Feat/Level List, Take Two

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Feat/Level List, Take Two

Post by virgil »

I'm attempting a more moderate list, compared to last time I attempted this. The use is in the following environment:
  • E6 Format
  • Tome Classes
  • Races of War Combat Rules
  • One Feat per Level
Here are the feats thus far. I have not decided what kind of feats to use for metamagic.
Caster & Supernatural Feats
  • Armored Mage You have no chance of failure when casting spells with somatic components in armor you are proficient in. You gain proficiency in light and medium armor.
    Blood Painter At any time, you can cast any spell you know (including a spell book) by painting a magical diagram on a flat 10" square surface. This takes one minute per spell level, and deals 1 Con damage for every 3 spell levels (or a like amount of Blood Pool if available). If the caster's current Constitution or Blood Pool is less than double the spell's level, it cannot be cast. Any spells cast with this feat are considered Supernatural abilities.
    Body Assemblage You may create skeletons & zombies that serve you alone, up to your unmodified Charisma modifier in undead, and no undead can have a CR greater than two less than your character level. A first or second level character can create undead equal to their own CR, but each undead creature counts as two for control purposes.
    Child Necromancer All Necromancy spells you cast are at +4 CL, you gain the effects of Weapon Finesse for all Necromancy spells, you have a -4 Strength, and you are one size category smaller due to looking as a child despite your actual age.
    Conductivity You gain electricity resistance 5 and, if struck for electricity damage, you may send a line of electricity arcing from your body at any single target within 30'. This bolt deals half the damage you just took (before applying resistance or immunity); a Reflex save (DC 16 + your Cha modifier) halves this damage.
    Energy Immunity You are immune to a single energy type. You can only choose this feat once.
    Live My Nightmare Whenever you are targeted with a divination spell or effect, you can send that caster a nightmarish vision. This vision functions as a phantasmal killer spell (DC 14 + Charisma modifier).
    Residual Rebound If you roll a natural 20 or exceed the save DC by 5 or more against a targeted spell’s saving throw, you may redirect it back to the caster as if affected by spell turning. This works against touch spells.
    Photosynthetic Skin While exposed to sunlight, you gain a +2 natural armor bonus. One hour of exposure is enough to feed you for the day.
    Spell Focus Choose a school or spell descriptor. All spells and spell-like abilities you cast with this school or descriptor gains a +2 competence bonus to their save DCs
    Tomb Tainted Soul You are healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy
Martial Combat Feats
  • Bladeproof Skin You gain DR 3/bludgeoning.
    Blind Fight In melee, you are not flat-footed against invisible attackers, you get a single reroll on your miss chance against a target with concealment, and you have half the usual penalty to speed for being unable to see.
    Boneblade Master You are proficient in any weapon made of Boneblade, enjoy the benefits of Improved Critical with any Boneblade weapon, and may craft weapons out of the material. Boneblade can only be made into light slashing or piercing melee weapons, ignore the DR of all undead, can hit incorporeal creatures as if it had the ghost touch property, & costs 1000gp/lb
    Combat Brute If you charge and perform a Power Attack maneuver, you may adjust the penalty to attack to AC instead. In addition, after the charge, you retain the bonus damage from Power Attack for the following round against the target without the associated penalty.
    Danger Sense You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative & can act during surprise rounds
    Deep Freeze Whenever you deal cold damage, you deal an extra point of cold damage per die. Creatures with less than 50% of their maximum hit points remaining after taking at least one point of cold damage gain frostbite (fatigued until the cold damage is healed). Creatures brought to 0hp or lower by your cold damage can be turned into ice statues instead of being killed (at your choice), as as flesh to stone, but the target is made of ice rather than stone.
    Diehard You do not die until -10hp less than normal. When your hit point total is below 0 or have more nonlethal damage than hit points, you automatically stabilize and may act as if disabled instead of unconscious.
    Dodge You gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC and foes do not gain an attack bonus against you from flaking or higher ground
    Demoralizing Shout When using demoralize, you target every foe within 10' past your reach or closer with a -5 check penalty.
    Elusive Target Attacks that you are not flat-footed against do not gain bonus damage from Power Attack. The first attack of a round from a flanking foe automatically misses you and is directed against the other flanking foe (who is flat-footed).
    Great Cleave When you drop an opponent with a melee attack, you may use an attack of opportunity to make another cleave attack against an opponent within reach. You may take a 5’ step before or after this attack.
    Flyby Attack When flying, the creature can take a move action (including a dive) and another standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.
    Great Fortitude You gain a +3 bonus to Fortitude saves
    Iron Will You gain a +3 bonus to Will saves
    Lighting Reflexes You gain a +3 bonus to Reflex saves
    Marksman You take no penalty for firing into melee, your range increment is doubled, and the time it takes to reload a weapon to a free action
    Mongol You gain an additional attack per round with a ranged weapon when making a full attack, it and all other attacks gaining a -2 penalty during that round. Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check as a reaction to negate the hit if it the attack roll is less than your Ride check. In addition, the penalty from using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved (-2 during a double move, -4 during a run).
    Mounted Combat Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check as a reaction to negate the hit if it the attack roll is less than your Ride check. When you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted, your target may not choose to avoid you, gaining a free hoof attack against any target you successfully knock down (at the +4 bonus against a prone target). While mounted and taking the charge action, you deal double damage with a melee weapon (triple with a lance).
