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Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:27 pm
by Starmaker
angelfromanotherpin wrote:Ancient temple? In a horror story? Nothing could possibly go wrong. Press on!
Beneath Nightmare Castle wrote: Tomorrow, you should seek out Old Huw (sp?) at the ruined temple to Oiden.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:03 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
The ruined temple is set on a rocky outcrop halfway up Castle Hill. The path to it is steep and narrow, and you can almost feel the watching presence of the ominous, windowless edifice as you clamber up towards it. The dark stone facing of the temple is pitted and crumbling, but a long line of enormous grim-faced statues of weapon-wielding kings and queens is still standing. The only entrance is a small dark hole in the middle of this line of guardians. Standing in the doorway, apparently dozing, is a wizened old man.

If you decide to approach the old man
If you would rather hide in the rocks and watch the temple entrance

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:12 pm
by Starmaker
Either could prove beneficial, but in the interest of potentially cashing in on a presumably good outcome of the earlier decision to spill it, approach.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:29 pm
by OgreBattle
approach old man

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:35 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Yes, talk to old man. With any luck he will remind us that it is dangerous to go alone.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:06 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
You walk up to the forbidding entrance. The old man remains motionless, propped on his staff, until you are only a few paces away. Then he opens sparkling blue eyes and snaps at you: 'I am Huw, last priest of Oiden in this town. Hurry inside, my friend, for enemies are approaching.' He turns sharply and beckons you to follow him into the depths of the gloomy ruin. His voice sounds familiar, but you cannot quite recall when and where you have heard it before.

If you want to follow him
If you would rather return to the center of town

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:15 pm
by Starmaker
Darth Rabbitt wrote:you cannot quite recall when and where you have heard it before.
obvs barring a bug in the flowchart. Follow.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:51 pm
by angelfromanotherpin

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:11 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Huw leads you into a circular hall where he genuflects at the trunk of a spindly white-branched tree that twists upwards from the center of the stone floor. He then ushers you into a cramped side-chamber. You sit on a low stool, and find Huw standing beside you—holding a knife to your throat. 'Be still and listen!' he hisses. 'I rescued you from the dungeon of the East Gate because I suspect you may be the warrior that Oiden has foretold will arrive to challenge the evil in this town. If you are the prophesied hero, you have with you a valuable treasure that links you to Neuburg. You must donate the treasure to this temple in order to obtain Oiden's assistance. If you are indeed the chosen one, give me the item now! Neuburg's peril increases hourly!' Concealed in your belt you have a jewel-encrusted gold ring given to you many years ago by Baron Tholdur. It is your most valued possession. Huw turns away. Will you:

Offer him Baron Tholdur's ring?
Say that you have no such treasure?
Attack him with your sword?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:24 am
by Starmaker

Just as I was reassured about that earlier choice because this guy helped us in the dungeon, he derps out.

Comply, on the grounds that killing us back in the inn and/or asking nicely here would've been WAY more conducive to gaining the ring as a competing Evil faction. But if that's the general disposition of Good, it's no wonder Neuburg got pwnd.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:13 am
by angelfromanotherpin
Offer the ring.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:15 am
by Darth Rabbitt
(Well, the innkeeper said Huw was "half mad;" I think he was underestimating.)

The old priest cannot disguise his joy as he beholds the gem-encrusted gold ring resting on the palm of your hand. He snatches it from you and exults: 'Just as Oiden foretold! Neuburg has found its champion at last! My friend, I can help to prepare you for the trials you must endure; but first, I suggest you fortify yourself with a square meal. Follow me!'

Surprisingly, the table is stocked with provisions. You eat well in a cavernous kitchen. You can restore up to 4 points of STAMINA, and you may put in your backpack enough for another three meals. If you do so, add them to your Adventure Sheet. While you eat, Huw gives you information.

(Why wouldn't we put more food in our backpack? Trading priceless signet rings for food and exposition is actually a really good deal in a Fighting Fantasy book.)

'I am older than I look, my young friend, although you may not think it possible,' Huw tells you. 'I helped to build this temple, and I know why it was built here and which evil forces it was intended to contain. Many legends tell of the clashes of armies, the slaughter and the sacrifice that took place when the ancestors of these townfolk drove the southern hordes out. The stories do not dwell on the unseen side of that conflict: the struggle between the priests of Oiden and Xakhaz, the accursed archmage of the despicable gods of Zagoula.

Xakhaz was not destroyed, but his earthly form was sundered, and his spirit sealed deep beneath the earth. This temple was constructed over one of the entrances to those subterranean chambers; Neuburg Keep was built to guard the other. The seals beneath this building are still intact. But I began to worry when Baron Tholdur announced his intention to visit the infernal city of Zagoula. When he returned with a retinue of southern soldiers I was displeased; and when it became clear that leading the soldiers was a mysterious wizard whom none in Neuburg has yet seen, my fears were confirmed. Xakhaz is stirring. He may already have material form. I cannot guess what he will be like or what he will do after so many centuries in limbo!'

