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Post by Wiseman »

Half-Fiends are mortals filled with the power of the lower planes. This usually comes from a fiend mating with a mortal, though other times it can be the result of a magical ritual. A half-fiends (also called cambion, or alu-fiend if the parent was a seducer fiend like a succubus) have a variety of appearances, depending on the parentage or the specifics of the ritual. This can also alter their abilities.

A half-fiend is typically raised by the mother who gave birth to it, as the parents rarely stay together for long. If raised away from the lower planes, the child is usually an outcast (if they were not killed at birth), hated and feared by the community. If raised on the lower planes, they are typically abused and beaten as weakling half-breeds, always inferior to the full-blooded fiends. The combination of their heritage and upbringing leads many to become slaves to their evil nature. Other times a half-fiend rebels against the darkness within and becomes a champion of good.

The Half-Fiend is an acquired or inherited template that can be applied to any creature other than a non-native outsider.
Size and Type: Size is unchanged, Type becomes Spirit with the [Evil] and [Partial] subtypes. A half-fiend with 11HD or more gains the subtypes of their parent ([Baatezu], [Obyrith], [Ghereleth] [Yugoloth], [Loumara], or [Tanar'ri])
Armor Class: +1 bonus to natural armor (stacking with any other natural armor)
Speed: The Half-Fiend has a fly speed equal to twice their land speed with good maneuverability.
Attacks: A half fiend has two claws as primary natural weapons (1d6 for medium) and a bite (1d8) as a secondary weapon.
Special Attacks:
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the Half-Fiend may imbue their attack with the power of evil. They add their charisma to hit and their level to damage on one melee attack against a good creature. If the target turns out to not be evil, or the attack misses, the smite is not wasted.

Spell-Like Abilities: A half-fiend has the following spell-like abilities. They are usable 1/day except where indicated.

Spell-Like Abilities
HD Abilities
1-2 Protection from good 3/day, bane
3-4 Desecrate, Detect Good
5-6 Unholy Blight, Poison 3/day
7-8 Suggestion, Contagion
9-10 Dispel Good
11-12 Blasphemy
13-14 Unholy Aura 3/day, Unhallow
15-16 Horrid Wilting
17-18 Dark Reckoning
19-20 Apocalypse from the Sky

Deeper Darkness (Su): A half-fiend may use deeper darkness, at will, as a supernatural ability.

Special Qualities: Immunity to Poison, Resistance to Acid, Electricty and Fire 10, Spell-Resistance 10+HD. DR5/Good for 10HD or less, DR10/Good for 11+HD, Outsider Traits, +4 to saves against disease
Abilities: +4 to four ability scores, +2 to two other
Environment: Any
Alignment: Usually Evil (Any)
Cost: Two Magic Item Slots

Variant Half-Fiends:

Not all half-fiends have the same abilities. They may vary depending on the heritage.

Also called Alu-Fiends, they inherit their parents seductiveness and beauty.
Appearance: Very attractive. Typically has a long tail ending in a triangle or spade like tip.
Kiss of Death (Su): On a successful touch attack (or attack with their natural weapon) the half-succubus may deal one negative level. By kissing a target, they may deal a number of negative levels equal to half their HD (round up) (unwilling targets may make a grapple check to prevent this). The kiss also comes with a suggestion asking the target to accept another kiss. The half-succubus recovers 5 hp per negative level inflicted. (replaces smite good)

Alter Self (Su): The alu-fiend may use alter self at will, to take the form of whatever type the creature was before the application of the template and outsiders. (replaces Deeper Darkness).

Nealan's Erotic Touch 3/day (Replaces protection from good)

Detect Thoughts (Replaces Desecrate)

Charm Monster 3/Day (Replaces Poison)

Dream (Replaces Contagion)

Dominate Monster (replaces Horrid Wilting).

Bind Thrall (replaces Dark Reckoning)

Winds of Memory (replaces Apocalypse from the Sky)
Last edited by Wiseman on Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:29 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good)
Hit Dice: 18d8+180 (300hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 80ft. Fly 160ft. (good)
Armor Class: 42 (+6 deflection, +10 dexterity, +18 natural -2 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+35
Attack: +6 Holy Greatsword +36 (3d6+2d6[holy]+25+holy fire) or Slam +36 (2d6+2d6[holy]+25+holy fire)
Full Attack: +6 Holy Greatsword +37/+32/+32/+32 (3d6+2d6[holy]+25+holy fire) and 2 Slams +37 (2d6+2d6[holy]+25+holy fire) or Two Slams +37 (2d6+2d6[holy]+25+holy fire)
Space/Reach: 15ft./15ft.
Special Attacks: Holy Fire, Sacred Weaponry, Spells, Spell-Like Abilities, Fear of God
Special Qualities: Judgement, Glory, Purpose, Immortal Eyes, Immunity to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Petrification, Resistance to Fire and Light 20, SR33, Regeneration 10/Evil, DR10/Evil, Fast Healing 10
Saves: Fort +27 Reflex +27 Will +30
Abilities: Str 40 Dex 30 Con 31 Int 31 Wis 36 Cha 32
Environment: Any Good Aligned Plane
Organization: Solitary or Host (self plus one planetar plus three astral devas +20-50 malikim)
Challenge Rating: 18
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: Always Good (Any)
Advancement: By class level (Favored Classes: Cleric and Fighter)
Level Adjustment: +0

A terrifying creature stands before you, awe inspiring in it's radiance. It has four heads, a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle. Four wings spread from the creatures back, burning with divine flame. The creature also has four arms, two of which grip a massive greatsword burning with the same fire. The being's skin is golden, and it's entire body is covered in eyes from head to toe. It lowers it's self to your level and speaks from all four heads at once. "You who have called me here! What is thy purpose?"

Cherubim are among the most powerful of the celestials, leading large hosts of angels into battle against fiends from the front lines. On the outer planes, they act in their full glory, spreading terror among the forces of evil or protecting sacred sites. When joruneying or being called to the material plane, they typically take a form that resembles the mortals around it, knowing that their true form can be terrifying to those not accustomed to it.


Judgement (Su): An angel automatically knows the alignment of any creature it is aware of. This bypasses any attempts to conceal alignment it the caster level of the ability or CR of the creature is equal to or lower than the angels.

Purpose: An angel serves a deity or represents some great concept. All angels select two domains and gain their granted powers and access to their spells (up to a level equal to their CR/2+1) as spell-like abilities usable at will.

Glory (Ex): The Cherubim gains a sacred bonus to saves and a deflection bonus to AC equal to half it's charisma modifier. All allies within long range gain half this bonus.

Holy Fire (Su): An evil creature struck by the Cherubim's melee attacks or who strike the cherubim in melee must make a fort save (DC30) or become engulfed in holy flames. Such creatures take 5d6 damage per round that results directly from divine power, and is not subject to resistances, immunities or vulnerabilities. Evil undead and evil outsiders instead take 1d6/2CR of the Cherubim (normally 9d6). This repeats for 1 round/2CR of the Cherubim (normally 9). Evil outsiders are also dealt 1d4 negative levels in the first round, and then 1 more every round thereafter until the effect ends. The save need only be made once in a round and is Cha based. The only things that can end this effect prematurely are dispel magic or break enchantment effect (against CL18) or greater restoration.

Sacred Weaponry (Su): At the Cherubim's option any weapon, natural weapon, or unarmed attack it touches gains a +1 bonus per 3 levels of the weilder (round up) and the holy and flaming property (the Cherubim's own weapons are subject to this as well, though the flaming property is superseded by it's Holy Fire ability). This lasts for 24 hours.

Fear of God (Ex): A Cherubim radiates an aura of fear out to medium range. All evil creatures within this radius must succeed on a will save (DC30) or be panicked for 1 minute after which the save must be made again. Creatures of 8 CR or less instead cower for the same duration if they fail their saves.

Immortal Eyes (Ex): A cherubim is covered in eyes. This grants it all-around vision. It is also under constant true seeing and greater arcane sight effects that go out to line of sight.

Spells: Cherubim cast spells as a 15th level cleric with the Celestial and Good domains.

Spell-Like Abilities: Constant: Mind Blank, Death Ward, At Will: Abolishing Flames, Holy Smite, Holy Word, Greater Teleport (Self plus objects carried only), Plane Shift, Cure Critical Wounds, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Fear, Break Enchantment, Neutralize Poison, Dimensional Anchor, Telekinisis, Limited Wish, 1/day: Wish, Miracle, Divine Retribution, Heal
Last edited by Wiseman on Thu Sep 18, 2014 11:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+3 dex, +4 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+7
Attack: Mwk. Hammer +8 (1d6+3)
Full Attack: Mwk. Hammer +8 (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: N/A
Special Qualities: Levitate
Saves: Fort +7 Reflex +7 Will +7
Abilities: Str 16 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 16
Skills: Craft +13, Spot +10, Listen +10, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +10, Search +10, Knowledge (The Planes) +10, Knowledge (Local) +10, Knowledge (1 other) +10, Climb +10, Profession +10
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft), Endurance
Environment: Sigil
Organization: Solitary, Crew (2-8), or Cell (2-12)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Masterwork Tools
Alignment: Always True Neutral
Advancement: By Class Level: (Favored Class: Any)
Level Adjustment: +0

Tall, slender, and looking like the riddles they speak, the dabus are feared by some to be the true masters of Sigil, the hidden genius of her being. For others they are nothing but slaves that maintain Sigil’s mighty engines. Their thoughts literally fill the air when they pass, for the dabus’s speech is illusion shaped into pictures that mortals can then reshape into sounds – the dabus communicate not by word, but by the complicated structures of the rebus. These are the ultimate in thought-pictures, where symbols are chosen for the sounds made in a language, and the sounds are strung together to form words.

Sigil is their sole habitat, which they constantly build, cannibalizing one part to construct another. It is known their homes are in substructures far beneath the city, but few have seen them. They don’t care for visitors in their cramped workshops, and they mislead those who try to follow them home without permission.

The dabus claim to be organized into cells (if their rebuses are read correctly). Each cell has a duty in the city, though it is not tied to one place or skill. One day a member of a cell gathers the trash that blows out of the Great Bazaar. The next, it might be resetting cobbles near the Hive. Whatever guides them in their tasks, the dabus seem to always know what is expected of them. Each cell has 2d6 members.

All dabus are of the same sex, for the race appears to have no sex at all. There are no dabus young, yet they do seem to be able to replace those lost to accident or misadventure. No one is sure how they do so, but the best guess is that a new member is constructed from the merged illusions of the others, that the word-pictures take on real form, that what is written/spoken has reality for these creatures that translates into reality for others.

That leads to their strange speech, the most puzzling aspect of the dabus race. They have mouths and seem perfectly capable of speaking, but they never do. Instead, should they desire to communicate with some one not of their race, images of appear in the air. The images are the picture equivalents of sounds that match whatever language the onlooker speaks. When a dabus is excited, the rebuses can flicker by with dazzling speed.

There is no doubt the dabus have a role in Sigil. They are its cells, constantly repairing the body of the city. It is hard to imagine what would happen to Sigil without them, for no one really knows the full extent and workings of Sigil’s streets and furnaces.

The dabus are not combative creatures. They seek no battle, as destruction is not their role and purpose in life. Still, in a city like Sigil, avoiding combat is not always possible and the dabus will fight if they must. The dabus possess no special attacks. They can only fight normally, with swords, hand axes, or hammers – the latter two being tools they often have at the ready.

Hover (Ex): A dabus floats off the ground, in a manner similar to flight, save that it cannot hover higher than it's natural reach. A dabus is unimpeded by any sort of terrain provided as it is sufficiently level to not possess outcrops taller than its reach. Though they are in the air, they are not considered as such for effects that interact with that (like wind effects).
Last edited by Wiseman on Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Sand Giant
Size/Type: Large Giant [Earth]
Hit Dice: 12d10+96+12 (210hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50ft.
Armor Class: 30 (+2 dex, +19 natural, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+28
Attack: 2 +4 Flaming Burst Scimitars +27 (1d8+1d6[fire]+17) or Slam +21 (2d6+10) or Thrown Object +21 (1d8+10)
Full Attack: 2 +4 Flaming Burst Scimitars +27/+22/+22 (1d8+1d6[fire]+18) or 2 Slams +22 (2d6+10) or Thrown Object +22/+17/+17 (1d8+10
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Sand Form, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
Special Qualities: Giant Traits, Fire Resistance 15, DR10/-
Saves: Fort +16 Reflex +6 Will +8
Abilities: Str 30 Dex 14 Con 26 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 20
Feats: Weapon Focus Toughness Blood of Stone Diehard, Power Attack
Environment: Deserts
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Party (3-6), Sandstorm (7-15) or Tribe (20-60)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often Lawful Evil
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Fighter and Barbarian)
Level Adjustment: +0

In groups, some Sand Giants will take sand form while others will remain in their normal form, holding enemies down.

Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): A sand giant my fight with two weapons at no penalty, and may attack with both weapons at once as a standard action.

