[Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

West door.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes tallied; choosing Marxism by investigating the west door won over embracing Nazism by a 2-1 vote.


The marble door opens into semi-darkness and the musty smell of old parchment wafts through the air. Row upon row of neatly stacked, leather-bound books parade silently upon a score of polished marble shelves. Each one of these magnificent books is beautifully decorated with intricate arabesques in fine gold leaf. Judging by the dates and the inscriptions, you deduce that these books form a catalog of all the treasures in the Grand Palace. Several date back hundreds of years.
     Every shelf of the small library is filled with books – every shelf, that is, save one. On a small space between the tomes you find a square of purple silk cloth, upon which lies a Copper Key and a Prism. If you wish to take either, or both, of these items, note down that the Prism is a Backpack Item and the Copper Key as a Special Item (which you carry in your pocket).
     There appears to be no exit from the library other than the marble door by which you entered. After satisfying yourself that nothing useful here has been overlooked, you close the door and walk back along the corridor. When you reach the junction, you see a patrol of palace guards. They are ascending the stairs. Without a moment’s hesitation, you run towards the east door to avoid being seen.
     To continue, turn to 57.

I will assume that the Copper Key and Prism are both taken here.


The door is unlocked and, for a moment, your heart sinks. If this room is indeed the Imperial Apothecary where the Oede herb is kept, why is the door not locked and guarded? Anxiously, you slip inside and survey the interior.
     At first sight it does indeed seem to be an apothecary. Glass retorts bubble and steam over jets of blue flame, and strange fluids pass back and forth through a maze of tubes and transparent tunnels. Hundreds of herb jars line the far wall and ten large copper urns, each full to the brim with rainbow-colored powders, hang suspended from the soot-blackened ceiling. You begin searching through the herb jars and suddenly you discover why the door was left unlocked. Stalking slowly towards you is the cat-like creature that guards the apothecary. Its eyes glow with a vivid green luminescence as it prepares to make its attack.


     If you have ever fought an Elix before, you may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight. You cannot evade this combat and must fight the creature to the death.
     If you win the combat, turn to 2.

Lone Wolf has not fought an Elix before.

The combat:
Combat Ratio: 12 + 2 (Silver Helm) + 2 (Mindblast) + 3 (Dagger of Vashna) – 17 = 2
Round 1 Roll: 5
Player Endurance: 21 – 2 = 19
Elix Endurance: 31 – 8 = 23
Round 2 Roll: 8
Player Endurance: 19 – 0 = 19
Elix Endurance: 23 – 11 = 12
Round 3 Roll: 7
Player Endurance: 19 – 1 = 18
Elix Endurance: 12 – 10 = 2
Round 4 Roll: 5
Player Endurance: 18 – 2 = 16
Elix Endurance: 2 – 8 = -6

Lone Wolf kills the Elix in 4 rounds and takes 5 ENDURANCE points of damage from the combat.


Breathless from the exertion of combat, you step back as the Elix finally collapses and dies at your feet. Slowly, its glass-green eyes mist over and become opaque, like spheres of cold hard jadin. Around the creature’s blood-spattered throat there hangs a Gold Chain and Key. Quickly you discover that the Key opens the steel door of a strongroom located at the far end of the apothecary.
     High upon a shelf just inside the door, you find a small box that contains what you seek – the Oede herb. Within seconds of pressing the beautiful golden leaves to your wounded shoulder, a tingling sensation engulfs your whole arm. The numbness soon fades and both your arm and shoulder are purged of the horrific Limbdeath microbes.
     There remains sufficient Oede herb in the box for one further application. It is a powerful medicament that can be used against many deadly diseases or, alternatively, it can be used to restore 10 ENDURANCE points if swallowed after combat. If you wish to keep the Potion, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item. You may now restore the 3 COMBAT SKILL points that were temporarily lost due to the effects of Limbdeath.
     After dragging the carcass of the Elix into the strongroom, you lock the steel door from the inside. You notice that there are in fact two doors to the strongroom: the one by which you entered, and a smaller one which is set into the opposite wall. The Gold Key opens the lock of the smaller door. It opens into a corridor which leads to a narrow staircase, dimly lit by evil-smelling torches set haphazardly in brackets along the wall.
     The climb is steep and arduous. You suspect that these steps are a rarely-used secret route to the strongroom, but your suspicions are only confirmed when you arrive at what appears to be a dead end. A closer examination reveals a narrow bronze door set flush to the wall. It is plain in appearance except for a tiny keyhole located close to the floor. As you insert and twist the Gold Key, you are quietly confident that this bronze door will surely open.
     To continue, turn to 67.


