Lets Play - Falcon 3: The Rack of Baal

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Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Fire the blaster at the thing that looks like McReady but didn't say "ultra" once.
Last edited by Mr Shine on Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

The text makes it so blatantly obvious that it's McReady that I'm almost starting to suspect an intentional bluff by the authors. But there's no point in putting Psychic scan as an option if there's no penalty behind it. It's so obviously a useful thing to do that there's no reason Falcon wouldn't immediately try it......unless doing it costs us precious time and allows that alien thing to seize the initiative.

I say take a gamble and shoot McReady immediately for an auto-kill.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Who will you fire the blaster at?

328 [Score a V]

You draw your blaster and fire in one smooth motion. A bolt of plasma slams into McReady's leg, smashing him against the door. He howls, an unearthly, inhuman sound, and his eyes roll up into his head. Suddenly a small suppurating hole appears in his neck, opening and closing spasmodically. His skull splits open with a loud wet crack and something large and bulky shudders forth, forming into a heavy head, horned and armoured, two small pig-like eyes at each side, the whole thing spilling rivulets of reddish mucus. Horrified, Achov, Bragg and Caleb hesitate. McReady's shoulders split apart and a bony carapace forms over them. Then a thin jet of dirty white liquid hisses from the hole in the neck and streams toward you. Desperately you try to avoid it. Make an Evasion Roll.

If you score 6-12...3 and 1, so:

You try to twist aside but the stream of liquid splatters against your leg briefly. It smokes and bubbles, burning through your suit and eating into your calf. Lose 3 Endurance points. If you are still alive, Braxton Bragg fires his laser pistol but the creature, lowering its head, smashes through the door and is away. Hurriedly you begin washing the acidic liquid off your leg, as Bragg and Achov stand momentarily stunned at what has happened. Bragg looks at you and says: 'Good work, Lieutenant. What made you think it was him?'

'He didn't say "ultra" once in ten minutes,' you reply.

(Also, the guy's name was McReady)

Bragg nods. 'Poor McReady, it must have got to him in the radio room. If only I hadn't sent him there alone,' he says, ashen-faced.

Bragg speaks, 'Right, it's it or us. We've got to hunt it down and kill it, if we just wait it'll come for us in our sleep or individually.'

'I'm all for getting it now!' Caleb says aggressively.

'I agree,' says Bragg. 'Let's go and get the powersuits, Lieutenant Falcon's battlesuit will be a great asset.' You all leave together, headed for the air-lock strong room. Unfortunately, you discover all of the powersuits, including your battlesuit, have had their central processing units ripped out. Achov rifles through the emergency spares box, 'Damn, the spares are gone too!' The suits are useless without their computers to guide them. You won't be able to leave the Dome until you find, the suits' computer cartridges.

Bragg says: 'We'll just have to do without them. We'll flush it out: Achov you take the right corridor. Lieutenant, you take the centre corridor, but don't descend into the mine itself, that would be too dangerous if it's there. I'll take the left tunnel. We'll each take a short range radio on the same frequency. At the first sign of trouble, pull back to the junction and radio for help. Caleb can stay at the junction ready to move to anyone's aid.' Bragg hands out the radios and you are given a flamethrower to use. 'If we don't find it, then it's in the mine itself. We'll all go down then and flush it out.' As you all head down the corridor you nip into your cabin. Quickly you take out the tripod and search for the Rack. You discover that it has been taken back to the Cavern at the end of the mineshaft. You will have to go down there after all despite Bragg's warning.

You split up at the junction wishing each other good luck. You move on down the centremost tunnel cautiously, your flamethrower at the ready. You come to the Mining Control Centre, scanning it carefully. It is deserted. You cross it to the lift to the mines. You pass your hand over a small beam of light, and the lift door slides open. You step back, but it is empty. You walk in and the door closes noiselessly behind you. Disregarding Bragg's warning in your quest for the final segment of the Rack, you select the lowest level and the lift begins to drop with gut wrenching speed, and after a few minutes it comes to a stop.

