[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Queen of Swords »

We can’t take on “a small band of well-armored warriors” solo, so let’s try approaching them peacefully.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Thaluikhain »

Approach peacefully.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted, Xu Shiyou will approach them peacefully, as that won over ignoring them and carrying on to Shoudu by a 3-1 vote.


The samurai take up positions of readiness as you approach, but they are not threatening. One of them points to the covered litter and grunts at you in his guttural language. The covering is moved aside and you find yourself face to face with the occupant. The Ambassador Keiko speaks your language perfectly; she explains that she is visiting the isles in order to negotiate a trade agreement. The initial talks were going well when the king’s new adviser, Pantu, abruptly cancelled them and ordered Keiko to leave the palace. Rather than return empty-handed to Ojin (as she calls Hachiman), she is travelling the land, hoping that the palace authorities will have a change of heart.

You tell her your story; she listens with evident sympathy. She tells you that the men who destroyed your village were not from Ojin, since samurai never hire themselves out to foreigners. They must have been from the southern Isles of the Dawn, where a different dialect is spoken. She also promises to help you. She gives you a wooden plaque (note this down on your Adventure Sheet) which will enable you to enter the palace. Once you are in there, you must do everything you can to see the king in person. Perhaps you will even be able to help Keiko by finding out if the king knows about the trade mission, she wonders. You bow to Keiko then depart and continue your journey. Turn to 289.

At paragraph 289, Xu Shiyou arrives at Shoudu, and is given the choice to use the wooden plaque (since he has it), petition the king, or break into the palace.

Please make your votes on how to get to the king before 6:00 PM PDT to ensure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Xu Shiyou
SKILL: Temporary: 11 Permanent: Undetermined
STAMINA: Temporary: 11 Permanent: 11
LUCK: Temporary: 7 Permanent: 10
FEROCITY: -5 When FEROCITY = 0, turn to paragraph 200
AGE: 15 Initial Age = 13 When AGE increases, lose 2 FEROCITY
MONEY: 10 Gold Pieces, 30 Copper Coins
Wooden Sword
Pronged Spear
Wide-brimmed Hat
Walking Sandals
Red Robe
Golden Sword (+2 Attack Strength)
Wooden Plaque
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Since we know that waiting to petition the king just gets us a one-way trip to the dungeon and Pantu's "sadistic appetites" (I really hope none of the little kids reading this book wondered too much about what that meant), let's use the wooden plaque.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, use the plaque.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Thaluikhain »

New item to use.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Using the wooden plaque already received 3 votes, so Xu Shiyou will do that.

You present yourself at the palace and show the wooden plaque. The official eyes you suspiciously but when you proudly declare that you are the personal agent of Ambassador Keiko, he grudgingly lets you in. You stride across the courtyard to the main palace building, then step between the enormous jade doors of the Great Hall. Check your Adventure Sheet: if you have either of the words ‘magic’ or ‘silk’ written there, or if you possess paper talismans, turn to 11. Otherwise, turn to 383.

Xu Shiyou does not have “magic” or “silk” written on his Adventure Sheet, and he does not possess paper talismans.

After passing through the enormous Great Hall you ignore the many side-passages and make for the doors at the far end, above which hangs an enormous golden fist. Slipping through, you find yourself in a corridor, decorated with the portraits of previous god-kings and lit by small lanterns. By the way the paint has faded, some of these paintings must be over a thousand years old! The corridor leads to a gloomy dark chamber with a table in the middle. You start to cross the chamber when a slight figure slips out of the shadows near by and bars your way. If you are wearing a red robe, turn to 181; otherwise, turn to 324.

Xu Shiyou is wearing a red robe.

Mischievous eyes glint from a childlike face. ‘Greetings, fellow monk,’ says the strange fellow. ‘My name’s Merzei – you may have heard of me. What’s your business here?’ Something about the man’s open manner makes you trust him instinctively, so you tell him that you are here to petition the king to do something about the destruction of your village. ‘The king is merciful,’ says Merzei, ‘and I’m sure he will help you if you put your case to him. I cannot lead you to him myself, for I am out of favour, but I can show you the way.’ If you have a wooden plaque, turn to 20; otherwise, turn to 358.

Xu Shiyou does have a wooden plaque.

Merzei pulls aside a hanging drape and indicates a bare passageway. ‘This leads to the king’s private quarters. Good fortune be with you,’ he says.