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Scimitar of Sand, Blast of Sand, Control Sand, 1/day: Sandstorm

Sand Form (Su): As a standard action, a sand giant may transform itself and it's equipment into living sand. The has the effects of a Gaseous Form save that the giants fly speed is twice it's land speed, it may burrow through sand at half it's land speed, it may lie settled on the ground blending in with normal sand, and any creature whose square it passes through takes 1d6/HD of the giant (normally 12d6), this does not affect other sand giants. It may not use it's spell like abilities while in this form.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 16d12+208 (340 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 120ft.
Armor Class: 40 (+10 dexterity, +21 natural, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +16
Attack: 2 Claw +35 (2d6+20) or Bite +35 (3d6+27+lycanthropy)
Full Attack: 2 Claw +35 (2d6+20) or Bite +35 (3d6+27+lycanthropy)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Frightful Howl, Spell-Like Abilities, Savage, Pounce, Maneuver-Like Abilities, Lycanthropy
Special Qualities: Blindsight 160ft. Scent 160ft. DR10/Silver, Regeneration 10/Silver, Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Light and Sonic Resistance 20, SR26, Vulnerability to Silver
Saves: Fort +23 Reflex +20 Will +13
Abilities: Str 40 Dex 30 Con 36 Int 20 Wis 26 Cha 30
Feats: Improved Natural Weapons, Power Attack, Track, Blood of Stone, Night Rage, Instinctive Tactics
Environment: BEHIND YOU!
Organization: Solitary or Pack (Self plus numerous canine creatures)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often True Neutral
Advancement: 18+HD (Huge) 20+HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: -

Brachyurus are one of the most dangerous and powerful canine creatures, and are believed to be the creators of Lycanthropes.

Brachyurus speak Common, Sylvan and may communicate with any canine creature as if they shared a language.


Frightful Howl (Su): As a standard action, the Brachyurus may howl, all enemies within medium range must make a will save (DC28) or be panicked for 3d6 rounds. All allied creatures gain the benefit of Greater Heroism for 1 minute. This may only be used every 1d4 rounds.

Ravage (Ex): Anytime an enemy goes prone within the Brachyurus' melee reach, it may savage that opponent once as a free action for 16d6+30 damage and also force it to save or contract Lycanthropy.

Lycanthropy (Su): A creature who takes damage from the Brachyurus' bite or savage attack must make a Fort Save (DC30) or contract a Lycanthropy of the Brachyurus's choice. Against a helpless or willing creature, the Brachyurus may opt to have it's bite attack deal only one point of damage.

Pounce (Ex): If the Brachyurus charges an opponent, it may make four claw attacks and one bite attack.

Spell-Like Abilities: Constant: Air Walk, Greater Magic Fang, Spider Climb, At Will: Shadow Walk

Vulnerability to Silver (Ex): A Brachyurus takes maximum base damage from silver weapons and is sickened for 1 minute after being struck (ignoring any immunity to sickening it might have). This doesn't stack into nauseated.

Maneuver-Like Abilities: At Will: Claws of the Beast (Stance), Red Moon Claw (Strike), Sled Fang (Strike), Lunar Pack (Rush), Anger Overwhelming (Stance), Primal Bloodlust (Stance), 1/day: Throat Rip (Strike), Eye Pluck (Strike) Lunatic High (Boost), Torn Asunder (Strike), Madness in the Mind (Boost)
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Lycanthrope is a natural or acquired template that can be applied to any Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, Giant, or Native Outsider, though there are exceptions to this rule.
Size and Type: Size is unchanged. Gain the Shapechanger subtype.
Speed: Lycanthropes gain a +10 bonus to their land speed and swim speed (if they have one). In animal form, they gain +30. Weresharks (and similar) possess a swim speed equal to their land speed.
Armor Class: Lycanthropes have a +1 bonus to natural armor per 3 levels, rounded up.
Special Attacks:
Form Shift (Su): The lycanthrope may shift between their normal form and a bipedal hybrid form and a quadrupedal animal form as a standard action. While in either form, they have two claws attacks (1d6 for medium) and a bite attack (1d8 for medium). (Weresharks posses only a bite attack in animal form, though it's damage is 2d6 for medium). These natural weapons can be enchanted as a manufactured weapon could. On the night of the full moon, a lycanthropes transformation is forced. All three of a lycanthropes forms are considered to be it's natural form. Thus true seeing doesn't reveal anything and effects which revert creatures forms do not affect it (unless it specifically targets lycanthropes). A lycanthrope does not revert to any particular form upon death.
Lycanthropy (Su): A lycanthropes bite carries the curse upon it. An eligible creature bitten must make a fort save (DC10+1/2HD+Con) or contract lycanthropy themselves. Against a helpless or willing creature, a lycanthrope can deal only one point of damage with their bite attack (or whatever is the minimum amount that can hurt them within their damage range, in case they possess DR.)
Special Qualities:
Damage Reduction (Ex): Lycanthropes possess DR10/Silver in all three of their forms.
Regeneration (Ex): Lycanthrops have Regen 5/Silver in all three of their forms.
Scent (Ex): A lycanthrope possess scent out to 30feet, or 10 feet per level, whichever is greater.
Beast Tongue (Ex): A lycanthrope may speak to animals of the same kingdom as the animal they transform into and magical beasts as if they shared a language. Note that non-intelligent animals rarely have anything interesting to say.
Night-Sight (Ex): A lycanthrope has low-light vision, and dark vision out to 120 feet. or 10 feet per level, whichever is higher. This applies in all forms.
Vulnerability to Silver: A lycanthrope takes maximum base damage from silver weapons, and becomes sickened for 1 minute (ignoring any immunity to sickened. This does not stack into nauseated). The silver ignores any DR or Hardness the lycanthrope may possess, and the damage cannot be healed by fast healing or regeneration.
Abilities: Lycanthropes gain +4 to two of their physical ability scores, +2 to the third and +2 to wisdom. Which scores receive which bonuses are chosen when Lycanthropy is acquired, and cannot be changed afterwards. This applies in any form.
Skills: Lycanthropes receive a +4 racial bonus to Survival. They also receive a +4 bonus to four of the following skills and a +2 to the others: Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Swim. Which skills receive which bonuses are chosen when Lycanthropy is acquired and cannot be changed afterwards. These bonuses apply in any form and these skills are always considered class skills.
Feats: Lycanthropes receive Track as a bonus feat.
Environment: Any
Alignment: Any
Level Adjustment: Hmm...

A creature which contracts Lycanthropy is treated as cursed, meaning that it can be removed by anything that removes curses. They are also sickened (ignoring any immunity to such). They do not receive any of the benefits of the template. This lasts until the next full moon, when they automatically transform into hybrid form, and remain as such for it's duration. Once this happens, the template cannot be removed save by specific rituals or spells.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:02 am, edited 6 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by ACOS »

I quite late to the party on this, but ....
As I looked at the Frost Giant, I couldn't help but think that Ice Glide would be really cool (like Earth Glide, but through ice).

Just tossing that out there.

I'll be following this thread.
(and chime in with my 2 copper when stuff occurs to me)
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
- Robert E. Howard
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Post by Wiseman »

Queen Morwel
Alternative Names: Lady of the Lake, Queen of Stars, Faerie Queen
Symbol: Rose with butterfly wings
Portfolio: Beauty, Art, Performers, Dreams, Passion
Domains: Chaos, Dream, Good, Illusion, Lust, Salvation, Song, Trickery
Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Eladrin, Extraplanar, Good)
Hit Dice: 24d8+336 (528 hp)
Initiative: +19
Speed: 100ft. Fly 300ft. (Perfect)
Armor Class: 54
Base Attack/Grapple: +24/+37
Attack: Lightsaber +51 melee touch (2d8+2d6[holy]+2d6[chaotic]+1d6[fire]+1d6[shock]+16) or Prismatic Light Ray +43 (Varies)
Full Attack: Lightsaber +51/+46/+46/+46 melee touch (2d8+2d6[holy]+2d6[chaotic]+1d6[fire]+1d6[shock]+16) or Prismatic Light Ray +43/+38/+38/+38 (Varies)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Lightsaber, Song of Salvation, Alter Reality, Blinding Beauty, Evil Slaying Gaze,
Special Qualities: Perfect Eladrin, Godlike, Faerie Lord, Immunity to Electricity, Resistance to Acid and Cold 40, DR20/Evil or Lawful and Iron, Fast Healing 20, SR34
Saves: Fort +28 Reflex +33 Will +29
Abilities: Str 36 Dex 48 Con 38 Int 42 Wis 40 Cha 44
Environment: Olympian Glades of Arborea (Court of Stars)
Organization: Solitary or Court (Self plus any creatures the DM deems acceptable).
Challenge Rating: 24
Treasure: Anything the DM deems acceptable
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

The magical and mysterious heart of the eladrin lies in the Court of Stars, where the beautiful Queen Morwel reigns over her people. Morwel is sometimes called the Faerie Queen, the Lady of the Lake, or the Lady of Stars; she’s probably a demipower in her own right, and she’s surrounded by the brightest and most gracious of the eladrins. Her worshipers are typically artists or performers, and her temples often double as theaters, concert halls, brothels, or art galleries. The Court moves from place to place throughout Arborea, existing only where night falls over the realm. The Court of Stars isn’t really the government of the eladrins as much as it is the heart or spirit of the race.

The eladrins’re on good terms with the elven pantheon and the Greek pantheon, but they tend to keep to the wilds of Arborea. When the eladrins visit Olympus, they often assume the forms of petitioners or forest spirits, veiling their true nature. In the elven realms, the eladrins feel free to show themselves for what they are.

On rare occasions, the eladrins join with the aasimon who serve the Greek and elven powers when some profound evil threatens all of Arborea. But for the most part, they prefer powers be and govern their own affairs.


If Morwel is threatened, she immediately activates her Impossible Beauty and Evil-Slaying Gaze abilities, knowing that they may end fights almost instantly. Should that fail, she will transform into her globe form and assail them with rays of light and spell-like abilities. Only rarely does she actually fight in melee.

Alternate Form: As a swift action, Morwel may assume the form of a glowing sphere of shifting eldritch colors. All evil creatures who look upon this form must make a will save (DC39) or become fascinated. While in this form, she may not make weapon attacks, cast spells, sing, use her blinding beauty, or gaze attack, but may fly and use her Prismatic Light Rays. Morwel may use her spell-like abilities in both forms.

Alter Reality (Sp): Morwel has the ability to advance her portfolio. This is considered identical to the wish spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Morwel's portfolio or goals. Morwel may only use this ability once per minute.

Impossible Beauty (Su): When in humanoid form all creature who look upon Morwel must make a DC39 will save or be permanantly blinded. This affects other senses as well, those who hear Morwel's voice are deafened, those who smell Morwel suffer asnomia*, those who taste Morwel or succeed on a bite attack on her suffer aguesia*, and those who touch Morwel directly or strike her with natural weapons or unarmed attacks are numbed. Note that only creature with scent can smell her when not adjacent. Morwel can exclude creatures from this effect if she wishes.

Evil Slaying Gaze (Su): When in humanoid form, Morwel projects a gaze attack out to medium range. All evil creatures with a CR less than 20 must make a will save (DC39) or die. Success still leaves them shaken.

Faerie Lord (Su): Morwel is a primal force for good, and one of the greatest of her kind. As a result, she receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves and a +6 deflection bonus to AC (already included in her statistics block). Morwel also has maximum hit points per hit die.

Additionally, Arborea itself protects Morwel from any attempt to scry on her. Anyone that uses a divination effect on Morwel or the area within 1 mile of her must make a DC 39 Will save or become dazed for 1 round, and ending the effect automatically. Additionally, if the save is failed and Morwel wishes it, she can use an immediate action to transport herself over to the location of the user of the divination effect, even if it is on a different plane.

Godlike: Although Morwel is not a true deity, she has many of the powers of such. She can grant spells to clerics, and gives access to the domains. Her favored weapon is the lightsaber (or rapier if for whatever reason lightsabers aren't available in your setting :mad:) and her portfolio is banishing the ugliness of evil and sorrow, and spreading the beauty of good and joy.

Additionally, Morwel is immune to any attack that changes her form, and mind-affecting effects (Morwel may still alter her own form if she wishes).

Lastly, Morwel can burn off some of her essence to stop magic and other effects dead in their tracks. If Morwel is ever subject to a condition she does not wish to be (excluding hit point damage, disabled, dying, and death), she may sacrifice 10% of her hit points (normally 52) as a free action to be rid of the condition. She may do this even if the condition would normally prevent her from taking the action.

Lightsaber (Su): As a swift action, Morwel can conjure a lightsaber in her hand. This weapon deals 2d8 base damage, threatens on a 19-20 for x2 damage, has a +6 enhancement bonus (overridden by her Faerie Lord ability) has the Holy, Anarchic, Shocking, Flaming, and Vorpal traits. Additionally it resolves every attack as a touch attack.

Perfect Eladrin (Ex): Morwel is a perfect member of her species. This gives her immunity to electricity and petrification, resistance to Acid and Cold 40 and telepathy out to 1000ft. She may also assume the alternate form of any other Eladrin, in addition to her personal form, as a swift action.

