust, Rage Dice +3d6unlimited uses

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Ocean Strike Leader gains Proficiency with Sharksin, Rope and Hide Armour, as well as with all Simple and Martial weapons.

Improved Adaptation (Ex): the Ocean Strike Leader can remain out of water for one hour per point of Constitution, plus one hour per hit die, before suffocating. Additionally, it is not fatigued by fresh water and is not sensitive to light.

Rage Dice (Ex): every odd level, the Ocean Strike Leader gains +1d6 Rage Dice. This works identically to that of the (Tome) Barbarian, and applies when it enters a Blood Frenzy. If it later gains levels in Barbarian, these Rage Dice stack.

Blood Frenzy (Ex): at levels one and three, the Ocean Strike Leader gets an additional daily use of its Blood Frenzy racial ability. At level two, when in a Blood Frenzy, its Strength increases by +4 rather than +2. At level four, when in a Blood Frenzy it gains a +4 Morale Bonus to Will Saves. At level five, it can use its Blood Frenzy as often as it likes.

Combat Senses (Ex): when in a Blood Frenzy, the second-level Ocean Strike Leader has Blindsense out to 60 feet, in or out of the water. At all times, the Ocean Strike Leader can detect electricity out to 250 feet, as long as it is enough to potentially cause damage (even non-lethal, like a single Shocker Lizard).

Combat Speed (Ex): at levels two and four, the speed of the Ocean Strike Leader improves while in a Blood Frenzy and wearing no armour or Light Armour. Its base speed improves by 5' each time, as does its swim speed.

Amphibious (Ex): at level three, the Ocean Strike Leader actually becomes amphibious, and is just as happy out of water as in it, though being in water means it can benefit from 3-dimensional movement, shark allies, rake attacks and the possibility of the opponent not breathing so well.

Sharkfriend (Ex): the third level Ocean Strike Leader's link with shark improves. The Telepathy reaches out to 300 feet, and it can communicate as though talking plainly with someone of average intellect, even able to form detailed plans and identify specific targets.

Vicious Fangs (Ex): at level four, the Ocean Strike Leader has teeth that people remember. If they survive. Its Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, has a 19-20/x3 Critical rating, and gains the Vicious weapon property.

Blood Lust (Ex): at level five, the Ocean Strike Leader becomes hungrier, and more attuned to its Blood Frenzy. Should it gain any levels of Barbarian, the Rage ability is folded into its Blood Frenzy - they are treated as one in the same, though it gains the bonuses (and penalties) of both. It can also be triggered by taking or dealing damage, as per the Rage. Furthermore, its Bite attack gainst the Vampiric quality against living creatures while in a Blood Frenzy.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 4:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Stormwing Champion

Race: Abeil Soldier (level 7 with +6 Str, +2 Con and Wis, +0 all else)

Hit Dice: 1d10
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Will
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature, Nobility & Royalty), Listen, Perform (Dance), Search, Spot
1Tornadowing, Spell-Like Abilities
2Distracting Drone
3Wings of Cover
4Inciting Venom
5Basic Sphere Access, Very Special Enemy
6Karaturan Ox Killer
7Supernatural Virulence
8Thunderwing, Super Special Enemy
10Tempestwing, Advanced Sphere Access

Tornadowing (Ex): the Stormwing Champion's Stormwing ability is better than most. It deals 1d8 damage per hit die, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Stormwing Champion gains a few Spell-Like Abilities: Faerie Fire, Bane, Curse of Impending Blades, Bestow Curse and Doom. Each can be used once per hour, and they are used for marking out special enemies to be hit. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Distracting Drone (Ex): the Drone of the second level Stormwing Champion is particularly powerful. Even those who succeed on their saving throw are partially affected, rendered unable to make Attacks of Opportunity and considered Flanked by all attackers. They must also Concentrate to cast spells, with a DC of 10 + the Spell Level + the Stormwing Champion's Constitution Bonus. These effects last until they leave the area or are Deafened.

Wings of Cover (Su): starting at level three, the Stormwing Champion can cast Wings of Cover once per hour.

Inciting Venom (Ex): whenever the fourth-level Stormwing Champion successfully delivers its venom, the target is left with a scent that marks it as a target. If anyone fails the save against the Primary effect of its Poison, they are marked for the next hour. In that time, all Abeil and Vermin treat all of their attacks against the target as being made with a Bane weapon (+2 to attack rolls, +2d6+2 to the damage), and Vermin are compelled to attack them. This also allows Abeil to re-roll any failed Miss Chances against the target for the duration.

