Monster Prestige Classes

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Post by Koumei »

The Holy Guardian

Race: Yuan-ti Abomination

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Fort, Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Oratory), Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Use Magic Device
1Venomous Tentacles 3/day, Scalykind Domain, Blessed
2Cure Critical Wounds 3/day, Inflict Critical Wounds 1/day
3Venom Bolt, Venom Fire, Unhallow 1/day
4Divine Power 2/day, Divine Favour 2/day
5Community Domain, Pulse of Hate
6Heal 3/day, Harm 3/day
7Blasphemy 2/day, Slime Wave
8Antimagic Field 1/day, Unholy Aura 1/day
9Righteous Might 2/day, Imprison Soul 1/day
10True Resurrection 1/day, Storm of Vengeance 1/day, Summon Monster IX 3/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as the Holy Guardian gains levels, it gains more and more Spell-Like Abilities. All of its Spell-Like Abilities have a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, and a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. If no usage limit is listed, it can be used at will. Summon Monster IX can only be used to summon Mariliths, which is not actually a problem.

Domains: the Holy Guardian has the Scalykind Domain. At level five it gains the Community Domain as well. It gains the Domain powers, using its hit dice in place of its Cleric Level, and gains the listed spells as Spell-Like Abilities once each per day, though it can't cast any with a Spell Level greater than half its hit dice.

Blessed (Ex): the entire Cleric spell list is effectively the Holy Guardian's class spell list for the purpose of activating magic items and such.
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Post by Koumei »

The Anathema Incarnate

Race: Yuan-ti Abomination

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device
1Serpent Craft, Bestow Grafts, Suggestion
2Second Head, Swarmform
3Mass Aversion, Dominate Monster 1/day
4Yuan-ti Master
5Third Head, Mass Suggestion 3/day
6Huge Serpent, Mutate Humans
7Unholy Blight 3/day
8Fourth Head, Cause Fear
9Blasphemy 1/day, Unholy Aura 1/day
10ALL THE HEADS, Gate 1/day

Serpent Craft (Su): the Anathema Incarnate can craft Yuan-ti craft items, even without having the relevant feats or spells. There is no XP cost, just time and money.

Bestow Grafts (Su): the Anathema Incarnate can create and bestow Yuan-ti Grafts, without paying the XP costs. Once per day, it can also create and apply one with a Standard Action, not needing the normal money or time requirements.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Anathema Incarnate gains more Spell-Like Abilities. If no usage limit is listed, it can be used at will. The Caster Level for all of its Spell-Like Abilities equals its hit dice, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Extra Heads (Ex): at levels two, five and eight, the Anathema Incarnate gains an extra head. At level ten, it gains another two. Each head allows it to make an additional Bite in a full attack (or an additional spit if it can spit venom). Once it has two or more heads, it has a +2 Racial Bonus on Spot and Intimidate checks but a -2 Racial Penalty on Ref Saves to avert its gaze. Once it has six heads, it has all-around vision and cannot be Flanked.

Swarmform (Sp): starting at level two, when using its Alternate Form the Anathema Incarnate can turn into a Viper Swarm.

Yuan-ti Master (Ex): at level four, the Anathema Incarnate gains Followers and a Cohort. The Cohort must be a Yuan-ti of some kind, and the Followers must be Yuan-ti, Humans, Extaminaar, Broodguard and Tainted Ones.

Huge Serpent (Ex): at level six, the Anathema Incarnate grows Huge, complete with the usual changes to ability scores, natural armour and so on.

Mutate Humans (Su): at level six, the Anathema Incarnate gains a terrifying ability. With a Standard Action, it can make a melee touch attack. If the target is a Human (or has the [Human] Subtype), they must make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or instantly transform. The Anathema Incarnate chooses whether they become an Extaminaar, a Broodguard or a Tainted One.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

So that's 29 prestige classes (plus 3 from Frank's old project). The human-to-Ethergaunt thing just doesn't seem to be working - the big thing about them is being Ethereal, and that doesn't even come up as an option for normal characters until like level 13. And the demon cavalry thing came up dry, likewise the dragonkin (which just generally looks kind of cool).

But hey, there's a whole heap there, and a good number of these will see actual use.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

29 classes is still more than fucking amazing.

I want to play a Yuan-Ti that goes from Pureblood to Anethma using these classes, if I'm ever in a game that runs that long.

Which kind of makes me feel bad, as that wasn't even one of my suggestions (although that's partially because most the Yuan-Ti classes were written up before I suggested anything.)

That [feeling bad about something] will probably get my throat torn out here, as I have shown a moment of weakness on the Den.

As for something that's not just blind praise and/or gibberish, shouldn't the Mutate Humans ability offer the chance to turn people into Broodguards as well?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Koumei »

I forgot the Broodguard exist. Fixed it.
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Post by Koumei »

What the hell, let's repost a few more of Frank's ones. For one thing, this is easier than googling "FrankTrollman monster prestige class" every time.

The Tree Speaker
"The tree says you're a jerk. I agree."
Race: Dryad (level 3 with full ability scores)

Hit Die: d6
BAB: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (All), Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Knowledge (All), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, Survival
1Separation (1 month), Good Berry 1/day, Ghost Sound 3/day, Animal Friendship 1/day, Locate Object 1/day, Speak With Plants, Wild Empathy
2Ventriloquism 1/day, Charm Person or Animal 2/day, Sleep 1/day
3Separation (2 months), Snare 1/day, Tree Shape at will, Wood Shape at will, Speak with Animals
4Major Image 1/day, Hold Person 1/day, Silent Image 1/day, Detect Poison at will
5Separation (6 months), Charm Monster 1/day, Deep Slumber 1/day
6Charm Monster 2/day, Dimension Door 1/day, Change Self 1/day, Tongues
7Separation (1 year and 1 day), Seeming 1/day, Mirage Arcana 1/day, Teleport 1/day
8Transport via Plants at will, Ice Storm 1/day, Meld Into Stone at will
9Dream Walk 1/day, Control Wind 1/day, Speak With Anything
10Independence. Control Weather 1/day, Greater Call Lightning 1/day, Hallucinatory Terrain at will.

