Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

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Serious Badass
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Princess Road Final Night - The Title Matches! 23/05

Here we are, folks! It's Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, the end of Princess Road, and all roads lead to grand titles! We are starting with a four v four tag match, with Lunar Club New Moon battling the Vivid Operation, specifically to wear them out and reduce the odds of interference later. Along the same lines, next up we have a 3v3 match, Outer Senshi vs Galaxia-gun. And then it's the title matches: Jun Jun challenges Cure Egret for the Junior Heavyweight Championship, and Sailor Uranus challenges Sailor Lead Crow for the MGPW Heavyweight Championship!

This first match starts off with a lot of people in the ring - we have quick tags and rapid offence, and oh! Look at that Superman punch!


The double-teaming continues by New Moon, and Palla Palla hits the ballin' elbow!


Now Vivid Green fights off her attackers, utilising her superior martial arts training for hard strikes - and the Emerald Flowsion as well!


Now Vivid Green busts out her sword! She makes the cover, and now all of New Moon are in the ring to break it up, oh and elbows to the head there by Cere Cere!


Cere Cere locks Vivid Blue into an elevated Boston Crab there, but now Vivid Operation are in the ring to break it up. She tags in Yellow and- oh, unique double-team offence! I guess their show IS all about their asses after all...


CODE RED! One! Two! And interference to make the save! But now Red has Chibi Moon in a hanging armlock, and the Amazonesses interfere once again!


Vivid Blue is fighting her foes away, dealing with the numbers game, and- oh, Blue Impulse on Palla Palla! And she climbs the turnbuckle for the MX!


Everyone is in the ring, there's fighting all over the place - kicks, slams, an Achilles hold, and there's the Blue Thunder Bomb by Blue!


Another Blue Impulse! And then Blue locks in the modified figure four- oh and Palla Palla has had enough, she submits before her allies can help break the hold! A victory for Vivid Operation!



Match two, and it looks like Neptune and Siren want to continue their rivalry right from the start. King's Emerald Flowsion by Neptune! But Siren tags in Tin Nyanko - it's her debut match! - and we get a double-team powerbomb neckbreaker!


Now Saturn is here against Nyanko, and locks in the stockade, cranking the neck - but cats don't have spines, that's how they're so bendy! OW! Liver kick by Tin Nyanko, and she tags in Iron Mouse, before landing the hidden blade!


Superkick Party by Lunar Club! But both sides can do the double-team!


Fish Stretch Sleeper on Neptune by Aluminum Siren! But the Outers are here, and Saturn takes over - and she has that kama! Oh, deadlift German suplex by Neptune!


There's fighting on the inside and the outside, weapons everywhere... chairshot by Iron Mouse, Iron Claw by Tin Nyanko, it's all happening!


FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! But now everyone is in the ring once more, and she kicks out just in time! Oh, Aluminum Siren has a Flowsion for Neptune, and Pluto suplexes Nyanko into the ring.


Now both Saturn and Neptune are just nailing Iron Mouse with steel chairs, battering her senseless - and she had few senses to begin with! Sailor Neptune is bleeding from the face but not relenting.


Tiger Driver by Tin Nyanko, she covers, but chaos breaks out once more! We have a cutter, a fisherman suplex... oh, Nyanko locks Pluto into a single leg crab, and gets the submission!



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! (ONE FALL!) With a sixty minute time limit, it is for the Junior Heavyweight Championship. First, the challenger, representing the Amazoness Quartet and New Moon... Jun Jun! And the champion, she is undefeated so far... Cure Egret!

This starts fairly cleanly with simple trips and throws- oh, painful dragon screw there by Jun Jun! But Egret is back on her feet, and quick to fight back.


Now Jun Jun is delivering vicious stomps to the head! But Egret isn't giving up, she's- oh now that might make her want to stay down, Jun Jun Pilmanizes her leg with a chair, she's really looking to disable the knees.


Incredible Hurricanrana by Egret there, but it's not enough! Still, she's fired up, with a throw, a cannonbll splash, and then a great dropkick to make some distance!


X-Factor by Egret, and a headbutt to the lower back! And another X-factor! And the slingblaaade! She's firing up now, and fighting past the prior injuries!


There's a second slingblade to drive the lesson home, and then a standing moonsault for the cover, 1... 2... 3! That's it! Cure Egret has successfully defended her title, she fought past the pain of that earlier assault and found what she needed to win!


Oh no - this is what we were afraid of! The Amazoness Quartet are all here, just beating on Egret! Somebody needs to stop this, surely they'll be fined or suspended over this!


Egret is bravely - or desperately - trying to fight back, but there's no getting past this numbers game. Can anything be- wait, here they come! It's the whole Pure Division running to the ring!


Now the violence has broken out completely, there's no order and it's just all happening. Our main event is being delayed by all the fighting here.


The Amazonesses are still focused on beating down on Egret, but that created an opening - Cure Bloom, Cure Black and Cure White are now cleaning house, and they manage to force their foes out of the ring. Finally, things are cleared, and we'll be able to have the main event.



And now, for the main event... this match is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!), and is for the MGPW Heavyweight Championship, with a sixty minute time limit. First, the challenger. Representing the Lunar Club Outer Senshi... Sailor Uranus! And her opponent, representing Galaxia-gun, she is the reigning MGPW Heavyweight Champion... Sailor Lead Crow!

We have an impressive test of strength from the start, with no clear winner. It's rare someone can match might with Haruka, but- oh look at that! The Galactic Tornado in the first minute! Crow knows the risks here and wants to finish things off quickly!


Psycho Driver by Sailor Uranus! And then she just mounts the back and starts landing closed fist punches to the back of the head! The referee begins counting - Haruka needs to be careful to make sure she isn't disqualified.


Grenade by Lead Crow! She's burning energy fast, just going for the biggest moves. It's clear she respects her opponent enough to use what would otherwise be overwhelming force.


Double stomp by Sailor Lead Crow! And she flies from the top, what an incredible move! But it's not going to be enough to put Sailor Uranus away this soon. Haruka fought her way through the whole tournament to get here.


SPEAR! Crow knocks Uranus nearly out of her boots! And speaking of boots, now she's going for stomps straight to the head! Let her never be accused of holding back and being too passive a fighter.


And now we have the twisted armlock and necklock by Lead Crow, but Haruka powers out pretty quickly. And now Crow is exhausted by her efforts, giving Sailor Uranus a chance to wail on her knee with a chair! That's a clear rules breach, picking up another warning from Kaede.


Sailor Uranus strikes with her sword! And then it's the Blade Runner! This match just has violence upon violence! But Lead Crow is back on her feet straight away - she goes for another stomp, and then locks in, it looks like she's going for a sharpshoot- wait no this is a new hold!


And now we're back to Sailor Uranus' blatant disrespect, with that taunt of an attack, and then thinking she can pin Sailor Lead Crow after that. Crow takes her time kicking out at two, and the audience are starting to rally behind her - that's surprising, heel versus heel, but she's been taking the high road against this disrespectful behaviour.


Haruka attacks with her sword again - this time drawing blood. There's a lot of it too, Crow is bleeding copiously. And there come the chairs again! The referee might need to think about stopping this. And now it's another Psycho Driver, landing Crow right on her head.


More high-flying by Crow, but they're too close to the ropes for a pin. Haruka tries something, but now Lead Crow grabs her hand... she's often full of piss and vinegar herself, and she snaps the fingers! And then she lands a superkick in the middle of the ring!


Oh look at this! Another Galactic Tornado by Lead Crow! But that's not enough for her. Still bleeding from the chest and face, she locks in that modified triangle again... and that's it! Sailor Uranus submits, she gives up! Sailor Lead Crow, looking like she was in a war zone, has just defended her title!


Oh it looks like she wants the microphone...


"Thank you everyone for believing in me... I know I often haven't acted in a way a representative of this company should. But fighting her has awakened something, and as your champion I want to ACT LIKE your champion! From now on, I will-"
And the lights turn off.

This ominous image appears on the big screen:


"So... another successful defence, Sailor Lead Crow. Congratulations. Make sure you treasure that title while you still have it. Because soon, it all comes to an end. I cannot overlook the degeneracy and evil at work, the Chaos of this entire company. Where I come from, we have a word for magical girls: Witches!"

And when the lights return... we see the new challenger for the Heavyweight Title! It's Saint Celestine!



Post-Match Interviews

Vivid Red: "Yay, we won again! We're really meant for team-based stuff, we just work together so well. I'm celebrating by taking us out for hotdogs with extra mayo!"
Vivid Blue: "...urk. Putting that aside, I'm glad we could show what we're like as a team. They're all fiends, that group, so we were able to clear them out."
Vivid Green: "Haha, exactly! It was a piece of cake for us as a team! Come on Yellow, tell 'em."
Vivid Yellow: "...interview over."

Chibi-Moon: "Aw, fucking piss-flaps. Everything has been on a downward trend ever since I lost that title match last time. We need to turn it around. I put all my support behind Jun Jun here."
Ves Ves: "Yeah, the new colour-coded posse is cool and all, but don't worry, we'll come back later and beat them senseless. As for now, we need to focus on later tonight."
Palla Palla: "Palla Palla is sorry! It just hurt so much, my knees still ache!"
Cere Cere: "It's fine, don't blame yourself, blame your attacker. But nobody has heard the last of us."

Sailor Tin Nyanko: "Hahahaha! My first match here, and I win it for us! I hope they learned something - if you rely on strength, one day you lose to a stronger foe. If you rely on speed, one day you lose to a faster foe. And if you rely on violence and rules breaking... one day you lose to US! Now get out of here right meow!"
Sailor Aluminum Siren: "That was a great fight, another opportunity to stretch Neptune out and drop her on her head... I think that was a great showing for us, tonight is going to be a great night for Galaxia-gun."
Sailor Iron Mouse: "Oh, those poor washed-up Outer Senshi. They came here to break everything, and now they're broken. We're doing a clean sweep tonight, and they'll need to consider retirement... if we give them the choice."

Sailor Neptune: "ha... ha... heralding a new era... Sailor Neptune, appearing maybe not quite so gracefully. But it's fine, we lost the match that doesn't matter... Sailor Uranus can win the fight that DOES matter, I have full confidence in her."
Sailor Saturn: "..."
Sailor Pluto: "If I had known I'd end up losing it for us... maybe it'd have been better just to bring weapons and get disqualified with a beatdown. It'd at least send a message."

Cure Egret: "...still undefeated. Even that attack after the fact is fine. Oh don't worry about me too much. At the end of the day, with both Cure teams working together, we cleared them out. And I'm still the champion for the junior division."

(Jun Jun is not available for comment, having been placed in detention, which is a real thing that jobs have.)

Sailor Lead Crow: "...I'm exhausted. I'm going to enjoy going out for drinks and a meal with the girls. We might wreck the city while we're out there, haha. Oh the blood, don't worry. It happens in wrestling. I want to put the Outer Senshi behind me and look to the future - to the newest challenger. Who even is Celestine? I haven't seen that anime. But now that I want to be a heroine people can respect, I accept this challenge and look forward to a good match."

Sailor Uranus: "I can't believe it... I did everything I could there. I went all-out and fought my hardest, and it still wasn't enough... what did I do wrong? And then everyone forgets me straight away as that interloper comes in! What a pain."

Tune in for next week, where weekly wrestling resumes, where we try to establish new contenders, we introduce new wrestlers... and unveil TWO NEW CHAMPIONSHIP BELTS!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

And here are the two newest members of the roster...

Sailor Tin Nyanko (Nyanko Suuzu)
Faction: Galaxia-gun
Finisher: Galactic Kitty Crush (Tiger Suplex Hold)
Signature Moves: Iron Claw, Fish Stretch Sleeper, Tiger Driver '91, Chaotic Victory Star Drop

Saint Celestine
Free Agent
Finisher: Act of Faith (Miracle Ecstasy)
Signature Moves: Firebird Splash, Praying Powerbomb, Burning Lariat, Holy Emperor Black Mephisto
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Monday Night Senshi Wars, 29/05

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Senshi Wars, where the violence never ends! We're back from the end of the Queen's Road tournament, where we saw two titles successfully defended, and the debut of a new challenger!