Sphere Access: at level five, the Stormwing Champion gains Basic Access to either the Death, Terror or Venom Sphere. At level ten, this improves to Advanced Access.

Very Special Enemy (Ex): at level five, the Stormwing Champion's Special Enemy bonuses all double, and it doubles all Critical Threat Ranges against that type of enemy.

Karaturan Ox Killer: the sixth-level Stormwing Champion is a creature to be feared, resembling the monsters from Karatur. It grows to Large Size, gaining all the usual changes from such a growth, and its Poison has an additional [Pain] effect with the Primary Damage: the foe is rendered Helpless for one round, then Stunned for a round after that.

Supernatural Virulence: at level seven, the Stormwing Champion gains Supernatural Virulence as a Bonus Feat, even if it doesn't meet the usual requirements for [Fiend] Feats.

Thunderwing (Su): at level eight, the Stormwing Champion's Stormwing attack affects Incorporeal and Ethereal foes as though they lacked those traits, and ignores Hardness.

Super Special Enemy (Ex): the eighth-level Stormwing Champion really hates its Special Enemy. It doubles its Critical Multiplier against the foe, and increases all Save DCs by +3 against them.

Anaphylaxis (Ex): at level nine, any creature that fails their saving throw against the Primary Damage of the Stormwing Champion's Poison dies. This is a [Death] effect. If they are immune to [Death] effects but not Poison, they still suffer the other effects.

Tempestwing (Su): at level ten, the radius of the Stormwing Champion's Stormwing ability is doubled. Additionally, it can cast Control Weather at will, and Storm of Vengeance once per day.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

When I read about the Very Special Enemy bonuses, I imagine these dudes as bee-people:
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The Yakultist
"No I am not good for you."

I don't apologise for the pun.

Race: Yakfolk (level 5 with full ability scores)

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device
Level:Special:Caster Level:
1Magic Item Mastery2
2Channel Staff Magic4
3Command More Genies5
4Altered Staff Magic6
5Bigger Staff Magic7
6Greater Necromancy8
7Enslaving Spells9
8Command All Genies10
9Astral Projection11
10Command Paired Genies, Magic Jar12

Magic Item Mastery (Ex): for the purpose of using and activating magic items, the Yakultist has every spell ever on its spell list.

Spellcasting: the Yakultist casts spells as a Sorcerer, complete with the Spells Known and Spells per Day. The Caster Level (and associated spellcasting ability) begins at 2, then increases to 4 at level 2, then increases by 1 every level thereafter, so at level ten you have a CR 14 creature with 15 hit dice and the casting ability of a level 12 Sorcerer (a single level six spell known when enemies are rocking seventh level spells). This stacks with actual Sorcerer levels, or Prestige Classes that improve Sorcerer casting. It can select spells from the Sorcerer list, as well as the Death, Evil, Beast/Bestial and Trickery domains.

Channel Staff Magic (Su): starting at level two, whenever the Yakultist casts a spell from a staff, it may choose to use up one of its own spell slots rather than using charges from the staff. The level of the spell slot expended must equal or exceed the spell level of the spell being used.

Command More Genies (Su): at level three, the Yakultist's ability to command Jannis extends to Djinni, Khayal and Qorashi as well. It works the same in all other ways.

Altered Staff Magic (Su): at level four, the Yakultist can apply Energy Substitution to any spell cast from a staff, even if it doesn't have that feat. The options are still Fire, Cold, Electricity and Acid. By expending an extra charge, or a spell slot one higher level than normal, it can turn a spell that is already Cold into an Uttercold spell.

Bigger Staff Magic (Su): at level five, the Yakultist commands greater magic from staves. By spending an additional charge, or a spell slot one level higher than normal, it can enhance a staff spell with Extend, Widen, Reach or Empower Spell.

Greater Necromancy: at level six, the Yakultist gains some Bonus Feats it might not care about, even if it lacks the requirements: Fearsome Necromancy, Master of Undeath, Shadow Veil, Sickening Grasp.

Enslaving Spells (Sp): at seventh level, the Yakultist can cast Lesser Planar Binding once per week and Animate Dead at will.

Command All Genies (Su): at level eight, the Yakultist can also command Efreeti, Dao and Marid. At level ten, it can command a pair of them at once - any kind of genie.

Astral Projection (Sp): the ninth-level Yakultist can cast Astral Projection once per day.

