[Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; searching the fascist’s corpse to see if there is anything useful there.


You discover little of great interest, only 8 Gold Crowns, a Belt Pouch (you can pick it up if you have lost yours), and a Brass Whistle on a chain which is hung around the guard’s neck. You may take these if you wish, but remember to mark them on your Action Chart.
     Suddenly, a noise alerts you to unwelcome company. Drakkarim are rushing along the tiled pathway that leads to the pens. Without a moment’s hesitation, you turn and run inside the Itikar’s enclosure.
     To continue, turn to 224.

I will assume that Lone Wolf will take the 8 Gold Crowns. With Lone Wolf already having a Belt Pouch, there is only the matter of the Brass Whistle to resolve. Please make your votes on whether to take it, and if so, what to drop to make room for it, before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Laumspur Potion (+4 ENDURANCE)
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 25 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Drop the Laumspur Potion, take the Brass Whistle.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

I guess Laumspur is the most expendable thing, yeah.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Leave the Brass Whistle, or drop the prism for it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes tallied; dropping the Laumspur Potion for the Brass Whistle won by a 2-1 vote.


The great black bird beats its massive wings and caws hoarsely in its domed pen. Two black eyes, fierce and cold, fix you with a deadly stare as you edge nearer to its perch.
     Grabbing the saddle pommel, you haul yourself up, but suddenly there is a flash of razor-sharp talons. Instinctively, you shield your face as a glint of orange sunlight is caught on the Itikar’s curved beak. Its huge claws slash the air barely inches above your head.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, and wish to use it, turn to 308.
     If you possess an Onyx Medallion, turn to 319.
     If you possess neither the Kai Discipline nor the Special Item, pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have reached the Kai Rank of Aspirant or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.
     If your total is now 8 or higher, turn to 287.
     If it is 4-7, turn to 240.
     If it is 1-3, turn to 370.
     If it is 0, turn to 257.

Lone Wolf has the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship. Please make your votes on whether to use it or not before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Brass Whistle
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 25 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Use Animal Kinship.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Use Animal Kinship.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Animal Kinship.

(And while I expected that we won't need it due to Animal Kinship, it's disappointing that the whistle is not even usable here.)
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; using Animal Kinship.


It can take many years for a rider to tame an Itikar, for by nature they are wild and vicious creatures. You use your special Kai skill to communicate with the giant bird, to assure it that you mean it no harm. It fixes you with a cold black stare, but you sense that it is no longer hostile.
     As you settle down upon its wide saddle, you catch sight of the Drakkarim as they come streaming across the gangplank. Quickly, you lean forward, unhook the anchor rope from the saddle ring and snatch up the thick leather reins.
     To continue, turn to 343.


You are jerked backwards in the saddle when the powerful Itikar leaves its perch. It shrieks and caws and its wings beat as loud as thunder. A handful of Drakkarim are scattered like rag dolls when the great black bird emerges from its pen and takes to the sky. You catch a glimpse of a Drakkar, his death-mask slashed in two by a swipe from the bird’s razor-sharp talons. Shrieking in pain, he pitches from the landing platform and tumbles to his death in the palace gardens far below.
     The golden domes of the Grand Palace shrink away as the Itikar gathers speed. Soon you have passed over the city wall and find yourself heading out towards the shimmering salt-flats of Lake Inrahim. The land below is bathed in beautiful orange twilight as the sun slowly sinks behind the Dahir Mountains to the west. Elated by the success of your daring escape, you throw back your head and give voice to a triumphant yell that is carried away on the chill evening wind. As if in answer to your cry, an echoing chorus of shrieks pierces the sky. Fear returns to your heart as you catch sight of a flock of Kraan, hideous leathery-winged fliers from the Darklands. Each of them carries a Drakkarim warrior astride its back. They are more than a mile behind you but they are quickly closing the gap.
     Less than an hour of daylight remains. If you can evade them a little longer, you may be able to lose them when night falls. You are now high above the center of Lake Inrahim and you must decide in which direction to steer your flying mount. Consult the map at the front of this book before making your final decision.
     If you choose to steer the Itikar south towards the Dahir Pass, turn to 264.
     If you decide to head east towards the town of Chula, turn to 244.