Tonight, we have the unveiling of two new titles - the Queen of Strong Style championship, and the Junior Strong championship. That's one for each division, and these will be contested under something close to UWFi/PRIDE rules: closed fist strikes to the head are allowed, air chokes and strangulation are allowed in addition to the typical blood chokes, victory by pinfall, submission or KO/stoppage. You start with five points, and each rope break, significant knockdown, or referee warning reduces your points by one. If you are reduced to zero, you lose the match. Matches are broken into 10 minute rounds, and if all rounds expire to the end, victory goes to the competitor with the most points remaining, with ties resulting in a draw as normal.

On a significant knockdown, the referee will issue a ten count, with the match ending if the downed wrestler cannot rise to their feet and raise their arms in defence by the count of ten.

Additionally, seeing as title matches are typically earned through victory, not declared through arrival and issuing a challenge, a set of trials have been set out for Saint Celestine: she will engage in two tag team matches against Galaxia-gun, and a single match against Aluminum Siren. She must either win two of these as the active victor, or win the single match and be on the winning team in the tag matches, or alternatively defeat Lead Crow as the active victor in the tag match, and if so, she gets her title match. If Lead Crow directly defeats her in the tag match, regardless of the other results, there's no tag match, much like if she fails the other goals.

With all that said, let's get this show on the road!

We begin with Celestine and She-Ra taking on Sailor Tin Nyanko and Sailor Iron Mouse in tag team action - right from the start she needs to prove herself, and the opponents are coming off the back of a recent victory. But look at this, right in the early moments, a massive double-team chokeslam that shakes the ring! Then She-Ra locks in a side armlock.


A low blow by Tin Nyanko! Lead Crow might have allegedly made her face turn, but it looks like nobody informed the rest of her faction! She-Ra tags Celestine in, and they both clobber the cat's head in vengeance... and then the praying powerbomb by the living saint!


She-Ra kicks Nyanko to the ground, then locks in the Texas Cloverleaf, but Iron Mouse is quick to free her teammate, before going for a low blow of her own! They both try to double-team Greyskull's finest, but she kicks them down - she can't be ruled out this early! Oh, but the iron claw by Tin Nyanko!


Iron Mouse is down, and her foes take turns diving off the turnbuckle to crush her. These two powerhouses know how to take care of business, and we're seeing some surprising teamwork here. Now Celestine is just punching Mouse to the ground, then she lifts her up into a modified Riptide!


Here we are! HOLY EMPEROR BLACK MEPHISTO! And the Half Nelson driver to follow! But Nyanko is quick to get in there and break the pin attempt.


She-Ra and Tin Nyanko leave the ring as Celestine lifts Iron Mouse onto the turnbuckle... oh my goddess, it's the BURNING HAMMER!


Incredible overhead belly-to-belly suplex by She-Ra! And then Celestine starts squeezing Iron Mouse's head with the iron claw hold. Everyone is in the ring, brainbuster by She-Ra to Tin Nyanko, spear by Celestine to Mouse, then back to the iron claw... she's out! She passed out! Saint Celestine has won the match and paved her first step towards a title match!



It's time for our second match now, with Cure Black facing Vivid Red in a junior Strong contest. And remember, Cure Black has her great boxing skills here, repeatedly landing those stiff shots - Red rolls through into a kneebar at one point, but Black escapes quickly, and goes right back to the punches.


Cure Black mounts and goes in for more offence, but Red catches her into a front headlock - her ground game might be second to none. Still, they're back on their feet, and that's Black's game.


Another scuffed takedown attempt, and Vivid Red twists into a neck crank choke... they both stand, a missed attempt at Black Mass, and oh! BLACK MEPHISTO!


Cure Black lifts Vivid Red onto the turnbuckle, I really wasn't expecting that move- oh no, it's the Black-Out! She backs off and the referee starts counting... but Red is able to get back up at 4. Dragon Screw, she's still in this! And a take-down... but this time Black is able to counter, catching her in the head-scissors and raining punches directly to the crown!


They lock up, and it's ANOTHER BLACK MEPHISTO! Cure Black backs off, the referee checks on Vivid Red... and calls for the bell, we have a knock-out!



Now Cha Cha, who really turned things around after the initial Galaxy-1 Climax, will face Homura, leader of Crimson-gun. Oh, and following that senton roll with a pose for the crowd wasn't smart, as Homura clotheslines her and follows with a knee drop to the head.


There's some distance there as they both go to the ropes, and that's an incredible backflip kick by Cha-Cha, oh and a breath of flame to take Homura down! She is not taking her vicious opponent lightly here, and locks in a scissors sleeper.


Homura wins the striking exchange, and goes for the king cobra hold there, cranking the arm and neck. But Cha-Cha is able to escape, sliding her head free of the hold, they lock up, and she attacks with her sword, so much impact that Homura flies out of the ring!


Now Homura goes for the sword attack, and they're fighting outside the ring. It looks like Cha-Cha is ready for the brawl though, with a slam and the Blade Runner! She goes for the blade again, drawing blood, but Homura starts strangling her!


Oh, Homura is just throwing the rules away completely, jamming that fork repeatedly into Cha-Cha's head! Now both athletes are bleeding, but it looks like Cha-Cha still has plenty of fight in her, slamming Homura with a big spinebuster.


Simple elbow to the back, and a Gedo Clutch... for a three count! It looks like the blood loss has finally caught up to Cha-Cha, and Homura capitalised on it for the win!



And our final match for the night pits Crimson-gun's Haruka against Devil Hunter Yoko. Yoko starts with repeated punches to the face, no mercy here - and soon the tables turn and Haruka punches the face as well. But Yoko creates some distance with a great overhead suplex!


D'arce choke by Yoko - she should consider entering the strong style league. And even as they both get to their feet, we're straight back to the punching, and then... binding suplex, but Haruka lands in the ropes so there's no pin.


Great powerbomb by Yoko! Then she climbs up top... and hits the coup de grace stomp! This is a great showing by the devil hunter here, utilising a wide variety of moves.


Haruka creates some distance, then slides- I think she was looking for a trip into a leg lock, but Yoko wisely stood back. She offers up a prayer, and hits another powerbomb! Then the standing shooting star press, one! Two! Three! Yoko gets an impressive victory!



Post-Match Interviews

Saint Celestine: "Step one complete. I'm practically halfway there already, right from the first match, and soon I will take everything from her... look at the cheating and shameless displays from all of these witches! I will purge this promotion from such heresies!"
She-Ra: "You know what? I've had bad things to say about a lot of newcomers - particularly the children playing at heavyweight games. But Celestine fights honourably, and our power styles go so well together... after those cheap shots taken, I'm glad to see those punks laid out."

Sailor Tin Nyanko: "Nyaa... that was disappointing. I thought we were doing so well, too! And nobody could have expected them to work together so well. This is really sad."
Sailor Iron Mouse: "I think my face is permanently deformed from that squeeze... and who ever said you can wear armour to a wrestling match! She must weigh like a thousand kilos!"

Cure Black: "I can't believe my good fortune in this new title - this is exactly what my fighting style wants! I can only excel in strong style matches, and soon you'll see both junior titles held by Pretty Cure!"

(Vivid Red is being checked out for concussion)

Homura: "Oh, look at that, the little thing thinks she's ready to play with the big girls - and note the adjective: play. She had some good wins a whole season ago, but now it's our time, now we'll show the world that violence makes the world go round!"
Cha-Cha: "...did I hear her right? Play is a verb. Or a noun I guess, for a play. I guess you could also use it as a prefix like play-fighting, maybe that's an adverb? Anyway, I didn't take her lightly after that first mistake, but she still cheated at every opportunity, and it's on me to expect that. But I'm not ashamed of my performance, I'll repay that debt soon enough!"

Yoko: "I've seen what that group of ninjas can do. I wasn't going to give them half a minute of time to cheat and ruin things, I know what happens when you give any of them a chance. So that's another victory after getting so close in my debut tournament, I'm still in this game."
Haruka: "It's fine, it's all right - yeah I lost that match, but I learned a lot about her and how she fights. They don't call me the mad scientist for nothing!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Monday Night Senshi Wars, 05/06

It's time for Magical Girl Pro Wrestling Monday Night Senshi Wars, where the violence never ends! A reminder that the Amazoness Quartet are still suspended from action for their post-match assault, and tonight we begin with a tag team match - Lunar Club Inner versus Outer. Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter will pair off against Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus! For the next match, it's a Junior STRONG Style match, Pure White against Vivid Yellow. And then, we have a pair of I'm going to say questionable booking decisions, with Hanzo-gumi's Katsuragi facing Papillon Rose, then Ring Kampfer's Shizuka battling Kekko Kamen. We apologise for all outright groping that will happen, and can only promise it will be limited to the wrestlers and maybe the referee.

The first match breaks down into disorder pretty quickly, but Jupiter is the powerhouse of her team, so despite that impressive swing by Neptune, she's quick to take over with an axe kick... wow, and then a Kinniku Buster!


Double-team superkick by the Outer Senshi! And then they both take over their foes, with a military press and an Indian Deathlock! But Mercury gets back into action with a dragon screw, a leg trip, and then a great double armlock!


Haruka is getting double-teamed in the corner and oh my god! Shining Doomsday! And a deadlift German after that - this is incredible, but she's back on her feet!


Jupiter lands a penalty kick! And then a kamigoya! But Neptune is straight back up as Mako-chan makes the tag, oh! Dangerous Tekkers by the Inner Senshi! And even Jupiter goes for a submission hold, though she's not the legal competitor for her team.


Everyone is in the ring, order has broken down once again - we have the shining bum by Neptune, and Sailor Uranus just lays into Ami with closed fist punches, picking up a warning from our referee - and then Jupiter interrupts that with a hard knee to the face!


HIGH FLY FLOOOW! But everyone is in once again, and the Inner Senshi take over, so Haruka can't capitalise! Mercury lands the Shine Aqua Illusion on Neptune, Jupiter delivers LAST OF THE DRAGONS to Uranus! Ami has that heel hook locked in, but Haruka already counters Jupiter with a tornado powerbomb!


Look at that! Sailor Mercury just stole Neptune's finisher! And now she locks in the side kneebar... she gives up! She's had enough! Sailor Neptune submits, handing the Inner Senshi a victory!



Here we are for match two, with a number of throws utilised by both - judo throw, Irish whip, dragon screw, DDT, there's a wide array of moves used here.


There's an STF by Vivid Yellow, but she can't keep it locked in for long - White pulls free, but as soon as they're back up, Diamond Cutter!


They both go to the ropes, and - my goddess, I was not expecting a fancy Lucha move like that one! Cure White with an impressive head-scissors throw, but Yellow lands another Diamond Cutter, and the referee begins her count. White gets back up at 6, but she's still one point down already.


Spinning toe hold by White, cranking Yellow's knee, but that's right at the end of the first round, ten minutes up. The match is restarted from neutral, and straight away Yellow catches White in a wrestler's guillotine.


Oh! Cure White with those vicious knees to the crown! And then she hits the White Noise! White Noise! That's not enough though, she lifts Yellow again- oh and Vivid Yellow rolls through into a sitting pin... for three! She gets the three count! That was some clever wrestling by Vivid Yellow, and it paid off!



Here we are for match three, and wow! Great running Death Valley Driver by Papillon Rose! Maybe this will just be an outright wrestling match! Katsuragi is quick to her feet, but Rose goes for a drop toe hold to stay on top.


Aaand here we go, remember what I said? Katsuragi didn't button her shirt up, so Rose goes for the obvious targets with a double nipple cripple, I believe that's called oppaigatame in some places. Oh! And then the... lower abdominal claw. I suppose everyone knew it was a matter of time.


And that's the second time tonight that we've seen the Shining Bum! Then a pin attempt, and Katsuragi took her time kicking out of that, I wonder if she's feeling overwhelmed by this one-sided battle so far.


And speaking of overwhelming, that's going to be it - the Rose Pinkish Viagra! She makes a running cover, and that's the three count, this is all over!



And now our main event for the night, and Shizuka has no chill, she's going straight for an illegal weapon from the word Fight. And then she tries a quick roll-up, wanting to end this early, but no dice.


Kekko delivers a great head-scissors, and then locks in the Pendulum! We haven't seen that move used very often! It doesn't get a submission, but may be putting Shizuka off her game. Now a backdrop by Kekko, and a twisted headscissors necklock.


Another headscissors takedown from Kekko-kamen, but this time she goes for the head-and-arm leg scissors choke! The D! The student council president powers out, and then starts jamming a fork into her opponent's head! She draws blood - Kekko is wearing a literal red mask, but now she may also be wearing the proverbial crimson mask! I'm surprised Kaede hasn't disqualified Shizuka at this point.


