(PrC) War-arach/Spider Sworn

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(PrC) War-arach/Spider Sworn

Post by Prak »

Wrote this for the 3.5 warlock (ie, not tome), because that's what I'm playing, and it needs PrCs that don't suck ass which will advance their casting. It's almost something of a take that at arcane prcs that require specific spells so warlocks don't qualify, I suppose, because this actually requires that you have specific invocations.

Even though it's for the 3.5 warlock, I tried to balance it to tome standards, because that's what's normal for me, now.


BAB 3/4
Saves Good Ref, Will
Skill Points 4+Int
HD d6

Alignment Non-good
Skills Kn. Arcana 8 ranks, Kn. Nature 4 ranks, Climb 3 ranks
Invocations Spiderwalk, Summon Swarm
Special Must undergo the ritual of scarification.

Ritual of Scarification
Upon deciding to pursue the path of Spider Sworn, the warlock readies a ritual in celebration of the various gods and powerful outsiders who favour vermin and arachnids, with candles and sigils drawn in the ground. A sacrifice may be included but is largely unnecessary, as the celebrant's own flesh will be offered. At the beginning of the ritual, the celebrant lights the candles and consecrates the sigil. He then uses Summon Swarm to call forth a spider swarm. The swarm that answers his call is unusual, in that it calls fiendish spiders from all across the lower planes. He can not do this at will or at his leisure, the swarm is sent by the gods and fiends that watch his ritual. Once the swarm arrives, he then turns it on himself, allowing the swarm to cover him, rend his flesh, and then enter his body. The magic of the ritual leads the spiders in archaic and vile patterns and then sears them into his flesh. This process goes on for five rounds, dealing the swarm's damage, and 1d4 additional unholy damage each round. At the end of this time, the ritual ends, and the celebrant is now forever scarred with symbols and patterns in deep crimson of the ancient and evil entities that saw fit to reward his attention.


Poison Save Bonus, Spider-speech, Spider Invocations, Evil Brand, Climb


Poison Touch (1d4 str)

Command Spider-kind, Tremour-sense 60'

Webwalking, Poison Touch (1d6 str)

Tremour-sense 120', Infest the Dead

Wall of Webs (3/day*)

Spider Blast

Invocations At each level, the War-arach gains new invocations and his Eldritch Blast improves in damage as if he'd gained a level of Warlock. This does not improve other class abilities, etc.

Poison Save Bonus The War-arach gains a bonus to saves made against poisons equal to his class level.

Climb The War-arach begins his transformation at the hands of his fiendish patrons. He gains a climb speed equal to his land speed. This includes the normal +8 racial bonus to climb checks.

Spider-Speech The War-arach is able to freely communicate with spider kind, as if he and they shared a language (they effectively do). This ability does not change the intelligence of the creature he converses with, so he may get very bored talking to normal and giant spiders, and is unlikely to get anything particularly useful out of them. However, his ability to speak to them gives him a +5 bonus to handle animal checks made with spider kind. Spider kind is defined below.

Spider Invocations A War-arach gains access to special invocations normally unavailable to them. This ability does not grant him any, though several are granted at other points in the class.

Spider-shape At second level, the War-arach is gifted with the invocation Spider-shape (DotU) by his mysterious and arachnoid patrons.

Poison Touch A third level War-arach can secrete from his flesh a poison at will as a free action. The poison does 1d4 strength damage on a failed save (fort, DC=10+1/2 character level+con), and half damage on a successful save, minimum 1. It cannot be harvested or saved in way. At 5th level the damage improves to 1d6 strength, and at 8th it improves to 1d8 strength.

Command Spider-kind The War-arach gains the ability to rebuke and command spider-kind as a cleric of his character level would rebuke undead.

Webwalking The War-arach, upon reaching level 5, begins to function under a constant Spiderwalk effect, and may immediately replace the invocation with another. In addition to it's normal effects, he is unhindered by mundane and magical webs, and move along them in any direction, dimension or orientation with no climb or balance checks.

