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Post by Judging__Eagle »

No, Dungeon Crusade. I actually don't really play many iRC chat games, I've done so only once, sorry for the confusion.
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by Koumei »

Sister Repentia Prestige Classes:

Living Saint:

HD: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saves: Reflex and Will
1Faith (Eyes of Fire), Regeneration 3
2Faith (Aspiration), Perfect Flight
3Faith (Radiant Touch), Eschew Earth, Regeneration 5
4Faith (Shrouds of Light), Rejuvination
5Faith (Imperial Glare), Divine Glory

Faith Powers:
-Eyes of Fire: the Living Saint may cast Split Ray Twinned Scorching Ray once per 1d4+1 rounds, as a Spell-like ability.

-Aspiration: all allies with Faith powers within 50' of the Living Saint may add her Charisma modifier to one aspect of their Faith powers, apart from uses per X.

-Radiant Touch: with a melee touch attack that does not provoke, the Living Saint may cast Reaving Dispel at will.

-Shrouds of Light: the Living Saint has a permanent Starmantle and Greater Luminous Armour effect.

-Imperial Glare: as a Standard action, the Living Saint may glare at a foe. Unless they choose to shield their eyes (requiring a Ref save, and making them blind until their turn), they must make a Fortitude save or instantly be slain. The DCs are Charisma-based.

Regeneration: this is overcome by iron/steel weapons. Yeah, kind of sucks in that regard.

Perfect Flight: the Living Saint gains a Flight speed of 30' (Perfect).

Eschew Earth: the Living Saint now always hovers 1-5 feet above the ground. Mainly it looks cool, but it also makes her immune to caltrops and earthquakes and shit.

Rejuvination: once per week, when slain, unless her body is kept in a Desecrated area, the Living Saint is completely resurrected to full health. Even if disintegrated, she reforms completely.

Divine Glory:the Living Saint gains the Half Celestial template at this point. The spell-like abilities all count as Faith Powers. Bad-ass, hey?

Additional Equipment:Sacred Robes (+5 Cloak of Charisma), Relic Blade + Exterminator, Golden Halo (counts as Iron Halo).


HD: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saves: Fortitude and Will
1Sharpen Rage, Battle Dance
2Whip Into Frenzy, Strangulation
3Intimidating Battlecry, Whipping Frenzy, Rage +1d6
4Spiral of Death, Reach of the Lash
5Inspire Murder, Inspire Horror

Weapon Proficiency: Whip
Sharpen Rage: all allies within 50' of the Mistress with a Rage ability gain a benefit. Each round, as a Swift action, she may select a [Combat] feat (she needn't possess it), and all in the area may, as a Swift action, count as having the feat for that round.

Battle Dance: the Mistress never provokes attacks of opportunity for moving in and out of squares, and is unhampered by difficult terrain. As long as she can see a foe, she gains an additional 5' step per turn.

Whip Into Frenzy: with a melee touch attack using a whip, the Mistress may deal a single point of damage to an ally and activate their Rage. Additionally, for the duration of their Rage, they use eight-sided dice for the bonus damage, instead of six-sided. She may even do this to herself, and can make a full attack to deliver as many uses as she has attacks.

Strangulation: upon striking with a whip, the Mistress may elect to begin a grapple without provoking, even from a distance. If she succeeds, the target takes automatic whip damage every turn the hold is maintained, and must make a Fort save (DC = damage dealt, cumulative) or pass out every round.

Intimidating Battlecry: as a Swift action, the Mistress may shout out, causing all enemies who can hear her to make a Will save, as well as taking Sonic damage equal to 1d6 + her level, +1d6 for every ally who is currently in a Rage and within 50'. The save is Cha-based. If they pass, they just take the damage. Otherwise they are Shaken for 1d6 rounds. If there is one ally in a Rage, they are Frightened for 2d4 rounds. If two allies in a Rage, they are Panicked for 2d6 rounds, and if three or more, they fall Comatose for 3d6 rounds.

Whipping Frenzy: as a Full Round Action, the Mistress may make a full attack with her whips against one enemy, gaining one additional attack per whip at her highest attack bonus. She may also elect to make her full complement of Attacks of Opportunity against the foe, just for having the bad luck of being there. She is then Staggered on her next round.

Rage: this improves and stacks as normal.

Spiral of Death: as a Full Round Action, the Mistress may whirl her whips and make an attack against all enemies she can reach. Every foe hit must make a Fort save (Dex-based) or die.

Reach of the Lash: the reach of the Mistresses' whips improves by 5' when she uses them, usually taking them out to 20'.

Inspire Murder: with a Move-Equivalent Action, the Mistress can talk her allies into a killing frenzy with her demagoguery. Sweet, Firefox recognises demagoguery. Until the beginning of her next turn, all successful hits they deliver are automatic critical hits. If she falls in battle, then for the remainder of the battle, all allies permanently gain this effect, as well as "Whip Into Frenzy".

Inspire Horror: as long as the Mistress is within 50' of an ally in a Rage, they radiate an effect of pure terror. Any enemy who sees them must pass a Will save (Cha-based) or die of fright. Even if they pass, they are Stunned for one round. If they succeed, they are immune for 48 hours. Only one save need be made, no matter how many allies are in a Rage,

Additional Equipment: Scout Power Armour, Torch on Head, 2 Neural Whips. Requisition: Gorgon Armoured Transport.


