[LP] DestinyQuest 2: The Heart of Fire

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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What should we name our character?

Mr. Patio
The lovely Samantha
Other (please specify)
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Stare open mouthed at the scraps of cloth.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Look at the cloth.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The sheet of parchment has a pattern drawn on it, with the words, 'A stitch in time saves nine,' across the bottom. Next to the parchment are nine squares of cloth with the numbers one to nine stitched on them. This looks like some form of puzzle.
The pattern shows an arrangement of squares. You assume you need to place the nine pieces of cloth on the pattern, so that a number is in each square. There is only one of each number, so the pattern should finish up with the numbers 1 to 9 arranged within the grid. Then the symbols will give you a three digit number.
'Look Maxi! Someone wants to play!' The child's voice squeals with excitement. 'They think they're cut from the same cloth as me, but I bet they can't make me a number of three. Each stitch adds one or they'll come undone. Get it right and they'll run and run. So, what's my answer?'
If you are able to solve the puzzle then turn to the appropriate entry number. Otherwise, after much head scratching, you decide to give up on this foolish task. You leave the room via the half-open door.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Starmaker »

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

As you place the cloth pieces onto the pattern you hear a cackle of delight from the unseen child. 'Oh yes! They like to play games, Maxi!'
At first you look around with disappointment, having hoped that some form of reward would be forthcoming., Then you spot a wooden trunk resting underneath one of the arched windows. You don't remember it being there before. You hurry over, crouching down to push open the lid. Inside you find what appears to be a child's dressing-up clothes. Several of them glimmer with special enchantments. If you wish, you may take one of the following rewards:
Hat of stars (head) +1 brawn +1 magic ability: charm (reroll 1 of your hero's dice 1/combat, multiple instances stack for extra uses)
Medic's uniform (chest) +1 speed +1 magic ability: heal (1/combat, instantly restore 4 health to yourself or an ally)
Barbarian chest wig (chest) +1 speed +1 brawn ability: fear (1/combat, -2 to opponent's damage score for 1 round)

You also find a leather case that contains a number of blank sheets of parchment. You can't fathom their significance but decide to take them with you anyway. (Make a note of the parchment on your hero sheet, it doesn't take up backpack space.) As you close the trunk, your eyes settle on the half-open door that leads deeper into the tower. Determined to find the child and the rest of your companions, you head through it into the passageway beyond.

At the end of the passageway you see the strange child watching you, his patchwork cloak wrapped tight around his scrawny shoulders. Behind him is a glowing portal, identical to the others you have used to travel around the tower.
'You are good at my games,' grins the boy, scratching at his chin. 'But my best game is yet to come. It's my favorite!'
'Where are the others?' you demand angrily, striding towards him. 'Enough of your games!'
'Ah, can't tell you that,' he smiles.
Suddenly, the passageway begins to shake violently, throwing you to your knees. The child looks around in confusion. 'No! The tower...it's starting again...it wants to take us back!'
'Back where?' you yell over the rumbling din. 'You mean the shroud?'
The child doesn't answer. Instead he turns and runs, disappearing through the glowing portal. You stagger after him, determined not to let him escape.

You find yourself stumbling forward into a dusty attic, its sloping ceiling forcing you to stop. Thankfully the tremors have now subsided, but their aftermath is still evident to see—boxes of junk have been thrown around and upended, spilling their contents across the floor. Of the child there is no sign, although you notice another glowing doorway at the other side of the attic.

Will you:
Stop and search the room?
Hurry through the portal?

Also trash pick a loot from the chest.
Name: Mr. Patio
Path: Rogue
Speed: +6, Brawn: +3, Magic: +2, Armor: +3
Health: 35
HeadWhite Mane+1+1Charm
NecklaceBlood Iron Knot+1Charm
CloakSaddle Blanket+1
Main HandRusted Knife+1Bleed
Left HandFalk's Firestarter+1+1Headshot
GlovesDark Vein Bracers+1
ChestGreen Blaze+1+1Haste
FeetSailor's Sandals+1Surefooted
TalismanMaker's Button+1
Ring 1Pins 'N' NeedlesThorns
Ring 2Warded Wood+1+1

1Pot of Healing
2Pumpkin Squash (2 uses)
3Mother's Medicine (2 uses)
4Jacob's Special Mix (2 uses)
5Pot of Speed

Safe HouseItem
1Wishing Well Coin
2All Hallow's Ring
3Holy Water (2 uses)
4Angelica Wreath (ability: holy protector)

sure blade
meadowsweet, lemongrass, and white willow
Map of Carvel
Handy Herbalist's Spotter's Guide
can of oil
Money Pouch: 191 Crowns
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Hat of stars is identical to white mane, so take that and trash white mane.

Then cheese it through the portal given that our motivation for portal jumping was to catch the boy not to find loot.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

We don't know for sure that the boy left through the portal. He may be hiding here.

I say search. Even if we don't find him we almost definitely will find loot.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Search, time pressure isn't a thing.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

With one eye on the portal, which could disappear at any second, you set about searching through the scattered junk. There is very little of value amongst the musty-smelling odds and ends, but you do manage to uncover a velvet pouch containing 10 gold crowns. You also find a clay jar labeled 'extra-sticky glue.' The lid has become stuck tight. You will have to take a brawn test in order to open it:

A sticky problem (Brawn 9. 8+3=success!)

You are able to pry open the lid, revealing the gooey white paste held inside. (If you wish to take the extra-sticky glue simply make a note of it on your hero sheet, it doesn't take up backpack space.)
As you pocket your item, you notice that the portal is starting to fade. Not wishing to become trapped in the attic, you push through the remaining junk and step into the white light.