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: The Tree Speaker becomes proficient with light armour and shields, as well as all simple weapons and the weapons available to druids in her campaign world.

Separation (Ex): The Tree Speaker can stay away from her tree for longer than a normal Dryad, but cannot stay apart indefinately. She can leave her tree for up to one month before the sickness begins to claim her (taking 4d6 days instead of 4d6 hours). Fortunately she can step into any tree in the same plane of existence as her tree to use her Dimension Door ability to return to her tree. As the Tree Speaker rises in level, her ability to stay seperated from her tree increases as noted.

Spell Like Abilities (Sp): The Tree Speaker gains a number of Spell-Like Abilities at the specified levels. All of her Spell-Like Abilities have a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Wild Empathy (Ex): the Tree Speaker has Wild Empathy as a Druid of equal level to her hit dice.

Speak with Plants (Ex): A Tree Speaker's ability to speak with plants is non-magical.

Speak With Animals (Ex): a Tree Speaker of 3rd level and higher can non-magically speak with animals, as the spell.

Tongues (Ex): A Tree Speaker of 6th level can speak every language.

Speak with Anything (Ex): A Tree Speaker of 9th level can truly speak with anything, as the spell speak with anything, although this is in no way a magical ability (although objects can only reply as a supernatural ability).

Independence: At 10th level, a Tree Speaker need not ever return to her tree and will not sicken and die regardless of how much time is spent away from her tree.

The Thorn Tree

Race: Dryad

Hit Die: d6
BAB: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Ref
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft (All), Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (All), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Survival, Tumble, Use Rope
1Separation (1 month), Traps, Poison Use, Sneak Attack +1d6
2Climb Speed 15 ft., Woodland Stride, Sneak Attack +2d6
3Separation (2 months), Poison Immunity, Evasion
4Trackless Step, Sneak Attack +3d6
5Separation (6 months), Death Attack
6Climb Speed 30 ft., Sneak Attack +4d6
7Separation (1 year and 1 day), Dimension Door 1/day
8Unfettered Step, Sneak Attack +5d6
9Improved Evasion
10Independence. Poison Blood

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: The Thorn Tree is proficient with light armour, and all piercing and slashing weapons.

Separation: The Thorn Tree can stay away from her tree for longer than a normal Dryad, but cannot stay apart indefinately. She can leave her tree for up to one month before the sickness begins to claim her (taking 4d6 days instead of 4d6 hours). Fortunately she can step into any tree in the same plane of existence as her tree to use her Dimension Door ability to return to her tree. As the Thorn Tree rises in level, her ability to stay separated from her tree increases as noted.

Traps (Ex): The Thorn Tree may attempt Search and Disable Device checks to find and disable traps and spells regardless of what the DC is.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Thorn Tree's racial Spell-Like Abilities have a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Poison Use (Ex): The Thorn Tree has no chance of poisoning herself when preparing poison or applying it to a weapon.

Sneak Attack (Ex): As the Rogue ability of the same name.

Climb Speed: At 2nd level, the Thorn Tree gains a climb speed of 15 feet. This enables her to keep her dexterity bonus while climbing, allows her to take 10 on climb checks in stressful situations, and gives her a +8 bonus on Climb checks if she is forced to make them. At 6th level her climb speed increases to 30 ft.

Woodland Stride (Ex): As the Druid ability of the same name.

Poison Immunity (Ex): At 3rd level, the Thorn Tree is immune to all poisons. Even magic ones.

Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level, if the Thorn Tree is wearing light or no armor and successfully makes a reflex saving throw to halve damage from an effect, she suffers no damage.

Trackless Step (Ex): At 4th level, the Thorn Tree leaves no scent or trail.

Death Attack (Ex): As the Assassin ability of the same name. DC is 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Intelligence Modifier.

Dimension Door (Sp): At 7th level, the Thorn Tree can Dimension Door as a free action once per day. The caster level of this ability is equal to her Thorn Tree level.

Unfettered Step (Ex): At 8th level the Thorn Tree can take 10 on Balance checks even under stressful circumstances. The Thorn Tree gains a bonus to Balance skill checks equal to four times her ranks in the Balance skill.

Improved Evasion (Ex): As above, but the Thorn Tree takes only 1/2 damage even on a failed reflex save.

Independence: At 10th level, a Thorn Tree need not ever return to her tree and will not sicken and die regardless of how much time is spent away from her tree.

Poison Blood (Ex): At tenth level the Thorn Tree's blood becomes an effective Injury delivered poison. Any slashing or piercing weapon which damages her is considered poisoned the next time it damages an opponent. Any natural weapon that deals Slashing or Piercing damage results in the attacker being poisoned as well. The Thorn Tree's poison inflicts a d3 minutes of paralysis for initial damage, with secondary damage of a d4 Constitution damage. Save DC is 10 + 1/2 her character level + her Constitution Modifier.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue May 02, 2017 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by icyshadowlord »

I am totally going to steal those minion feats.
"Lurker and fan of random stuff." - Icy's occupation
sabs wrote:And Yes, being Finnish makes you Evil.
virgil wrote:And has been successfully proven with Pathfinder, you can just say you improved the system from 3E without doing so and many will believe you to the bitter end.
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Post by Koumei »

Fill your boots.