HD: 1d12
Skill Points: 2+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saves: Fortitude and Will
1Two Weapon Rend, Rage +1d6
2Widened Flame, Scorching Breach
3Healthy Link, Rage +2d6
4Agonising Critical, Burning Rage
5Smoky Veil, Perfect Concentration, Rage +3d6

Two Weapon Rend: when hooked up to the Penitent Engine, the Penitent gains the benefits of Two-Weapon Rend.

Rage: this improves as normal.

Widened Flame: when using flamers and heavy flamers, the Penitent can spread the flames out wide, doubling the width of the cone.

Scorching Breach: when hooked up to the Penitent Engine, the Penitent can strike fast. After successfully damaging a foe with a melee attack, she may use a Swift action to fire a heavy flamer. The enemy automatically fails their saving throw, but they are the only one hit. If the target was a vehicle, everyone inside is hit without a save.

Healthy Link: the Penitent gains an additional pool of HP equal to 5 multiplied by her level, however this is only subtracted from (or indeed healed) when attached to the Penitent Engine. Additionally, when hooked up, she is immune to any effect requiring a Fortitude save, unless it affects objects. If it ONLY affects objects, it still fails.

Agonising Critical: whenever the Penitent scores a critical hit, the target falls prone and must make a Fort save (Str-based). If they fail, they are nauseated and blinded with pain for 1d4 rounds, then sickened with pain for one minute thereafter.

Burning Rage: when in a Rage, the Penitent gains Fire Resistance equal to double her level, and may add her level in Fire Damage to all melee attacks she makes.

Smoky Veil: when hooked up to the Penitent Engine, the Penitent churns out so much smoke that she can't be seen. She gains the benefits of Concealment against all adjacent foes, and Full Concealment to all foes any further away. Additionally, adjacent foes need to make a Fortitude save every round (Con-based) or spend the round being nauseated by the smell of her burning flesh and hatred. Mostly hatred though, sucked from her brain and fed into the engine.

Perfect Concentration: the Penitent gains such a clear view of the world that nothing can break her concentration. No effect short of death may stop her from acting, or even penalise her movement, attack or damage rolls.

Additional Equipment:the Penitent Engine.

Penitent Engine:
Huge Construct (Living)
Speed: as "pilot" +10'
Armour Bonus: +8
-2 weapons that are effectively Huge Power Fists with a 20/x5 critical.
-2 Heavy Flamers (one attached to each arm, treated as Pistols)
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Living Saint and Penitent are fucking awesome, I have to read mistress yet though.
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Post by cthulhu »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Well, E has SFW areas. Also, with PbP, .... hmm, RPoL seems more and more likely. Now I'm feeling torn. I'll probably do a 10 encounter adventure on E, then, if I'm still feeling up to it, run the next version on RPoL.

Unless of course someone else wants to run a DC game on RPoL? Or Warp Cult? Unyuun would be fun to try in that setting.
I'm not game to click through at work, but I'd bet the entire site is blocked.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Fair enough Chthulu. Are you able to post from home though? Once per day or two, with described actions, and pre-rolled dice is one way of speeding up play.

Right now there's 5 people who are either interested, or making, or made characters.

I've got the list of encounters set up, and now I'm waiting on the players to finish their characters.
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

While everyone's Philosophy is not in accord, that doesn't mean we're not on board.
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Post by cthulhu »

Yeah I can, it depends what country your other posters are from. I've found that posting from work is more 'in sync' with americans, but if the game is australians that might not be such a big issue.
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Post by cthulhu »

Can I suggest adding "Stealthy" to the veteran abilities? It's really weird having the sneaking one but not the hiding one.
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Post by Meikle641 »

Since the PM system doesn't wanna work for me...

I was wondering, on behalf of a DM of mine, what a fair cost estimate of the jet and flightpacks would be, in D&D? Yeah yeah, it's tech not magic, but it may as well be.

We all know that Darkvision and Flight are fucking marked up in standard D&D as it is, but the people in the Den seem fairly good at this sorta thing.

If need be, me and another player considered flat-out flight being a 1/encounter or 1d4 rounds thing, which primary mode being skimming. We figure it could make it more palatable to the DM.
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Post by cthulhu »

Another observation:

Shock pilots don't actually have the heavy weapons proficency - but all vehicles mount heavy weapons - this may be an oversight.
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Post by Koumei »

Seraphim Prestige Classes:


HD: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Good
Good Saves: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Faith (Repentance), Disrupt
2Deep Strike (Storm the Objective!), Provide Opportunity
3Faith (Brilliant Aspect), Loved by All
4Deep Strike (Rapid Onslaught), Turbulence
5Faith (Shimmering Radiance), Heroine Overdose

Faith Powers:
-Repentance: upon making a full attack with a melee weapon against a single foe, a Heroine may spend a Swift action to force the target to make a Will save (Cha-based). If they fail, they are transported to the centre of the planet, as per "Imprisonment". She may do this three times per day.

-Brilliant Aspect: once per hour, the Heroine may Shapechange into a Celestial of any kind, lasting for five rounds.

-Shimmering Radiance: once per day, the Heroine may use an Immediate action to make herself (and all adjacent allies) immune to harm of any kind until the end of her next turn.

Disrupt: just like the Dungeonomicon Fighter.

