How many kids have a copy of their medical records or even fully understand anything they may have enough to tell someone else? Many times parents are there and do "al the work", which means a kid might not know a damn thing about their own health. this along with the abuse bit makes sense to me.Prak_Anima wrote:I've been seeing a good bit of parental knee jerk reactions online to this (and I can vividly imagine my own parents' opinion of the law).
How often do kids get a chance to talk to a doctor alone anyway? to ask the question THEY want answered rather than only what the parents (whoa re busy and don't have time to waste on silly questions) want to know.
i can bet most high school aged kid don't know a damn thing about their own health unless they have something very big like aspergers or epilepsy, or some of the other common bigger things.
to this day i have no idea what childhood illnesses i ahd because the medical records and doctor visits info was something for the paretns. who can we get kids to care about their lives, when they know nothing about them.
how many here at the ages in that pic knew anything about their medical history?
how many here know their blood type today?