    Shock Trooper If you make a successful bull rush against a foe, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each square your bull rush moved that foe. This bonus lasts for one round. If the bull rush forces a foe into the same square as another foe, you may make a free trip attempt against both foes at the same time, and neither foe gets a chance to trip you if the attempt fails.
    Two Weapon Fighting When making an attack, you can make as many attacks with your off-hand as your main hand with the same attack bonus.
    Up the Walls As a swift action, you can move along vertical surfaces as if they were normal wall until the end of your turn.
    Weapon Finesse You may use your Dexterity modifier in place of Strength for attack bonus, and Intelligence for damage. Your attacks have the Edge against foes with lower Dexterity.
    Whirlwind Attack As a full-attack action, you can make a single melee attack against each opponent within reach.
    Zen Archery You may use Wisdom in place of Dexterity when making a ranged attack
Skill Feats
  • Break Trail You spend at least a minute indoors or five minutes outdoors to mask the trail of even an entire group's passage through an area. The first time a tracker reaches the spot where you used this ability, you make a Survival check against a DC 10 + tracker's ranks in Survival, success increasing the DC to track you by 5. If they fail this check, they must spend two hours outdoors (20 minutes indoors) searching to pick up the trail again. If you exceed the DC by 10 or more, the DC to track your party increases by 20 and the pursuer must spend eight hours outdoors (80 minutes indoors) to find the trail again.
    Combat Looting You may sheath or store an object as a free action, and picking up an object does not provoke an AoO. You gain a +3 bonus to disarm attempts.
    Command As a standard action, make a demand of a target that they may follow without question. The target must be able to clearly see and hear you, and may not be currently engaged in combat with you. The base DC is 15 + their HD + their Charisma modifier + any bonuses against fear effects + level difference (Target's level - Your level) + 10 per prior attempt. If successful, the target follows your orders for up to a minute, making a Will save (DC 10 + half your Intimidation bonus) each round they are away from you; or 20 minutes if you exceed the DC by 5 or more. This is a fear effect.
    Darkstalker You show poorly against tremorsense and blindsense, and creatures must make a Spot or Listen check to locate you with these abilities.
    Educated You are considered proficient with all Knowledge skills. Pick two Knowledge skills, you gain a +2 bonus with those two skills.
    Endurance You gain a +4 bonus to checks and saves to resist nonlethal damage and fatigue from Swimming, running, forced marches, holding your breath, starvation, thirst, hot & cold environments, and resisting suffocation. You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued. You can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier for Will saves.
    Heightened Awareness +3 to Spot & Listen checks
    Hover When flying, the creature can halt its forward motion and hover in place as a move action. It can then fly in any direction, including straight down or straight up, at half speed, regardless of its maneuverability. If a creature begins its turn hovering, it can hover in place for the turn and take a full-round action. A hovering creature cannot make wing attacks, but it can attack with all other limbs and appendages it could use in a full attack. The creature can instead use a breath weapon or cast a spell instead of making physical attacks, if it could normally do so. If a creature of Large size or larger hovers within 20 feet of the ground in an area with lots of loose debris, the draft from its wings creates a hemispherical cloud with a radius of 60 feet. The winds so generated can snuff torches, small campfires, exposed lanterns, and other small, open flames of non-magical origin. Clear vision within the cloud is limited to 10 feet. Creatures have concealment at 15 to 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet or more, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents cannot use sight to locate the creature). Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + ½ creature’s HD) to cast a spell.
    Orator With two full-round actions, you may attempt to fascinate an audience. Everyone within 20' of you must make a Sense Motive check against a DC equal to 10 + your Diplomacy modifier. If they fail, they are fascinated until you stop talking. Each minute, they get a reroll, each failure giving them a cumulative -3 penalty to all attempts to break free. In addition, you can Push an Agreement with an entire group, going against a DC of 13 + the group's EL + the highest Wis modifier of someone with authority in the group + the worst rapport modifier of someone in the group with authority.
    Pierce Illusion With a standard action, you may choose a single sense and make a Notice check against a DC 15 + caster level. If your check result exceeds both that and the spell's save DC, the you penetrate the sense of the illusion for as long as you spend a swift action each round. For effects such as invisibility, this allows you to ignore the spell, while doing little against multi-sensory illusions. This counts as interaction and permits a saving throw against the illusion with a +4 bonus.
    Resistant Lotion You can craft ointments that provide acid, cold, electricity, or fire resistance 5 in any color of the rainbow. These ointments require 1 minute to apply, in addition to the regular time to apply a disguise, and last for 24 hours. You suffer no penalty to Disguise checks for substantially different colors. The ointment is made in batches of 5 uses, requires a DC 16 Disguise check, and require either a complete day of work or 5 days of one hour shifts to produce.
    Smuggle If you accept a -5 penalty to your stealth check, you may use your base check as the base result for every member of your group within 30 feet for the purposes of avoiding detection. Each member suffers penalties individually based on their actions for the round, though. Alternately, for every 1 point that you reduce your check by, you may increase the check of an ally within 30 feet by 2 (to a maximum of your final result).
    Stealthy You gain a +2 bonus to Hide & Move Silently, with no penalty for moving at normal speed
Last edited by virgil on Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:06 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Pariah Dog »

