[Game] Dungeon Crusade

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Serious Badass
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[Game] Dungeon Crusade

Post by Koumei »

Right, so less than a week ago I saw "Dungeonhammer" or "Dragonhammer" or something. It's "SPESS MEHRINS IN 4E D&D!" Seriously. The .pdf looks decent quality, too, and hilariously the classes, powers and feats are more interesting than the regular 4E ones.

However, I'm a horrible person who loves to one-up people (exhibit A: 25 video game magic items you actually want), so I decided to do one better:

3.5+Tome edition, Imperial characters crash-land on D&D-world and need to do what they do best (kick the door down, shoot/stab people in the face, burn the remains and tell people they're being oppressed for their own good). This time with two tiers (humans and SPESS MEHRINS), tiers that do not meet in the middle.

So without further ado...

An Imperial landing in the world of D&D

The premise:
In this game, the players are a group of Imperial agents who arrive on a strange, alien world. It seems incredibly backwards even compared to the Grim Dark future, and is indeed ruled by magic and monsters, every kingdom reaching only as far as knights can be sent in one day. Now, with the hammer of the Emperor, the squad will unleash their fury and strike down all forms of Chaos, convincing humanity to join their forces.

Character Creation:
There are two tiers of game play, and they will never meet up in the middle. The first is Assault Tier, dealing with human infantry. The second is Siege Tier, dealing with space marines, assassins and the like. In general, however, they work largely the same for character creation.

Ability Scores can be generated in one of two ways. The first is the fair way, using an ability score array of 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 for Assault Tier and 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18 for Siege Tier. Arrange those points however you like.

The second is the expert way, where you roll 4d6 drop 1 for every ability score and arrange them however you like, re-rolling everything if you dislike the results. Note that you may also declare you are playing Texas Hardcore rules and roll 3d6 down the line, no rearranging, no re-rolls, FINAL DESTINATION. Such a character should often be getting special medals and starts with 1d3+3 (these have no effect).

By now you should have an idea of the kind of character you want to play. Firstly you should select a background – these are all worlds and campaigns, and selecting one means your character has previously fought on that world/campaign and has learned something useful from it.

Apocalypse: +2 to Spot and hit [Chaotic] Outsiders, +4 to Survival, Tactical Cover
Armageddon: +2 to Spot and hit Orks and Goblins, +2 to Stealth, Rapid Repair
Catachan: +2 to Spot and hit Humans and Elves, +2 to Search and Listen, Sneaky
Leviathan: +2 to Spot and hit Vermin and [Scaled], +2 to Fort Saves, Resist Poison
Mars: +2 to Spot and hit unliving, +2 to Disable Device & UMD, Bionic Eye
Valhalla: +2 to Spot and hit [Cold] creatures, +2 to Balance and Climb, Frosty
Vraks: +2 to Spot and hit Monstrous Humanoids, +2 to Ref Saves, Recovery

Tactical Cover: when gaining the benefits of cover, increase the benefits to the next level.
Rapid Repair: all repairs you perform take half as much time.
Sneaky: you gain +1d6 Sneak Attack.
Resist Poison: you take no secondary damage/effects from Poison
Bionic Eye: you gain immunity to Blindness effects, Darkvision 120’
Frosty: you have Resist Cold 10 and +4 to saving throws against [Cold] effects
Recovery: you regain one damaged/drained ability point per minute

*Assault Tier is now complete. I will allow replies.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Classes for Assault Tier Gameplay:

In this version, you are all Humans. As such, yes you do get the bonus skill points and bonus feat. Additionally, it is recommended the game start at level 2 or 3. At any rate, select your class. Note that the game goes up to level 6, and then you cannot advance further without the DM declaring that the magical world allows you to take levels in other classes (more on that later).

“I AM the law!”

The Adeptus Arbites are tough individuals, patrolling space to ensure the Emperor’s laws are being upheld. Often they are called onto the battlefield, though usually they are stationed on satellites and hive worlds, making sure justice prevails through excessive force.

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
1Uncanny Dodge, Sixth Sense, Quickdraw, Knockdown
2Dead ‘Ard (25%), Aura of Fear, Opportunist
3Terrifying Critical, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Immune to Fear, Chokehold

Uncanny Dodge: Arbiters are always being shot at. As such, they are never considered flat-footed and always retain their Dexterity bonus to AC, even in their sleep. At third level, they can never truly be flanked.

Sixth Sense: Used to walking around in pitch black, Arbiters gain Blindsense out to 10’.

Quickdraw: Arbiters gain the benefit of the Quickdraw feat.

Knockdown: Bringing the arm of the law onto people’s heads, Arbiters gain a special ability. Whenever they deal 10 or more damage with a melee weapon, they may make a free Trip attempt with a +4 bonus. If they succeed, they may instantly follow-up with another attack.

Dead ‘Ard: Arbiters have a 25% chance to ignore Critical Hits and similar damage.

Aura of Fear: this extends out to 15’, is an Extraordinary ability and is Charisma-based. On a failed save, the targets are Shaken.

Opportunist: Arbiters enjoy ganging up on foes when playing the sport “Police Brutality”. As such, once per round an Arbiter may make an attack of opportunity on an enemy who just got hit by an ally.

Terrifying Critical: when an Arbiter scores a critical hit, bones crack and blood sprays. All enemies within 50’ of the victim who can see this must immediately make a Will save (Charisma-based) or Panic for 1d4 rounds.

Immune to Fear: at third level, Arbiters are never afraid.

Chokehold: When an Arbiter successfully grapples a foe (to pin them or “Grapple to deal damage”), the foe must make a Fortitude save (Strength-based) or pass out for 1 minute.

Starting Equipment: Carapace Armour, Chainsword or Scimitar and Frag Grenades, Bolter or Shotgun, Stub Pistol. Requisition: Grenade Launcher with Frag, Krak and Gas Grenades.

Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Rapid Fire, Assault and Pistol Firearms.

Prestige Classes: Judge, Arbites Assault Specialist, Inquisitorial Acolyte
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Penal Legionnaire:

“In for a penny, in for a pound… of flesh.”

Penal Legions are serious business. Many criminals sentenced to death – or to a life of mining – are given one last reprieve, though the chances of survival are so slim that many stick with the original sentence. They are given poor equipment and no training, then sent out onto the field to die, though if they do survive thanks to the skills gained in their criminal background, they emerge free men.

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +1d6, Augmented Critical, Melee Specialist
2Immune to Poison, Slippery Mind, Rending Cut
3Toxin Eater, Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Assaulter

Uncanny Dodge: so used to getting shanked are penal legionnaires that they develop the ability to tell when someone is about to strike. They are never flat-footed and always retain their Dexterity bonus to AC.

Augmented Critical: select one category of melee weapon (Bludgeoning, Slashing or Piercing). That category doubles the critical threat range AND the critical multiplier.

Melee Specialist: all penal legionnaires become masters of close combat fighting very quickly. Select one ability:
-Fleet of Foot (+10’ to movement speed, may make 10’ steps instead of 5’ steps)
-Furious Charge (Pounce, +4 Strength when charging)

Slippery Mind: prisoners are used to being mentally assaulted all the time. As a result, whenever you fail a Will save against an effect, you may attempt to save again on the following round.

Rending Cut: all melee slashing weapons ignore Damage Reduction of any kind as well as Regeneration. If the target possesses neither, then they simply deal +2d6 damage.

Toxin Eater: chefs often try to poison the prisoners, so they get used to eating deadly meals. As a result, not only are penal legionnaires immune to poison, but at level 3, whenever they are subject to a poison attack, they instead regain 2d6 HP.

Assaulter: you may treat all rapid-fire weapons as assault weapons instead.

Starting Equipment: Leather Armour, Lasgun, 2 Scimitars, Autopistol

Proficiencies: Light Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms

Prestige Classes: Reformed Officer, Roguish Scoundrel, Heartless Killer
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Storm Trooper:

“Good work, boys, they didn’t even have time to draw their weapons.”

Storm Troopers are some of the most elite crack agents in the Imperial Guard. Trained in special infiltration and assault techniques, often the battle is over before it starts.

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Combat School, Seize the Initiative, Deep Strike (Arrival)
2Grenadier, Scout, Firearm Specialist, Deep Strike (Surprise)
3Rapid Escape, Deep Strike (Pinning Fire), Sneak Attack +1d6

Combat School: at first level, Storm Troopers get Combat School as a bonus feat

Seize the Initiative: at the beginning of any combat, the Storm Trooper may declare that they are seizing the initiative. If they do this, then they may gain one of the following benefits (selected before Initiative is rolled):
-They act first, even in surprise rounds
-In the first round, they gain the benefits of Pounce and Leap Attack
-They may move at double speed in the first round, and do not provoke by moving

Deep Strike: Storm Troopers gain a number of Deep Strike abilities as they advance. These abilities are generally relevant at the start of combat only.
-Arrival: they are proficient in the use of Grav-chutes, and all allies in the same vehicle count as proficient until they hit the ground. The Storm Trooper may perfectly time the dropping of a frag grenade to detonate just before they land, just out of range so that everyone gains a surprise round.
-Surprise: as soon as combat starts, the Storm Trooper may make a move action for free, after Initiative is rolled. They may also move at full speed without taking a penalty to Hide or Move Silently checks.
-Pinning Fire: if a Storm Trooper spends a standard action shooting a target in the first round of combat or a Surprise Round, the target must make a Will save (DC is Intelligence-based) or Cower for one round.

Grenadier: Storm Troopers may throw grenades as a Swift action.

Scout: Storm Troopers may make one additional 5’ step of adjustment each turn.

Firearm Specialist: Storm Troopers must select one Firearm type. When using this, they always ignore cover and concealment, and may double the effective range.

Rapid Escape: If ever caught in an explosion, if moving 10’ would take them out of the area of effect the Storm Trooper may do so as an Immediate Action, avoiding the explosion entirely. Additionally, Escape Artist checks gain a +4 bonus and only ever take a maximum of 1 minute.

Starting Equipment: Carapace Armour, Grav Chute, Hell Pistol, Chainsword or Frag Grenades, Hellgun or Shotgun or Boltgun. Requisition: Krak Grenades, Medikit, Flamer or Plasma Gun or Melta.

Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms

Prestige Classes: Drop-Troop Infiltrator, Shock Pilot, Deep Strike Assaulter
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »


“Do you know the face of an enraged ork? Of course not, you weren’t there.”

Veterans are those brave warriors who have fought many times. They somehow managed to survive out there despite all the odds stacked against them, and came away learning many useful battlefield skills.

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Nerves of Steel, Damage Reduction, Evasion, Veteran Skills
2Mettle, Hated Enemy, Low-Light Vision, Veteran Skills
3Blindsense, Improved Evasion, Despised Enemy, Veteran Skills, Education

Nerves of Steel: as a free action on their turn, a Veteran may end one detrimental effect that is affecting them. This works even when fully paralysed, and even works against abilities that make them not want to end effects (such as Charm and Domination), but does not end area effects such as swamps, night etc.

Damage Reduction: veterans gain Damage Reduction equal to double their class level. It can be overcome only by adamantine.

Veteran Skills: veterans pick up a variety of abilities as they progress. Every level, select one of the following:
-Battlefield Surgeon (bonus feat)
-Ghost Step (bonus feat)
-Deft Fingers (bonus feat)
-Dreadful Demeanour (bonus feat)
-Slippery Contortionist (bonus feat)
-Stealthy (bonus feat)
-War Stories: all allies within 50’ gain the benefits of your Hated Enemy ability.
-Hidden Blades: any foe grappling with you takes 4d6 Slashing damage per round.

Hated Enemy: as per the Ranger’s Favoured Enemy (stacks with Background if the same)

Blindsense: Veterans quickly learn how to “see” in total darkness. This extends to 30’.

Despised Enemy: Double the critical threat range and multiplier of all attacks against the Hated Enemy of the Veteran.

Education: Having reached their third level, Veterans get to trade in some of their medals for a certificate stating they graduated from the Schola Progenum, even if they didn't. They have been declared worthy through practical field experience, and so may, for instance, become Commissars. They also gain a +4 bonus to every Knowledge skill they have ranks in, and 1 bonus rank in all that they don't.

Starting Equipment: Mesh Armour (counts as Mithril Chainmail), Bolt Pistol, Scimitar, Lasgun or Shotgun, two Masterwork Daggers. Requisition: Flamer or Sniper Rifle, Medikit.

Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms

Prestige Classes: Sniper, Commissar, Demolition Expert
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Prestige Classes

Upon completing their third level, a character automatically qualifies for three prestige classes from their class list. With the DM’s permission they may swap between prestige classes or may instead multiclass out, but the intent is that you go for three levels in one class, then three levels in a linked prestige class.

Arbiter Prestige Classes:

Arbites Assault Specialist

“Let’s move, move, move, sorted!”

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
1Cyber-Mastiff, Bulging Biceps, Assaulter
2Vicious Brute, Put the Boot in, Mental Fortress or Police Brutality
3Double-Grenade, Combat Driving, Immune to Illusions

Cyber-Mastiff: the Arbites Assault Specialist gains a Cyber-Mastiff as a companion.

Bulging Biceps: Arbites Assault Specialists do not need to brace heavy weapons, and thus can move and still fire them once. They must brace Massive weapons, though needn’t spend one round setting them up. Additionally, they treat the Heavy Flamer and Heavy Stubber as Assault Weapons, not Heavy Weapons.

Assaulter: Arbites Assault Specialists may treat any Rapid Fire Firearms as Assault Firearms.

Vicious Brute: on any given round of combat, the Specialist may select one of the following benefits:
-One additional attack at their highest bonus in melee combat
-Doubled Power Attack bonus

Put the Boot in: Specialists gain +3d6 Sneak Attack damage against Prone foes.