You emerge in a small room with a square pedestal at its center. Resting on it is a gold staff and a roll of parchment. As you step towards it, you hear a child's laughter coming from above. 'Time to play my favorite game!'
Glancing up, you see the boy is now standing on a balcony. He's raised up on tiptoe in order to see over the railing.
'Paper, scissors, stone!' he calls excitedly.
A sudden tremor causes the tower to shake, its foundations groaning as if in pain. The boy's grin is suddenly replaced by a petulant frown. 'No, not yet! I want to play!'
There is another quake, more extreme this time, shaking flakes of mortar loose from the walls. With a shriek the boy turns and hurries away, disappearing from sight.
With no other choice, you quickly examine the objects on the podium. Unfurling the scroll, you see that it contains a simple message: Use the staff and follow my rules. Create your warriors, with the following tools:
Metalnuts and bolts, enchanted iron, can of oil
Paperparchment, magic ink, extra-sticky glue
Rockstonecutter's tools, diamonds, extra-sticky glue

You pick up the staff, seeing that it has a number of glyphs carved into its length. When you pass your hand over these, they flicker with magic. You reread the message, realizing that the boy wants you to create a set of magical soldiers using certain materials. If you have the relevant materials to create a soldier, then you can craft it—watching with surprise as the staff brings your silent automaton to life. Make a note of the warriors that you are able to make (you must also remove the relevant materials from your hero sheet. We can't make any of them, so no notes to make.)

A portal flickers into being and from it an immense creature steps into the chamber. Fashioned from chunks of black rock, the giant has a roughly humanoid appearance, its stumpy arms ending in boulder-sized fists. With a grating rumble, it stomps towards you, an angry fire burning from its hollow eye sockets. You must now fight:

Special Abilities
Body of rock: Your opponent is immune to bleed.
If you have one of the following and wish to use it, turn to the relevant entry number: metal soldier, paper soldier, rock soldier. Otherwise, you must fight this opponent yourself.
(Damn, this guy is going to take a while to kill. Bleed immune and armor higher than Patio's damage stat. Going to have to rely on Patio's speed advantage, rerolls, thorns and headshot.)
Round 1: Patio 8+6 (charm'd, 11+6,) Rocco 10+5. Damage 4+3-4=3, Rocco is at 32. *Thorns* It's at 31.
Round 2: Patio 9+6 (haste'd), Rocco 9+5. Damage 5+3-4=4, Rocco is at 27. *Thorns* It's at 26.
Round 3: Patio 9+6, Rocco 10+5. Tie. *Thorns* Rocco is at 25.
Round 4: Patio 8+6, Rocco 8+5. Damage 2+3-4=1, Rocco is at 24. *Thorns* It's at 23.
Round 5: Patio 6+6, Rocco 6+5. Damage 4+3-4=3, Rocco is at 20. *Thorns* It's at 19.
Round 6: Patio 6+6 (surefooted'd, 6+6), Rocco 9+5. (Prophecy'd, no damage.) *Thorns* Rocco is at 18.
Round 7: Patio 7+6, Rocco 5+5. Damage 4+3-4=3, Rocco is at 15. *Thorns* It's at 14.
Round 8: Patio 6+6, Rocco 7+5. Tie. *Thorns* Rocco is at 14.
Round 9: Patio 5+6, Rocco 3+5. Damage 5+3-4=4, Rocco is at 10. *Thorns* It's at 9.
Round 10: Patio 2+6, Rocco 5+5. Damage 3+4-3=4, Patio is at 31. *Thorns* Rocco is at 8.
Round 11: Patio 3+6, Rocco 10+5. Damage 6+4-3=7, Patio is at 24. *Thorns* Rocco is at 7.
Round 12: Patio 7+6 (charm'd, 10+6), Rocco 9+5. Damage 2+3-4=1, Rocco is at 6. *Thorns* Rocco is at 5 *Headshot* Rocco is dead!
If you win, you must continue with the health that you have remaining.

The portal reappears, releasing another creature into the chamber. Your eyes follow it as it tumbles across the ground, its body looking like a crumpled mass of parchment. The instant it rolls to a halt the odd creation springs into the air, unfolding itself into a paper-thin warrior. Instead of hands, it has curved paper scythes, looking as wickedly sharp as any knife. You must now fight:

Special Abilities
Body of paper: Your opponent is immune to bleed.
If you have one of the following and wish to use it, turn to the relevant entry number: metal soldier, paper soldier, rock soldier. Otherwise, you must fight this opponent yourself.
This guy's a bit weaker, but we have 11 less health than when we started. At least our abilities refresh.
Round 1: Patio 9+6 (haste'd), Papyrus 7+6. Damage 6+3-3=6, Papyrus is at 24. *Thorns* It's at 23.
Round 2: Patio 5+6, Papyrus 6+5. Tie. *Thorns* Papyrus is at 22.
Round 3: Patio 4+6 (surefooted'd, 8+6), Papyrus 6+5. Damage 4+3-3=4, Papyrus is at 19. *Thorns* It's at 18.
Round 4: Patio 8+6, Papyrus 4+5. Damage 3+3-3=3, Papyrus is at 15. *Thorns* It's at 14.
Round 5: Patio 3+6, Papyrus 11+5. (Prophecy'd, no damage.) *Thorns* Papyrus is at 13.
Round 6: Patio 7+6, Papyrus 6+5. Damage 3+3-3=3, Papyrus is at 10. *Thorns* It's at 9.
Round 7: Patio 7+6 (charm'd, 9+6), Papyrus 10+5. Tie. *Thorns* Papyrus is at 8.
Round 8: Patio 4+6 (charm'd, 9+6), Papyrus 7+5. Damage 5+3-3=5, Papyrus is at 3. *Headshot* Papyrus is dead!
If you win, you must continue with the health that you have remaining.