343. You catch a glimpse of the Drakkar, his death-mask slashed in two, pitched from the landing platform.

Please make your votes on which way to go before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Looking at the map, don't see any reason to pick one over the other, so may as well.

(And also disappointed that the whistle wasn't checked for)
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Lone Wolf will steer the Itikar south towards the Dahir Pass.

(Illustration overleaf)

A terrible shriek rings out above the rush of the wind, filling your head with pain. You are being attacked by a powerful Mindforce. Unless you possess the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, deduct 2 ENDURANCE points from your current total.
     The Itikar shudders and frantically twists its head from side to side as the shriek rings out again. You sense that this great bird is in agony as it is racked by the Mindblast. As you glance over your shoulder, your stomach becomes knotted with fear. A Kraan is swooping down to attack you. On its back is the source of the Mindblast. It is a Vordak, one of the undead, a hideous lieutenant of the Darklords of Helgedad. As the Kraan streaks towards you, the Vordak spreads its red-robed arms and leaps from the saddle. It lands behind you astride the Itikar’s back, its skeletal fingers sunk deep into your mount’s feathered flesh. The shock of its impact throws you forward and the reins slip from your hands.
     The giant bird screeches in horror and pain as the Vordak’s grip paralyses its spine. You must act quickly for the Itikar is now plummeting in a spiral towards the salt plain of Lake Inrahim.
     If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 315.
     If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 299.

264. The Vordak lands behind you, astride the Itikar’s back, its skeletal fingers sunk deep into your mount’s feathered flesh.

Lone Wolf possesses the Kai Discipline of Mindshield and the Sommerswerd.


As you unsheathe the Sommerswerd, a vivid golden flame ignites along its blade. The Vordak shrieks in terror, its blood-drenched bony fingers clawing for a black iron mace which hangs from its belt. It raises the mace to parry your blow, but the sun-sword shears through the black iron haft and a splash of blue flame erupts in its wake. You strike again, curving the golden blade around in a great arc. It bites into the Vordak’s neck, cutting cleanly through its unnatural body, severing it diagonally from collarbone to hip. A sickening acidic smell chokes your throat as a fountain of green slime erupts from beneath the sundered red robe. The Vordak crumples and topples from view, its dissolving corpse hissing like a nest of snakes as it spirals down towards the salt plain of Lake Inrahim.
     Sheathing your sword, you grab the reins and fight to control your injured mount. You have slain the Vordak but the battle is not yet won. The Itikar is losing a great deal of blood. It could fall into unconsciousness at any moment and drop you like a stone.
     Then you spot something in the distance. It is an extraordinary and wholly unexpected sight.
     To continue, turn to 221.


Emerging from a bank of cloud on the skyline, you see a flying ship. It is a small craft, no bigger than a Unoram river barge, with two triangular sails swept back either side of its curving prow. In the fading twilight you can make out a long pennant that flutters from its mast. A faint humming reaches your ears. Your first reaction is one of disbelief; what you are seeing must be a trick of the light, or some fiendish illusion created by the Darklords. However, as the ship glides nearer, your senses tell you that it is not a mirage. Indeed it is quite real.
     If you have ever visited the ruins of Raumas in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 336.
     If you have not, turn instead to 275.

Lone Wolf has visited the ruins of Raumas back in Book 1.


Standing on a fortified platform in the center of the strange craft is a young man with deep, brooding eyes. Instantly you recognize him: it is Banedon, the young Sommlending magician who gave you the Crystal Star Pendant at the ruins of Raumas, after you saved his life in a Giak ambush.
     You are so stunned by his unexpected appearance that you fail to notice the blood which is seeping from the Itikar’s mouth. The creature is near to death. Suddenly, the great bird lets out a pitiful and agonized caw, its wings stiffen, and its head falls limp as the last flicker of life escapes from its torn body. It pitches you forward and your stomach heaves as you plummet towards the salt plain of Lake Inrahim.
     Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, deduct 1.
     If the total is 4 or lower, turn to 374.
     If it is 5-8, turn to 254.
     If it is 9, turn to 261.