Deep Strike:
-Storm the Objective: she now grants "Seize the Objective!" to all allies within 100'.
-Rapid Onslaught: the Heroine gains an additional Swift or Immediate action every round.

Provide Opportunity: all allies within 50 feet of the Heroine gain the benefits of Opportunist.

Loved by All: everyone likes the Heroine. After speaking with someone for one minute, she can bestow a Charm Person effect upon them (Ex, Cha-based, +2 to the DC if she has 10+ ranks in Diplomacy). After 10 minutes, she can bestow a Suggestion (Ex, Cha-based, +2 to the DC if she has 15+ ranks in Diplomacy). Additionally, if she falls in combat, all allies may add her level to their damage rolls for the rest of the encounter.

Turbulence: when the Heroine charges using a Jump Pack, all enemies she passes adjacent to must make a Fortitude save (Dex-based, altered by size as Tripping) or fall prone. If she ever spends a round in the same square and is wearing her Jump Pack, all enemies within 15' are affected by a Vertigo Field.

Heroine Overdose: any time the Heroine strikes someone in melee, the following round they take 1d6+CHA Divine damage per hit received.

Additional Equipment:Cloak of St. Aspira, Rosarius, Inferno Pistol, Relic Blade, Litanies of Faith. Requisition: Repressor, Land Raider Redeemer.

HD: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
BAB: Medium
Good Saves: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Impaling Charge, Bless the Faithful
2Faith (Beacon of Hope), Lunge
3Marker Fire, Fire Stride
4Dance of Death, Awesome Blow
5Faith (Wings of Flame), Turbulence

Impaling Charge: whenever the Imagifer charges, she may add 4d6 Piercing damage to the first attack she makes. Additionally, if an opponent is adjacent to and behind the foe struck, she may make an additional attack against them (at the same bonus). For one minute after this attack, the target treats their Damage Reduction and Armour Bonus to AC as Zero.

Bless the Faithful: once per day, the Imagifer can, as a Swift action, bless her allies. All Faith powers that have a number of uses per time period are refilled for all allies within 50'. Note that this is not a Faith Power in itself, so a pair of these cannot provide infinite charges.

Faith Powers:
-Beacon of Hope: the Imagifer constantly emits Daylight, as well as Hallow and Consecration (affecting whatever area happens to surround her at the time).

-Wings of Flame: as per the spell (except she retains the use of her arms), Swift action once per hour.

Lunge: the Imagifer may treat her reach as 5' more than normal. This includes with reach weapons and area threatened. On any round she elects to do this (not an action), she takes a -3 penalty on all attack rolls.

Marker Fire: whenever an Imagifer successfully hits a foe with a firearm, all allies gain a bonus on attack rolls against that foe equal to her Dexterity modifier. This lasts until her next turn.

Fire Stride: whenever using a flame weapon, as part of the attack action the Imagifer can move to any point within the cone, not taking damage from the attack.

Dance of Death: as a Move Equivalent Action, the Imagifer may hold her weapon aloft and shout a battlecry. All allies within 100' may move up to their Base Speed immediately, adding triple her Charisma modifier to their damage rolls until her next turn.

Awesome Blow: whenever striking a foe with a melee weapon, the Imagifer may elect to launch the enemy: for every 5 damage dealt, the target is forced 5' back (including diagonals, but the direction is fixed). This movement provokes attacks of opportunity, though not from her. Yes, two Imagifers with multiple AoOs can juggle the enemy between them.

Turbulence: as the Heroine

Additional Equipment:Two Inferno Pistols or two Flame Pistols, Melta Bombs, Plasma Grenades, Holy Water. Requisition: Valkyrie or Vulture.
Sister Non-Militant:

HD: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
BAB: Medium
Good Saves: Reflex and Will
1Dialogus or Famulus or Hospitaler, Faith Power
2Bonus Feat, Dutiful Assistance, True Mastery
3Faith Power, Non-Militant Superior
4Bonus Feat, Bolter Bitch
5Prioress, Limitless Faith

Dialogus: the Sister is most skilled in communication, electronics, mechanics and weapon maintenance, though she is also an accomplished pilot. She gains Rapid Repairs and Combat Piloting. Additionally, she may use an Attack of Opportunity to help an ally who is close enough that she could move adjacent to them with a Move Action: she does not move to them, but calls out assistance, and they may re-roll a failed attack roll. She gains the Faith Power of (Placate Machine Spirit), and at level 3 gains (Glorious Contraption).

Famulus: the Sister is an excellent diplomat and translator, and is also knowledgeable on forgotten lore. She gains the Bardic Lore ability, and knows an additional 4 languages. If ever an ally within her movement fails a Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate check (or an ability that mimics a Suggestion, Charm Person/Monster or Fascinate effect), she may spend an Attack of Opportunity to allow them to re-try instantly. She gains the Faith Power of (Words of Value), and at level 3 gains (Power Word: Because I Say So).

Hospitaler: the Sister is adept at keeping people alive. An experienced medic, she is also skilled in poison use, torture and bionics. She gains Mechadendrites as a bonus feat, and Relaxing Touch: with a melee touch attack as a Standard Action, she may convert 10 times her level in damage to non-lethal damage to any ally. Additionally, whenever an ally within her movement fails a saving throw, she may use an Attack of Opportunity to allow them to re-roll. She gains the Faith Power of (Magic Fingers), and at level 3 gains (I Kissed A Girl).