The portal glimmers once again—and out steps your largest foe yet. It reminds you of the metal warrior that you first saw with the child when you entered the tower, but this one is bigger—a hulking monstrosity of iron plates, riveted together to form a cruel mockery of a human. From its metal gauntlets a set of buzz saws suddenly whirr into motion, spinning into a grey blur as the giant advances. You must fight:

Special Abilities
Body of iron: Ironclad is immune to bleed, thorns, and thorn cage.
(Same as the last two fights, you get a chance to use soldiers if you have them, but we don't so it's moot.)
The only way this thing could be more of a "fuck you" to our character build is if it had an auto-damage effect. Going all out on the consumables here if needed.
Round 1: Patio 10+6, Ironclad 9+5. (using Pumpkin Squash) Damage 1+3+2-5=1, Ironclad is at 34.
Round 2: Patio 7+6, Ironclad 3+5. (using Pumpkin Squash again) Damage 5+3+2-5=5, Ironclad is at 29.
Round 3: Patio 7+6, Ironclad 5+5. Damage 5+3-5=3, Ironclad is at 26.
Round 4: Paito 11+6 (haste'd, charm'd, 13+6), Ironclad 12+5. Damage 3+3-5=1, Ironclad is at 25.
Round 5: Patio 9+6, Ironclad 8+5. Damage 1+3-5=no damage.
Round 6: Patio 7+6, Ironclad 7+5. Damage 4+3-5=2, Ironclad is at 23.
Round 7: Patio 3+6 (surefooted'd, 7+6), Ironclad 7+5. Damage 4+3-5=2, Ironclad is at 21.
Round 8: Patio 10+6, Ironclad 7+5. Damage 3+3-5=1, Ironclad is at 20.
Round 9: Patio 10+6, Ironclad 9+5. Damage 2+3-5=0.
Round 10: Patio 7+6, Ironclad 7+5. Damage 5+3-5=3, Ironclad is at 17.
Round 11: Patio 7+6, Ironclad 8+5. Tie.
Round 12: Patio 5+6, Ironclad 10+5. (Prophecy'd, no damage.)
Round 13: Patio 9+6, Ironclad 6+5. Damage 1+3-5=nope.
Round 14: Patio 5+6, Ironclad 6+5. Tie.
Round 15: Patio 12+6, Ironclad 7+5. Damage 4+3-5=2, Ironclad is at 15.
Round 16: Patio 5+6, Ironclad 5+5. Damage 6+3-5=4, Ironclad is at 11.
Round 17: Patio 11+6, Ironclad 10+5. Damage 2+3-5=no.
Round 18: Patio 7+6 (charm'd, 9+6), Ironclad 10+5. Tie.
Round 19: Patio 8+6, Ironclad 9+5. Tie.
Round 20: Patio 10+6, Ironclad 7+5. Damage 2+3-5=no.
Round 21: Patio 5+6, Ironclad 5+5. Damage 4+3-5=2, Ironclad is at 9.
Round 22: Patio 6+6, Ironclad 7+5. Tie.
Round 23: Patio 12+6, Ironclad 11+5. Damage 6+3-5=4, Ironclad is at 5. *Headshot* Ironclad is dead!
If you win, restore your health.

(We didn't get hit, but it literally took 23 rounds to kill the thing because of its high armor and immunity to DoTs.)

You have defeated all three of the golems. The portal flashes into being and a chest appears, waddling forward on a series of spider-like legs. It trundles over to you then lowers to the ground, flipping open its lid to allow you to view the treasures inside.
You find 20 gold crowns and may help yourself to one of the following rewards:

Patchwork gloves (gloves) +1 magic +1 armor ability: charm
Torque of iron (necklace) +1 brawn +1 magic ability: rust (if you win a combat round and deal damage, reduce the opponent's armor by 2 for the rest of the combat)
Rock shoulders (cloak) +1 armor ability: might of stone (1/combat, increase your own or an ally's armor score by 3 for one combat round)

The portal shimmers and then fades to nothingness. The only other exit from the room is the balcony. Thankfully, the remains of the metal warrior lie slumped in a heap underneath it. Using the warrior as a makeshift set of stairs, you sprint up its iron body and then make a jump for the bottom of the balcony. You manage to grab one of the rails, swinging a leg to hook around another. Steadily, you raise yourself up over the side to land in a panting heap on the balcony floor. After brushing yourself down, you draw your weapons and head through the arch at the balcony's rear, determined to hunt down this elusive child.

The tower is starting to break apart. You can barely maintain your footing as you are thrown from one wall to the other. Cracks and fissures branch through the black stone. Behind you, a whole wall crumbles outwards, its stone fragments floating away into the inky dark.
Aware that time is running out you quicken your pace, making for a set of double doors at the end of the passage. Throwing them open, you find yourself in an immense stone hall lined with slender pillars. A red carpet cuts a wound through its center, leading up to a high-backed chair. The child sits watching you, his pale fingers drumming against its arms.
'This is over!' you cry, reeling against a pillar as the ground lurches once again. 'Where are the others?'
'Right here,' sneers the boy. He makes a small motion with his head. You follow his gesture to the side of the room, where his metal knight stands in eerie silence. Gripped in his gauntleted hands is Joss, who is fighting to break free. She snarls and hisses like an angered cat, but her efforts seem in vain.
'Jacob! Stop this, let me go!' she screams.
The boy hops to his feet. 'I told you to be quiet,' he shouts, his voice shrill with irritation.
You shake your head in disbelief. 'You...you are Jacob?'
The boy flashes you a dark look, filled with menace and loathing. 'Jacob is old and weak. I am not Jacob! Not any more!'
'Where is my husband, you monster?' Joss kicks her heels against the metal giant in a renewed effort to get free. 'You took him! You took him!'
The boy scowls. 'Adam. You always did have eyes for him—but you never cared for me. Never loved me.'
'What?' The woman's eyes go wide. 'You were jealous? You did this for some childish revenge?'
'No.' The boy raises a finger. 'It was an experiment. And Adam volunteered for it. To see if it was possible to make the toys...better.' He points towards the metal knight, his lips twitching with excitement. 'I made the greatest discovery. One that has confounded scholars since the dawn of our age. To take a soul—a human soul—and put it into the body of another. To give true life—to be a god!' He throws back his head, laughing triumphantly.
At that moment one of the walls explodes inwards, heat and flame washing into the chamber. They are accompanied by a ragged body, flying through the air. It lands in a roll, springing back to his feet.
His clothes hang in scorched tatters from his inscribed flesh, their sigils glowing weaker than before. Breathing heavily, the paladin draws two knives from his belt, then turns to face the collapsed wall. For a moment, you see only darkness—then a flaming head swings into view. It is the giant fire elemental. The furnace.
'I suggest you run,' snarls the paladin, starting towards the beast.
The elemental drags its body through the charred hole, flames ripping over its cracked skin. The paladin charges forward, dodging the monster's blazing fists as he springs into the air, punching his knives into the molten body.
Meanwhile, the boy is chanting a spell. A portal flickers open above his head—and a white ladder starts to descend. Quickly, he snatches hold of it, clambering up the rungs towards the light. He pauses, sparing a brief glance at his metal warrior. 'Maximus. Kill her! Kill your foolish wife!' Then he disappears into the portal.
A scream draws your attention back to Joss. The metal warrior has flung her to the ground. She is sobbing, shaking her head. 'Adam? Is it you?'
The warrior's hands clench into fists. 'I obey my master...'
'No!' Joss scrambles to her feet, but she doesn't run. Instead, she stands there, trembling, tears streaming down her face. 'Did Jacob do this to you? What did he do to you, Adam?'
'New life,' booms the voice from within the metal helm. 'Jacob gives life. And Maximus gives death.'
The iron golem grabs Joss around the waist, lifting her up into the air.
'I still love you,' she cries, making no effort to break free. 'I will always love you, Adam.'
Another violent tremor rips across the floor, tearing out a deep trench. The gap quickly widens as its jagged edges crumble away, sucked down into a whirling vortex of darkness.
'The shroud is taking us back...' echoes the child's voice. 'We're going back!'