Prismatic Light Ray (Su): In Globe Form, Morwel may fire her light rays as an attack action out to long range. She may choose any color from this list, and change it between each attack. All save DC's are Cha based (DC39). In addition to the color effect, each creature struck is subject to a targeted Greater Dispel Magic effect at CL20.
Red: 240 points of fire damage. (reflex half)
Orange: Permanantly paralyzed (fort negates)
Yellow: Petrified (fort negates)
Green: Feebleminded (will negates)
Blue: 240 points of cold damage (fort half)
Indigo: Dominated (will negates)
Violet: Sent to another plane of Morwel's choosing (Will negates)

Song of Salvation (Ex): As a swift action, Morwel can begin to sing. All allied creatures within long range gain the effect of a Greater Heroism and Holy Aura, along with fast healing 5. All evil creatures are shaken (this doesn't stack with other fear effects), and must save or be fascinated until Morwel stops singing. This takes a swift action to maintain on subsequent rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: All spells of her domains at will, with the level 8 spells being usable 2/day and the level 9 1/day plus At Will: Telekinisis, Greater Teleport, Mass Charm Monster, Greater Plane Shift, Limited Wish

*Thank you Google!
Last edited by Wiseman on Tue May 31, 2016 6:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Zeir »

So, if Morwel is the Lady of the Lake, is Excalibur a lightsaber?
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Post by Wiseman »

sure why not?
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Vampire is an aquired or inherited template that can be applied to any creature of level 6 or higher, other than a Plant, Elemental, Construct, Undead, Ooze, or Fey.
Size and Type: Type changes to Undead with the [Dark Minded] and [Unliving] subtypes and gains it's previous type as an augmented subtype. Size is unchanged.
Speed: Same as base creature +10. At will as a standard action the vampire may sprout bat wings, giving it a fly speed equal to twice it's land speed with Good maneuverability.
Armor Class: The Vampire gains a +1/3 levels (round up) natural armor class.
Attack: The vampire gains two primary claw attacks (1d6+str for medium). These can be used to make iterative attacks, and may be enchanted like a normal weapon can.
Special Attacks:
Blood Drain (Ex): If the vampire succeeds on a grapple check against an opponent or if they are helpless or willing, it may deal 1d4+2 points of con damage against them with a bite. The vampire heals 5 hp for each point of Con damage dealt and gains the benefit of Good Hope for 10 minutes (ignoring it's immunity to morale effects). If the vampire is at full HP it gains the HP as temporary hit points up to a maximum of it's normal HP total that lasts for 1 hour. A vampire need's to consume 10 points of Constitution in blood every week from sapient creatures (though this can be gathered from multiple sources). If this is not met, the vampire becomes fatigued and Headached. Three days after this they become exhausted and migraned, and three days after that they fall unconscious until blood is reintroduced to their system. 1 point worth will awaken them, though they are still exhausted and migraned. 12 points will cure their exhaustion and migrane, and then another 12 points will cure their fatigue and headache. If these conditions are not removed in the same time it took the vampire to gain them, they will slip one further down the track. All these conditions ignore any immunities the vampire might have.
Blood Charges (Ex): Any blood a vampire drinks in excess of their need to feed is added to a pool of Blood Points. A vampire has a number of blood points equal to it's level multiplied by the higher of it's Str or Cha scores. By spending Blood Points it can activate special abilities. Spending BP is normally a free action. If not spent, BP dissipates at a rate of 1 per day.
Stave Hunger (Ex): By spending a BP it may reduce it's need to feed by 1 con point. If reduced to zero it is counted as having completely fed for that week. Each such point also heals it by 5 hp (going into temporary HP like blood drain).
Boost Abilities (Su): By spending 1 BP a vampire may add 1d6 damage to it's natural or weapon attacks for 1 minute. It may spend up to it's level/3 (round up) blood points on this. For example, a level 8 vampire could spend 3 charges for an extra 3d6 damage. They may also boost their speed, spending 1 BP for 10 feet to their land speed. They may spend up to a number of BP equal to their level on boosted speed, and it lasts for 10 minutes.
Enhance Magic (Ex): The vampire may spend blood points to add the effects of any metamagic feat it knows to a spell it can cast. The vampire must spend a number of BP equal to 3x the level increase of the spell, and the level of the spell were the metamagic to be used normally must still be within a level the vampire can cast. The augmented spell still only spends a spell slot of it's regular level.
Create Spawn (Su): If the vampire reduces a creature of CR5 or less to 0 Con with it's blood drain attack, it may transform that creature into a Vampire Spawn or Ghoul under it's control. If the vampire or the victim has the aquatic or water subtype, they may create Lacedon as well. If the victim of 6CR or higher was killed by it's blood drain attack it may transform that creature into a Vampire (that is not under it's control, to gain control of created Vampires, one would need the Path of Blood feat). The vampire may communicate telepathically with any creature it controls, and by concentrating may sense anything they can. Creating a Ghoul costs 5 BP. Creating a Vampire Spawn costs 10 BP. Creating a Vampire costs BP equal to twice the victims original Con score.
Energy Drain (Su): Any creature dealt damage by the vampire's claw attack gains a negative level. At the vampires option, they may make two touch attacks in place of their claw attacks to deal negative levels, and also can deal 1 negative level a round to anything they grapple (though they usually don't, preferring to use blood drain instead). This costs 1 BP per round to maintain.
Alternate Form (Su):A Vampire may transform into a bat, dire bat, legendary bat, wolf, dire wolf, legendary wolf, rat, dire rat, legendary rat or bat swarm. Anytime it deals damage with it's bite attack (or swarm in case of the bat swarm) it drains blood dealing 2 points of Con damage. Any of these forms fly speeds are replaced by the vampire's normal speed if it is better. The Bat and Rat forms cost 3 BP. The Wolf and Dire Rat forms cost 5 BP. The Dire Wolf and Legendary Rat form costs 7 BP, and the Dire Bat and Bat Swarm forms cost 10 BP. The legendary Wolf and Bat forms cost 15BP.
Gaseous Form (Su): A vampire may assume gaseous form (as the spell) at will, save that it's fly speed is 20 feet. This costs 5BP.
Children of the Night (Su): A Vampire may summon bat or rat swarms or dire wolves as a full round action. The vampire may only have one type of swarm active at once and only 5 of that swarm or instead 10 dire wolves. These creature serve the Vampire for 1 hour or until slain or dismissed. The Vampire may also create a Dominate Animal effect limited to bats, rats and wolves (and dire/templated/legendary/swarm versions thereof). The Vampire may sense anything it's controlled subjects can and there are no limits on orders that can be given or range once control is established. The dominate animal effect costs 5BP. Summoning a Swarm costs 5 BP per swarm. Summoning dire wolves costs 3 BP per wolf.
Modify Memory (Sp): A vampire may use Modify Memory at will as a spell-like ability with instantaneous duration. This costs 3 BP.
Charm Gaze (Su): The vampire may create a charm monster on a creature within close range, at a caster level equal to the vampires level. At 10th level the Vampire may also use dominate monster as well, though it can't have any more dominated targets with this ability than half it's level. If a creature successfully saves against either of these abilities, it can't be affected by that same ability again for 24 hours. Charm Monster costs 7BP. Dominate Monster Costs 15 BP.
Special Qualities:
Damage Reduction: A vampire has DR10/Silver or Wood. A vampire's natural weapons are treated as magic for overcoming damage reduction.
Regeneration (Ex): A vampire possesses Regeneration 5/Silver or Wood. It can regenerate lost limbs in 3d6 rounds, or immediately if it is held to the stump. If slain it automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape by any means available to it. It must reach its home within 2 hours (it can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours by flying). After this, for every minute, it looses 1BP. Once it is out of BP it is destroyed. Any additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a vampire is helpless and loses all BP. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing as normal. The vampire does not assume gaseous form and is instead desrtroyed if it is killed by a wooden or silver weapon, sunlight, light damage, Turn Undead, or any other effect that specifically causes instant death/destruction to undead.
Resistances: A vampire possesses Cold and Electricity resistance 10.
Scent: The vampire has scent out to 30ft. or 10 feet per level, whichever is greater.
Spider Climb (Ex): As the spell, constant, the vampire needs to only keep it's feet in contact with the surface, leaving it free to use it's hands.
See in Darkness (Ex): A vampire can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even magical darkness.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A vampire has +4 turn resistance, this in increased by +1/3 levels.
Vulnerability to Light: A vampire is blinded for 1 round upon entering areas of bright light, and dazzled for as long as it remains in that area. It takes 50% extra damage from light effects, and is also dazzled for 5 rounds. While in actual sunlight, it takes 1d6 damage, loses 5 BP, and is staggered and occluded. The damage increases by one die for every round it remains in the sun and can't be healed by it's fast healing or regeration until it is out of the sun and resting in it's coffin or grave, or equivalent.
Vulnerability to Silver and Wood: A vampire takes maximum base damage from weapons made of silver or wood and can be critically hit normally by such weapons. Also they loose 10 BP each time they are struck by such a weapon.
Abilities: Str +4 Dex +4, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +4
Skills: A vampire gains a +4 racial bonus to four the following skills and +2 to the others. Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot.
Cost: 3 magic item slots
Last edited by Wiseman on Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:53 pm, edited 30 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Medium Spirit/Construct Master (Biomechanical, Extraplanar, Lawful, Modron)
Hit Dice: 12d8+72 (150hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 40ft. Swim 40ft.
Armor Class: 25 (+6 dexterity +9 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+17
Attack: Tentacle Whip +21 (1d8+2d6[lawful]+7)
Full Attack: Tentacle Whip +21 (1d8+2d6[lawful]+7)
Space/Reach: 5ft./15ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Spells, Tentacle Whip, Improved Grab, Constrict
Special Qualities: Immunity to Mind Affecting, subdual damage, negative levels, and ability damage and drain, All-Around Vision, DR10/Chaotic, SR22, Resistance to Fire Cold and Electricity 20,
Saves: Fort +13 Reflex +14 Will +14
Abilities: Str 24 Dex 22 Con 20 Int 26 Wis 22 Cha 24
Feats: Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Environment: Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus
Organization: Solitary or Squad
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: No Coins or Goods, Standard Items
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: +0

The decatons are the lowest order of officials found in modron society. They oversee the base modrons’ physical welfare and serve as the voice of the greater powers to the working class. One decaton is assigned to each of the realm’s sixty-four sectors and reports directly to the sector nonaton. Each sector decaton has a personal staff consisting of 5 pentadrones, 16 quadrones, 81 tridrones, 256 duodrones, and 1,728 monodrones, all reporting to their respective superiors in this chain of command. Each of the remaining thirty-six decatons serves on the staff of one of the modron armies.


Spells: A decaton casts spells as an 10th level cleric, choosing from Primus' Domains.

Tentacle Whip (Ex): A decaton fights with it's tentacles. As a standard action, it makes an attach against every creature within it's reach (roll once and compare to every creature). For every point which it's attack roll exceeds it's enemies ac it adds an extra 1d6+1 damage onto it's attack (to a maximum of 10d6+10).

Improved Grab (Ex): If a decaton successfully strikes a creature with it's tentacle whip, it may start a grapple as a free action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. If it successfully grapples, it can constrict for 5d6+5 points of damage. While it is grappling a creature, it cannot use that tentacle in it's tentacle whip attack, reducing the amount of extra dice of damage by 1 per tentacle in use.