Lone Wolf possesses the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship. Rolling the die and applying the modification yields a 3.


As you tumble earthwards, a blur of color flashes before your eyes. The Kraan-riders, the skyship, the salt plain, and the distant horizon all melt into a kaleidoscope of shapes and images. You fear that these images will be the last you ever see.
     You have prepared yourself for death and are calmly resolved to your fate, when suddenly you feel your body entwined by a mass of sticky fibers. There is a terrific jolt which leaves you breathless and stunned. Then you realize that the impossible is happening. You are no longer falling but rising!
     A net of clinging strands has caught you like a fly in a web. Now you are ascending into the sky towards the flying ship just as quickly as you fell. Three bearded dwarves clad in bright, padded battle-jerkins pull you aboard an outrigger that runs the length of the craft’s hull. There is no time to express your gratitude to them however, for the small skyship is now under attack from the Kraan-riders.
     At the end of the outrigger, a dwarf is engaged in bitter hand-to-hand combat with a snarling Drakkar. He appears to be losing the contest. As you rush to his aid, another of the evil warriors lands in the center of the craft, atop its fortified platform.
     If you choose to help the dwarf, turn to 280.
     If you decide to leap from the outrigger on to the platform and confront the Drakkar who has just landed there, turn instead to 361.

Here’s the recap: Lone Wolf kills a Vordak with his Master Sword, but not before the Vordak fatally wounds his Itikar mount. Fortunately, an airship piloted by his old communist friend Banedon arrives to save Lone Wolf. With the airship under attack by Lone Wolf’s fascist pursuers, please make your votes on how to enter the fray before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Brass Whistle
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 25 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Help the dwarf.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Help the dwarf
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Help the dwarf
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; helping the dwarf.


The Drakkar is brutally strangling the dwarf. As he catches sight of you, he releases his grip and smashes his mailed fist into the dwarf’s face, sending him tumbling away into space. Inflamed by this act of cold-blooded murder, you draw your weapon and attack.


     Due to the lightning speed of your attack, do not deduct any ENDURANCE points you may lose in the first round of combat.
     If you win the combat, turn to 213.

The combat:
Combat Ratio: 15 + 2 (Silver Helm) + 2 (Mindblast) + 2 (Kai Shield) + 3 (Dagger of Vashna) – 18 = 6
Round 1 Roll: 9
Player Endurance: 21 (no damage dealt for Round 1)
Drakkar Endurance: 25 – 16 = 9
Round 2 Roll: 4
Player Endurance: 21 – 2 = 19
Drakkar Endurance: 9 – 9 = 0

As it turns out, the fascist Drakkar only lasts 2 rounds before being slaughtered by Lone Wolf, although it deals 2 ENDURANCE points of damage in the process.


The Drakkar falls to his knees and makes a horrible rasping noise as he tries in vain to prize open his shattered death-mask. Your blows have staved in his helm, and the buckled metal has fractured his skull. You lash out with your foot and kick him from the outrigger, sending him spiraling down to Lake Inrahim to join the dwarf he murdered.
     But the dwarf is neither dead nor hundreds of feet below. He hangs by his foot, unconscious, snagged in the netting below the outrigger boards. You grab the dwarf’s leg and haul him to safety before continuing the fight.
     The platform now looks empty. No heads are showing above its armored parapet, but you sense something is very wrong. Instinctively, you leap from the outrigger onto the main hull with your weapon poised to strike.
     To continue, turn to 361.