Reminder to self: add more Genies to the Yakultist control list: Khayal (CR 6), Qorashi (CR 6), and I can't find the Planar book that has the Dao and whatever.

Note to Self: Word Archons could totally have an awesome Prestige Class that makes them slam people with Power Words. Nereid also seem promising, they could get less water dependent and run about drowning enemies. And how could I forget about the Urskan, the sentient polar bears?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The Dao and the Marid are found in the Manual of the Planes, and are CR 7 and CR 9, respectively.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Prak »

What would be nice is a way to turn a human or tainted one into a pure blood yuan ti, so that you can go Human>Pure Blood>Half Blood>Abomination>Anathema. Conceivably it could just be a feat that turns you into a Pure Blood, but a class is really probably better.

The yuan ti classes are awesome, though, always liked yuan ti, never get to play one because of level adjustment.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

That's a good idea, honestly.

The Serpentine Transformist

Race: Human
Special: must be an Extaminaar or Tainted One
Special: you can take levels of this as your actual first class

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Ref
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1Brood Loyalty, Spit Venom, Detect Poison, Special Spell-Like
2Charm Person 1/day, Alternate Form, Cause Fear 1/day, Special Spell-Like
3Serpent Companion, Deeper Darkness 1/day, Entangle 1/day, Special Spell-Like
4Animal Trance, Blind-Fighting, Special Spell-Like
5Ophidian Ascension, Special Spell-Like

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Serpentine Transformist is proficient with Light Armour and Simple Weapons, as well as the special Yuan-ti Craft Weapons.

Brood Loyalty (Ex): the Serpentine Transformist will never knowingly take action against the Yuan-ti. Indeed, even magical compulsions treat such things as completely against his nature - as much as self-destructive commands.

Spit Venom (Ex): the Serpentine Transformist can spit his venom out to 20 feet with a Standard Action. If he doesn't have any venom, he now does: Save DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus, damage 1d6 Con/1d10 Con.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at various levels, the Serpentine Transformist gains various Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, the Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus, and if no usage limits are mentioned, they are at will.

Special Spell-Like (Sp): at every level except fifth, the Serpentine Transformist may select a single spell that an equal-levelled Druid or Beguiler could cast. That spell is gained as a Spell-Like Ability he can use once per day.

Alternate Form (Sp): starting at second level, the Serpentine Transformist can assume an alternate form at will. His options are Small or Medium Vipers or Sea Snakes.

Serpent Companion (Ex): at level three, the Serpentine Transformist gains an animal companion. The CR must be 2 less than his own, and it must be a snake or snake-like monster. It is completely loyal, and if it dies, he gets another in a week.

Blind-Fighting: at level four, the Serpentine Transformist gains Blind Fighting as a Bonus Feat.

Ophidian Ascension: at level five, the Serpentine Transformist turns into a Yuan-ti Pureblood. As he has gone from level 5 or more to a level 4 monster (and no longer qualifies for this class), he'll have to change his levels and may change his feats. That's okay. His Spell-Like Abilities still have a CL equal to his hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half hit dice + Charisma Bonus. He keeps the Serpent Companion (and it continues to grow stronger) and the Brood Loyalty.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Mar 30, 2023 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

And of course it works better for what I'm trying to do with my character in your game than Barbarian. Heh.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

So here's the current plan for future stuff:
  • Judgement Vocalist: Word Archon with Power Words
  • Something for the Nereid, based on water teleporting, summoning massive waves and drowning people, and not being the Nereid from Wulfhammer
  • Sahuagin Captain: for more leadership/piracy
  • A short class for Anathema (the naturally occurring and prestige class kind) to just take them the rest of the way through the 20-level career and make them Clan Empresses
  • Another succubus one, this time as an actual close combat fighter
  • Salamander Flamesmith: Salamander that crafts shit
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by virgil »

For the Judgement Vocalist, you might have a use for this. I spent some time looking for every official Power Word spell, during some brainstorming for a PrC or something I forget about.

Power Word: X (Enchantment, Compulsion, Mind-Affecting)
Components: Verbal
Range: Close
Save: No
SR: Yes
Target's one living creature, inflicting a status effect with a duration dependent on the target's current HP.
(1st) Fatigue
  • 25HP - 1d4+1 hours
    50 - 1d4+1 minutes
    100 - 1d4+1 rounds
(1st) Pain: Deals 1d6/round
  • 50 - 4d4 rounds
    75 - 2d4 rounds
    100 - 1d4 rounds
(2nd) Sicken
  • 25 - 1d4+1 hours
    50 - 1d4+1 minutes
    100 - 1d4+1 rounds
(3rd) Weaken: Deals 2 Strength damage
  • 25 - Permanent drain
    50 - 1d4+1 minutes
    75 - 1d4+1 rounds
(3rd) Deafen
  • 25 - Permanent
    50 - 1d4+1 minutes
    100 - 1d4+1 rounds
(3rd) Maladroit: Deals 2 Dex damage
  • 25 - Permanent drain
    50 - 1d4+1 minutes
    75 - 1d4+1 rounds
(4th) Distract: Flat-footed
  • 150 - 1 round
(6th) Nauseate
  • 50 - 2d4+2 rounds
    100 - 1d4+1 rounds
    150 - 1 round
(7th) Blind
  • 50 - Permanent
    100 - 1d4+1 minutes
    200 - 1d4+1 rounds
(8th) Stun
  • 50 - 4d4 rounds
    100 - 2d4 rounds
    150 - 1d4 rounds
(8th) Petrify
  • 100 - Permanent
(9th) Kill
  • 100
Last edited by virgil on Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Thanks, virgil - I'll do that class when I get home, as I don't have the monster write-up on me. But that's really handy.