Infest the Dead The War-arach is gifted with a new invocation by his patrons. Infest the Dead (Greater, 5th) acts in all ways as The Dead Walk, but it creates undead who are infested with, and thus animated by, spider swarms. The undead may, at will, send forth it's animating swarm, which is in turn controlled by the War-arach. In games terms the invocation creates Skeletons and Zombies with Intelligence 1 and the Swarm Shifter Template (swarm of undead spiders).

Wall of Webs 3/day the War-arach may use a special invocation, Wall of Webs (Greater, 6th). The invocation creates a freestanding (if necessary) wall of magically enhanced spider webs, fire resistant and strong as steel. This functions as creating a Wall of Iron, but Webwalking and Freedom of Movement allow one to move through it unhindered, and Webwalking treats it exactly like any other kind of webs. At character level 14, the invocation is usable at will as normal (yes, even if it's gained at 14th level).

Spider Blast The War-arach is granted a final gift by spindly patrons, the invocation Spider Blast (Eldritch Essence, Greater, 5th). A target hit by a Spider Blast is immediately enveloped in a fiendish spider swarm, after taking standard Eldritch Blast damage, and immediately taking swarm damage for that turn. The War-arach may then control that swarm as normal with Summon Swarm.

Spider Invocations
Stick (0th) As the spell (Underdark 61) but with a weight limit of 10 lbs/4 caster levels, and a standard action to separate the items.

Summon Monstrous Spider (2nd) As Summon Monster II, but summons 1 Medium or 1d4 Small Monstrous Spiders. At Caster Level 6, the spell summons 1d6 of either, 1d4 Large monstrous spiders, or 1 Huge monstrous Spider. At 11th level, it summons 1 Gargantuan monstrous spider, 1d4 large or medium, or 1d6 small monstrous spiders, and at 16th level it summons 1 Gargantuan, 1d4 Huge or Large, or 1d6 Medium monstrous spiders. At 20th level it summons 1 Colossal, 1d4 Gargantuan, 1d6 Huge or Large, or 1d8 Medium or Small monstrous Spiders. The spell can summon a variety of sizes, but a spider counts as 2 spiders of one size category lower (so a Medium Monstrous spider counts as 2 Small, and you need to be able to summon at least 3 Small [roll first] to have one of each).

Spider Eyes (4th) You gain six additional physical eyes that all but circle your head, giving you sight in all directions. While this invocation is active you cannot be flanked, nor can you be surprised from behind.

Spider-Hide (1st) +1 Natural Armour/5 caster levels, +6 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, Climb.

Spider Legs As the spell (BoVD 105), but the warlock may attack with the legs as if they were large longspears.

Trap Door (1st) You create a hole in the ground, ten feet deep, 8 feet around and angled into a gentle slope, covered by a large opaque platform of force. Ideally you lurk in this hole and pull people in. Preferably people who can't see in the dark or fight well in closed quarters.

Web line (Eldritch Essence, 1st), The Warlock's modified Eldritch Blast creates a thin line of spider silk, out to it's maximum range. The line is physical, and lasts about an hour. It is capable of bearing the warlock and an additional 25 lbs/caster level (the warlock is effectively weightless for the strand's load bearing considerations). If used to strike a foe, the strand deals 1/2 damage and entangles the foe, or 1/4 damage and renders the foe's arms useless until the webbing is removed (flakes off after 1 hour, can be broken by a Str ceck, see below. The target can make this strength check regardless of the effects of the webbing). The webbing is sticky, and can be aimed at a foe's eyes with a -4 penalty. If it hits, in addition to dealing 1/2 damage, it blinds the foe until it's duration expires. The same maneuver may be used to gag a target, aiming for and cover the mouth instead of eyes, but it will not suffocate (the webbing isn't air tight). The foe may make a strength check to pull off/break webbing at DC=10+Warlock's Cha.

Bebilith Blessing (5th) You gain 2 Claw Attacks (1d6, or appropriate to size if larger than medium) and a Bite attack (1d8, or as appropriate for larger creatures. Carries a 1d6 Con/2d6 con Injury poison.) and can rend armour as a Bebilith. Finally, you're treated as an Outsider (Evil) for the duration of this invocation(1 rnd/level).

Spider Plague (5th) As Insect Plague, but summon Spider Swarms. Upon learning this invocation, you may replace Summon Swarm with another, if you know it and wish.