Ducking beneath the boom-sail, you clamber onto the platform just in time to witness a desperate struggle. The magician is pinned to the deck, his left arm skewered by an enemy spear. With a staff in his right hand, he is trying to fend off the dismounted Kraan-rider. The Drakkar senses your presence. Instantly he whirls around and draws a twisted black scimitar from its scabbard.

     If you win this combat and the fight lasts 3 rounds or less, turn to 288.
     If the fight continues to a fourth round of combat, do not resolve it. Instead, turn immediately to 382.

The combat:
Combat Ratio: 15 + 2 (Silver Helm) + 2 (Mindblast) + 2 (Kai Shield) + 3 (Dagger of Vashna) – 18 = 6
Round 1 Roll: 3
Player Endurance: 20 – 3 = 17
Drakkar Endurance: 25 – 8 = 17
Round 2 Roll: 8
Player Endurance: 17 – 0 = 17
Drakkar Endurance: 17 – 14 = 3
Round 3 Roll: 6
Player Endurance: 17 – 1 = 16
Drakkar Endurance: 3 – 11 = -8

Lone Wolf wins the combat against this fascist in 3 rounds, who gets luckier and deals 4 ENDURANCE points of damage before joining his comrade in hell.


The Drakkar curses you with his dying breath, his cry fast fading as he tumbles away from the platform. You rush to aid your wounded countryman but the battle is not yet over. A Kraan-rider is swooping down towards you with a crossbow leveled at your head. He pulls the trigger and the bolt comes speeding towards your face. It is too late for you to dodge away from this deadly missile.
     A shrill, metallic whine rings in your ears when, incredibly, the bolt ricochets away just inches from your forehead. It has been deflected by an invisible shield.
     If you have ever visited the ruins of Raumas in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 399.
     If you have not, turn to 294.

Lone Wolf has visited the ruins of Raumas back in Book 1.


Banedon lowers his staff and you detect the trace of a wry smile on his pain-racked face.
     ‘Alas, I was too slow to protect myself, Lone Wolf,’ he says, glancing at his arm.
     You kneel by his side and free the spear that pins him to the floor. The wound is serious. Hastily you staunch the bleeding with strips of cloth torn from his dark blue robes. As you are doing this, you recognize these robes for they are the attire of a Journeymaster. It seems that young Banedon has achieved distinction among his order since last you met.
     ‘It appears that we are fated to meet in their company,’ he says, still watching the Kraan-riders anxiously. ‘Help me to my feet. We must escape them before they drag us from the sky.’
     You support the magician as he grasps the ship’s helm. It is unlike any other you have seen. It is a radiant crystal sphere with hundreds of glowing facets set upon a slim silver rod. No sooner has his hand closed around the crystal-tipped helm than there is a tremendous explosion.
     To continue, turn to 323.


The explosion is followed by a huge cloud of smoke which engulfs a cabin perched on the rear deck. As the noise rumbles across the desolate salt plain, you hear the agonizing shriek of a wounded Kraan. It comes spiraling past the platform with a ragged hole rent in its broken wing.
     The smoke clears to reveal the grinning face of a dwarf framed in the cabin window. A smear of soot blackens his rosy cheeks and exaggerates the whiteness of his crooked teeth. He is holding a tube of smoking steel that you assume to be a magic staff, until you notice that each of the dwarf crew are carrying identical staves. As they point them at the swooping Kraan, gouts of smoke and flame bellow from their tips. Suddenly you recognize these weapons and their wielders. They are dwarves from the mountain kingdom of Bor, and they are armed with firearms – one of the many inventions for which these ingenious artisans are justly famous throughout Magnamund.
     The Kraan are terrified by the noise of the guns. Panicked, they turn their leathery tails about and fly away. Their frustrated Drakkarim riders seem powerless to stop them. The primitive firearms have claimed only one victim, but nevertheless, they have driven off the enemy and saved the skyship from disaster.
     Banedon steers the craft about, banking steeply until the ship is facing the darkening peaks of the southern mountains and the distinct V-shaped cleft of the Dahir Pass.
     Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
     If the number you have picked is 2 or lower, turn to 250.
     If it is 3 or higher, turn to 312.