Mental Fortress: Specialists who choose this ability gain Spell Resistance 12 + their level against [Mind Affecting] effects.

Police Brutality: Specialists who choose this ability gain a 20’ bonus to their movement speed and their Strength is increased by 4, permanently.

Double Grenade: Specialists may use the same action to throw two grenades, even at different targets.

Combat Driving: Specialists are experts at driving in combat. Their vehicles do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving, and treat their Armour Class against all attacks as 10 + the driver’s Pilot bonus.

Additional Equipment: Heavy Stubber or Plasma Gun or Heavy Flamer. Suppression Shield and Stun Baton. Optional: Bionic Limb. Requisition: Chimera or Repressor
Cyber-Mastiff: Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 6d10+10 (43 HP) Speed: 40’ (Burrow 10’, Climb 10’)
Strength 18 Dexterity 14 Constitution – Intelligence – Wisdom 10 Charisma –
Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +2
Mindless, Stability, Trip (Bite)
Armour Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 Armour), Flat Footed 18, Touch Attack 12
BAB/Grapple: +6/+10
Bite +10 (1d8+6 plus 1 Con plus Trip +4)
2 Claws +8 (1d6+2)
Inquisitorial Acolyte

“Four dead Tau Fire Warriors. It looks like someone… just put out their fires.”


Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Telepathic Psyker, Investigator, Psykic Strike +1d8
2Advanced Telepathy, People Person
3Psykic Master, Psykic Strike +2d8+Cha, Orbital Bombardment

Telepathic Psyker: the Acolyte is now a Psyker, and has Telepathy out to 200’. Additionally they may “cast” Halt as a supernatural ability at will. The DC for all Psykic abilities is Charisma-based.

Psykic Strike: as a Swift action, psychic energy can be called upon to add extra damage to the next melee attack. This is a Supernatural ability.

Investigator: all Inquisitorial agents are good at digging around for information. Select one ability from the following list.
-Any [Skill] feat as a bonus feat
-Zone of Truth 1/hour as a Spell-like Ability
-See Invisibility 1/hour as a Spell-like Ability
-Skill Mastery (applies to a number of skills equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier)
-Scry 1/day as a Spell-like Ability

Advanced Telepathy: at this stage, the Acolyte is a greater telepath, gaining a permanent Detect Thoughts ability out to 100’. They may also use Detect Chaos and True Strike as Supernatural abilities at will.

People Person: the Acolyte gains one of the following feats as a bonus feat.
-Con Artist
-Dreadful Demeanour
-Many Faced
-Master of Terror
-Natural Empath

Psykic Master: at this stage, the Acolyte’s abilities have fully bloomed. They may use “Vision of Entropy” and “Charm Person” as Spell-like abilities at will, and “Hold Monster” as a Spell-like Ability once per hour, and have a constant “Locate City” effect active. Additionally, anyone who attempts to use a [Mind Affecting] effect on them is subject to Psychic Poison, with a primary damage of 1d8 Wisdom and secondary damage of falling comatose.

Orbital Bombardment: once per day, the Acolyte may make a call to the ships in orbit, requesting a destructive bombardment of the surface. There is a delay of 1d3 rounds, but after this time, one 100’ radius area is struck for 10d6 Fire damage and 10d6 Sonic damage, hit by a powerful warhead.

Additional Equipment: Rosarius, Psy-Occulum, Digi-Weapon, Bolter. Requisition: Rhino, Power Weapon, Scout Power Armour.

“I hereby sentence you all… *bang!* …to death.”

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Death Sentence, Improved Mettle, Detective (bonus feat)
2Bonus Hit Points, Perfect Tracking, Seeker of the Truth
3Retaliation, Masterful Grapple, Immune to Enchantments

Declare Sentence: as a move-equivalent action, the Judge may declare a foe to be hated. The Judge and all allies gain a +3 bonus to hit and +3d6 damage against that enemy until the beginning of the Judge’s next turn.

Bonus Hit Points: Judges fight off assassins more often than they change their socks. As such, they gain additional HP equal to their character level multiplied by their Strength modifier, as muscles turn to steel.

Perfect Tracking: Judges gain the Track ability, which never fails and can never be confused. Additionally, they always take half as much time.

Seeker of the Truth: Judges gain a +4 bonus to Sense Motive and Gather Information, and additionally, may automatically Search for Secret Doors and for Traps whenever within 10’ of either.

Retaliation: a Judge may, as a free action, goad enemies into attacking, lowering their own Armour Class by 4 until their next turn. If a foe takes the bait and attacks, they provoke an attack of opportunity from the Judge.

Masterful Grapple: at third level, a Judge gains the Juggernaut feat, and additionally gains a Constrict attack that deals 1d6 damage plus their Strength modifier.

Additional Equipment: Power Armour, Suppression Shield, Stun Baton, Bolt Pistol. Requisition: Rhino or Repressor.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Penal Legionnaire Prestige Classes:

Heartless Killer

“Man, I killed her for nothing; imagine what I’ll do to you.”

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
1Fearless, Aura of Fear, Sneak Attack +1d6
2Melee Extremist, Rapid Poison Use, Without a Trace
3He’s Behind You!, Sneak Attack +2d6, Bloodthirsty Killer

Fearless:Heartless Killers are immune to [Fear] effects and Intimidation of all kinds.

Aura of Fear: this extends out to 20’ and the DC is Charisma-based. Failure causes the victims to become Shaken.

Melee Extremist: select one melee weapon. The Heartless Killer now gains an additional attack per round (at their highest bonus) with it, and all critical hits cause the victim to need to make a Will save (DC = damage dealt) or Panic for 1 minute.

Rapid Poison Use: Heartless Killers have no risk of poisoning themselves (even ignoring their immunity), and can apply poison to a weapon as a Swift action.

Without a Trace: Heartless Killers may Hide as a Swift action, even if being observed.

He’s Behind You!: when performing a successful sneak attack, the Heartless Killer automatically scores a critical hit. The Sneak Attack dice are not multiplied, as usual.

Bloodthirsty Killer: upon killing a foe, the Heartless Killer gains a +3 morale bonus to all rolls they make, and additionally gains another attack per round with their specialized weapon. These benefits last for one minute and do not stack.

Additional Equipment: Poison, Ripper Pistol, Chainsword, Gas Grenades, Flame Pistol

Reformed Officer

“That’s all behind me now. I changed, I made things right. Now, let’s make them right. And by right I mean dead.”

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Aura 1, Command (standard action), Old Tricks, Camaraderie
2Rally, Sneak Attack +1d6, Lie Detector
3Command (move action), Aura 2, Dirtiest Player

Aura: at levels 1 and 3, the Reformed Officer learns how to utilize an aura. It takes a Swift action to begin using the aura, which extends out to 50’ and affects all allies in the area. Only one can be used at a time.
-Aura of Willpower: Fearlessness
-Aura of Determination: Immunity to Dazing and Stunning
-Aura of Hatred: Rage as a Barbarian of ½ their level (see: Races of War)
-Aura of Perfection: Gain a +3 bonus on all actions, and a +3 bonus to Armour Class

Command: first as a standard action, and later as a move-equivalent action, the Reformed Officer may issue a command, providing a bonus or an extra action to allies who are close enough to hear the command and who accept it.
-Move Out: perform a Move Action
-Go to Ground: gain a +4 bonus to saving throws and AC against one attack
-Take Them Out: perform a single attack
-Take Cover: gain Evasion for the round
-Take Aim: the next attack made is an automatic Critical Hit

Old Tricks: any attack of opportunity the Reformed Officer makes gains the Sneak Attack damage.

Camaraderie: everyone likes the Reformed Officer. All Aid Other attempts made to assist them (or made by them to assist others) increase the bonus to +5

Rally: once per hour, the Reformed Officer may shout out a warcry that helps everyone keep fighting. This works like Mass Cure Moderate Wounds as a Supernatural ability.

Lie Detector: liars make the best lie detectors, so Reformed Officers can use Bluff in place of Sense Motive.

Dirtiest Player: whenever combat starts, the Reformed Officer gets a surprise round.

Additional Equipment: Mesh Armour, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol. Requisition: Chimera

Roguish Scoundrel

“Damn straight I shot first, but if I hadn’t, he would have, and look who’s alive.”

Hit Die: 1d6
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Lovable Rogue, Nimble Feet, Rapid Reload
2Know-It-All, Master of Terrain, Things a Guy in a Pub Said
3Sneak Attack +1d6, Hamstring Attack, Rapid Hide

Lovable Rogue: people somehow seem drawn to these sorts, so they enjoy a +4 bonus on Diplomacy, Bluff and Gather Information checks. Additionally, they may take either Con Artist, Many Faces or Persuasive as a bonus feat.

Nimble Feet: as an Immediate action, a Roguish Scoundrel may make a 5’ step to avoid an attack. If this succeeds, the foe loses their Dexterity bonus to AC for one round.

Rapid Reload: the Roguish Scoundrel can reload Firearms as a free action.

Know-It-All: this functions like Bardic Lore

Master of Terrain: as a Move-equivalent action, the Roguish Scoundrel may glance about and find the best use of the terrain. Make a Knowledge: Nature or Geography (outdoors) or Dungeoneering or Architecture (indoors) check. If you roll 15 or more, you gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex saves until you move. If you roll 20, the bonus increases to +3, and if you get a 25+, the bonus becomes +5.

Things a Guy in a Pub Said: whenever meeting anyone who the DM cared enough about to name, you may make an immediate Gather Information check to learn about them.

Hamstring Attack: when dealing Sneak Attack damage, the Roguish Scoundrel may sacrifice 1d6 of damage and instead Stagger the foe for one round, as well as halving their move speed for one minute (or until healed).

Rapid Hide: whenever a foe misses the Roguish Scoundrel in combat (including through miss chance, Nimble Feet or a successful Reflex save), the Scoundrel may make a Hide check as a free action.

Additional Equipment: Flak Armour (Breastplate), Plasma Pistol, Chameleoline, Grav-Chute, Auspex.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Storm Trooper Prestige Classes:

Deep Strike Assaulter


Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
1Deep Strike (Glide, Charging Disembark), Bulging Biceps, Wounding Slice
2Furious Charge, Rending Slice, Deafening Gunfire
3Deep Strike (Seize the Objective), Crippling Shot, Air Strike

Deep Strike:
-Glide: assisted by Grav-Chutes, the Assaulter is able to glide 20’ per 10’ fallen.
-Charging Disembark: when leaving a vehicle, the Assaulter may immediately charge.
-Seize the Objective: at the very start of combat, on their turn, the Deep Strike Assaulter may move, fire as a full action, then move again, and fire again.

Bulging Biceps: Assaulters do not need to brace heavy weapons, and thus can move and still fire them once. They must brace Massive weapons, though needn’t spend one round setting them up. Additionally, they treat the Heavy Flamer and Heavy Stubber as Assault Weapons, not Heavy Weapons.

Wounding Slice: whenever attacking with a slashing melee weapon, an Assaulter deals one point of Constitution damage.

Furious Charge: when charging, the Assaulter gains the benefits of Pounce and +2 to their Strength.

Rending Slice: Assaulters ignore all Damage Reduction and Regeneration in melee. If their target lacks both, they simply deal +2d6 damage.

Deafening Gunfire: everyone within 30’ of the Assaulter, except for their allies who are used to the noise (and wear filter plugs), must make a Fortitude save when they fire. The DC is 25, and failure Deafens them for 1d4 rounds.

Crippling Shot: as a Standard action, the Assaulter may make a single shot with a ranged weapon. If it hits, the target must make a Fort save (DC = damage dealt) or be paralysed for 1d4 rounds.

Air Strike: as a Move-equivalent action, the Assaulter may call in an air strike. It takes 1d4 rounds for the call to be answered, and at the end of this duration, three Vakyries, Vultures or Vendettas unleash their weapons (rocket pods, Hellstrike Missiles or Hellfury Missiles).

Additional Equipment: Power Weapon, Krak Grenades. Requisition: Valkyrie or Vendetta, Heavy Flamer or Heavy Stubber.

Drop Troop Infiltrator

“Sentries down… send the tanks in.”

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Deep Strike (Glide), Master of Assault, Many Faced (bonus feat)
2Deep Strike (Stealthy Landing), Kip-up, Rescuer, Woodland Stride
3Deep Strike (Running Landing), Champion of Assault, Perfect Senses

Deep Strike:
-Glide: assisted by Grav-Chutes, the Infiltrator is able to glide 20’ per 10’ fallen.
-Stealthy Landing: upon reaching the ground, the Infiltrator may Hide as a free action.
-Running Landing: upon reaching the ground, the Infiltrator may move 30’ for free.

Master of Assault: the Infiltrator is adept at engaging foes while on the run. They either gain an additional attack per round with Assault Firearms (at their highest attack bonus), or the ability to throw grenades as a Swift action and Two Weapon Rend.

Kip-up: the Infiltrator may stand as a Free or Immediate action.

Rescuer: as a Full Round action, the Infiltrator may make a Heal check to provide emergency medical attention to another: If they were killed within one minute ago, a DC 25 Heal check can raise them back from the dead to 1 HP. On a living target, they regain HP equal to the Heal check minus ten. This may only be used once per person per day.

Champion of Assault: the Infiltrator specializes in suddenly striking from nowhere, slaying a victim instantly. Select one melee weapon type (Bludgeoning, Slashing or Piercing). All melee weapons of that type deal double damage, and a full attack with them can be made as a Standard action.

Perfect Senses: at 3rd level, the senses of the Drop Troop Infiltrator become so finely tuned as to spot enemies in the jungle when dropping from the sky. They gain a +6 bonus on Spot and Listen checks, and may automatically make an attempt to detect hidden/silent enemies within 60’ as a free action, without knowing to look for them.