Faith Powers: the Faith Powers gained depend on the path chosen.

-Placate Machine Spirit: the Sister Dialogus may cast Dispel Magic (with a bonus equal to her character level, no limit) 3 times per day, and Greater Magic Weapon once per hour. When she casts this, she may apply qualities instead of a flat bonus.

-Words of Value: the Sister Famulus may cast Confusion, Rage, Charm Monster and Tongues 3 times per day, each.

-Magic Fingers: the Sister Hospitaler may perform a Pain Touch three times per day. This is an Attack action, and requires a melee touch attack. If it succeeds, the foe must pass a Fort save (Int-based) or be Nauseated for 2d4 rounds. She may also perform an Ecstasy Touch three times per day. This is also an Attack action requiring a melee touch attack. The target gains the benefits of a Heal spell, and becomes immune to Morale penalties for one minute. However they must pass a Will save (Int-based) or be Stunned for one round.

-Glorious Contraption: given enough random spare parts and ten minutes of construction time, a Sister Dialogus may build a mechanical vehicle that counts as a Colossal Animated Object. It is intrinsically noisy (unable to Move Silently) and constantly emits a 15' radius Acid Fog from the exhaust, and it will break down after one hour.

-Power Word: Because I Say So: the Sister Famulus may, after speaking with a Friendly target for one full minute, subject them to a True Domination effect. Only one person may be affected by this at a time, however.

-I Kissed A Girl: with a Full Round Action, the Sister Hospitaler may perform a kiss of life on anyone who is dead but has at least 50% of their body remaining. This makes her Exhausted, however the target is raised from the dead to full health, all limbs regenerated etc. and suffers no level loss. They will forever after be Friendly towards her.

Bonus Feats: at the levels listed, the Sister Non-Militant may select any [Skill] feat as a bonus feat.

Dutiful Assistance: with a Standard Action, the Sister Non-Militant may provide assistance to an adjacent ally. The next time the ally needs to roll a d20 (within one round), they automatically roll a natural 20.

True Mastery: firstly, the Sister Non-Militant gains Skill Mastery with a number of skills equal to her Intelligence modifier. Secondly, she may select a number of scaling feats (Skill or Combat) equal to her Intelligence modifier: she gains the next ability up the list as though her skill ranks/BAB were higher.

Non-Militant Superior: when granting an ally a re-roll with the first-level ability, they receive a bonus (or, for enemies required to make a check or save, they receive a penalty) equal to her Intelligence modifier. Additionally, she may select a single Knowledge skill, she always passes checks with it. If ever it is relevant to know her exact bonus, treat it as +9,001 or something.

Bolter Bitch: Sisters Non-Militant are quite adept at fighting still, but some people forget this. She may treat Boltguns as Assault Firearms, and whenever she shoots a target with a Boltgun or Bolt Pistol, each die of damage adds her Charisma modifier to it.

Prioress: the Prioress is looked upon favourably by the Inquisition, and as such is given her own suit of Artificer Armour (with Servo Arm) and Thunderhawk Transport Ship. Additionally, any Adepta Sororitas characters within (her) movement distance of her may always treat their damage rolls as average (round down) if they roll less than this amount.

Limitless Faith: the Sister Non-Militant now is able to use her Faith Powers endlessly. If they have a limited number of uses per time unit, ignore this and treat them as "At Will".

Additional Equipment:Boltgun with Sarissa, Communications Kit, Repair Kit or Auto-Scribe (Computer) or 2 Medi-Kits, Auspex, Aquila Lander, Rosarius. Requisition: Combi-Bolter, modified Thunderfire Machine (Storm Bolter, follows her around carrying more gear).
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

cthulhu: done and done - I fixed up proficiencies for a number of classes.

Meikle: it totally does work, I got the message twice :p

(I think that's a bug that occurs for everyone)

That being said, I'm not entirely sure. If you mainly keep it on the gliding, you're looking at what, a few thou? Add in Clumsy Flight and we should be talking 5K tops. Less if it's limited. If you wanted Good Flight, it might go up to 10K but regardless, the point is "less than the 15,000.01 cut-off mark".
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Post by Meikle641 »

Ah, sorry about that. Suspected something dumb like that would happen (never gotten that before).

I was eyeballing it around 10-20k before (non-tome) when I talked with another player. Glad to see my estimate seems about right. Thanks.
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Post by Quantumboost »

I can just imagine someone "wishing for a rocketship"...

Question: The Storm Trooper's "Arrival" ability reads like the surprise round is dependent on having frag grenades - which isn't universal for Storm Troopers (if they choose Chainsword, they don't get the 'nades). Does this mean that Chainswording Troopers don't receive the surprise round feature?
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Post by Koumei »

No, they can still do it, they just can't drop the grenades that they don't have.

I was going to write up some universal rule to cover the [Deep Strike] category (as it is, they're just different abilities, with a single thing that is dependant on the tag - for vehicles), but couldn't think of anything. Maybe just a simple "You cannot be fatigued or exhausted to use these".

So, coming next:

10 Assassin PrCls

Feats for Siege Tier

Bits and Pieces that were left out (such as Dreadnoughts)

Possibly the Sisters of Silence

All Done/do a little work on an Assault Tier variant for Cultists. Maybe
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Maxus »

What about skills? It'd be nice to know how Pilot and Repair work.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Koumei »

Oh, sure.