Sudden Swarm (DotU 63)

Virulent Blast (Eldritch Essence, 3rd) Your blast exposes the target to a contact poison with 1d6 strength initial and secondary damage.

Web (2nd) As the spell.

Driderform (6th) You take on the form of a Drider, gaining it's climb speed, physical ability scores, bite attack and poison, 10 temporary HP, +4 natural armour, Spell Resistance, and racial skill bonuses. The duration of this change is 1 rnd/level.

Phase Door (7th) As the spell (may be called something else in the PHB, the srd calls it this.)

Captured Fly (9th) As the spell Imprisonment, but traps the subject in a web cocoon in the Demon Web pits on the Abyss.

Drained Essence (9th) As the spell Trap the Soul, but traps the subjects soul in a palm sized ball of webbing which will not deteriorate.

Spider Kind
The following creatures are considered Spider Kind:
-Arachnoid Creature
(Drow of the Underdark)
(Monster Manual 1)
-Phase Spider
-Spider Swarm
-Monstrous Spiders (along with all other monstrous spiders in other books, obviously)
Monster Manual 2)
-Clockwork Horrors
-Shadow Spider
-Spell Weaver
(Monster Manual 3)
-Web golem
-Harpoon Spider
-Lolth (Yes, you can communicate with Lolth regardless of languages and rebuke her, assuming you're seriously that high level. I don't even care. I think warlocks should totally be able to kick gods in the balls/ovaries)
Last edited by Prak on Mon May 03, 2010 1:40 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Prak »

did what I could to polish this up at school. Hopefully there'll be more invocations later when I can look at more than the SRD, but I'm seriously running out of ideas for them.

Please let me know what you guys think.
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Post by Prak »

No one has comments? Or is it so bad it inspires people to drink immediately after reading it?
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Re: (PrC) War-arach/Spider Sworn

Post by Orca »

Prak_Anima wrote:Web line (Eldritch Essence, 1st), The Warlock's modified Eldritch Blast creates a thin line of spider silk, out to it's maximum range. The line is physical, and lasts about an hour. It is capable of bearing the warlock and an additional 25 lbs/caster level (the warlock is effectively weightless for the strand's load bearing considerations). If used to strike a foe, the strand deals 1/2 damage and entangles the foe, or 1/4 damage and binds the foe. The webbing is sticky, and can be aimed at a foe's eyes with a -4 penalty. If it hits, in addition to dealing 1/2 damage, it blinds the foe until it's duration expires. The foe may make a strength check to pull off/break webbing at DC=10+Warlock's Cha.
Ah, Spideys' famous trick. If binds is a typo for blinds, there's a redundant phrase there. If not, what does binds mean? Is there a save not to be blinded? What's the duration? If that strength check isn't the save, what action is required?

Don't get me wrong, that looks good but IMO needs clarification.
Prak_Anima wrote:Spider Eyes (4th) You gain six additional physical eyes that all but circle your head, giving you sight in all directions. While this invocation is active you cannot be flanked, nor can you be surprised from behind.
This is a least invocation at best.
Last edited by Orca on Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: (PrC) War-arach/Spider Sworn

Post by Prak »

not a typo, just couldn't think of a good game keyword for immobilizing a target by wrapping them in webbing. No save vrs. blinding, because the attack has to hit, and while I'm not sure if there's any kind of usual circumstance, I generally make stuff either require an attack roll, or allow a save, unless there's a rider effect on an attack, like catching fire. Strength check would be, I guess, either a standard or full round action, not sure which it should be.

I was eyeballing Spider Eyes off of a core spell (can't remember the name), but granted the spell gave a floating eye with a range of movement. I really wasn't sure where to put it, and there are a lot of leasts that I've made already.
Last edited by Prak on Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IGTN »

"Entangled" might work. It's an actual status effect, not just a spell.
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Post by Utterfail »

Checked would work if you just wanted them to stop moving but be able to act. Or you could have them 'count as pinned' and set a DC for a grapple/escape check.
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Post by Prak »

reworded Web line to make the intent more clear, moved spider eyes.
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Post by Orca »

Spider Eyes. Hmm. With low-light vision and/or a spot check bonus it might make the bar as a least invocation. I think you're basing it off a spell which creates fly-sized (spider-sized?) flying invisible scouts, which is a different story entirely from great big ugly eyes growing out of your own head, and which might make a useful lesser invocation if translated directly.