The Jade Empress
"Far better that I betray the world, than that the world betraysss me..."

Race: Yuan-ti Anathema
Special: you can qualify for this by being a tenth level Anathema Incarnate
Special: you can be a male, and thus be Jade Emperor. I just think of them as female because of the picture... and that's a Half-blood that's female, talking to the gender-neutral Anathema. Derp.

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort, Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device, Use Rope
1Ruler, Forbidden Arts, Community Domain
2Venom Wave, Corruption Domain
3Scalykind Domain, Gaze Attack
4Temptation Domain, Supernatural Virulence
5Domination Domain, God of Snakes

Ruler (Ex): the Jade Empress rules a bunch of dudes, specifically yuan-ti. She gains a proper base of operations, and multiplies her number of followers by ten. The base of operations can be a vague handwavey "village in the jungle" or "Ancient Japanese style city thing" or a detailed fortress and all that you map out and purchase piecemeal with the Stronghold Builder's Guide, whatever. It should probably have hot springs, and places that grow the ingredients for special Yuan-ti incense, and drugs.

Domains: every level, the Jade Empress gains a new Domain. This grants her the special ability (her effective Cleric level is her hit dice), and each of the spells can be used as a Spell-Like Ability once per day.

Forbidden Arts: the Jade Empress gains Forbidden Arts as a Bonus Feat. Ignore the bit about Jutsu Points, she can use the abilities at will when she has sufficient hit dice to use them at all.

Venom Wave (Sp): three times per day, the second level Jade Empress can cast Slime Wave. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and it also deals poison: when it first damages a target, they must make a Fortitude Save (same DC) or suffer 1d6 Constitution damage from a [Poison] effect. They must save against this again every round that the slime remains in contact.

Gaze Attack (Su): at level three, the Jade Empress gains a Gaze Attack. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and the effect is simply Poison Chakra, meaning eventually everyone she meets is marked and can be killed at her whim.

Supernatural Virulence: at level four, the Jade Empress gains Supernatural Virulence as a Bonus Feat. She can choose any of her Spell-Like Abilities for this.

God of Snakes (Ex): at level five, the Jade Empress is effectively a deity. She is immune to [Death] effects, [Mind Affecting] effects, Ability Damage, Ability Drain and Negative Levels, and can grant spells to Clerics - she can grant Cleric spells, and any from her domains and any alignment domains that match her alignment.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

The Judgement Vocalist
"Listen very carefully... and die."

Race: Word Archon

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform (Oratory, Singing), Sense Motive, Truespeak*
*The Judgement Vocalist always has maximum ranks in Truespeak
Level:Special:Bigger Vocabulary
1Power Words (Nauseate, Maladroit, Weaken), Divide Light From Darkness+10
2Ward of Peace, Power Words (Fatigue, Sicken, Pain, Distract)+15
3Power Words (Blind), Divide the Waters+20
4Singular Mind, Create Earth+25
5Power Words (Stun), Bring Forth Plants+30
6Agitate Metal, Dictum 1/day, Holy Word 1/day+35
7Power Words (Petrify), Dome of the Sky+40
8Transmute Weapon, Word of Recall 1/day, Bring Forth Beasts+45
9Power Words (Kill), In Our Image+50
10Anger the Sleeping Earth, Words of Genesis+60

Power Words (Sp): as she gains levels, the Judgement Vocalist gains various Power Words. These can be used as Spell-Like Abilities once each per hour, however in order to affect a target, she must pass a Truespeak check of 10 + their level/CR.

Bigger Vocabulary (Ex): as she gains levels, the Judgement Vocalist gains a special bonus. This is added to the threshold of effect for all spells (for instance, if something would Nauseate people for 1 hour if they have 20 or fewer hit points, for one minute if they have 21-50, and for one round if they have 51-75, then for a level one Judgement Vocalist it works for 1 hour if they have up to 30 HP, one minute if they have 31-60, and for one round if they have 61-85).

Utterances (Sp): as she gains levels, the Judgement Vocalist unlocks new Utterances.

Divide Light From Darkness (Sp): the Judgement Vocalist can use a new level 3 Utterance, which is identical to the spell Daylight, or Deeper Darkness if reversed.

Divide the Waters (Sp): at level three, the Judgement Vocalist can use a new level 4 Utterance, which is identical to Control Water, or Control Weather if reversed.

Create Earth (Sp): at level four, the Judgement Vocalist can use a new level 5 Utterance, which is identical to Transmute Mud to Rock, or Transmute Rock to Mud if reversed.

Bring Forth Plants (Sp): the fifth-level Judgement Vocalist can use a new level 6 Utterance, which is identical to Plant Growth, except there need not already be plants in the area, and the maximum radius for all effects one-half mile. When reversed, this Utterance is identical to Animate Plants.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at level six, the Judgement Vocalist can cast Dictum and Holy Word once each per day. At level eight she can cast Word of Recall once per day, declaring the recall point at every sunrise. The caster level equals her hit dice, never more, and the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Intelligence Bonus.

Dome of the Sky (Sp): at level seven, the Judgement Vocalist can use a new level 7 Utterance, which is identical to Searing Light, or Wind Walk if reversed.

Bring Forth Beasts (Sp): at level eight, the Judgement Vocalist can use a new level 7 Utterance, which allows her to create two animals, one male and one female. Any animal can be created except for dinosaurs. This in an Instantanious effect. When reverse, the Utterance will summon a single dinosaur or unicorn, under her control, for one day.

In Our Image (Sp): at level nine, the Judgement Vocalist can use a new level 8 Utterance, which is identical to Awaken, or Geas/Quest if reversed.

