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Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:38 pm
by Shrapnel

This is easily the most exciting news ever.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 12:47 am
by shau

This is easily the most exciting news ever.
I never finished 7. Now I won't have an excuse.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:23 pm
by Longes
IGN journalists criticize PCs for not being able to record gameplay lke their XBOX can, then manually delete the embarrassing video

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:06 am
by Kaelik
On a football chat program I keep up with, someone was complaining that they hate PC gaming because you have to spend $500 every 3-4 years for a new graphics card to play the new games...

I'm playing Fallout 4 on a year old graphics card I bought for 200 which I bought because a year ago I needed DirectX 11 support to play new games, because I had been running a then 4 year old card I bought for $200. Meanwhile, he buys a new console every 5 years for 500 dollars, and gets fewer and shittier games for his trouble.

PC gaming is so obviously superior that at this point I just feel bad for people who have to apologize for their consoles as if they were abusive spouses.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:29 am
by Maxus
Kaelik wrote:
I'm playing Fallout 4 on a year old graphics card I bought for 200 which I bought because a year ago I needed DirectX 11 support to play new games, because I had been running a then 4 year old card I bought for $200. Meanwhile, he buys a new console every 5 years for 500 dollars, and gets fewer and shittier games for his trouble.
I got a free graphics card from a friend, but had to get a power supply and then thought I would have to just get a new case.

If I want to do any other upgrades, I need a bigger tower case. And then going to get a CPU and all that fun stuff. And the sad part is, I'd still need a new graphics card because mine, while superior to on-board graphics, can't do DirectX 11.

PC gaming is, if you didn't intend to get into it from the start and planned accordingly, very expensive.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:39 am
by OgreBattle

This is easily the most exciting news ever.

Was looking through PS2 games and found a From Software title I had overlooked:

It's about onmyoji exploring a spooky mansion and encountering horrible monsters. From screenshots it reminds me of Bloodborne's Yharglebargle Unseen Village.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:14 am
by Whipstitch
Maxus wrote: PC gaming is, if you didn't intend to get into it from the start and planned accordingly, very expensive.
I'd still hold PCs are a better value than consoles even if you have a higher initial outlay. I've spent just under $1,000 on pc hardware since 2008 and through judicious timing with gpu purchases I can still play current gen console ports quite nicely. That hits me as pretty fair given all the other shit I use it for besides gaming.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:18 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Replaying FF8. Getting rid of the random card rule is a bitch, and the guides I've read aren't helpful (Open and Elemental will spread before Random abolishes and I'm running out places to spread rules from).

Hoping if I grab FH rules that spreading Sudden Death has a lower priority than abolishing random...

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:58 pm
by Leress
OgreBattle wrote:


Was looking through PS2 games and found a From Software title I had overlooked:

It's about onmyoji exploring a spooky mansion and encountering horrible monsters. From screenshots it reminds me of Bloodborne's Yharglebargle Unseen Village.
Someone LP that game

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:38 am
by Darth Rabbitt is doing its "Best Game Ever" poll.

Tragically, Chrono Cross has made it to the second round.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:53 am
by Kaelik
Darth Rabbitt is doing its "Best Game Ever" poll.

Tragically, Chrono Cross has made it to the second round.
Final Fantasy X beat Half Life. Clearly neither story nor gameplay is a concern to voters.

Minecraft lost to Halo. So clearly being a generic shooter is more important than being the best game of the last decade.

Planescape Tourment lost to a Smash Brothers game that isn't melee and no one even played.

Mass Effect 3 was on the list in the first place.

Morrowing Lost round 1 and Skyrim won, but that might be due to opposition: Metroid Prime vs Pheonix Wright. Oblvion also lost. So Elder Scrolls can only be represented by it's shittiest consoliest version.

Deus Ex lost to Final Fantasy IV, not even the one people mistakenly remember as a good game.

Final Fantasy XII beat Bloodborne, even though one of those isn't even a game that actually involves playing the game.

It appears that having the words "Final Fantasy" "Metal Gear Solid" or "Zelda" in your name automatically qualifies you for round two. Which makes some sense, because those are the types of games where looking up Walkthroughs is actually a thing you might do, but come on, Metal Gear Solid 4? Final Fantasy XII?

I look forward to console tards voting Destiny over Starcraft.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:19 am
by CapnTthePirateG
Kaelik wrote: Morrowing Lost round 1 and Skyrim won, but that might be due to opposition: Metroid Prime vs Pheonix Wright. Oblvion also lost. So Elder Scrolls can only be represented by it's shittiest consoliest version.
Are you seriously arguing that Skyrim is a worse game than Oblivion? Oblivion sucked ass and punished you for leveling up. It was like 4e dnd before 4e dnd was a thing, as every combat devolved into 3 hours of wailing on a skeleton.