Web line could reasonably be a lesser invocation; even if not all the effects are powerful, there are a variety of them which gives the warlock some versatility. Compare to Shadow Conjuration & similar (w/out shadowcraft mage etc. shenanigans) which sacrifices power for versatility to sorcerers & the like. Actually, forget that; you said you were balancing to tome standards.
Last edited by Orca on Mon May 03, 2010 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Prak »

Yeah, I based it off of Arcane Eye, but, yes, it is quite a different story.

However, the Crown of Eyes beholder graft in Fiend Folio gives the same wide angle vision, specifically "all around vision, Darkvision 60', +4 search and spot checks, and cannot be flanked" for 60,000g. The grafter himself couldn't even get it before 7th level, and then for a hefty XP cost, and it can't be bought until around 11th level, so I'm not sure where it should be as an invocation. So... yeah, looking at level for base grafting and all that, it's implied to be around a 4th level spell effect, or treated that way.
(7th level to qualify for Graft Flesh, no spell required, so there's really not much to go on.)

I don't know, warlocks need enough help that maybe effectively giving them a 60,000 graft for almost free is fine as a least.
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Re: (PrC) War-arach/Spider Sworn

Post by Prak »

War-arach/Spider-Sworn [Tome-Spherelock]

HD d6
BAB 3/4
Saves Good Ref, Will
Skill Points 4+Int
Skills Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Alignment Non-good
Skills Kn. Arcana 8 ranks, Kn. Nature 4 ranks, Climb 3 ranks
Special Must undergo the ritual of scarification.

Ritual of Scarification
Upon deciding to pursue the path of Spider Sworn, the warlock readies a ritual in celebration of the various gods and powerful outsiders who favour vermin and arachnids, with candles and sigils drawn in the ground. A sacrifice may be included but is largely unnecessary, as the celebrant's own flesh will be offered. At the beginning of the ritual, the celebrant lights the candles and consecrates the sigil. He then performs a special ritual which calls swarms of fiendish spiders from across the lower planes. He can not do this at will or at his leisure, the swarm is sent by the gods and fiends that watch his ritual. Once the swarm arrives, it instantly turns against him, covering him and rending his flesh, even entering his body. The magic of the ritual leads the spiders in archaic and vile patterns and then sears them into his flesh. This process goes on for five rounds, dealing the swarm's damage, and 1d4 additional unholy damage each round. At the end of this time, the ritual ends, and the celebrant is now forever scarred with symbols and patterns in deep crimson of the ancient and evil entities that saw fit to reward his attention.


Spider's Blessing, Eldritch Blast, Spider Sphere (basic)

Web Sphere (Basic), Spidersight

Virulent Blast, Poison Touch (1d4 str)

Command Spider-kind, Tremor-sense 60', Spider Sphere (advanced)

Poison Touch (1d6 str), Web Sphere (advanced)

Tremor-sense 120', Come Into My Lair

Poison Touch (1d8 str), Spider Sphere (Expert)