Words of Genesis (Sp): at level ten, the Judgement Vocalist gains a ninth-level Utterance. This duplicates a Genesis effect, or Planeshift if reversed.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Flameforger

Race: Salamander

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Any)*, Disable Device, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device
*The Flameforger always has maximum ranks in Craft (Metalwork)
1Craft Arms and Armour, Brasscraft, Traps
2Sphereforge (Fire, Pyre, Smoke)
3Command Metal
4Improved Heat
5Sphereforge (Restraint, Light)
6Metal Sphere
7Rain of Molten Brass
8Sphereforge (Death, Stone)
9Superior Heat
10Craft Construct

Craft Arms and Armour: the Flameforger can make magical weapons and armour, and does not have to spend XP to do so.

Brasscraft (Ex): the Flameforger's favourite material to craft is brass. It takes half the time to make stuff, for one, and for another it has special properties. Weapons will have the Flaming property if they are Minor or Basic magic items, and if they are Moderate or Major, they will have Flaming in addition to whatever else they have. Armour grants, in addition to any usual properties, Cold Resistance of triple the wearer's hit dice.

Traps (Ex): Flameforgers can find and disable traps and spells of any DC, even magic ones.

Sphereforge (Su): at levels two, five and eight, the Flameforger sort of has access to Spheres: he effectively has all of the listed spells for those Spheres available for the purpose of crafting magic items. He can only actually make items that utilise spells that he would have sufficient hit dice to cast had he the actual Sphere.

Command Metal (Su): starting at level three, the Flameforger can boss metal around. Although making magic items still takes just as long, making regular nonmagical stuff out of metal does not require actually forging, he can just sculpt it like putty. This reduces all mundane crafting times to one tenth of the usual time. Additionally, he can use a Standard Action at will to issue a command to worn metal armour within Close Range. The wearer must make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) to resit, otherwise the armour locks up, refusing to move, and the target is Helpless for as long as the Flameforger concentrates.

Improved Heat (Su): at level four, the Flameforger's Heat ability does another two dice of damage (3d6 or 3d8 total). Additionally, those who take damage from it catch fire.

Metal Sphere: at level five, the Flameforger gains Basic Access to the Metal Sphere.

Rain of Molten Brass (Su): starting at level seven, the Flameforger can call forth a horrible burning doom once per hour. Everything within Medium Range and not under the cover of a roof or something suffers 3d6 + its hit dice in Fire Damage each round for one minute. This damage is ongoing damage, and any target that suffers damage for at least three rounds is actually coated in enough brass that, when it cools (three rounds after the effect ends), they are Entangled. A good ten minutes of work can break the metal off.

Superior Heat (Su): at level nine, the Flameforger's Heat is an actual aura, radiating out to ten feet and just causing damage to everyone in the area at the start of his turn. Also, it deals another two dice of damage, for a total of 5d6 or 5d8. It still deals damage every time he hits someone or vice versa.

Craft Construct: at level ten, the Flameforger gains the ability to craft constructs. This takes time and money (lots of time, lots of money), but not XP.
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Post by Koumei »

Part of me feels the high Charisma + Charisma-based "Save or Die" things is a very real problem. Would it bet better to make them Intelligence-based, or is that basically a perk you're supposed to have for being level eight or nine for your first class level?

The Maiden of Murder
"Of course I want to stab you, we don't kiss people for fun, we do it to ruin them!"

Race: Succubus

Hit Dice: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Ref
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Any), Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope
1Blade of Sensation, Armour of Allure
2Blade of Desire, Deathly Embrace
3Bloodlust, Devilkiller
4Blade of Ecstasy, Battlefield Summons
5Battlefield Emotions
6Ecstatic Battle Captain
7Whispers of Betrayal
8Blade of Exquisite Pain
9Lascivious Murder, Battlefield Bondage
10Blade of Infinite Climax

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Maiden of Murder is proficient with the Short Sword, Long Sword, Bastard Sword (exotically one-handed, even), Rapier, Scimitar, Mace, Kukri, Handaxe, Light Pick, Warhammer, Trident, Heavy Pick, Flail, Battleaxe, Whip, and anything that's basically a whip (Whip-Dagger, Nagaika, Scourge, Scorpion Whip etc). For those not using the Tome of Fiends rules, you can ignore all the Martial Weapons here due to the Outsider thing. She is not proficient with any armour.

Blade of Sensation (Su): the Maiden of Murder is a close combat specialist, and she can draw the life from enemies through her weapons. Any time she successfully hits an opponent with a melee weapon, she inflicts her Energy Drain upon them.

Armour of Allure (Su): the Maiden of Murder doesn't bother wearing armour for protection. Whenever she is effectively nude - and not benefiting from an Armour Bonus to AC - she may add her Charisma Bonus as a Luck Bonus to her Armour Class and Reflex Saves.

Blade of Desire (Su): starting at level two, people who get hurt by the Maiden of Murder decide to do as she says. Once per round, she may bestow a Suggestion with a successful melee attack. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. The Suggestion will only last for three rounds, and is always "attack my enemies".

Deathly Embrace (Ex): at level two, the Maiden of Murder reminds everyone who the best grapplers are. She may use one-handed weapons normally in a grapple, and may add her Charisma Bonus to Grapple checks. Furthermore, just being in a grapple with her carries the same effects as having received a kiss, each round.

Bloodlust (Su): at third level, the Maiden of Murder loves being coated in the blood of others. Any time she delivers actual hit point damage to someone (not non-lethal damage, not "removing temporary hit points"), she can remove any [Mind-Affecting] effects currently on her. She can choose which ones to lose, so as to keep bonuses.