Spell-Like Abilties: At will: Orders Wrath, Protection from Chaos, Detect Chaos, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Teleport (Self plus objects carried only), Remove Disease, Remove Curse, Neutralize Poison, Clairaudiance/Clairvoyance, Greater Command 1/day: Heal, Wall of Force, Shield of Law
Last edited by Wiseman on Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Vampire Spawn
Vampire spawn are lesser vampires, created from weaker creatures by a true vampire. They typically have a more feral appearance, and are little more than extensions of their masters will.
Vampire spawn is an aquired template that can be applied to any creature of level 5 or lower, other than an Elemental, Construct, Undead, Ooze, or Fey.
Size and Type: Type becomes Undead with the [Dark Minded] and [Unliving] subtypes, it gains it's previous type as an augmented subtype.
Attack: The vampire spawn gains two primary claw attacks (1d6+str for medium). These can be used to make ieterative attacks, and may be enchanted like a normal weapon can.
Special Attacks:
Blood Drain (Ex): If the vampire spawn succeeds on a grapple check to pin an opponent or if they are helpless or willing, it may deal 1d4 points of con damage against them with a bite. The vampire heals 5 hp for each point of Con damage dealt and gains the benefit of Good Hope for 1 minute (ignoring it's immunity to morale effects). If the vampire spawn is at full HP it gains the HP as temporary hit points up to a maximum of half it's normal HP total that lasts for 1 hour. A vampire spawn need's to consume 1 point of constitution in blood every month. If this is not met, the spawn becomes fatigued. Three days after this they become exhausted, and three days after that they fall unconscious until blood is reintroduced to their system. All these conditions ignore any immunities the spawn might have.
Create Spawn (Su): If the vampire spawn reduces a creature of CR5 or less to 0 Con with it's blood drain attack, it may transform that creature into a Vampire Spawn or Ghoul under it's master's control. If the vampire spawn or the victim has the aquatic or water subtype, they may create Lacedon as well. If the victim of 6CR or higher was killed by it's blood drain attack it may transform that creature into a Vampire under it's master's control. If the vampire spawn has no master, the newly created creature is free-willed.
Energy Drain (Su): Any creature dealt damage by the vampire spawn's claw attacks gains a negative level. At the vampires option, they may make two touch attacks in place of their claw attacks to deal negative levels, and also can deal 1 negative level a round to anything they grapple (though they usually don't, preferring to use blood drain instead).
Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a vampire spawn can assume gaseous form at will as the spell, but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.
Charm Gaze (Su): The vampire spawn may create a charm monster as a standard action gaze attack, at a caster level equal to the vampires level. Once used this can't be used again for 1 hour. If a creature successfully saves against either of these abilities, it can't be affected again for 24 hours.
Alternate Form (Su): A Vampire Spawn may transform into a bat and back as a standard action.
Special Qualities:
Damage Reduction: A vampire spawn has DR5/Silver or Wood. A vampire's natural weapons are treated as magic for overcoming damage reduction.
Fast Healing (Ex): A vampire spawn possesses fast healing 2. It can regenerate lost limbs in 5d6 rounds, or immediately if it is held to the stump.
Metamorphosis: Should a vampire spawn rise above 5th level, they transform into a fully fledged vampire.
Resistances: A vampire spawn possesses Cold and Electricity resistance 10.
Scent: The vampire spawn has scent out to 30ft.
Spider Climb (Ex): As the spell, constant.
See in Darkness (Ex): A vampire spawn can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even magical darkness.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A vampire spawn has +2 turn resistance.
Vulnerability to Light: A vampire is blinded for 1 round upon entering areas of bright light, and dazzled for as long as it remains in that area. It takes 50% extra damage from light effects, and is also dazzled for 5 rounds. While in actual sunlight, it takes 1d6 damage and is staggered. This damage increases by one die for every round it remains in the sun and can't be healed by it's fast healing until it is out of the sun and resting in it's coffin or grave, or equivalent.
Vulnerability to Silver and Wood: A vampire spawn takes maximum base damage from weapons made of silver or wood, and can be critically hit normally by such weapons.
Abilities: Str +2 Cha +2
Skills: Vampire spawn have a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.
Environment: Any
Alignment: Any
Level Adjustment: Hmm...
Last edited by Wiseman on Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:23 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Yugoloth)
Hit Dice: 13d8+117 (200 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 40ft. Fly 100ft. (Good)
Armor Class: 31 (+5 dexterity, +17 natural, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +13
Attack: +5 Unholy Terror Scythe +27 (2d6+2d6[unholy]+20+negative level)
Full Attack: +5 Unholy Terror Scythe +27/+22/+22 (2d6+2d6[unholy]+20+negative level)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Draining Strike, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Immunity to Acid, Resistance to Fire, Cold, and Electricty 20, Styx Immunity, SR23 DR10/Good and Wood
Saves: Fort +18 Reflex +16 Will +19
Abilities: Str 27 Dex 20 Con 28 Int 26 Wis 26 Cha 28
Feats: Quicken Spell-Like Ability x2, Weapon Focus, Improved Initiative Wave Strike
Environment: Gray Waste of Hades
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: Double Standard plus Ring of Resistance +3
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Advancement: ...
Level Adjustment: +0

Thanaloths are fiends with power over death and darkness. They stalk the Gray Waste hunting down planewalkers to kill and animate as an undead. Other times they travel to the Prime Material and create cults of necromancy bent on conquest.


Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Greater Teleport, Produce Flame, Telekinesis, Invisibility, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Persistent Image, Crushing Despair, Fireball, Enervation, Lightning Bolt, Deeper Darkness, Suggestion, Control Water, Confusion, Plane Shift, Nightmare, Animate Dead, Create Undead, Command Undead, Fear, Blacklight, Spectral Vanish, Gravehorde Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass Inflict Serious Wounds 3/day: Quickened Greater Teleport, Quickened Telekinisis 1/day: Control Undead, Finger of Death, Harm, Bonetitan Frame

Draining Strike (Su): Each time the Thanaloth hits with a melee attack, it deals 1 negative level. At it's option, it may make two touch attacks to deal negative levels. Additionally, it deals one negative level per round to anyone it grapples with.

Styx Immunity (Ex): A Thanaloth is immune to the memory draining effects of the River Styx.

Glut the Maw of Death (Ex): The Thanaloth is healed by negative energy in addition to being healed by positive energy. Whenever it is subjected to a death effect, it heals 10HP per caster level of the effect (use CR of the creature if it doesn't have a caster level) instead of whatever would normally occur. Whenever subjected to a negative level it instead heals 5HP per negative level that would have been affected.

Aura of Blasphemous Power (Su): A yugoloth radiates an aura of pure evil. The area within close range of it is subject to an Unhallow effect. The parameters of the spell (which spell is attuned, who is affected) may be changed as a move-equivilant action. The yugoloth may supress this aura if it wishes.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Alternative Names: Celestial Scholar, The Seer, Bringer of Knowledge, Timereaver
Symbol: A book surrounded by light
Portfolio: Magic used for good, Learning and Teaching, Preparing for the Future,
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Sacrosanct, Time,
Size/Type: Large Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 22d8+220 (380 hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 100ft. Fly 200ft.
Armor Class: 50 (+13 robe of the archmagi, +6 deflection, +5 insight, +16 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+36
Attack: +6 Large Holy Flaming +40 Quarterstaff (1d8+2d6[holy]+1d6[fire]+18) and +6 Large Holy Frost +40 Quarterstaff (1d8+2d6[holy]+1d6[cold]+18)
Full Attack: +6 Large Holy Flaming +40/+35/+35/+35 Quarterstaff (1d8+2d6[holy]+1d6[fire]+18) and +6 Large Holy Frost +40/+35/+35/+35 Quarterstaff (1d8+2d6[holy]+1d6[cold]+18)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Celestial Knowledge, Heavenly Seer,
Saves: Fort +23 Reflex +23 Will +28
Abilities: Str 30 Dex 30 Con 30 Int 50 Wis 40 Cha 40
Feats: Quicken Spell, Extend Spell, Empower Spell, Chain Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Sculpt Spell,
Environment: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia (Venya)
Organization: Expedition (Erathaol plus any creatures the DM deems acceptable)
Challenge Rating: 22
Treasure: Scholars Tool plus anything the DM deems acceptable
Alignment: Lawful Good
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -
Erathaol is one of the Hebdomad, the ruling council of archons and oversees Celestia's third mountain, Venya. He makes his home in the celestial library Xiranthador, where archons work to record all the knowledge of the multiverse. Erathaol's worshipers are mostly wizards and archivists.


Alter Reality (Sp): Erathaol has the ability to advance his portfolio. This is considered identical to the wish spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Erathaol's portfolio or goals. Erathaol may only use this ability once per minute.

Aura of Menace (Su): Whenever Erathaol fights or gets angry, a righteous aura surrounds him and emanates out to medium range. All hostile creatures within this radius must make a will save (DC38) or suffer the effects of a Greater Bestow Curse (effect of Erathaol's choosing). The save DC is Cha based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Godlike: Although Erathaol is not a true deity, he has many of the powers of such. He can grant spells to clerics, and gives access to the Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Sacrosanct and Time domains. His favoured weapon is the staff and his portfolio is the spread of knowledge.

Additionally, Erathaol is immune to any attack that changes his form, mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain and energy drain (Erathaol may still alter his own form if he wishes).

Lastly, Erathaol an burn off some of his essence to stop magic and other effects dead in their tracks. If he is ever subject to a condition he does not wish to be (excluding hit point damage, disabled, dying, and death), he may sacrifice 10% of his hit points (normally 38) as a free action to be rid of the condition. She may do this even if the condition would normally prevent her from taking the action.

Heavenly Seer (Ex): Erathaol is always gazing into the future. He is under a permanent Foresight effect at CL20. This ignores immunity to divination effects if the caster level of the effect or the CR of the creature is less than 20.

Indelible Imprint (Ex): If a member of the Hebdomad is slain, all creatures who brought harm upon them in the last 24 hours are marked with a symbol (no save). This symbol glows brightly (giving off light like a torch). No effect can conceal this mark. All evil creatures who can see this mark are automatically one step friendlier to the bearer (to a maximum of fanatic) while all good creatures are one step less friendly (to a maximum of hostile). This is only an initial attitude. Additionally, all creatures with the [Good] subtype within one mile of the bearer are automatically alerted to their presence and which member of the Hebdomad they have slain. No known abilities can remove this mark.

Omniscient (Ex): Erathaol is a living embodiment of learning and knowledge. He automatically knows anything successful a knowledge check could tell him.

Paragon of Heaven (Su): Erathaol is a primal force for good, and one of the greatest of his kind. As a result, he receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves and a +6 deflection bonus to AC (already included in his statistics block). Erathaol also has maximum hit points per hit die.

Additionally, Celestia itself protects Erathaol from any attempt to scry on him. Anyone that uses a divination effect on Erathaol or the area within 1 mile of him must make a DC 36 Will save or become dazed for 1 round, and ending the effect automatically. Additionally, if the save is failed and Erathaol wishes it, he can use an immediate action to transport himself over to the location of the user of the divination effect, even if it is on a different plane.

Lastly, Erathaol's very presence is a blessing on the surrounding area. He radiates a consecrate spell effect to a radius of twenty miles, and the innermost mile of this is subject to an hallow effect instead, both at caster level 20th.

Perfect Archon (Ex): Erathaol is a perfect member of his species. This gives him immunity to electricity and petrification and telepathy out to 1000ft. He may use his Greater Teleport ability as an immediate action in addition to any other uses, and may use a supernatural Greater Plane Shift as a standard action. Additionally, his aura of menace is so powerful that it affects creatures in Long range, and the penalties are doubled The save DC for this aura is 38.

Spell-Like Abilities: All spells of his domains at will, with the level 8 spells being usable 2/day and the level 9 1/day. Plus At Will: Dream, Telekinisis, Limited Wish. (CL22)

Spells: Erathaol casts spells as both an 20th level Wizard and an 20th level Archivist.

Erathaol's Equipment
Scholars Tool: This quarterstaff has different enchantments on both ends. One end has the holy and flaming burst enchantment, while the other has the holy and freezing burst enchantment. It has a +6 enhancement bonus (although this is overridden by Erathaol's Paragon of Heaven ability] Additionally if the wielder wishes, any creature struck by this weapon must make a will save (10+1/2HD+Cha [normally 36]) or fall under a feeblemind effect. Also by touching (or striking) a creature with the staff, the bearer may enter the mind of the victim and read their thoughts as if by Probe Thoughts, save that they may ask 10 questions immediately every strike or touch.

Erathaol's Worshipers
Worshipers of Erathaol tend to distance themselves from society, living in towers and studying arcane and eldritch texts and books of prophecy to enhance their knowledge and ready themselves for future strife.
Last edited by Wiseman on Tue May 31, 2016 7:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire, Genie)
Hit Dice: 10d8+50 (100hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 60ft. Fly 60ft. (Perfect)
Armor Class: 28 (+3 dex, +3 shield, +13 natural, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+16
Attack: +3 Keen Scimitar +21 (1d8+3d6+3+9) or Slam +18 (1d8+3d6+3+6)
Full Attack: +3 Keen Scimitar +21/+16 (1d8+3d6+3+9) or Slam +18 (1d8+3d6+3+6)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Burn, Change Size, Plane Shift,
Special Qualities: Telepathy to Medium Range, Change Shape, Elemental Tolerance
Saves: Fort +12 Reflex +10 Will +12
Abilities: Str 26 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 13 Wis 16 Cha 20
Feats: Power Attack, Pyrokinisis, Iron Will
Environment: Elemental Plane of Fire
Organization: Solitary, company (2-4), band (6-15) or force (10-40)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: +3 Keen Scimitar, +3 Breastplate, +1 Steel Shield, Double Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: By class level (Favored Classes: Fire Mage and Genie)
Level Adjustment: hmm...

The efreet (singular: efreeti) are genies from the Elemental Plane of Fire. They are enemies of the djinn and attack them whenever they are encountered. A properly summoned or captured efreeti can be made to fulfill three wishes. Efreet are not willing servants and seek to pervert the intent of their masters by adhering to the letter of their commands. The efreet are said to be made of basalt, bronze, and solid flames. They are massive, solid creatures.

Efreet are infamous for their hatred of servitude, desire for revenge, cruel nature, and ability to beguile and mislead. The efreet’s primary home is their great citadel, the fabled City of Brass, but there are many other efreet outposts throughout the plane of Fire.

An efreet outpost is a haven for numerous efreet and is run as a military station to watch or harass others in the plane. These outposts are run by a malik or vali of maximum normal hit points. There is a 10% chance that the outpost is also providing a temporary home for jann or dao (the only other genies efreet tolerate). Outpost forces are usually directed against incursions from the elemental plane of Air, but they can be directed against any travelers deemed suitable for threats, robbery, and abuse.

The efreet are ruled by a grand sultan who makes his home in the City of Brass. He is advised by a variety of beys, amirs, and maliks concerning actions within the plane, and by six great pashas who deal with efreet business on the Prime Material plane.

The City of Brass is a huge citadel that is home to the majority of efreet. It hovers in the hot regions of the plane and is often bordered by seas of magma and lakes of glowing lava. The city sits upon a hemisphere of golden, glowing brass some 40 miles across. From the upper towers rise the minarets of the great bastion of the Sultan’s Palace. Vast riches are said to be in the palace of the sultan. The city has an efreet population that far outnumbers the great cities of the Prime Material plane.


Fire Mastery (Ex): When fighting opponents who are on fire or wielding flaming weapons, or located in environments above 120 degrees in temperature, the Efreeti gains a +3 Bonus to attack and damage, has the Edge, and enemies take a -3 penalty to attack and damage against it.

Burn (Ex): An efreeti deals an extra 1d6/3 CR damage with any melee attack. Any creature that comes into direct contact with the efreeti also takes this damage. The efreeti can supress this ability if it wishes.