Additional Equipment: Medikit, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Sword. Requisition: Gas Grenades, Drop Pod, Valkyrie.

Shock Pilot

“On top of a land raider? My friend, I can land a Marauder on top of a land speeder!”

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Will
1Combat Driving, Turbo Boost, Mastery of Piloting
2Rapid Repairs, Combat School, Communications Expert, Swerve
3Flight of the Valkyries, Artillery Bombardment, Deep Strike (Heavy Strike)

Proficient: Heavy Weapons
Combat Driving: Shock Pilots are experts at driving in combat – it’s actually their job. Their vehicles do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving, and treat their Armour Class against all attacks as 10 + the driver’s Pilot bonus.

Turbo Boost: every round as a Swift action, the Shock Pilot may make a DC 30 Pilot check to add 30’ to the base speed of their vehicle for the round.

Mastery of Piloting: Shock Pilots gain a +8 bonus on Pilot checks with all vehicles they are familiar with, and take no penalty on checks with vehicles they are unfamiliar with. Additionally, they may always take 10 on Pilot checks, even when threatened.

Rapid Repairs: Shock Pilots halve the time it takes to make any Repairs on vehicles.

Combat School: this bonus feat applies to all vehicle weapons (but not pintle-mounted).

Communications Expert: the communication skills of pilots may not be amazing, but their ability to utilize equipment is amazing. As such, their radio/laser comms devices extend their range by an extra 50%, and all checks made over them gain a +4 bonus.

Swerve: as an Immediate action, the Pilot may make a Pilot check (DC = damage dealt) to negate a successful hit against their vehicle.

Flight of the Valkyries: any ally within 100’ of the Pilot’s vehicle gains a Greater Heroism effect.

Artillery Bombardment: once per day, the Pilot may call for an artillery barrage, arriving 1d3 rounds later as: 4 Basilisks/Vanquishers or 1 Manticore/Deathstrike.

Deep Strike (Heavy Strike): all Deep Strike abilities apply to vehicles piloted.

Additional Equipment: Chimera or Valkyrie or Vendetta or Vulture or Hell Hound or Devil Dog or Bane Wolf. Repair Kit. Requisition: Marauder or Le Man Russ.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Veteran Prestige Classes:


“This is for your own good…”

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Aura, Aura of Fearlessness, Feed Upon Pain
2Command, Pinning Gunshot, Point-Blank Killer
3Execution, Psykic Guardian, Emperor’s Mercy

Aura: the Commissar gains a single Aura as per the Reformed Officer.

Aura of Fearlessness: Commissars help keep people brave: they fear the Commissar more than anyone else. All allies within 100’ of the Commissar (self-included) are immune to [Fear] effects.

Feed Upon Pain: Commissars are immune to [Pain] effects and Fatigue, and all such effects merely bestow the benefits of a Heroism spell for 1 minute. Every round, if the Commissar was injured on the previous round, they gain a +5 morale bonus to attack rolls and damage.

Command: the Commissar gains the Command ability of the Reformed Officer.

Pinning Gunshot: as a Standard action, the Commissar may fire a Pistol at an enemy. If it hits, the target must make a Will save (Charisma-based) or Cower for 1d4 rounds.

Point-Blank Killer: any Pistol the Commissar fires at an adjacent foe automatically scores a critical hit.

Execution: in the hands of a Commissar, all Pistols add +2 to their critical multiplier, as long as the Commissar was not successfully hit in the previous turn, as it disrupts the concentration needed for a lethal shot.

Psykic Guardian: Commissars have that special sense for magic, and know to shoot casters and Psykers before things go wrong. As such, using Spells and Spell-like Abilities provokes attacks of opportunity from the Commissar if within 50’ of them.

Emperor’s Mercy: Commissars may perform a Coup de Grace on Stunned foes.

Additional Equipment: Chainsword and Plasma Pistol or Power Sword and Masterwork Bolt Pistol. Requisition: Scout Power Armour, Digital Weapons, Chimera, Power Fist.

Demolition Expert

“If you see me running? Try to keep up.”

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex
1Empowered Explosives, Rapid Demolitions, Trapper, Sympathy Limbs
2Maximised Explosives, Machine Breaker, Master of Ordinance
3Intensified Explosives, Destroyer, Call the Marauders

Empowered Explosives: whenever the Demolition Expert uses an explosive (any Grenades or Missiles or Mortars, Melta Bombs, Demolition Devices or Ordinance weapons on vehicles), the damage is Empowered.

Rapid Demolitions: setting up explosives and demolitions only ever takes a Standard action (or less, if normal) for a Demolition Expert.

Trapper: whenever a Demolition Expert throws a Frag or Krak Grenade, the damage causes the area of effect to become Difficult Terrain.

Sympathy Limbs: it is expected that Demolition Experts will lose limbs in their trade. As such, they can always get cybernetic replacements.

Maximised Explosives: whenever the Demolition Expert uses an explosive, the damage is now Maximised instead of Empowered.

Machine Breaker: Demolition Experts can score critical hits against Constructs.

Master of Ordinance: select one of the following two abilities upon reaching level 2.
-Always ignore all Damage Reduction and Hardness with explosives
-Any vehicle/Construct hit with an explosive becomes Staggered until repaired.

Intensified Explosives: whenever the Demolition Expert uses an explosive, the damage is now Intensified (Maximised then doubled) instead of just Maximised.

Destroyer: the Demolition Expert now always scores critical hits against Constructs.

Call the Marauders: Once per day, the Demolition Expert may call for a Marauder Bomber to make a bombing run (arriving 1d4 rounds later).

Additional Equipment: Frag, Krak and Plasma Grenades, Melta Bombs, Scout Mines, 1 Demolition Device. Requisition: Mortar, Rocket Launcher, robotic device that carries extra ammunition (up to 300lbs) and trundles along at a Speed of 30.

Weapon Proficiencies: Heavy


“Three bullets, three headshots, three kills… my work here is done.”

Hit Die: 1d6
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Marksman, Mark the Target, Blend Into the Shadows
2Double Tap, Snipe on the Move, Spotter
3Perfect Shot, Hair Trigger, Silent Killer, Sweet Spot

Marksman: the Sniper doubles the range of all Rapid Fire and Heavy Firearms used.

Mark the Target: as a Move-equivalent action, a Sniper may “mark” a target. Until the beginning of their next turn, all shots they make against the marked target deal an additional 1d6 of damage per character level.

Blend Into the Shadows: the Sniper gains Skill Mastery with the Hide skill, and a +4 bonus to all Hide checks.

Double Tap: when using a Standard action to shoot a marked foe, the Sniper may make two shots at their highest bonus.

Snipe on the Move: the Sniper can now move at half speed and still unleash a single shot against their marked foe, all in one Standard action.

Spotter: the Sniper gains Skill Mastery with the Spot skill, and a +4 bonus to all Spot checks.

Perfect Shot: as a Full Round Action, the Sniper may focus and concentrate on one target, lining them up. On the next round, all attacks made against this target are automatic critical hits.

Hair Trigger: the Sniper can take attacks of opportunity with firearms, and threatens an area out to 100 feet.

Silent Killer: the Sniper gains Skill Mastery with the Move Silently skill, and a +4 bonus to all Move Silently checks.

Sweet Spot: whenever the Sniper shoots a marked foe, blood splatters, blinding the foe and all adjacent foes who fail a Ref save (Intelligence-based), for one round.

Additional Equipment: Masterwork Needle Rifle, Chameleoline. Requisition: Lascannon or Auto Cannon.

Proficiencies: Needle Rifles, Lascannons, Auto Cannons
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »


All feats from Races of War are allowed (along with the Skill feats made by the Denizens), as are basically all regular feats from D&D, with the exception of [Heritor] feats and such. Even the minor magic feats may be taken – these spell-like abilities manifest as Minor Psykic Powers.

Additional feats follow.

A note on [Psyker] feats: no individual may possess more than two [Psyker] feats aside from Minor Powers. Being an Inquisitorial Acolyte counts as possessing a single [Psyker] feat. Additionally, possessing a [Psyker] feat makes you a Psyker for all intents and purposes.

Telekinesis [Psyker]

You have some degree of telekinetic power.

Benefit: you may cast Greater Mage Hand and Shield as Supernatural abilities at will.

At 3rd level, you may cast Telekinetic Sphere and Wall of Force once each per hour as Spell-like abilities.

At 6th level, you may cast Wings of Cover and Telekinesis as Spell-like abilities at will. You may also cast Forcecage once per day as a Spell-like ability.

At 10th level, you may deal 20d4 Force Damage to a single target once per day, as a Supernatural ability. This is negated with a successful Fortitude save.

Telepathy [Psyker]


Benefit: you gain Telepathy out to 100' as a Supernatural ability, and can cast Distract Assailant as a Supernatural ability at will.

At 3rd level, you may cast Detect Thoughts and Chain of Eyes once each per hour as Spell-like abilities.

At 6th level, you may cast Vision of Entropy and Ray of Diziness as Spell-like abilities at will. You may also cast Charm Monster once per day as a Spell-like ability.

At 10th level, you may cast Probe Thoughts once per day as a Supernatural Ability, and Greater Rebuke once per hour as a Supernatural Ability.

Pyromancy [Psyker]

You can set things on fire by thinking about it really hard.

Benefit: you may cast Scorching Ray and Heat Stroke as Supernatural abilities at will.

At 3rd level, you may cast Fireball and Parboil once each per hour as Spell-like abilities.

At 6th level, you may cast Wall of Fire and Blackfire as Spell-like abilities at will.
You may also cast Quickened Flamestrike once per day as a Spell-like ability.

At 10th level, you become Immune to Fire, as a Supernatural ability.

Biomancy [Psyker]

Your control over your body, and those of others, is disturbing.

Benefit: you may cast Expeditious Retreat and Ray of Enfeeblement as Supernatural abilities at will.

At 3rd level, you may cast Cure Moderate Wounds and Bull’s Strength once each per hour as Spell-like abilities.

At 6th level, you may cast Blindness/Deafness as a Spell-like ability at will.
You may also cast Horrid Sickness once per day as a Spell-like ability.

At 10th level, you may cast Polymorph once per day, as a Supernatural ability.

Beastmaster [Psyker]

Animals like you. They also insist on hanging around you.

Benefit: you gain Wild Empathy and an Animal Companion as though you were a Druid of your own level.

Minor Powers [Psyker]

You possess a handful of lesser powers that make good party tricks. They’re minor enough that Inquisitors generally don’t even care, unless they’re in a bad mood or it’s Thursday.

Benefit: you may utilize a number of powers as spell-like abilities at will:
-Mage Hand
-Acid Splash
-Mage Armour
-Cure Minor Wounds


You like to toy with machinery, taking your equipment apart and making it better. Some consider this heresy, but some consider skipping breakfast heresy, so whatever.

Benefit: given 8 hours of downtime and the right materials, you may enhance your equipment – or that of your allies. You may increase the range of a weapon by 25% or the speed of a vehicle by 25%, or improve the Armour bonus of armour or a vehicle by +2. You may also make any equipment Masterwork in quality or add +1d6 damage to a weapon. You can also quite possibly create certain Wondrous Items or grant special abilities to equipment, entirely dependant on whether the DM feels like allowing it.


You now have bionic tentacles. Schoolgirls not included.

Benefit: a pair of robotic tendrils is added to your body. They provide a +4 bonus on Climb and Grapple checks, and can reach out to 15’ to perform actions such as Sleight of Hand, Repair, Heal and Disable Device. They may even be used to grapple foes at a distance, although you do not add your own Strength bonus in this case. They may also be used to make a flailing attack, dealing 1d6 Slashing damage, plus your Strength modifier. At level 6, your body can provide enough extra energy to add 1d6 Electrical damage plus your Constitution modifier.

Bionic Reconstruction

We can rebuild you… stronger, faster, more expensive!

Benefit: if you ever lose a limb or an eye, you simply get a bionic replacement, no questions asked. Additionally, upon taking this feat you may have metallic components surgically added to grant a 25% immunity to critical hits, as well as up to 3 of the following (any may be taken more than once):
-Secret Compartment (you have a hidden carry capacity of about half a square foot)
-Charger Port (you may recharge clips for laser weapons, 1 clip per hour)
-Drug Dispenser (once per day, gain the effects of Cure Light Wounds or Barkskin)
-Shock Inducer (once per day, you may deliver a Shocking Grasp attack)

Special: If you lack this feat and lose a limb, you must trade a feat out for it unless you are deemed worthy of receiving a replacement for free.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »


A note on proficiencies and firearms: firearms come in four basic varieties:

Pistols: whether you move or stand still, you can fire a pistol a number of times equal to your melee attacks (yes, a full attack as a standard action). They are single-handed weapons, and tend to have poor range relative to other guns.

Rapid Fire: two-handed weapons, these can all be used as clubs, and can be fired once as a standard action if you move, or fired on full auto as a full round action, making your full number of attacks.

Assault: these are two-handed weapons as well, and most of them allow your full number of attacks whether you move or stay still. Some have special rules, however. Also note that two Assault weapons are only Assault weapons if you take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency - otherwise they are Heavy.

Heavy: these require you to brace the weapon as a move action, so you cannot move and shoot. Some of these have a single, powerful shot, whereas others fire on full auto, granting your full compliment of attacks.

Some Heavy weapons are listed as [Massive]. These require, for anyone not wearing full Power Armour or better, a full round to set up on the ground before you can begin firing. People in full Power Armour, on the other hand, can totally carry them about and fire them like normal Heavy weapons.

A suggestion on ammo: unless they are on prolonged missions, assume they have "enough" ammo and can just keep reloading (note that they must still spend the action to reload), topping up every time they return to the base.