Web Sphere (Expert), Spider Blast

Spider's Blessing The War-arach has received the blessing of great arachnoid fiendish powers in the form of mystical patterns etched in scars from his initiation. Some would call it a curse, but the war-arach thinks it's pretty awesome. This has several benefits:
  • The War-arach gains a bonus to saves made against poisons equal to his class level.
  • The scars created by the fiendish spiders who initiated him act as an Evil Brand, granting him a pool of points equal to his character level which he can pull from to modify any d20 roll.
  • He is able to freely communicate with spider kind, as if he and they shared a language (they effectively do). This ability does not change the intelligence of the creature he converses with, so he may get very bored talking to normal and giant spiders, and is unlikely to get anything particularly useful out of them. However, his ability to speak to them gives him a +5 bonus to handle animal checks made with spider kind. Spider kind is defined below. The creation of the giant vermin was touched, even if faintly, by the war-arach's patrons. He inherently knows how to seize control of any vermin which are considered spider kind, and gains a +5 bonus to checks made to control them. Generally speaking, such vermin treat the War-arach as their "safe group" which they will not attack, but the war-arach's patrons are fickle and dickish, and this part of the blessing may not always hold true (it's not a guarantee, is all I'm saying, just like it's theoretically possible to create poisons or diseases which normally immune creatures are subject to).
  • Finally, war-arachs begin a slow descent into arachnoid monsterism. They are considered to be fiends (and to have levels in fiend classes) for the purposes of Fiend feats which make them more spider-y--Bite of the Spider (as Sting of the Scorpion, but a bite, and str damage), Extra Arms, Extra Legs, Huge Size, Large Size. If the war-arach already qualifies for fiendish feats, he gains a bonus [fiend] feat from the previous list.
Eldritch Blast Levels of War-arach stack with levels of Warlock for the purposes of his Eldritch Blast. In addition, the War-arach may make use of a Web Blast. When performing a web blast, the war-arach's eldritch blast deals no damage, instead conjuring a mass of webbing which wraps around it's target, entangling them (Ref save negates). By taking a full round action, you may perform a web blast which anchors the target to an object within 60 ft.

Spider Sphere A war-arach has basic access to the Spider Sphere. This improves to Advanced access at fourth and expert access at seventh.

Web Sphere At second level the war-arach gains basic access to the Web Sphere. This improves to Advanced access at fifth, and expert access at eighth.

Spider Sight At second level, the war-arach gains Spider Sight as a bonus feat.

Virulent Blast At third level, the War-arach may make a Virulent Blast. This deals 2 dice less damage than a normal eldritch blast, and exposes the target to the poison of a large spider, save that the DC is based on the war-arach (DC 10+1/2 character level+cha mod)

Poison Touch A third level War-arach can secrete from spider poison from his flesh at will as a swift action. The poison has initial and secondary damage of 1d4 strength damage. At 5th level the damage improves to 1d6 strength, and at 7th it improves to 1d8 strength.

Command Spider-kind A fourth level War-arach gains the ability to rebuke and command spider-kind as a cleric of his character level would rebuke undead.

Come Into My Lair Your patrons have allowed you to create a small lair in the folds of reality. At sixth level you gain a Secure Shelter (as the spell) which you may conjure anywhere, spinning a large web dome as if you were a particularly productive spider. You effectively gain the ability to cast Leomund's Secure Shelter at will, but it is comprised of webs, and the interior of the shelter is always as you left it the last time you conjured it. The shelter is made of magical webs, meaning that they react to fire as stone would, and a chimney doesn't actually make the shelter a death trap. The webs are even magically hardened in places to create a desk and trestle table. The stools and bunks are actually seats and hammocks suspended from the ceiling and web supports, respectively.
You also gain a permanent Secret Chest (as the spell), which may also be conjured at any time, anywhere. The chest takes the form of a bundle of webbing, which you must spin the first time you create the effect, but afterwards can conjure from thin air, giving the impression of webs suddenly appearing in the air which you reach into to retrieve the bundle.
At 8th level, your Secure Shelter expands to be a Magnificent Mansion. Rather than spinning the mansion, you create a web tunnel entrance that hangs in midair, suspended from some unseen structure. Stepping through the entrance transports you to your web-walled magnificent mansion. Your servants within the mansion are obviously spider-like, but may range the gamut from large actual spiders to beautiful maidens with only faint spider traits such as pedipalps hidden within their mouths, small, almost cute eyes ringing their heads, and spider-like markings.

Spider Blast The War-arach is granted a final gift by spindly patrons, the ability to perform a Spider Blast. Doing so results in a blast which does four fewer dice of damage, and a struck target is immediately enveloped in a fiendish spider swarm, taking eldritch blast damage, and then taking swarm damage for that turn. The War-arach may then control that swarm as he'd cast Insect Plague.