Will you:
Climb the ladder after Jacob?
Attack the metal warrior and free Joss?
Help Anse battle the fire elemental?

Also pick a loot from the rock-paper-scissors golem battle.
Name: Mr. Patio
Path: Rogue
Speed: +6, Brawn: +3, Magic: +2, Armor: +3
Health: 35
HeadHat of Stars+1+1Charm
NecklaceBlood Iron Knot+1Charm
CloakSaddle Blanket+1
Main HandRusted Knife+1Bleed
Left HandFalk's Firestarter+1+1Headshot
GlovesDark Vein Bracers+1
ChestGreen Blaze+1+1Haste
FeetSailor's Sandals+1Surefooted
TalismanMaker's Button+1
Ring 1Pins 'N' NeedlesThorns
Ring 2Warded Wood+1+1

1Pot of Healing
3Mother's Medicine (2 uses)
4Jacob's Special Mix (2 uses)
5Pot of Speed

Safe HouseItem
1Wishing Well Coin
2All Hallow's Ring
3Holy Water (2 uses)
4Angelica Wreath (ability: holy protector)

sure blade
meadowsweet, lemongrass, and white willow
Map of Carvel
Handy Herbalist's Spotter's Guide
can of oil
extra-sticky glue
Money Pouch: 221 Crowns
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

This is messed up.

Hm, the cloak is the strictest upgrade, but the necklace probably gives the best chance to beat the metal warrior, and helping Joss is my priority, so take the Torque of Iron and free Joss.
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Post by SGamerz »

Take Torque, free Joss
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You make a quick decision—and charge towards the iron golem. The creature lets go of Joss, raising its fists to meet your attack. Sharpened blades spring out of the metal gauntlets, shining in the hellish light.
'No!' Joss screams and runs at you, a crazed look in her eye. She grabs you by the arm and tries to pull you away. 'No! Don't hurt him! Don't you dare hurt him!'
The iron golem strides forward, knocking her out of the way. Joss sprawls onto her back, a fresh cut bleeding from her lip. 'Don't hurt him! Please. It's Adam!'
You hesitate, distracted by the ranger's words. But the iron golem is now charging in, spiked fists raking the air. 'Me Maximus. Maximus gives death.' It is time to fight:

Special Abilities
Dismantle: If you win a combat round, instead of rolling for damage you can choose to lower the golem's armor by 3. You can do this as many times as you wish, lowing its armor by 3 each time.
Body of iron: Maximus is immune to bleed, thorns, and thorn cage.
This guy might actually be less bad than the previous iron golem since we can just break his armor. Going to do that a few times.
Round 1: Patio 8+6, Maximus 4+5. Dismantled, Maximus' armor is at 12.
Round 2: Patio 8+6, Maximus 2+5. Dismantled, Maximus' armor is at 9.
Round 3: Patio 13+6 (haste'd), Maximus 8+5. Dismantled, Maximus' armor is at 6.
Round 4: Patio 4+6, (surefooted'd, 5+6, charm'd, 10+6) Maximus 9+5. Dismantled, Maximus' armor is at 3.
Round 5: Patio 6+6, Maximus 5+5. Damage 1+4-3=2, Maximus is at 38. (Rust'd, his armor is at 1.)
Round 6: Patio 8+6, Maximus 9+5. Tie.
Round 7: Patio 9+6, Maximus 12+5 (prophecy'd, no damage.)
Round 8: Patio 6+6, Maximus 9+5. Damage 4+5-2=7, Patio is at 28.
Round 9: Patio 11+6, Maximus 6+5. Damage 3+4-1=6, Maximus is at 32.
Round 10: Patio 7+6, Maximus 7+5. Damage 3+4-1=6, Maximus is at 26.
Round 11: Patio 8+6, Maximus 8+5. Damage 1+4-1=4, Maximus is at 22.
Round 12: Patio 8+6, Maximus 6+5. Damage 2+4-1=5, Maximus is at 17.
Round 13: Patio 12+6, Maximus 9+5. Damage 1+4-1=4, Maximus is at 13.
Round 14: Patio 6+6, Maximus 8+5. Damage 3+5-2=6, Patio is at 22.
Round 15: Patio 7+6, Maximus 3+5. Damage 3+4-1=6, Maximus is at 7.
Round 16: Patio 10+6, Maximus 8+5. Damage 6+4-1=9, Maximus is defeated!
The iron golem drops to its knees, rocking back and forth dizzily. Then, with a mournful-sounding groan, it slumps backwards, its metal body ringing against the cracked stone.
You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

Gratuitous maximus (main hand: sword) +1 speed +1 brawn ability: fatal blow (1/combat, ignore half of enemy armor, rounding up)
Defendus maximus (left hand: shield) +1 speed +1 armor ability: deflect (1/combat, stop an opponent from rolling from damage and deal 2d6 armor-ignoring damage to them)
Adam's core (talisman) +1 brawn ability: iron will (1/combat, increase your own or an ally's armor score by 3 for one combat round)