Magic Jar (Sp): at level ten, the Yakultist can cast Magic Jar at will.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Jackal Baron
"Oh my, your soul would fetch a lot on the markets..."

Race: Jackal Lord (level 9, maybe use full ability scores?)

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope
Level:Special:Caster Level:
1Drift Magic, Dire Transformation+1
2Desert Heat+1
3Curse of Parching Heat+1
4Desert Call+1
7Servitude Beyond Death+1
8Ghostly Companion+1
9Deadly Heat+1
10True Psychopomp+1

Drift Magic (Su): the Jackal Baron has access to Drift Magic from It's Hot Outside. It also gains Priest of the Waste as a Bonus Feat without needing to meet the requirements.

Dire Transformation (Su): whenever the Jackal Baron curses someone and they fail the save, they transform into a Dire Jackal and are automatically Dominated by the Baron.

Caster Level: every level, the Jackal Baron's Cleric spellcasting improves by another level.

Desert Heat (Sp): the weather within one mile of the second-level Jackal Baron is always one degree hotter and dryer.

Curse of Parching Heat (Su): the third-level Jackal Baron can cast Searing Exposure at will. The Save DC is Charisma-based.

Desert Call (Sp): starting at level four, the Jackal Baron can summon 2d6 Fiendish Dire Jackals for one minute per hit die, three times per day. Additionally, once per day it may summon a pack of eight Sand Hunters for one minute.

Enslavement (Sp): the fifth-level Jackal Baron can cast Dominate Person at will. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and the duration is permanent.

Sandstrider (Ex): at level six, the Jackal Baron gains a number of Bonus Feats without needing to meet the requirements: Heat Endurance, Improved Heat Endurance, Sand Camouflage, Sandskimmer (x2).

Servitude Beyond Death (Su): beginning at seventh level, if a Humanoid that is Dominated by the Jackal Baron is slain, it rises as a Forlorn Husk that is still under the Jackal Baron's control. If it is destroyed or Resurrected, the control finally ends.

Ghostly Companion (Ex): at level eight, the Jackal Baron gains the services of a loyal companion, a Spirit Jackal. This uses the statistics of a Nethersight Mastiff. It always has two fewer hit dice than the Baron does, is perfectly loyal, and if slain, is replaced by another in 1d6 days.

Deadly Heat (Sp): the ninth-level Jackal Baron can cast Ashen Union at will. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

True Psychopomp (Sp): at level ten, the Jackal Baron can step freely from one Plane to another. It can cast Gate at will, but only the travel version.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxus »

I may have been up for too long today, but where can I find these races. Yakfolk? Jackal Lord?

Becaue they're not ringing any bells
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Monster Manual II has some of them. They have monstrous HD, so you're giving up the cutting edge of typical PC abilities if you want to actually play one.
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The creatures are all pulled from MMI, MMII and FF.

The Yuan-ti Infiltrator
"Oh, the snakefolk? I heard they're actually very kind people, and honest traders..."

Race: Yuan-ti Pure Blood (level 3, use full ability scores)

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Any), Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device, Use Rope
1Alternate Forms, Spell Power, Hypnotic Pattern
2Brew Tainted Potion, Undetectable Alignment
3Bonus Feat, Poison Saliva, Hood of the Cobra
4Hold Person, Suggestion
5Sphere Access, Charm Monster
6Bonus Feat, Dominate Person, Sending
7Deadly Mind, Mislead
8Mass Suggestion, Overwhelm
9Bonus Feat, Mind Probe, Retributive Image
10Sphere Access, Project Image, Apotheosis

Alternate Forms (Sp): the Yuan-ti Infiltrator can use its Alternate Form ability to assume the form of any Humanoid creature.

Spell Power (Sp): the Yuan-ti Infiltrator's Save DC for all Spell-Like Abilities becomes 10 + half its Hit Dice + its Charisma Bonus, and all Spell-Like Abilities gained from Race can be used at will.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Yuan-ti Infiltrator gains more Spell-Like Abilities. At first level, it gains Hypnotic Pattern three times per day. At level two, it gains Undetectable Alignment at will. At level three, it gains Hood of the Cobra three times per day. At level four, it gets Hold Person and Suggestion once each per day. At level five it gets Charm Monster once per day. At level six, it gets Sending at will and Dominate Monster once per day. At level seven it gets Mislead at will. At level eight, it gets Mass Suggestion and Overwhelm three times each per day. At level nine it gets Mind Probe and Retributive Image three times each per day, and at level ten it gets Project Image at will.