Change Size (Su): At will an efreeti can magically change a creature’s size. This works just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell (the efreeti chooses when using the ability), except that the ability can work on any creature. A fort save (DC20) negates the effect. When used on the efreeti, it may shift anywhere between large and tiny size with all the normal effects.

Change Shape (Su): As a standard action, an efreeti may transform into any humanoid, monstrous humanoid or animal.

Fire Form (Su): At will as a standard action, the efreeti may transform itself into a cloud of blazing fire with a radius anywhere from 10-40 feet (which may be changed as a swift action) or back to it's physical form. It gains the [Swarm] subtype. Creatures within this cloud have their vision blocked as per Fog Cloud and in addition take 5d6 points of fire damage.

Psi-Like Abilities: At Will: Energy Ray (Fire only),
1/Minute: Energy Wave (Fire only), Energy Bolt (Fire only),

Spell-Like Abilities: At will: Produce Flame, Permanent Image, Pyrotechnics, Invisibility, Scorching Ray, Chaos Blaze, Erupting Firebolt, Wall of Fire, Widened Fireball, Burning Hands, Blades of Fire, Body Blaze, Control Temperature (hotter only), Fire Flash, Fire Seeds, Fire Shield (warm only), Flaming Sphere, 3/day: Wish 1/day: Solar Window

Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, a genie may Plane Shift to any Inner, Transitive or Prime Material planes.

Elemental Tolerance (Ex): A genie is immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane it is on.
Last edited by Wiseman on Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:10 pm, edited 13 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Mind Flayer
Size/Type: Medium Abberation (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (50hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft.
Armor Class: 22 (+4 natural +8 inertial armor)
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6
Attack: Tentacle +6 (1d6+improved grab)
Full Attack: 4 Tentacles +6 (1d6+improved grab)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft. (10ft. with tentacles)
Special Attacks: Mind Blast, Psi-Like Abilities, Piercing Mind
Special Qualities: Telepathy, Mindsight, SR18
Saves: Fort +3 Reflex +2 Will +15
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 23 Wis 24 Cha 20
Feats: Iron Will, Speed of Thought, Narrow Mind
Environment: Any Land or Underground
Organization: Solitary, Pair, Inquisition (3-5) or Cult (6-10+10-40 mind slaves)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Psion and Wizard) (See Below)
Level Adjustment: +0

The illithid, or mind flayer, is an evil and feared creature of the Underdark; its powers are formidable and it feeds on the brains of any creature it encounters. Using psychic powers, it enslaves or destroys its foes, which include such powerful creatures as drow and kuo-toa.

Mind Flayers stand about 6 feet tall and have hideous mauve skin that glistens with slime. The head resembles an octopus, with white eyes (no pupils are evident) and four tentacles around its mouth, a round, many-toothed orifice like that of a lamprey. The creature has three reddish fingers and a thumb on each hand.

Illithids can communicate with any creatures via innate telepathy; they have no spoken language, although they often accompany their thoughts with hissing, and the eager lashing of their tentacles. Mind flayers dress in flowing robes, often with high, stiff collars, adorned with symbols of death and despair.


Mind Blast (Su): As a standard action a mind flayer can project a wave of invisible psychic energy in a 60ft. cone. Any creature's caught in this area must succeed on a will save (DC20) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Creatures immune to stunning are instead dazed for 1d3 rounds. This is a [Mind Affecting] effect. Creatures who succeed on their saves instead suffer a Headache.

Extract Brain (Ex): Against a helpless, pinned, stunned, or unresisting creature, the mind flayer may extract the brain, killing the creature (though creatures with multiple heads may still survive if they have other heads remaining). The mind flayer absorbs all the memories of the consumed mind. This functions as Brain Spider, with unlimited duration and with the subject unable to resist. 1 brain a month is considered healthy eating for a mind-flayer.

Piercing Mind (Su): The mind flayer ignores any resistance or immunity to [Mind Affecting] effects. However targets with immunity receive a +3 bonus to their save (this can't be ignored).

Telepathy (Su): A mind flayer has telepathy out to medium range (180ft.) and can activate a detect thoughts effect as a free action against any creature within this range. A creature that succeeds on it's save cannot be affected again for 1 hour. Creatures are usually not aware of being affected (regardless of save success or failure) unless they are [Psionic].

Psionics: Plane Shift, Dimension Door, Dominate Monster, Fly, Inertial Armor, Brain Lock, Conceal Thoughts, Telekinisis, Psionic Suggestion, Psionic Charm, Mind Thrust, Depress, Mental Communication
Any psionic powers may be augmentable up to it's level.

Mindsight (Su): A mind flayer is aware of all creatures with an intelligence score out to 120 feet as if through blindsight.

Advancement: Should the mind flayer take levels in a psionic manifesting class, it's gains casting ability equal to it's racial HD in the same class that it took. Should the Mind Flayer take levels in an arcane spellcasting class it gains casting ability equal to it's racial HD in the same class that it took. This only happens once.
Last edited by Wiseman on Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Noble Efreet

Post by Wiseman »

Noble Efreet
Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire, Genie)
Hit Dice: 16d8+160 (240hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 100ft. Fly 100ft. (Good)
Armor Class: 36 (+10 dex, 18 natural, -2 huge)
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+36
Attack: +5 Keen Speed Scimitar +33/+33 (2d6+5d6+21[fire]+15) or Slam +28 (2d6+5d6+21[fire]+15)
Full Attack: +5 Keen Speed Scimitar +33/+33/+28/+28/+28 (2d6+5d6+21[fire]+15) or 2 Slams +28 (2d6+5d6+21[fire]+15)
Space/Reach: 15ft./15ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Change Size, Burn, Fire Form
Special Qualities: DR10/-, SR26, Genie Traits, Darkvision 120ft., Telepathy to Medium Range
Saves: Fort +20 Reflex +20 Will +20
Abilities: Str 40 Dex 30 Con 30 Int 24 Wis 26 Cha 28
Skills: Spot +27, Listen +27, Intimidate +28, Craft (Metalworking) +26, Knowledge (The Planes) +26, Knowldge (Nobility and Royalty) +26, Knowledge (1 other) +17, Diplomacy +28, Bluff +28, Sense Motive +27, Survival +27, Hide +19, Move Silently +29, Concentration +29, Handle Animal +28, Disable Device +29
Feats: Power Attack, Pyrokinisis, Iron Will, Incinerate, Spontaneous Combustion, Track
Environment: Elemental Plane of Fire
Organization: Solitary, company (2-4), or procession (1-2 plus 4-20 common efreet)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: +0

These hulking warlords are the cruel rulers of the efreet, though in theory they all obey the Sultan of the City of Brass. They plot and scheme against one another with a degree of cunning and skill usually seen only in the Lower Planes. They care nothing for humans and generally try to corrupt those sha’ir powerful enough to command them. Their arrogance and lust for power have won them few friends on either the Elemental or Prime Material Planes.

A noble efreeti is even more massive and solid than a common efreeti, though they share the same appearance: skin the color of basalt, hair of brass, and eyes of flame. The male noble efreet wear baggy pantaloons, a shoulder harness for swords and daggers, and massive jewelry, generally armbands and earrings to show off their muscular chests and broad shoulders, females prefer to wear skimpy, revealing attire to draw attention to their impressive physiques, and are adorned with numerous jewels. Both sexes only wear tunics and cloaks when cold demands it; this is a matter of status and pride in strength rather than pure vanity. Noble efreet are not as vain as other genie nobles, as they depend on force and treachery rather than wit, appearances, and skill to persuade their fellow nobles to follow them. Their goal in choosing weapons, clothes, and jewelry is as much to intimidate others as to adorn themselves.

Noble efreet fall into two camps: those native to the City of Brass and those who command the efreet of the Prime Material Plane. The city itself hovers in the hot regions of the Plane of Elemental Fire and often borders seas of paraelemental magma and lakes of glowing lava. It is a huge, glittering haven of avarice and malice 40 miles wide, its base a hemisphere of golden, glowing brass. From the upper terrace rise the minarets of the great citadel of the Sultan’s Palace, where great riches are said to be kept. The beys and amirs of the City of Brass serve the Sultan of the Efreet. Though the streets of the city are kept clean and the palaces are showpieces in a gaudy way, an air of blood and suffering hangs over everything, due largely to the numberless glum servants found on every street and in every hallway.

While most noble efreet fill their palaces with rich works of gold, priceless ceramics, and masterfully-woven rugs and tapestries, others merely create temporary illusionary treasures to impress their visitors as needed. Female noble efreet are kept apart in a state of seclusion from male company, but they do have their own heirarchy within households. They hold no official power with the sultan and his court, but the scheming nature of the efreet results in many of the females effectively ruling through figurehead males.

Noble efreet culture breeds all forms of mercy and trust out of it's people, emphasizing cruelty and exploitation. From an early age, noble efreet are raised to distrust and manipulate others. A popular saying is "He who shows mercy will be afforded none." This sort of upbringing and society creates intense paranoia, and though individually quite powerful, many Nobles are constantly surrounded by guards consisting various types of fire creatures, raised or trained towards absolute loyalty to their masters.

The palaces of noble efreet in the City of Brass are large and imposing and swarming with servants. A typical noble household consists of 1-6 noble efreet, 4-40 common efreet who serve as overseers and bodyguards, 10-100 jann and other imported slaves, 10-20 summoned intelligent elemental creatures for specialized tasks, 2-4 nightmares, and 3-18 elemental hawks and hounds. The non-immune slaves of the efreet are magically protected from the flames of the city, but these protections must be renewed each week. Thus, escaped slaves rarely survive their freedom. The palaces are all small fortresses as well as overflowing dens of slavery, able to keep out spies, assassins, hostile nobles, and the merely curious while providing spacious quarters for the noble family.

The beys and amirs of the city are each responsible for 1-4 of the efreet’s military outposts elsewhere on the Plane of Fire, each of which is a haven for 4-40 efreet ruled by a malik or vali (common efreet of maximum normal hit points). These outposts are strictly military and spartanly functional. The only chamber of any comfort whatsoever is the chamber the bey or amir occupies when he visits, a duty most beys and amirs perform as infrequently as decorum permits. Each outpost usually houses 10-100 prisoners and captives who are being broken to a life of service to the efreet.

The noble efreet of the Prime Material Plane are servants of the six great pashas who rule them in the sultan’s name. Their camps are generally deep in the desert, often in ruined or abandoned cities. If their camps are discovered they are moved overnight to a new location, either by physically transporting all the goods of the genies in the camp or by transporting the same in the twinkling of an eye through the use of magic.

Noble efreet are great patrons of the hunt and are often found whiling away their days using both elemental hawks and hounds to track down the odd animals of the Elemental Plane of Fire. They also enjoy the use of bronze chariots pulled by nightmares in slave hunts, raiding towns and settlements on the Prime Material for choice slaves. Their elemental hawks and hounds are sent ahead, and common efreet are often used as beaters to flush out game. These hunts involve 1-6 noble efreet and their retinue of 5-30 common efreet servitors, as well as 2-20 hounds or hawks. The nobles each have their own chariot.

Noble efreet see all living things as either their servants or their enemies and acknowledge no one but their caliphs and pashas as their masters. Thus their reaction to other races is usually to either force them into servitude or to destroy those who cannot be enslaved. This has made them greatly feared by other creatures of the Elemental Plane of Fire, but it hasn’t won them any friends. Almost all salamanders, fire elementals, and other natives of the plane will gladly assist those who wish to embarrass the efreet. There have been cases of efreet princes who have demonstrated better behavior when wooing human maidens. However, even in these cases the noble efreet often demand that their true nature be kept hidden from other humans. Whether this is due to magical limitations, a wish to escape the notice of other genies, or some other reason is unclear. For the noble efreet, the wooing is just another form of the hunt.

Noble efreet are powerful warriors, trained in magical and physical combat from a very young age. Although they are masters of strategy and trickery, they delight in the raw power that bloodshed gives them, and they lead their followers in battle rather than skulking in the rear.

When hunting, noble efreet enjoy the kill but prefer not to do all the work of wearing down an opponent themselves. They prefer to watch as their common efreet hunters and summoned creatures (such as hell hounds) harry the prey, then throw themselves into battle at the last minute to claim a kill. Toying with one’s opponents is considered an art form among the noble efreet, and their ability at playing “cat-and-mouse” is remarkable. They also employ flying creatures of the Elemental Plane of Fire as “hawks” in their hunts.

Fire Mastery (Ex): When fighting opponents who are on fire or wielding flaming weapons, or located in environments above 120 degrees in temperature, the Efreeti gains a +3 Bonus to attack and damage, has the Edge, and enemies take a -3 penalty to attack and damage against it.

Burn (Ex): An efreeti deals an extra 1d6/3 CR damage with any melee attack. Any creature that comes into direct contact with the efreeti also takes this damage. The efreeti can supress this ability if it wishes.

Piercing Flames: The noble efreeti ignores fire resistance and deals half damage to creatures with immunity.

Change Size (Su): At will a noble efreeti can magically change a creature’s size to one size category larger or smaller than it's normal size (with all the normal effects of changing size). A fort save (DC27) negates the effect. When used on it's self the noble efreeti can shift anywhere from tiny to huge size (with all the normal changes).