323. The smoke clears to reveal the grinning face of a dwarf at the cabin window.

Rolling the die yields a 4.


The dwarves are clearing the deck of battle debris. A dead Drakkar lies sprawled face down across a pile of chests and sacks that are roped beneath the boom-sail. As the dwarves grab his legs to cast him over the side, suddenly he springs to life and sends the dwarves tumbling in all directions. He screams like a fiend, his black axe cutting a wide arc around his blood-smeared body armor. A curse, vile and evil, echoes from his death-mask as he draws back his axe to throw. His chosen target is you.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting or Sixth Sense, turn to 210.
     If you have neither of these skills, pick a number from the Random Number Table.
     If the number you have picked is 4 or lower, turn to 354.
     If it is 5-8, turn to 371.
     If it is 9, turn to 232.

Lone Wolf has the Kai Disciplines of Hunting and Sixth Sense.


You dive aside, your Kai skill saving you from the axe that comes spinning towards the platform. Suddenly, a deafening bang rings out and the Drakkar is flung backwards, his breastplate torn open by dwarf-shot. He gives a long, agonizing death-cry as he disappears from sight, tumbling away into the darkness that surrounds the speeding skyship.
     As if in answer to the shot, a menacing roll of thunder rumbles across the darkening plain from Barrakeesh. It is as if the city itself is cursing your escape. Banedon appears at your side, his face lined with concern. As he offers a shaky hand to help you to your feet, you notice that the makeshift bandage which binds his wound is soaked through with blood. He is pale and weak and close to collapse.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 377.
     If you do not possess this skill, turn to 339.

Lone Wolf has the Kai Discipline of Healing.


Clasping your hands around Banedon’s injured arm, you concentrate your Kai skill on healing the torn muscle and splintered bone. The warmth of your healing power numbs his pain and repairs the internal damage sufficiently to be able to remove the blood-soaked strips of cloth. The wound is still open, but it is clean and your timely aid has saved the limb.
     ‘We’ll help him now, Lone Wolf,’ shouts a strange voice. You are surprised by the boldness of this assertion, and you turn around to find out who has made it.
     To continue, turn to 339.


Two dwarves clamber up onto the platform and hurry to their young captain’s side. One flicks open a red velvet satchel strapped to his barrel-like chest, and removes a glass vial and a clean linen bandage. They attend to the wound, and, as his strength returns, Banedon listens intently to your account of the terrifying events that have led up to this meeting. As you conclude your woeful tale, Banedon speaks, his voice full of grim determination.
     ‘The future of Sommerlund rests in our hands, Lone Wolf. We must stop Darklord Haakon from destroying the Book of the Magnakai. I have heard tell of the Tomb of the Majhan from the nomads of the Dry Main. They say it is a terrible place, a place filled with horror and death… for what little there is, is left to die there. It lies beyond the Dahir, near the oasis of Bal-loftan. That is all I know, for the Majhan hid their tombs well and what few traces remained have long since disappeared beneath the shifting sands of the Dry Main.’
     Your face conveys the disappointment you feel upon hearing these words.
     ‘However, all is not lost,’ says Banedon, undaunted. ‘There is a man who can guide us there. His name is Tipasa Edarouk, or ‘Tipasa the Wanderer’ as he is better known. It is he whom we must seek, for he is the only man who has ever entered the Tomb of the Majhan and lived to tell the tale.’
     Banedon takes over the helm as his extraordinary ship, the Skyrider, as the dwarves call it, speeds through the gathering darkness towards the Dahir Pass. Visibility diminishes with each passing minute until finally you can see no further than the ship’s outriggers. You begin to feel uneasy. If the Skyrider veers but a fraction off its course, you will be smashed to pieces against the mountainside.
     ‘Don’t worry, Lone Wolf,’ says Nolrim, the dwarf with the velvet satchel. ‘The Capt’n will see us through.’
     Banedon stands with his hand resting lightly on the glowing crystal. He appears to be so relaxed that you would easily believe that he is in some kind of a trance. His eyes are closed and a crackle of energy, like fine white lightning, weaves and traces an intricate pattern across his forehead and around his temples.
     The dwarf leads you to the cabin at the rear of the craft where the crew are excitedly recounting their glorious victory over the Kraan-riders. They are seated about a table cluttered with plates of steaming food and jugs of foaming ale. The rich smell of spiced meat and potent Bor-brew fills your nostrils, reminding you of how ravenously hungry you are.
     You make short work of the meat and marrow placed before you (restore 3 ENDURANCE points). However, you have your doubts about accepting a jug of ale. Bor-brew is so strong that in many cities throughout Magnamund it has been banned outright for fear of the havoc it can cause.
     If you choose to accept a jug of the notorious ale, turn to 392.
     If you would prefer to decline the offer, turn to 283.