For Marksman, +2 to hit or damage within 30 feet? Assuming damage like PBS.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Are you going to split these lists into 5-level groups like Warlock invocations?

It would be a good idea.
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Post by hogarth »

For such a small list of feats, I'm not sure why you're putting in rarely used feats like "Conductivity", "Live My Nightmare" and "Pierce Illusion".

The wording of "Shock Trooper" is pretty bad. Does the bonus apply on your next attack? Or the next round? Presumably it doesn't last forever.
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Post by virgil »

JonSetanta wrote:Are you going to split these lists into 5-level groups like Warlock invocations?
I am afraid I don't quite get what you mean by that.
hogarth wrote:For such a small list of feats, I'm not sure why you're putting in rarely used feats like "Conductivity", "Live My Nightmare" and "Pierce Illusion".
Because I don't have a lot of feats, I should remove some?
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Re: Feat/Level List, Take Two

Post by RobbyPants »

virgil wrote:
  • Races of War Combat Rules
Combat Brute If you charge and perform a Power Attack maneuver, you may adjust the penalty to attack to AC instead. In addition, after the charge, you gain a bonus to melee damage against the same target the following round equal to 1.5 times the penalty set (or x3 for a two-handed weapon).
Is this bonus on top of what Power Attack normally grants you, or is it replacing it? If it's replacing it, you're weakening what Power Attack normally does for a one-handed weapon:
Races of War wrote: Power Attack
You leverage your combat skill into devastating attacks at the expense of accuracy.
Requirement: You must make an attack action and have a BAB of at least +1.
Effect: Before making an attack roll, you may voluntarily take an attack penalty of up to your BAB, and inflict two times that amount in extra damage with that attack. You may take this option on any or all of your attacks if you wish.
I suppose it could be intentional, since taking the penalty to AC makes you hit more often, but the two-handed weapons are getting a larger boost.
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Post by virgil »

It's in addition - you take a -5 penalty with Power Attack for +10 damage. The next round, without using Power Attack, you have +7 damage (+15 with 2H).

I had forgotten that RoW's version was a flat x2 for all weapons (just took original Combat Brute whole cloth)...I'll be updating Combat Brute accordingly.
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Post by RobbyPants »

virgil wrote:It's in addition - you take a -5 penalty with Power Attack for +10 damage. The next round, without using Power Attack, you have +7 damage (+15 with 2H).