Great spinning armbreaker takedown by Shizuka, then she locks in a reverse armbar - going back to some actual wrestling here. But Kekko-kamen slips free, kicks, misses, kicks again and connects! The momentum has just been reset!


Kekko grabs Shizuka from behind, but her foe reverses the grasp, and lands her finisher - the Boobieplex! It's just good fortune for Kekko that they land so close to the ropes, she gets a rope break purely by accident! They get back up, lock up... Ruby Cutter by Kekko-kamen, and now they're both down!


Oh! Kick to the groin by Kekko-kamen, but who can blame her at this point? Clearly not Kaede who happily counts, but it's just a two count. Shizuka... let's say she resorts to unorthodox offence, and she should know better than to play around like that! This never works for people - oh and just as I said! Big spinebuster by Kekko-kamen, and the pin, 1... 2... 3! Shizuka was in charge for so much of this, but that mistake at the end let Kekko-Kamen turn things around and pick up the win!



Post-Match Interviews

Sailor Mercury: "There we go, I think by now I've avenged my prior loss to Neptune, and we've established ourselves as the real Lunar Club. They can fade into obscurity now they've had their big shot at the title, and make way for any of us - and speaking of which, I'm going to become the first, last and only Queen of Strong Style champion!"
Sailor Jupiter: "Yeah, nothing much more to say - what were they complaining about a season ago? Something about fighting seriously? Well we got serious, and look who stands tall at the end of it."

Sailor Neptune: " leg, I think she tore my ICL there. It's fine, I'll walk it off, but in the moment, the pain really can be overwhelming. I thought the whole thing was going to snap... you know, I can't help but smile knowing we woke up a vicious streak."
Sailor Uranus: "Be that as it may, I can't let that go unforgiven. It's not that long I laid Mercury out flat, and maybe it's going to have to happen again."

Vivid Yellow: "Uh... yeah, I planned for a simple takeover there. A low effort kind of play. Bye."
Vivid Green: "Interview over, go on cameramen, leave her alone, can't you see she's shy?"

Cure White: "I can't believe it, I really thought I had her dead to rights there. The momentum just started going in my favour, and then it was snatched away! I have to make a big splash in time to be included in the consideration for the actual title."
Papillon Rose: "Tada! It's the same old me, with victories just like before, using my normal style! Surely you didn't expect me to become some sudden Bryan Danielson or Andre the Giant, did you? Haha, nah, doing it my way, using my body as a weapon, and my foes' body as a target, that's the way to win!"

Katsuragi: "It's not even that I mind losing or having her sit on my face like that, it's just... I got no offence in! What do you even call a ninja who gets jumped from the start and can't attack? It's embarrassing for the entire Hanzo-gumi faction to lose a match from bell to bell without having your own moment of glory."

Kekko-Kamen: "Yeah, I'm used to villainous foes who lie, cheat and steal. The weapon use there is just every day stuff, nobody can condone it but I knew it'd happen. And I'm used to shameless opponents who take any exposed flesh as a valid target. And you know what I'm also used to? Winning. With my fighting spirit bared for the world to see, victory was practically inevitable."

Shizuka: "I'll always do things my way, even if I pay for it. And yeah I did pay for it - she got me so angry with that kick to the flaps, and that threw my game plan off. I could have gone for a choke instead, or a quarter nelson roll through into a pin, or tried my finisher again... I could have done plenty of things, and maybe would have normally. But she won the mental game. Oh well, I spent most of that match in charge, I can't complain."


Monday Night Senshi Wars, 12/06

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Magical Girl Pro Wrestling! This is the Monday Night Senshi Wars, where the violence never ends! Tonight we will start with a tag match, pitting Ring Kampfer's Natsuru and Akane against Sailors Pluto and Saturn of the Outer Senshi. Next we have a junior singles match, with Rika of the White Kampfers facing Red Tails. Then it's a strong style match between Princess Hydra and Hikage, before our main event, another qualifying match for Saint Celestine as she faces Sailor Aluminum Siren!

It's our first match, and Pluto goes for a tombstone piledriver way too early - Natsuru manages to reverse it!


Akane gets a double toe-hold locked in, but Saturn escapes quickly, and fights her way out of the corner. Akane throws her back to the ropes, lifts her onto the turnbuckle... no, Saturn counters with sliced bread!


Look at that! Some magic by Natsuru! Oh, but she doesn't follow through, and Saturn just levels her, Darkness Falls! Akane comes in to break the pin attempt and eats a suplex for her efforts, Natsuru is back up, but straight into the arms of Sailor Saturn, End of Days!


By goddess almighty, look at that! Avalanche powerbomb off the turnbuckle by Akane- but it's only good for two! What will it take to keep the Outer Senshi down?


Fighting has broken out here, and Sailor Saturn lands the Death Valley Driver to Natsuru! She goes for a clutch pin even as Akane is forced out, and when she comes back in, Pluto intercepts - we have a three count, and Pluto hits Akane with the Ticking Time Bomb for good measure! This match is over, and the Outer Senshi regain some much-needed momentum.



Our second match had a violent start, with all sorts of weapons being brought in. Both combatants take each other seriously here - dropkick by Red, a vicious arm-wrench by Rika, then another dropkick by the twintails!


Red Tails uses her sword, cutting Rika open and launching her from the ring, and you have to think Kaede might be getting ready to call for the disqualification. But Rika is ready to fight back, grabbing a chair- then she doesn't use it, hitting the Enzigiri instead.


Rika is still bleeding copiously but if anything she's just more fired up - superman punch to level Red! But Tails takes her down with a Fujiwara armbar after that, Rika escapes, they lock up... RISING BLAZER!


Check out this technical prowess of Rika, practically tying Red into a knot with that ground octopus stretch... Red escapes, but ends up getting locked into a Muta lock!


Rika is back in charge, and she pulls Red towards that chair on th- OH! That backfired, Rising Blazer right onto the chair! There's no way Rika is able to keep going after that, she must be out col- never mind, she still has some kind of fighting spirit! That's incredible, how is she still standing?


The fight keeps going, there's blood all over the ring... that's a THIRD Rising Blazer, a third burning hammer! Surely it all ends here? One! Two! ...THREE! That's it, Twintails Red has earned another victory in her early career!



And now, the ring mat has been taken away for cleaning as we get ready for the strong style match. Hydra seems to be overpowering Hikage from the start here, with hard takedowns and strikes... but never rule out a ninja! Hikage pulls Hydra into the ninja choke.


Hydra is still just dominating her opponent with sheer violence there, and follows with a powerful camel clutch. You don't usually see that in this sort of match, but it has to be hurting the spine, that could be what she needs! ... 6/M3P2.gif

Speaking of her dominating - Dominator by Hydra! Then she gets the Mexican Surfboard locked in! She's really using puro-style moves in this, but the thing is, it's working! But Hikage gets back into the game with some rapid-fire chops!


Crimson-gun's representative is really in charge now, with that dropping punch, followed by some completely legal biting! That's as legal as a headlock under this ruleset! She then rolls through into a calf-crusher, it looks like the referee is calling for a break, but not deducting a point, that was an accidental roll into the ropes, Hydra didn't reach for them. You need ring awareness in this sort of match.


Hikage takes Hydra to the floor with a double-handed choke, and once again, blatant strangling is legal in this sort of match! She's really found her environment here with these rules.


Hikage gets back to her feet early after a knockdown, and now they're just trading punches back and forth, walloping each other in the head! Hydra ends up in charge there, and... OH! The Hydra Bite! And it looks like the referee is calling for the bell - Hikage was knocked out cold!



Here we are, folks, it's the main event, and you can bet Saint Celestine is looking to send a message to Lead Crow. She hits a deadlift German suplex, slams Siren to the ground, and... look at that! A hard knee to the face and Siren is already bust open in the early stages!


Oh, Aluminum Siren goes to the eyes! And again! Rules are optional I suppose, and even after some choking by Celestine, Siren bites the face and goes straight for the eyes again, trying to blind her to the Emperor's Light!


HOLY EMPEROR TOMB! Celestine locks in that modified Stretch Plum, but Siren manages to escape, slipping free.


Green Mist! Siren just keeps trying to blind Celestine, and that really might work- wait no, the living saint throws her down then locks in a stretch muffler, she might dislocate the knee completely.


The fight goes outside, and both of them go for chairs - they're duelling with them! But Saint Celestine gets the advantage here, walloping Siren over and over. She stops to pray... then lands a massive spear!


Once again, Siren starts biting the face, but it's just not enough - Celestine spears her into the turnbuckle, then jumps right into the midsection - and a second time! And then a phoenix splash, just about decapitating herself on the ropes, and there's no way you can get a pin there.


We see another prayer, and then a massive powerbomb by the living saint! It's not enough for three, she should have leaned into the pin attempt, now Aluminum Siren is back in charge- oh but not for long, ACT OF FAITH! But Siren's arm is under the bottom rope there, the pin can't be counted!


And then Celestine locks the stretch muffler back in, and- I don't know if Siren submitted or passed out! But it's all over, and Saint Celestine has picked up her second win - she's basically guaranteed her title match! She's sent a message to the current Heavyweight Champion all right!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Saturn: " we need to do this?"
Sailor Pluto: "Don't worry, I have this. Things may not have been so good for us in recent times, but look at what happened just then. We're ascending, we're going to do what we always set out to do."

Natsuru: "That loss is on me. I got isolated, caught in enemy territory, and I paid for it... we both paid for it. They know a thing about teamwork, and if I had been closer to-"
Akane: "Woah woah woah, yadda-yadda, why don't we put the blame where it lies: I won't even blame that bitch referee this time. They beat us with those big moves, we didn't hit our big moves. That's just how it works. Man I'm pissed off..."

Red Tails: "Ha... ha... another win. It looked for a moment like she was the better wrestler. But really, for all you entangle someone and twist them about, if you leave yourself open to big moves like that, if you let someone lift you for the Rising Blaser so often, you're not really a great wrestler are you? I'm glad I made a statement and added to my record though."

Rika: "...bleh, that was lame. I mean, I love seeing blood all over the place, but I prefer for it to be someone else's, you know?"

Hydra: "Dingdingding, victory for me, motherfuckers! Direct KO, and I've just guaranteed that I'm in the picture for the title, right? Looks like wrestling is better than ninjutsu, amirite?"

(Hikage is nowhere to be seen, either getting checked for concussion or just nowhere to be seen because she's a ninja)

Saint Celestine: "Don't worry, I'm not making myself the enemy of Galaxia-gun, that's not my purpose here. Yes, I sent a message, and yes, I intend on taking the title, but let me make it clear: I'm making myself the enemy of ALL of the cheaters and witches and underhanded villains. This was just step two."

(Sailor Aluminum Siren is too busy eating comfort food to give a statement.)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Monday Night Senshi Wars, 19/06

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the MGPW Monday Night Senshi Wars, the land of muscle, steel and sex appeal! Tonight begins with Sailors Mars and Venus of Lunar Club battling the Team Kill sisters in tag team action, followed by a Junior Strong Style match pitting Mew Minto against Ves Ves, back from suspension. After this, Mikoto of Ring Kampfer faces Hanzo-gumi's Daidoji, and for the main event, battle of the pink hair: Steel Angel Kurumi in one corner, and Utena in the other.

Very quickly, the first match gets out of control, with a double-team chokeslam by Mars and Venus. However, the President of Honnouji is quick to get back on her feet, and defeats Mars in a striking contest. And then... oh no, nobody has learned about the pitfalls of disrespect here, have they?


It's beginning to look like nobody got the memo about this being a tag match. We have a dropkick, a parachute, and then Venus saves her teammate from Ryuuko's grasp and takes over with a neck compression choke.


Ryuuko is just completely in control here, first with those chops, then the hidden blade! Oh, dragon screw... and another hidden blade! She is taking this fight seriously.


Minako locks Satsuki into a heel hook there, remember that's the hold that put her on the shelf earlier, but Sailor Venus isn't even the legal combatant for her team! Satsuki rolls free and makes her way back to her corner for a tag - but Sailor Mars is in a good position here.


Ryuuko ties Minako up with a double arm lock there, but Rei gets in there and breaks it up. And then it's the double-team again!


Satsuki strikes with her sword! She makes the cover, and her sister stops Minako from interfering, punching her out, but Rei gets a shoulder up just in the nick of time!


Now Sailor Mars makes the cover, but Ryuuko breaks it up - only to be caught in a calf crusher by Sailor Mars! And Rei nails Satsuki with the slingblade!