Here’s the recap: Lone Wolf kills two Drakkar without taking too much damage, and the airship’s dwarven crew use their guns to drive off the rest of Lone Wolf’s fascist pursuers. After dodging one last attack from a dying Drakkar which the dwarves finish off by shooting him in the chest), Lone Wolf and the dwarves heal Banedon’s injured arm. Afte recovering, Banedon says that they must find a man called Tipasa the Wanderer, as he is the only man who has entered the Tomb of the Majhan and survived. With Banedon piloting the airship, Lone Wolf joins the celebratory feast held by the dwarves. With Lone Wolf healing all of his damage from his fights against the two fascists from the noncombat sections and eating his fill, please make your votes on whether Lone Wolf should get drunk with Bor-brew before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

1. Sixth Sense
2. Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat
3. Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat
4. Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points
5. Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast
6. Animal Kinship
7. Mind Over Matter
8. Tracking
9. Camouflage
1. Dagger
2. Sommerswerd (In sections where it is specifically mentioned, +8 COMBAT SKILL and double damage against undead)
1. Oede Herb (+10 ENDURANCE)
2. Alether Concentrate (+4 COMBAT SKILL for one fight)
3. Rope
4. Brass Whistle
5. Concentrated Laumspur Potion (+5 ENDURANCE)
6. Meal
7. Rendalim’s Elixir (+6 ENDURANCE)
8. Prism
• Kai Shield (+2 COMBAT SKILL when used in combat)
• Kai Gold Key
• Crystal Star Pendant (Reroll one number per adventure, unused)
• Silver Helm (+2 COMBAT SKILL)
• Ticket
• Red Pass
• Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 ENDURANCE)
• Firesphere
• Blue Stone Triangle
• Scroll
• Dagger of Vashna (+3 COMBAT SKILL, -3 ENDURANCE)
• Sash (does not count towards 12 item limit)
• Copper Key
BELT POUCH: 25 Gold Crowns
• When in combat, stop to ask whether to use any items or abilities if ENDURANCE is less than 11 or Combat Ratio is less than -4
• Visited the Ruins of Raumas
• Survived the perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients
• Visited Gorn Cove
• Bridge password is ‘sunset’
• Applied Baknar oil
• Visited a hut on ‘Raider’s Road’
• Visited the Ruins of Maaken
• Read the Barakeesh proclamation
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Be friendly. Drink.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Drink the fancy booze.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Drink dwarf booze
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; getting drunk on Bor-brew.


The ale is thick and creamy, with a taste that reminds you of malted apples. You lower the half-empty tankard and wipe away the froth from your lips with your sleeve.
     Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE point total is less than 15, deduct 2 from this number. If your ENDURANCE point total is above 25, add 2 to this number. If you have reached the Kai rank of Savant add 3 to this number.
     If your total score is now 7 or lower, turn to 364.
     If it is 8 or higher, turn to 218.

Lone Wolf has reached the Kai rank of Savant, but his ENDURANCE point total is more than 15 and less than 25. Rolling the die and applying the modification yields an 8.