(A crazy priest of a presumably Good god who doesn't like establishing any relations with the defeated Evil nation and the worshipers of the Evil gods? This guy is starting to sound like Greystaff. In Huw's defense, he seems to be right on this one. Robed Southerners led by a Wizard tend to be bad news.)

The old priest of Oiden continues his explanation: 'If Xakhaz is resurrected and restored to his ancient powers, Neuburg and all its people will be helpless before his vengeful sorcery. I shudder to imagine the terror and despair he will inflict! However, he can be defeated and imprisoned again, especially while he is still weak. His physical form can be destroyed by the sword of a mighty warrior—such as you—and he and his minions can be weakened by the Talisman of Loth. Unfortunately, the Talisman is missing. A week ago, I sent Cernic, my fellow priest, to explore the Keep. He has not returned, and I cannot contact him—although I think he is still alive. You must go to the Keep, and try to find the Talisman of Loth before you descend into the lower caverns. Do not enter the castle by the main gate—it is heavily guarded. There is a little-known side-entrance that you will find if you turn to the right before you reach the main gate. I can give you no more information; but if you wish to undertake the Ordeal, Oiden may yet bestow gifts upon you.'

If you want to try the Ordeal
If you would rather get on with your quest

(Damn, this guy talks a lot! Well he is old, and a priest, so I guess it's to be expected. Also, the exposition is quite useful. But still, 4 large paragraphs of exposition is a quite a lot for a gamebook.)

Holden McGroin, a.k.a Fukkerjack
SKILL 11/11
LUCK 9/9
Equipment: Sword, Armor
Provisions: 3 (+4 STAMINA each)
Gold Pieces: 5
Running Total of Deaths: 1

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:56 am
by Starmaker
Darth Rabbitt wrote:(Why wouldn't we put more food in our backpack? Trading priceless signet rings for food and exposition is actually a really good deal in a Fighting Fantasy book.)
It's regular loose food, not hardcore adventuring stuff like D&D's iron rations.

Undertake the ordeal and hope the price of failure is just some hp.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:04 am
by angelfromanotherpin
Yeah, this guy seems as legit as we're going to get. Take the ordeal, we're in good shape.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:06 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
You are in the large circular chamber, looking up at the strange tree. It is completely leafless, but you are sure it is alive. Its sinewy white limbs have a ghostly luminosity. 'Climb!' Huw tells you.

You cannot see the top of the tree. It seems to disappear into shadows near the domed ceiling. You clamber up the branches until you can no longer see the room below, but still you are nowhere near the top. A strong, bitter wind clutches at you; you cling on as white mists swirl all around. Higher: your body feels fatigue and increasing pain; inhuman voices clamor in your head. Grimly, you continue to climb, with all your senses assaulted. It feels as though your mind and body are being torn apart. You lose consciousness.

Add together your WILLPOWER and STAMINA. Roll one die eight times. (32; the result is greater than our combined WILLPOWER and STAMINA)

You wake to find yourself on the cold stone floor, curled around the trunk of the tree. Every muscle aches, and your head is spinning. The Ordeal has cost you 1 point of STAMINA and 1 point of WILLPOWER; deduct them from your Adventure Sheet.

'Only the strongest and most determined can withstand a meeting with Oiden,' Huw intones. 'You may climb the tree again, or you may leave.'

If you want to experience the Ordeal again
If you decide it is time to leave

Holden McGroin, a.k.a Fukkerjack
SKILL 11/11
LUCK 9/9
Equipment: Sword, Armor
Provisions: 3 (+4 STAMINA each)
Gold Pieces: 5
Running Total of Deaths: 1

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:21 pm
by Korgan0
We've got about a 50-50 chance of succeeding, I think, so let's go for it.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:34 pm
by Starmaker
Try again.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:44 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Is the reference for re-try the same as for trying in the first place?

I mean, I'm all for re-trying because the odds aren't bad and the penalties for failure seem to be modest, but if it's a different reference we should definitely go again because sometimes it's a test of persistence.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:07 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
(The reference for retry is indeed the same as the reference for trying the first time. Also, I have to wonder if Huw failed the Ordeal one too many times and that's why he's so derpy. Or maybe he's just senile. Or both.)

You are in the large circular chamber, looking up at the strange tree. It is completely leafless, but you are sure it is alive. Its sinewy white limbs have a ghostly luminosity. 'Climb!' Huw tells you.

You cannot see the top of the tree. It seems to disappear into shadows near the domed ceiling. You clamber up the branches until you can no longer see the room below, but still you are nowhere near the top. A strong, bitter wind clutches at you; you cling on as white mists swirl all around. Higher: your body feels fatigue and increasing pain; inhuman voices clamor in your head. Grimly, you continue to climb, with all your senses assaulted. It feels as though your mind and body are being torn apart. You lose consciousness.

Add together your WILLPOWER and STAMINA. Roll one die eight times. (24; the result is less than our combined WILLPOWER and STAMINA)

You find yourself lying on the stone floor, curled around the trunk of the tree. You spring to your feet, marveling at the feeling of well-being that flows through your body and the sense of calm, fearless purpose that fills your head. Your Initial STAMINA and WILLPOWER are increased by 1 point each, and you can add up to 2 points of STAMINA and WILLPOWER to your current scores—but you cannot exceed your new Initial values, of course. Record these changes on your Adventure Sheet. 'Oiden has rewarded your fortitude,' says Huw. 'Now you must leave and accomplish your mission.'