Repair (Int):

A DC 10 Repair check can be used to un-jam a jammed weapon* (1 round)

A DC 15 Repair check can fix a broken weapon to be usable for 2d6 rounds (3 rounds)

A DC 20 Repair check can negate one "status condition" on a vehicle (1 minute)

A DC 25 Repair check can properly fix a damaged weapon, set of armour, or small piece of equipment (5 minutes)

Repairing a Vehicle: make a check (this takes 10 minutes). Subtract 20 from your result. That many Hit Points are restored to the vehicle. It can't be Wrecked, however.

*Usually this will happen as a result of a spell/effect, or DM fiat.


Pilot (Dex):

Normally, piloting a vehicle in regular conditions requires no roll if you have even a single rank in Pilot. If you don't, you'd be lucky to get it moving in the first place, and then it's a DC 10 check per minute (otherwise it stalls or spins out or whatever).

If a vehicle has the hatch open and is hit by an area effect ability, a DC 15 Pilot check is required to prevent the crew from being affected (not an action).

Pilot checks to keep control of a vehicle in difficult situations:

Make a DC 10 check, with modifiers for all of the following that apply:

Difficult Terrain: +3
Dangerous Terrain: +5
Sudden Turns: +2
Concealment: +10
Full Concealment/Blind: +20 (does not stack with Concealment)
Vehicle is taking Continuing Damage: +Damage
Hit by Ordinance Weapons: +10 (Vehicle-Mounted-Only Heavy)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Callidus Assassin Prestige Classes:

Callidus Death Master:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saves: Fortitude and Reflex
1Sneak Attack +1d6, Focused Blast
2Toxic Blend, Rapid Onslaught
3Sneak Attack +2d6, Complete Flanker
4Fleet of Foot, Broken Chain of Command
5Sneak Attack +3d6, Enslave

Sneak Attack: if you don't know now, I'm not telling you.

Focused Blast: when using a Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Hand Flamer or Neural Shredder, the Callidus Death Master can halve the width of the blast, multiplying the damage by 1.5 and adding +4 to the save DCs.

Toxic Blend: the Callidus Death Master may blend two toxins together and have them still work - it uses the combined delivery methods, the higher of the two save DCs and the combined damage.

Rapid Onslaught: the Callidus Death Master gains an additional Swift or Immediate Action each round.

Complete Flanker: the Callidus Death Master is always flanking all adjacent enemies. Furthermore, all of their allies also gain the benefits of flanking those enemies.

Fleet of Foot: the Callidus Death Master gains an additional Move Action each round (even when reduced to only one partial action each round).

Broken Chain of Command: the Callidus Death Master is good at sowing dissent in enemy ranks and breaking communications down. With a Standard action they may prevent all enemy Auras and Command abilities from working within 100' of them (this lasts for 2d6 rounds) and cause a Mass Confusion effect.

Enslave: after spending at least a day in the service of a target, a Callidus Death Master may produce a True Domination effect upon them. Only one slave can be controlled at a time, however.

Additional Equipment: Digi-Weapon, another C'tan Phase Sword and Neural Shredder, a range of exotic poisons.

Callidus Death Master:

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saves: Reflex and Will
1Death Cultists (2), Mindfire Blast
2Sneak Attack +1d6, Treason Command
3Death Cultists (4), Steal Loyalty
4Sneak Attack +2d6, Polymorphine Rampage
5Callidus Assassins (4), Imitate Deity

Death Cultists: the Callidus Executor gains a pair of level 6 Death Cultists to serve and assist them. They never gain levels, sadly, so probably aren't too helpful in combat itself. Later on, they have 4 of them.

Mindfire Blast: anyone hit by the Callidus Executor's Neural Shredder is instantly hit by a Parboil effect, and if they fail the save, contract Mindfire.

Sneak Attack: oh come on.

Treason Command: with a Move-Equivalent Action, the Callidus Executor may cause all enemies within 50 feet to spend an Immediate Action performing a single attack against each other. A Will Save (Cha-based) negates this. Having already spent their Immediate Action does not prevent this from working: they just lose their next Partial Action.

Steal Loyalty: summoned Creatures automatically turn traitor against their summoner and serve the Callidus Executor, when within 50 feet of them. Worse still, the Executor gains the ability to dismiss them and the caster loses the ability to do so. Animal Companions and Minions (Followers) do the same thing.

Polymorphine Rampage: once per day, as a Full Round Action, the Callidus Executor may let their drugs run rampant, shifting their body in a terrifying manner. They gain the benefit of a Shapechange effect.

Callidus Assassins: at this point, the Death Cultist followers advance to become Death Cultist 6/Callidus Assassin 4. They then stop gaining levels, but still serve the Executor.

Imitate Deity: with a Full Round Action, the Callidus Executor may make a Bluff check against a Sense Motive check, convincing a believer that they are in fact the relevant deity. This can result in them being able to Dominate Divine Spellcasters or fool them into thinking their spells have been revoked (Will negates) or otherwise fuck with them.

Additional Equipment: an additional 3 doses of Polymorphine per day, Eldar Holo-Field and Grav-Pack.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Culexus Assassin Prestige Classes:

Culexus Death Master:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Furious Charge, Tainted Warp
2Anti-Magic, Psychosomatic Disease
3Servitude of Fear, Fleet of Foot
4Revulsion, Triple-Throw
5Vortex of Souls, Induce Nausea

Furious Charge: when the Culexus Death Master charges a foe, they treat their Strength as 2 points higher and gain the benefits of Pounce.