At the end of the passage is a wooden panel. It takes a few moments for you to work out how to slide the panel to one side, then you step cautiously into the chamber beyond. The king is sitting at a simple reading desk, he is a large man which strangely curled hair and a proud nose. When he looks up, his dark-brown eyes seem to bore into your soul, but he betrays neither surprise nor fear. Even though he is dressed simply, King Maior’s regal bearing is overwhelming. You fall to your knees and avert your gaze. ‘You are here seeking justice,’ says Maior. ‘Speak your case.’

Once again you tell your story, complaining that the authorities allow mercenaries to do what they like, and describing how your mother was enslaved by the barbarians who killed your father. If you have the golden sword, turn to 218. Otherwise turn to 107.

Xu Shiyou does have the golden sword.

Maior notices the Sacred Sword of Tsui at your belt. He points to it and asks if he may examine it, so you hand it over reverently. Maior passes his hand over the blade; there is a light crackling sound like static from fine cloth. ‘A good blade for a hero,’ says the king. He strikes a tiny gong on the reading desk. ‘There is discord in the land, that I know, but I am too distant from my people to know what to do. I need an agent.’ Into the room glides a fat figure dressed in extravagant robes. Maior rises to his feet and offers you the sword back. ‘Take this and you will become my agent.’ Do you:

Take the sword and swear loyalty? Turn to 52
Refuse, insisting that you are not worthy? Turn to 370
Say that you will take the sword if the mercenary leader is to be brought to justice? Turn to 124

Or you may know of another option.


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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Beroli »

Whqtzrag pnyy gvzr, WbhearlznaA00o. V unys ibgr sbe gheavat gb cntr bar uhaqerq avargl-rvtug vs, naq boivbhfyl bayl vs, jr pna qb gung jvgu gur pyhrf jr unir. V jbhyq npghnyyl guvax abg; Znvbe qvq abg bssre hf n penar.


I vote to accept the sword and swear loyalty.
Last edited by Beroli on Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Ybbxf yvxr jr arrqrq gb cvpx hc n "fjbeq" xrljbeq fbzrjurer, naq jr'er cebonoyl fperjrq jvgubhg vg. V'z va snibe bs oehgr sbepvat vg; "jura xvat bssref, ghea gb 198" vf pburerag rabhtu gung n xvq ernqvat guvf obbx jbhyq or noyr gb sbyybj gur vafgehpgvbaf naq jvgu guvf orvat bhe ynfg punapr gevny naq reebe vfa'g cbffvoyr orlbaq guvf cbvag.

Accepting the sword seems the most reasonable of the three options available.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Gur fvghngvba vf vaqrrq n havdhr naq qrongnoyr bar. Ba bar unaq, gur xvat vf pyrneyl abg bssrevat n penar. Ba gur bgure unaq, Kh Fuvlbh unf rirel jbeq rkprcg “fjbeq” jevggra ba gur Nqiragher Furrg. Gurer vf nyfb gur fvghngvba jurgure gb fcbvy jung V srry vf bar bs gur zbfg oevyyvnag uvqqra chmmyrf va n Svtugvat Snagnfl nqiragher be gb cerirag gur cynlre ba jung V srry vf gur zbfg frafvoyr guvat gb qb tvira gur choyvpyl xabja snpgf, nf jryy nf gur zrnavatf sebz gur anzr genafyngvbaf cebivqrq ol FTnzrem, gung jr hapbirerq va guvf Yrg’f Cynl. Naq V tnir n ybg bs gubhtug ba ubj unaqyr n fvghngvba fhpu nf guvf.

Tvira gur vasbezngvba ba jung vf tvira gb Kh Fuvlbh naq jung V oryvrir vf ernfbanoyr gb qrqhpr sebz na ryrzragnel fpubby xvq’f crefcrpgvir, V jvyy nyybj gheavat gb cnentencu 198 nf na bcgvba. V xabj guvf jvyy hcfrg fbzr chevfgf bs nhguragvpnyyl ehaavat guvf nqiragher, ohg V qb srry gung rabhtu pbeerpg pubvprf unir orra znqr gb na nyernql fgevpg cngu gb crezvg guvf.

Va yvtug bs guvf ehyvat, V jvyy nyfb nyybj nal ibgr punatrf gung ner fhozvggrq orsber 6:00 CZ CQG.
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Wed Oct 05, 2022 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by SGamerz »

Fvapr jr'er nyybjrq gb, gnxr gur uvqqra fcrpvny bcgvba.