The dwarves continue their meal, pausing only to light large hooded pipes. Through the bluish hue of the pipe smoke that clouds the low cabin roof, you notice that they are casting nervous glances at you, as if you might explode at any moment.
     After five minutes have passed, Nolrim raises his tankard and proclaims a toast:
     ‘To Lone Wolf! A giant among dwarves!’
     The dwarves guffaw at Nolrim’s wry toast and raise their tankards in a salute to your courage and fortitude. The Bor-brew has loosened their tongues and now they are eager to tell you of their past exploits.


     To continue, turn to 291.


You learn that the dwarves were once the crew of a more conventional vessel, a merchantman that sailed the Tentarias of southern Magnamund. The Tentarias are a vast expanse of lakes and land-locked seas, which connect to form a continuous canal stretching nearly three thousand miles. They were created, as was the Rymerift of Durenor, by a massive landslide. Three years ago, the dwarves’ former captain, a dwarf named Quan, lost his ship, cargo and crew whilst gambling at cards; it seems the unfortunate captain was unaware of Banedon’s true profession until it was far too late. As a result Banedon became the dwarves’ captain, and ever since they have adventured with him across the lands and skies of Southern Magnamund. The Skyrider itself was given to Banedon by the Magicians of Dessi in return for his help in defeating the Gagadoth – a monstrous creature that terrorized their land, and over which their own sorcery could not prevail.
     The Skyrider was travelling from Dessi on its way to Barrakeesh when you appeared. The dwarves have overheard your talk with Banedon and they are very excited by the prospects of a new adventure. They seem undaunted by the deadly dangers that it will certainly involve.
     To continue, turn to 359.


The fatigue of your ordeal finally catches up with you. Now you are finding it impossible to keep your eyes open. Nolrim shows you to a bunk in the hull of the Skyrider, and gratefully you climb into your bed and pull the blankets over your aching limbs. Nolrim apologizes that the bunk is too short but his words fall on deaf ears; you are already asleep.
     Restore 2 ENDURANCE points for this much needed rest.
     To continue, turn to 300.


You wake shortly after dawn to the sound of snoring dwarves and the low hum of the Skyrider’s engine. Gathering your equipment, you climb on deck to find everything in shadow. The Skyrider is hovering beneath a massive outcrop of sandstone that juts out from the side of a mountain, thousands of feet above the valley floor below. Banedon stands at the helm; he is no longer in a trance.
     ‘Kraan-riders,’ he says, pointing to the sun-bleached valley beyond the shadows. ‘They arrived with the dawn.’
     You stare out across this alien landscape, a mountain valley filled with pillars of massive and precariously balanced boulders. The Vassagonians call this place the Koos – ‘the Needles’. The rocky columns reach so high into the sky that an avalanche seems unavoidable. Perched upon two of the columns are Kraan, their Drakkarim riders scouring the valley with telescopes. An hour passes before they take to the air and disappear.
     ‘Trim the boom-sail, Bo’sun Nolrim,’ orders Banedon, his voice barely audible above the increasing hum of the Skyrider’s engine. ‘We’ve a fast run ahead.’
     If you possess a Black Crystal Cube, turn to 229.
     If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 247.

Lone Wolf does not possess a Black Crystal Cube.


The voyage through the Koos is breathtaking. The Skyrider glides between these magnificent towers of rock which rise from the valley floor with a fantastic and unearthly grandeur. Far below, you can see sulfurous water bubbling from fissures in the orange ground, and streams of hissing lava carving circular channels that glow like moats of liquid fire. You keep a watchful eye on the skies but, to your relief, you see no signs of the enemy.
     ‘Ikaresh,’ says Banedon pensively. “The Eagle’s Lair”. That is where we will find Tipasa the Wanderer. It is the place of his birth and the home of his family. He roams the Dry Main but he always returns to Ikaresh.’