Syn-Skin [Light]
Armour Bonus: +2
Max Dex: -
Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Special: +4 to Hide checks, constant Blur effect

Flak Armour [Light]
Armour Bonus: +4
Max Dex: +3
Penalty: -3
Arcane Spell Failure: 20%
Damage Reduction: 5/magic or Adamantine

Mesh Armour [Light]
Armour Bonus: +4
Max Dex: +6
Penalty: -1
Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
Fire and Cold Resistance 5

Carapace Armour [Light]
Armour Bonus: +5
Max Dex: +4
Penalty: -2
Arcane Spell Failure: 20%
Damage Reduction: 10/magic or Adamantine
Fully Sealed, Visor

Scout Power Armour [Medium]
Armour Bonus: +8
Max Dex: +5
Penalty: -4
Arcane Spell Failure: 25%
Damage Reduction: 25/Adamantine or Power
Barely Fortified (10% Critical Hit Immunity)
Strength: +2
Machine Spirit: add the wearer's BAB to the DR

Power Armour [Medium]
Armour Bonus: +10
Max Dex: +3
Penalty: -6
Arcane Spell Failure: 50%
Damage Reduction: 30/Adamantine or Power
Lightly Fortified
Strength +4, +2 to Fortitude saves
Fully Sealed, Visor, Radio Comms 100'
Machine Spirit: add the wearer's BAB to the DR

Artificer Armour [Medium]
Armour Bonus: +12
Max Dex: +2
Penalty: -6
Arcane Spell Failure: 90%
Damage Reduction: 50/Adamantine or Power
Lightly Fortified
Strength +4, +5 to Fortitude saves
Fully Sealed, Visor, Radio Comms 100'
Machine Spirit: add the wearer's BAB to the DR

Terminator Armour [Heavy]
Armour Bonus: +15
Max Dex: +1
Penalty: -10
Arcane Spell Failure: 200%
Damage Reduction: 50/Adamantine or Power, 10/- (use the best of the two in any situation)
Moderately Fortified
Strength +6, +5 to Fortitude saves
Against Touch Attacks: +6 to AC, DR 20/-
Teleport 1/Day
Machine Spirit: add the wearer's BAB to both DR ratings
Damage Reduction: the DR from Imperial Armour applies against energy types just as much as against physical sources, however any effect that "Ignores Armour" or "Ignores the Armour Bonus to AC" or similar (including Touch Attacks but not including effects that have no attack roll, such as Magic Missile or Fireball) ignores the DR.

Fully Sealed Armour: Immunity to Gas and Drowning, +2 bonus on saves vs Enchantments

Visor: Immunity to being Dazzled or Blinded, Low-Light Vision

Radio Comms: this more or less functions as Telepathy with those set on the same frequency.


All pistols benefit from the Machine Spirit rule: add the wielder's BAB to the damage.
Las Pistol: 50' range, 1d8 Light damage, clip-30, crit 20/x2
Treats Armour bonus as 2 points lower (minimum 0)
*Hot-Shot Ammo: clip-1, Touch Attack, 2d8 Light damage

Hell Pistol: 50' range, 1d8 Light damage, pack-100, crit 18-20/x2 [Hell]

Plasma Pistol: 50' range, 5d6 Fire/Electricity damage, canister-10, crit 20/x2
Touch attacks [Plasma]

Auto Pistol: 50' range, 2d4 Piercing damage, clip-12, crit 19-20/x2

Ripper Pistol: 50' range, 2d4 Piercing damage plus Poison, clip-10, crit 19-20/x2
Poison: DC 20, 1d4 Con/2d6 Con

Stub Pistol: 50' range, 2d6 Bludgeoning damage, clip-8, crit 20/x3
*Manstopper Ammo: 2d8 Bludgeoning damage, DR counts double

Bolt Pistol: 50' range, 3d6 Fire/Sonic damage, clip-20, crit 20/x3
*Can take special Bolter ammunition

Inferno Pistol: 30' range, 4d8 Fire damage, canister-10, crit 20/x3
touch attacks, no regeneration [Melta]

Flame Pistol: 10' Cone of fire, 2d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC = Attack Roll), canister-6
Failed save causes burning (1d6 Fire damage per round), ignores cover

Combi-Needler: Bolt Pistol with alternate fire: single-shot, 2d4 Piercing damage, clip-1, crit 18-20/x2, Poison: DC 20, 1d4 Dex/1d4 Con

Neural Shredder: Pistol Firearm, 20' cone, 10d6 Electricity damage, Will half. On a failed save the target is Stunned for 1 round unless immune to electricity. Canister-10.

Plasma-Flame Combi Weapon: this can be fired as a Plasma Pistol or a Hand Flamer, but not both in the same turn. Each has their canister capacity halved.

Exitus Autopistol: this functions as a clip-6 Autopistol that deals 2d6 damage per shot.

Rapid Fire Firearms:

All Rapid Fire Firearms benefit from the Machine Spirit rule: add the wielder's BAB to the damage.
Lasgun: 100' range, 2d6 Light damage, clip-30, crit 20/x2
Treats Armour bonus as 2 points lower (minimum 0)
*Hot shot pack: clip-1, Touch Attack, 4d6 Light damage

Plasma Gun: 100' range, 6d6 Fire/Electricity damage, canister-20, crit 20/x2
Touch Attacks [Plasma]

Boltgun: 100' range, 4d6 Fire/Sonic damage, clip-30, crit 20/x3
*Can take special Bolter ammunition, may have a Sarissa (counts as a +1 Keen Spear)

Exitus Rifle: 200' range Rapid Fire, 3d6 Piercing damage, clip-10, crit-20/x4, fires any of the following ammunition types:
-Shield Breaker: delivers touch attacks, causes Fatigue on a failed Fort save (DC 20)
-Penetrator: ignores all damage reduction and regeneration
-Hellfire: deals 6d6 Acid damage, also delivering a Poison (DC 25, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con)

Assault Firearms:

Assault Firearms benefit from the Machine Spirit rule: they add the wielder's BAB to the damage.
Shotgun: depends on ammunition used, clip-12
-Scattershot: 20' cone, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, Ref half (DC = Attack roll)
-Solid Shot: 60' range, 3d6 Bludgeoning, crit 20/x3
-Executioner Rounds: 100' range, 2d6 Piercing damage, crit 19-20/x2, not affected by cover or any miss chance

Melta: 50' range, 5d8 Fire damage, canister-20, crit 20/x3, touch attacks, no regeneration [Melta]

Flamer: 30' cone of fire, 6d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC = Attack roll), canister-10, ignores cover
Failed save: target burns (1d8 Fire per round)
Each extra attack merely adds +2d6 damage to the one attack.

Anima Speculum: 100' range Assault Firearm, 3d6 Force Damage, crit 20/x2, clip-10, 6d6 Force Damage against Psykers and Spellcasters. For every Psyker or Spellcaster within 30 feet, improve the critical threat range by 1.

Heavy Flamer: 50' cone of fire, 10d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC = Attack roll), fuel tank-20, ignores cover
Failed save: target burns (2d6 Fire per round)
Each extra attack merely adds +2d6 damage to the one attack.
Counts as Heavy without Exotic training

Heavy Stubber: 100' range, 4d6 Bludgeoning damage, belt-100, crit 20/x3
Upon being hit by all incoming shots, the target must make a DC 20 Strength check or be knocked prone (size modifiers/stability do apply)
Counts as Heavy without Exotic training

Autogun: 120' range, 2d6 Piercing damage, clip-20, crit 19-20/x2

Storm Bolter: 150' range, 4d6 Fire/Sonic damage, drum-60, crit 20/x3
*Can take special Bolter ammunition, allows 1 extra shot (at highest BAB) per turn

Grenade Launcher: 70' range, launches grenades, clip-6

Hell Gun: 100' range, 2d6 Light damage, pack-100, crit 18-20/x2 [Hell]

Heavy Weapons:

Heavy Weapons benefit from the Machine Spirit rule: the wielder's BAB is added to the damage.
Needle Rifle/Sniper Rifle: 250' range, 2d4 Piercing damage plus Poison, clip-10, crit 19-20/x3
Poison: DC 20, 1d6 Str/2d6 Con

Heavy Bolter: 200' range, 6d6 Fire/Sonic damage, belt-100, crit 20/x4
*Can take special Bolter ammunition

Lascannon: 250' range, 15d6 Light damage, battery-40, crit 19-20/x2
Touch Attacks, single-shot only, [Massive]

Autocannon: 300' range, 6d6 Piercing/Bludgeoning damage, drum-40, crit 20/x4
Upon being hit by all incoming shots, the target must make a DC 20 Strength check or be knocked prone (size modifiers/stability do apply)

Multilaser: 200' range, 6d6 Light damage, battery-100, crit 19-20/x2
Halve armour bonus, +1 attack in a full attack, vehicle-mounted only

Rocket Launcher: 200' range, delivers Frag or Krak missiles, clip-4
Single-shot only
-Frag: 30' radius, 5d6 Fire/Sonic damage, Ref half (DC 18)
-Krak: 6d8 Fire/Sonic damage, crit 19-20/x4

Plasma Cannon: 200' range, 10d6 Fire/Electricity damage in a 15' radius
Ref half (DC 25), cell-20 [Plasma] [Massive]

Multi-Melta: 100' range, 8d8 Fire damage, fuel tank-25, crit 20/x2, touch attacks, no regeneration [Melta]
Single-shot only

Assault Cannon: 200' range, 2d4 Piercing, drum-300, crit 19-20/special
Make one attack, target suffers 1 hit for each point the attack roll exceeds his AC. On a critical threat, simply double the number of hits.

Rocket Pods: 60' range, 30' radius explosion, 6d6 Fire/Sonic damage, Ref half (DC 16), no cover saves, drum-10, vehicle-mounted only

Hunter-Killer Missile: 1000' range, 10' radius explosion, 8d8 Fire/Piercing damage, Ref half (DC 17), no save for target if hit, crit 17-20/x2, single-use, vehicle-mounted only

Hellfury Missile: 500' range, 10' radius explosion, 10d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC 20), single-use, vehicle-mounted only

Hellstrike Missile: 500' range, 50' radius explosion, 5d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC 18), no cover bonus, single-use, vehicle-mounted only

Demolition Device: 30' range, 15' radius blast, 10d6 Fire/Sonic damage, Ref Half (DC = attack roll), those who fail the save are knocked Prone. Single-use only.

Battle Cannon: 500' range, 20' radius blast, 6d6 Sonic/Bludgeoning damage, Ref Half (DC = attack roll). Hand-loaded, single-shot only, vehicle-mounted only.

Earthshaker: 1,000' range, 100' radius blast, 8d6 Sonic/Bludgeoning damage, Ref Half (DC = attack roll if direct, 15 if indirect), those who fail the save are knocked Prone and Stunned for 1 round. Hand-loaded, single-shot only, vehicle-mounted only.

Vanquisher: 750' range, 50' radius blast, 8d6 Sonic/Bludgeoning damage, Ref half (DC = attack roll), ignores all Damage Reduction and Regeneration, Deafens all in 100' for 1 minute on a failed Fortitude save (DC 20). Hand-loaded, single-shot only, vehicle-mounted only.

Manticore Missile: 1000' range, bursts into four 10' radius blasts. 5d6 Fire/Sonic damage each, Ref half (DC 16). Single-use, single-shot only, vehicle-mounted only.

Deathstrike Missile: 2000' range, 500' radius explosion. 20d6 Fire/Sonic damage to all in the area, Ref Half (DC 25). Single-use, vehicle-mounted only.

Bomb: dropped from the air, 20' radius blast, 5d6 Sonic/Bludgeoning damage, Ref half (DC 16). Single-use, vehicle-mounted only.

Mortar: launches a Bomb to 100', clip-1 (hand-loaded from a box of 4)

Frag Grenade: thrown to 40', 20' radius explosion, 4d6 Fire/Bludgeoning, Ref Half (DC 15), those who fail the save are knocked Prone.

Krak Grenade: thrown to 30', 5' radius explosion, 8d6 Fire/Bludgeoning, Ref Half (DC 17)

Gas Grenade: thrown to 40', 20' radius cloud of gas. Counts as Obscuring Mist + Hypnotic Pattern to those in the area (Fort negates the latter, DC 20).

Plasma Grenade: thrown to 40', 10' radius explosion, 10d6 Fire/Electricity damage, Ref half (DC 16), lingers for 1d4 rounds.

Melta Bomb: attach to device, 5' radius explosion, 20d6 Fire damage, Fort half (DC 25), no more than half can be negated.

Concussion Mines/Scout Mines: set into ground as a 5' radius Caltrop field. Stepping on them causes a 10' radius explosion, 2d6 Sonic damage, Ref Half (DC 15, DC 25 for the one who stepped on them), failing the save also results in being Stunned for 1 round.

Psyk-Out Grenade: throw 40', 10' radius explosion, Psykers and Spellcasters must make a DC 20 Will save or fall unconscious for 1 hour.

Melee Weapons:

All melee weapons with the [Power] rule have the Machine Spirit special rule: the wielder's BAB is added to damage.
Chainsword: counts as a +1 Wounding Longsword that, if it hits successfully, Rends the target for an extra 2d6 damage at the end of the round.

Eviscerator: counts as a Blood-Drinking Wounding Power Greatsword that, if it hits successfully, Rends the target for an extra 4d6 damage at the end of the round. Has a built-in 1-use Flamer. Against Vehicles, each hit deals an additional 5 damage direct to HP, and the Rending damage is also applied direct to HP.