Let’s recap: Lone Wolf gets a Copper Key and a Prism from the Grand Palace’s library, and enters the Imperial Apothecary. After killing the Elix guarding the Imperial Apothecary, Lone Wolf finds the Oede herb in the Imperial Apothecary’s strongroom and cures his arm from the Limbdeath microbes with it. Please make your votes on whether to take an additional dose of the Oede herb, and if so, what to drop for it before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 17 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Swap one Laumspur for the Oede.

EDIT: Oh right. As per below post, use one Laumspur and then take Oede.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Swallow one Laumspur Potion, leave the empty bottle where the Oede was as a special insult to the Zakhan, and take the Oede.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Yes, use a Laumspur potion up to make space for the Oede.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; using a Laumspur Potion and taking the Oede herb.


You hear a faint click, followed by a soft whirring sound, and then the bronze door slides open. As you hurry through, the door clicks shut behind your back, as softly as it had opened. (This section is the correct solution to the Cloeasian combination lock in section 58)
     Instinct tells you that you have now entered the chambers of the upper palace, the sumptuous private enclave of the Zakhan. You walk upon glistening tiles of opal and platinum, past sculptures and statues made from pure gold. The door of solid amethyst ahead seems plain in comparison to the breathtaking splendor of this private world. Beyond the door lies another unique and startlingly beautiful world: the arboretum. A circular, cathedral-like arena spreads out below you, its green velvet canopy alive with the sound of birdsong. Trees of every color, shape and size flourish in the deep, dark soil of the floor. The Zakhan’s arboretum houses a specimen of every tree that grows in Magnamund, and many species that are now extinct. As you walk the wrought iron balcony which encircles the arboretum, you recognize the leaves of a Sommlending oak. You feel a sudden wave of homesickness but it does not make you despair; rather, it renews your determination to escape from this hostile, sun-bleached land.
     At one of the exits from the arboretum you discover a Quarterstaff propped against the wall. (If you wish to take this, remember to mark it on your Action Chart as a Weapon.) The desire to escape urges you on as you leave the arboretum and hurry through a network of lavish corridors and empty, deserted vestibules. You reach a landing where a broad staircase descends to a massive room which occupies most of the lower palace.
     From the top of the staircase, hidden by the shadow of a gilded pilaster, you stare down on a sight that freezes your blood with terror.
     To continue, turn to 200.

Please make your votes on whether to exchange the Dagger for the Quarterstaff before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 17 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; using a Laumspur Potion and taking the Oede herb.


You hear a faint click, followed by a soft whirring sound, and then the bronze door slides open. As you hurry through, the door clicks shut behind your back, as softly as it had opened. (This section is the correct solution to the Cloeasian combination lock in section 58)
     Instinct tells you that you have now entered the chambers of the upper palace, the sumptuous private enclave of the Zakhan. You walk upon glistening tiles of opal and platinum, past sculptures and statues made from pure gold. The door of solid amethyst ahead seems plain in comparison to the breathtaking splendor of this private world. Beyond the door lies another unique and startlingly beautiful world: the arboretum. A circular, cathedral-like arena spreads out below you, its green velvet canopy alive with the sound of birdsong. Trees of every color, shape and size flourish in the deep, dark soil of the floor. The Zakhan’s arboretum houses a specimen of every tree that grows in Magnamund, and many species that are now extinct. As you walk the wrought iron balcony which encircles the arboretum, you recognize the leaves of a Sommlending oak. You feel a sudden wave of homesickness but it does not make you despair; rather, it renews your determination to escape from this hostile, sun-bleached land.
     At one of the exits from the arboretum you discover a Quarterstaff propped against the wall. (If you wish to take this, remember to mark it on your Action Chart as a Weapon.) The desire to escape urges you on as you leave the arboretum and hurry through a network of lavish corridors and empty, deserted vestibules. You reach a landing where a broad staircase descends to a massive room which occupies most of the lower palace.
     From the top of the staircase, hidden by the shadow of a gilded pilaster, you stare down on a sight that freezes your blood with terror.
     To continue, turn to 200.