Psycho Driver by Satsuki, completely flooring Sailor Mars! Then she runs up the turnbuckle for a diving splash - there's no pin there, but even as Mars ties to lift her for a powerbomb or something, Ryuuko is there to interrupt.


Ryuuko breaks up the just facelock attempt by Sailor Venus there, only for Mars to get hold of her, with a headlock, punches and a parachute. And then Venus gets hold of Satsuki again, applying the coil lock crossface... and we have a submission - the match is over!



Here we are for match two, and we begin with a lock up and some standard takedown attempts. Ves Ves slips free from Minto's guard, and locks in a stockade, compressing the neck quite hard there.


Oh, crossface by Minto, taking her opponent down with that! And when they both stand up, we have an enziguri kick to the temple.


I did not expect to see a wild off-the-top move like that one in a Strong Style match! But it may have been what Ves Ves needs, as now she's in control with the reverse armbar, then... shining axe kick!


Another shining axe kick, and Minto is down! The referee begins counting... it's okay, she's up at seven, but is down one point. And straight away, another axe kick and Minto is down again! But she may have been saved by the bell there, because the first round is over. That's still another point down, but she has enough time to recover.


And that time may be what she needed! Mew Minto comes back with a superman punch, and then locks in the crossface again! It's the middle of the ring, there are no rope breaks... but Ves Ves escapes regardless.


Double stomp to the midsection - and then Minto uses Ves Ves' Ruby Cutter against her! That's a knockdown for eight, and I honestly thought that was the match over. I don't know if Ves Ves can recov- oh wow, she locks in the lion tamer- and I think Minto just blacked out! She's out cold, this match is over!



Here we are for match three, and Mikoto is actually faring well against her larger, more intimidating foe. She starts with a dropkick to the knees, before catching Daidoji off the ropes for an impressive powerbomb!


The tiger of Hanzo-gumi takes over with punches to the head and a hard takedown, before going for a Tiger Driver... no, it's too early it seems. A second attempt... no, it's still not going to work!


Piledriver by Daidoji and Mikoto is not moving! This allows her foe to go high... and land a great body splash!


Huge takedown by Mikoto! She then runs to the ropes for a superman punch... but Daidoji blocks it! But Mikoto has another trick straight away, cross-arm driver! She tries for another punch, misses - oh, and Daidoji clocks her with the brass knuckles!


Dodonce's Throne by Mikoto! She's still very much in this, it seems. Too close to the ropes for a cover, but she hits the diamond cutter- oh no, Daidoji counters with her Tiger Driver! One! Two! Th- she kicks out!


X-factor by Mikoto and she makes the cover to win the ma-no she doesn't! Daidoji barely gets a shoulder up in the nick of time, and she goes for the knuckledusters again! She's lucky not to be disqualified there! Mikoto is out cold, Daidoji covers, one, two, three, it's over.



And now it's the main event, and Utena is showing off her technical fighting prowess - she forces Kurumi down then goes for the heel hook, but it looks like those robotic cruciate ligaments are reinforced.


Utena is still in control here, she takes Kurumi down again with the blade drop, then she goes for the heel hook a second time! But Kurumi escapes a second time, and now she wants revenge against her knees, landing a low dropkick!


Kurumi takes the legs out from behind, then hits that patented roll! Utena lets her pose for the crowd - and pays for it! That's the air raid crash!


Single arm suplex by Kurumi, and from there she applies a Boston Crab - she is all over her opponent! The rose prince escapes, only to receive a flurry of strikes there, oh but she counters with the Shoten-Kai!


Utena lands an elbow drop and almost collapses onto Kurumi there for that cover... and it's just not QUITE good enough! And straight away, Kurumi delivers a brainbuster!


Look at that backflip kick by Kurumi, she's just on fire here and against one of the best in the business! She gets her bear hug locked in... oh my goddess, that's it - Utena submits, she's had enough! This incredible match ends with the steel angel standing tall!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Venus: "Tada! The loser sisters thought they'd come here with their swords and cut our clothes off, little did they know that our sailor outfits can't be cut off! After transforming, that's just part of our design!"
Sailor Mars: "...what? Anyway, they're both kind of creepy, but also when they're angry they're dangerous... but not as dangerous as us. Learn a lesson from this, if you rise against us again, then in the name of Mars... I'll murder you."

Satsuki: "...this interview is over."
Ryuuko: "Eh, I guess you heard what she said. How do we even recover from all these losses?"

Ves Ves: "Back out of detention and straight away a new victory. Maybe the normal title isn't for me, maybe my style suits this ruleset, this new title more? Well I'm surely in the title picture, right?"

(Minto is being examined at a local medical facility.)

Daidoji: "What? I won, didn't I? Look around you, how many weapons have been used on a regular basis? The biting, the mist spitting, the fires... bringing some knuckledusters is nothing, call it part of the business."

Mikoto: "Is there a lump on my head? Tell me, is there? At least tell me if it's a comedy cartoon bump and not the kind of thing where it looks like I'm dying!"

Kurumi: "Tada! Every single win puts you closer to some kind of title shot, puts the spotlight on you and reminds people you exist and are worthy. Will I build my way into a title match soon? I don't know, but you have to think I've put myself forward a little bit."

Utena: "Of course I didn't WANT to submit. You don't give up if you have the option, but you know what's worse than taking a loss? Broken ribs. Bruised kidneys. And we've all had setbacks before, I'm fine. Somebody tell Chuchu I'm fine, and not to deliver her a pipe bomb."


Monday Night Senshi Wars, 26/06

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, and this is Monday Night with the Senshi Wars! We're starting out with Kayo the Delinquent Heroine facing Team Kill's Nonon, both wanting to make names for themselves as we start talking about who makes it to the Galaxy-1 Climax this year. Then it's tag team action in the Junior Division, as Vivid Red and Vivid Blue operate against Mew Ichigo and Mew Retasu. Next up, Sailor Venus and Magic Witch Punie do battle in a Strong Style match, and finally the main event, the final hurdle in the path of Saint Celestine: she teams up with Agent Aika against Sailors Lead Crow and Aluminum Siren - and if she loses directly to Crow, she doesn't get her title match!

The first match starts off strong, with both athletes just throwing strikes to the face, neither wanting to give an inch. However, Kayo manages to come out on top, she drops some elbows to the head, and then lands a headbutt, skull to skull! And then she locks in the STFU!


Kayo seems to have taken over, landing a diving headbutt then lifting Nonon up, it might be all over - FU! She makes the cover... but it's not enough! This isn't the WWE, that won't cut it here!


Nonon escapes the chokeslam attempt, and begins landing chops in a desperate attempt to escape - oh, but another FU!


Nonon delivers the Last Symphony! Could this be her moment to get back into things? Another hard chop knocks Kayo down, and then... a ganso bomb! This match has just turned around!


Oh, Kayo lands a hard blow to the gut there! And then, one last FU for good measure - one, two, three! She's done it, Kayo wins the match!



Match two doesn't take long to break down, with Tokyo Mew Mew cutting Vivid Blue off from her corner and working over her knee. But she fires up, it might not be enough to keep her down!


Now it's Vivid Operation with the doubleteam! Retasu gets caught in a kneebar, thrown to her corner... then an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle!


Retasu still has plenty of fight in her, taking Red down with a flying head-scissors. Oh, but Red lands the CODE RED! Ichigo breaks the pin attempt though, then twists Red into a submission hold, even though she's not the legal entrant for her team.


And we have more double-team action here, a conchairto by Vivid Operation! They really rung Ichigo's bell there, and then... BLUE THUNDER BOMB!


Oh! Knee to the face by Ichigo, then she goes for the swinging Skull End - but they're right in the ropes, Red didn't even need to interrupt that but she does it anyway.


Here we go, arm and neck lock by Blue on Retasu, but Ichigo stops it, then lands a powerful dropckick to the head. And now Retasu goes to the ropes, then takes Blue down with a shoulder tackle!


Ichigo lands the pumphandle slam, but Red runs in and stops the pin attempt. And now they're all in the ring! And Red locks Ichigo into the Red Ink, while Blue traps Retasu in a Full Nelson, compressing her neck! But the wrong people are involved in those holds, there can't be a submission from this!


Dragon Screw by Vivid Red to Ichigo, and that sets her up for... yes, that's the Red Ink! And Ichigo has no choice but to submit, she's far from her corner, Retasu can't save her, Vivid Operation pick up the win!



Early in the third match, Punie pushes Venus towards the corner, then pulls her into a rolling double wrist lock, shades of Sakuraba there. But Venus is no slouch either, getting some jabs in, some misses, and then she's going for the neck, twisting it about. That can be an effective way to win Strong Style matches.


Oh! Minako tried for a head-scissors but Punie caught her and trapped her in the bat-hanging lock! A bit of flair and showmanship added to the submission game - and now Venus misses with her sliding tackle. But she's still tagging Punie with those strikes- oh, Princess Ankle Lock by Punie! This could- no, Venus is quick to escape the toe-hold.


Venus blocks a kick attempt, but Punie rolls through into a kneebar... Sailor Venus escapes quickly, but gets caught in a hatch hold there.


Venus charges in at Punie, but the Princess Witch catches her in a Princess Sleeper! And then... look at that hold there, the gift wrap submission! She has Venus all twisted up there, but she manages to escape somehow


Frankensteiner by Venus, wait no, she keeps her legs locked on, that's the head-and-arm scissors, sankakujime! But Punie escapes it, and then gets a flying cross armlock applied!


There's another attempt at the cross armlock, but Venus gets her foot under the rope and we have our first official rope break of the match. Oh, and she capitalises, delivering the Heart Breaker! And then locks in a triangle of her own!


Sword attack by Venus! Surely she loses a point for that, there have to be some rules! But even as she lifts Punie, she just gets caught in a drop toe hold, then an Imanari roll into a heel hook! The heel hold, it could be all over... no, somehow Sailor Venus breaks free.


Another heartbreaker lays Punie out flat, and the referee begins counting... she's ready by four, but that is a point deduction. Straight away, Venus hits a third Heart Breaker, and goes back to the reverse triangle... and picks up the win! Venus will surely be going forward in contention for the Queen of Strong Style title!



And here we have our main event, with the blue-haired combatants facing off to begin with. Aika is taking control here, taking Siren down with an axe kick before bending her backwards in a painful stretch... and then the reverse tombstone before going back to that stretch, but we have a rope break.


Oh! Kinniku Buster by Aika on Lead Crow, and Crow tumbles out of the ring. She lands a superkick before sliding back in - but Celestine nails her with a shinai!



Now Lead Crow is just taking control of Aika - there's a reason she's the champion. She hammers the knee, and then lands another superkick! And she locks in a sharpshooter!


Aika backs off and tags in Celestine, and Lead Crow has just been lured into their trap - doubleteam chokeslam! And now Saint Celestine locks in HOLY EMPEROR TOMB!


Weapons are strewn all over the ring here, and wow, crucifix powerbomb by the living saint to Siren! One! Two! Two and three quarters at least!


Siren throws Aika out of the ring, Celestine comes in only to land head first with a Galactic Flowsion! Aika is back, but now she's caught in a Blizzard Suplex, and Celestine has to come back to break the pin attempt. Galaxia-gun are doing a good job of keeping the pressure on here.


Lead Crow is just grinding her elbow into Celestine's face there... no, Celestine powers out, she lifts Crow... HOLY EMPEROR, BLACK MEPHISTO! She covers, sitting the weight of her power armour on Crow's chest, one! Two! Siren makes the save!


Now it's Aika taken out with the Galactic Flowsion! And mist to the eyes! But Agent Aika keeps fighting, and pulls the tights for a wedgie-assist piledriver! And now it's Lead Crow making the save for her team!


Double-team powerbomb by Saint Celestine and Agent Aika, they are certainly getting on the same page! And once again, Celestine goes for her Holy Emperor Tomb submission, but once again Sailor Lead Crow powers out of it!


Oh! Fisherman Suplex by Sailor Aluminum Siren, Celestine crashes to the mat, one! Two! THREE! Siren has been the first to pin Celestine! The living saint still gets her title match, but you have to wonder what this means now that Siren has a victory over her!



Post-Match Interviews:

Kayo: "Another day, another win, another paycheck. Cool, now I'm grabbing a beer. Later."

Nonon: "Ow... ow... yeah, that didn't turn out so well. I really thought I'd be singing my own praises after this. And we don't have a trios or even tag championship, so really, our whole faction is at a disadvantage here. Ah never mind."