Power Weapon: Power Weapons ignore Armour Bonuses (but not magical enhancements to Armour Bonuses. I know, "whut?") and Natural Armour Bonuses to AC, as well as Hardness and any DR that can be overcome by [Power]. They can also hit ghosts etc., and have an innate enhancement bonus equal to 1/3 of the wielder, round down. Note that this does not allow it to specifically beat DR/magic. Usually Long Swords, Great Swords, Hand Axes or Great Axes, but there are Power Guisarmes and Power Khukri out there.

Power Fist: Power Fists count as Power Spiked Gauntlets that have a x4 critical multiplier and double the user's Strength for the purpose of dealing damage. [Power], like all Power Weapons.

Lightning Claw: a Lightning Claw is a Power Weapon that is one-handed and deals 1d8+Str base weapon damage, as well as an extra 1d10 Electricity damage. It has a 17-20/x2 threat range, and if worn as a pair, one damage roll for each may be re-rolled per turn.

Chainfist: it's a Chainsword! It's a Power Fist! No, it's.... CHAINFIST! This counts as a Power Fist, except it has a 4:1 Power Attack ratio and deals 1 Point of Constitution damage every time it strikes. If striking a vehicle, it deals 10 additional damage direct to HP.

Sarissa: added to a Bolter, it allows you to stab away with what is basically a +1 Keen Spear.

Suppression Shield: Tower Shield that bestows Electricity/Light resistance 20+BAB and can be used to bash foes for 1d6 Bludgeoning, plus 1d6 Electricity for every 10 electricity damage received in the past round (discharges after one use).

Stun Baton: 1d6 Bludgeoning/Electricity damage. 1-handed melee weapon. Foes must make a Fortitude save (DC = Damage Dealt) or be Stunned for 1 round. One stun attempt per round. 20/x3 crit.

Null Rod: a Power Stun Baton.

Relic Blade: this is a Martial or Exotic weapon of any variety, and is always a Power Demonbane Weapon. Additionally, the user gains a special Sacred bonus to their Strength:
0, +2 if Lawful, +2 if Good, +1 for every 4 ranks in Know: Religion for worshippers of the Emperor, +2 for those with the capacity to use Faith Powers.

Neural Whip: Shocking Power Whip that threatens the area, doesn't provoke, and can hurt armoured foes just fine.

C'tan Phase Sword: Power Short Sword. This weapon ignores Armour, Shield, Natural Armour and Deflection bonuses to Armour Class, as well as all Damage Reduction and Regeneration. It even injures Incorporeal or Ethereal creatures 100% of the time.

Neuro-Gauntlet: One Handed Martial Weapon, 1d10 Electricity damage, crit 20/x2, the first hit per foe per round forces a Fortitude save (DC = Damage dealt) or the target is Stunned for 1 round.

Chameleoline: occupies "Cloak" slot, grants a 25% miss chance through Concealment and Hide in Plain Sight, as well as a +4 bonus to Hide checks.

Digi-Weapons: 10' range, deals 2d6 Light damage, crit 20/x2, can be fired as a Swift action. Uses a Ring Slot or Eye Slot.

Grav-Chute: anyone wearing a Grav-Chute basically has a permanent Feather Fall effect, and never suffers falling damage.

Twin-link: if a weapon is twin-linked, then roll damage twice and pick the best one.

Medikit: this grants a +5 bonus to Heal checks, as well as providing one dose of each of the following:
-Morphia: immunity to [Pain], non-lethal damage and [Fear] for 1 hour
-Narthecium: Cure Critical Wounds, CL 15
-Antivenin: Neutralise Poison
-Apocalyptic Antibiotics: Cure Disease
-Stimm: Immunity to Fatigue for 1 hour, Haste for 1 minute
-Slaught: Rage and Bull's Strength for 1 minute, then Fatigue

Cloak of St. Aspira: occupies the "Cloak" slot, granting a +5 Enhancement bonus to AC, and adding 20 to any Damage Reduction, as well a granting +4 to Will saves and to Charisma.

Litanies of Faith: any Faith powers you possess with uses per day, hour, minute or encounter see this amount increased by +1. You also do not automatically fail attack rolls (and, if using Skip's dumb rules, saving throws) on a natural 1, and also gain a floating +1d6 that can, on your turn, be allocated to a single Saving Throw, Skill Check, Armour Class, Damage Reduction, Attack Roll or Damage Roll. Reading the litanies at the start of the day will, at the first combat of the day, cause a Divine Power or Righteous Might (your choice) to immediately kick in. Reading them before bed makes you immune to any dream/nightmare based spells or psychic intrusion while you sleep.

Roasarius: occupies the "Belt" slot, granting a +5 Deflection bonus to AC, as well as a +3 Resistance bonus to all saving throws.

Auspex: this device can cast the following at will, as Supernatural abilities:
-Detect Chaos
-Detect Poison
-Detect Magic
-Locate City (non-nuclear version)

Servo Skull: Tiny Construct
50 HP, Fly 30' (Perfect)
Str 10 Dex 17 Con - Int 12 Wis 11 Cha -
Saving Throws: use base values of the owner
Armour Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +2 Size, +3 Natural)
Base Attack Bonus: use that of the owner
Equipment: Twin-linked Digi-Weapons, 1 Mechadendrite

Psiber Eagle: this counts as a Construct Eagle armed with a Hell-Pistol. Additionally, if within 10 feet of the owner, it may elect to redirect any targeted Psykic powers or Spells from the owner to itself.

Target-Finder: this occupies the "Eyes" slot and allows the wearer to ignore all miss chances, as well as enabling them to accurately target the square a hidden foe is in.

Jet Pack: wearing this allows you to fly, somewhat. You gain a +10' bonus to your movement speed if merely using it to skim along (and when charging, move at triple speed rather than double), and can also cross difficult terrain without penalty. If used for actual flight, the speed is 40' (Clumsy), generally only used to launch in straight lines.

Jump Pack: more elegant than a jet pack, this actually flies properly. If using it to skim along, you gain the +10' movement bonus, but it can also grant a flight speed of 50' (Good).

Repair Kit: grants a +6 bonus to Repair checks, allows for more complex/large repairs to be made.

Bionic Limb: it's like a normal one, but bionic! Legs grant +4 to Saves against Slow/Entanglement and to resist being Tripped, as well as +8 to Jump checks. Arms grant +2 Strength.

Special Bolter Ammunition:
-Kraken Penetrator Rounds: crit 18-20/x2, reduce DR by 10
-Frag Rounds: Wounding, deals 1d6 Piercing to adjacent creatures
-Hellfire Rounds: Acid damage, Poison (DC 20, 1d4 Con/1d4 Con)
-Inferno Rounds: Fire damage, catch fire (1d6 Fire per round)
-Tempest Bolts: Electricity damage, Fort DC 20 or be Stunned 1 round
-Bessed Bolts: count as Holy, Axiomatic

Dispenser: this device dispenses drugs as a Swift action.

Etherium: one dose of Etherium lasts for 1 hour, doubling the radius of all auras.

Polymorphine: single-use, Disguise Self (lasts for 6 hours)

Frenzon: upon being consumed, this unleashes incredible power in the imbiber. They gain the benefits of Divine Power, Divine Favour and Righteous Might all at once, and gain Damage Reduction 50%. All benefits last for 1 minute, though afterwards the imbiber takes 1d4 Constitution damage.

Slam: upon being consumed, this drug grants the benefits of Mirror Image (due to moving so quickly) and one True Strike (due to others seeming to move so slowly). Additionally, the imbiber gains an additional attack per round when making a full attack - this stacks with Haste. This lasts for 2d6 rounds, and then the imbiber becomes Stunned for one round, then Exhausted until they rest.

Psy-Occulum: this takes up the "eyes" slot, and allows the wearer to constantly See Invisible, as well as to recognise all visual illusions as such instantly.
Special Descriptors:

[Hell] Hell weapons benefit from being fired in a continual beam. As such, each additional shot made against the same target in the same round with the same weapon receives a cumulative +1 bonus to hit, +1 bonus to damage, and the threat range is widened by 1. On your next turn, the benefits are all lost unless you keep targeting the same person with the same gun, in which case they keep building up as normal.

[Melta] Melta weapons deal double damage if used within half the first range increment. Additionally, firing them this close means no more than half the damage may be negated via resistances, DR or immunity, and any damage taken from a vehicle's Temporary HP pool is ALSO applied directly to HP.

[Plasma] Plasma weapons have two settings (with a Swift action to change them). On low-power, the weapon does half damage (after rolling), on high power the user may only safely fire it once per turn. Firing it more often forces them to make a Fort save for every additional shot in the turn (DC 15 + half their own level) or also take half the damage rolled. Vehicles do not need to worry about this.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:30 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »


So, vehicles are handled like this: they are essentially animated objects that you control. Their type is Construct, and if they do not move they are flat-footed. If they do move, they treat their Dex bonus as +1 per ten feet moved in that round - so if a vehicle speeds 250 feet up to you, it seriously has +25 AC.

Additionally, vehicles have both a pool of HP and a pool of Temporary HP. This Temporary HP can be repaired up to its maximum just like regular HP. If anything causes it to suffer actual HP damage, then it must attempt a Fort Save (DC = 10 + damage dealt). If it fails, it is shaken up and cannot fire any weapons or make any attacks for 1 round.

If it fails by 5 or more then it spins to a halt and is treated as Stunned for 1 round.

If it fails by more than 10, something important is damaged, and the vehicle is rendered Immobile. It cannot move, has a Dex mod of +0, is flat-footed and can only fire weapons, not make melee attacks. If it was flying, it starts to fall and will crash.

Vehicles are totally subject to critical hits and sneak attack damage, it just requires a DC 15 Know (Engineering) check. Additionally, the Armour provides an Armour bonus to AC, and is also DR/-.

Chimera Military Transport:
Maximum Speed: 180' (Swim 100')
Armour: +7
Size: Huge (Long)
Carry Capacity: Gunner, Pilot and 12 passengers
HP: 60 Temp: 60
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +6
"Trample" 4d8+20
Stability, Bullrush +28
*6 Hull-mounted Lasguns (passenger-operated)
*Optional: 1 Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber
*Optional: 1 Hunter-Killer Missile
*Turret: Multi-laser or Auto-cannon or Heavy Bolter
*Hull: Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer

Hell Hound/Devil Dog/Bane Wolf:
Maximum Speed: 200'
Armour: +7
Size: Huge (Long)
Carry Capacity: Gunner, Pilot and 2 emergency crew
HP: 60 Temp: 60
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +6
"Trample" 4d8+20
Stability, Bullrush +28
*Optional: 1 Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber
*Optional: 1 Hunter-Killer Missile
*Turret: Inferno Cannon (Twin-Linked Enlarged Heavy Flamer) or Melta Cannon (100' range, 15' radius blast deals damage as a Multi-Melta, Fort Half (Dex-based) or Chem Cannon (30' cone of Poison, Contact, DC 20, 1d6 Con/3d6 Con)
*Hull: Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer

Rhino Armoured Transport:
Maximum Speed: 200'
Armour: +7
Size: Huge (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, 10 passengers
HP: 60 Temp: 60
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +6
Trample 4d8+20
Stability, Bullrush +28
*Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter
*Optional: 1 Hunter-Killer Missile

Maximum Speed: 100'
Armour: +9
Size: Huge (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, 1 Weapon Crew
HP: 60 Temp: 70
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +6
Trample 4d8+20
Stability, Bullrush +28
*Front-Mounted Demolisher Cannon (1/2 range Battle Cannon that ignores Hardness)
*Optional: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter
*Optional: 1 Hunter-Killer Missile

Repressor Assault Transport:
Maximum Speed: 180'
Armour: +7
Size: Huge (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, Gunner, 10 passengers
HP: 75 Temp: 80
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +7
Trample 4d8+20
Stability, Bullrush +30
*Cupola-mounted Storm Bolter
*Pintle-mounted Heavy Flamer
*Optional: 1 Hunter-Killer Missile

Valkyrie Aircraft:
Maximum Speed: Fly 500' (Good)
Armour: +5
Size: Gargantuan (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, 2 Gunners, 10 passengers
HP: 40 Temp: 50
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +6
*Two door-mounted Heavy Bolters
*Nose-mounted Multilaser or Lascannon
*2 Wing-mounted Hellstrike Missiles or Rocket Pods

Vendetta Gunship:
Maximum Speed: Fly 500' (Good)
Armour: +5
Size: Gargantuan (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, 2 Gunners, 10 passengers
HP: 40 Temp: 50
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +6
*Two door-mounted Heavy Bolters
*Nose-mounted Twin-linked Lascannon
*2 Wing-mounted Hellfury Missiles or Twin-linked Lascannons

Vulture Gunship:
Maximum Speed: Fly 600' (Perfect)
Armour: +5
Size: Gargantuan (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, 2 Gunners
HP: 40 Temp: 50
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +6
*Two Wing-mounted Lascannons
*Nose-mounted Heavy Bolter
*2 Wing-mounted Hellstrike Missiles or Rocket Pods

Marauder Bomber:
Maximum Speed: Fly 400' (Average)
Armour: +7
Size: Colossal (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, 5 assorted crew
HP: 100 Temp: 120
Fort +12 Ref +5 Will +9
*Rear-mounted twin-linked Assault Cannon
*Anti-Aircraft twin-linked Heavy Bolter
*24 Bombs or 4 Deathstrike Missile equivalent 200kg bombs
*3x nose-mounted twin-linked Auto-cannons

Le Man Russ:
Maximum Speed: 100'
Armour: +12
Size: Huge (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, Gunner, 2 other crew
HP: 100 Temp: 70
Fort +12 Ref +5 Will +9
*Turret-Mounted Battle Cannon or Vanquisher or 2x Twin-linked Auto-Cannon or Executioner Plasma Cannon (Plasma Cannon that grants an extra attack per round) or Demolisher
*Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter or Lascannon
*Two Sponsons with Heavy Bolters or Plasma Cannons or Multi-Meltas
*Optional: 1 Hunter-Killer Missile
*Optional: Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber or Storm Bolter

Land Raider:
Maximum Speed: 100'
Armour: +13
Size: Gargantuan (Long)
Carry Capacity: Pilot, Gunner, 10 passengers
HP: 120 Temp: 100
Fort +13 Ref +5 Will +9
*Roof-mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters
*Two sponsons with twin-linked Lascannons

*Land Raider Crusader: carries 16, each sponson has 3 twin-linked bolters that fire in unison at the same target, cupola has a twin-linked ass cannon, it has grenade launchers on the front that work like frag grenades in a 15' 90 degree arc. Also has one Multi-Melta or Storm Bolter. All these weapons replace the standard ones.