You step out into a large excavated area, shored up with steel girders. Tunnels lead off in many directions, huge juggernaut machines are lying about, currently idle. They are of all shapes and sizes, huge drills, great caterpillar treads, wheels, jointed mechanical legs, containers and so on. It is lit by enormous banks of lamps. Monorails lead off into each tunnel, presumably to the titanium faces. You board a monorail car and drive it down the most recently excavated tunnel. It is as silent as a grave, save for the low thrum of the monorail car's electric motors. The car hums to a halt in a massive natural cavern of seamed rocks, lit by the headlamps of two drilling machines. In the centre lies a black stone altar. On it lies a translucent white triangle dimly pulsing with light. Slowly you get out of the car, your spine tingling, suspicious of the quiet emptiness. You edge forward to the altar, grab the fourth part of the Rack and dart back to the car. You get it and drive back. You are walking towards the lift when a dull thud comes to your ears from the darkness of an empty titanium container. Suddenly, a formless mass of flesh shoots out of the container, telescoping out towards you, dripping viscous slime and a fetid stench washes over you. Two stalks rupture up out of the mass, black glinting eyes forming that fix their gaze upon you. There is a deafening bubbling hiss, and the rest of the creature, a large mass of writhing tentacles, bursts out of the container. It splits open and a column of flesh rears up, towering above you. At its top rests a hideously twisted human head, McReady's. Then the column splits open with a vile smacking sound and a long snake-like neck comes out, a predatory-looking mouth opening at its end, teeth glistening wetly. Once again you are transfixed with horror, it is as if the creature projected fear in some kind of mental attack. Make a Power of Will Roll as you try to force yourself into action.

There is a picture here

If you score 6-12...got a 3 and 3, so:

You throw off your terrified inertia, leaping back as a tentacle snakes out towards you. Then the creature sprouts four massive trunk-like legs, raising it off the ground. It folds in on itself, metamorphosing into a single huge mouth on legs, two lobster-like eyestalks rising above it. Do you have any magnesite with you?

No, so:

You point your flamethrower and squeeze its trigger, trying to bathe it in flame. Make an Attack Roll.

If you score 6-12...5 and 5, so:

Fire billows out, engulfing the thing and it scuttles backwards, sizzling, and giving off an awful stench, making a horrible screaming noise.

As you run, there is a loud tearing sound behind you. Turning your head you are disgusted to see something new erupting out of the burning creature. It shoots up into the air on glistening leathery wings, about four foot long, insect-shaped, but with six, vaguely humanoid arms and a blunt head with a long curving proboscis of sharp bone. It dives down at you. Will you:

Try to flamethrow it?
Thinkstrike it?
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Post by SGamerz »

....why the **** did Bragg split us up again when he knew very well that was what got McReady killed? At least put us in pairs since there're 4 of us! I'm willing to bet that another one of them is going to get possessed when we next see them.

Flamethrower because we know it works.
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

The Thing doesn't like flamethrowers. Burn it.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

A stream of fire erupts from your flamethrower, engulfing the flying beast. It bursts into flames and drops to the floor. You dash to the lift door.

You dart into the lift and press the button for the Mining Control Room. The lift begins to move. Suddenly it shudders for a second but starts to rise upwards quickly again. Then your radio crackles and Bragg's voice comes out of it: 'It's clear in the storage area. How about you, Lieutenant Falcon?' You tell him what's happened, leaving out any mention of the Rack. He replies: 'You fool! You could've been killed!'

Before he can go on, Achov's voice cuts in over the radio. 'I've found the suit computer control chips! They were in the main generator room. I'm coming out now, I'll meet you at the corridor junction.' A few minutes later the lift comes to a stop. Do you have Caleb's flamethrower?

No, so:

You step out into the Control Room. Caleb is waiting for you there and he smiles a greeting. Then his eyes widen in surprise. Suddenly, something sweeps across your legs, knocking you to the ground. Looking around, you see a set of several long human like arms, charred and burnt, heaving a bloated body out from under the lift. It had been clinging to the bottom of the lift. A crocodile head, jaws snapping, rears up above you, dripping slimy juices. Caleb rushes in and sprays it with flame, giving you time to scramble away. But then another spear of sharpened bone lashes out from the creature, even as it burns. Caleb is too slow to avoid it and it buries itself in his head, killing him instantly. The bony spear detaches itself from the flaming mass and begins to disappear into Caleb's body, transforming it. Quickly you use your flamethrower. You burn it thoroughly, making sure there is nothing left but charcoal. Then you use your blaster to reduce the lift to molten metal, sealing anything that may be left of the creature in the mine. Saddened by the death of Caleb, who saved your life, you leave the Control Room.