Vivid Red: "Haha, victory for the best friends, yay! Come on, let's go get a celebratory meal with extra mayo!"
Vivid Blue: "Urk... okay we can celebrate I suppose. Thanks for carrying me through that."
Vivid Red: "What are you talking about? You did the real leg work there, I just cinched it in at the end."

Mew Ichigo: "Damnit damnit damnit... and I can't even be too angry at them, we're all good guys, they're cheerful, I can't stay mad."
Mew Retasu: "I can."

Sailor Venus: "YEAH! Come on everyone, let's celebrate my win, time for a song and dance, whooo! I'll take the Strong Style title home for us, all right guys?"

Punie: "...fuck it."

Sailor Aluminum Siren: "There we go, I've avenged my loss. And she really things she can defeat Lead Crow after that? Good luck, you were left staring at the ceiling for three solid seconds. Now time for a celebratory meal!"
Sailor Lead Crow: "Mm... exactly... you're not ready, Celestine. Not by a long shot. I'll see you in a few weeks."

Saint Celestine: "I've been defeated before. I've been laid out flat, but every time I rise again, every time I come back. And our first battle, a one on one fight... I won that. Don't forget that, Siren. But when I take the title from Crow and become champion... I'll give you a title match."
Agent Aika: "Ah, that was a bit disappointing. And I was only there as a side character, not even the main attraction. What a pain. At least there were actual adults in the ring this time."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Monday Night Senshi Wars, 04/07

Welcome to MGPW Monday Night Senshi Wars! We have big things lined up tonight, with Witchblade and True Moka teaming up against Valkyrie and Hydra - Team Monster versus Team UFO. After that, Devil Hunter Yoko faces another ninja, this time Asuka from Hanzo-gumi. Next is a Junior Strong Style match, Vivid Green against Cere Cere. And the main event gives the delinquent magical girl another chance to prove herself, Kayo facing Crimson this time.

Match one gets violent quickly, with the Witchblade landing a hard backbreaker to Hydra, then going for a rear choke. However, Hydra gives as good as she takes, throwing her opponent to the ground then booting her in the face!


We get a tag, both monsters are in against Val-Q, and that's bad news for her, we have a Golden Trigger! And a sleeper hold to follow, but she escapes.


Running double-barrel dropkick by Hydra! She's in control now, with a hard knee, then locking in the camel clutch!


Chokeslam by Moka! She just laid Hydra out flat! And she goes for the reverse triangle, but Valkyrie makes the save!


Valkyrie rolls Moka into a side kneebar, but she's not the legal entrant for her team - Hydra is just watching her do that and catching a breather. But as soon as Moka is back up, she practically walks it off and they begin punching each other. And now Moka is cutting her with the kama!


BOOM! Golden Knee! And some punches, and there we have it, the ganso bomb! Hydra is surely out cold! Witchblade covers, one, two, three. The match is over!



Here we are for match 2, and they're going all out. Asuka counters a powerbomb attempt into a roll-up, we have a kick out, then the weaponry comes out this early, drawing blood. But Yoko starts delivering hard knee shots to the side.


Yoko blocks an attempt to throw her to the turnbuckle and sends Asuka there, but Asuka is quick to land a suplex cutter, then jumps onto her. Yoko is quickly on her feet though, dodges a kick and lands an overhead belly-belly release suplex.


Now Yoko locks in an STF, twisting Asuka's abdominal muscles and spine, and also putting a lot of pressure onto the jaw there. But once they're on their feet again, it's Asuka's turn, locking Yoko into the triangle lancer. And then DARKNESS FALLS!


We have some more punching in the corner, but then again, Darkness Falls! Asuka covers, one! Two! Three! She did what Crimson-gun could not!



It's a good thing we're removing the mat for this third match, as it needs washing. Cere Cere hits a great dropkick before locking in the torture cloverleaf, but Green grabs the ropes straight away - that's a clean break, and she's one point down but has avoided taking too much damage.


Green is in the corner here, and Cere lifts her onto the turnbuckle... oh my goddess! Chaotic Victory Star Drop! Into the German Suplex too, but it doesn't get a three-count and Vivid Green is back up almost straight away!


Green is already two points down after deliberately throwing Cere Cere out of the ring, and now she's caught in an Achilles lock. Things aren't looking good for her, but she powers out and gets back to her feet. Now she throws Cere with a head-scissors, and rolls into a reverse Achilles! Cere Cere is quick to go for a rope break, and now the scores are 4-3.


Ten minutes expired and we're in round 2 now, which starts explosively with Cere Cere immediately going for the Hydrangea! That's her finishing hold, in the middle of the ring! Good thing Green has been quick to escape holds so far, because she has enough strength left to escape.


Stranglehold Alpha by Vivid Green, and now- oh! Cere Cere blasts her out of the ring with that amplified microphone, and that's a warning, bringing them both to 3 points.


Here we go, Vivid Green locks in a kneebar, it's a long way to the ropes, but Cere Cere somehow slips free. She throws Green to the ropes, catches her off the rebound, that's a cobra twist, a wrestler's guillotine! Shades of the late, great Antonio Inoki there! And Green has had enough, she submits, giving Cere Cere the win straight off the back of her suspension!



And here we are, the main event, a guarantee of violence. Crimson has an early advantage there, but she pulls guard, foolishly, and that just lets Kayo take over and start landing knees to the crown.


Crimson is back in control, and here she is with a grounded cobra clutch - and as soon as Kayo escapes that, she starts jabbing a fork into the head, picking up a warning from the referee!


Flapjack by Crimson, and it's Kayo who is starting to look crimson in the face, blood dripping everywhere! We have the twisted anaconda stretch, but that roll there brought them both into the ropes so lucky for the delinquent, it's a break.


The evil ninja is just taking over here- oh! I spoke too soon! Chokeslam by the delinquent! And then the Five! Knuckle! Shuffle!


Kayo cricks her neck over a prone Crimson, she pauses to catch her breath, I think she's enjoying this! But as soon as her foe is up, boom! Punch to the gut! And that's all it takes, she makes the cover and that's three! She's just racking up wins this early in her career!



Post-Match Interviews

Witchblade: "Hmm, Team Monster. I like the name of that. I didn't even want to hurt those screeching little kids too bad, but when the fight gets underway... you know how it goes."
Moka: "Relax. It's not like we killed them, they just learned their place - and that's what more will do, every time we enter the ring."

Hydra: "I can't believe I let us down there - I'd understand if you took the loss, nobody expects anything of you, but for me to lose it?"
Valkyrie: "Don't worry about it, we all had fun out there! Let's go find a referee to play with!"

(Asuka, being a ninja, is nowhere to be found)

Yoko: "Well my luck had to run out eventually I guess. At least I can say that was a good opponent, that I did my best and wasn't an embarrassment. Now I need to go get my forehead superglued."

Cere Cere: "Back from suspension and wouldn't you know it? Right away I'm on top of the world, picking up a great win there! The Amazoness Quartet are showing top form in the new season."

Vivid Green: "Aaaah, damnit! I'm supposed to be the powerhouse for my team, the pure striker martial artist. And just look at that there! I was overwhelmed throughout it! Why was I such a loser out there?"
Vivid Yellow: "...I watched the match, and I have some data for you. Don't worry, we can make a plan, do the homework and next time is a piece of cake."

Kayo: "And the winner of the match, Ka-yooooooo bitches! Check it out, on top again! Hey someone just make me champ already, hahaha! Oh and fuck off with the water here backstage, someone get me a beer!"

Crimson: "...okay I lost, fine. But I'll remember this, this isn't the last she's seen of me. For now, I'm more interested in our real enemies, and so I issue a challenge from Crimson-gun to Hanzo-gumi: four weeks from now, Fight Palace. Our best versus yours, loser's team is ejected for a year... EXPLODING CAGE DEATHMATCH!"
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Monday Night Senshi Wars, 10/07

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for Monday Night Senshi Wars! We are at the Sakae Transport outdoor arena and the sun is shining bright overhead for this momentous occasion! We start with 4v4 openweight competition, with all of the White Kampfer facing Hanzo-gumi and Red Tails. The second match is a junior tag match, Cure Bloom and Egret versus Vivid Green and Yellow. Next up, Utena and Sailor Mercury do battle in the Strong Style division. And for the main event, we've made it this far: Saint Celestine challenges Sailor Lead Crow for the IWGP Galactic Championship!

Rika shows off her prowess there, incredible might in lifting Daidoji onto her shoulders for an airplane spin! But it doesn't look so effective, as the powerhouse of Hanzo-gumi lifts her with a gutwrench suplex!


Oh! Look at that brutality! Half and half suplex onto the apron - which is famously the hardest part of the ring! And now a brawl breaks out at ringside... Daidoji climbs back in, just to receive a DDT!


Ryouka takes Red Tail down, then... is that a diving headbutt or just an aggressive nap? But Red counters with a great dropkick, now they're both up... diamond cutter by Ryouka!


Katsuragi and Hitomi lock up... LAST OF THE DRAGONS! One! Two! She kicks out just in the nick of time! Northern Lights Suplex by Hitomi, but Katsu gets a foot on the ropes. And now Katsuragi seems to be going for an STF, wait, no, that's the stealth viper! And Hitomi taps out! Victory to Hanzo-gumi and Red Tails!



Here we are with the second match, and Bloom rolls yellow into an arm triangle, but they're entangled in the ropes! Oh, and look at those devastating kicks! And a slingblade! PreCure are in charge!


Frog splash to the back, but Yellow was playing possum, and goes straight into a kneebar! Then she hits a brainbuster and Bloom rolls out, soon they're all outside the ring. DDT by Yellow, then she locks in the STF! And Green holds Egret at bay with a sledgehammer!


Rolling cannonball by Yellow, and then she locks in a modified headlock and hammerlock! And then she goes for a toehold - Yellow is just all over Egret, not letting her get a word in!


Cure Egret shows off a bit with that hanging necklock, and it's right in the corner, we get a rope break. But then- oh! She goes high with the Eifel Parachute, one! Two! Three! Pretty Cure stand tall!



Now we have our Strong Style match, and last time these two did battle, things ended poorly and painfully for the Rose Prince. Utena catches Mercury in the head-scissors and starts landing punches straight to the head - and twice! But third time is the charm for Ami, as she slips out of the guard and applies a cross armlock... wait no she rotates, catches the arm in a coil lock, then grabs the other for the reverse armbar!


Another takedown by Mercury, and from there she locks in a Japanese Necktie! Once again we're seeing the styles clash of striking and wrestling.


Oh! Utena brings out her sword, and that gets her a warning, one point down! But she goes straight for the heel hook from there, and that might be all she needs to pick up the win now! No, Sailor Mercury escapes, she slides free.


Mercury goes for the scissored sleeper, a katahajime there - wait no, she cranked the neck! Look at the angle she twisted Utena's neck there, just like before! We have a stoppage, the referee calls for the bell, and Sailor Mercury is the win- no, goddess no, she's locked it back in! Somebody put a stop to this!



All right, the ring is prepared again, and we have heard that Utena is going to need a few weeks off - and Mercury's victory has been struck down and negated. She will not be competing in the mini-tournament for the Strong Style tournament at the upcoming PPV event.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the main event, which is scheduled for one fall (ONE FALL!) and will determine the IWGP Galactic Champion! First the challenger, in the blue corner, weighing in at 500 kilograms if you include the power armour, she is the living saint... SAINT CELESTINE!

And her opponent, in the red corner, weighing in at none of your goddamn business, she is the reigning and defending IWGP Galactic Champion... SAILOR LEAD CROW!

Look at that! Lead Crow is making a statement, Galactic F5 Tornado right off the bat! And then she slams Celestine onto her back, exerting her dominance.


Hammerfist by Celestine, and then she locks in... HOLY EMPEROR TOMB! But Crow gets out of it quickly - and Celestine continues her offence, with a scoop slam, then a knee to the back.


Superkick! And Crow is then all over Celestine, taking charge once again. GRENADE! And then she locks in the same submission hold that saw her winning over Sailor Uranus, the dungeon lock!


Celestine is just going wild with those power armoured fists, driving them straight into Crow! I haven't seen someone take it to her like this in a long time. And then a splash... but it's not enough for a pin, and now Lead Crow is back in charge. Gourd buster, knee stomp... and now the crucifix with elbows to the head!