*Land Raider Promethius: each side sponson has 2 twin-linked heavy bolters that fire in unison at the same target. Otherwise identical to the Land Raider.

*Land Raider Terminus Ultra: each side sponson has the twin-linked las-cannon as well as another lascannon that fires at the same target. The heavy bolters are replaced by another twin-linked las-cannon and it always starts with a hunter-killer missile. No carry capacity.

*Land Raider Redeemer: just like the Crusader, except the sponsons have Heavy Flamers that ignore any resistance or immunity to fire that [Chaotic] creatures possess, as well as Resistance Bonuses to Reflex saves for any creature that is not of Lawful or Good alignment.

*Land Raider Ares: each side sponson has a twin-linked heavy flamer. The front has a cupola with a twin-linked ass cannon and a demolisher cannon.

Astartes Bike:
Maximum Speed: 250'
Armour: +4
Size: Large (Long)
Carry Capacity: Driver only
HP: 50 Temp: 10
Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +5
*Front-mounted twin-linked Boltguns
*May have a rear-mounted mine-layer or a seat for one passenger.

*Attack Bike/Assault Bike:
Reduce the Maximum Speed to 100'
Armour +5
Carry Capacity: 2 more in the side compartment
HP: 50 Temp: 20
*Has a Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer or Multi Melta in the side compartment.

Drop Pod:
Maximum Speed: 0 (it falls, then it lands and doesn't move)
Armour: +8
Size: Huge (Tall)
Carry Capacity: 10 passengers
HP: 50 Temp: 50
Fort +7 Ref +2 Will +6
*Ceiling-mounted Storm Bolter or Grenade Launcher
*May replace 5 passenger spots with additional Grenade Launchers or Assault Cannons.
AI BAB: +8
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:02 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Well, this looks pretty darn good, I must say. And you even have some stuff for las weapons. :P

But yeah, I'd totally play this.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Bad Koumei, so many errars. :P

Glad you finally posted this though. I hope that you get your just reward.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

I was afraid to post due to the possible Wrath of Komei™, but I suppose it's safe now.

Is this really supposed to be a White Plume Mountain type thing, where you make your PCs face crazy warriors from the future (or vice-versa), or is this supposed to be played as a d20 WHRPG?
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Mount Flamethrower on rear
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Win Game.

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Post by Koumei »

Yes, it's really supposed to be a case of "You are the Imperial guys. Everyone else is the demons (or whatever D&D monsters seem level-appropriate and cool). You might also want to convert humans to your point of view (and teach them how to genocide their neighbours)."

40Kd20 was attempted in the past, and never really got off the ground. One important thing I learned from one of Frank's speeches was that yes, some character types only exist at levels 1-6, and some others just wake up at level 10 and stride forward from there, and you just can't have Imperial Guard and Space Marines in the same team.

So this time, it's more specialised, and even lets you go about teaching those giant crabs who's boss. Yeah, closet troll, not so funny now when you're getting shot up with ass cannons, is it?
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Post by Orion »

This looks totally awesome.
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Post by Koumei »

Incidentally, I was totally expecting Frank to swoop down and tell me what I've done wrong, in a constructive yet insulting manner. Because for what is essentially a second draft (the first being scrawled down on paper half during a car trip and half while watching Ranma 1/2: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China. This is just paper-to-PC, with on-the-spot revisions and some things pointed out by JE over messenger), this surely has some gaps and issues here and there.

An example for the kind of adventure these guys go through:

So perhaps they crash-land a Space Hulk's transporter vessel, or perhaps they're just sent as part of a 750-point force to find out what the planet is like and what they can exploit it for. The team are sent out together to scout things out and perhaps tell the populace what's good for them.

So first they discover that it's a Feral World, where people wave axes around and refer to psykers as wizards. Then they notice that humans and eldar are on friendly terms, and that's just perverse. But they hang around a bit, and then hear about the orks. Knowing that this means trouble, they go and investigate, and find an ork settlement, but they know they can handle it. After a few groups of orks (each group having four ork warriors), spread out so that they're using their ranged weapons and orks are leaping from their huts and the undergrowth, they get cocky and decide to take on the chieftian. The chieftian proudly declares he'll go one-on-one with anyone and win, and then they all nod, huddle to decide who will be the one, then all turn around and shoot him as a team.

After killing all of the orks, word spreads of their evil and destruction, so fewer people are willing to associate with the Imperials, but by the same token, no-one really wants to piss them off. Still, even if they feel bad about what they did, the Imperials sweep through the area, expecting new spores to burst open (because they are used to 40K orks), and find no more orks. Feeling cocky, they prepare to burn the place down when the undergrowth fights back. One of them gets snared by an assassin vine, and it's an embarrassing battle to break free so they can kill it properly, upon which point they argue over whether to raze the entire forest or chop bits up to take back to their scientists.

Eventually the cooler heads prevail, and the scientists mutter about how it's clearly influenced by Chaos, and they need to root out the cause of this taint in the area. So they go through with a fine-toothed comb, probably having to deal with "eldar" rangers or kobolds on dire weasels in the process, until they find an ancient crypt. Wandering in, there is a jolly dungeoncrawl involving animated objects, ancient traps, skeletons, ghasts and the final boss: a centaur or an ogryn or your mum or whatever.

After slaughtering everything, they find a pile of ancient scrolls worth (Double Standard Treasure Value), and being good Imperial citizens, they probably burn them or hand them over to a priest (who burns them). Maybe the penal legionnaire swipes a couple though, for later use.

Now they level up and feel good about themselves, and later on in the campaign they...

Have a hilarious run-in with a gelatinous cube!

Burn a witch who was a practicing necromancer and had a small platoon of the dead!

Meet some araneas and try to convince the humans, elves and dorfs that the whole world is doomed if they don't exterminate every single bug!

Encounter Daemons, and share a high-five at not being destroyed, but they promise to make a deal with the locals: "We won't report this if you don't. That way, your planet doesn't get blown up and we don't get our minds cleansed."

Try to find someone sympathetic when a member of the team is turned to stone by a Medusa!

Kill a level-appropriate dragon, only to discover that it wasn't simply very far away, it was in fact only 3' tall, and vow to never tell anyone about the encounter.


See, it's totally doable. Next up, I'll see about getting Siege Tier done. For that, we're looking at:

Adeptus Astartes:
-Tactical Sergeant (Librarian, Terminator, Tech Marine)
-Assault Marine (Assault Terminator, Chaplain, Honour Guard)
-Scout (Devastator, Astartes Pilot, Apothecary)

Adepta Sororitas:
-Sister Superior (Celestian, Dominion, Retributor)
-Repentia (Mistress, Repentia Eternal, Living Saint)
-Seraphim (Palatine, Imagifer, Sister Hospitaller)

Officio Assassanorum:
(They all just become elite executors or death masters)

and maybe even the Sisters of Silence, just because everyone has forgotten about them.
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Post by Koumei »

Siege Tier:

At this level of gameplay, fighting ork armies is completely possible, but honestly, if you just wanted to fight ork armies, I hear there is a game called Warhammer. On the other hand, you can be expected to storm through castles, parrying deadly traps with your forehead and fighting dragons and ancient necromancers and mind flayer tag-teams and so on.

You can also actually give some hope to the humanoid races, as Space Marines tend to be awe-inspiring and are allowed, based on chapter, to say "In my experience, it's better that humans and eldar and [Censored by GW mods] to all get along.", Battle Sisters have the ability to be loving, forgiving and nice (depending on individual Order and whether a priest is around to tell them to just set everyone on fire) and might simply focus on rallying everyone together to kill daemons and... well, okay, Assassins probably won't make too many friends.

Character Creation:

So first, you choose your background and generate your ability scores like normal. Next, you choose the class you want, but to do that, you'll need to pick the starting class for that. Essentially, you're starting with a prestige class. The starting classes are:

*Adeptus Astartes (not human)
*Adepta Sororitas
*Officio Assassanorum

So this post will cover the Spess Mehrins.

Adeptus Astartes:
Medium Monstrous Humanoid [Human]
Hit Dice: 12 + 5d12 + (6*Con)
Skill Points: (2+Int)*9
Base Saving Throws: Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +5
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Ability Scores: Strength +4, Constitution +2
-Movement Speed: 30'
-Low Light Vision
-Fast Healing 3
-Natural Armour +2
-Resist Fire, Electricity and Cold 10
-They Shall Know No Fear: [Fear] effects wear off after one round if the saving throw is failed. Space Marines are immune to death by Fear (Phantasmal Killer and Weird).
-Powerful Build
-Combat Lore: As a Swift action, a Space Marine may try to identify a foe in combat with the relevant Knowledge check. If this succeeds, they gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against abilities used by the target, and a +4 bonus to Grapple and Trip the foe.
-Acid Spit: Most Space Marines can spit acid out to 10' as a ranged touch attack, dealing 3d4+Con Acid damage.
-Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms.
-Classes: Tactical Sergeant, Scout Marine, Assault Marine
-Racial Weakness: Space Marines cannot ascend wooden stairs, such is their weight. SQUAD BROKEN!

Space Marines may spend their first level feat on belonging to a special chapter.

Blood Angels [Chapter]

Benefit: you are essentially a vampire, and share certain traits with them. You are immune to level drain and ability damage/drain to physical ability scores. You have a natural Bite attack, dealing 1d8+Str Piercing (though this will not work with a helmet on). If you bite a target in a grapple, they take 1d4 Con drain, and you regain 5 HP per point drained. On the downside, you gain Light Sensitivity.

Space Wolves [Chapter]

Benefit: you become immune to Cold, and gain +2 HP per level (and increase your body weight by 10%). Additionally, you can Rage like a Barbarian, gaining a single Rage die (1d6). On the downside, you cannot use Combat Lore during a Rage, and also lose your own fast healing during this time. Additionally, when Raging, you gain a 1d8 Bite attack.

Salamanders [Chapter]

Benefit: you become immune to Fire, but vulnerable to Cold. Your movement speed drops to 20' however you take no movement penalties for wearing Medium or Heavy armour. Finally, your Acid Spit is replaced by a fiery spit that deals 3d6+Con Fire damage and burns for 1d4+Con Fire damage per round.

Dark Angels [Chapter]

Benefit: you are fast-moving, gaining an additional 5' step per round. You also gain the Turbo Boost feature when piloting vehicles - if you later get this as a class feature, it stacks, and also gain a Skirmish bonus of +1d6 damage/+1 to AC. Also you have A DARK SECRET.

Space Sharks [Chapter]

Benefit: you gain a Swim speed of 30 feet, with a +8 bonus to Swim checks. You also gain a 2d6 Bite attack that deals 1 Strength damage with each damaging Bite, and any time you injure a foe in melee you gain a +5 morale bonus to strike that foe on your next turn.

Grey Knights [Chapter]

Benefit: you are a Psyker to some extent. You count as a Psyker for all intents and purposes, and can cast the following Psykic Powers: Protection Against Chaos (at will), Protection Against Evil (at will), Banishment (1/day), Dispel Chaos (1/day).

Assault Marine

HD: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex & Will
1Leap Attack, Pistolier, Rage +2d6
2Intimidating Charge, In Your Face, Rage +3d6
3Deep Strike (Glide, Charging Disembark), Pounce, Rage +4d6
4Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Rending Slice, Rage +5d6

Leap Attack: when charging, if the Assault Marine can make a DC 15 Jump check, their Power Attack ratio is doubled. If they fail the check, they land prone and cannot attack.

Pistolier: an Assault Marine may elect to fire a pistol once (a single shot) while making a charge, though it must be at the same target as the charge itself.

Rage: this functions exactly as a Barbarian from Races of War

Intimidating Charge: a charging Assault Marine generates an Aura of Fear out to 15 feet with a Charisma-based DC. Those who fail the saving throw are Shaken until they lose line of sight to him. This stacks to Frightened, then Panicked, as normal.

In Your Face: on any given turn, if someone is in a square the Assault Marine threatens, and attacks anyone other than the Assault Marine, he may take an Attack of Opportunity against them for doing so.

Deep Strike: the Assault Marine gains the listed Deep Strike abilities.

Pounce: the Assault Marine may make a full attack at the end of a charge.

Evasion: as per the Rogue ability.

Uncanny Dodge: Assault Marines are never denied their Dexterity bonus.

Rending Slice: Assault Marines may ignore Damage Reduction and Regeneration in melee combat. Against foes who lack both, they simply deal +2d6 damage.

Equipment: Jet Pack, Power Armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades. Requisition: Plasma Pistol, Power Sword, 2 Lightning Claws.

Prestige Classes: Assault Terminator, Chaplain, Honour Guard
Scout Marine

HD: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude & Reflex
1Marksman, Bonus Feat, Skirmish +4d6/+4
2Rapid Reload, Knee-Cap, Ranged Disarm, Deep Strike (Surprise)
3Hide in Plain Sight, Bonus Feat, Skirmish +5d6/+5
4Spinal Tap, Boom! Head Shot, Combat Driving

Marksman: the Scout Marine doubles the range of all Rapid Fire and Heavy firearms used.