Spider Sphere
Granted Ability: Climb speed equal to land speed, unhindered by mundane and magical webs, and move along them in any direction, dimension or orientation with no climb or balance checks.
1st: Lesser Spider Form (Can become a Small or Large fiendish spider at 5th, Tiny or Huge at 9th, Diminutive or Gargantuan at 13th, Fine or Colossal at 17th. At 9th you also gain the option of becoming a Drider, as the spell Dridershape.)
3rd: Spider Plague (as Insect Plague, but summons 1 spider swarm/2 levels)
5th: Spiderskin
7th: Doom Spiders (as Doom Scarabs, but the creatures resemble spiders. Also, you do receive hp from creatures without SR. I don’t know why not having SR protects targets from being healing for you)
9th: Call Spider Horde (as Call Dretch/Lemure Swarm, but summons fiendish spiders. You may call 3d4 fiendish medium spiders, or 1d4 fiendish large spiders)
11th: Bebilith Blessing
13th: Alert Bebilith (Flip results for 9 or lower and 13-18. Bebilith will not attack caster or his allies. Omit caster and allies from the effect of results, and bebilith will defend caster from the demon if a result indicates the demon attacks.)
15th: Phase Door
17th: Spyder (Eye of Power, save that it creates a glowing blue spider. It crawls rather than flies, and has a speed of 20 ft.)
19th: Shapechange (Spiderkind only)
Web Sphere
Granted Ability: You can spin a web as a Monstrous Spider of your size, and you are unhindered by webs, whether mundane or magical. Most drow (about 60% in a typical spider-oriented drow culture) find you strangely attractive, and therefore have a beginning attitude one step higher than what it would be normally.
1st: Entangling Webs (as Entangle, but Conjuration, and creates a thick mass of webbing on the ground)
3rd: Web
5th: Barbed Web (as Briar Web, but Conjuration, and creates a mass of razor sharp and spiked webbing on the ground)
7th: Anticipate Teleport
9th: Fiery Grappling Web (Conjures a mass of webs inhabited by fiendish spiders. Functionally identical to Daltim’s Fiery Tentacles)
11th: Choking Cobwebs
13th: Wall of Webs (as Wall of Iron, but dense webbing. Freedom of movement, and any ability to move unhindered through webbing treats this spell’s effect as mundane webs)
15th: Trap the Soul
17th: Maze
19th: Imprisonment

Feat: Spidersight [Fiend]
Spiders definitely tell you what's up.
Benefit: You have large, spideresque eyes covering a large part of the crown of your head. You have a +4 circumstance bonus to Spot and Search, and cannot be flanked.

For the sake of completion and simplicity, Spider Kind:
Spider Kind
The following creatures are considered Spider Kind:
  • Underdark
  • Arachnoid Creature

    Drow of the Underdark
  • Chwidencha
  • Draegloth
  • Shunned

    Monster Manual 1
  • Aranea
  • Bebilith
  • Drider
  • Ettercap
  • Phase Spider
  • Retriever
  • Spider Swarm
  • Monstrous Spiders (along with all other monstrous spiders in other books, obviously)

    Monster Manual 2
  • Clockwork Horrors
  • Meenlock
  • Neogi
  • Shadow Spider
  • Spell Weaver
  • Spellgaunt

    Monster Manual 3
  • Chelicera
  • Web golem
  • Harpoon Spider
  • Lhosk

    Monster Manual 4
  • Bloodsilk Spider
  • Inferno Spider
  • Lolth-touched Creature
  • Tomb Spider
  • Tomb Spider Broodswarm
  • Web Mummy

    Monsters of Faerun
  • Chitine
  • Choldrith
  • Demon, Yochlol
  • Myrlochar
  • Subterranean Spiders

  • Lolth (Yes, you can communicate with Lolth regardless of languages and rebuke her, assuming you're seriously that high level. I don't even care. I think warlocks should totally be able to kick gods in the balls/ovaries)
Last edited by Prak on Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: (PrC) War-arach/Spider Sworn

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Prak_Anima wrote:In addition, the War-arach may make use of a Web Blast,
What does a Web Blast do? I can't find any mention of it anywhere else in the class.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Prak »

Yeah, I forgot to actually add it. It's basically the same idea as the Web Line eldritch essence invocation for the 3.5 compatible version, just changed to interact with the spherelock.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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