Please make your votes on whether to exchange the Dagger for the Quarterstaff before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 17 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Keep the dagger.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Dagger > Quarterstaff
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; keeping the Dagger and leaving the Quarterstaff where it is.


Upon a raised platform carpeted with scarlet fur sits the Vassagonian Emperor, Zakhan Kimah. He is clothed in a shimmering golden robe that is devoid of ornamentation. In his hand there is an orb of black metal, and in his eye there is an ice-cold cruelty that chills your spine. The Zakhan is a man of awesome countenance but he pales in the shadow of his unnatural companion.
     Before him stands the cause of your terror. A helm as black as death itself hides the face, but the stench of decay and a hideous sepulchral voice betray the being’s identity.
     ‘Give me Lone Wolf!’
     It is the fell voice of one of your mortal enemies: a Darklord of Helgedad. As the Zakhan rises to his feet, you notice a flicker of doubt, perhaps of fear, dim his cruel gaze. But he is quick to mask it.
     ‘The Kai will be brought to you at sunset in exchange for the Orb of Death. It is agreed.’
     ‘You have the Orb,’ echoes the chilling voice. ‘Give me Lone Wolf!’
     The Zakhan hides his fear well, but time is not on his side. He is playing a deadly game of bluff with this Darklord. Yet the fact that he has not yet been discovered is evidence of his powerful will, for you sense the Darklord is persistently clawing and probing at his mind with his psychic powers.
     ‘You will get your Northlander, Lord Haakon,’ says the Zakhan, his voice curt with anger, ‘when you tell me why your servants defile the Tomb of the Majhan. You claim to have no need for gold and jewels… why then do you plunder the graves of our ancestors?’
     A deathly quiet fills the hall. Only the unnatural hiss of the Darklord’s exhaled breath disturbs the silence.
     ‘This land, this insignificant speck of sand, harbors two small thorns that prick our skin. We seek to remove them both, forever. The fledgling Kai they call Lone Wolf is the thorn that denies us Sommerlund. The Tomb of the Majhan hides the other thorn that threatens us, the accursed Book of the Magnakai.’
     Your heart pounds as the words reverberate in your head. The Book of the Magnakai! Suddenly, the reason why you have been enticed into a deadly trap becomes clear. The sinister truth is revealed.
     The Book of the Magnakai is one of the oldest legends of Sommerlund. With the wisdom of the Magnakai, Sun Eagle, the first Kai Grand Master, was able to instill the disciplines of the Kai into the warriors of Sommlending descent serving the House of Ulnar, the bloodline of your king. These skills, and your brave ancestors who possessed them, were to save your land from devastation at the hands of the Darklords. The Book of the Magnakai was lost, believed stolen, hundreds of years ago, but its wisdom was kept alive by the Kai Masters, handed down through generations of Sommlending warriors so that they could share the strength to resist their eternal enemies – the Darklords of Helgedad.
     If the Darklords should discover and destroy the Book of the Magnakai, its secrets will be lost forever, and when you die the Kai shall be no more. However, if you are able to find the Book of the Magnakai and deny the Darklords their prize then all the wisdom of the Magnakai shall be revealed to you. By the power of its precious wisdom you will become strong, strong enough to reach the ultimate achievement for a gifted Sommlending warrior, strong and wise enough to become a Kai Grand Master.
     But the perils and the glories of the quest that lies ahead are distracting you from a more immediate danger. To discover the nature of this danger and to begin your quest for the Book of the Magnakai, turn now to Part Two of Shadow on the Sand.



You catch sight of two warriors creeping towards you from a passageway to your right. They are clad in jet-black armor and scarlet robes. Their hideous death-mask helmets identify them as Drakkarim warriors. They look like men but were created long ago by the Dark God Naar and are not of this world. Now they serve in the armies of the Darklords of Helgedad.
     One of them holds a razor-fanged Akataz, a creeping leathery war-dog, straining on a chain leash. The Drakkar releases his grip upon the leash and the Akataz leaps towards your throat.
     If you choose to fight this war-dog, turn to 273.
     If you decide to try and evade the attack and make a hasty escape, turn instead to 285.