Bonus Feat: the Scout may select any [Combat] feat as a bonus feat.

Skirmish: this functions exactly as the Scout ability from Complete Adventurer.

Rapid Reload: the Scout Marine may reload as a Free action.

Knee-Cap: the Scout Marine may elect to knee-cap a target when firing a single round. If the attack successfully damages the foe, they are knocked Prone and have their movement speed halved until they receive healing.

Ranged Disarm: Scout Marines may make Disarm attempts by shooting. It works the same as normal, though the weapon will not land in their hands. They substitute their Int bonus for their Str bonus.

Deep Strike: the Scout Marine gains the listed ability.

Hide in Plain Sight: Scout Marines can hide anywhere and everywhere, even if being observed.

Spinal Tap: as a standard action, the Scout Marine can try to shoot an enemy in a vital location. If the shot successfully damages the foe, they must make a Fortitude save (Dex-based) or be paralysed for 1d6 rounds.

Boom! Head Shot: as long as a foe is denied their Dexterity bonus, the Scout Marine may line up a shot and attempt to kill them. This is a standard action, and if it hits, deals double damage. If the foe is damaged, they must make a Fortitude save (Dex-based) or die.

Combat Driving: this functions exactly the same as for the Shock Pilot.

Additional Proficiencies: Assault Firearms, Heavy Weapons (Heavy Bolter and Sniper Rifle)

Equipment: Scout Power Armour, +1 Keen Scimitar, Boltpistol, Shotgun or Boltgun, Chainsword or Frag Grenades, Chameleoline. Requisition: Astartes Bike, Concussion Mines, Sniper Rifle, Heavy Bolter.

Prestige Classes: Astartes Pilot, Hunter of Chaos, Tech Marine
Tactical Sergeant

HD: 1d12
Skill Points: 2+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude & Will
1Command, Inspire Courage, Furious Charge
2Aura 1, Maximise Grenades, For the Emperor
3Command (Swift), Your Opponent is Me!, Menacing Cleave
4Aura 2, Feel No Pain, Stand Your Ground

Command: this works identically to the Reformed Officer ability. At 3rd level they can be issued as a Swift action.

Inspire Courage: all allies within 50 feet of the Sergeant may use his Will bonus on saves against [Fear] effects.

Furious Charge: when charging, the Tactical Sergeant gains the benefits of Pounce and +2 to their Strength.

Aura: at levels 2 and 4, the Tactical Sergeant gains Auras to use, just like a Reformed Officer.

Maximise Grenades: any time the Tactical Sergeant throws a Frag, Krak or Plasma Grenade, the damage is maximised instead of rolled.

For the Emperor: as a Swift or Move-equivalent action, the Sergeant may designate a single foe within 100 feet. Until his next turn, all allies may add his Charisma bonus to their attack and damage rolls against that target.

Your Opponent Is Me!: this ability works identically to the Knight's Challenge (Races of War).

Menacing Cleave: whenever the Tactical Sergeant drops a foe in melee combat, he may take a 5' step and proceed to make a Cleave attempt against another foe. He may do this indefinitely, even if it takes him around the world in one round.

Feel No Pain: Tactical Sergeants no longer register pain, because their nerves decided it wasn't going to do any good, so spent their time being more productive elsewhere. As such, they are immune to nonlethal damage and [Pain] effects.

Stand Your Ground: as a Full Round Action, a Tactical Sergeant may issue an order to all allies, empowering the whole team (himself included). They all become Fearless, threaten squares out to 50' away and gain Regeneration 5/magic. This lasts until anyone moves out of the square they are standing in.

Equipment: Power Armour, Auspex, Frag and Krak Grenades, Boltgun, Plasma Pistol, Chainsword. Requisition: Drop Pod or Rhino, Digital Weapons.

Prestige Classes: Devastator, Librarian, Terminator Sergeant
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by cthulhu »

How can an eversor be a playable character? They don't even really do much thinking, let alone talking.. or co-operating.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

cthulhu wrote:How can an eversor be a playable character? They don't even really do much thinking, let alone talking.. or co-operating.
Are you going to tell the Eversor that they can't be something?

Because I sure as hell won't.

They do co-operate. For all we know, Eversors are a type of heartless, yet loyal, killer so rare that each one needs to be preserved until needed.

Which would explain why most of them are kept in stasis fields until they need to be sent on a mission. You can't afford to have them dying of old age, ever.

Or, they're all just heavily trained and brainwashed assasins. Not like that hasn't been done before, and would explain the way that most 40k players tend to use assasins as expendable units to badly harm enemy command units.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Awww, Koumei, you forgot the Spess Mehreens' dread weakness:

Wooden Stairs.

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Post by Koumei »

Re. stairs: I lol'd.

Re. Assassins: I figure Eversor assassins will be easily provoked and generally hyper, but not to unplayable levels, perhaps like Juicers. There are players who play like that without an excuse: here's their excuse so there's at least a reason for it.

Also, one other thing, to be polite: everyone reading this surely already knows it, but the Rage ability several classes get works as the Races of War Barbarian and as such is the creation of Frank & K. They probably deserve credit for all manner of abilities that creep in there, and the various creators of the various Skill Feats also deserve credit for their creations.

Adepta Sororitas:

A note on equivalence: yeah, they are equal to Space Marines in power. Faith seriously does make up for the lack of genetic augmentation, and not only do some novels elect to state as much (while others prefer to say SPESS IS UNBEATABLE), there is a published comic showing a Sister killing Marines left, right, slightly to the left of right and centre. Just in case someone thought they would fit into Assault Tier.

All Adepta Sororitas player characters are Human, and have six levels of Adepta Sororitas. This represents the training they underwent in the Schola Progenum, and as a novice in the cathedrals of the Sisterhood.

Hit Points: 8 + 5d8 + 5*Con
Skill Points: (4+Int+1)*9
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Base Saving Throws: Fortitude +5, Reflex +5, Will +5
Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms

Special Features:
-Impenetrable Faith: Adepta Sororitas characters may add their Charisma bonus as a Resistance bonus on saving throws against Spells, Spell-like Abilities and Supernatural Abilities
-Vigilant Aura: Adepta Sororitas characters have a permanent Magic Circle Against Chaos effect
-Spell Resistance: Adepta Sororitas characters gain Spell Resistance (level + 10)

Faith Powers: Faith Powers are special, and cease to work if the Battle Sister contains self-doubt or wavers in her faith (a roleplaying thing). Additionally, whenever below 25% of her maximum hit points, her Faith burns strongest, granting a +5 bonus to a single numerical component of the ability except for uses (for instance: duration, damage, HP healed, bonus to hit, Turning checks)
-Smite Chaos: this may be used (Charisma bonus) times per day, adding their Wisdom modifier to hit and a Knowledge: Religion check to the damage dealt.
-Turn Daemons: as per the Cleric ability to Turn Undead, once per day. Works only against Outsiders with the [Chaotic] and [Evil] subtypes.
-Faith Healing: once per hour, Cure Moderate Wounds may be cast as a Supernatural Ability.

Classes Available: Sister Superior, Sister Repentia, Seraphim

Sister Superior

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Will
1Hated Foe, Condemnation, Faith (Redemption)
2Inspiring Charge, Assurance, Faith (Radiance)
3Abhorrent Foe, Faith (Perfection), Dedication
4Litany of Hate, Emperor's Light, Faith (Emperor's Guidance)

Hated Foe: the Sister Superior gains the benefit of "Favoured Enemy" against Spellcasters and Psykers, as a Ranger, increasing the bonuses by 4.

Condemnation: as a Swift action, the Sister Superior may verbally rebuke and condemn a foe, declaring them anathema. Doing so grants all of her allies a bonus against this foe until the beginning of her next turn. They may add her Charisma modifier to their attack rolls against this enemy, and her level to their damage rolls against the enemy.

Faith: the following Faith powers are gained.
-Redemption: once per minute, the Sister Superior may substitute a Knowledge: Religion check for a saving throw as an Immediate action.
-Radiance: a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), a Sister Superior may substitute a Knowledge: Religion check for her Armour Class (including Flat-footed and against Touch Attacks).
-Perfection: as an Immediate action, the Sister Superior may interrupt an opponent within 20' of her, making a Knowledge: Religion check with a DC equal to their Armour Class. If she succeeds, their action is cancelled and fails.
-Emperor's Guidance: you gain each of the following supernatural abilities usable once per hour: Dispel Chaos, Banishment, Remove Curse, True Strike, Blade of Blood and Blur.

Inspiring Charge: whenever a Sister Superior charges a foe, all allies within 100 feet may also charge any foe they can reach as an Immediate action, even if they are flat-footed (and thus usually unable to make Immediate actions).

Assurance: whenever an enemy is knocked Prone in a square she threatens, a Sister Superior may make an Attack of Opportunity against that foe.

Abhorrent Foe: the Sister Superior now automatically scores critical hits (as long as the attacks hit in the first place) against her Hated foes.

Dedication: a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1), a Sister Superior may restore an amount of ability damage or drain equal to her level.

Litany of Hatred: as a move-equivalent action, the Sister Superior may speak words of hate against the enemy, granting her Hated and Abhorrent Foe benefits to all allies within 50 feet.

Emperor's Light: a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1), the Sister Superior may grant herself and all adjacent allies Fast Healing equal to her level. This lasts for 2 minutes.

Equipment: Power Armour, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs. Requisition: Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenades, Rhino

Prestige Classes: Celestian Superior, Sister Dominion, Sister Retributor

Sister Repentia:

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 2+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Faith (Armour of Contempt), Rip and Tear, Rage +3d6
2Live For Death, Fleet of Foot, Obedience, Rage +4d6
3Faith (Love the Lash), Knockdown, Crushing Blow
4Living Rage, Breach Defences, Eviscerate, Rage +5d6

Proficient: Assault Firearms

Faith Powers:
-Armour of Contempt: when unarmoured, a Sister Repentia may add her Charisma modifier to her Armour Class, even Flat-Footed and against Touch Attacks. Once per minute, as a Swift action she may make an Intimidate check and use that as her Armour Class for one round.
-Love the Lash: the Sister Repentia becomes immune to [Pain] an [Fatigue] effects, and has a permanent Masochism effect, as per the spell.

Rip and Tear: all of the Sister Repentia's melee attacks deal 1 point of Strength damage to all targets they damage, due to tearing muscles apart. Additionally, all adjacent foes to the wounded foe must make a Reflex save (Strength-based) or be Blinded for one round as blood sprays freely.

Rage: this functions as per the Barbarian from Races of War.

Live For Death: the Sister Repentia becomes Fearless, and may, as an Immediate action, elect to take a blow for an adjacent ally. She must elect to do this before the attack roll is made (if there is no attack roll, then she must do so as soon as the target is declared).

Fleet of Foot: the Sister Repentia's base speed is increased by 10 feet.

Obedience: the Sister Repentia becomes immune to [Compulsion] effects, and no ability can force her to target an ally for an attack.

Knockdown: if a Sister Repentia deals more than 10 damage to a foe with a melee attack, she gains a free Trip attempt against them. This is made with a +4 bonus, and if she succeeds, she may make an additional attack against the Prone foe. Note that prone opponents cannot be tripped, so there is no infinite loop.

Crushing Blow: as a Standard action, a Sister Repentia may make a single melee attack against one foe. If it successfully hits, the foe is Staggered for one round and takes additional damage equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum +1).

Living Rage: the Sister Repentia can now act completely normally in a Rage, gaining no penalties or action restrictions. Essentially, she can be as calm as the eye of a hurricane, yet as destructive as the outer rim. She also becomes immune to [Mind Affecting] effects.

Breach Defences: the Sister Repentia can now ignore all Damage Reduction and Hardness, carving even through Dragonforce walls as if they were play-doh. Any foe she strikes in melee must make a Reflex save (Dexterity-based) or have their armour torn from their body (requiring minor repairs to be wearable again).

Eviscerate: as a Full Round action, a Sister Repentia may make a single attack against one adjacent enemy. The attack automatically hits (simply roll to see if it threatens a critical hit) and forces a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) against instant death and dismemberment.

Equipment: Eviscerator, Shotgun, 3 doses each of Stimm and 'Slaught. Requisition: Power Fist, Flamer, Hide Armour.

Prestige Classes: Mistress, Living Saint, Penitent


Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will
1Deep Strike (Surprise, Seize the Objective), Pistolier, Faith (Radiant Assault)
2Twin Pistols, Fleet of Wing, Hit & Run
3Pounce, Faith (Angelic Descent, Adamantine Wing)
4Valkyrie Landing, Aura of Hope, Faith (Brilliant Assault)

Deep Strike: these abilities work just like the Storm Trooper abilities.
-Seize the Objective

Pistolier: the Seraphim may use Pistol Firearms as melee weapons (either using them as clubs, or firing them at point-blank), and additionally may fire a Pistol once during a charge.

-Radiant Assault: once per round, when attacking a single target, the Seraphim may make a Knowledge: Religion check. If she scores a 15 or higher, the attack deals +1d6 Light damage. If she scores 20 or higher, it increases to +2d6. On a 25 or higher, it deals +3d6.
-Angelic Descent: when charging, the Seraphim may attempt to Demoralise all enemies within 50 feet.
-Adamantine Wing: once per minute, as an Immediate action, the Seraphim may replace her Armour Class with an Intimidate check, also gaining Damage Reduction equal to this check. Both last until her next turn.
-Brilliant Assault: once per round, when attacking a foe, the Seraphim may make a Knowledge: Religion check. If she rolls equal to the target's AC or greater, her attack becomes a touch attack and deals double damage.