Overcome with grief, Joss throws herself on the crumpled body of the fallen golem. 'Adam!' she cries, beating at its metal chest. 'Don't you dare leave me. Don't you dare!'
You move to her side, putting a hand to her shoulder. 'We have to go.'
'No!' The word is spat out like venom. Joss turns and pushes you away, her face twisted with anger. 'You killed him! You killed my Adam!'
You shake your head, backing away. 'There was no choice.'
Suddenly, you hear a grating rumble coming from behind you. Sparing a glance over your shoulder you see the chasm has now expanded, cleaving the hall in two. As its crumbling edges slide away from each other, you see a yawning whirlpool of darkness below. It is starting to suck everything towards it—dragging the broken hall down into some infernal abyss.
'We have to get out of here!' you cry, moving towards Joss.
The woman backs away, still quivering with rage. 'You—You killed him! How could you!' With an inhuman scream, she springs at you. The ground lurches, throwing her off course—her momentum taking her kicking and screaming over the edge of the chasm.
'Joss!' You try and grab hold of her, but it is too late. The woman tumbles away through the black void, rapidly becoming just another floating speck that is caught up in the fast-spinning currents. (Make a note of the keyword blood debt on your hero sheet.)
The floor starts to tip dangerously. You try and scrabble for some kind of a hand hold to stop yourself slipping away. Then you see a pair of white boots walk into view. You look up to see Anse standing over you. The paladin is breathing heavily, but appears to be unharmed. 'Time to go,' he says, offering out his hand. You take it, holding onto him for support as you struggle back to your feet.

'We go!' Anse grabs you by the arm and starts running for the edge of the island of floor. You instinctively pull back, fearful that he may have lost his mind, but the paladin is strong, dragging you with him. At the last moment, he jumps into the nothingness, putting a hand to the necklace dangling around his neck. A crucifix. You cling to him tightly as a chill wind roars in your ears, ripping and tearing at your clothes. There is a burst of bright light and then...
You find yourself lying on your back. Above you white clouds drift by at a leisurely pace, while a chill wintry breeze rustles the stems of long grass.
'The Moors...' You sit up quickly, looking around.
Anse stands several meters away, his sightless gaze fixed on the dark tower. It is steadily falling to ruin amidst a storm of whirling chaos.
'The others!' you gasp, hurrying to his side. 'Polk, Joss...?'
The paladin shakes his head, his eyes unreadable behind the band of white cloth. 'It was too late for them,' he whispers at last. He pats you on the shoulder, then turns and walks away.
You stand alone, watching as the tower is finally engulfed by the maelstrom. There is a pulse of dark light, then everything seems to implode inwards, as if pulled back into some other space, leaving behind an empty moorland. There is no evidence, no trace, that the tower was ever there. (Record the word tower on your hero sheet.)
Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.

Pick a location and a loot.
Name: Mr. Patio
Path: Rogue
Speed: +6, Brawn: +4, Magic: +3, Armor: +2
Health: 35
HeadHat of Stars+1+1Charm
NecklaceTorque of Iron+1+1Rust
CloakSaddle Blanket+1
Main HandRusted Knife+1Bleed
Left HandFalk's Firestarter+1+1Headshot
GlovesDark Vein Bracers+1
ChestGreen Blaze+1+1Haste
FeetSailor's Sandals+1Surefooted
TalismanMaker's Button+1
Ring 1Pins 'N' NeedlesThorns
Ring 2Warded Wood+1+1

1Pot of Healing
3Mother's Medicine (2 uses)
4Jacob's Special Mix (2 uses)
5Pot of Speed

Safe HouseItem
1Wishing Well Coin
2Blood Iron Knot
3Holy Water (2 uses)
4Angelica Wreath (ability: holy protector)

sure blade
meadowsweet, lemongrass, and white willow
Map of Carvel
Handy Herbalist's Spotter's Guide
can of oil
extra-sticky glue
blood debt
Money Pouch: 221 Crowns
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

The worst choice, narratively and mechanically. Fuck.

Leave Adam's loot to rot. Go to 158, I remember legendary monsters being easier than red quests.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

(Deflect is a good ability, although losing both the point of Brawn and Headshot would be rough. The other two drops are indeed trash.)
Legendary monster: The restless knight

Rising out of the fenlands is a ragged bluff known as the 'Witch's Wold.' Its bleak hilltops are said to be haunted—by all accounts, a place to be avoided. And yet you find yourself deviating from the overgrown trail that would have taken you safely past them, your curiosity piqued by tales of ghosts and lost treasures.
As you rise higher into the hills the temperature drops suddenly, plunging you into a chill fog. The only visible landmark is an outthrust of rock, arching like a black finger across the marsh. Frost crunches underfoot as you make your way towards it, passing through a copse of dark stunted trees. The hard ground is littered with bones, sparkling with coats of ice. The remains of unfortunate travelers perhaps, although the spattering of rusted weapons and shields suggest a larger battle took place here.
You stumble onto the black rock, the mist shifting to reveal its summit. There, silhouetted against the broiling white clouds, is the figure of a knight, dressed for battle. His tattered cloak snaps back and forth in the wind—the only thing that moves in this still, bleak wasteland.
Your heart thuds in your chest as you advance closer, picking your way past the frost-covered boulders. The knight is watching you—of that you are certain—and yet you sense that there are no earthly eyes beneath his winged helm, only a seething, angry darkness.
There is the scrape of metal as the knight draws his sword from his scabbard. The translucent blade glitters like a shard of crystal ice, its inscribed runes humming with magic.
I did my duty! How could I have been so blind!
The words reverberate all around you, sharp and cutting as knives.
I dedicated my life. But I was betrayed! Betrayed!
The knight starts down the slope towards you, his movement eerily silent and weightless—like something trapped between worlds, in a dream perhaps, or a nightmare. Raising your weapons, you prepare to meet this ghostly knight in battle:
Skeletons (*)44340