I had forgotten that RoW's version was a flat x2 for all weapons (just took original Combat Brute whole cloth)...I'll be updating Combat Brute accordingly.
I was forgetting this was applied next round, which was confusing me. Your rewording looks pretty good to me.
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Post by hogarth »

virgil wrote:
hogarth wrote:For such a small list of feats, I'm not sure why you're putting in rarely used feats like "Conductivity", "Live My Nightmare" and "Pierce Illusion".
Because I don't have a lot of feats, I should remove some?
Hopefully you would replace them with good ones instead of useless garbage. I thought that went without saying, though.
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Post by virgil »

hogarth wrote:
virgil wrote:
hogarth wrote:For such a small list of feats, I'm not sure why you're putting in rarely used feats like "Conductivity", "Live My Nightmare" and "Pierce Illusion".
Because I don't have a lot of feats, I should remove some?
Hopefully you would replace them with good ones instead of useless garbage. I thought that went without saying, though.
Hopefully this teaches you to say what you mean and stop making assumptions. The feats are staying.
Last edited by virgil on Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RobbyPants »

With Frozen Solid, could a person thaw if left in a warm environment, or will they just melt into water? As written, I'm assuming it's the latter. It probably doesn't matter unless used on a PC, anyway.

Why the 30' restriction on Zen Archery?
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Post by virgil »

RobbyPants wrote:With Frozen Solid, could a person thaw if left in a warm environment, or will they just melt into water? As written, I'm assuming it's the latter. It probably doesn't matter unless used on a PC, anyway.

Why the 30' restriction on Zen Archery?
Aye, the intent was for the victim to risk being melted - and my assumption on the reading was probably insufficiently clear.

As for the Zen Archery restriction - I just took the feat whole cloth from Sword & Fist, which had the 30' restriction, since the general consensus has been S&F>CW. Has there been an unspoken assumption that people use Complete Warrior's rendition?
Last edited by virgil on Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

I'm pretty sure absolutely everyone uses the unlimted version, including the Tomes basing it on the unlimited version.

To the extend that people think SF over CW it's because SF added some fighter classes worth playing and CW added 0. But since "being stronger" is the reason people like any part of SF, applying the weaker version of a feat is a bad idea.

Having people have drastically different attack bonuses based on 5ft of distance is usually bad practice, it's even bad in PB shot and Tome PB shot. Range limited on SA (that can be negated with effort) is probably fine, but that is very different from just having a bunch of marginal attack bonus differences.

Since this happened with a crit thing earlier, let me specify, yes I'm also including range penalties to hit. The implementation is bad and slows down the game a lot and there has to be a better version.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by virgil »

An additional eleven feats. Marksman has been repeated to note the change.

[*]Dark Awareness You no longer need to sleep. You also become immune to the effects of sleep-inducing abilities. If you become unconscious, you remain aware of your surroundings (yet helpless). Recovery of resources such as spell slots still require rest for the standard amount of time.
[*]Deflect When you are hit in combat by an attack against your regular AC, you may use an attack of opportunity to deflect the attack. Make a melee attack at a -5 penalty with an object in your hand. If your attack roll exceeds that of the attack against you, the attack strikes and damages the object instead and you drop the object in a square adjacent to you. You must not be flat-footed.
[*]Ward When an ally within your reach provokes an attack of opportunity, you may make an attack of opportunity to prevent any other character from taking an attack of opportunity against your ally.
[*]Adjusted Accuracy Whenever you miss with an attack, you gain a +2 bonus to your next attack roll. This bonus stacks with consecutive misses, with a maximum bonus of +10, and resets to +0 on the first successful hit. In addition, the character reduces their miss chance by 10% for every miss (such as concealment, blur, etc), up to a maximum of 50%. This bonus resets at the beginning of an encounter, and bonuses are not granted unless the attack is made against a viable enemy rather than the ground.
[*]Brutal Thrower You may use Strength instead of Dexterity for attack rolls with thrown weapons, thrown items, and slings. In addition, you triple the range of all thrown weapons and slings you wield, to a minimum range increment of 50'.
[*]Powerful Build You gain the trait.
[*]Scent You gain the ability
[*]Lifesense Living creatures generate light as a torch only you (and others with the sense) can see. This disrupts their ability to hide from you as if they were carrying a torch.
[*]Augment Summoning As the standard feat
[*]Power Lunge You deal additional damage on a successful charge equal to double your Strength modifier, provoking an attack of opportunity against the opponent
[*]Marksman You take no penalty for firing into melee, your range increment is doubled, and the time it takes to reload a weapon to a free action
[*]Weapon Specialization With an hour of practice and every weapon you wish to wield at the same time, you become familiarized its fighting style. Until you perform a practice drill with a different array, you have a +2 to attack and damage with those weapons.
Last edited by virgil on Tue Apr 17, 2018 5:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by deaddmwalking »