Holy Emperor Black Mephistooooo! But only a two count - so Celetine goes straight back to the well for another one! And this time Crow gets right back up, so this time it's a Full Nelson Buster - I think the champion might just be an inch shorter after that.


And a THIRD Black Mephisto! Celestine puts her wei- I mean the weight of her power armour on the upper body, pinning her to win th- LEAD CROW KICKS OUT! And she lands another F5! A second Galactic Tornado! Crow climbs up top... twisted Senton splash, one! Two! Th-now Celestine kicks out!


Saint Celestine lands a great deadlift German suplex to Crow, then lifts her up, and THAT'S THE ACT OF FAITH! She covers properly, and we have a new cha-no, somehow the champion kicks out! Sailor Lead Crow digs deep into her reserves, and is back on her feet.


Celestine lands another flurry of punches, she lifts Lead Crow - oh, and Crow snaps one of her fingers in return! And hits a chop to the back of the head on top of it. And now- INCREDIBLE, Celestine just delivered the Galactic Tornado to Lead Crow, hitting her with her own finisher! But Crow is back up, and lands a buzzsaw kick to get back in the game...


Following that sharp kick, Sailor Lead Crow drags Celestine away from the ropes, and now she locks in stranglehold alpha! She's twisting the arm there and cutting off the blood supply to the brain... wait I think Celestine tapped out, no, she PASSED out! The referee calls for the bell, ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match... and STILL IGWP Galactic Champion... Sailor Lead Crow!



Post-Match Interviews

Katsuragi: "Yeah, check it out! We don't JUST fight other ninjas, we're here to stay, racking up wins against anyone. Thanks for doing us a solid there, Red, you're a real pal!"
Red Tail: "Ahah, yeah it's no problem... can you take your hand off my boob?"

Hitomi: "I get it, I get it... we lost. It was all four of us, against an ad-hoc team, and we didn't get the job done. I just hope Kaede can forgive me for letting the team down."

Cure Egret: "They did really well out there for a while - any other team would have been defeated, but remember, we worked as a team for some time, and I'm the Junior Heavyweight Champion."
Cure Bloom: "Exactly. We're just that little bit better, so being very good still isn't quite enough."

Vivid Yellow: "Ugh, I let us down this time. I position myself as the brains of the operation, and yet forget the whole body thing, leaving myself in a pinning hold."
Vivid Green: "Relax, stop beating yourself up - and start thinking about beating OTHER people up. You did some great work out there, you just got cut off at the end. Let me be your powerhouse!"

Sailor Mercury: "Oh no, I won't be entering a mini tournament where I fight a bunch of nobodies and also my teammate, and they had very stern words for me, what a shame. I'm going to take the chance to get my homework done and eat a burger, and let Minako take the title for a bit."

(Utena is currently at a local medical facility.)

Sailor Lead Crow: "Three challengers, vanquished. I have just about been on a pure winning streak. The pay per view event is coming up, so just find someone with a good win-loss record and let me make this four in time for the Galaxy-1 Climax. I'm going to win that too, as champion, and then I get to choose my own challenger - and it's going to be my own teammate-"
Sailor Aluminum Siren: "-friend"
Sailor Lead Crow: "-teammate, Sailor Aluminum Siren. Then we'll rule the whole universe and send most of these little kids back to school. Galaxia-gun... ICHIBAN!"

Saint Celestine: "...I can't believe I lost. I was so close, so many times. I carried the light of the Emperor with me! I had it within my grasp... but this isn't the end for Saint Celestine. We have the Galaxy-1 Climax coming up, and I'll blaze a trail through it. That is my chance to try again, and I need to seize it."
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

So, I was gifted WWE 2K23, and have started creating the cast of MGPW in it - as well as making custom arenas, entrance videos and such. I have begun recording and uploading the entrances to youtube. Once my new PC arrives so matches aren't in slow motion, I'll see how long it takes to upload matches.

Here is the playlist of entrances so far, note that I'm not a Content Creator or Youtube Person or whatever so I'm absolutely not doing this as well as some people could, and also I don't need you to smash that like and subscribe button or anything.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Here is the Part 1 recap - essentially, the backstory to the "season 1" that I posted up here.
Later I'll do some more parts to cover the G1 and that first year of action, before launching into the new season with the expanded roster.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Here is the playlist for recaps, currently 3 videos. And they're just getting bigger, holy shit.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Here is the playlist for weekly shows, currently 25 videos I think? (3 weekly shows during the Galaxy-1, 6 matches per show, and I experimented with having a separate video for interviews but I think it's better to leave that to plain text).

Speaking of plain text interviews, seeing as everyone has had one match so far, let's hear what they have to say! And also look at the total accrued fines!

Steel Angel Kurumi: "I did it, I did it! The first match of the season and I have my win, the first 2 points! I promise you all, I'm going to keep going forward - expect more!" (2 points)

Saint Celestine: "I lost to an Abominable Intelligence - a heretical construct! You know to expect my resurgence though - you can count on it! I cannot be kept down!" (0 points)

Princess Hydra: "Oh yeah, look at that win - so much for the submission specialist. I need to show that I'm ready for a Strong Style title rematch." (2 points)

Punie: "DAMNIT! How could I lose to a pipsqueak like that, when I am the chosen one for my planet?" (0 points)

Cha Cha: "I did it! Look at that, everyone! I beat the Junior Champion! All this time, I just needed to be in the right weight class!" (2 points)

Cure Windy: "What an embarrassing start for a champion - a night 1 loss. Don't get me wrong, she's good, but I'm supposed to be the best!" (0 points)

Agent Aika: "Real talk: I respect Honey, she's an adult and knows the game, she brought a real fight. But it's BECAUSE I respect her that I didn't go easy, you know?" (2 points)

Cutie Honey: "Not a GREAT start for everyone's favourite heroine, I'll give you that much." (0 points)

Vivid Red: "I did it, I did it! Go me! A perfect start for Vivid Operation!!! I really think I'd do better with my whole team, or at least 2v2, but I proved I can handle myself in the ring!" (2 points)

Ueda Rika: "Ugh, I promised her face would be as blood-red as her gear. Are we really doomed for failure as the 'bad guys'?" (0 points)

TailYellow: "Victory for the Twin Tails... just as you would expect of a Student Council President... oh, I don't mean I rigged it with my authority though, just that people expect big things from me!" (2 points)

Priss: "No comment... wait, one comment: piss off" (0 points)

Cure Bloom: "...well it's *a* win I suppose. But nobody wants to win like that." (2 points)

Jun Jun: "Thumbs up to Chibi Moon for laying her out flat there, but you're not supposed to make it so obvious! That only hurt my chances!" (-2 points)

Nene: "Oh look who wins - look who the first winner of the returning Knight Sabers is - that's right, it's Nene, the so-called inexperienced one! THAT'S RIGHT, I'M THE BEST!" (2 points)

Princess Valkyrie: "...I really wanted to show I'm as good as Hydra there by getting an early win, but it wasn't to be. I turned my attention away for a moment there because of that interference, and it cost me." (0 points)

Utena: "I know, I let out a lot of brutality there. I just... after last year, you show me blue hair and all I see is red. But it got me the win, so I'll take it." (2 points)

Sennou Natsuru: "I suppose maybe I should just be grateful that she couldn't bring the sword into the match. That's a bit of a let down, I tried to keep it a wrestling match and not a fight, but she just had too much ferocity." (0 points)

Sailor Saturn: "..." (2 points)

Kayo: "Shit fuck piss-ass bitch tits. You all saw that, I had her dead to rights when I nailed the FU, but then Sailor Urasshole or whatever stepped in and levelled me with the Space Tornado Ogawa - just give HER the points!" (0 points)

TailRed: "Huh? I'm supposed to save the Burning Hammer for only the biggest most important matches and not gym-hall events? Nah come on, if it's powerful and legal, USE it! Anyway, I'm glad to hold my end up for the team, I just wish I stayed normal sized when I transformed and could fight in the heavyweight league." (2 points)

Vivid Green: "Well, my specialty is kendo and karate, not wrestling, what did you expect? That was really disappointing, yes, but I think it speaks more about her skill being great than mine being poor." (0 points)

Sailor Lead Crow: "Nice try, but a mere student council president doesn't have enough to match the Galactic Champion. I know you like to fight dirty and with a mean streak, but there is nobody meaner than me. Galaxia-gun... ICHIBAN!" (2 points)

Shizuku: "What do you expect? The champion is champion for a reason, they're hard to beat. Besides, all my favourite moves were banned, how can you expect me to compete at my best if I can't use the oshirigatame?" (0 points)

Vivid Black: "I think I'm supposed to be the villain in all of this. If that's expected, well, I guess I'll cut corners. That's better that hurting her, right?" (2 points)

Mew Ichigo: "...I can't even be that mad at her, but come on referee! Surely you can glance at the ropes?" (0 points)

Sailor Pluto: "I guess I outsmarted her there. My opponent isn't known for using her brains, so it wasn't too hard to get the upper hand." (2 points)

She-Ra: "I really expected interference there. There's a bit of a tendency for that to happen, and it took my mind off the match itself. My bad, I guess." (0 points)

Sailor Mercury: "Already I'm making my way back to the top. There was that rough patch last year, but now I've focused again, and I have my eyes on both titles." (2 points)

Linna: "Damnit! We've only just returned and already things are going badly for us... and is nobody going to mention the interference, the cheating?" (0 points)

Witchblade: "Of course I started the fight early. I can't stand her, NOBODY can stand those brats. It's a shame about the count-out, not a decisive victory, but maybe that humbled my opponet a bit." (2 points)

Sailor Jupiter: "Well I guess this is what I get for taking the fight outside the ring like that. So focused on the brawl that we forgot about the ring and the referee. Oh well, just gotta' make up for it next time." (0 points)

Papillon Rose: "That isn't how things were meant to go - I don't mean the victory, obviously my win was guaranteed. But I mean, the idea behind that winning move is you taunt your opponent and infuriate them and then they make a mistake so you can hit your finisher! Oh well, I'll take the win." (2 points)

Dream Hunter Rem: "There comes a time in your life where you look at yourself and ask what you're doing, and how you got there... and when your face is buried in someone else's ass in front of an audience, that's often the time. I didn't lose my cool, I just lost the will to fight after that, I just knew I wasn't at my peak." (0 points)

Palla Palla: "One on one, a fair and good-sporting competition between friends and allies... is not what you're getting from us, idiots! Palla Palla is the best, and too willing to bring the fists out in any match!" (2 points)

Sailor Chibi Moon: "...I'll let her have her celebration. I mean, we didn't play around there, she did win... as long as SOMEONE makes it to the top from New Moon." (0 points)

Cure Black: "No hard feelings, right? We just go out there and do our best, and try to knock each other out cold for the victory!" (2 points)

Mew Zakuro: "Right, no hard feelings. You attacked me on my way to the ring there, I didn't think we were enemies like that... I guess I'll need to keep that in mind." (0 points)

Sayaka: "I'd normally have a nice victory speech prepared, but look how it had to happen. I wanted to stand tall over a fallen opponent!" (2 points)

Sailor Venus: "I'm pretty sure I could have made it back into the match and won. I didn't need that help. But also, what even is the point of a match if you don't cheat?" (-2 points)

Sailor Neptune: "I had a lot to teach the scissor girl - grace, elegance, how to wrestle... now if someone can teach her how clothes work, that'd be even better!" (2 points)

Ryuuko: "Oh of course she's standing there making a speech about being the better wrestler. It's funny that she forgot a key moment in that match... I'm really pissed off now!" (0 points)

Akane: "Oooh, everyone says to watch out for the scary vampire! So spooky! She came completely unprepared for this. CHECKMATE MOTHERFUCKER!" (2 points)
(TN: Schniezel made an illegal move in chess, so it's weird that he would say checkmate. In ch- oh wait, wrong show)

True Moka: "...I really hate that attitude. Do all redheads have to be so annoying?" (0 points)

Asuka: "I will give her this: she tried to sneak attack a ninja, and that is amazing, she really tried to outdo me in my own game. How can you not respect the courage to try that? That's all I'll give her though, because it didn't work, and I remained the victor." (2 points)

Sailor Moon: "...I have really let the team down lately. Not just my own loss, but costing points with the disqualification, it's all a mess." (0 points)

Cure White: "I have a duty, as the holder of the Strong Style championship, to fight every match as though defending the title - I must fight with ferocity and honour, and I think I did so this time. Well done, Pudding, for coming at me full power, but I have extra motivation." (2 points)

Mew Pudding: "I was so close! I nearly got the win there, and I could have secured a title match! Aw..." (0 points)

Total fines incurred: 5,000,000 yen
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Recaps from the last four shows!