Please make your votes on whether to face off against the fascists or run from them before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

We have no reason to stick around. Run.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Makes sense, leg it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Yeah, while we probably won't have much trouble killing the dog, I doubt there's anything to be gained from it, and potentially plenty to lose if we waste time on that instead of getting away.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; running from the fascists.


As you turn and sprint along the passage, a terrible roar of hatred and rage fills the hall:
     ‘Kill the Kai!’
     You glance back. The Drakkarim are unsheathing their black swords in eager preparation to obey their master’s command. You race down some stairs, through a silver-clad archway, and along a balcony that overlooks the lower palace.
     The Akataz is nearly upon you. You can feel its fetid breath on the backs of your legs. Instinctively, you dodge aside at the very second it makes its leap. It flashes past and crashes muzzle-first into a marble pillar. A howl of pain leaves its broken mouth as you step forward and strike it a death-blow. This is one attack dog that will never attack anyone again.

285. In a flash of light the Drakkar is gone.

     You glimpse the grim silhouette of Darklord Haakon in the hall below, his spiked fist raised. A Drakkar appears as if from nowhere and advances upon you. His black sword is held high above his skull-like helm, poised to strike. There is a deafening ‘crack’ as a bolt of blue lightning streaks from a stone in the Darklord’s hand and comes hurtling towards you. The Drakkar lunges and wounds your arm (lose 2 ENDURANCE points), but he now stands in the path of the bolt. In a blinding flash of light, the Drakkar is gone. A heap of glowing cinders and the rotten odor of scorched flesh are all that remain.
     At the end of the balcony you can see another archway and a staircase.
     If you choose to escape through the archway, turn to 381.
     If you decide to escape by way of the stairs, turn to 317.

Please make your votes on how to flee from the fascists before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 17 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Take the stairs.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Uh...does the stairway go up or down?

I guess we'd have to use it to find out.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; escaping from the fascists by way of the stairs.


The blood is pounding loudly in your ears as you bound up the marble steps. Twenty feet ahead of you there is a landing with a stone door set into the wall. The stairs continue to ascend to a parapeted walkway, at the end of which is another stone door, identical to the first. Suddenly, the door on the first landing swings open and a palace guard wheels around to face you.
     ‘Majhan!’ he cries, and fumbles for the hilt of his sword.
     If you wish to attack the guard before he can draw his weapon, turn to 338.
     If you decide to barge him aside and continue climbing the stairs, turn to 372.

Please make your votes on whether to also run from this fascist or to fight him before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 17 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Knock him aside and keep going.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Wet get to fight people a lot, and barge them aside rarely, and we've got limited time, so barge away.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

It's not as cool as barging him down the stairs, but I guess we'll have to make do with barging him aside.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; barging the fascist aside and continuing up the stairs.


A crossbow bolt grazes your shoulder just as you reach the walkway. The sharp stinging pain makes you dive for cover behind its low parapet wall (lose 1 ENDURANCE point). Then two more bolts ricochet from the stone lip barely inches from your head.
     The stone door is shut, secured by an iron bolt on this side. To pull open the bolt, you will have to expose yourself to crossbow fire for the bolt is clearly in view above the lip of the wall.
     If you possess the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 269.
     If you do not have this skill, pick a number for the Random Number Table. If you have reached the Kai rank of Aspirant or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.
     If your total is now is 3 or lower, turn to 366.
     If it is 4 or higher, turn to 277.

Lone Wolf possesses the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter.


You fix your stare at the bolt and will it to move. The sound of running footsteps behind you sends a cold shiver down your spine when you realize that the Drakkarim are now storming the stairs. After a few agonizing seconds, slowly the bolt begins to move. As soon as it clears the bolt-hole, you wrench open the stone portal and race through it, unaware of what may await you beyond.
     To continue, turn to 352.