Tainted Warp: anyone who attempts to scry anything or anywhere within 500' of the Culexus Death Master automatically fails, and additionally must make a Will save (Int-based) or be affected by Psychic Poison. The Primary and Secondary damage is 1d10 Int.

Anti-Magic any magically or psionically powered device, or Warp Drives, will instantly cut out when within 15' of a Culexus Death Master, just like an Anti-Magic Zone.

Psychosomatic Disease: any Psyker who spends more than one full round within 15 feet of a Culexus Death Master must make a Will save (Int-based). If they fail, they catch a Psycho-Somatic disease. This is a [Mind Affecting] effect, and works like Devil Chills, except using Will saves with the same DC as the basic ability.

Servitude of Fear: as a Standard action, the Culexus Death Master can enthrall a Panicked or Cowering foe. They are entitled to a Will save (Cha-based), but if they fail, they are Dominated for one minute, and Charmed thereafter.

Fleet of Foot: the Culexus Death Master gains an additional Move Action each round.

Revulsion: all Psykers who stray within 30' of a Culexus Death Master must make a Will save (Cha-based). If they fail, they are affected by a Rage effect (as per the spell) for one minute. This generally means they can't cast any spells or use any powers.

Triple-Throw: with the one action, a Culexus Death Master can throw 3 grenades at a time, even at different targets.

Vortex of Souls: once per day, the Culexus Death Master may unleash a "Wail of the Banshee" effect, however it only affects Psykers.

Induce Nausea: with a Standard action, the Culexus Death Master may focus their gaze upon a living target. If they then fail a Fortitude save (Cha-based), they become Nauseous for 1d6+1 rounds.

Additional Equipment:Storm Bolter with Psy-Cannon rounds, Eldar Holo-Field.

Culexus Executor:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will
1Follower (1 Death Cultist), Engulfing Aura
2Spell Worm, Invisibility
3Follower (1 Culexus Assassin), Tainted Warp
4Revulsion, Mass Spell Worm
5Follower (1 Culexus Death Master), Gaze of Annihilation

Follower: at first level the Executor gets a Death Cultist as a follower. At level 3, they become a Culexus Assassin (level 6/4). At level 5, they gain a level in Culexus Death Master.

Engulfing Aura: the Aura of Fear the Culexus Executor radiates extends out to one mile. No really.

Spell Worm: once per round, the Culexus Executor may spend a Move Equivalent Action to tax the mind of a Psyker or caster within 50'. They must pass a Will Save (Int-based) or lose a single spell they have prepared (or, for spontaneous casters, an unused spell slot. For those with Spell-like abilities, they lose a daily or hourly use), starting with the highest level ones available. Additionally, they are unaware this is happening until they pass the save.

Invisibility: so it seems everyone is a little bit psychic, using it for their basic senses even. The Culexus Executor can become Invisible at will, using a Swift Action to spend one round Invisible. Repeating this in consecutive rounds keeps the effect going - they don't blink in and out of visibility.

Tainted Warp: see above.

Revulsion: see above.

Mass Spell Worm: Spell Worm now affects a number of casters equal to the Charisma modifier of the Culexus Executor.

Gaze of Annihilation: with a Standard Action, a Culexus Executor may glare at an enemy. If they are a Psyker, they must pass a Fort save (Cha-based) or be slain and sucked into the warp (both). If they are not a Psyker, and fail the save, they merely drop Comatose for one round, then become Helpless for 1 minute thereafter, then Blind and Deaf for one hour.

Additional Equipment:1 dose of Etherium Derivatives that double the duration of all [Fear] effects that are used within the next hour, Sting Ray.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Eversor Assassin Prestige Classes:

Eversor Death Master:

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 4+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Fleet of Foot, Reaction Overload
2Rage +1d6, Toxic Meltdown
3Rampage, Muscle Overload
4Rage +2d6, Poison Spit
5Detonation, Overclock, WRYYYYY

Fleet of Foot: the Eversor Death Master gains an additional Move Action per round.

Reaction Overload: as an Immediate Action, an Eversor Death Master may take damage equal to their level to make a single attack against them automatically miss.

Rage: you know the drill.

Toxic Meltdown: if the Eversor is slain, the explosion goes ahead, but also, everyone in the area of effect must make a Fortitude save (Con-based) or be affected by a Poison that deals 1d10 Strength, Dexterity and Constitution damage as both primary and secondary damage.

Rampage: the Eversor Death Master gains an extra Standard Action every round when below half their Maximum Hit Points.

Muscle Overload: the Eversor Death Master, when attacking in melee, may add their Con bonus to hit and twice their level to damage. Doing so, however, also deals their level in damage to themselves.

Poison Spit: as a Swift action, the Eversor Death Master may spit venom out to 15' with a melee touch attack. If it succeeds, the target must pass a Fortitude Save (Con-based) against a poison that causes 1d6 Con damage as primary damage and Coma for 3d6 days as secondary damage.

Detonation: if and when the Eversor Death Master explodes, the damage is now increased to 40d6. Yeah, holy shit.

Overclock: whenever the Eversor Death Master is below one quarter of their maximum hit points and takes damage, they may activate a Time Stop effect as an Immediate Action.