Sailor Chibi Moon: "Yay, I picked up that long-awaited victory! I promise I'm going to lead the New Moon faction to victory here, I'll pick up the most points of al of us... I promise." (2 points)

Mew Zakuro: " a sneak attack *and* outside interference? Yeah I bet she's pleased with herself there. Real big... ah, I can't believe it!" (0 points)

Vivid Red is being checked for concussion syndrome (4 points)

Jun Jun: "I don't need any more of Chibi Moon's so-called 'help'. How am I supposed to recover from this position? Is that really her plan, just sabotage the rest of us? Well you're paying the fine!" (-4 points)

Kurumi: "Another win - against another serious opponent! Even the Steel Winged Angel wasn't enough on its own there, but I kept going and got the win. Things are looking up for me, they're off to such a good start!" (4 points)

Witchblade: "...honestly, I'm just lucky not to be in trouble for that accidental ref bump. We both went all-out there, and it got a bit carried away." (2 points)

Utena: "So much for Lunar Club taking over - I think we're all showing how to defeat them. Sheer force is all it takes, kick them in the face and you'll find the way to victory! I have a lot of revenge to get on those clowns, so that's just going to motivate me towards more victories." (4 points)

Sailor Venus: "I know it's not looking good for our heroine, the beautiful main character of this show... but I promise, this dark moment is just to build suspense, before the great return and victorious moment!" (-2 points)

Nene: "Well, I did learn the risks involved of launching yourself at a ninja... but when it came to the fight, I was the winner, so that's what matters, right? Sure, she put up a good fight, great strikes and all, but I won the match, and that's what really matters. I'm still leading the way for the Knight Sabers, soon I'll be the leader!" (4 points)

Asuka: "I don't really want to talk about that loss. I thought I had it all going in my favour, but then I just... lost." (2 points)

Sailor Lead Crow: "And another win for the champion. Don't worry, I'll respect the legacy of this championship, I will defend it with a perfect record. And as for Priss, of course I feel bad for her, but I'm not just going to lie down and give her the win." (4 points)

Priss: "...I really needed the win. I lost everything, then came back, and haven't found my way back to the top. What's going wrong here?" (0 points)

Tail Yellow: "And the student council president does it again! I'm really on a roll here, I think I taught my... unconventional... opponent the error of her ways, and I shall use my authority to propel the Twintails towards victory!" (4 points)

Papillon Rose: "Anybody going to mention how she had a friend walk out there and distract me? No? We're just letting that happen? Okay cool. Fuuuck and I was doing so well!" (2 points)

Sailor Moon: "The moral of this match is that no matter how strong your opposition is in life, you need to persevere, withstand the offence, and come back stronger! Work hard towards your moment, and make your dreams come true! Sailor Moon Says~" (2 points)

Princess Valkyrie: "zero points... really, zero points! I haven't managed a single win in this league so far! What's wrong with me? Do I really need to rely on others?" (0 points)

Sailor Mercury: "What? We're not getting paid by the hour here. If she wants to make this a brawl on the outside and is too stupid to count to ten, I'm not breaking the count, I'll take an easy victory there. That's not my fault." (4 points)

Princess Hydra: "Fuck off, I don't want to talk about it." (2 points)

Vivid Green: "There, I have my win. I'm back. It was just a rough start, and now I have a win over a very formiddable opponent." (2 points)

Cha Cha: "I guess I got too confident after the first round... but I'm still in this. Green brought serious striking arts to the match, and she's respectable, but I know I can win the league!" (2 points)

Sailor Jupiter: "Haha, what a great win! She's a powerhouse but I'm stronger, you just can't compare with Jupiter. Crazy how that music played, hey? But there was no interference, just a solid victory." (2 points)

Saint Celestine: "...I fell for the trickery of the witches, but can you blame me for expecting to see their leader run out for an attack?" (0 points)

Vivid Black: "Another win, and furthermore, I can challenge for the Strong Style title. Vivid Operation is really on a roll." (4 points)

Cure White: "I really should have expected magic, given we're magical girls... I was doing so well right up to that point, I had her in my sights, ready for the finishing blow - and then that! What a pain..." (2 points)

Moka: "Good, that punk has been sent packing. She really thought she'd engage in a violent brawl with *me*? I hope she knows her place after that!" (2 points)

Kayo: I hOpE sHe KnOwS hEr PlAcE, fucking pain in the ass bitch. I'll get my revenge, mark my words!" (0 points)

Mew Ichigo: "Now, I'll preface this by saying I have a lot of respect for Cure Bloom. For all of PreCure, we get along all right from time to time. But that was dirty, with the musical distraction, and even so, I managed to come out on top. We can chalk up a win and some points for the faction, and there's no hard feelings." (2 points)

Cure Bloom: "The respect works both ways. And I knew I had a tough opponent going out there, I didn't hold back... but hey, neither did she. I hope we can have a rematch some time, but for now, I'll let her enjoy her victory, even put aside that the referee didn't see me grab the rope, that's an administrative error and not my opponent cheating, and I'll focus on my own score." (2 points)

Shizuku: "Well, she was a fun opponent, wasn't she? I approve of my opponents being as close to naked as possible, we need more of that! But more to the point, finally I could exert my dominance as a true magical girl, and a capable fighter. No tricks or interference there, I was just completely in charge for that one on one match. This is the kind of legacy I'm supposed to leave." (2 points)

Ryuuko: "That was such an embarrassing defeat - I had a flurry of offence at the start, but then as soon as she cut me off, that was it. There was no comeback, I was just out of my league there... what's going on?" (0 points)

Punie: "Yeah, we're all magical girls, some actually have magic spells and stuff, I know I know, but I know a little magic of my own: joint locks. Real cute trying that stuff against me early on, so I just had to show her how you actually apply that hold - and how to WIN." (2 points)

Natsuru: "I'm still limping - it's like I had no business being in that match, every time I brought out some offence of my own, she had an answer. It looks like just being stronger really can't carry me." (0 points)

She-Ra: "I was really looking forward to this match. We're both iconic heroines, the instant classics of our respective regions, and we were able to clash in the match of the ages. We put on a show that people wanted to see... and I brought honour to Greyskull with my victory." (2 points)

Cutey Honey: "Yeah, it was a big match... I know a lot of people were especially interested in seeing us fight... I didn't get the result I wanted, but I went all-out and I don't think I have anything to be ashamed of. A lot of respect for her, but damn it, I really need a win..." (0 points)

Cure Windy: "I needed that burst of magic there, that saving grace. After the Burning Hammer, well, most people are down for the count, I guess it says something that she needed to use that and I still came out on top! ...huh? Ropes? Oh, I didn't... I didn't see that. I feel a bit bad now." (2 points)

Tail Red: "I can't believe it! I did everything right - the pre-emptive strike, the relentless attack, the most devastating move... and I even knew to grab the rope when pinned, but that blind referee! I got screwed out there!" (2 points)

Akane: "BANG! I took my shot and won. Natsuru might be all hopeless and embarrassing out there, I mean we're talking about a real idiot who needs my help every step of the way, but as for me? I'm just getting a perfect record here." (4 points)

Sailor Saturn: "..." (2 points)

Sailor Uranus: "Hey, move on, clown show, she has nothing to say to you chumps! Let's go, you don't need to talk to these idiots."

Sayaka: "Victory for me - and more importantly, victory for the Moderators, for the authority of MGPW. Finally I'm doing Kaede proud. We're sending a firm message to all of these hooligans!" (4 points)

Linna: "I really don't want to talk about this. How is it that only the brat is picking up all the wins for us?" (0 points)

Cure Black: "Even interference couldn't save her. This one isn't no hard feelings like before, the Amazoness Quartet are a menace, they've been such a thorn in our sides, I was happy to hand out that beating." (4 points)

Palla Palla: "What a terrible outcome... it all went so badly for me! But I thought I was supposed to win after last time!" (2 points)

Mew Pudding: "Ha-haaa, not even cheating saved you! Yeah, all it took was dropping her on her head a few times... and honestly, the crazy way she acts out there, I don't think I'm the first to do that, y'know? But that was a decisive win for me, just what I needed!" (2 points)

Rika: "I go out there with the coolest entrance... I look the coolest in the ring... I have the coolest moves... but my vicious side doesn't come out properly, and I mess up when it really matters." (0 points)

Dream Hunter Rem: "Ow... that one knocked all the air from me... I was about to win anyway, so getting the disqualification wasn't really what I wanted..." (2 points)

Sailor Neptune: *sigh* "Well... things were looking dicey. I can't say for certain I had that in the bag. I just wish Haruka had been more careful in not getting caught..." (0 points)

Sailor Pluto: "And that's good night to Aika. Really, who allowed technological transformations in a magical girl league? Look at the standards here, and people call us the villains for clearing out the garbage?" (4 points)

Agent Aika: "You have to show a lot of strength and violence against this lot. Lunar Club don't just deserve the high-impact moves, they warrant them, that's needed for dangerous foes like them. And there's the evidence - that tombstone piledriver really did the job and gave her the win." (2 points)

Total fines incurred: 7,500,000 yen
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Perhaps doing a per-night interviews thing is better.

Jun Jun: "Sometimes, all you need is a simple backfist. After all the big moves in and out of the ring, all that... I just needed to get one strong hit in to the side of the face. There... there's the turning point. No interference, no disqualification, I won on my own." (-2 points)

Ueda Rika: "...still a loser. Even if she merely dragged her way closer towards zero and I'm technically ahead, the fact is I don't have a single win to my name. Is this really the fate of those deemed villains?" (0 points)

Linna: "Finally, finally things started going my way. She took that cheap shot at the start, but hey I appreciate the fire there, I get the desire to fight. But now I've won something, maybe there's still time to win the bracket." (2 points)

Natsuru: "Let's talk about that ending there, shall we? That was a good cravate-throw, sure, but you all saw me grab the bottom rope. Everyone except the referee saw it! And people wonder why so many referees get assaulted in this business, is it any wonder?" (0 points)

Kayo: "There, that's how it's done. Okay, I defeated Saint Free Points over there and no-one is surprised, but I'll take any victory at this stage, just to get things started. You over there, yeah dickhead, give me another beer." (2 points)

Saint Celestine: "That little bitch... there will be vengeance after this, I will teach her a lesson. When the league is over, brat, you had best watch your step..." (0 points)

Cha Cha: "That was a lot faster than I thought - but that just means it was decisive! I'm back in action, and things are going my way once more!" (4 points)

Sailor Chibi Moon: "...well that sucked." (2 points)

Nene: "Clean sweep, clean sweep~ Okay, so that match wasn't easy, I had to dig down and use all of my tools - and some of her tools as well! But I did still win, and I'm going undefeated. Ever since our return, the Knight Sabers have been completely on fire, providing you only pay attention to me that is!" (6 points)

Sailor Pluto: "...I suppose nothing can last. I maybe was a little overconfident and underprepared after the previous two victories. I certainly learned my lesson there." (4 points)

Sailor Lead Crow: "I was happy to end things after the Galactic Cyclone Driver. I could have pinned her there, she'd learn she's out of her league, we could all go home with that impressive finisher. But she had to get the interference, and try something clever, and has faced the consequences for that." (6 points)

Tail Yellow: "Ow... ow... I think she lodged a toe up there." (4 points)

Total fines incurred: 7,500,000 yen
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Mew Ichigo: "It isn't always about hitting your big finishing move. Sometimes, you just need to control your foe's limbs, get the positional advantage, and hold them for a three count. I don't want to hurt her after all, our teams get along just about!" (4 points)

Vivid Red: "I really thought I had her beat after I landed the fame-asser. Things were starting to go my way... and then a magistral cradle? She caught me with that pinning hold? Well I suppose it worked, I have some reading up to do!" (4 points)

Steel Angel Kurumi: "And it's just like last year! I don't know why people keep framing it as robots versus vampires - it's just a one on one thing. And in our case, she might be stronger, but she fights with anger and I fight with love!" (6 points)

True Moka: "I can't believe I was so outclassed - it was even *worse* than last time. It's like she's advanced by leaps and bounds, some kind of software update, whereas I've stagnated... just like a vampire does, every day the same. It hasn't been a good year already." (2 points)