Fire Form (Su): At will as a standard action, the noble efreeti may transform itself into a cloud of blazing fire with a radius anywhere from 10-60 feet (which may be changed as a swift action). Creatures within this cloud have their vision blocked as per Fog Cloud and in addition take 10d6 points of damage. The noble efreeti is treated as if it were in a gaseous form save that it flies at it's normal fly speed.

Psi-Like Abilities: At Will: Pyrokinesis

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Delayed Blast Fireball, Fire Shield (warm only), Cone of Cold (fire damage), Heat Metal, Burning Hands, Permanent Image, Programmed Image, Wall of Smoke, Body Blaze, Fire Seeds, Polymorph Self, Telekinisis, Pyrotechnics, Scorching Ray, Blistering Radiance Fire Flash, Control Temperature (hotter only), Darsson's Fiery Furnace, Wall of Fire (usable as an immediate action), Sleet Storm (ashes), Produce Flame, Major Creation (created metal is permanent), Orb of Fire, Polymorph Self, Great Flaming Sphere, Rain of Fireballs, Scorching Column, Firestar, Erupting Firebolt, Fire Sweeper, Ur Fireball, Raging Flame, Slow Burn, Wall of Magma, Energy Weapon (Fire only), Summon Monster VIII, 3/Day: Wish (to non-genies only), Rain of Fireballs, 1/day: Firestorm, Pyroclasm, Molten Tornado, Contagious Fireball, Gate (travel version only), Merton, Erupt

Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, a genie may Plane Shift to any Inner, Transitive or Prime Material plane.

Elemental Tolerance (Ex): A genie is immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane it is on.

Sultan of the Efreet:
The master of the City of Brass is the Great Sultan Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan (also referred to as the Lord of Flame, the Incandescent Potentate, the Tempering and Eternal Flame of Truth, Fuel of the Unquenchable Legions, the Most Puissant of Hunters, Marshall of the Order of the Fiery Heart, the Smoldering Dictator, and the Crimson Firebrand). The Sultan of the Efreet is constantly accompanied by a horde of 20-70 common efreet bodyguards, 1-20 entertainers, and 4-40 noble efreet courtiers, all of them vying for his attention and approval. This circus can be quite comical, though laughing in the presence of these efreet worthies is invariably fatal; they take themselves very seriously indeed.
The sultan sports a tiny goatee, his hands end in extremely long, almost knifelike claws, and his eyes constantly spark like fire. Due to his aurora of flame, the sultan wears only clothes capable of withstanding extreme heat, generally armor of white-hot iron, but sometimes delicate pantaloons and robes made of tiny blackened links of adamantite.

Audiences with the Sultan of the Efreet are held in an iron chamber at the center of his palace in the City of Brass, a smoky blast furnace of a room with reddish light and little air. Ornaments of alloyed gold and brass are everywhere, and chained fire elementals provide both heat and light.

In fulfilling his military duties, the Sultan often organizes drills, marches, and parades of spit-and-polish precision. These occasions require the entire population of the City of Brass to turn out and watch the spectacle of the sultan's might march by; indeed, the disruption of thousands of efreet marching through the streets and turning the squares and suqs into drillgrounds makes undertaking any other task impossible.

When he travels to the Prime Material Plane, the Sultan of the Efreet always first appears as a firestorm that scorches the earth for hundreds of yards around. He prefers to appear in extremely hot environments like volcanoes, hot springs, and forest fires. This is not done out of any deference to the property or lives of creatures unable to withstand fire, but simply for his own comfort in adjusting to the frigid temperatures of the Prime Material Plane. Once he has arrived, he travels with a full military escort of 20-200 jann, 2-20 common efreet warriors, and a single noble efreeti emir. These numbers are tripled when visiting the pashas of the Prime Material Plane, whose loyalty must always be enforced with an iron fist.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:33 pm, edited 29 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Falxugon (Harvester Devil)

Post by Wiseman »

Falxugon (Harvester Devil)
Size/Type: Medium Spirit (Baatezu, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 10d8+10 (60hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft.
Armor Class: 19 (+3 dex, +6 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+12
Attack: +3 Poison Dagger +17 (1d4+2[con]+5)
Full Attack: +3 Poison Dagger +17/+12 (1d4+2[con]+5)
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Faustian Pact, Spell-Like Abilities, Maneuver-Like Abilities, Summon
Special Qualities: Aura of Cold Logic, Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind-Affecting, and Poison, Resistance to Acid 10, DR5/Silver, Good, or Chaotic, SR20, +4 to saves against disease,
Saves: Fort +8 Reflex +10 Will +14
Abilities: Str 14 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 24 Wis 24 Cha 34
Skills: Diplomacy +30, Bluff +27, Intimidate +27, Sense Motive +22, Knowledge (the Planes) +20 Knowledge (Local) +20 Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +20, Knowledge (1 other) +20, Disguise +27, Gather Information +25, Profession (Lawyer) +20, Craft (any 1) +20, Concentration +14, Sleight of Hand +16, Listen +20
Feats: Persuasive, Skill Focus: Diplomacy, Decietful, Negotiatior,
Environment: Nine Hells of Baator
Organization: Solitary or Cult (Falxugon + various followers)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: Always Lawful Evil
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Conduit of the Lower Planes and Rogue)
Level Adjustment: Hmm...

"The leader of your guild is a fool and will run it's business into the ground. But I can see that you desire his position. For the good of the guild, of course. I can make him... disappear, leaving you to take command. For a minor fee, of course. No, don't worry, it's nothing you'll miss..."

Harvester Devils, (also called Falxugon meaning deceiver in infernal), are the tempters of mortals. While most types of baatezu have soul collecting responsibilities, for the Harvesters, it is a priority. These devils spend most of their time on the Prime Material Plane or in planar metropolises like Sigil, where they seek out mortals and convince them to sell their souls or encourage them towards evil acts. Harvesters usually stake out an area on the Prime as their territory and work to encourage the societies within towards evil. They will often befriend and advise leaders or others in positions of power and convince them to direct their society more towards dark acts. This can go on for years, decades, or even centuries. Some skilled Harvesters have manipulated and directed societies for even millennia, ensuring the corruption and eventual damnation of many souls within.

Harvesters are poor combatants by the standards of fiends, and will typically view their operations as a failure if faced with combat that their protection cannot overcome. Most of the time they will flee outright rather than fight. Occasionally, however, things can be placed back on track if certain individuals are removed, in which case it summons up other devils to help it in combat.

Faustian Pact: A harverster devil may strike a deal with a creature with a soul, via a magical contract. In exchange for the creature's soul after death, the fiend may grant that creature various benefits. Including:
* A Miracle, Wish, or Reality Revision effect (caster level 20 and any non-epic spell available for use, may freely use options that cost XP or are rituals, may create any magic item of up to Greater status).
* Immediately gain 2 feats of their choice, and they may ignore one of the prerequisites per feat.
* If they have no levels in the Warlock class, immediately gain a level in Warlock, or replace one of their own class levels with Warlock.
* Gain a template of their choice, free of charge.
* Something else along these lines.
Upon signing the contract, the creature's alignment instantly changes to Lawful Evil if it wasn't already (and the Harverster is rarely interested in contracting with those already bound for Hell). The pact can only be made with a willing conscious creature not under any [Compulsion] or [Charm] effects and no threats of harm to coerce it can be made, else the contract is voided.

Manuver-Like Abilities: These are (Ex) and have no [Mind-Affecting] or [Compulsion] descriptor. They may be resisted with a Dilpomacy or Sense Motive check in place of a will save. At Will: Ad Hominem (Strike), Appeal to Ridicule (Counter), Argument from Spurious Similarity (Counter), False Dilemma (Strike), Inflation of Conflict (Stance), Arguement by Gibberish (Stance), Arguement from Small Numbers (Boost), Appeal to Belief (Strike), Argument by Dismissal (Stance), Crushing Commentary (Strike) Sarcasm Attack (Strike), Appeal to Spite (Strike), Slippery Slope (Counter)

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Produce Flame, Greater Teleport (Self plus objects carried only), Detect Magic, Detect (Alignment), Polymorph Self, Major Image, Disguise Self, True Seeing, Scrying, Sanctuary, Telekinisis, Greater Dispel Magic, Plane Shift (willing targets only), Mirror Image, Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Prestidigitation, Gaseous Form, Brain Spider,
1/hour: Confusion

Deception (Ex): If a Falxugon would be affected by anything that varies based on the alignment of those it affects Falxugon is affected in the most favorable way possible to it. For example it would not register as evil to a detect evil spell if it did not want to, nor would it be affected by Chaos Hammer if it did not wish.

Refuge: A bizarre clause in the Pact Primeval (the document drafted by Death itself that defines the progression of souls) protects spirits that influence souls. A creature that attempts to attack a Falxugon must make a DC25 will save to do so or be unable for 10 minutes. Non-Native Outsiders with an alignment subtype (as well as Rilmani, Kameral, Aeon's and Psychopomps) suffer a -10 penalty to this save. Even if successful, the creature suffers a -3 penalty to all d20 rolls for 1 minute, as cosmic punishment. Non-Native Outsiders with an alignment subtype suffer these penalties for 24 hours and the penalties are doubled. No form of immunity or resistance applies to these effects, though the protection is voided for 1 minute if the Falxugon attacks.

Summon (Sp): Once per day, a Falxugon may summon 6 Triezu with a 100% chance of success. The devils remain for 1 hour and cannot use any of their own summoning abilities during this time.
Last edited by Wiseman on Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:41 am, edited 11 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Winemaker Genie

Post by Wiseman »

Winemaker Genie
Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Genie)
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (25hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+3 dex, +4 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: Trunk +4 (1d6)
Full Attack: Trunk +4 (1d6)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Wine Shot,
Special Qualities: Master Winemaker
Saves: Fort +6 Reflex +7 Will +9
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 8 Wis 20 Cha 20
Skills: Profession (Winemaker) +35, Perform (dance) +12, Climb +7, Swim +7 Spot +12 Listen +12, Jump +7
Feats: Skill Focus: Profession (winemaker), Skill Focus: Perform (dance)
Environment: Any Inner Plane
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: By Class Level
Level Adjustment: +0

Winemaker tasked genies are creatures of the grape, dedicated to nurturing the vines and extracting the finest possible vintages. They are quiet creatures, tending to their fields and casks through the summer and winter and closely supervising the harvests. Any fermented beverage or fruit juice made under the direction of a winemaker genie is held to high standards and is worth five times what a normal beverage might bring in the marketplace. (So typically 50gp for a bottle of wine).

This genie has the head of a cat, the body of a dog, and a long trunk which it uses to crush grapes. It stands erect, with individuals varying between 4’ and 5’ tall. They weigh about 150 pounds, the males slightly more, the females slightly less.

Winemaker genies do not wear cloth, but they do drape themselves in grape leaves during the growing season and are generally completely covered in grape juice during the harvest.

Winemaker genies are often travelers, wandering from harvest to harvest, never staying at a given vineyard for more than two years. Harvest time is the only festival time that winemaker genies celebrate; they are great drinkers and are capable of entertaining workers with wit, song, and even buffoonery at the genie’s expense.

Unfortunately, a winemaker tasked genie’s taste for his own work typically leads to excessive drinking and a slow decay of his skills. Older winemaker genies may become eccentric vintners who cater to jaded palates, or they may become village drunks, madmen, and fools.

Winemaker genies serve only so long as their masters do not mistreat them, do not adulterate or water their wines, and do not ask them to follow any particular method or rule, even the traditions of the vineyard. They demand complete latitude to make wine as they think best. The slightest disagreement may cause them to seek work elsewhere.

Winemaker genies forced to their task are still capable of producing excellent wines, but their special touch may be lacking, and they decline into drunkenness and eccentricity much more quickly.


Wine Shot (Ex) : As a standard action every 1d4 rounds a Winemaker can spray normal wine from it's trunk in a 30 foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a reflex save (DC14) or be blinded for 1d3 rounds and a fort save (DC14) or be drunk (sickened) for 1 hour and probably have their clothes stained really bad. Creature immune to poison are immune to the latter half while creatures resistant to poison have it apply to that save.

Master Winemaker (Ex): A Winemaker receives a +20 racial bonus to it's Profession (Winemaker) checks. The wines made by a Winemaker are of supreme quality. Any drinker gains a +2 Alchemical bonus to attacks, checks and saves for 30 minutes after drinking. After this they are drunk (sickened) for 1 hour. A typical Wine made by a winemakrer

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Create Food and Water, Plant Growth, Speak with Animals, Speak with Plants, Mage Hand, Purify Food and Drink, Goodberry, Detect Poison, Water Walk, Daylight
1/day: Entangle

Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, a genie may Plane Shift to any Inner, Transitive or Prime Material plane.

Elemental Tolerance (Ex): A genie is immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane it is on.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar, Genie)
Hit Dice: 10d8+50 (100hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 60ft. Fly 100ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 28 (+7 dex, +12 natural, -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+20
Attack: +3 Shock Scimitar +19/+14 (1d8+1d6+1[elec]+15) or Slam +16 (1d8+8)
Full Attack: +3 Shock Scimitar +19/+14 (1d8+1d6+1[elec]+15) or 2 Slams +16 (1d8+8)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Whirlwind
Special Qualities: Air Mastery, Genie Traits, Immunity to Electricity. Cold and Acid resistance 20, Telepathy to Medium Range
Saves: Fort +12 Reflex +10 Will +10
Abilities: Str 22 Dex 26 Con 20 Int 15 Wis 16 Cha 22
Feats: Power Attack, Electrical Torment, Electrocute, Attack on the Run
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary, company (2-4), or band (6-15)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Wishes
Alignment: Any
Advancement: By Class Level (Favored Classes: Elemental Wierd or Genie)
Level Adjustment: hmm...