Special abilities
Frost fire: Once you have taken health damage from Gairn, at the end of every combat round you must automatically lose 1 health.
Corpse dance (*): At the start of the fourth combat round, Gairn raises the skeletons from the battlefield to help defend him. You must defeat the skeletons before you can return to attacking Gairn. (Note: during this phase Gairn surrounds himself with a magical shield. All passive effects, such as bleed, are removed from Gairn. He is also immune to any further abilities, such as thorns and fire aura, until the skeletons are defeated and he drops his shield.)
Book of Binding: If you have the Book of Binding then you may use it to weaken your enemy. If you win a combat round, instead of rolling for a damage score, you can use the book. This automatically lowers Gairn's speed, magic and armor by 2 for the remainder of the battle.
Body of bone: The skeletons are immune to bleed.
Undead minions: You may use your holy water and holy protector abilities (if available) against the skeletons.
(Since we have the free inventory slot, I'm assuming that we took the angelica wreath from storage before heading here. Given how retries work in the book I don't think that's particularly cheap.)
Round 1: Patio 9+6, Gairn 6+5. Damage 5+4-4-5, Gairn is at 45. *DoTs* He's at 43. (Rust'd, his armor is at 2.)
Round 2: Patio 4+6 (surefooted'd, 6+6), Gairn 6+5. Damage 2+4-2=4, Gairn is at 39. *DoTs* He's at 37.
Round 3: Patio 6+6, Gairn 5+5. Damage 2+4-2=4, Gairn is at 33. *DoTs* He's at 31.
Round 4: Corpse dance'd, Gairn tags out for the skeletons! Patio 8+6, Skeletons 9+4. Damage 1+4-3=2, Skeletons are at 38. *DoTs* They're at 36.
Round 5: Patio 7+6, Skeletons 7+4. Damage 3+4-3=4, Skeletons are at 32. *DoTs* They're at 30.
Round 6: Patio 4+6 (charm'd, 6+6), skeletons 7+4. Damage 2+4-3=2, skeletons are at 28. *DoTs* They're at 26.
Round 7: Patio 10+6, Skeletons 11+4. Damage 4+4-3=5, skeletons are at 21. *DoTs* They're at 19.
Round 8: Patio 6+6, Skeletons 4+4. Damage 1+4-3=2, skeletons are at 17. *DoTs* They're at 15.
Round 9: Patio 5+6, Skeletons 7+4. Tie. *DoTs* Skeletons are at 13.
Round 10: Patio 12+6, Skeletons 6+4. Damage 2+4-3=3, skeletons are at 10. *DoTs* They're at 8.
Round 11: Patio 8+6, Skeletons 10+4. Tie. *DoTs* Skeletons are at 6.
Round 12: Patio 5+6, Skeletons 7+4. Tie. *DoTs* Skeletons are at 4.
(Saving the headshot for Gairn.)
Round 13: Patio 11+6, Skeletons 9+4. Damage 4+4-3=5, skeletons are destroyed! Gairn's shield is down. Since Rust isn't a passive ability, his armor remains lowered.
Round 14: Patio 8+6, Gairn 8+5. Damage 6+4-2=8, Gairn is at 23. *DoTs* He's at 21.
Round 15: Patio 11+6, Gairn 4+5. Damage 6+4-2=8, Gairn is at 13. *DoTs* He's at 11.
Round 16: Patio 8+6, Gairn 6+4. Damage 3+4-2=5, Gairn is at 6. *DoTs* He's at 4. *Headshot* Gairn is down!
As the knight topples to his knees a column of sunlight breaks through the fog, streaming over his glistening armor. A voice whispers in your ear—I am delivered. May the maker forgive me.
The knight's armor falls to pieces, rattling across the hard black rock. Of his body there is no trace, save for a faint blue shadow that rises like smoke into the sparkling light.
Congratulations, you have defeated the ghostly knight. Searching the remnants of his armor, you find 50 gold crowns and one of the following special rewards:

Frostreaver's tongue (main hand: sword) +1 speed +2 brawn ability: silver frost (1/combat you can 'freeze' your opponent's attack speed dice, forcing them to use the same dice result in the next combat round.)
Phantom gauntlets (gloves) +1 speed +1 armor ability: curse (1/combat your opponent rolls 1 fewer die when calculating attack speed for one round.)
Graven chill (necklace) +1 brawn +1 magic ability: frostbite (1/combat, if you damage an opponent you may lower their speed by 1 for the next 2 rounds)

(Patio does not have the words fallen knight on his hero sheet.)

With your opponent defeated, you decide to leave this bleak region. Return to the Act 1 map.

Pick a loot and a destination to proceed.
Name: Mr. Patio
Path: Rogue
Speed: +6, Brawn: +4, Magic: +3, Armor: +2
Health: 35
HeadHat of Stars+1+1Charm
NecklaceTorque of Iron+1+1Rust
CloakSaddle Blanket+1
Main HandRusted Knife+1Bleed
Left HandFalk's Firestarter+1+1Headshot
GlovesDark Vein Bracers+1
ChestGreen Blaze+1+1Haste
FeetSailor's Sandals+1Surefooted
TalismanMaker's Button+1
Ring 1Pins 'N' NeedlesThorns
Ring 2Warded Wood+1+1

1Pot of Healing
2Angelica Wreath (ability: holy protector)
3Mother's Medicine (2 uses)
4Jacob's Special Mix (2 uses)
5Pot of Speed

Safe HouseItem
1Wishing Well Coin
2Blood Iron Knot
3Holy Water (2 uses)

sure blade
meadowsweet, lemongrass, and white willow
Map of Carvel
Handy Herbalist's Spotter's Guide
can of oil
extra-sticky glue
blood debt
Money Pouch: 271 Crowns
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Phantom gauntlets are a strict upgrade and we can only take one anyway, so take them.