Devilkiller (Ex): the Maiden of Murder is nominally supposed to be a battle captain for the Blood War, and that means she likes to kill Devils. Any weapon she ever wields is a Bane weapon against [Baatezu], gaining a further +2 to hit and +2d6+2 to damage, and against Erinyes/Brachina in particular, also has a doubled Threat Range and Critical Multiplier. Because she double-hates them. Any time she kills or destroys something with the [Lawful] Subtype, she actually feels so happy she gains Fast Healing 5 for a number of rounds equal to the target's hit dice.

Blade of Ecstasy (Su): once per round, instead of using Blade of Desire, the fourth-level Maiden of Murder can bestow amazing feelings upon a foe she successfully hits with a melee attack. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or fall Helpless until the beginning of her next turn.

Battlefield Summons (Sp): at level four, the Summon ability of the Maiden of Murder becomes better: she has a 100% chance to summon 1d4 Armanites or Babau.

Battlefield Emotions (Su): at level five, the Maiden of Murder can cast the following at will, except all with a range of "one target per level, within Long Range": Rage, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Good Hope

Ecstatic Battle Captain (Su): at level six, the Maiden of Murder becomes an awesome team leader. She can cast Mass Snake's Swiftness at will, and if these granted attacks kill any enemies, she regains 1 HP per hit die each slain enemy possessed.

Whispers of Betrayal (Su): starting at level seven, the Maiden of Murder can cast Dominate Monster at will, however the duration is only for three rounds.

Blade of Exquisite Pain (Su): at level eight, the Maiden of Murder is especially good at dealing ongoing injuries. Every time she deals damage to a target with a melee weapon, they will suffer more damage on their next turn from bleeding, equal to her Charisma Bonus. Multiple attacks do indeed stack the damage on. This is a [Pain] effect, and creatures that do not bleed, or do not suffer critical hits, are immune.

Lascivious Murder (Su): starting at level nine, the Maiden of Murder has the ability to just outright kill fools who are suffering from any number of negative levels. She uses a Full Round Action, and designates a target within Close Range who has at least one negative level. They must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or instantly die as she tears the rest of their soul out, literally shredding their body in a spray of blood. She gains the benefits of having drained a number of levels equal to their hit dice minus their negative levels at the time of death. This is a [Death] effect.

Battlefield Bondage (Su): using a Standard Action, the ninth-level Maiden of Murder can do something inconvenient to groups of enemies: all enemies within Close Range must pass a Reflex Save (Charisma-based), otherwise their armour transforms into leather bindings and chains for one minute, denying them their Armour Bonuses (and any special benefits from their armour) and also Entangling them. They also are unable to speak, or use their hands (such as to cast spells or wield weapons).

Blade of Infinite Climax (Su): once per round, the tenth-level Maiden of Murder may just kill someone she stabs. Instead of using Blade of Ecstasy or Blade of Desire, one target she hits must make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or just die. She absorbs their soul, gaining the benefits of having drained a number of levels equal to their hit dice minus their negative levels at the time, and also gains a Greater Heroism effect for a number of rounds equal to the hit dice of the target. This is a [Death] effect.
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The Oceanic Questor

Race: Nereid

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Perform (Any), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1Additional Summons, Attached Shawl
2Urchin's Spines, Charm Person 3/day
3Summoning (Large), Scales of the Sealord 2/day
4Drowning Glance, Flowsight 1/day, Siren's Call 1/day
5Summoning (Huge), Blackwater Tentacle 1/day
6Waterportation, Mudslide 3/day
7Summoning (Greater)
8Waterspout 3/day
9Summoning (Elder), Drowning Surge
10Red Tide, Maelstrom 2/day

Additional Summons (Sp): the Oceanic Questor can use her Summon ability two more times per day.

Attached Shawl (Ex): th Oceanic Questor is very fortunate: her shawl is a physical part of her that cannot be removed.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as she gains levels, the Oceanic Questor gains more and more Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level for all of her Spell-Like Abilities is equal to her hit dice, and the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. If no usage limit is listed, she can cast it at will.

Summoning (Sp): at level three, the Oceanic Questor can summon one Large Water Elemental, 1d4 Medium Water Elementals or 1d6+1 Small Water Elementals. At level five, it becomes one Huge, 1d4 Large, or 1d6+1 Small or Mediums. At level seven it becomes one Greater, 1d4 Huge, or 1d6+1 smaller ones. At level nine, it becomes one Elder, 1d4 Greater, or 1d6+1 others.

Drowning Glance (Su): starting at level four, the Oceanic Questor can use her Drown ability out to Medium Range, no longer having to touch targets, although they are allowed saving throws as normal. It requires a Standard Action to use.

Waterportation (Su): at level six, the Oceanic Questor gains the ability to Teleport once per day, though the starting point and destination must both be bodies of water at least big enough to hold her.

Drowning Surge (Su): with a Full-Round Action, the ninth-level Oceanic Questor can unleash a Cone out to Close Range. This blast of water uses her Drown ability on every enemy in the area, though they are allowed saving throws as normal.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Koumei wrote:The Judgement Vocalist
"Listen very carefully... and die."

Race: Word Archon

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform (Oratory, Singing), Sense Motive, Truespeak*
*The Judgement Vocalist always has maximum ranks in Truespeak
Level:Special:Bigger Vocabulary
1Power Words (Nauseate, Maladroit, Weaken)+10
2Ward of Peace, Power Words (Fatigue, Sicken, Pain, Distract)+15
3Power Words (Blind)+20
4Singular Mind+25
5Power Words (Stun)+30
6Agitate Metal, Dictum 1/day, Holy Word 1/day+35
7Power Words (Petrify)+40
8Transmute Weapon, Word of Recall 1/day+45
9Power Words (Kill)+50
10Anger the Sleeping Earth+60

Power Words (Sp): as she gains levels, the Judgement Vocalist gains various Power Words. These can be used as Spell-Like Abilities once each per hour, however in order to affect a target, she must pass a Truespeak check of 10 + their level/CR.