You'll need to provide clarity around Lifesense and Stealth/Invisibility.
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Post by virgil »

Lifesense has been adjusted. I have created eight more.

[*]Sprightly Feet You take no penalty for moving full speed when using Balance or Tumble.
[*]Gecko Feet You are never treated as flat-footed while climbing. You may use your ranks in Climb in place of BAB for determining Edge for the Grab On maneuver or when your target is also climbing. You have a +10 bonus to catch yourself or others when falling.
[*]Bouncing Feet You take no penalty to Jump from Armor Check Penalty or making standing jumps. You gain a +3 to Jump.
[*]Quick Feet Your base land speed increases to 50' and your base Climb speed increases to 30'. You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity provoked due to movement through a threatened area.
[*]War Mage Whenever casting a spell that deals energy damage, you may change the type to acid, cold, electricity, or fire.
[*]Counterspell With a readied action, you may interrupt any spell cast within Line of Sight with a successful opposed caster level check (-4 penalty if it's not on your spell list) without expending any spell.
[*]Overcharged Magic You gain a +4 to caster level checks, including spell resistance.
[*]Genasi Choose an energy type. You gain 10 resistance against it and a breath weapon of either a 30’ cone or a 60’ line. The breath weapon deals 1d6/level energy damage, Reflex save for half damage (DC 10 + half your level + your Constitution modifier). After using your breath weapon, you cannot use it again for 1d4 rounds.
Last edited by virgil on Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by deaddmwalking »

Quick Feat is heavily favored toward base 20' movement characters (like Dwarves). They get +30 move speed, compared to a +20 for humans and the like. Gelatinous Cubes might REALLY like it.
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Post by erik »

I've been trying to avoid being sucked in since I feel like fixing 3e feats is a loser's path in game design... but I have to ask, why do Genasi get breath weapons?

Also, fast Gelatinous Cubes gave me a nostalgic chuckle for when I created a rival adventuring party of 'Awakened' oozes as a foil for the PCs, including a Barbarian Gelatinous Cube. They all spoke "bubble" like Pom Pom from Homestar Runner.
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Post by Blicero »

Genasi getting breath weapons is indeed kind of odd.

But if you want to keep it, I've found 4e-style recharge dice to be more enjoyable than prerolled recharge periods.

That is, "After you use your breath weapon, it is inactive. At the start of your next turn, you may roll 1d4. On a 4, your breath weapon is no longer inactive. On a 1-3, your breath weapon is still recharging." It makes the recharging process feel more active for a player.
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Post by OgreBattle »

deaddmwalking wrote:Quick Feat is heavily favored toward base 20' movement characters (like Dwarves). They get +30 move speed, compared to a +20 for humans and the like. Gelatinous Cubes might REALLY like it.
An Ussain Bolt type elf with +20 movement would be able to kite better than a dorf with 40 movement wouldn't it? 50 movement is horse speed
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Post by Chamomile »

It's not +20 movement, your movement is just set to 50', no matter what it was before.
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Post by JonSetanta »

What I meant was... you should sort these into level-appropriate groups rather than "just take at any level" approach.
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Post by virgil »

JonSetanta wrote:What I meant was... you should sort these into level-appropriate groups rather than "just take at any level" approach.
I'm not interested in doing that. The most important reason is this is explicitly an E6 format, so splitting them into 5-level groups is waay too much work for too little reward.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Being bladeproof and being energy resilient are both supernatural abilities I could see a warrior or mage taking, but you've got a caster/martial divide to how you categorize things.
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Post by Lokathor »

Virgil, I'd at least stick minimum levels on some of these. There's a lot of feats that are cool to have at 6th level that probably shouldn't be picked by 1st level dudes.
Last edited by Lokathor on Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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