Gur shaal guvat vf, rira vs jr'q zvffrq gur svefg pbqrjbeq, gur erfg bs gur zrffntr jbhyq fgvyy unir znqr cresrpg pburerag frafr, rira vs tenzzngvpnyyl vs srryf n yvggyr njxjneq (naq lbh pna fnl gur fnzr rira jvgu gur shyy zrffntr). Gur bar jr zvffrq vf gur bar jurer jr npghnyyl unq gb znxr fbzr xvaq bs pbhagre-vaghvgvir pubvpr gb trg, fb V pna'g uryc srryvat gung bhe erfheerpgvba erjvaq zvtug unir orra orggre fcrag gurer.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

SGamerz wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 1:00 am
Fvapr jr'er nyybjrq gb, gnxr gur uvqqra fcrpvny bcgvba.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Based on the directions from the ROT13 encrypted messages, which I assume takes precedence over unencrypted votes, we will be taking the hidden option of turning to paragraph 198.


You reach out for the sword, and the hairs on the nape of your neck rise. You pause and glance round the room. The fat official returns your gaze. You take the sword and the sense of danger grows. Suddenly a venomous snake rears beside you, fangs dripping, ready to strike. You sweep the sword round in a lazy arc, slicing the serpent’s head from its body. It writhes for several seconds, sloughing off its official’s robes. King Maior stares at the body, then at you.

‘It seems I owe you a great debt,’ he says. He walks over to a small lacquered box, unlocks it, and takes a brooch from it. ‘For too long I have allowed others to by my eyes and ears. Merzei tried to tell me this, but I was too proud to listen to him,’ he says; then, tossing a cloak across his shoulders, he strides out of the chamber, gesturing for you to follow. As Maior passes through the palace, servants prostrate themselves before him. You pass through the mighty jade gates and out into the courtyard. Maior asks. ‘Which first – rescue your mother or avenge your father?’ If you choose the former, turn to 77. If you choose the latter, turn to 327.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by SGamerz »

I always maintain that the living is more important than the dead. Rescue mother first.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Rescue our mother.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Choosing the former received 3 votes, so Xu Shiyou will do that.

Maior sends for a horse from the stables. Since you have never ridden in your life, you ride behind him. You travel for several days, camping rough at night. You are surprised to discover that Maior is quite accustomed to the hard life of a traveller. As you journey, he tells you something of his history: how he came to power as his father, Bezenvial, had decreed in the Black Vein Prophecy, but how he rejected his father’s legacy of evil. At long last you arrive at a country mansion – from the size of it, the residence of an important official. Maior tells you that your mother is here. He explains that all children are connected to their parents, whether they like it or not, and perceptive eyes can follow the connection – this is how he found his way here. He strides in, brushing aside the protesting guardian of the door. You follow him all the way into the main hall, where a large gathering is enjoying a banquet. Your eyes immediately alight on your mother. As you run to embrace her, Maior’s voice rings out, filling the hall: ‘I am the king. This woman is now free.’ The banquet guests sit dumbfounded; none dares protest.

You leave the house with the king and your mother. She is overjoyed to see you and weeps for several hours. You travel to the nearest town with your mother riding beside your. Maior takes her to the tribunal and informs the magistrate that he is to take care of her as if she was royalty. Then you are riding once again.

Thanks to Maior’s uncanny gift, less than a week passes before you arrive at the mercenary camp. As you walk among the tents the mercenaries take one look at Maior and back away. He pauses before the largest tent and raises the hammer to strike the small drum which hangs there. Before he can do this, the tent-flaps part and your enemy emerges, fully armoured and with the accursed demon mask in place. He reaches for his sword, but Maior makes a gesture, and patterns of light form in the air. Your enemy stands, mesmerized. If you draw the golden sword and strike him down, turn to 174. If you tell Maior that you want the man to be allowed to live, turn to 393.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by SGamerz »

Since most of the "right' choices in this book bring down our Ferocity, the story is probably meant to be about us overcoming our own rage and thirst for vengeance, so show mercy and spare his life.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, it seems there'd be a stupid moral logic about this...OTOH, it seems that Maior is the character from Black Vein Prophecy and so goes around casting mutation on people, so you never know.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:02 am
OTOH, it seems that Maior is the character from Black Vein Prophecy and so goes around casting mutation on people, so you never know.
On the "winning" (and therefore canon) path in that book, the only people he had to use Mutate on are Credas (who asked for it so that he can be fused with the Sitting Prophet) and Feior (who did it to him first when they're in a magic duel). No evidence that he actually abused it. In several of the sections, he actually dies/fails after he tries to use it, so he wouldn't have been king now if he did.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Beroli »

Let him live.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

SGamerz wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:00 am
Since most of the "right' choices in this book bring down our Ferocity, the story is probably meant to be about us overcoming our own rage and thirst for vengeance, so show mercy and spare his life.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Spare him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered, Xu Shiyou will tell Maior that he wants the man to be allowed to live.