The djinn’s native land is the elemental plane of Air, where they live on floating islands of earth and rock, anywhere from 1,000 yards to several miles across. They are crammed with buildings, courtyards, gardens, fountains, and sculptures made of elemental flames. In a typical djinn landhold there are 3d10 djinn of various ages and powers, as well as jann and various elemental creatures of low intelligence. All are ruled by the local sheik.

The social structure of Djinn society is based on rule by a caliph, served by various nobles and officials (viziers, beys, emirs, sheiks, sheriffs, and maliks). A caliph rules all the djinn estates within two days’ travel, and is advised by six viziers who help maintain the balance of the landholdings. If a landhold is attacked by a large force, a messenger (usually the youngest djinni) is sent to the next landhold, which sends aid and dispatches two more messengers to warn the next landholds; in this fashion the entire nation is warned.


Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a -3 penalty on attack and damage against the Djinni, the Djinni has a +3 bonus to attack and damage against them and additionally the has the Edge against them.

Size Shift (Su): At will, a Djinn may shift anywhere from Tiny to Large size, with all the normal effects of changing size.

Whirlwind (Su): A Djinn may transform into a whirlwind as an Elder Air Elemental. It may stay in this form as long as it wishes.

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Invisibility, Gust of Wind, Permanent Image, Disguise Self, Detect Magic, Wind Walk, Whispering Wind, Gale Force, Wind Wall, Cloudburst, Capricious Zephyr, Telekinisis, Control Winds, Fan, Call Lightning Storm, Ohm's Electrified Equipment, Create Food and Water, Create Wine (as create water but wine instead), Quickwind Shield, Major Creation (created vegetable matter is permanent), Invisibility, Ur Lightning Bolt, 3/day: Wish (to non-genies only). 1/day: Control Weather (5 mile radius, not limited by season)

Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, a genie may Plane Shift to any Inner, Transitive or Prime Material plane.

Elemental Tolerance (Ex): A genie is immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane it is on.
Last edited by Wiseman on Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:01 pm, edited 17 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Noble Djinn
Size/Type: Huge Outsider (Air, Extraplanar, Genie)
Hit Dice: 16d8+160 (240hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 100ft. Fly 150ft. (Perfect)
Armor Class: 36 (+10 dex, 18 natural, -2 huge)
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+36
Attack: +5 Keen Speed Shocking Burst Scimitar +33/+33 (2d6+1d6+1[elec]+20) or Slam +28 (2d6+15)
Full Attack: +5 Keen Speed Shocking Burst Scimitar +33/+33/+28/+28/+28 (2d6+1d6+1[elec]+20) or 2 Slams (2d6+15)
Space/Reach: 15ft./15ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Change Size, Whirlwind,
Special Qualities: DR10/- SR26, Immunity to Electricity, Resistance to Acid and Cold 30, Telepathy to Medium Range, Genie Traits
Saves: Fort +20 Reflex +20 Will +20
Abilities: Str 40 Dex 30 Con 30 Int 24 Wis 30 Cha 28
Feats: Power Attack, Attack on the Run, Iron Will, Cleave, Electrical Torment, Electrocute
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary, company (2-4), or procession (1-2 plus 4-20 common djinn)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: +0

Noble djinn are the rulers of all genies on the Elemental Plane of Air, and they are masters of the province of wind. They never forget either a service or a slight from another creature. Noble djinn pride themselves on being the tallest and fairest of their kind. They enjoy wearing jewelry and rich clothes to distinguish themselves even further from common djinn. They prefer loose, lightweight silks and cottons.

On their home plane, noble djinn are always accompanied by processions of 4-40 common djinn who are their courtiers, soldiers, fan-bearers, minstrels, grooms, and servants. On the Prime Material Plane, noble djinn are always carried by either an animal (such as an elephant or camel) or in a rich palanquin by four servants. Under no circumstances will they allow their feet to touch the ground. Ideally, of course, djinn nobles travel by air under their own power, but often wind and weather or the need to enter a city in grand style dictate that they travel near the ground. Noble djinn sneer at life forms unable to fly naturally and will generally hover over earthbound nobles of other races to make their point.

Noble djinn are of two types. Most are local caliphs, sheiks, sheriffs, and maliks who rule over a small number of landholders. These noble djinn command small groups of djinn scattered throughout the Plane of Air. A typical local ruler commands 1d6 households, each of which consists of 3d10 djinn, 1d10 jann servants, and 1d10 elemental creatures of low intelligence. The local sheik or headman of each of these holdings is a djinn of maximum hit points. In general, noble djinn who dwell and rule on the Prime Material Plane command only a single household. Female noble djinn take part as leaders of their people, and they have more freedom than the common djinn.

Any holding attacked by a large or dangerous force sends messengers cloaked by invisibility to the nearest two holdings, which each send two more messengers, until the entire djinn nation is warned. Some noble djinn also raise homing pigeons and other flying animals to accomplish the same end. Other nobles have raised falconry and the husbandry of fancy talking birds, tumblers, pouters, and other unusual breeds to a fine art.

A smaller but more influential group of noble djinn spends its time at the court of the Great Caliph of the Djinn, known as the Court of Ice and Steel. This rich palace is carved from a huge glacial rock which perpetually hurtles through the gulf of Elemental Air, creating a permanent rush of wind throughout the court. The chambers of the court are secured by steel portals set deep into the ice, and the air is only still in any one of the Court’s rooms when all the portals to that room are shut. Whenever the portals open, a blast of wind stirs the curtains, banners, and clouds of incense throughout the room. Illumination comes from flickering orange lanterns or from the blue light that filters in as it refracts through the glacial ice. Most chambers are only accessible to flying creatures, as there are no stairs, and hallways are just as likely to be vertical shafts as horizontal ones. Visiting creatures not native to the Plane of Elemental Air are usually escorted everywhere to ensure their safety, and to allow the Great Caliph of the Djinn to keep an eye on them.

The noble djinn of the Court of Ice and Steel are the viziers, beys, and emirs. They only leave the premises when they are commanded to assume the onerous duties of rulership over groups of djinn elsewhere or when compelled to answer the summons of a powerful sha’ir.

Noble djinn are rarely pleased to serve even the most powerful of human wizards, and if the servitude drags on for months they may complain bitterly of the duties they are neglecting by serving a human. Noble djinn who are mistreated and who make their way back to their estates will return with half their subjects to avenge their honor.

Noble djinn (like many genies) require very little from other creatures, as their djinn subjects and wishes provide them with all the necessities of life. However, their constant rivalry both among themselves and with other noble genies leads them to strive for the richest gems, jewelry, cloth, spices, and perfume they can obtain. Often manners and ethics are no obstacle to a noble djinni on the trail of something unique. Noble djinn will sometimes send their servant creatures to obtain these sorts of riches from the Prime Material Plane.

Noble djinn hate the efreet and will cooperate in any attempt to harm them. Despite their haughtiness, noble djinn respect individual achievements and will cooperate with other creatures of the Elemental Plane of Air rather than attempting to enslave them. Their servants are retainers who may leave at any time, but stay because they consider it an honor to serve. From time to time, a particularly driven noble djinni will undertake either a raid or a crusade against the dao or efreet and seek to free slaves and embarrass opposing nobles.

Noble djinn rarely allow themselves to be drawn into direct combat with opposing forces, preferring to command common djinn or summoned creatures to fight for them while casting spells and giving orders. If possible, noble djinn will use their illusion and invisibility spell-like abilities to avoid combat altogether, and under no circumstances will they do combat in an unfavorable elemental environment, such as underground.

Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a -3 penalty on attack and damage against the Djinni, the Djinni has a +3 bonus to attack and damage against them and additionally the has the Edge against them.

Whirlwind (Su): At will, a Noble Djinn may become a whirlwind as an air elemental save that this has the effect of a Greater Whirlwind with up to double the area, it may stay in this form as long as it wishes.

Size Shift (Su): At will, a Noble Djinn may shift anywhere from Tiny to Huge size, with all the normal effects of changing size.

Piercing Lightning: A Noble Djinn ignores electricity resistance and deals half damage to creatures with immunity.

Psi-Like Abilities: At Will: Control Air,
1/day: Tornado Blast

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Gust of Wind, Control Winds, Whispering Wind, Ur Lightning Bolt, Detect Magic, Whirlwind, Capricious Zephyr, Cloudburst, Cyclonic Blast, Polymorph Self, Fan, Downdraft, Wind Walk, Invisibility, Create Food and Water, Major Creation (created vegetable matter is permanent), Telekinesis, Permanent Image, Disguise Self, Quickwind Shield, Air Lance, Ohm's Electrified Equipment, Persistant Invisibility, Gaseous Form, Hurricane Force, Control Weather (50 mile radius, not limited by season), Lightning Strike, Wind Wall, Summon Monster VIII, Energy Weapon (Electricity only), 3/day: Wish (to non-genies only), Lightning Strikes Twice, 1/day: Flaying Wind, Gate (travel version only)

Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, a genie may Plane Shift to any Inner, Transitive or Prime Material plane.

Elemental Tolerance (Ex): A genie is immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane it is on.

Great Caliph of the Djinn:
The ruler of the djinn is named Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim. He is known by a long list of titles including, but not limited to, the Commander of the Four Winds, Ruler of all Djinn, Defender of the Heavens, Prince of Birds, Storm of the Righteous, and Master of the Air. He is always attended by his courtiers, who number 4-20 noble djinn (half of whom are his dancers and consorts), 40-400 jann, and 10-100 common djinn at any given time. The Great Caliph of the Djinn rarely leaves the Court of Ice and Steel; he is perpetually called upon to decide matters of state, matters of law, and matters of politics among his nobles. When he does leave, it is generally with an entourage of nobles to go hunting elemental creatures, though occasionally they go to the lands of Zakhara to stir up trouble among the cities there.

Infrequently, the Great Caliph will demand a procession be held (in his honor or to celebrate the anointment of a new noble djinn or a noble marriage). These processions are grand affairs involving at least 50 noble djinn, 100-1,000 common djinn, and clouds of banners, flags, and streamers. The course of a procession often takes it in loops, rolls, and dives, and its meandering path often tours the Plane of Elemental Air for days or weeks.

The Great Caliph of the Djinn is fickle and easily bored, but this by no means indicates that he is soft or unable to rule. When required, he can rouse genie armies to victory and can wrestle monsters into submission. In general, however, the caliph prefers to win his battles by his wits rather than by the strength of his armies or his magic.

The court chamber itself is at the center of the Court of Ice and Steel, with clear shafts running to the outer surfaces in all directions. Creatures who (willingly or unwillingly) gain an audience with the Grand Caliph are brought to hover before him. Presenting oneself as earthbound before the Great Caliph is considered a heavy offense. The chamber of the court itself seems to be in perpetual motion, as layers of silk streamers constantly flutter in and out. In dealing with creatures not from the Plane of Elemental Air, the Great Caliph is inclined to be merciful and often ends his recitation and judgment within a matter of a few minutes.

When traveling to the Prime Material Plane, the arrival of the Great Caliph of the Djinn is always signaled by a great blast of wind. Once there, he often travels in a procession like that of noble djinni, only of twice the usual size.
Last edited by Wiseman on Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:32 pm, edited 21 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Genie, Water)
Hit Dice: 10d8+50 (100hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 60ft., Fly: 60ft. (Perfect), Swim: 100ft.
Armor Class: 28 (+3 dex, +3 shield +13 natural -1 size)
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+16
Attack: +3 Freezing Burst Trident +21 (2d6+1d6[cold]+3+9) or Slam +18 (1d8+6)
Full Attack: +3 Freezing Burst Trident +21/+16 (2d6+1d6[cold]+3+9) or 2 Slams +18 (1d8+6)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Plane Shift, Vortex
Special Qualities: Telepathy to Medium Range, Change Shape, Elemental Tolerance, Cold Resistance 20
Saves: Fort +12 Reflex +10 Will +10
Abilities: Str 26 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 13 Wis 16 Cha 20
Feats: Power Attack, Attack on the Run, Wave Strike, Improved Initiative
Environment: Elemental Plane of Water
Organization: Solitary, company (2-4), band (6-15) or force (10-40)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: +3 Freezing Burst Trident, +1 Steel Shield, Double Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: By class level (Favored Classes: Elemental Wierd and Genie)
Level Adjustment: hmm...

The marids are said to be born of the ocean, having currents for muscles and pearls for teeth. These genies from the elemental plane of Water are the most powerful of all genies (to hear them tell it). They are also the most individualistic and chaotic of the elemental races, and only rarely deign to serve others.

On their own plane they are rare; marids travel so seldom to the Prime Material plane that many consider marids to be creatures of legend only.

Marids live in a loose empire ruled by a padisha. Each marid lays some claim to royalty; they are all shahs, atabegs, beglerbegs, or mufti at the very least. There have often been several simultaneous “single true heirs” to the padisha’s throne through the eons.