WRYYYYY: when disembarking from a vehicle, the Death Master may immediately charge, gaining the benefits of Leap Attack. Additionally, when piloting a vehicle, the Death Master may charge foes and even perform crude jumps (dealing 2d6 damage to the vehicle, ignoring Hardness and DR). Doing so doubles the ram/trample damage.

Additional Equipment: Assault Cannon, 5 time-delay Plasma Grenades, 5 time-delay Melta Bombs. Requisition: Drop Pod or Land Raider Crusader.

Eversor Executive:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex
1Follower (1 Commissar), Icy Rage
2Rage +1d6, Face Wearer
3Follower (1 Commissar Lord), Dual-Wielding Maniac
4Rage +1d6, Toolkit of Death, Explosion of Gore
5Followers (+Eversor Assassin), Phone A Friend

Follower: the Eversor Executive gains a Commissar (level 6) follower to help keep them under control. At level 3, they gain 4 levels in Commissar Lord. At level 5, they also receive a follower who is an Eversor Assassin (level 6/4).

Icy Rage: the Eversor Executive may act completely normally and rationally in a rage, even under the influence of any drugs. They become immune to [Mind Affecting] effects.

Rage: as normal.

Face Wearer: after slaughtering someone violently, the Eversor Executive may wear their skin as a crude mask, gaining the effect of an Alter Self. Anyone who successfully sees through the disguise must make both a Fortitude save (DC 18) and a Will save (Int-based). If the Fort save is failed, they are Nauseated for 1d4 rounds. If the Will save is failed, they Cower for 1 minute.

Dual-Wielding Maniac: the Eversor Executive may wield Rapid Fire and Assault Weapons (except for the borderline-Heavy ones) as Pistols, and may thus hold one in each hand. Doing so allows them to treat the weapons as twin-linked.

Toolkit of Death: the Eversor Executive receives a variety of new deadly devices.

Explosion of Gore: when a foe is sufficiently injured, the Eversor may attempt to dismember them as a Standard Action. Roll to damage normally, as well as +5d8 bonus damage. If the amount is enough to reduce the target to 0 HP, they are slain instantly, exploding in a spray of gore. Everyone within 15' except the Assassin is blinded until they spend a Standard action clearing their eyes, and all within 30' must make a Fort save (Str-based) or be Nauseated for 3 rounds and a Will-save (same) or be Panicked for 5 rounds. If the damage rolled is not enough, the target is unharmed.

Phone a Friend: once per day, the Eversor Executive may phone in an orbital bombardment. It strikes one round later, and continues happening for 2d4+1 rounds.

Additional Equipment:Suit and tie, 2 Boltguns, Hot-Shot Las-Pistol Pen (clip-2), Briefcase-Ripper Pistol, Tie-Clip Melta-Bomb. Requisition: Drop Pod or Land Raider Crusader.

Toolkit of Death:
-Mobile Phone: 1 Lascannon Shot (as Pistol), can be used as a Plasma Grenade, wrong buttons inject user with Colossal Centipede Poison.

-Cologne/Perfume: deals 100 Acid Damage to Metal and Stone, ignoring Hardness (if sprayed in a concentrated area as a Standard action), can fill a 10' radius cloud with toxic gas (Inhaled Poison, DC 20, 3d6 Con/Death)

-Augmented Knees: Bionic, Swift Action: fire 2 Shotguns (clip-1 each)

-Lipstick: leaves Melta Gel trail, Contact Poison (DC 25, 3d6 Str/Coma 2d6 Days)

-4 Cuban Cigars (very miniature Hellfury Missiles)

-Bionic Fist: Standard Action: fire a Demolition Device (destroys hand). Can also be activated as part of a punch, allowing no save to the target OR the Executive, and destroying their entire arm and any gloves, gauntlets etc.
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Post by Meikle641 »

... You are awesome, Koumei. The Eversor Executive is fucking hilarious, and awesome. Does he seriously look the same, other than the suit? :D
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Post by Judging__Eagle »


Eversor Death masters get assaulty cannones. O:

I don't know which of the two Eversor classes is better nao.

James Bond Eversor is also awesome, but you already know that.

Give this girl one warhammer 40k's.

The image of an eversor assasin hauling an assault cannon is just so much win.



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Post by Maxus »

I laughed until I sobbed. If you want to know what that sounds like, go look for a clip of Him on Power Puff Girls. I sound like him when I laugh.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Meikle641 wrote:... You are awesome, Koumei. The Eversor Executive is fucking hilarious, and awesome. Does he seriously look the same, other than the suit? :D
Yes. I was adamant about well... that I wanted Koumei to not change her writing of the Eversor classes, b/c an Eversor Executive is more awesome than an Eversor Executioner. I'm sure that everyone can agree to that now.

If not, I've got a cigar I'd like to smoke near the naysayers.
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Post by Koumei »

I'm waiting for my post count to make my title "King", so that I can preface all my posts with "BEHOLD THE KING... THE KING OF KINGS! (on your knees, dog)"

No points for naming the song.

Mechanicus Assassin Prestige Classes:

Mechanicus Death Master:

Hit Die: 1d10
Skill Points: 6+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Will
1Turbo Boost, Fist Augmentation
2EYE BEAMS!, Confuse Magic Device
3Mechadendrites, Empower Device
4Face Augmentation, Electrical Discharge
5Amplifier, Vengeance

The Mechanicus Death Master is always proficient with their own augmented weapons.
Turbo Boost: the Mechanicus Death Master is overclocked, gaining an extra Move Action every round.