Maior smiles. He reaches out towards the demon mask. A scintillating globe surrounds the man’s head, then Maior grasps the mask and tosses it aside. For a moment it hisses and spits as if alive, then flares up and burns to ashes. You gaze upon the face of the mercenary, a face curiously similar to yours. He looks confused – he can remember nothing of the events of the last few years.

With Maior, you rejoin your mother, then return to the capital. On your way you tell him of Keiko’s trade mission. Thanks to the treacherous adviser, Pantu, he has heard nothing of it. Back in the capital, Maior sets about repairing some of the wrongs caused by the serpent creature’s deceptions. Merzei is reinstated as the Grand Councillor, with special responsibilities for controlling and curbing the excesses of the Dragon Guards – using them to disband by force any mercenary bands still roaming the countryside. You are given the honorary title ‘Eyes and Ears of the God-King’. Your duty is to travel the land, ensuring that justice always prevails over corruption. You carry the Sacred Sword of Tsui to ensure that you can fight for a just cause. Maior gives you a golden gauntlet with which to wield it and as a symbol of the God-King’s power. Before you leave the capital, you introduce Ambassador Keiko to the king. They are soon deep in discussions, and you begin to wonder whether there may soon be more than just a trade bond between the nations. From your personal tragedy you have forged a new chance for the peoples of the isles. You can hold your head up high at last and call yourself heroic.

Bonus victory entry:
After Xu Shiyou leaves the capital, he heads back to his village to visit his father’s grave. Upon reaching the village’s entrance, several peasants who survived the attack emerge from newly rebuilt huts and bow with respect, recognizing Xu Shiyou’s golden gauntlet. Xu Shiyou quickly spots the makeshift grave marker that Xu Shiyou planted for his father, and kneels down in front of it.

“You are avenged, father,” Xu Shiyou whispers. “The mercenaries will trouble this land no more, and true healing can begin.” Feelings of inner peace wash over him as he comes to terms that his quest for justice has ended. His state of tranquility is shattered with a surprised yet familiar voice.


Xu Shiyou turns around and looks into the eyes of Hani … the youngster who he saved from the armoured warrior two years ago. Behind him are Quan, Sunai, and the rest of the child survivors who fled the village after that sorry day. Quan speaks in a trembling voice, “We though you died after the horseman …’ his voice trails off in disbelief. Sunai approaches Xu Shiyou and hugs him, and the rest of the group of survivors, who have grown well from the two years of hardship, join in soon. Tears fall from Xu Shiyou’s as he reunites with his longtime friends and realizes that all will be well in the village.

Even though we had to make several key changes when playing this adventure, we managed to reach its true ending. Give yourselves a nice round of applause, as doing this was not easy at all, especially when we could have encountered one of the book’s many alternate endings instead!

Regarding the puzzle revealing the option to turn to paragraph 198, we managed to get all of the keywords to do so except getting the word “sword” instead of “crane.” Doing so required us to select working in the kitchen and telling the abbot that we were well pleased with our lot. After getting a monk’s knife, we then needed to tell him that the time is ripe for us to leave the monastery and resume our quest. Finally, we needed to decide to stay and accept the quest to recover the sacred relic. After that, we needed to take the same route that we did in Xu Shiyou’s second life to be on the true ending path, which would have made our hero 16 years old after getting the true ending.

I will start a new thread for the next book that I acquired later tonight. The next book is challenging, but is one of the more historic Fighting Fantasy adventures in my opinion. Thank you all for playing, and I hope that all of you participate in my next Let’s Play when it is up!

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Xu Shiyou
SKILL: Temporary: 11 Permanent: Undetermined
STAMINA: Temporary: 11 Permanent: 11
LUCK: Temporary: 7 Permanent: 10
FEROCITY: -5 When FEROCITY = 0, turn to paragraph 200
AGE: 15 Initial Age = 13 When AGE increases, lose 2 FEROCITY
MONEY: 10 Gold Pieces, 30 Copper Coins
Wooden Sword
Pronged Spear
Wide-brimmed Hat
Walking Sandals
Red Robe
Golden Sword (+2 Attack Strength)
Wooden Plaque
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 47 – The Crimson Tide

Post by Beroli »

Thanks for running this, JourneymanN00b.

I wish to express my annoyance, not at all with JourneymanN00b but with the gamebook writer, that "Your absolute success heralds a new era of peace and harmony for the Isles of the Dawn" got a takeback turning it into "Your absolute success heralds a new era of your people being brutalized behind your back by a snake advisor, but it may turn out okay depending on what another gamebook protagonist does."
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