A marid household numbers 2d10 and is located around loosely grouped elemental pockets containing the necessities for marid life. Larger groups of marids gather for hunts and tournaments, where individual effort is heavily emphasized.

Marids are champion tale-tellers, although most of their tales emphasize their own prowess, and belittle others. When communicating with a marid, one must attempt to keep the conversation going without continual digression for one tale or another, while not offending the marid. Marids consider it a capital offense for a lesser being to offend a marid.

Marids are both fiercely independent and extremely egoistical. They are not easily forced to perform actions; even if convinced through flattery and bribery to obey, they often stray from their intended course to seek some other adventure that promises greater glory, or to instruct lesser creatures on the glories of the marids.

Most mages skilled in summoning and conjuration consider marids to be more trouble than they are worth, which accounts for the great lack of items of marid control (as opposed to those affecting efreet and djinn).

Marids tolerate their genie relatives, putting up with jann and djinn like poor cousins, while they have an aversion to efreet and dao. Their attitude toward the rest of the world is similar; most creatures from other planes are considered lesser beings, not fit to be bothered with unless one lands in the feast hall at an inopportune time.


Vortex: At will, a Marid may transform into a whirlpool like an elder water elemental.

Water Mastery (Ex): If both the Marid and it's opponent are touching water, the marid gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage, opponents suffer a -3 penalty to attack and damage against the Marid and also it has the Edge.

A marid can be a serious threat to a ship that it touches. A marid can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per CR of the marid) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per CR). Even large ships (20 feet long per CR) can be slowed to half speed.

Finally, a Marid suffers no penalty for any action it takes underwater.

Size Shift (Su): At will, a Marid may shift anywhere from Tiny to Large size, with all the normal effects of changing size.

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Waterball (deals lethal damage), Control Water (5x area), Water Breathing, Create Water, Create Wine (like water, but creates plain wine), Persistant Image, Control Currents, Wall of Water, Water Walk, Polymorph Self, Gaseous Form, Purify Food and Drink, Widened Fog Cloud, Detect Magic, Detect Invisibility, Invisibility, Aqua Snake, Pearl Shape Geyser, Water Spears, Water Shield, Crashing Wave 3/day: Wish (to non-genies only), 1/day: Tides of Fury, Protective Bubble, Oceanic Shield Control Weather (5 mile radius, limited to coastal and overseas areas only).

Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, a genie may Plane Shift to any Inner, Transitive or Prime Material plane.

Elemental Tolerance (Ex): A genie is immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane it is on.
Last edited by Wiseman on Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:21 pm, edited 18 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Noble Dao

Post by Wiseman »

Noble Dao
Huge Outsider (Earth, Extraplanar, Genie)
Hit Dice: 16d8+160 (260hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 100ft. Fly 100ft. (Perfect), Earth Glide 100ft.
Armor Class: 36 (+10 dex, 18 natural, -2 huge)
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+35
Attack: +5 Throwing Returning Speed Acidic Burst Scimitar +33/+33 (2d6+1d6[acid]+15) or Claw +28 (2d6+15)
Full Attack: +5 Throwing Returning Speed Acidic Burst Scimitar +33/+33/+28/+28/+28 (2d6+1d6[acid]+15) or 2 Claws +28 (3d6+15)
Space/Reach: 15ft./15ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Change Size,
Special Qualities: DR10/-, Immunity to Acid, SR26, Earth Mastery, Genie Traits, Telepathy to Medium Range
Saves: Fort +20 Reflex +20 Will +20
Abilities: Str 40 Dex 30 Con 30 Int 24 Wis 26 Cha 28
Feats: Power Attack, Iron Will, Toughness, Blood of Stone, Stone Power, Tremorsense
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
Organization: Solitary, company (2-4), or procession (1-2 plus 4-20 common dao)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: +0

Noble dao are the rulers of the genies from the Elemental Plane of Earth. They command earth elementals, dao, xorn, and other slaves who toil for them searching for the gems they prize. Their attitude toward all other races can best be described as callous.

Noble dao tend to have darker hair colors, though other colors aren't unheard of. Both sexes are fond of earrings, turbans, and heavy necklaces. Male dao nobles are fond of beards and moustaches, which they take great pride in and often sculpt into ridiculous points, curls, and blocky forms. Their skin varies in all the colors of earth and stone, from grey and brown to tan, white, and ebony. Gemstone colors are less frequent, but not rare. Their ears are pointed and their retractable fingernails are unnaturally durable claws of pure metal, capable of tearing through flesh and armor. These nails give their fingers a pudginess and a stiffness of movement that remains with them even in other forms.

Noble dao rule various rifts of the Great Dismal Delve in the Plane of Elemental Earth, although many of them spend much of their time at the side of the khan who rules them all. Stately processions between their rift estates and the court of the khan occur frequently; in times of unrest dozens of noble processions may wind their way across the Great Dismal Delve every day as dao nobles attempt to protect their estates, possessions, mining dispensations, and trading rights from infringement or destruction. A dao mazework far from the Sevenfold Mazework is usually home to 1-6 noble dao, 4-40 common dao, and 8-80 elemental and nonelemental slaves – vassals, servants, and miners who continually expand the dao estate.

The Great Khan of the Dao rules in splendor in the Sevenfold Mazework, the city at the center of the Great Dismal Delve. The noble dao vary in power from the lesser atamen and hetmen who only visit the Sevenfold Mazework to the favored seneschals. The loyalty of the ataman or hetman who acts on the advice of a seneschal is always questionable, but the seneschals are always chosen by the khan of the dao, and their loyalty is to him alone.

The miles of three-dimensional convolutions and magical distortions which make up the Sevenfold Mazework are said to confuse even minotaur slaves, but noble dao understand its windings, twists, and spirals instinctively. Since each noble is occasionally given the unavoidable honor of paying for and supervising additions to the mazework, the khan is able to expand it perpetually at very little cost to himself. More rarely, an obsolete, unfashionable, or over-traveled section is closed off and filled with rubble from new digging elsewhere. The mazework connects to pockets of all the elements, and gates connect it to the other elemental planes.

Light in the mazework is kept deliberately dim, as it is entirely lined with mica, pyrite, hematite, and carefully cut, reflective semi-precious stone, thus light is reflected over and over again down the corridors. Bright lights are used as alarms to instantly alert nearby chambers of some emergency. Dim colored lights serve as signals for slaves and servants to attend to the nobles.

Nobles of the court of the Great Khan live in self-contained sections of the Sevenfold Mazework known as halls or wings. A typical seneschal’s residence might contain 1-6 male dao nobles, 2-12 female dao nobles, 4-24 common dao, 2-12 minotaurs, 10-100 elemental and nonelemental slaves. Summoned elemental creatures are either special servitors, slave overseers, or pets. The home of a minor noble dao who keeps a primary estate far away in the provincial sections of the Great Dismal Delve is typically home to half as many occupants as indicated above.

Female noble dao are responsible for the care and well-being of the slaves and the oversight of new excavations, though they may not choose where and how much to dig. This gives them considerable influence, though they are bound by custom to their mates in all other things. Some female dao are granted recognition as atamen and hetmen, but they are strictly excluded from the world of haggling and commerce (including the buying and selling of slaves). All dao consider trade too vulgar and dangerous for the female nobles to engage in. Some female dao nobles have, through special dispensations from the khan, been allowed to use their private holdings as the basis of lucrative money-lending businesses.

Seneschal dao extract as much work from the atamen and hetmen as they can, and, likewise, atamen and hetmen push their slaves as hard as they dare. They are sharp traders, always able to turn business to their advantage; they are notoriously hard bargainers, especially with creatures not native to the Elemental Plane of Earth. They are always willing to see how far they can push a mercenary before he will betray them. Noble dao tend to see others only in terms of how much profit can be made from them or how much power can be gained over them.

Some dao take a perverse pleasure in destroying the possessions of others while increasing their own wealth and prestige. This is rare, as most noble dao would rather buy or steal a possession for themselves than destroy it. However, joy in the misfortune of others is an entrenched part of noble dao culture among the highest grades of nobles (those living in the Mazework itself). Building a new wing in the Sevenfold Mazework may become twice as difficult if the project is opposed by noble dao in wings nearby. Successful human traders have occasionally been sabotaged by envious dao. Dao nobles hate marid and djinn, but they are on speaking terms with efreet, who trade worked metal for minerals. All other elemental creatures are only of interest to the dao insofar as they can be exploited.

Dao enjoy combat only when they already know the result. Their stratagems and plans for both melee and war revolve around stacking the deck in their favor as overwhelmingly as possible before a dispute even begins. They are great fans of spies, bribery, and mercenaries and will never fight any battle when someone else can be paid to do it and suffer the losses. However, when forced to defend themselves, noble dao are rarely unprepared. They generally seek to summon reinforcements and delay opponents while a crushing counterattack or ambush is prepared.

Earth Mastery (Ex): If both the Noble Dao and it's opponent are touching the ground, the Noble Dao gains a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls, it's opponent suffers a -3 penalty to attack and damage against the Noble Dao and it also has the Edge.

Size Shift (Su): At will, a Noble Dao may shift anywhere from Tiny to Huge size, with all the normal effects of changing size.

Solid Form (Su): As a standard action, a Noble Dao can transform into solid durable stone. It becomes immune to critical hits, nonlethal damage, poison, disease. It is also treated as an object with hardness 20 for the purpose of damage being dealt to it. It also is immune to effects requiring fortitude saves, unless they also affect objects. While in this form the Noble Dao loses it's ability to fly.

Spell-Like Abilities: At Will: Wall of Stone, Transmute Rock to Mud, Transmute Mud to Rock, Magic Stone, Permanent Image, Hold Monster, Soften Earth and Stone, Spike Stones, Greater Stone Shape, Sudden Stalagmite, Giant's Wrath, Move Earth, Summon Monster VIII, Gaseous Form, Invisibility, Telekinisis, Polymorph Self, Stoneskin, Detect Magic, Major Creation (created stone is permanent), Passwall, Dust Bomb, Tetsubo of Earth , Tremors, Earthshaking Growl, Impale, Rolling Boulder, Bones of the Earth 3/day: Wish (to non-genies only) 1/day: Earthquake, Table Flip, Gate (Travel version only)

Plane Shift (Su): As a standard action, a genie may Plane Shift to any Inner, Transitive or Prime Material plane.

Elemental Tolerance (Ex): A genie is immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane it is on.

The Great Khan of the Dao:
The Great Khan of the Dao (currently Kabril Ali al-Sara al-Zalazil) is also known by a multitude of titles including Ataman of the Mountains’ Roots, Caravaneer of the Sevenfold Path, the Perfect Compass, the Stone Sultan, Carver of Destiny, Master of Traders, the Fountain of Wealth, and Balancer of All Earthly Accounts.

The Great Khan is always planning new engineering projects, and his followers surround him with new ideas for additions to the mazework, new caravans, financial tricks to turn greater profits on his trade routes, and inventions to increase the efficiency of his slaves. He is constantly accompanied and assisted in his work by 1-6 tasked builder genies, 3-30 common merchant dao, 2-20 common warrior dao, and 1-10 noble dao.

The khan is unusually fat for a dao, with none of the strength of limb that most of his nobles possess. However, his eyes are bright with schemes and he has a quick wit. He has a great interest in technological improvements such as optics, systems to transfer mechanical power from one set of belts and gears to another, alchemical findings, and developments in metallurgy and mining such as new pumps, shorings, and refining techniques.

The audience chamber of the Great Khan is called the Hidden Fulcrum of the Dao. It is hidden deep within the Sevenfold Maze, and not even all the noble dao know where it is. Visitors who desire an audience are expected to bribe guards and even noble dao to win entrance to the corridors of power. These gifts or bribes are often discussed quite bluntly, and the amounts vary from 10-80,000 gp. Once a bribe is taken, nothing may happen or the fortunate visitor may be informed (within 1-4 weeks) that a few moments of the khan’s time have become available. All visitors are blindfolded and led through the mazework to the court, a process that requires several hours depending on which path is taken to the center. The khan has cunningly had the Hidden Fulcrum covered with mirrors that reflect his image all around the supplicants who visit him, so that his true location is very difficult to determine. The khan prefers to ask constant questions rather than listen to the pleading and presentations of visitors.

Supplicants are often advised to strip themselves of wealth before entering the mazework, as the khan prefers that his subjects and his audiences be humble and poor. Those poor souls who arrive resplendent in finery and jewels are generally asked to make gifts of their riches to the khan.

The Great Khan rarely leaves the environs of the Sevenfold Mazework; when he does it will be to accompany some vital caravan or to personally supervise the haggling for and obtaining of some great prize object or rare material needed for the magics found in the Mazework. (His caravans are usually comprised of 10-100 common dao and 1-3 noble dao.) The khan prefers to travel incognito when with merchant dao, as his well-known skills at appraising and haggling make others reluctant to deal with him if they recognize him.

When the Great Khan of the Dao travels to the Prime Material Plane, his arrival is always preceded by a powerful earthquake capable of shaking down fortress walls and altering the course of rivers. Once he has arrived he generally travels to the accompaniment of smaller tremors, as his processions often take him through hills and mountains rather than over them. In the desert, his procession (containing no less than 2-200 jann and 2-16 dao) creates a huge sandstorm wherever it passes.
Last edited by Wiseman on Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:42 am, edited 19 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Keep up the gud work, you could probably turn this into a pdf to sell to pathfinder
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