Bragg and Achov, a tool box in his hand, are waiting for you at the corridor junction. The tool box contains the suit computers and you take your battlesuit control unit. Achov eyes you silently. Bragg asks you what happened and you explain everything to him. Achov says he is going to repair the suits and sets off to the airlock. Bragg nods tiredly, 'Wellit's sealed in the mine, if it's still alive. All we have to do is wait for the relief ship now.' Suddenly, an alarm bell rings out, echoing around the Dome. 'Somebody has left the outer airlock door open!... It must be Achov! Quick, to the suitroom,' cries Bragg and you run down the corridor. Reaching it you discover that one powersuit is missing and the rest have laser beam holes neatly drilled into their face plates, all useless. However your battlesuit is intact its face plate is of toughened pastiglas, proof against laser fire. 'It's not Achov at all!' says Bragg. 'The creature must have got him, and it's gone outside. There's no telling what damage it can do to the Dome from outside with a laser weapon! Our only chance is for you to go outside and kill it, Lieutenant. You should have a good chance in your scoutsuit.' Knowing that you won't be returning to the Dome, you tell Bragg to lock himself in a Titanium Container with enough heating and food to last him until the relief ship arrives. 'In case I don't make it Brax,' you say. He nods and says, 'Okay Lieutenant, good luck. Finish that thing once and for all and let this nightmare end.' Quickly you repair your battlesuit and put it on, the Rack safe inside it, You say goodbye to Bragg and he shakes you by the hand. You wait until he is safely out of the way, then open the air-lock door. A rush of freezing ammonia-ridden gas swirls in and you quickly seal the air-lock, closing the outer door. You find yourself on the bleak surface of Chill once more. It is day time and the weather is good in so far as there isn't a storm. The visibility is reasonable under the slate grey sky. You realise you did not sleep at all last night.

Will you:
Forget about Achov and head straight for Falcon's Wing, you have the Rack now in any case?
Follow the tracks he, or it, has left clearly imprinted in the ice?
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Post by SGamerz »

We need to at least stick around long enough to save Bragg, who apparently is a related family member (brother of grandma, right?) so there's no telling what might happen if he dies here.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Thaluikhain »


Achov's tracks lead up to a nearby ridge. Looking up you can see the trail leads to the mouth of an ice-cave. Opposite the cave is another ridge of ice, about fifty yards from it. Will you:

Go round to the back of the ridge and take up a position directly above the cave mouth?
Walk around to the other ridge and take up a position looking into the cave?
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Post by SGamerz »

Go to the other ridge because I think we'd fare better against the tentacle thing with ranged attacks from a distance.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Thaluikhain »

59 [Score a G]
You move around to the other ridge and climb up it. As you reach the top, you can see Achov lying in the very place you were intending to be. The whole thing was a trap! It was hoping you'd go to the cave where it could pick you off from here. Somehow it senses you and rolls over, a laser rifle in its hand. The face inside the powersuit is not Achov's any more, it is something else, something you are glad not to be able to make out properly. You have the initiative. Will you:

Launch a rocket at the thing in Achov's Power armour?
Fire your Particle Disruptor?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Rocket, because fiery explosions will likely leave more of a mark than whatever the particle disruptor does.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You target a rocket on the creature and it surges up out of your back-rack, retros blazing. As the rocket orientates itself, the thing in the powersuit lifts its laser rifle and fires at you. Make an Evasion Roll.

If you score 7-12...2 and 4, so:

You twist to the side but the laser beam drills into your battlesuit. Subtract 1 from your battlesuit armour points, but you are unhurt. To your horror you realise it has damaged your environmental control unit. If that should fail, your suit will be unable to maintain any heat and you will freeze to death in seconds in this cold. Your rocket surges towards its target. Desperately, the creature tries to dodge it, but the rocket homes in and explodes, smearing the powersuit and its contents across the ridge, where it freezes instantly, completely inert. All that is left is a broad red stain, frozen solid. Exhausted, you pick yourself up and use your jets to fly back to Falcon's Wing.

Make a Chance Roll.