Bigger Vocabulary (Ex): as she gains levels, the Judgement Vocalist gains a special bonus. This is added to the threshold of effect for all spells (for instance, if something would Nauseate people for 1 hour if they have 20 or fewer hit points, for one minute if they have 21-50, and for one round if they have 51-75, then for a level one Judgement Vocalist it works for 1 hour if they have up to 30 HP, one minute if they have 31-60, and for one round if they have 61-85).

Utterances (Sp): as she gains levels, the Judgement Vocalist unlocks new Utterances.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at level six, the Judgement Vocalist can cast Dictum and Holy Word once each per day. At level eight she can cast Word of Recall once per day, declaring the recall point at every sunrise. The caster level equals her hit dice, never more, and the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Intelligence Bonus.
I like this class, but worry that it might lack out-of-combat utility, particularly for a mid-high level character. With that in mind, I wrote up a few abilities. No comment on balance.

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory..."

Divide the Light from the Darkness: You can use a new level 3 utterance, which is identical to the spell Daylight, or Deeper Darkness if reversed.

Divide the Waters: You can use a new level 4 utterance, which is identical to Control Water, or Control Weather if reversed.

Create Earth: You can use a new level 5 utterance, which is identical to Transmute Mud to Rock, or Transmute Rock to Mud if reversed. You can also use Wall of Stone as a spell-like ability once per day.

Bring Forth Plants: You can use a new level 6 utterance, which is identical to Plant Growth, except there need not already be plants in the area, and the maximum radius for all effects one-half mile. When reversed, this utterance is identical to Animate Plants.

Let Them Swarm: You can use a new level 6 utterance, which is identical to Creeping Doom, except the centipedes look like grasshoppers if the swarm is created on land, pigeons if the swarm is created in the air, and goldfish if the swarm is created in water.

Dome of the Sky: You can use a new level 7 utterance, which is identical to Searing Light, or Wind Walk if reversed.

Bring Forth the Wild Beasts: You can use a new level 7 utterance, which allows you to create two animals, one male and one female. Any animal can be created except for dinosaurs. This in an instantanious effect. When reverse, the utterance will summon a single dinosaur or unicorn, under your control, for one day.

In Our Image: You can use a new level 8 utterance, which is identical to Awaken, or Geas/Quest if reversed. You can use Simulacrum as a spell-like ability once per day (but must still pay the experience cost as though casting the spell).

Genesis: You can use a new level 9 utterance, which is identical to World of Genesis, or Plane Shift if reversed.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

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The Night Shark

Race: Sahuagin

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Ref
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft (Alchemy), Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature, Nobby Roy), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope
Level:Special:Jutsu Points
1Improved Lung Capacity, Jutsu Use, Invisible1
2Speed of Thought, Too Fast By Half, Scuttler2
3Anti-Noise Aura, Dark Stalker2
4Ampules, Master of Disguise3
5Log Trick, Sneaky Bite3
6Power Slide, Close Combat3
7Mystic Art, Amphibious4
8Blackwater Shadow Arts4
9Perfect Disguise, Too Fast By 3/44
10Spirit Blade, Mystic Art4

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Night Shark is proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, along with weird Ninja Weapons like the Kusari-gama, Nunchaku and whatever.

Improved Lung Capacity (Ex): the Night Shark can last twice as long out of water as normal, which is fantastic. It can also handle fresh water just as well as salt water.

Jutsu Use (Su): the Night Shark has a pool of Jutsu Points to spend just like a Ninja of equal level.

Invisible (Su): the Night Shark can turn Invisible at will, just like the spell Invisibility.

Speed of Thought (Ex): the second level Night Shark moves so fast he gets speed lines when he runs. He may add his Intelligence bonus to his Initiative, and to all Trip, Bullrush, Disarm and Grapple attempts against foes who are denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class.

Too Fast By Half (Ex): at second level, as long as he isn't using Armour with which he is not proficient, the Night Shark multiplies his speed by 1.5 - including swim speed.

Scuttler (Ex): at level two, the Night Shark suffers no penalties for moving through difficult terrain, and for moving full speed while being stealthy.

Anti-Noise Aura (Su): the level three Night Shark is so stealthy that he passes it on to his allies: at will he may radiate a 20' radius Aura of Silence, masking all noises made inside it as though inside a sound-proof dome.

Dark Stalker (Ex): at level three, the Night Shark can see and hear Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures normally, as if they lacked those traits, so they must make Hide and Move Silently checks if they want to sneak up on him.

Ampules (Ex): at level four, the senses of the Night Shark are just amazing. He has Blindsight out to 60 feet, and Blindsense out to 250 feet.

Master of Disguise (Su): with a DC 15 Disguise check, a fourth-level Night Shark can replicate a Disguise Self effect. With a DC 20 Disguise check, he can replicate an Alter Self effect.

Log Trick (Su): just when you think you have a Night Shark, you actually have a log. The Night Shark is behind you. At level five, the Night Shark may Dimension Door up to 30' away with an Immediate action, leaving a Mirror Image behind for 4 rounds (or until interacted with). When the image ends, a log appears in its place.

Sneaky Bite (Ex): whenever a fifth-level Night Shark Bites a foe who is Flanked or denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, he deals an additional amount of damage equal to his Base Attack Bonus, and also deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage.

Power Slide (Ex): at level six, any time the Night Shark is hit, he may halve the damage by sliding back 5' per damage negated. If he collides with a solid object, he stops moving and suffers another 1d6 damage per 5' of movement that was prevented.