     It is late afternoon when you reach the hills beyond the Koos that overlook the town of Ikaresh. Banedon moors the Skyrider to a pinnacle of stone and a rope ladder is lowered to the ground. It has been decided that you and he will enter Ikaresh on foot and locate Tipasa, while Nolrim and the crew wait in hiding for you to return. The sight of the Skyrider hovering above the mountain town would likely arouse unwanted interest in your arrival.
     You and Banedon prepare yourselves for your mission by dressing in mhaktis, the flowing gray and white robes commonly worn by the desert and mountain dwellers of Vassagonia. When your preparations are complete, you bid farewell to Nolrim and set off across the barren hills.
     Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
     If the number you have picked is 2 or lower, turn to 337.
     If it is 3 or higher, turn to 383.

Rolling the die yields an 8.


You trudge through the loose red sand, your faces covered to protect them from the swirling dust and blazing heat. The landscape is stark and desolate; all that seems to thrive here is the wire-hard grass that persistently scratches your boots and leggings.
     Soon you come across a dried river bed which leads to a cave in the orange sandstone hillside. A wooden plaque is nailed by the mouth of the cave, but you are unable to understand the strange words painted on its badly sun-blistered surface.
     If you choose to investigate the cave, turn to 235.
     If you decide to ignore the cave and press on towards Ikaresh, pick a number from the Random Number Table.
     If the number you have picked is 2 or lower, turn to 272.
     If it is 3 or higher, turn to 337.

Okay, so here’s the recap: Lone Wolf’s alcohol tolerance was enough to withstand the Bor-brew, and he listens to the dwarves’ stories. After going to sleep, Lone Wolf and the rest of the airship’s crew arrive at the hills near Ikaresh, Tipasa the Wanderer’s birthplace. Lone Wolf and his communist friend Banedon head off towards Ikaresh and discover a nearby cave. Please make your votes on whether to enter this cave or not before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Ignore the cave and keep going.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Thaluikhain »

Half vote to investigate random cave,

(And did Banedon win at gambling because he was secretly using magic?)
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by SGamerz »

Investigate cave.
Thaluikhain wrote:
Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:13 am
(And did Banedon win at gambling because he was secretly using magic?)
"it seems the unfortunate captain was unaware of Banedon’s true profession until it was far too late. As a result Banedon became the dwarves’ captain"
The text doesn't directly say so, but I'd take that as a positive indication.

Unless Banedon also has a true secret profession as a professional card sharp.

(Also, whether by magic or by sleight of hand, Banedon as a character certainly isn't above cheating at cards.)
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted; investigating the cave won over ignoring it by a 1.5-1 vote.


Rows of stalactites hang from the roof of the cave, like the fangs of some incredible monster, and the bubbling of a distant geyser echoes eerily through the unknown depths.
     You begin to explore and eventually reach a place where a natural bridge of rock arches over a steaming course of water, rust red with ore. Huddled beneath the bridge is a pathetic figure of a man. His body is bent and emaciated. A tattered blanket covers his face and in his withered hands he clutches a crude fishing rod. A small catch of lavacrabs lie on the bank, their claws twitching as slowly they expire. As you move nearer, the figure raises his face to stare at you. It is the face of a man, but his visage shocks you to the core.
     If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 344.
     If you do not possess this Kai Discipline, turn to 208.

Lone Wolf has the Kai Discipline of Healing.


The old man’s face is a mask of putrescent green sores. The pupils of his eyes are yellow and his ragged grey lips hang in tatters. He suffers from vaxelus, an infectious disease that rots the skin and attacks the nerves, resulting in hideous mutilation and deformity. He has been cast from his community and banished to this cave where he must eke out his last few years of life in misery and solitude.
     If you possess some Oede herb and wish to give it to the poor vaxeler, turn to 321.
     If you do not have any Oede herb, or if you do not wish to give it to this unfortunate wretch, you can flee the cave by turning to 270.

Lone Wolf possesses some Oede herb. Please make your votes on whether to give it to the poor vaxeler or not before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Lone Wolf - Kai Series

Post by Beroli »

Give it to him.
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