Fist Augmentation: the Mechanicus Death Master can have a Thunder Hammer built into one fist. They still retain all the regular function of their hand, although high-fiving or bro-fisting is a really bad idea.

EYE BEAMS! the Mechanicus Death Master may, as a Swift Action, unleash eye beams that function as a single twin-linked shot from a Hot-Shot Las Pistol. Additionally, if the target is successfully hit, they are locked on, so any other ranged attacks the Death Master makes against them in that round may re-roll if they miss.

Confuse Magic Device: anyone using a magic item to target the Mechanicus with a spell they don't want to be hit by must make a Modified Level Check against the Use Magic Device or Bluff of the Mechanicus. If they fail, the item targets the user instead. Additionally, any construct that is to attack the Death Master is automatically treated as Confused (ignore their immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects). There is no save against this. Eat a dick, Warforged.

Mechadendrites: the Mechanicus Death Master gains more mechadendrites.

Empower Device: by whispering sweet nothings to it, the Mechanicus may Empower any magic item or firearm. A Swift action must be spent doing this, and it lasts for the remainder of the round.

Face Augmentation: the Mechanicus Death Master gets some very painful additions made to their face. Although they may elect to look normal, they have a chainfist in their mouth.

Electrical Discharge: the Mechanicus Death Master constantly benefits from a Call Lightning effect (Su). This can be suppressed at will.

Amplifier: any Construct the Mechanicus Death Master has control over (including Vengeance, below) gains an additional Standard action each round.

Vengeance: should the Mechanicus Death Master ever be slain and their head retained, the enemy will rue the day they crossed the machine cult, AND RUE IT HARD! The Mechanicus gets to inhabit the body of a Warhound Titan. Oh Shit Yes.

Additional Equipment: Servo Harness or Astartes Bike or Land Speeder. Requisition: Shadowsword or Stormlord or Baneblade (not when Vengeance is active).

Mechanicus Executor:

Hit Die: 1d8
Skill Points: 8+Int
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude
1Followers (1 Death Cultist, 1 Pilot), Mind Link (Tank)
2L337 H4XX0R, Void Shield, Infiltrate Systems
3Followers (1 Mechanicus Assassin, 1 Tech-Priest), Augmented Arm
4Holo-Projector, Melta-Slap
5Followers (+3 Heavy Weapon Squads), Mind Link (Super Heavy)

Followers: the Mechanicus Executor gains two followers, a level 6 Death Cultist and a Storm Trooper 3/Shock Pilot 3. At level 3 the Death Cultist gains 4 levels in Mechanicus Assassin, and the Pilot gains 4 levels in Tech-Priest. At level 5, they also gain six level 6 Core Fighters, all with proficiency with all Firearms. Each pair of Fighters also has either a Heavy Bolter, Missile Launcher, Auto-Cannon or Las-Cannon.

Mind Link: the Mechanicus Executor may, with a Standard Action, link their mind to the machine spirit of a vehicle. Upon doing this, they effectively are the vehicle, controlling it like a natural extension of their own body. They no longer need to make pilot checks (although can do so to activate any special abilities), instead simply treat the vehicle as being the character, with their mental ability scores, skills and abilities. At level 5, they can even do this with Super-Heavy tanks. At this point, they get given a [Bane/Hell/Shadow/Storm/Doom][Hammer/Blade/Sword/Lord] to pilot. Mix and match the words there.

L337 H4XX0R: with a Full Round Action, the Mechanicus Executor may reach out to any magic item or device with a machine spirit within 1 mile per level, and Scry upon the object, the owner or the general area of the object. The owner is entitled to a Will save, as is the object if being attended. Otherwise there is no save, it just works.

Void Shield: the Mechanicus Executor has a miniature Void Shield Generator in their back. Against attacks originating from more than 10 feet away, the Executor has a pool of Shield Points equal to 200. They regenerate at the rate of 1 per round when taken away, unless fully taken out, in which case the shields go offline for 2 hours (but come back with full power).

Infiltrate Systems: magic traps never trigger for the Mechanicus Executor, even exploding runes and the like. Additionally, surveillance systems and automated weapon turrets elect to ignore them.

Augmented Arm: the Mechanicus Executor may pick any arm they like, left or right. It gets a Las-Cannon built in, that needn't be steadied.

Holo-Projector: the Mechanicus Executor gets a Holo-Projector built into one eye, and may create the following effects (Su) at will:
-Silent Image
-Illusory Terrain
-Shadow Evokation (Fireball or Lightning Bolt)
-Shadow Conjuration (Solid Fog, Summon Swarm)
-Hypnotic Pattern

Melta-Slap: with a melee touch attack, the Mechanicus Executor may lock a Melta Bomb onto a target. It detonates on the following turn, and requires a DC 30 Strength Check to remove.

Additional Equipment: 10 Melta Bombs, Land Raider Terminus Ultra or Chimera or Predator.
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Post by Cynic »

oh, that song is easy. it's a bad one, too. motorhead did it. :-P

or did they do the cover.
Ancient History wrote:We were working on Street Magic, and Frank asked me if a houngan had run over my dog.
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