Brew Tainted Potion (Su): starting at second level, the Yuan-ti Infiltrator can brew the potions used to create Tainted Ones.

Bonus Feat: at levels three, six and nine, the Yuan-ti Infiltrator gains a Bonus Feat, for which it must meet the requirements. These feats must be [Scaled] Feats.

Poison Saliva (Ex): starting at level three, the Yuan-ti Infiltrator has venomous saliva. The Save DC is Constitution-based, and the damage is 1d6 Constitution/1d12 Constitution. This can be delivered with a bite in a Grapple (dealing 1 point of damage), or with a melee touch attack by simply kissing or licking the foe - in this case, they gain a +2 Bonus on the Saving Throw.

Sphere Access: at level five, the Yuan-ti Infiltrator gains Basic Access to the Venom Sphere. At level ten, it gains Basic Access to the Seduction Sphere.

Deadly Mind (Ex): at level seven, the Yuan-ti Infiltrator's mind is a mine field. Any attempt at Detecting its thoughts, reading its mind or making telepathic contact results in the other party needing to make a Will Save (Charisma-based) or contract Mindfire and take 10d6 nonlethal damage.

Apotheosis (Ex): at level ten, the Yuan-ti Infiltrator's Spell-Like Abilities can all be used at will. All of them, even those gained from other classes. It may also elect to undergo the Rite of Evolution, a process that takes 24 hours and a dozen worshippers, and results in the Yuan-ti Infiltrator being recreated as a Half Blood - class levels will need to be changed (as it no longer qualifies for this Prestige Class and also has too many levels for its Challenge Rating), and Feats may be changed.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

The Yuan-ti Halfblood Prince
"Avada kedavra! No, not that Halfblood Prince."

Race: Yuan-ti Halfblood (level 5, use full ability scores)

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device
1Spell Power, Mighty Acid, Brew Tainted Potion
2Venomfire, Venom Bolt
3Dominion Over Serpents
4Evard's Black Tentacles, Apply Grafts
5Sphere Access
6Dominion Over Mortals, Acid Fog
7Supernatural Virulence, Venomous Tentacles
8Induce Death
9Dominion Over All
10Sphere Access, Ascension

Spell Power (Sp): the Halfblood Prince's Spell-Like Abilities all have a DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, its racial Spell-Like Abilities can all be used at will.

Mighty Acid (Sp): the Acid ability of the Halfblood Prince deals 1d6 damage per level in a grapple, and half as much on a simple touch.

Brew Tainted Potion (Ex): the Halfblood Prince is able to brew the transformation potion to create Tainted Ones.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Halfblood Prince gains access to more Spell-Like Abilities. At second level, it can cast Venomfire and Venom Bolt thrice each per day. At level four it can cast Evard's Black Tentacles once per day. At level six it can cast Acid Fog once per day.

Dominion Over Serpents (Su): at level three, the Halfblood Prince gains rulership over all snakes, whether they be Animals or Magical Beasts. Even Dragons, Outsiders and Aberrations that look like they're basically snakes and have an Intelligence of less than 6 are affected. Basically, they are Dominated with no saving throw, and are just innately loyal to it if it has a higher CR than they do. It can also cause such creatures to permanently grow one size category, getting all the usual changes for this, but this can't be repeated over and over. It may also communicate with them as though they spoke the Queen's English.

Apply Grafts (Ex): at level four, the Halfblood Prince gains the ability to craft and apply Yuan-ti Grafts, without spending XP or needing to know specific spells.

Sphere Access: at levels five and ten, the Halfblood Prince gains Basic Access to a Sphere, or can improve Basic Access up to Advanced Access for one it already has.

Dominion Over Mortals (Su): at level six, the Halfblood Prince can Fascinate living non-Outsider, non-Elemental creatures at will, with a Standard Action. It lasts for a minute (or until disrupted by attack or whatever), with a Will Save (Charisma-based) to negate. Once per week it may Dominate one such creature, with the same DC. It can now speak and understand all languages, and doesn't need to make Tainted Potions any more: it can transform a willing Human with just a touch, and can grant any willing Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid the [Scaled One] Subtype with a touch.

Supernatural Virulence: at level seven, the Halfblood Prince gains Supernatural Virulence as a Bonus Feat, even if it isn't a Fiend.

Venomous Tentacles (Sp): starting at level seven, whenever the Halfblood Prince casts Evard's Black Tentacles, they become Venomous Tentacles: anyone touched by them suffers Poison (same DC as its own Poison), dealing 1d6 Constitution damage as both Primary and Secondary damage.