Twin Pistols: When wielding two pistols, the Seraphim may fire both simultaneously, making them count as twin-linked.

Fleet of Wing: as an Immediate action, a Seraphim may make a 5' step of adjustment. Additionally, she may Hover when flying, regardless of manoeuvrability.

Hit & Run: after charging, the Seraphim may move up to her movement speed, without provoking attacks of opportunity, as a Swift action.

Pounce: the Seraphim may make a full attack when charging.

Valkyrie Landing: the Seraphim constantly radiates a 5' aura that grants her allies (herself included) Fast Healing 3. As a Standard action she may Revive an adjacent ally who was slain within one minute.

Aura of Hope: the Seraphim radiates a 100' aura that grants all allies (including herself) immunity to Paralysis, Stun and Daze.

Equipment: Power Armour, Jump Pack, Frag and Krak Grenades, Chainsword, 2 Bolt Pistols. Requisition: Power Sword, 2 Flame Pistols, 2 Inferno Pistols, Melta Bombs.

Prestige Classes: Palatine, Seraphim Imagifer, Sister Non-Militant
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Post by Koumei »

Officio Assassinorum:

All Imperial Assassins graduated from the Officio Assassinorum. We know that, because those who don't graduate die. As such, they all have the 6 basic levels of Death Cultist, before branching out into their specialty. Note that there are a few other types, but people aren't sure what they are and what they do. Only four got written up and made famous, and one got some art and a name, which is good enough for me.

Death Cultist:
Hit Dice: 8 + 5d8 + (Con*6)
Skill Points: (6+Int+1)*9
Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Base Saving Throws: Fortitude +2, Reflex +5, Will +5

Proficient: Light Armour, Simple, Martial and 1 Exotic Weapon of choice, Pistol and Assault Fire Arms

Sneak Attack +3d6
Hide in Plain Sight
Skill Mastery: a number of skills equal to their Intelligence modifier, minimum 1
Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge
Poison Use
Canny Dodge: Assassins may add their Int bonus as a Dodge bonus to their Armour Class.

Classes: Callidus Assassin, Cullexus Assassin, Eversor Assassin, Mechanicus Assassin, Vindicare Assassin

Callidus Assassin:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Hidden Blades, Leap Back, Amorphous Organs
2Trickery, Double-Cut, Wide Spray, Sneak Attack +1d6
3Strangle, Amorphous Weapons, Suggestion
4Seize the Initiative, Charm Monster, Sneak Attack +2d6

Hidden Blades: this works as per the Veteran Skill

Leap Back: as an Immediate Action, the Callidus Assassin may leap 10' in any direction. If this takes her out of an area of effect or prevents an enemy from targeting her, the attack fails.

Amorphous Organs: the Callidus Assassin's body is so used to being altered by Polymorphine that she gains 25% critical hit immunity. This improves to 75% when being affected by Polymorphine.

Trickery: the Callidus Assassin gains a single [Skill] feat as a bonus feat.

Double Cut: as a Standard action, or as the attack at the end of a charge, the Callidus Assassin may make two attacks with a melee weapon, both at her highest attack bonus.

Wide Spray: the Callidus Assassin may fire any hand flamers, flamers, heavy flamers or neural shredders in a wide arc, doubling the width (but not the length) of the cone.

Sneak Attack: her Sneak Attack improves.

Strangle: the Callidus Assassin gains a +4 bonus on Grapple checks made against flat-footed opponents. She also gains a Constrict attack of 2d4+Strength + Sneak Attack in these situations. At the end of every round of strangulation, the foe must make a Fortitude save (Str-based) or fall unconscious.

Amorphous Weapons: when affected by Polymorphine, the Callidus Assassin may grow natural weapons, one per Standard Action, within reason. So, a pair of claws, a bite attack, a gore and a tail or some tentacles would be reasonable. Three bites, a gore, a ram, 6 slams, 8 tentacles, 2 wing slaps, a pair of claws, a tail, a sting, an engulf and a beard would not.

Suggestion: people usually do what a Callidus Assassin tells them to do - it starts with them following advice given by an "advisor", and by then they just listen to the assassin all the time. The Callidus Assassin may cast Suggestion once per hour as an Extraordinary ability (Charisma based).

Seize the Initiative: this works like the Storm Trooper ability.

Charm Monster: due to their shapechanging and interpersonal skills, Callidus Assassins are good at making friends. They may cast Charm Monster as an Extraordinary ability at will (Charisma-based), however may only have one creature charmed at any one time.

Equipment: Syn-Skin, 2 doses of Polymorphine, C'tan Phase Sword, Neural Shredder.

Prestige Classes: Callidus Death Master, Callidus Executioner


Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower
1Aura of Fear, Psychic Null, Gaze of Terror
2Pariah, Soul Stealer, Grenadier
3Aura of Terror, Soul Drinker
4Soulless, Fear Eater, Fire in the Hole

Aura of Fear: the Cullexus Assassin generates a 30' Aura of Fear (Cha-based). Once anyone makes the save, they are immune to its effects for 24 hours. If they fail, they become Shaken until one minute after they leave the area of effect.

Psychic Null: Cullexus Assassins have an innate Spell Resistance of 11 + their level, as well as immunity to spells of level 3 or lower. Spellcasters within 30' of them may not Cast Defensively.

Gaze of Terror: as a Standard Action, the Cullexus Assassin may glare at a foe within Medium range, forcing them to make a Will save or be Frightened. On the following round, they must make another Will save or Cower, and the next turn they must make another Will save or fall Comatose. Each effect lasts for one hour, but is cancelled if they fail the next save and a stronger effect occurs.

Pariah: at this point, the Cullexus Assassin is almost immune to magic. They become immune to all spells of level 6 or lower, as well as all [Mind Affecting] spells. Anyone attempting to cast such a spell on them must attempt a Concentration check (opposed by an Intimidate check) or be rendered Helpless with pain for 1d4 rounds.

Soul Stealer: with a melee touch attack as a Standard Action, the Cullexus Assassin may bestow 2 negative levels on a foe. If the foe is a psyker or spellcaster, they also take 1d4 Charisma damage.

Grenadier: Cullexus Assassins may throw grenades as a Swift Action.

Aura of Terror: now, the Cullexus Assassin radiates a 50' radius aura that causes Panic in all who fail a Will save (Cha-based). This replaces the Aura of Fear. Again, all who pass the save are immune for 24 hours, and those who fail are affected for 1 minute after they leave the area.

Soul Drinker: whenever the Cullexus Assassin delivers negative levels or Charisma damage, they regain 10 HP per level or ability point.

Soulless: at this point, the Cullexus Assassin is completely immune to all spells that allow Spell Resistance.

Fear Eater: as long as the Cullexus Assassin has anyone suffering from one of their [Fear] effects, they gain the benefits of a Greater Heroism spell.

Fire in the Hole: Cullexus Assassins are very good at throwing grenades. At this point they can throw them twice as far, and may bounce them to change directions with perfect accuracy.

Equipment: Sealed Mesh with Helmet, Psi-Occulum, Psyk-Out Grenades, Anima Speculum, 1 dose of Etherium and Frag Grenades.

Prestige Classes: Cullexus Death Master, Cullexus Executioner

Eversor Assassin:

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower
1Rage +3d6, Fast Healing 4, Death Throes (10d6)
2Rage +4d6, Murderous Pace, Furious Charge
3Fast Healing 5, Combat King, Chem Factory
4Rage +5d6, Death Throes (20d6), Killing Spree

Rage: this functions like the Races of War Barbarian.

Fast Healing: this does not function during a Rage.

Death Throes: when reduced below zero hit points, the Eversor Assassin immediately explodes. The assassin is killed, and everyone within 30 feet takes 10d6 Fire/Acid damage, Ref half (Con-based). At level 4, this increases to 20d6 damage.

Murderous Pace: whenever reduced to 50% HP or less, the Eversor Assassin gains the benefits of a Haste effect. At 25% HP or less, they gain a Greater Blur effect.

Furious Charge: the Eversor Assassin gains the benefit of Pounce, and +2 Strength when charging.

Combat King: as a Move-Equivalent action, an Eversor Assassin may concentrate and gain the benefits of any [Combat] Feat for 3 rounds.

Chem Factory: all drugs double their duration on the Eversor Assassin, due to being so used to the effects that the body optimises them. Additionally, when the effects kick in, the assassin regains Hit Points equal to 3d8 plus their level.

Killing Spree: each time the Eversor Assassin kills a living, sentient target who has damaged them, they gain a +2 bonus to Strength and Dexterity for one minute. Multiple kills not only stack, they also re-set the counter.

Equipment: Sealed Mesh with Helmet, Combi Needler, Neuro-Gauntlet, Dispenser, Frag Grenades, 3 doses each of Morphia, Stimm, 'Slaught, 1 dose each of Frenzon and Slam.

Prestige Classes: Eversor Death Master, Eversor Executive

Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Mechanicus Assassin:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower
1Mechadendrites, Cyber Eye, Charm Machine Spirits
2Razor Hair, Turbo Driver, Levitation Unit
3Manipulate Machine Spirit, Vice Grip, Breath Weapon
4Familiars, Seduce Machine Spirit, Titan Commander

Mechadendrites: this functions as per the Mechadendrites feat. If the feat is also taken, the benefits stack.

Cyber Eye: the Mechanicus Assassin gains a cybernetic eye, allowing them to see in complete darkness, and rendering them immune to Blindness and Dazzle effects.

Charm Machine Spirits: when activating a charged item, a Mechanicus Assassin may attempt to talk it into accepting their own inner power. By adding +5 to the Use Magic Device DC, a successful check causes the item to be used without spending a charge.

Razor Hair: the Mechanicus Assassin's hair is replaced or supplemented with long strands of razor-wire. This may be used as a regular melee weapon (2d4 Slashing Damage, ignores Damage Reduction, 18-20/x2 critical, reaches to 10'), or can be used to attack all enemies within 5' as a Standard action.

Turbo Driver: a number of times per day equal to their Con modifier (minimum 1), the Mechanicus Assassin may activate a turbo driver, gaining the benefits of a Haste effect.

Levitation Unit: once per hour, the Mechanicus Assassin may levitate (as per the spell) for a number of rounds equal to their Con modifier (minimum 1).

Manipulate Machine Spirit: when activating an item that casts or emulates a spell, a Mechanicus Assassin may talk the device into granting more powerful effects, by applying Meta-magic feats (the assassin need not possess these feats). Doing so increases the UMD DC by +4 per level.

Vice Grip: the Mechanicus Assassin gains a Constrict attack that deals 3d6 + Str*1.5 Bludgeoning damage and causes the victim to, if they fail a Fortitude save (Str-based), become Fatigued. If already Fatigued they become Exhausted, and if already Exhausted they pass out until 1d4 rounds after being released.

Breath Weapon: the Mechanicus Assassin gains a breath weapon that can be used as a Standard Action. This functions as either a single-fire Flamer or a single-fire Plasma Gun.

Familiars: the Mechanicus Assassin gains the benefit of two Servo Skulls and a Psiber Eagle. These will be replaced (in due time) if destroyed.

Seduce Machine Spirit: by this stage the Mechanicus Assassin can talk magic items into doing anything. With a Standard Action, they can be activated or deactivated (as though held in an Anti-magic field for 1d4+1 rounds, then requiring reactivation) up to 50' away with a Use Magic Device check, the DC being the Caster Level + 15. This may also be done to deactivate Golems for 1d4+1 rounds.

Titan Commander: at 4th level, a Mechanicus Assassin can spend a Full Round action talking to the spirit of a construct. It gains a modified Level check +5 (or a Caster Level check using the CL of its creator) to oppose the Use Magic Device check. If the Mechanicus Assassin wins, they gain control of the construct. This effect is permanent until they move more than 100 feet away from the construct, or until they command another construct.

Equipment: Sealed Mesh, Repair Kit, Digi Weapons, Plasma-Flame Combi Pistol, Lightning Claw, Hellgun

Prestige Classes: Mechanicus Death Master, Mechanicus Executioner

Vindicare Assassin:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Marksman, Mark the Target, Take Aim
2Ranged Sneak Attack, Ignore Cover, Knee Cap
3Sneak Attack +1d6, Spinal Tap, Pinning Fire
4Death Attack +12d6, Fade to Black, Love Cannot Bloom

Proficient: Rapid Fire
Marksman: as per the Sniper.

Mark the Target: as per the Sniper.

Take Aim: as a move-equivalent action, the Vindicare Assassin may make a Spot check against a foe's Armour Class. If the check succeeds, the next shot the Assassin makes against them, if within one round, ignores all Cover, Armour, Shield and Natural Armour bonuses to their Armour Class.

Ranged Sneak Attack: the Vindicare Assassin can still perform sneak attacks out to 200 feet away. Have fun.

Ignore Cover: the Vindicare Assassin always ignores cover of all kinds.

Knee Cap: as per the Scout Marine.

Sneak Attack: the Vindicare Assassin gains +1d6 Sneak Attack.

Spinal Tap: as per the Scout Marine.

Pinning Fire: as per the Deep Strike ability.

Death Attack: as per the Dungeonomicon Assassin.

Fade to Black: as a Standard action, the Vindicare Assassin may attempt a DC 20 Hide check. Success grants them a Greater Invisibility effect for one minute, though it cannot be used again for one minute thereafter.

Love Cannot Bloom: for unknown reasons, Vindicare Assassins become immune to Charm and Fascinate effects. They also become unable to ever love or trust an Elf, Half-Elf or Eldar.

Equipment:Syn-Skin, Exitus Autopistol, Exitus Rifle, 3 rounds each of Penetrator, Shield-Breaker and Hellfire, Target-Finder

Prestige Classes:Vindicare Death Master, Vindicare Executioner
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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