If you score 1, 3, 5 or 6,...got a 2, so:

As you fly, your environment control unit begins to fluctuate wildly and you are subjected to brief moments of biting cold. You are badly frostbitten. Lose 2 Endurance points. If you are still alive, you make it back to the warmth of Falcon's Wing.

Soon you are sitting in the warmth and safety of Falcon's Wing, glad to be alive after your hair-raising experience. CAIN says: 'I have new information in my databanks, Falcon. It seems the mining station on Chill was the subject of some horrible attack by a particularly unpleasant alien life form. Only Braxton Bragg, the manager, survived. There is a story about a scout, Lieutenant Falcon, who later the scout service denied all knowledge of. Apparently he saved Bragg's life at the end, but was killed himself, although they never found his body.' You explain the recent events to CAIN, and it remarks, 'Baal must have visited this place many millenia ago, and planted the Rack section and the egg to guard it.' As you listen to CAIN, your attention is drawn to a bright white light behind you. Turning your head, you gasp in astonishment. The four triangles have linked together to form a four-pointed star and it is pulsing rapidly with light that is travelling round and round it. Suddenly, Falcon's Wing begins to dematerialise as your Variac Drive begins to function.

'CAIN?' you query.

'I am not activating it, Falcon.' Somehow the Rack of Baal is causing your Machine to travel in time. Your mind is soon tuned to the psychic emanations of the Rack and you are able to determine that you are headed for the timehole in the Dirkheim Void. But there is nothing in the Void, you think to yourself. After a while Falcon's Wing materialises in open space. Your mind reels as you look around, for there is nothing except blackness. Then the cameras reveal a large asteroid hanging in the black nothingness of the Void. A steel door, surrounded by dull glowing lights like the door in the cavern on Cave, is set into the side of the asteroid. 'I would say that the Rack has led us to Baal's base. Falcon. You have to take it in there.'Nodding grimly you don your battlesuit and, taking the Rack in an assistor arm, leave Falcon's Wing and jet towards the doorway. If you have a microbeam pencil key....

No, so:


You have no other way of getting in other than destroying the door. You lift your Particle Disruptor and open fire. The door virtually disappears, a sheen of atomized metals puff outward as the air inside rushes out. You jet in, just as an emergency bulkhead shuts behind you, sealing the air in. Your battlesuit analyses the air, it will bear human life, but not for long as it contains toxic substances. You find yourself in a well lit corridor of polished steel. Thirty foot square curving away round a corner. You jet around the corner to be greeted by a strange sight. What can only be described as a twelve foot fly is hurtling towards you up the corridor. You recognise it as it is almost identical to the one that attacked you on Dustbowl. It is heading straight for you and it speaks, a horrible bubbling sound, human words not meant for an alien throat: 'You must die, Intruder!' Will you:

Thinkstrike it?
Launch a rocket at it?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Thinkstrike it? I mean it's clearly got a mind and "just use rocket" can't be the optimal solution to *all* of our problems.

So yeah, half a vote to thinkstrike.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Thinkstrike has worked on psychic minion types before. Try that.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You hurl a blast of mental energy but it has no effect, its mind is too different from yours. The fly slams into you, sending you hammering into the corridor walls. Subtract 1 from your battlesuit armour points. You jet upward and launch a rocket.

A rocket surges up from your back-rack, slams into the fly creature, and explodes ripping it into tiny glutinous bits. You jet onward. The corridor stretches ahead for what seems like an eternity. Then you can see a darker patch at its end. You shoot out, to find yourself flying near the ceiling of an enormous pillared vault. All around you at ceiling level is a circle of dark niches, their contents indeterminable. There is an echoing roar of rage and you look down. There, seated on an enormous throne, cut from a single gigantic diamond over thirty feet in size, is the powerfully muscled form of Baal. 'Curse you, mortal, will you plague me for ever!' he screams. Then he notices that you are holding the Rack. It is throbbing with an incredibly bright light, so that it is painful to look on. For the first time, you see fear on Baal's face. 'No!' he screams. He tries to hurl a yellow fireball and he tries to exert his mental power, but he cannot do either. Then he tries to fly up to you but he cannot even do that. His face contorts with effort as he tries to travel in time but to no avail. The Rack is preventing all his powers from working. Quickly he bellows, 'Kill him!' From either side of you giant flying creatures burst out of the small niches, filling the air with a deafening humming. You recognise the fly-like creatures, similar to the one you fought on Dustbowl. Will you:

Fire your Particle Disruptor at Baal?
Throw the Rack at Baal?
Try to fight off the fly-like creatures?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Toss him the Rack, he seemed fine alone with it for millennia before this all broke out.
(Reread the intro, it explicitly works better the closer it is to him.)
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Throw kryptonite at Superman.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You take the star-shaped Rack and send it spinning through the air towards Baal. It leaves a shimmering trail of light behind it as it arcs down, whining shrilly. Baal's eyes widen in horror and he screams once more, 'Noooo, not again, please!' Suddenly the Rack splits into four and each section arrows away to fasten at Baal's wrists and ankles. He is powerless as the Rack spreadeagles him, lifting him, cartwheeling around, into the air. The fly creatures halt in mid-air, hovering, unsure without the driving will of their master behind them. Each triangle begins to shimmer and crackle with white light. Then streaks of white lightning flash from triangle to triangle, enmeshing Baal in bands of bright energy. Soon he disappears from view, completely enclosed in a prison of pure elemental energy. Suddenly the whole thing disappears. The fly creatures flutter downward, purposeless. At last you have succeeded, you turn and jet back to Falcon's Wing. You tell CAIN to set co-ordinates for the Eiger Vault in a tired voice, your mission complete.

Some hours later, you are rested and sitting in Jobanque's office, relating the story of your mission to your Section Chief. When you have finished he says: 'A remarkable tale, Falcon. You are indeed our most resourceful agent. Once again, the Federation - indeed all the peoples of the known universe - owe their freedom to you. Who knows what crimes Baal would have perpetrated in his lust for ultimate power! The Cavers have had some unfortunate changes in their past, but they know you prevented the situation from getting worse. Much worse. The government of Cave, that is to say, the reigning Mother, has sent her personal thanks to you. However, not all the news is good. Agent Lynx is in hospital; she was on Yelov's trail, but he got the better of her. He's still at large somewhere, but keeping very quiet. Anyway, go and have some rest now Falcon, you've earned it!' A few days later, you receive a message asking you to go and see Jobanque again. When you arrive, you can see maintenance men going in and out of his office. Going in you can see it is being cleared out.

Jobanque is standing behind his desk, directing operations. Seeing you he says, 'Falcon, good to see you.' He pauses for a moment, smiling at you'. Then he says, 'I've been kicked upstairs, Falcon. They've selected me to be the Earther Lord of TIME, along with Silvermane, Pilota and R1llk of the Keladi! I've also got something for you, Falcon,' and he hands you a sheet of paper. It is an official TIME document. Your heart leaps as you realise you have been promoted to Section Chief, taking over from Jobanque's position. 'Agents Bloodhound, Lynx, Leopard, Chameleon and the rest are all under your command now, Falcon,' Jobanque says happily. 'Congratulations, Section Chief! Before you go, I've one last surprise for you,' and he opens the door. Standing there, grinning, is Braxton Bragg, looking a little older, but much the same, preserved by life-prolonging drugs. He smiles warmly and grabs your hand, shaking it vigorously.

'Good to see you again, after all these years. Falcon. Jobanque has told me all about it. I've always wondered who you were, a Time Traveller, eh! Never would've guessed it back on Chill in a million years.' You leave the TIME building together. He tells you he owns the Mining Company now and you reminisce about what he calls the 'Old Days' together, That thing certainly gave us a hard time, eh, Falcon.' But, of course, for him it was fifty-eight years ago, whilst for you it has only been a matter of days....

And the score is: GJEVG

And subtracting the Qs...there aren't any. I think there should be a Q for each time you start, which'd be two, but there isn't any mention of this this time.

So, that's:
Congratulations, you deserve your place in the Special Agent Section.
If you assume there should be a Q each time you start, like in the other ones, or:

You're the best agent TIME has ever had - you're on-line for promotion.
If you don't.
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Post by SGamerz »

So, does helping those 'loyalists' lead to anything good (or bad)?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

If you help the loyalists, you pick up a severed claw from a dead rebel, which resembles a sword. You don't actually do anything with it per se, but when Baal is throwing people at you, it checks for that and if you have it a bunch of loyalists turn up and attack Baal and you are able to get away without being pelted by cavers.
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