Induce Death (Su): starting at level eight, the Halfblood Prince can cast Finger of Death (Charisma-based) on anyone who is currently suffering the effects of its Poison (has taken Primary damage but the full minute has not gone by).

Dominion Over All (Su): at level nine, the Halfblood Prince can Fascinate and Dominate absolutely anything, other than things that are immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects and all. With a touch, it can suppress one of a creature's Extraordinary, Supernatural or Spell-Like Abilities for 1d6 rounds with no Saving Throw.

Ascension (Ex): at level ten, the Halfblood Prince can use all of its Spell-Like Abilities at will. It may also, in a ritual that takes 24 hours and as many minions (without sacrificing them, they just need to be there), transform into an Abomination. If it actually binds and sacrifices a Demon in the process, it can instead become an Ignan.

If it chooses to do this, it will have to change levels around - it has too many levels for its XP total after changing race, and also no longer meets the requirement for this class. It may also swap feats around.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 5:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

The Great Goat God
"Baa Ram Ewe"

Has it actually achieved the godhood it expects, or is it just even better at fooling mortals? When you can rampage around the place and cause permanent effects, does it really matter?

Race: Rejkar (level 6, use full ability scores)

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate, Listen, Perform (Oratory), Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device
1Feast of Plenty, Bestow Curse
2Great Goat Visions
3Amazing Intellect
4Curse of Winter, Arctic Jewels
5Planar Domain, Planeshift
6Deific Immunities, Quest
7Call to Frost
8Contact Other Plane
9Ice Castle
10Trap the Soul, Eternal Winter

Feast of Plenty (Sp): the Great Goat God can cast Heroes' Feast on its own, and once per day. It can also cast it once per week with the help of two others.

Bestow Curse (Sp): the Great Goat God can cast Bestow Curse at will. It has two options when casting it: it can cast it at Medium Range, or it can require a Melee Touch Attack (Range: Touch) but allow no Saving Throw.

Great Goat Visions (Sp): starting at second level, the Great Goat God can cast Augury at will. It can also foresee dreadful things to happen to enemies and cast Doom, Bane, Curse of Impending Blades and Doomtide once each per day. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Amazing Intellect (Ex): starting at level three, the Great Goat God can add it's Intelligence Bonus as an Enhancement Bonus to its Charisma and a Resistance Bonus to all of its Saving Throws. It's just that smart.

Curse of Winter (Sp): by spending a day, from sunrise to sunset, shouting curses, the fourth-level Great Goat God can permanently reduce the temperature of an area by one stage. The area is one mile per hit die in radius. As this is a spell, and is Permanent, it can still be Dispelled or Disabled.

Arctic Jewels (Sp): once per day, a level four Great Goat God can conjure 1d4 star sapphires that are eternally cold to the touch. Each will sell for ten thousand GP.

Planar Domain (Ex): at level five, the Great Goat God gets its own Demiplane somewhere. It has a radius of one mile per hit die, but grows by another ten miles in radius every year.

Planeshift (Sp): the fifth-level Great Goat God can Planeshift itself (and any carried items) at will. If it uses this to go to its Demiplane, it does not veer off course.

Deific Immunities (Ex): at level six, the Great Goat God becomes Immune to [Death] effects, Poison, Disease, Ability Damage, Ability Drain and Negative Levels.

Quest (Sp): the sixth-level Great Goat God can cast Quest once per day. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Call to Frost (Sp): at level seven, the Great Goat God can cast Raise Ice Forest, Blizzard and Call Avalanche once each per day. The Save DC for any effect is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Contact Other Plane (Sp): at level eight, the Great Goat God can cast Contact Other Plane at will.

Ice Castle (Sp): once per week, the ninth-level Great Goat God can cast Ice Castle.

Trap the Soul (Sp): once per week, using one of its conjured star sapphires, the ninth-level Great Goat God can cast Trap the Soul. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Eternal Winter (Su): at level ten, wherever the Great Goat God goes, everywhere within a one mile radius becomes Unearthly Cold.