The only bad thing I'd say about the transition was that spellcrafting was gone, and let's be honest, everyone only liked it to fuck with numbers anyway.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:54 am
by Kaelik
CapnTthePirateG wrote:Are you seriously arguing that Skyrim is a worse game than Oblivion? Oblivion sucked ass and punished you for leveling up. It was like 4e dnd before 4e dnd was a thing, as every combat devolved into 3 hours of wailing on a skeleton.

The only bad thing I'd say about the transition was that spellcrafting was gone, and let's be honest, everyone only liked it to fuck with numbers anyway.
Yes because that is definitely a flaw that Skyrim completely removed! And there are so many accompanying benefits to playing Skyrim instead, such as:

No spellcrafting! No Stats! No Jump Spells! Reduced everything in the world!

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:00 am
by Chamomile
Darth Rabbitt wrote:Tragically, Chrono Cross has made it to the second round.
The opposition was World of Warcraft. When your competition is a game that actually ruins lives, it's basically impossible for victory to be a tragedy.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:25 pm
by Leress
Darth Rabbitt is doing its "Best Game Ever" poll.

Tragically, Chrono Cross has made it to the second round.
I can't believe you are taking that remotely seriously.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:47 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
I'm not, really. It's hard to convey tone over the Internet.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:47 am
by OgreBattle
Eh websites only do that stuff so you give them more clicks for ad money so it's rather meaningless. Though it's good to see games where the artists have name recognition are doing well, Yoji Shinkawa n' Amano are some of my favorites.

Would be nice if Kazuma Kaneko did more art for the newer SMT/Persona games

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 3:57 am
by Kaelik
MacCready's friendship perk is bugged.

If you are playing Fallout 4, and you use VATS, and you want the game to provide even a semblance of difficulty of any kind, don't max out his rep.

What it is supposed to do is give you +25 to hit in vats on headshots. What it actually does is increase your base chance (from perception) by 25, then ignore all penalties.

Penalties include but are not limited to: Distance, Being outside the range of your gun, objects in the way, ect.

So what that means is, if you are capable of having a 70% chance to hit someone in the body at two inches (pretty much every character with any perception) then you have a 95% chance to hit a headshot with any weapon at any range.

I'm going to be looking into removing perks with console now. Probably also remove the second rank in Night Person, because fuck that night vision crap.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:41 am
by Longes

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:25 am
by Shrapnel
Kaelik - when you say "smash that isn't melee", do you mean 64 or Brawl?

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:35 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Shrapnel wrote:Kaelik - when you say "smash that isn't melee", do you mean 64 or Brawl?
Pretty sure he's saying Smash 4. Melee and Smash 4 are the only two that were on the list, and Planescape Torment lost to Smash 4.

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:33 am
by Shrapnel
Ah. Well, who gives a face-painted fuck about what gamefaqs thinks? "Best Ever" lists are ALWAYS bullshit anyway, because by their very nature they cannot be objective.

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:39 am
by Kaelik
Shrapnel wrote:Ah. Well, who gives a face-painted fuck about what gamefaqs thinks? "Best Ever" lists are ALWAYS bullshit anyway, because by their very nature they cannot be objective.
Well this isn't even a best ever list, it is a best ever tournament bracket that is voted on.

Honestly, this is just a link that makes us cry thing, because it is fun to laugh at the dumb idea that Final Fantasy XII is better than any game worth actually playing.

It gets kind of annoying to see people keep completely missing the point. I mean why not go post in fighter vs wizard threads about how we should stop being upset because people on therpgsite are idiots.

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:54 am
by MGuy
Kaelik wrote:
Shrapnel wrote:Ah. Well, who gives a face-painted fuck about what gamefaqs thinks? "Best Ever" lists are ALWAYS bullshit anyway, because by their very nature they cannot be objective.
Well this isn't even a best ever list, it is a best ever tournament bracket that is voted on.

Honestly, this is just a link that makes us cry thing, because it is fun to laugh at the dumb idea that Final Fantasy XII is better than any game worth actually playing.

It gets kind of annoying to see people keep completely missing the point. I mean why not go post in fighter vs wizard threads about how we should stop being upset because people on therpgsite are idiots.
It is maddening that there are enough people that bought FF 12 to give it not one but two sequels that are just as, if not worse, than just 12. I had a friend who's judgment I usually trust tell me that 12 - 2 was better because the villain was better. I watched through a youtube video and had to ask him just how fucking high he was to think that I'd like a FF12 but with characters I find even MORE annoying, time travel, and another villain who ultimately wanted you to beat the game. I didn't actually watch gameplay but from what I glimpsed it looked just as bad so just... what the fuck? And they made another one AFTER THAT!

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:26 am
by Chamomile
Are you thinking of Final Fantasy XIII? XII had only one sequel, and it had nothing to do with time travel.