(Almost perfect, actually; that heals up our damage from our first try and boosts our new scores up to full.)

The old priest leads you to the door of the temple and bids you farewell. 'There is little point in delaying your perilous quest; somewhere in Neuburg is a broken fragment of a once potent weapon, and I would not be at all surprised it it were buried among the wares of some curio dealer. The Merchants' Quarter is nothing but a den of thieves. Avoid the riverside, it is an unsavory place. Return to the center of town, and go to face the dangers of the Keep. Oiden's blessings go with you.'

(Read the above section carefully; there's a pretty major contradiction there. Huw's worse off than I thought.)

Having returned to the market-square, you can now explore any part of Neuburg that you have not already visited. Do you choose to make for:

The Merchants' Quarter?
The riverside area?
Neuburg Keep?

Adventure Sheet
Holden McGroin, a.k.a Fukkerjack
SKILL 11/11
LUCK 9/9
Equipment: Sword, Armor
Provisions: 3 (+4 STAMINA each)
Gold Pieces: 5
Running Total of Deaths: 1

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:45 pm
by Starmaker
Go to the market and shop around for ancient artifacts.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:29 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Yes, following instructions is the way.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:50 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
You stroll northwards along Bridge Street until the old stone bridge and the misty fields beyond the river are in sight. In this part of town, at least, things seem normal enough. All the shopkeepers have brought their wares out on to the street, which is reverberating with cries of 'Fresh fruit!' and 'Salted sea-fish!' and 'Curios from the mystic South!' and 'Swords sharpened here!'—among scores of others. Crowds of townsfolk are bustling along the merchants' stalls and trying to shelter from the drizzle beneath the brightly colored awnings. You decide to retrace your steps in order to buy some provisions and, as you mingle with the throng outside a general grocery shop, you suddenly feel that you are being watched or followed. Test your Luck. (9, Lucky.)

Two robed warriors, looking impassive and very out of place, are standing in a clear space on a nearby street corner—and they are staring straight at you. But you don't have time to worry about them: you glance down and see a hand closing around the purse hanging from your belt, and another hand, holding a short sharp knife, about to cut the drawstring. You spin round, drawing your sword, and face the sneak-thief. It is a waif-like little girl, no more than nine years old! You are at a loss to know what to do; and the girl lunges at you with the knife. You are taken by surprise, and she cuts you: lose 1 point of STAMINA. You must fight her:


Combat Log:
Thief 12, Holden 23. Thief is at 1.
After one round of combat, the girl escapes into the crowd. Looking around, you realize that the two warriors are no longer in sight. Do you want to try to follow the girl? Or will you continue your quest for food?

Adventure Sheet
Holden McGroin, a.k.a Fukkerjack
SKILL 11/11
LUCK 8/9
Equipment: Sword, Armor
Provisions: 3 (+4 STAMINA each)
Gold Pieces: 5
Running Total of Deaths: 1

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:03 pm
by Starmaker
Follow her. We already have some food. Those two guys are probably waiting to ambush us, but since we were Lucky to have noticed the thief in the first place, I expect it to be a regular battle, not an instakill.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:32 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
What Starmaker said.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:25 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
The girl darts into one of the tiny alleyways that wind down to squalid riverside hovels. You race after her, slipping on the rotting refuse strewn all over the cobbles, and skid to a halt when you realize that your quarry has disappeared. A shrill voice yells 'Get 'im!'—and from half a dozen doorways ragged children emerge and surround you. They are small and half-starved, but they are waving sharp knives and they mean business. Three move closer, and attack you simultaneously.


All three attack you in each Attack Round, but you can attack only one. You choose which one, and fight him in the usual way. You roll for your Attack Strength against the other two as well, but you cannot wound them even if your Attack Strength is greater. If any of the urchins has an Attack Strength greater than yours, he wounds you in the normal way.

Combat Log:
Urchin A 6, Holden 16. Urchin B 9, Holden 23. Urchin C 10, Holden 13. Attack Urchin B; Urchin B is dead.
Urchin A 15, Holden 16. Urchin C 8, Holden 17. Attack Urchin C; Urchin C is at 2.
Urchin A 12, Holden 18. Urchin C 10, Holden 14. Attack Urchin C; Urchin C is dead.
Urchin A 7, Holden 18. Urchin is at 1.
Urchin A 13, Holden 14. Urchin A is dead. Holden wins.
If you win, you have a chance to Escape; if you would rather stay to fight the second group of homicidal children, turn to 156.

(We're faced with what is perhaps the second most awesome choice in any gamebook, after this one. Beneath Nightmare Castle beats most video games in child-killing opportunities, and I think that's worth a lot. Especially since most video games go out of their way to make children both annoying as hell and invincible; Bethesda, I'm looking at you.)