Exciting things to come: Abyssal Stalker, Hellflayer, Erinyes Agent, Winter Court Queen, Dragonkin Facebreaker.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Surgo »

Wow this is a lot of neat stuff. It's a lot to read so I only have one comment so far. The Mephit King's demiplane...I recognize that this is pretty much a MTP ability, but for games that use them it could be good to have an alternative option where you get the same real estate on the actual elemental planes. Sure, this is probably "weaker" as it opens your pad up to invasions and stuff, but now you can wander around the elemental planes and run into fiefdoms with these guys.
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Post by Red_Rob »

So, have you been working on these for a while and just got round to posting, or did you just knock these up since deciding to run a forum game? Because I know you work fast, but Dayum!
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Post by Koumei »

I knocked them all up over the last two days. Though everything else that is yet to come is also yet to actually be written up. Expect them today or maybe tomorrow.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

The Abyssal Stalker

Race: Babau (level 7 with +6 Str and Con, +4 Cha, +2 Dex, Int and Wis)

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Reflex
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1Sneak Attack +1d6, Spell Casting, Trap Finding
2Evasion, Power Slide
3Toxic Slime
4Sneak Attack +2d6, Evil Glee
5Improved Evasion, Potent Slime
7Sneak Attack +3d6, Opportunist
8Clinging Slime, Cloak of Shadows
9Incendiary Slime, Vile Sneak Attack
10Sneak Attack +4d6, Bonus Feat

Sneak Attack (Ex): at first level, the Abyssal Stalker's Sneak Attack ability improves by +1d6. Every three levels thereafter, it improves by another d6.

Spell Casting: the Abyssal Stalker can cast spells. It casts Spontaneously, with Intelligence as the key ability score. However, even with Bonus Spells from Intelligence, no Spell Level ever has more than three spells per day. Life is hard like that. If it ends up taking levels in something that improves spellcasting ability, and ends up surpassing the ten levels, just note that this is Bard casting, capped at three slots per Spell Level, with no Cantrips, but at +6 levels because the Racial levels count.

For spells, it can use any from the Assassin list, and can use Illusion and Necromancy spells from the Sorcerer/Wizard list.

Trap Finding (Ex): the Abyssal Stalker can find magical traps like a Rogue.

Evasion (Ex): at level two, the Babau gains Evasion. At level five, this becomes Improved Evasion.

Power Slide (Ex): the second-level Babau seems to be able to just slide about the place with its oily coating. Upon taking damage from a weapon, it can halve the damage. Doing so results in it sliding back 5' per 5 points of damage negated (round up). This movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. If its movement is blocked, it falls Prone and suffers 1d6 more damage per 5' of movement prevented.

Toxic Slime (Ex): at level three, anything damaged by the Abyssal Stalker's Protective Slime must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) against Poison. If they fail, it reduces their flesh to liquid, causing 1 point each of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution damage. There is no secondary damage.

Evil Glee (Ex): the Abyssal Stalker enjoys killing people. It can cast Death Knell at will, but only on creatures with an Intelligence of 4 or more.

Potent Slime (Ex): at level five, the Protective Slime of the Abyssal Stalker becomes more powerful. The Acid damage improves to 2d8, plus 1d8 per two class levels (round down). So at this point it's 4d8, and at level ten it becomes 7d8.

Invisibility (Sp): the sixth-level Abyssal Stalker can turn Invisible at will.

Opportunist (Ex): starting at level seven, once per round the Abyssal Stalker can make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that is hit by someone else.

Clinging Slime (Ex): at level eight, anyone who takes damage from the Abyssal Stalker's Protective Slime finds that it sticks to their body, bubblng away. On the following round, they take 2d6 more damage, plus 1d6 per two class levels, and suffer the Poison effect again. This is treated as ongoing damage.

Cloak of Shadows (Su): starting at level six, the Abyssal Stalker is always covered in magic darkness. Attacks against it have a 20% Miss Chance from Concealment, and it gains a +4 Bonus to Hide checks.

Incendiary Slime (Ex): at level nine, any creature suffering from the Protective Slime of the Abyssal Stalker is particularly vulnerable to fire: if they suffer any Fire damage before the acid is washed off or deals damage a second time, it ignites. On the plus side, they won't take the acid damage or poison on the next turn. On the minus side, they instantly suffer 1d6 Fire damage per hit die of the Abyssal Stalker.

Vile Sneak Attack (Ex): at level nine, whenever the Abyssal Stalker deals Sneak Attack damage, half the total damage is Vile damage.

Bonus Feat: at level ten, the Abyssal Stalker gets a Bonus Feat. It needn't meet the requirements.

Spells Per Day:
Class Level:Level 1:Level 2:Level 3:Level 4:Level 5:Level 6:

Spells Known:
Class Level:Level 1:Level 2:Level 3:Level 4:Level 5:Level 6:

Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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