Princess Valkyrie: "I think this is it! The turning point we've all been waiting for! I'm going to go on a pure winning streak now, get four more wins and win the bracket then the whole thing then the title! I just know it!" (2 points)

Cutey Honey: "It's not that I mind losing... well, much. It's just when your foe is all professional in the ring, then afterwards in the interviews they're an annoying kid. Such a pain. But don't worry, you can rely on me to keep trying, and to be a role model, not turn bad just to see if it helps." (0 points)

Tail Red: "I'm really lucky for some of those rope breaks. I think she would have had me with the Fujiwara armbar at one point, if not for that. But at the end of the day... look, I got the pin off the elbow drop, but we all know what really did the damage and won me the match." (4 points)

Mew Zakuro: "I actually had a good run there for a bit. I nearly had it! I even kicked out from the Burning Hammer... barely. But whether it's the sheer power she had, or those moments I stopped to pose, somehow it was snatched away." (0 points)

Priss: "That dumb kid really tried to jump me before the match? And I thought Nene was a pain... after what happened before, you're not getting me with a sneak attack. She's lucky we even went back into the ring and had a match at all!" (2 points)

Ryuuko: "How does it feel to be in the losers' club? Go on, that's what you were going to ask, isn't it? I did so much better last year, and then started doing well with my team, in tag matches, but now this? I know, maybe I'm the weak link! Maybe we should get Satsuki to replace me in this! You're all thinking it!" (0 points)

Punie Chan: "It's like my entrance says - wrestling has more than one royal family. I know there are a lot of princesses here. But I'm the true queen of strong style. Mercury thinks she's clever as a technical wrestler, but I'm the one who never used ice bubbles or fire blasts or a gun, I always used submission holds. How can you possibly compare to me?" (4 points)

Sailor Mercury: "...I can't let it get to me like last time. Last year, that loss was what put me on a losing streak, and I can't do it again. Regroup, refocus, worry about the tournament. That only brought her score up to mine, I can easily take 12 points still and win this whole thing, and after that, who cares about this one match, this rivalry? I'll be the Galactic champion!" (4 points)

Total fines incurred: 7,500,000 yen
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Sailor Jupiter: "Business taken care of, just like that. A side character like her will never hold a candle to my overwhelming strength, the power of my attacks, and a little bit of teamwork!" (4 points)

Akane: "Goddamnit! You all saw that, right? It's only the referee who is blind and deaf and wasn't aware of the chair shot? I was on such a roll before that!" (4 points)

Princess Hydra: "Yeah! Show me anyone who says they can escape the Hydra's Coils, and I'll show you a liar!" (4 points)

Sayaka: "...I really wasn't trying hard, letting myself and my team down, disappointing Kaede-sama. D-don't think the victory was because you did well!" (4 points)

Sailor Moon: "It's been a great night for Lunar Club! Look at that picture-perfect finish, breaking out a move she never saw coming, and giving the world something to believe in." (4 points)

She-Ra: "It's certainly humbling to go from a semi-finalist last year to a poor showing this year. I appreciate the one on one contest, that she played by the actual rules for once, but this was the biggest letdown." (2 points)

Shizuku: "That was a fun fight, a good opponent who brought out the best in me. A foe I can easily lift for a powerbomb? That's just ideal!" (4 points)

Dream Hunter Rem: "Wow, what a downturn for me. I even had the sleeper locked in at one point. But once she lifted me up like that, I already knew it was about to be lights-out." (2 points)

Palla-Palla: "Everyone's favourite, Palla-Palla, is on such a roll here! You know who you should all place bets on!" (4 points)

Vivid Green: "It really hasn't been a good year for me. What more can I say?" (2 points)

Cure Bloom: "Okay, I'll admit it. For so long, we've been focusing on fighting people we despise, and some big rivalries besides that, that I forgot we can wrestle against friends at full force. We don't need to be gentle within teams. When I woke up and remembered that, that's when things turned around, and that saved me the match. I don't know if the Strong Style league is my sort of thing, but hey, the option is there I suppose." (4 points)

Cure White: "In a way, I'm glad. At the start of that, she was barely fighting, I was a bit worried about her. I'm so glad she came to life there, I'm almost happy about that distraction music, and the loss." (2 points)

Total fines incurred: 9,000,000 yen
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Friday Fight Night 5/4
Mew Pudding: "Yaay! Another win, another win! See, acrobatics belong in wrestling, they keep your shoulders off the matt and help you land the move that wins!"

Vivid Black: "The worst part of this is I can't feel too bad about being defeated by someone so cheerful and energetic. She reminds me of Akane like that."

Papillon Rose: "Oh you know it just leeps getting better! I'm doing what Moon never could, and putting the Outer Senshi away!"

Sailor Neptune: " know what's worse than Sailor Moon? A pink-haired knock-off Sailor Moon. And I don't just mean her kid."

Hanzo Asuka: "A lot of people seem to underestimate me - they think I'm just a ninja and not a magical girl as well. Well I suppose that's ideal, isn't it? The element of surprise."

Agent Aika: "That was such a fast, embarrassing match for me. And again, against a kid. Am I too old for this? Is retirement on the horizon?"

Sailor Venus: "I really feel bad for Ami... I thought a fun, rule-breaking fight could snap her out of her funk. We could both get interference going, maybe knock the referee out... but it looks like she took that loss hard."

Sailor Mercury had no comment to give, just taking another water bottle and leaving.

Witchblade: "I'll take that win - if I can at least beat Lunar Club up, that should really be enough for me."

Sailor Saturn, characteristically, was silent.

Cure Windy: "I'm glad I could teach her a lesson - the Amazoness Quartet are a menace, and defending the honour of this title against them is important."

Palla Palla: "It's not fair! Just about everyone else in New Moon has had a chance at that title, why not me?"

Monday Night Senshi Wars 8/4
Cure Black: "We need to run the New Moon out of town. There's no place for their antics here, so that win wasn't just for me and the points, it was for the whole division!"

Sailor Chibi-Moon: "I don't want to hear about it. Oh what, she thinks she's defending the company from us? Give me a break, she just wants to win like everyone else, and she brings kick-boxing into wrestling and berates me for cheating? What crap..."

Utena: "This has been my best run so far. After injuries suffered last year, I'm back at- no, I'm OVER a hundred percent, and making miracles happen. I want this to be a perfect winning streak, something to propel me to the top!"

Princess Hydra: "I got so close there! I can't believe I blew it - and all because I stopped to celebrate too early!"

Dream Hunter Rem: "I hope she doesn't feel too bad about that. I just did what I had to do for the match, there's no hard feelings from me there. You need a winner and a loser, right?"

Ryuuko is being checked to make sure she's okay after being choked out.

Akane: "Living Saint my ass - I think it's time someone took her out back and put her down for her own good. You can't just cling onto old glory and walk through matches, every single thing being 2 free points for your opponent, right?"

Saint Celestine is nowhere to be seen.

Sailor Moon: "Hey, what happened last time I faced the old woman, again? I'm not sure, it's a while ago, but I think I won that one too. Maybe she's just not on my level."

Cutey Honey: "...and she still manages to be the most annoying person in the company. We've had a whole year for others to take that mantle, but she keeps making the effort and pissing everyone off."

Jun Jun: "There we go, everyone, another victory for the New Moon. And more importantly, I haven't just gained two points, I've gained a title shot: I am putting my hat in the ring for the Hybrid Strong-Style Championship!"

Cure White: "That's the absolute worst. Losing to them... I haven't been a great champion so far, losing so many matches, but to be beaten by one of THOSE punks... gah!"

Point Tallies:
A Block: Celestine: 0, True Moka: 2, Kayo: 2, Witchblade: 4, Kurumi: 6, Sailor Saturn: 2, Akane: 6, Sailor Jupiter: 4
B Block: Sailor Mercury: 4, Sailor Venus: 0, Punie: 4, Utena: 6, Hydra: 4, Sayaka: 4, Natsuru: 0, Linna: 2
C Block: Sailor Moon: 6, Cutey Honey: 0, She-Ra: 2, Valkyrie: 2, Sailor Pluto: 4, Agent Aika: 2, Nene: 6, Asuka: 4
D Block: Papillon Rose: 4, Shizuku: 4, Sailor Lead Crow: 6, Ryuuko: 0, Priss: 2, Rem: 4, Sailor Neptune: 0, Tail Yellow: 4
Junior A Block: Sailor Chibi-Moon: 2, Mew Zakuro: 0, Cha Cha: 4, Tail Red: 4, Cure Black: 6, Cure Windy: 4, Palla Palla: 4, Vivid Green: 2
Junior B Block: Cure White: 2, Cure Bloom: 4, Jun Jun: 0, Ichigo: 4, Vivid Red: 4, Vivid Black: 4, Mew Pudding: 4, Rika: 0
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

MGPW Supplemental 10/4
Sailor Jupiter: "Just like that, I've joined the winners' bracket of six-pointers! I know, she was supposed to be a match, power against power, but really there's just different degrees of strong." (6 points)

Moka: "Considering how often Sailor Moon actively interferes, I had to turn my attention to her, but that cost me. Can't she just be banned from the building?" (2 points)

Mew Zakuro: "Finally! Finally I did it! I have my victory... and against a tough opponent, one who even went on the attack before the bell! I'm so glad to win, finally." (2 points)

Cha Cha: "...I got carried away, and paid for it. Bleh." (4 points)

Punie: "I'm really on a roll now - I got the toughest victory out of the way so now I can just enjoy a series of wins." (6 points)

Sayaka: "Maybe I got too confident lately, maybe I needed to be taken down a peg." (4 points)

Cure Bloom: "Look, our teams get along okay, but we still take it seriously. We're trying to win here. I'm just glad that I was the winner." (6 points)

Mew Bu-Ling: "What a let-down. I was doing well right until today. Well I think I can still win this, it's not over yet." (4 points)

Priss: "Even with a sneak attack, she couldn't put me away! Things are just starting to turn around, maybe it's too late, but maybe I still have a small chance." (4 points)

Papillon Rose: "To think I lost to an old has-been like her... my whole thing was clearing the ancient hags out of this place, for a while. What an embarrassment." (4 points)

Agent Aika: "As much respect as I have for... some of the Knight Sabers, I need to stress that Nene is an annoying brat who belongs with the other small children. I'm glad I could wipe the smile off her face." (4 points)

Nene: "I can't believe I lost there... my perfect streak there was ruined! What a bitch! Can't you just let me take the win? We all know you're not making it through this..." (6 points)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Friday Fight Night 12/4

Mew Ichigo: "Hooray, another win! Overall, we're doing pretty well here in Tokyo Mew Mew. And we're keeping villains out of the picture!" (6 points)

Ueda Rika: "That was a rope break. You all saw it. The officials are now just breaking the rules and picking favourites. I guess maybe I have a new opponent, don't I?" (0 points)

Tail Red: "Eh? Did she really? I didn't see her grabbing the rope, and that kind of sucks that it ended like that, if that's the case... but I landed the Burning Hammer, so would it really make a difference at the end of the day?" (6 points)

Cure Black: "That was my only hope there... I could barely move my arm, there was no way I was kicking out. But the thing is... if the pin had been broken by that, maybe I could have had the time to recover. Just a few seconds as she drags me towards the centre, maybe that would have been enough. I guess we'll never know now." (6 points)

Kayo: "Yeah, suck it. Hah, I had a rough start but turned things around just in time. If I go undefeated for the rest of this I could still pull out the win." (4 points)

Witchblade: "...disappointing. How do magical girls turn out like that, these days? What kind of parents or mascot familiars do they have?" (4 points)

Utena: "I think I'm the overall best bet so far. Does anyone else have eight points, a perfect run? I'm taking this all the way - I'm bringing revolution to the promotion." (8 points)

Linna: " I don't have any comment." (2 points)

She-Ra: "It's good to pick up another win, against someone younger and faster too. Just when you start thinking you're past your prime, you see you stil have it." (4 points)

Hanzo Asuka is nowhere to be seen (4 points)

Sailor Lead Crow: "Nice try there, going for an early offence. And the interference too. You really tried your best... but Haruka also tried *her* best last year, didn't she? I'm just completely out of your league, and all your underhanded tactics earned you was my boot up your ass. Let's just clear all of Lunar Club out of the industry." (8 points)

Sailor Neptune: "...and just like that I'm sitting on one win, zero points. This really has been a poor showing by me. I have to rely on Pluto and Saturn to pick up the slack, how embarrassing." (0 points)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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