Close Combat (Ex): at level six, the Night Shark functions just fine when in a Grapple - he can act normally, even moving - even if Pinned - and is not denied his Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Furthermore, his opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class against his attacks.

Mystic Art: at levels seven and ten, the Night Shark gains a Mystic Art just like a Ninja. Treat its Night Shark levels as Ninja levels to determine what it is able to choose.

Amphibious (Ex): at level seven, the Night Shark can breathe air as though it were water.

Blackwater Shadow Arts (Sp): at level eight, the Night Shark learns how to cast Blackwater Taint, Blackwater Tentacle and Evard's Black Tentacles once each per day. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus.

Perfect Disguise (Su): at level nine, the Night Shark can Polymorph himself (100% replacing his character sheet with the entry of whatever he is turning into, except with the ability to change back at will) with a DC 35 Disguise check and ten minutes. True Seeing does not trump this.

Too Fast By 3/4 (Ex): at level nine, the Night Shark becomes even faster. He may make a Move action as an Immediate action, and makes 10' steps of adjustment instead of 5' steps (unless he only wants to move 5'). With a DC 25 Balance check, he can instead make 15' steps of adjustment.

Spirit Blade (Su): the tenth-level Night Shark can even cut ghosts. All of his attacks affect Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures as though they lacked those abilities, and ignore Armour and Shield bonuses to Armour Class (but not Natural Armour), as well as all kinds of Damage Reduction.
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Catharz: I like those, I'll work them in.
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The Spellspinner

Race: Aranea

Hit Dice: d4
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy, Silk), Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Know (Arcana), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Rope
Level:Special:Caster Level:
1Spellspinning, Bonus Spell (Summon Swarm)+1
2Eight Legged Familiar+1
3Bonus Spell (Hamatula Barbs)+1
4Blood Wind+1
5Bonus Spell (Wither)+1
6Supernatural Virulence+1
7Bonus Spell (Kiss of the Vampire)+1
8Phantom Fang+1
9Bonus Spell (Endless Slumber)+1
10Bonus Spell (Mummify), Spell Knowledge+1

Spellspinning (Su): by using a Full Round Action, the Spellspinner can actually weave a spell into a web and leave it in place. This works just like a regular use of his web - leaving it as a trap or throwing it at someone - except the first time that web entangles a target, it also discharges the spell that was woven in, targeting the creature - who is allowed any saves as normal. Even if the spell normally affects an area, it only affects the target and the square the target is in. The spell is actually cast in this process, using the Spell Slot and any components. If the casting time is a Full Round Action or less, it's just part of the Webspinning process. If it's more, then the Webspinning time is part of the casting time. For some reason, Spellspun spells degrade quickly - if the web is not used within one hour, the spell and web both collapse into nothing and cannot be used.

Spellcasting: at every level, the Spellspinner's Sorcerer casting improves, meaning he's only one full spell level behind a Human Wizard.

Bonus Spells: to make up for the spell progression of Sorcerers being bullshit, the Spellspinner gains a bonus Spell Known - which cannot be traded for another - at every odd level, which is like, every new spell level. He also gets another one at level ten.

Eight Legged Familiar: at level two, the Spellspinner gets a familiar. This is treated like the familiar of a Sorcerer, with the following changes:
  • It must be a Small Monstrous Spider or a Hairy Spider
  • The Familiar abilities depend on the Spellspinner's hit dice, not Sorcerer level
  • If it dies, there is no XP loss, and another can be gained in one week
  • The Save DC for its Poison is the same as the Spellspinner's
Blood Wind (Su): at level four, the Spellspinner's Bite attack can be made as a ranged weapon out to Close Range. It is an actual ranged weapon when used like this, using Dexterity instead of Strength, not gaining a Strength Bonus to damage, and not actually threatening those squares.

Supernatural Virulence: at level five, the Spellspinner may select one of his spells of fourth level or lower that is cast at or on someone - whether that be a targeted effect like Hold Person, or a ranged touch attack like Melf's Acid Arrow. Whatever. Whenever he delivers his Poison and the target fails their saving throw against the primary damage, he may have them be affected by the spell. This does not require that he actually cast the spell, using up a slot or anything.

Phantom Fang (Su): at level eight, the Spellspinner's Bite attack is resolved as a Touch Attack - if used in conjunction with Blood Wind, this is of course a Ranged Touch Attack.

Spell Knowledge: at level ten, the Spellspinner just seems to have knowledge locked away in his brain. Effectively, he will gain more Bonus Spells Known in future: Choking Cobwebs (7th), Dimensional Lock (8th) and Energy Drain (9th).
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Vebyast »

Koumei wrote:Spellspinning (Su): by using a Full Round Action, the Spellspinner can actually weave a spell into a web and leave it in place. This works just like a regular use of his web - leaving it as a trap or throwing it at someone - except the first time that web entangles a target, it also discharges the spell that was woven in, targeting the creature - who is allowed any saves as normal. Even if the spell normally affects an area, it only affects the target and the square the target is in. The spell is actually cast in this process, using the Spell Slot and any components. If the casting time is a Full Round Action or less, it's just part of the Webspinning process. If it's more, then the Webspinning time is part of the casting time.
You might want to put a "the spell evaporates after ${duration}" clause in there. Otherwise, any sane Aranea is going to be covering their home in giant stockpiles of buffs, which they can expend on themselves for ludicrous bonuses. If you remember to stockpile a few webs of Teleport, you could even put together canned Scry-And-Die kits that give you all the buffs you need without hitting your spells per day at all.
Last edited by Vebyast on Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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1) Good design practices.
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Post by Koumei »

Good call. Done.
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