Beyond the portal there lies a vaulted corridor which leads to a grand stairway. You narrowly avoid confrontation with a dozen Drakkarim, saved in the nick of time by your lightning reactions. As the enemy rush from an archway on the second floor landing, you dive behind a statue of the recently deceased Zakhan Moudalla. They are so intent on their chase that they fail to notice your hiding place and hurry down the stairs, grunting in their heavy black armor as they run. Silently, you give thanks for the fact that Zakhan Moudalla was a very stout man. His statue casts a very large shadow in which to hide.
     At the top of the stairway you discover a hatch which gives access to the roof. You climb through it and follow a path of sun-bleached tiles that wind in and out of the domes and turrets, eventually leading to a bell-tower.
     You are feeling exhausted and need to rest. Your mind still full of the shock of your encounter with Darklord Haakon. The sound of his terrible voice repeating the words ‘Book of the Magnakai’ echoes again and again in your mind. With desperation sapping your will, you peer out through a grille in the bell-tower. The sight you see renews your flagging hope, for it inspires a daring escape plan.
     To continue, turn to 313.


Below the bell-tower you see a line of Itikar pens, each with its own circular landing platform. Itikar are a breed of huge black eagles that nest in eyries high in the peaks of the Dahir and Vakar Mountains. The Vassagonians have long since tamed these giants of the skies, using them as winged mounts for their army leaders, their scouts, couriers and envoys.
     An Itikar and rider swoop down out of the reddening sky and alight upon the platform nearest to the bell-tower. Slaves hurl a rope to the rider who, in turn, fixes it to a saddle ring before he jumps to the ground. The Itikar caws and beats its huge wings as it is slowly winched into the pen by a hidden capstan.
     The rider and the slaves leave the platform. There is now only one sentry on guard at the pen. If you can overpower him, you should be able to make your escape from the Grand Palace on the back of this giant bird.
     If you possess a Blowpipe and Sleep Dart, turn to 325.
     If you do not have these items, turn to 282.

Lone Wolf does not have a Blowpipe and Sleep Dart.


You leave the bell-tower and make your way down towards the sentry. At first, dodging from one turret to the next, it is easy for you to remain unseen. However, for the final thirty yards to the landing platform there is no cover. The platform and the palace roof are linked by an exposed gangplank. If you are to overpower the sentry, first you must cross the gangplank undetected.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn now to 295.
     If you do not possess the skill, pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Kai Disciplines of either Hunting or Camouflage, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you have reached the Kai rank of Warmarn, or higher, add 3.
     If your total score is now 4 or lower, turn to 357.
     If it is 5-9, turn to 389.
     If it is 10 or higher, turn to 236.

Lone Wolf has the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter.


Focusing your skill on a money pouch that hangs from the sentry’s belt, you concentrate on untying the leather strap that secures it. Seconds later, the pouch drops to the ground and spills its contents. The guard yelps in horror as he sees his gold rolling over the edge of the platform and he immediately drops to his knees to gather up what little remains. As he turns his back, you break from cover and run across the gangplank. Your speed and stealth carry you across the gangplank undetected. When you strike, the guard is still on his knees scooping up his scattered gold. Your attack is silent and deadly.
     If you wish to search the guard’s body, turn to 207.
     If you decide to ignore the body, you can hurry into the Itikar’s pen by turning to 224.

Here’s the recap: The guards fire crossbow bolts at Lone Wolf, with one of them slightly wounding him and another securing shut the stone door ahead of him. Thanks to his Mind Over Matter discipline, Lone Wolf gets the bolt out and continues through the stone door. He then heads to a bell-tower’s roof and takes out the lone sentry guarding the roof’s Itikar pens, again with the help of his Mind Over Matter discipline. With Lone Wolf’s ENDURANCE fully restored from the noncombat sections, please make your votes on whether searching the dead fascist’s body is a good idea or not before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 17 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Search the body, he might have some means of pacifying the Itikar.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Ah, good point, search for something to do with the Itikar. And I do like a good insta-kill, rather than having to roll for every fight.

EDIT: Huh, missed a letter and several words there.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

I think our Animal Kinship would be what helps us pacify the Itikar, but yeah, I wouldn't turn down the opportunity for extra loot anyway. Search the body.
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