Then go get ambushed at 144
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Sounds good.
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Post by SGamerz »

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Legendary monster: The black shuck

The fenlands stretch as far as the eye can see, bright pools shining like molten gold in the afternoon sunlight. Some might consider it a picturesque scene, worthy of a painting, but not the poor traveler forced to wade through it, cold and soaked to the skin, assaulted by an endless array of buzzing black flies.
You swipe them away, desperately scanning the distant hills for some sign of habitation. It seems the map you were given has led you astray. You drag it out of your pocket, picking the wet ends apart to peel it open. The inn is clearly marked, only a short walk from the track you were following. But that track had quickly turned into a forest, which in turn has led you to this foul-smelling, fetid marsh.
You are about to turn back when you glimpse a bright light on the horizon. For a second you consider it might be another lost traveler, but that hope is swiftly quashed. The light is moving towards you at incredible speed, flickering and smoking as it leaps from bank to bank. There is a black shape at its center—a four-legged animal, wreathed in flame.
You fumble for your weapons as the beast closes in—a giant hound, covered in midnight-black fur. Around its shoulders and forelegs fire flickers from cracks in its skin, hissing and spitting as the beast's powerful claws splash through the muddy pool. There is no chance of outrunning this fearsome predator. It is time to fight:

Special Abilities
Backdraft: Each time your damage score/damage dice inflicts health damage on the hellhound, you must take 3 damage, ignoring armor, from the flames that surround its body.
Enraged: If the hellhound is still alive at the start of the fifth combat round, it goes into a savage frenzy, raising its speed and brawn by 1 for the remainder of the combat.
(That's a lot of damage, if it wins a combat round, and given our abilities and speed advantage, there's a good chance that it doesn't win one, in which case we just need to tank its backdraft.)
Round 1: Patio 9+6 (charm'd, 11+6), Hellhound 11+4. Damage 5+4-3=6, Hellhound is at 44. *Backdraft* Patio is at 32. *DoTs* Hellhound is at 42. (Rust'd, its armor is at 1.)
Round 2: Patio 8+6, Hellhound 7+4. Damage 5+4-1=7, Hellhound is at 35. *Backdraft* Patio is at 29. *DoTs* It's at 33.
Round 3: Patio 5+6, Hellhound 6+4. Damage 5+4-1=8, Hellhound is at 25. *Backdraft* Patio is at 26. *DoTs* It's at 23.
Round 4: Patio 5+6, Hellhound 6+4. Damage 6+4-1=9, Hellhound is at 16. *Backdraft* Patio is at 23. *DoTs* It's at 14.
Round 5: Rage activated! Patio 7+6, Hellhound 2+5 (curse'd). Damage 6+4-1=9, Hellhound is at 5. *Backdraft* Patio is at 20. *Headshot* Hellhound is dead!
(I guess it's kind of moot since there isn't an achievement or anything but we almost killed it before it raged. It lived just long enough to get angry at us.)

The beast's claws whip through the air, its yellowed fangs snapping at your body. It is a miracle that you are able to dodge the relentless assault and press your own attack. Finally, after a tiring battle, the hound's body slumps back into the fen water, marsh flies buzzing around its smoking muzzle. It isn't until you inspect the corpse and see the many scars that crisscross its massive body that you are reminded of the legend of the ancient hound that stalks these western fenlands. The locals call it the black shuck.
You may now help yourself to one of the following special rewards:

Hound master's tunic (chest) +1 speed +1 brawn ability: sideswipe (1/combat, deal 1d6 armor-ignoring damage to an opponent who damaged you)
Shaggy mukluks (feet) +1 speed +1 armor ability: haste (1/combat, roll +1d for attack speed)
Wildfire weave (cloak) +1 magic +1 armor ability: backdraft (1/combat, deal 2d6 armor-ignoring damage to an opponent who damaged you)

As this is a creature of legend, there is a chance that someone might be willing to pay good money for a trophy. You set about acquiring the creature's head, which you place into a sack. (Make a note of the hound's head on your hero sheet, it doesn't take up backpack space.) With your grim task complete, you head back into the forest, eager to leave this rank marsh to the flies. Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.

Pick a loot and a destination to proceed.
Name: Mr. Patio
Path: Rogue
Speed: +6, Brawn: +4, Magic: +3, Armor: +3
Health: 35
HeadHat of Stars+1+1Charm
NecklaceTorque of Iron+1+1Rust
CloakSaddle Blanket+1
Main HandRusted Knife+1Bleed
Left HandFalk's Firestarter+1+1Headshot
GlovesPhantom Gauntlets+1+1Curse
ChestGreen Blaze+1+1Haste
FeetSailor's Sandals+1Surefooted
TalismanMaker's Button+1
Ring 1Pins 'N' NeedlesThorns
Ring 2Warded Wood+1+1

1Pot of Healing
2Angelica Wreath (ability: holy protector)
3Mother's Medicine (2 uses)
4Jacob's Special Mix (2 uses)
5Pot of Speed

Safe HouseItem
1Wishing Well Coin
2Blood Iron Knot
3Holy Water (2 uses)

sure blade
meadowsweet, lemongrass, and white willow
Map of Carvel
Handy Herbalist's Spotter's Guide
can of oil
extra-sticky glue
blood debt
hound's head
Money Pouch: 271 Crowns
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Depending on how good surefooted is there'd be an argument to make for all three loots, but wildfire weave is a strict upgrade so take wildfire weave.

Wasn't there some guy in Carvel with an interest in head...s?
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Raven's Rest, actually. It's the hunter at the store there:

You deposit your grisly trophy on the counter. Kam's eyes widen with interest as he stumbles to his feet. 'It can't be...' He lift's [sic] the beast's head, observing the smoke still billowing from its eyes and muzzle. The room steadily fills with the stench of sulfur. 'They say seeing is believing, but...'
The burly hunter straightens. 'It's the black shuck all right.' He places the head carefully back on the counter, then proceeds to make a number of grunting sounds as he ponders the situation. 'Reckon, this'll cover it.' He takes a pouch of money from his belt and hands it to you with a hopeful grin.
You count out the grimy collection of coins. 'Forty gold,' you reply, making your disappointment evident.
'Okay, okay.' Kam blows through his mustache. 'You ever heard of the Colt Phoenix, kid? The fastest crossbow in Valeron.'
You shrug your shoulders. 'How does this help our negotiation?'
Kam reaches behind the counter and produces a small hand-crossbow. Its crosspiece is covered in runes, some of which are glowing with a fiery magic. A bolt already rests in the chamber. 'She's fast enough for you, kid. If you can handle her. Made a few modifications myself.' He straightens his arm, resting the bolt-head to your chest. He stares down the groove, grinning through his beard. Your heart skips a beat as you wonder what his next move will be. A heavy silence descends, broken only by the creak of the hunter's finger on the trigger.
Then, with a grunt of laughter, Kam spins the crossbow and offers it out to you. 'She's all yours, kid.'
If you wish, you may now take the 40 gold crowns and the following item:
Colt phoenix
(left hand: crossbow)
+1 speed +1 brawn
ability: volley (1/combat, instead of rolling for a damage score, deal 1d6 armor-ignoring damage to all opponents)

If you do not want to take the crossbow, then Kam agrees to sweeten his bargain to 80 gold crowns instead. When you have made your decision, you thank the hunter and leave the shop.

Where to now? For reference, here's what's left to do:
[*]Go shopping at either Carvel or Raven's Roost
[*]Go take on the third legendary monster at 256
[*]Do the other red quest at 42
[*]Join with Trellis for the team battle at 163
Technically we can take on the boss monster now, but I'm treating that as a typo (which is what I suspect it is) since 1. story-wise it follows off after the other red quest (the one we haven't done at 42) and 2. said red quest requires you to have done the blue quest with Prince Lazlo that gives you your class choice, and that doesn't seem like it should be permanently missable. So for those two reasons I won't allow it until we do the other red quest.
Also choose whether to take the crossbow or the extra 40 gold.
Name: Mr. Patio
Path: Rogue
Speed: +6, Brawn: +4, Magic: +4, Armor: +3
Health: 35
HeadHat of Stars+1+1Charm
NecklaceTorque of Iron+1+1Rust
CloakWildfire Weave+1+1Backdraft
Main HandRusted Knife+1Bleed
Left HandFalk's Firestarter+1+1Headshot
GlovesPhantom Gauntlets+1+1Curse
ChestGreen Blaze+1+1Haste
FeetSailor's Sandals+1Surefooted
TalismanMaker's Button+1
Ring 1Pins 'N' NeedlesThorns
Ring 2Warded Wood+1+1

1Pot of Healing
2Angelica Wreath (ability: holy protector)
3Mother's Medicine (2 uses)
4Jacob's Special Mix (2 uses)
5Pot of Speed

Safe HouseItem
1Wishing Well Coin
2Blood Iron Knot
3Holy Water (2 uses)

sure blade
meadowsweet, lemongrass, and white willow
Map of Carvel
Handy Herbalist's Spotter's Guide
can of oil
extra-sticky glue
blood debt
Money Pouch: 311 Crowns
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Brief reminder of everywhere this chapter that crowns can buy things that turned up when I searched for the word "crowns"

Carvel tinker's shop
Darth Rabbitt wrote:The following are available at 100 gold crowns each:

Head splitter (main hand:axe) +1 speed +2 brawn ability: savagery (1/combat, increase your brawn by 2 for 1 combat round)
Silver streak (left hand: dagger) +1 speed +1 brawn ability: feint (1/combat, reroll some or all of your dice when rolling for attack speed)
Inscribed mantle (cloak) +1 magic +1 armour ability: iron will (1/combat, increase your own or an ally's armour score by 3 for one combat round)
Carvel charm shop:
Darth Rabbitt wrote:You may purchase any of the following for 50 gold crowns:

Wanderer's wytchstone (necklace) +1 magic ability: charm (reroll 1 of your hero's dice 1/combat, multiple instances stack for extra uses)
Puritan's band (ring) +1 brawn ability: charm
Epona's blessing (ring) +1 armour ability: charm
Carvel apothecary:
Darth Rabbitt wrote:The following are available for 10 gold crowns each:
Pot of healing (1 use) (backpack) Use any time in combat to restore 4 health
Pot of brawn (1 use) (backpack) Use any time in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round
Pot of magic (1 use) (backpack) Use any time in combat to raise your magic by 2 for one combat round
Raven's Rest useless gobshite:
Darth Rabbitt wrote:If you wish to hire Sir Bastian then the knight will provide you with the following for 40 gold crowns:

For glory: Sir Bastian will help you fight a legendary monster. If you are defeated then Sir Bastian will flee the combat and you will have to hire him again if you wish to receive further aid.
Man-at-arms: Sir Bastian adds 2 to your damage score for the duration of the combat.
Wilma's wallop: The knight's warhorse has a powerful kick. For each 6 you roll for your attack speed, Wilma hits an opponent with her hooves, doing 3 damage, ignoring armor.
A just reward: If you defeat the legendary monster, Sir Bastian gets first choice of the treasures. When you are offered a choice of rewards, roll 1 die. 1 or 2 the knight takes the first item, 3 or 4 the second item and 5 or 6 the third item. You must then choose from the remaining two items.

Remember that Sir Bastian will only stay with you for one encounter. If you wish to use his services again you must hire him for 40 gold crowns.
Raven's Quest hunter we just gave a head to:
Darth Rabbitt wrote:You may purchase any of the following for 80 gold crowns each:

Pilgrim's progress (feet) +1 speed +1 armor ability: surefooted (1/combat, reroll all of your hero's attack speed dice)
Walking stick (main hand: staff) +1 speed +1 magic ability: safe path (1/combat, +2 speed for one round)
Wolf's paw (talisman) +1 speed
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Out of all that I just posted, silver streak and epona's blessing are what I would buy if I had to start buying things but I don't. I'd mark them for consideration if we don't get a better left hand and ring before we're about to face the boss.

Take on the last legendary monster and don't bring Sir Ripoff. Then Trellis' long awaited cameo. Then red quest. Then shopping. Then boss.
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Omegonthesane wrote:Take on the last legendary monster and don't bring Sir Ripoff. Then Trellis' long awaited cameo. Then red quest. Then shopping. Then boss.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Do you want to take the crossbow or the extra gold?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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